Bright’s Grove Public School 2612 Hamilton Road, Bright’s Grove, Ontario, NON 1C0 (519) 869-4284 Fax: (519) 869-4285 Zone 2 Mr. Andy Parnham Principal Twitter @BGPSBulldogs Mrs. Nancy Faubert Secretary October 2014 Welcome to Fall! Dear Parents/Guardians: Improving Student Achievement As we move into the second month of school, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful support and participation shown by the Bright’s Grove School community. Signing planners, helping with homework, nightly reading and writing, and/or conversations with your child(ren) about their day at school, all contribute to improving overall student learning. Your continued assistance and support is appreciated by the entire Bright’s Grove staff. Remember “Education is a partnership between teachers and parents/guardians.” “It takes a whole village to educate a child.” Parents/guardians frequently ask what they can do to assist their child(ren) and the school in their child(ren)’s education. Parents/guardians can help by: Showing an active interest in their child(ren)’s school work and progress Communicating regularly with the school and their child(ren)’s teacher(s) Helping their child(ren) to be neat, appropriately dressed and prepared for school (e.g., that they have all of the necessary learning materials with them each day and for class, study for tests, etc. and have all of the required assignments completed) Ensuring that their child(ren) attend school regularly and on time Promptly report to the school their child(ren)’s absence(s) or late arrival Becoming familiar with the School Code of Conduct and the school rules and expectations for behaviour Encouraging and assisting their child(ren) in following the rules of behaviour Assisting and cooperating with school staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child(ren) Recount Writing During the month of September students had opportunities to practice various styles of writing and free writes. With the beginning of October, students from Grades 1-8 will now shift their focus to the recount form of writing. A recount retells or recounts events that have already taken place, is written in the past tense, is in sequential order, and uses joining words that are connected to time (e.g., after, then). Students will be focusing on six writing forms throughout the year and will be working on recount writing from the beginning of October until approximately midNovember. 2013-2014 EQAO Results Students currently in Grades 4 and 7 will be receiving their 2013-2014 EQAO Grade 3 and 6 Assessment Individual Student Report (ISR) results shortly. Parents/guardians should review these results with their child(ren) when they are sent home. Bright’s Grove Public School’s results are as follows: The number of students at or above the provincial standard (Level 3) in: Gr. 3 – Reading – 71% Gr. 6 – Reading – 90% Writing – 88% Writing – 94% Mathematics – 79% Mathematics – 57% EQAO School and Board results are available on the EQAO website at Information from the Assessments will be used by school staff for the purposes of improving instructional practices, learning strategies, and assessment and evaluation. The results, along with ongoing classroom assessments provide valid data for subsequent instruction in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. School Council News A huge thank you goes out to all those parents/guardians who helped organize and staff the Meet the Teacher Night BBQ and Book Fair, and to all those who volunteer their time and efforts on a regular basis to help make Bright’s Grove Public School a better place! Thank you! Holiday Gift Exchange Please remember to hang onto your gently used items that you are willing to donate to the school at the end of November for our Holiday Gift Exchange. The date for the Gift Exchange is Friday, December 5 th. We are asking students to make a minimum donation of $2.00 (if possible) to participate and all of the money will be donated to the Salvation Army to purchase holiday hampers. More information will follow as the event gets closer. Suggestions for items to be donated include: books, toys, clean stuffed animals, complete sets of games, puzzles, mugs, jewelry, DVD movies, picture frames, pictures, candles, golf balls, work gloves, tools, sports items, craft items, stickers, etc. Milk Program Any parents/guardians wishing to sign their child(ren) up for the Milk Program are asked to please go to the following website: to register. Our school access code is BGS. For parents/guardians who have a child in either Grade 7 or Grade 8, please place your child’s milk order in their lunchroom teacher’s classroom, not in their homeroom teacher’s. All other grades will be registered to their homeroom. Yard Supervision Staff yard supervision begins at 8:40 a.m. Students should not be arriving at school prior to 8:40 a.m. unless they are part of the YMCA Before School Program as no supervision is available. Thank you for your cooperation regarding the safety of our students. Crossing Guards and Bike/Scooter Safety To help ensure the safety of everyone, we are asking students to ensure that they cross with the crossing guard (where applicable) and that they carefully check both ways before crossing the street. As well, students riding their bikes and scooters to and from school should ensure they are locked while at school, that they are wearing a helmet, and that they are following the proper bicycle laws and safety requirements. Professional Development Day and Thanksgiving Friday, October 24th is a P.D. Day and Monday, October 13th is Thanksgiving. As a result, there will be no school on these days. Staff will be working on School Improvement Planning on the P.D. Day. Nutrition Remember to pack healthy snacks because children get hungry between meals. Here are a few suggestions: raw fruits, raw vegetables, cheese, crackers, and unsweetened juices. Avoid candy, raisins, dried fruit, fruit or pudding, rollups and sweetened drinks because sweet, sticky snacks promote tooth decay. (Community Health Services Dept.) As well, when sending in a treat to celebrate a special event, we encourage non-food items so that all students can participate in the celebration. If sending a food item in, fruits and vegetables would be preferred. Nut Aware School The health and safety of all of our children at Bright’s Grove P.S. is of utmost importance. A number of our students have life threatening allergies to peanuts and nut based products. Please remember to avoid packing snacks and lunches that include peanut butter and other nut based products. Note: It is a parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep the school informed in writing of any special medical concerns/issues that your child(ren) has/have. Soy-Based Peanut Butter Substitutes Please be advised that we are asking you NOT to send in any soy-based peanut butter substitutes. This is in accordance with the position of the Lambton Kent District School Board. Although the product itself is safe, it mimics another product which is like peanut butter. It’s packaged like peanut butter and it is sold on grocery store shelves in the peanut butter aisle. Once it’s out of the jar, you can’t tell the real thing from the substitute and that’s what makes it so dangerous for students with nut allergies. If the product is sent to school, children will be asked to eat in a location that will ensure there will be no contact with students who are allergic. In our school community, it is the responsibility of each of us to safeguard the well-being of all. A danger to even one child is a threat that we must all take seriously. Thank you for choosing not to send soy-based peanut butter substitutes to school with your child(ren). Ticks/Excursions/Field Trips/Outdoor Activities We are asking parents/guardians to check their child(ren) for ticks and to monitor them for signs of infection after attending any outdoor class excursion/activity due to possible exposure. Note: That “not all ticks carry Lyme disease. The American dog tick, which is the most common tick found in Lambton County, does not carry Lyme disease.” Hepatitis B, Menactra, and Human Papilloma Virus Immunization Programs On Monday, October 6th, the County of Lambton Health Services Department will be offering Hepatitis B and Menactra vaccinations to all of our Grade 7 students. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination will also be offered to any interested Grade 8 girls. Information packages and consent forms have been sent home with the students. These vaccinations will only be administered to students who have signed consent forms from their parents/guardians. These vaccinations will be provided free of charge and require multiple doses which will be administered later on in the school year. Should you have any questions regarding any of these vaccinations, please contact the Community Health Services Department at 519-383-8331 Ext. 3589. Money Collection Please remember to send in a cheque or exact change only for each activity when submitting payments for lunch orders, fundraising money, etc. as the school does not have petty cash on hand with which to make proper change. Please do not combine several items in one single payment. We appreciate your efforts in this regard. Note: Only orders that are submitted on time with a cheque or exact change will be accepted from now on. World Teachers’ Day The Lambton Kent District School Board will be recognizing World Teachers’ Day this year on Friday, October 3rd. We are appreciative of all that teachers and education workers do each and every day for our students. Thank you! Picture Day Picture Day takes place on Friday, October 3rd for all students from JK-8. Retakes will be held on Monday, November 3rd. Grade 8 graduation photos will be held on Wednesday, January 21st. Ministry of Education’s Locked Door Policy As part of the Ministry of Education’s Safe Schools Policy, please be advised that Bright’s Grove P.S.’s entry and exit doors are locked during the school day. Parents/guardians and members of the Bright’s Grove P.S. community are asked to enter and exit the building through the main front doors only during the school day. The main doors should also be the doors parents/guardians are using during pickup and drop off times. Please check in at the office should you need to pick your child(ren) up early. We require that all parents/guardians, visitors and guests to the building sign in in our visitor book in the office. We also require you to sign your child(ren) in and out when picking them up early and when returning them to school. We appreciate your efforts in trying to help ensure the safety and well-being of all our school community members. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. Parent/Guardian Protocol In an attempt to keep all members of our school community safe, to avoid unnecessary congestion and confusion in our hallways, and allow our staff members to properly supervise, parents/guardians are asked to please follow the following pickup and drop off protocol. We are also attempting to maximize the amount of instructional time during the school day for each of our students. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Parents are to wait outside at arrival and dismissal times at a pre-determined location or in the tower/rotunda area only. Parents are to enter the building through the main front doors only. Parents who are in the building will be required to sign in in our visitor book in the office. Parents are not to use student washrooms. Please use the community washroom off of the parking lot hallway. Parents are to leave late arriving lunches or homework at the office. Students will be notified at the next break or at a convenient time. Please do not go to the classroom and/or portable directly. Custody Issues If you and your spouse have separated or divorced, please let the office know and provide us with any legal documentation that you have with respect to custody issues, court orders, etc. in order for us to help ensure your child(ren)’s safety and well-being. We realize that these can be delicate situations, but making us aware of them helps to ensure everyone’s safety. Reporting Student Absences Please call the school if your child(ren) is/are going to be absent from school for any reason. Notes written in your child(ren)’s planners do not always get transposed to the attendance, and therefore to the office. As a result, the office staff have to make phone calls home to check on the whereabouts of your child(ren). It is extremely important that parents/guardians call the school each day that your child(ren) will be absent. We have an answering machine that will receive messages 24 hours a day, should you need to leave one at an odd hour of the day. As well, students who change their normal lunchtime arrangements need to have a note from their parents/guardians in order to leave the school. Wireless Access Points Bright’s Grove P.S. is equipped with a number of wireless access points. To access Bright’s Grove P.S.’s wireless services, please use the following: Username = guest Password = lkdsb Individuals using Bright’s Grove P.S.’s wireless services are subject to the Lambton Kent District School Board’s Acceptable Computer Usage Policy. Please see Madame Van Praet if you have any questions regarding this. Recycling Parents/guardians are asked to please review proper recycling and sorting techniques with their child(ren) in an attempt to prevent unnecessary waste from going into our landfills. We are noticing that many students are not rinsing their recyclables and/or sorting them properly into the appropriate bins. Remember, every item recycled is one less item that is not going into our landfills. YMCA Before and After School Program and Extended Day Program The YMCA is happy to operate both of these programs at Bright’s Grove P.S. this year. These programs are designed to meet the individual needs of students and provide the opportunity for children to build relationships in an organized environment. For more information contact them at 519-336-5950 Ext. 226. Be sure to check the List of Important Events in October for events occurring throughout the month. Should you have any questions, or concerns, please contact the school. Sincerely, Mr. A. Parnham Principal List of Important Events in October School Council Meeting – Thursday, October 2 at 6:30 p.m. in library Fall Pictures – Friday, October 3 World Teachers’ Day – Friday, October 3 Babysitting Course – Saturday, October 4 QSP Magazine Fundraiser begins – Monday, October 6 Grade 4 OLSAT Testing – Tuesday, October 7 Petrolia Discovery Cross Country Meet – Wednesday, October 8 Grade 8 Trip to Lorne Henderson Conservation Area – Friday, October 10 Grade 1/2 Trip to East Street Fire Hall – Friday, October 10 Thanksgiving – Monday, October 13 Choir Pizza Lunch – Tuesday, October 14 Bus Safety and Evacuation Training – Wednesday, October 15 Day 1 – Wednesday, October 15 Cross Country Meet – Thursday, October 16 Cross Country Meet Rain Date – Friday, October 17 Wear Pink to Support Breast Cancer Awareness – Friday, October 17 District Cross Country Meet – Wednesday, October 22 District Cross Country Meet Rain Date – Thursday, October 23 Day 5 – Thursday, October 23 PD Day – Friday, October 24 Parent-Teacher Term 1 Report Card Interview Time Preference Forms sent home – Mon. Oct. 27 Halloween and Wear Orange and Black Day – Friday, October 31 Gr. 8 Pizza Day – Friday, October 31
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