Document 352220

W series PDUs are designed to support daisy chain connections, up to 16
PDUs can be remotely accessed via one single IP. InfraPower Manager,
IPM-03 supports up to 30 IP groups, and hence centralized management for
480 PDUs can be achieved.
Free IPM-03 allows an advanced PDU remote management for up to 480 PDUs
and 960 temp & humid sensors. Features include kWh / Amp monitoring, outlet
switched on / off, outlet measurement, outlet scheduling, temp & humid
monitoring, reporting, alarm setting, etc. PPS-02-S pre-loaded by the IPD-02-S
provides an easy and simple PDU monitoring for PDU technical management.
cUL certified for specific configurations
cUL certified for specific configurations
cUL certified for specific configurations
cUL certified for specific configurations
IP Dongle models with SNMP support are available.
Management Software
InfraPower provides 3 FREE software editions - IPM-03 / IPM-02 / PPS-02-S
Each edition supports different capacity of PDU management and concurrent users.
PPS-02-S : 1 x IP dongle group (16 x PDU,
via IPD-02-S)
IPM-03 / IPM-02 / PPS-02-S
IPM-03 is capable of remote managing
multiple IP groups of PDUs. Each IP group
includes up to 16 PDUs. Hence, mass
scale of PDUs - up to 480 PDUs can be
managed by one GUI.
by IPM-03 / IPM-02
management software provides
Surge Protector
EMI Filter
Enhances the device protection
Maintains power stability
Grounds unwanted voltages above
safe threshold
Suppresses conducted interference
on a signal / power line