Celebrating our 25th Year 1989 ~ 2014 Catholic Church of the Good Shepherd A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg 100 Good Shepherd Drive - P.O. Box 99 Kent, Pennsylvania 15752-0099 Visit us at: www.goodshepherdkent.org Email: [email protected] Phone: 724.479.3881 Fax: 724.479.3882 October 19, 2014 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Interim Administrator: The Reverend William J. Lechnar [email protected] Telephone Extension: 202 Pastoral Associate: Sr. Maria Goretti Zamberlan, R.S.M. [email protected] Telephone Extension: 203 Administrative Assistant/Choir Director: Mrs. Carol Pike [email protected] Telephone Extension: 200 Coordinator of Faith Formation: Mrs. Denise Pencola [email protected] Director of Maintenance: Mr. Paul Romanchick Principal, Saint Bernard School: Mrs. Denise Swope [email protected] Weekend Masses Saturday Mass of Anticipation: 6:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM Weekday Masses & Devotions See inside of bulletin Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements must be made with Father Willie at least 6 months in advance Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Anyone inquiring about RCIA should contact Father Willie, Denise Pencola or the Parish Office Parish Prayer Chain Contact Thelma Fabin at 724.479.0103 or call the Parish Office at 724.479.3881 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 5:00 PM Monday 6:15 PM during Parish Holy Hour Other times by appointment (Call Father Willie) Sacrament of Infant Baptism Contact the Parish Office at 724.479.3881 Ministry to the Homebound Please contact the Parish Office Saint Bernard School, Indiana, PA 15701 For registration information or additional details concerning our Regional Catholic School, please call 724.465.7139 CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD SCHEDULE OF MASSES & SERVICES THIS WEEK TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME [Isaiah 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b; Matthew 22:15-21] Saturday, October 18 6:00 PM Joe & Madeline Sorce by Michael & Debbie Sunday, October 19 2:00PM For Parishioners of Good Shepherd Parish, Living and Deceased. Monday, October 20, Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest [Ephesians 2:1-10; Luke 12:13-21] 6:15 PM Parish Holy Hour NO MASS TODAY — Clergy Convocation Tuesday, October 21, Weekday [Ephesians 2:12-22; Luke 12:35-38] NO MASS TODAY— Clergy Convocation Wednesday, October 22, Blessed John Paul II, Pope [Ephesians 3:2-12; Luke 12:39-48] NO MASS TODAY Thursday, October 23, Saint John of Capistrano, Priest [Ephesians 3:14-21; Luke 12:49-53] 7:00 PM Loretta Fancella by Michele & Harold Kantz Friday, October 24, Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop [Ephesians 4:1-6; Luke 12:54-59] 8:30 AM Joseph, Jr. & Anna Lesneskie by Daughter & Family Saturday, October 25, Weekday [Ephesians 4:7-16; Luke 13:1-9] 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME [Exodus 22:20-26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10; Matthew 22:34-40] 6:00 PM Jennie L. Noga by Children: Joseph, Jr., Jeanne, Joann Sharek and Janice Kochman Sunday, October 26 9:00 AM Veronica Romanchick by Mary Kubala and Family WORLD MISSION SUNDAY (Propagation of the Faith) — This weekend, our parish and other parishes throughout our diocese and the world will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This is a common fund distributed globally in the Pope’s name. This year we are invited to act in solidarity with missionaries in India and throughout the world. Every day, faithful missionaries are reaching out in the name of Christ, offering practical, emotional and spiritual care to communities, children and families in desperate need, and bringing the light of Christ to the darkest of circumstances. For more info rma tion v is it the mis sion w ebsite: www.IAmAMissionary.org. An envelope for this collection is included in your October envelope package. Your generosity will be appreciated. NEXT WEEKEND, we will have with us (as we do each year), a representative to speak to us for our “2014 Mission Co-op Appeal.” Mr. Jim Campbell of “Mission Santa Maria” will share with our parish family the activities of this missionary work and seek your financial and prayerful support. Please use the envelope attached to this weekend’s bulletin. May all those who work in the vineyard as missionaries find the temporal and spiritual support needed to continue their efforts of evangelization and sharing the Gospel message! KENT, PA STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE October 11-12, 2014 Weekly .................................................................. $ Monthly ................................................................. $ Loose ..................................................................... $ Children ................................................................. $ TOTAL.................................................................. $ Needed for Budget ................................................ $ Difference ............................................................- $ 2,220.25 1,155.00 185.00 6.75 3,567.00 3,600.00 33.00 FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE Collected ............................................................... $ Needed................................................................... $ Difference ............................................................- $ 44,776.01 50,400.00 5,623.99 Seminary/Clergy Formation .................................. $ Votives .................................................................. $ For Improvements to Our Parish ........................... $ 5.00 18.00 203.00 The Sanctuary Candle is lit in memory of the Clement Family by Victor Pividori. The Blessed Mother Candle is lit in memory of Josephine Simko by Bernard & Betty Jo Rairie. THIS WEEK AT CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD — Anniversary Mass, Church, 2:00PM Anniversary Reception, Parish Hall, Following Mass Anniversary Dinner, Rustic Lodge, Indiana, 6:00PM Monday — Women’s Bible Study, Rectory Meeting Room, 7:45PM That Man is You (Men’s Fellowship), Parish Hall, 7:45PM Tuesday — Pierogi Making, Parish Hall, 5:00PM Legion of Mary, Rectory Meeting Room, 7:00PM Wednesday — Choir Practice, Church, 5:30PM Next Sunday — Faith Formation, Parish Hall, 10:00AM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Atrium, 10:00AM Next Weekend — Cinnamon Roll Sale, Narthex, After Masses Mission Co-op Appeal, Church, Both Masses Sunday Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass — Please join the Knights of Columbus in celebrating the memory of our deceased Brothers on Sunday, November. 2nd,at 10:00AM at Saint Thomas More University Parish. All are welcome to attend. Brothers to be honored this year are: Richard Furgiuele, Edward T. Maudie, Michael Burba, John M. (Mel) O'Keefe, Frederick F. Moreau, John J. Larko, Joseph M. Setlock, Carl W. Yarchak, and Carlton H. Seile. NOVEMBER 4TH IS ELECTION DAY — As Catholic citizens, we have a moral obligation to participate in the political process. There are many resources that serve to educate voters about the issues and allow us to inform our consciences about which candidate will act in the best interest of the common good. To learn more about the election and the candidates running for governor, go to www.pacatholic.org. To learn more about the U.S. bishops’ document “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” go to http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/faithful -citizenship/index.cfm. For a voter guide about the races for the U.S. House of Representatives and the Pennsylvania General Assembly in the diocese, watch The Catholic Accent and the diocesan website: www.dioceseofgreensburg.org . CINNAMON ROLL SALE Next Weekend — After Masses $10 for Six (6) Enormous Rolls BENEFITS: Saint Bernard Regional Catholic School TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME From Father Willie’s Desk… CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL HERE AT GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH AS WE CELEBRATE 25 YEARS OF BEING UNITED IN PASTORAL, SACRAMENTAL, AND SPIRITUAL LIFE! For many of our parishioners, it must seem like the blink of an eye since the time when this parish was established by Bishop Bosco in 1989. For others who have joined Good Shepherd over the past quarter century, it might be hard to grasp what it was like prior to what has turned out to be an amazing gift from God. Over the past 25 years, our parish has blessed our area of Indiana County with hope, joy, worship of our loving God and of course, fabulous fish dinners and delicious pierogi! Countless aspects of parish life, ranging from the sacred to the “ordinary” are being celebrated in a special way this weekend as we join Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt, the chief shepherd of our Diocese, priests, parishioners, friends and neighbors who gather to give thanks to God for His abundant blessings at our 25th Anniversary festivities. We welcome in a very special way, Bishop Brandt and all guests who will be with us this weekend as we “kick off” a year of events that will help invigorate us and inspire us to move into the future with a spirit of fervor and trust in the Gospel message. We are happy to have with us this weekend, along with a number of priests who have served this parish in some way over the years, Monsignor Michael W. Matusak, the first pastor of Church of the Good Shepherd Parish. “Father Mike” established a solid foundation here and because of his and other pastoral leadership over the years, our parish has grown and proven itself to be a place where the message “All are welcome!” rings true. Additionally, we are blessed to have with us this weekend, Mr. John Timko, the gifted and visionary architect who accepted the challenge to bring together many revered aspects of the local faith communities of the past, and build for the future, a worship space and parish complex that would serve their needs while lifting hearts and minds to God in praise and thanksgiving as a people united. It is an honor and blessing to be a part of this parish at this time in history! It is a blessing to have the opportunity to continue to live the Gospel and sing praise to God! May we together, this weekend and throughout the year ahead, rejoice in God’s care and celebrate His love. HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY! - Father Willie OCTOBER 19, 2014 SAINT BERNARD — The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court St. Bernard #339 will sponsor a Fall Card Party and Salad Bar Luncheon on Wednesday, October 22, at the St. Bernard Church Social Hall, Indiana, beginning at 12:00 Noon. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the fellowship and luncheon. Donation is $7.00. Tickets are available at the door. SAINT SYLVESTER — Join Saint Sylvester Church, Slickville, for their “Fall Tea”, on Sunday, October 26, at 12:30 pm. Advanced tickets, please call Bridget, 724.468.4094. SAINT JAMES CHURCH, New Alexandria — Fall Breakfast, Bake Sale & $50.00 Fall Lottery Basket Raffle is being held Sunday, October 26, 9:00 AM-12 Noon, Saint James Social Hall, New Alexandria. Menu: Ham, Sausage, Pancakes, Eggs, Potatoes, Juice, Coffee, Tea, Milk All are Welcome. CELEBRATING FAMILY LIFE by Fr. Scott Seethaler — Fr. Scott Seethaler will be speaking at St. John Baptist de La Salle in Delmont on Sunday, October 26th from 12:30 pm till 2:00 pm. The title of his talk is “Celebrating Family Life.” Father Scott will speak about the joys and challenges that families encounter in our world today. Using his many years as a motivational speaker, counselor, radio host, family member and friend, he will invite those attending to appreciate the presence of God in their families, and accept the help God gives families to live in peace and joy, and become holy and healthy. His talk will center on the family. Fr. Scott invites children to be present as well. All are invited to the social afterwards. For further information, call the Parish Center at 724-327-0647. GREENSBURG MAGNIFICAT BREAKFAST — Saturday, October 25 at the Ramada Hotel and Convention Center (formerly Four Points Sheraton), Route 30 East, Greensburg, PA from 9:00am to 12:00Noon.Cost: $20 ($15 Student Rate). Speaker: Debra Herbeck who has shared with many her journey of faith from Judaism to Christianity and subsequent entrance into the Catholic church. For more information or to register call: Brenda at 724.836.2094 or Karen at 724-493-6605. No Walk-in Registrations. If you know of someone who is in need of prayer, or if you would like to join the parish prayer chain, please call Thelma Fabin at (724) 479-0103 or the parish office. Please pray for the wholeness and healing of: In Critical Need: Marsha Brown; Helen Curtis; Timothy Gibbs; Tina Gould; Ruthie Henigin; James Midock; Trevor Minich; Robert Rethi. On-Going Prayer: Donna Adamson; Pete Adkins; Patricia Bash; Barb Black; Nick Bobbinets; Elia Calvetti; Millie Caratelli; Tom Cavalier; Donna Combo; Andrew Cribbs; Bethany Cuddy; Brandon Davis; Michael Edwards; Judy Gaborko; Carmella Gary; Greg Gordish; Larry Gregg; Joe Hart, III; Ed Hendricks; Tina Hornick; Kim Jones; Minnie Jose; Robert Kanick; Tammy Kolesar; Sylvia Long; Martha Lux; Louise Marra; Michael Matty; Angie Maudie; Dorothy Mastronardi; Barb Marker; Dalton Miller: Paula Montez; Daniel Mouser; Bernard Nardis; Samuel Nardis; Laurie Nixon; Carla Noel; Donna Okopal; Denise Parrato; Peggy Phipps; Lottie Pisch; Victor Pividori; Bertha Prymak; Alice Rhea; Rose Rocco; Paul Rogel; Gerry Rolka; Robert Romance; Jane Rostis; Anika Schul; Jean Serrian; Joseph Spellane; Lynne Stewart; Marie Swalga; Barry Toldi; Bonnie Toldi; Kevin Toldi; Amy Urchick; Catherine Voiku; George Weaver; Carter Wentz; Wanda Weston; Kathy White, Brad Wilson; Darlene Woodrow; Connie Zagurskie; Fred Ziegmond; Katrina Zuchelli. If you know of someone who has recovered from his/her illness, or perhaps has passed away, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you.
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