The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo September/October 2014 THE GUILD CABLE Melissa Leapman is coming October 18th and19th The President's Letter - Welcome Maureen Welcome to the 2015-2016 Greater Buffalo Knitting Guild. I can’t believe that we are starting another year. It seems like we were just having the ice cream social. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to an exciting year. Our Programming Chairs, Gina Passantino and Susy Palcic, have been busy this summer planning our monthly activities. Please see the enclosed program listing and mark your own calendars accordingly. Information to be aware of: Meetings are not all on the first Thursday: Please note the date AND day changes for a number of our meetings. New:Social and help time-in order to provide our guest speakers with your undivided attention we will be offering social time from 6:00-6:45 with our meetings starting promptly at 7:00. September meeting charity project-Sophie Kosich is working on a charity project for Girl Scouts and will be providing mitten kits for anyone interested in knitting them for the homeless in the area. Please see Sophie for your kit and plan on completing the mittens by our December meeting. Knitting Guild membership dues: please pay your dues by 10/31 see enrollment form on page 5 Potluck on December 4th: Please be sure to RSVP by the November meeting to ensure we order enough food. Also, please don’t forget our Fall Seminar October 18-19. Our presenter is Melissa Leapman. Enclosed are the registration materials. Our seminars are a wonderful opportunity to build on your knitting skills and enhance your knitting knowledge. I would like to thank Sharon Gerstman and Cecile Shmookler for organizing and running the seminars. We are very fortunate to get world renowned instructors. I encourage you to take advantage of this chance to enhance your knitting knowledge. In other exciting knitting news, Western New York is home to its very own Yarn Truck. Our Past President, Jenna Meyer, has opened Knit Buffalo, LLC. Jenna has been taking her truck to various locations throughout Western New York this summer. In addition to her own 716knit yarn she also has yarn from Jill Draper, Spin Monkeys and The Cyborg’s Craft Room available. To find out where Jenna will be setting up her yarn truck, or if you would like to host the truck for an event please check out If you’re looking for an excuse to visit the Yarn Truck or any of our other Local Yarn Shops please take advantage of the Shop Hop that will be taking place September 5-6. Passports can be found at your LYS, or you may call the Embraceable Ewe at 646-6674 for more details. Maureen Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page 1 ! The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo LOTS OF NEW AND EXCITING EVENTS THIS GUILD SEASON – INCLUDING NEW SPEAKERS SERIES by Gina Passatino Recipe of the month: Tomato and Feta Dip • This year’s Guild’s programming schedule offers members a chance to learn new skills, enhance and update old ones, and create beautiful projects all at the same time. The programming department has been busy all summer creating lots to be excited about. Here are some of the highlights: • Joining Gina is Susy Palcic. Be sure to introduce yourself to Susy and let her know how you can help and participate this Guild season. • NEW this year: Social and Help Time - Socialize and get help on projects from other members before meetings start. Our meeting room will be open from 6-6:45 for this with the Guild’s meeting starting promptly at 7pm. Enjoy time with friends, get help, have a drink. But be sure to turn off that cell phone and offer our speakers your attention during the meeting. September/October 2014 1 pint cherry tomatoes cut in half 1 8 oz container feta cheese crumbles ½ onions diced ½ teaspoon garlic chopped ¼ cup red wine vinegar 2 tsp olive oil 2 avocadoes skinned and chopped 2 tsp fresh parsley Mix tomatoes, feta, onion, garlic, vinegar, and olive oil together thoroughly. Add avocadoes and parsley and stir again (just enough to mix). Add more red wine vinegar if needed as you want it to be easily scoopable. Chill for a few hours tightly covered. Serve with Fritos Scoops. • NEW this year: Yarn Fest (Formally known as Vendor Night) moves to April. Vendors from the local area and other parts of WNY plus Pennsylvania will set up shop in April. Due to Easter and Passover, we will hold Yarn Fest on the 3rd Thursday of April. Perhaps you’ll set aside some tax return money to buy that special skein of yarn! Our March program will focus on using specialty and hand dyed yarns, a perfect kick off to Yarn Fest! • Guild KAL – We’ll be running a KAL appropriate for all levels of knitters starting in October. Be sure to join in the fun! Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page 2 ! The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo September/October 2014 DDs Corner Ravelry Part III Have you ever found a kit that you really liked the pattern for but not the yarn that came with it? Well we have the solution for you! Using Ravelry you can look to see if you can find a pattern similar to what you found, and then hopefully use some of that stash you’ve been saving for the perfect pattern. Here’s our story: We recently found a really awesome shawl/lap blanket pattern/kit that only could be purchased with the yarn (that we didn’t particularly care for.) We decided to see what we could find on Ravelry that was similar to it. To do so we: • Signed in to Ravelry • Clicked on the ‘patterns’ tab • Clicked on ‘search patterns’ and typed: lap blanket • We looked through the 50 ‘free’ (under the availability tab on the left side, click Free) patterns • Through Ravelry we were able to find three patterns that were similar to what we were looking for: • To save them to your library, click on the title of the pattern and then click ‘add to library’ on the top right side of the page. Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page 3 ! The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo September/October 2014 • When you do so, it will indicate that the pattern is now ‘in your library.’ You can click on the words ‘in your library’ and it will allow you to download it (print), or select what category you want to store it under (blankets, shawls…) To select the category, click on ‘select sets’: • Once you click on this, it will provide a listing of all the folders you currently have available or give you an opportunity to ‘create a new set.’ Click on that and name the folder. We would love your thoughts and suggestions. Feel free to ask questions or suggest next month’s topic. You can reach us through Ravelry or via email: Deb-leftyknitter or [email protected] Deniece-dimdgrl or [email protected] Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page 4 ! The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo Email: buff[email protected] Website: September/October 2014 Page 5 ! The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo September/October 2014 Programs for the Knitting Guild 2014-2015 By Gina Passantino, Susy Palcic TUESDAY, September 9th (Please note: This is the 2nd Tuesday of the month) 1. EXPERT TIPS AND SIMPLE SAVES - The Guild’s Elizabeth Marino is going to help us start off this knitting season the right way! This class addresses some of the tricks that make knitting easier including yarn colorfastness, changing cast on, adding edgings, picking up stitches, life lines, ripping, reknitting, finishing techniques, and many more! Elisabeth Marino is a knitter and designer living in the Buffalo, NY metro area. Her designs are available on, her blog http://, and local yarn shops. ***Members: Bring a project you are currently knitting that is giving you trouble, or a pattern you are having a tough time understanding. 2. SHOW AND TELL - What did you knit this summer? Show off one of your creations tonight! Let us know the pattern name, yarn used, any modifications , and why this is the item from your summer knitting you like best. Due to limited time and so that everyone who wants to participate can, please show and tell just one item per person. Thursday October 23rd (Please note: This is the 4th Thursday of the month) 1. KNITTING AND TECHNOLOGY - Don’t be afraid of technology, embrace it and use it to improve your knitting! Deb Welch and Deniece Diamond, Guild members and editors of The Guild Cable, will provide us with ways to use technology to make your knitting better and faster, including using Knit Companion, Ravelry, knitting APPS, and other forms of technology. Brush up on your skills and/or learn something new tonight! ***Members: Bring a laptop, tablet or Smartphone. 2. GUILD KAL - Susy Palcic from Programming will introduce the year long Guild KAL tonight. This KAL will challenge advance knitters yet still be something for beginners to knit. Help will be available during the social hour before each meeting and there will be a Fashion Show to show off the finished KAL’s in March. Thursday, November 6th 1. DO-DADS DEMONSTRATION NIGHT- What are the tools you use most to help you knit? Perhaps you have tools that are unique or hard-to-find, maybe even vintage. Tonight members will demonstrate their favorite knitting tools, tell you where they can be purchased, and show you neat ways to use these tools to improve your knitting. **** Please let us know ASAP if you can demonstrate Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page 6 ! The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo September/October 2014 Also November 6th: 2. KAL- Have you started knitting the Guild KAL yet? Tonight is the night to sit with Guild members, knit the KAL together, have your questions answered. Thursday, December 4th – Members Only Event 1. Potluck - Always a popular event, members share their best recipes and enjoy an evening of knitting too! The Guild will provide the main course. Members, please bring a dish according to the below assignment including an index card listing the ingredients you used: A-G: Salads H-P: Appetizers R-Z: Desserts 2. Trunk Show - Erin Kosich from The Embraceable Ewe will present a trunk show from today’s popular yarns and best designers. Thursday, January 8th (Please note: This is the 2nd Thursday of the month) 1. CHARITY KNITTING- Tonight is the night to give back to the community and knit it forward! We will be knitting a variety of items that will be donated to local charities. Patterns will be provided and most items can be completed during tonight’s Guild meeting. You just need to bring scrap yarn,variety of different sized needles, and an open and giving heart . Start the new year off by knitting something for someone in need. Thursday, February 5th 1. GET YOUR GAUGE AND SWATCH ON- How often does this happen to you?: You are so excited to start knitting a new pattern that you start without doing a gauge or swatch. Maybe you never knit sweaters because you’re afraid they may not fit. Or maybe you always swatch and have stories to share about how it saved you. Buffalo Designer and Guild member, Heather Lodinsky, presents an informative program tonight on why swatching should be your first step in any knitting project, and will ultimately save you pain and knitting agony. 2. SHOW AND TELL – What have you knit recently? Show off one of your creations tonight! Let us know the pattern name, yarn you used, and any modifications. Due to limited time and so that everyone who wants to participate can, please show and tell just one item per person. Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page 7 ! The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo September/October 2014 Thursday, March 5th 1. KNITTING WITH HAND DYED AND SPECIALTY YARNS- Elizabeth Marino is back to teach us how to design or modify patterns for any yarn. Her presentation will include knitting math and how to translate skein weight into square feet of knitting. Elizabeth will also help you understand how to use the one-of-a-kind yarns that will be featured for sale at next month’s Yarn Fest in which vendors from across Western New York and Pennsylvania will sell their unique yarns, fibers and knitting related items. Elisabeth Marino is a knitter and designer living in the Buffalo, NY metro area. Her designs are available on, her blog, and local yarn shops ***Members: Bring a calculator, pencil, and paper.*** 2. KAL FASHION SHOW - Tonight is the night to show off your beautifully knitted KAL project! Make sure to bring a card listing the yarn you used and any m modifications you made to the pattern. Thursday, April 16th (Please note: This is the 3rd Thursday of the month) 1. YARN FEST – Vendors from across Western New York and Pennsylvania will sell their unique yarns, fibers and knitting related items. Guests are encouraged and invited to attend. There will be plenty of items for knitters and non –knitters alike. Grow your stash tonight! Get a start on Spring and Summer projects. Vendors will accept cash, checks and some will accept credit cards. Support our outstanding vendors who are traveling great distances to be with us tonight. Don’t regret missing this exciting evening to shop and win knitting related prizes! The doors open this night at 6:00pm, and guests are very much encouraged to attend! ***Raffles throughout the evening. ***New This Year: Knitter’s and Spinner’s Corners, plus other surprises! Thursday, May 14th- Members only event (Please note this is the 2nd Thursday) 1. Auction – Always one of the most popular events on the Knitting Guild’s calendar of events. Start saving your pennies now so you can bid high for the yarn you desire. Another great opportunity to grow your stash! Thursday, June 4th – Members Only Event 1. President’s Ice Cream Social - Say thank you to this year’s Board of Directors by attending the Guild’s Ice Cream Social. This is always fun night to start the summer and plan your summer knitting projects. 2. Fashion Show – Show off the one knitted item you made during this Guild season. Perhaps the one you are most proud of or one that challenged you! Be sure to let us know the yarn you used, needles, and any modifications you made to the pattern. Due to limited time and many people expected to attend we ask that people only model one project! Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page 8 ! The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo September/October 2014 FALL SEMINAR – October 18-19, 2014 at the Ramada Inn 2402 North Forest Road, Amherst 14226 We are very excited to welcome Melissa Leapman to Buffalo. Melissa is a prolific author and teacher and her classes are always in demand at Stitches, Vogue Live and other Knitting Events. Classes are $35 each for members ($40 for non-members). Please make sure that you are a member before you send your seminar materials in. Do not send membership dues or registration with your seminar registration. For your convenience, you may join or renew membership on line and pay with paypal. 1. All registrations postmarked or received by Wednesday, September 24, 2014 from Guild Members will be registered in order of receipt for as many classes as you wish. 2. All registrations postmarked or received after Wednesday, September 24, 2014, by Guild members or non-members, in order of receipt. Registrations will be confirmed by email. **We expect classes will sell out quickly, and a waiting list will be kept. Don’t delay!! Class Descriptions: 1. Sat. 9 - 12: Cable Variations - Thinking about adding a new “tier” to your “basic cable package”? Expand your options! In this workshop, you’ll knit up several fun and unusual cable stitch patterns and motifs, including some that utilize color and lace techniques. 2. Sat. 1 - 4: Flatter Yourself – fully fashioned secrets of the pros – In this fun hands-on workshop, learn how designers use fully fashioned shaping to create flattering sweaters. No matter your shape, use your knitting prowess to create knockout pieces that fit and flatter. 3. Sun. 9 - 12: Double Knitting: With this fascinating knitting technique, both sides of the knitting appear to be stockinette stitch. In a few fun hours, learn how to knit and design for this technique. 4. Sun. 1 - 4: StashBuster Magic – Got yarn? Transform even your tiniest bits and pieces into a beautiful, one-of-a-kind jacket! In this hands-on workshop, learn designer secrets for creating a using a magic ball of yarn while knitting a mini version of this one-piece wonder. Best of all, no one will ever suspect it was crafted from leftovers! Magic indeed. Note: Must be comfortable working in the round on double pointed needles or proficient at magic loop or knitting in the round with 2 circular needles on as few as 8 stitches Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page 9 ! The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo September/October 2014 KNITTING GUILD OF GREATER BUFFALO FALL SEMINAR – OCTOBER 18-19, 2014 at the Ramada Inn 2402 North Forest Road Amherst 14226 Mail (or deliver) your registration to: Cecile Shmookler 210 Saranac Avenue Buffalo, NY 14216 Registrations received or postmarked by Wednesday, September 24, 2014 will be given first preference Checks are to be made payable to Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo For registration for classes, enclose a check for $35.00 per class ($40.00 per class for non-members). One check for all classes desired. ______ Sat. October 18 - 9am - 12n: Cable Variations ______ Sat. October 18 - 1pm - 4pm: Flatter Yourself ______ Sun. October 19 - 9am - 12n: Double Knitting * Information Required. Note: for class registration you must have an email address to receive confirmation and homework/supply list. If you do not have an email address of your own, please list the email address of someone who will forward this information to you. ______ Sun. October 19 - 1pm - 4pm: Stashbuster Magic Number of classes _____ x $35 ($40 for nonmembers) = _______ Amount enclosed Class registration confirmation will be sent by email. *Name: ___________________________________________ *E-mail Address (please print clearly): _____________________________ *Daytime Phone number (cell # is preferable): _________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page !10 The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo September/October 2014 The sponsors who keep us happy in our craft: Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page !11 The Newsletter of the Knitting Guild of Greater Buffalo September/October 2014 Treasurer's Report: Email: buff[email protected] Website: Page !12
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