The Pastor’s Corner: Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Dear Parishioners and Friends, “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” Matt 22:21 Sunday, October 19; Twenty-Ninth Sunday in O.T. Is 45:1, 4-6 / 1 Thes 1:1-5 / Mt 22:15-21 4:15 PM Vincent and Helen Assorgi (Saturday) 7:30 Charles Hayick 9:00 The People of the Parish 10:30 David Welty 12:00 Noon Joseph Falatko Monday, October 20; Weekday; Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest Eph 2:1-10 / Lk 12:13-21 6:30 Mary Ferry 8:00 Edward Ernst, Sr. Tuesday, October 21; Weekday Eph 2:12-22 / Lk 12:35-38 6:30 Vincent Wohlheiter, Sr. 8:00 Anna Blahosky Wednesday, October 22; Weekday; Saint John Paul II, Pope Eph 3:2-12 / Lk 12:39-48 6:30 Susan M. Pritcharo 8:00 Carol Yeager Family, Living Thursday, October 23; Weekday; Saint John of Capistrano, Priest Eph 3:14-21 / Lk 12:49-53 6:30 Marian and Herbert Reichl 8:00 Robert O’Neill, Sr. Friday, October 24; Weekday; Saint Anthony Mary Caret, Bishop Eph 4:1-6 / Lk 12:54-59 6:30 Souls in Purgatory 8:00 Alice N. Klucsarits, 10th Anniversary 9:00 Donna Butterwick (School Mass) Saturday, October 25; Weekday; BVM Eph 4:7-16 / Lk 13:1-9 8:00 Ida Turi, Living Sunday, October 26; Thirtieth Sunday in O.T. Ex 22:20-26 / 1 Thes 1:5-10 / Mt 22:34-40 4:15 PM Edward J. Brennan, 9th Anniversary (Saturday) 7:30 Hazel Weiss 9:00 The People of the Parish 10:30 Stephen Matyas, 103rd Birthday 12:00 Noon Agnes Kern Page - 226 Today is World Mission Sunday. World Mission Sunday, organized by the Propagation of the Faith, is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church’s missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. Pope Francis says, “‘The great danger in today’s world, pervaded as it is by consumerism, is the desolation and anguish born of a complacent yet covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience’ (Evangelii Gaudium, 2). Humanity greatly needs to lay hold of the salvation brought by Christ. His disciples are those who allow themselves to be seized ever more by the love of Jesus and marked by the fire of passion for the Kingdom of God and the proclamation of the joy of the Gospel. All the Lord’s disciples are called to nurture the joy of evangelization” (Message for World Mission Day, 2014). Through our prayer, sacrifice and charity, particularly through generous contributions of our wealth with those in need, we become true missionaries. As the Scriptures say, “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9: 7). We all want to be happy and one of the surest ways to be happy is to share with others. In Christ, Monsignor Baker Sacrificial Giving—WE ARE A STEWARDSHIP PARISH Upcoming Collections Sunday October 18 / 19 – Two Collections Regular Sunday Offering / Debt Reduction World Mission Sunday Sunday October 25 / 26 – One Collection Regular Sunday Offering Saturday November 1 – One Collection All Saints Sunday November 1 / 2 – Two Collections Regular Sunday Offering All Souls Note: If you are making a payment on your Campaign Pledge, please MAKE SURE YOU PLACE YOUR CONTRIBUTION IN THE BLUE CAMPAIGN ENVELOPE—NOT THE DEBT ENVELOPE. October 19, 2014 40 Days for Life—The 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign started on September 24th and will continue until November 2nd at the Allentown Women’s Center (abortion facility), 31 S. Commerce Way, Bethlehem, PA. You can make a sacrifice to pray for 1 hour, Monday to Saturday, 7am-7pm. When prayer volunteers are praying, the no show rate for abortions can be as high as 75%. For more information, or to be paired with a prayer partner, call Theresa at 610-704-6935 or email at [email protected]. Cemetery Sunday Mass Resurrection Cemetery at Mass will be celebrated on the grounds of Resurrection Cemetery on Saturday, October 25th, beginning at 10:00 AM. in commemoration of Cemetery Sunday. In the event of inclement weather, contact the Cemetery Office at 610-395-3819 for location. Cathedral Parish Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on October 26, 2014 at 10:30 AM for couples married 5, 10, 15, etc. (increments of 5) years. A reception will follow in the PAC. To register please call 610-865-1201 or email [email protected]. Registration deadline is October 22nd. Spirit 2014-Challenging Men to Grow in Faith A Diocesan Men’s Conference will be held on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 9:00 AM—5:00 PM at De Sales University. The day will include keynote addresses, given by Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Mark Houck, Msgr. Baker, and Dave Abel. There will be exhibits and a Vigil Mass with Bishop Barres. Continental breakfast and lunch is included. Registration fee is $30 ($20 early bird before 9/30) and $10 for high school/college students. For more information and to register online please visit or call 610-289-8900. The Allentown Ecumenical Food Bank is in desperate need of the following items: Peanut Butter ** Jelly ** Canned Soup Please bring your donations to the front Vestibule during the weekends of October 18/19 and 25/26. Thank you in advance for your kind and generous response to this request. Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for October That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. Retired and Infirmed Priests Annual Fund, “Chosen, Blessed, Shared” Thank you to those who gave so generously to the “Chosen, Blessed, Shared” annual fund. Everyone can support the retired priests of our Diocese by making a gift to the Endowment Fund for the Care of Retired Priests. This special fund is used to directly support the retired priests in good standing including the future costs of their healthcare, insurance, housing, and sustenance. Please return your gift using the envelope you received in the mail or from the brochures in the narthex. These envelopes may be returned in the mail or in the collection basket at Mass. Your generosity supports retired priests from all 5 counties of our Diocese! Maintenance Worker Needed The Cathedral Parish of St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown, PA, is looking for a maintenance worker who will provide both janitorial, maintenance, and sacristan work for all parish properties. Duties include, but are not limited to: trash removal, mopping, lawn maintenance and weeding, snow and ice removal, various repairs, security vigilance and setting up for parish and episcopal ceremonies and events. This position will also help coordinate the schedule for the maintenance department, be responsible for ordering supplies and serve as a contact person for outside contractors. If interested, please contact Msgr. Baker at 610-433-6461 or [email protected]. “Peace” is doing God’s will. JP2’s “Theology of the Body” for Beginners Study Group Learn more about Blessed Pope John Paul II’s vision of the true meaning of the human person - body, soul, and spirit based upon Scriptural reflection. “TOB” usually meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month in the music room on the second floor of the school (Bishop McShea building.) It is not necessary to have attended prior meetings—join at any time! Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 22nd from 7 - 9 PM. All are welcome and encouraged to attend! MISSING ITEM FROM COMMUNION BREAKFAST! The Communion Breakfast floral arrangements were donated by a parishioner with some in silver teapots, creamers, etc. and were NOT to be taken home. If you happened to take one home to enjoy, please return the silver container to the rectory care of the Women’s Alliance. Thank you. Page 2 - 226 PRAY FOR VOCATIONS Women's Alliance through Boscov's – Community Fund Raiser Friends Helping Friends – Tickets $5.00 25% Discount – All Day Shopping – October 21, 2014 Tickets available for sale in the vestibule after all Masses from the Women’s Alliance October 18th-19th Cedarbrook Mass Mass will be celebrated for residents at Cedarbrook on October 21st at 2:00 PM. If you are available, we would love to have your help escorting residents. Please meet at 1:30 PM at the Cedarbrook auditorium. Questions? Call Mary Kovacs at 610-437-5933 Ecumenical Soup Kitchen Our next soup kitchen duty is Saturday, October 25th. We need volunteers to bake casseroles and help serve. To volunteer, please call Heather Schweizer (610) 709-0801. Thank you! Taco Bake: 1 lb. elbow macaroni, 2lbs. ground beef, 1 package dry taco seasoning mix, 2-11 oz. cans Campbell's cheddar cheese soup, 1 - 16 oz. can chopped tomatoes, 1 cup milk. Brown beef and drain. Add taco seasoning, cheese soup, chopped tomatoes with juice, and milk. Stir and add cooked macaroni. Place in foil casserole and bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Very simple. NEWS From The Center for Religious Education October P.R.E.P. Calendar 19 Classes 25 *Witness Confirmation Rally - 12:30-5:00PM at Allentown Central Catholic High School 26 Classes November 2 Classes (Daylight Savings Time ENDS) FALL back 1 hour) *First Penance & First Eucharist Candidate Mass and Blessing—9:00AM followed by *First Penance Parent Meeting (PAC) 9 Classes 16 Classes *Confirmation Enrollment Mass—12:00N followed by *Confirmation Candidate, Parent & Sponsor Meeting (PAC) (Attendance mandatory) 23 PREP Mass—9:00AM—(Grade 7 reading) followed by Classes 30 NO Classes First Sunday of Advent Nut Roll Sale Do you have a gift for working with children with special education needs? Miss Shankweiler is looking for a volunteer to work with a few children at P.R.E.P. on Sunday mornings from 10:10-11:45 AM. If you are interested, please contact Miss Shankweiler at 610-432-7655 or Delicious Nut rolls are available for ordering just in time for the holidays. County Cottage Bake Shop Nut Rolls in Nut, Lekvar, Apricot, Red Raspberry and Poppyseed flavors are $14 each. Order forms available by emailing [email protected] or after Mass October 18 & 19, November 1 & 2, and 8 & 9. Nut Roll pickup will be November 22 & 23. First Penance & Eucharist Enrollment Mass and Blessing 9:00AM Sunday, November 2, 2014 Lottery Calendar Try your luck at the newest Women’s Alliance fundraiser: Lottery Calendar. Only 1,000 to be sold and over 150 chances to win! Choose your favorite 3 digit numbers and get your calendars today. Purchase from any Women’s Alliance Board member or in the vestibule on select Sundays through the end of the year. Fashion Show Check out the latest fashion at the Women’s Alliance Fashion Show on November 12th at 7:00 PM in the Parish Activity Center. Fashions provided by Macy’s with hair and makeup styling by The Salon. Tickets $15 for a fun-filled evening may be purchased from any Women’s Alliance board member or in the vestibule after Mass. Please note: Daylight Savings Time ENDS today. Be sure to turn clocks BACK 1 hour. First Penance Parent Meeting Follows immediately after Mass in The Parish Activity Center NOTE: SJVRS children are welcome to join The PREP children for an activity during the meeting. Please bring pink Eucharist Program Registration Form to the meeting. At least on parent from each family must attend Flea Market & Bake Sale! Friday, October 24 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Sponsored by The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality of OLGC/SVdP. Our Lady of Good Counsel, 436 South 2nd Street, Bangor, PA 18013. The Flea Market will include a Bake Sale & lunch featuring Stuffed Cabbage! If you prefer “Take-Out” call Carol @ 610-588-8888 by Monday, October 20th. Page 3 - 226 October 19, 2014 Children’s Rosary Group Come to Learn the Rosary! TUESDAYS IN OCTOBER (14TH, 21ST, 28TH ) 3:00 – 3:30 PM. For SJV students and K-8th parish children of St. Catharine, St. Francis & St. Paul’s. Drop-off / Pick-up at SJV FLAGPOLE by school front sidewalk @ 3:30. Prayers take place at Cathedral Church Grotto (or inside if cold or rainy). We will pray for the special intentions of our school and parish families! For more information, call/text Lori @ 484-619-1137. Save the Date! Mercy Special Learning Center 25th annual gala and auction November 1, 2014. The theme of this year’s event is "The Brightest Lights of Broadway" and we will be celebrating the school's 60th anniversary. Our “Angel of Mercy” honoree this year is Mr. William Straccia, Sr. The highlight of the evening will be a musical performance by a group of students known as the Mercy Magical Movement Dancers. Mercy Special Learning Center is a diocesan school and the only private, non-residential school for children and young adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in the Lehigh Valley. For more information on Mercy Special Learning Center go to: It takes many weapons to fight a war only one weapon to stop the war THE ROSARY 1571 1945 1955 1962 1980 1989 2006 20?? In faith - celebrating today, embracing tomorrow! St. John Vianney Regional School PrePreschool Programs Full Day Kindergarten through 8th Grade. Safe Environment, Faith-Filled Curriculum, Outstanding Academics. Free Tours and Shadow Days. REGISTER NOW for 2014-2015! (610) 435-8981 News From the North Pole! Miss Dolly and Santa are SO grateful for the many beautiful Christmas and nonChristmas items already received for the Santa Shop. Not even in the most exclusive boutiques is there such an awesome assortment of gifts. The success of the Santa Shop depends on your help! We are now accepting those new or nearly new items taking space in your closets until Wednesday, November 26th. Your unused treasures WILL HELP fill the shelves of the shop when it OPENS on Monday, December 8th. Drop-off items for donations will be accepted Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM until 4:30 PM at the rectory. Miss Dolly would like to thank donors, so remember to leave your name with your donation. Any questions, please call her North Pole location at 610-841-3982. Santa Shop hours will be published at a later date. Thank you. Ms. Karon, Santa’s Secretary HolyBaptism—Please welcome The Rosary helped win the battle at Lepanato against the Turks. The Rosary helped four Jesuit priests survive the atom bomb at Hiroshima, Japan. The Rosary stopped Russia from taking over Catholic Austria. The Rosary prevented the Communist takeover of Brazil. The Rosary prevented a revolution in the Philippines, and Ferdinand Marcos was removed from power. The Rosary helped bring down the Berlin Wall. On the eve of the Feast of the Assumption, August 14, the war ended in Lebanon between the Israelites and Hezbollah. The Rosary will help STOP the spread of terrorism and the murder of the innocent. Because of the times we live in, it is critical to pray to our Blessed Mother because she can help us convert our enemies, stop the war, and change the moral tide. At Fatima, on her very first apparition, she said I am the only one that can help you. Page 4 - 226 Walter Farrara Bell, Jonathan Andrew Henson, Jr., Hanna Marie Kapec, Anastasia Carmen Moreno, and Mason Reece Rosner into our parish family. Bus Trip: Yuletide Tour of Winterthur and Afternoon Tea at Hotel Dupont—Saturday, December 13, 2014 Tour includes a guided tour of the mansion, which includes holiday decorations and a tree in every room, along with some rooms open to the public only at this time of the year. After the tour you will have time to tour the Downtown Abbey Costumes, the Campbell Soup Tureen Collection, Decorative Tinware Exhibit and two gift shops to pick up unique holiday gifts. Your afternoon delight includes the glamour of afternoon tea at the Hotel Dupont, which includes a variety of teas and tea sandwiches, scones with jam and cream, and delicate pastries, served in the lovely Christina room decorated with original Andrew Wyeth paintings. The bus will depart from the Diocese of Allentown office on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive at 9:30 AM and return at 6PM. The cost is $89 includes transportation, driver gratuity, tour, and tea with tax and tip and is due by November 3rd. Contact Janis Geist –t10-871-5200, Ext. 244 to reserve a seat. October 19, 2014 Altar Servers Cathedral Happenings October 20, 2014 through October , 2014 Sunday, October 19 Vestibule 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM - W.A. Fundraisers Monday, October 20 Msgr. Ott Room 7:00 - 9:00 PM - Knights of Columbus #14397 Faculty Lounge 6:30 - 8:00 PM - Girl Scouts Cadette Troop 6793 Tuesday, October 21 Parish Activity Center / Kitchen 4:00 - 8:00 PM - Cross Country End of Year Party Bishop Thompson Room 7:00 - 9:00 PM - Knights of Columbus #3298 Msgr. Ott Room 7:00 - 9:00 PM - RCIA Wednesday, October 22 PAC 7:00 - 8:00 PM - Cub Scout Troop #74 Faculty Lounge 6:00 - 7:00 PM - Girl Scout Daisy Troop 622 Music Room 7:00 - 9:00 PM - Theology of the Body for Beginners Thursday, October 23 Church 3:00 - 4:00 PM - Bishop Barres’ 25th Anniversary Parish Activity Center 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Set up for Reception Bishop Barres’ 25th Anniversary 3:00 - 4:30 PM - Priests Reception Bishop Barres’ 25th Anniversary Friday, October 24 Saturday, October 25 Vestibule 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM - W.A. Fundraisers Sunday, October 26 Vestibule 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM - W.A. Fundraisers Church 10:30 - 11:30 AM – Wedding Anniversary Mass Parish Activity Center / Kitchen 8:00 - 10:00 AM - Set up Wedding Anniversary Mass Bishop Thompson Room 6:00 - 7:30 PM - Cathedral Youth Group (Please remember to sign in when you arrive) Weekday Masses Monday, October 20 8:00 AM H. Garcon/S. Veloza Tuesday, October 21 8:00 AM B. Christ/C. Christ Wednesday, October 22 8:00 AM A. Pryblick/B. Carbonetto Thursday, October 23 8:00 AM H. Kistler/R. Kromer Friday, October 24 8:00 AM R. M. Tomy/A. Filipos Saturday, October 25 8:00 AM K. Colarusso/O. Bower Weekend Masses Saturday, October 25 4:15 PM J. Arndt/H. Garcon/ C. Carbonetto/B. Carbonetto Sunday, October 26 7:30 AM M. D’Agostini/M. D’Agostini/ M. Michalak 9:00 AM T. Wroge/S. Wroge/B. Craig/I. Craig 10:30 AM G. Cosgrove/S. Pursell/ G. Haring/C. Haring 12:00 PM R. M. Tomy/A. Filipos/C. Davis/S. Keba Let Us Continue to Pray for those who are sick in our parish community James Lawrence, Julie Domonkos, Natalie Schuelz, Jean Sheaks, Ethel Thomas, Gordon L. Gladden, Harriet Jones, The Hentz Family, Joseph Kochan, Katie Hines, Joseph Fryzol, Steve Becsey, Gabriella Snyder, Edward Hillanbrand, Filomena Bachman, Dominic Scotto, Nick Sorrentino, Joyce Clause, Sharon James and family, Mary Altieri, Elizabeth Benko, Michael Skrypczak, Patricia Schuessler, Michelle Gimbert, Anna Janowiak, Veronica Stelzman, Albert Griech, Barbara Vulgaris, Nathan Goodson-Gregg, Mary Cashmore, Rose Frisch, Joseph Kwiatek, Irene Beckwith, Teo Moya, Helen and Frederick Galle, Jennifer Miller, Sharon C., James Nagy, Barbara Lewis, Ned Squires, Fred Jerant, Elizabeth Oranczak, Carmen Rodriguez, Lillian and Walter Cress, Linda Ports, Liberio Obeid, Dan Jones, Bernard Klotz, Johnathan Jones, Joan Holzman, Robert Koch, Martha Cluin, Connie Trach, Larry Wassil, C. June MacNamara, Alex Saavedra, Mae Fredericks, Kara Sorrentino, Maryava Hobin, Dorothy Blose, Judy Eberhard, Susan Schlegel, Glenn Fretz, Mary Iannelli, Stephen Pollack, Felicity Sorrentino, Hayden Sorrentino, Mae Squires, James O’Donnell, Ruby Richard, Marge Welty, Mary Eagan, Randy Krause, Michele, Philip Bloom, Dane Heist, Sue Heist and Dr. Joseph Barchini. Please let us know when your loved one is better. Thank you. Use QR code for more info. about our parish. Page 5 - 226 BULLETIN DEADLINES Articles are due Friday at 4 PM for the Sunday of the following week. Inserts are due Monday, at 4 PM two weeks prior to the Sunday date for distribution. Please note: submissions may be edited to fit available space and will be included only if space be available. Revised deadlines prior to holidays will announced in the bulletin as necessary. HOLY SAVIOUR CEMETERY/610-866-2372 RESURRECTION CEMETERY/610-395-3819 To arrange for a Christian Burial
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