St. Thomas’, Tean St. Giles’, Cheadle St. Wilfrid’s, Cotton Presbytery & Parish Office: 18 Charles Street, Cheadle, ST10 1ED Tel: 01538 753130 Fax: 01538 751940 Email: [email protected] Parish Priest: Father Sandy Brown Email: [email protected] Parish Child Protection Officers: Lynn & John Smith 01538 756314 Diocesan Child Protection Co-ordinator: Jane Jones 0121 230 6240 Guild Hall Bookings: 01538 750830 Newsletter items to: [email protected] The parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Reg Charity No: 234216 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - 19 October 2014 - Year A; Psalter: Week 1 ‘Give the Lord glory and power’ PLEASE PRAY FOR: The Sick (In alphabetical order, because we are all equal in the eyes of God) Winifred Birch, John Bowler, Blanche Briscoe, Patricia Buckley, Alban Burton, Andrea & John Butler, Edna Carr, Violet Chell, Margaret Clowes, Josie Coates, Joe Cooke, Reverend Ray & Anne Cummins, Janet Daniels, Elsie Done, Joe Doyle, George Hebda, Jane Feeney, Isabel Finney, Michelle Forrester, Clare Green, Joyce Harrison, Roy Harrison, Jill Jervis, Alan Johnson, Carmel Johnson, Mary Jose, Chris Keates, Trevor Kellett, Sandra Kellett, Sophie Mills, Arthur Moult, Sheila Murray, Barbara-Ann Nash, Lesley Newton, Andrew Norton, Eleanor Oldroyd, John O'Leary, Michael Phillips, Marion Pilling, Cara Plant, Irene Poole, Fr P Rogers, David Routledge, The Sargeant Family, Dorothy Swift, Canon P Taylor, Beryl Trowel, Jim & Ethel Wardrup, Pauline Watkins, Mgr. Paul Watson. Carolyn Whitehurst, Betty Whieldon, Sheila Wilson. Rest in Peace All who have died recently, those with anniversaries falling at this time, and all the faithful departed. Marriages 29 Nov: Gerry Rourke & Kerrie Taafe (Tean) 27 Dec: Andrew Michael Scott & Claire Lorraine Chell Baptisms: 26 Oct: Zach Weaver Please keep all in your prayers The Apostles’ Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the Communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting, Amen. This is our Faith; This is the Faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen MASS TIMES Thought for the week: Today we have the account of the Pharisees and Herodians posing a 10.00 am Cheadle: Private Intention (followed by Exposition of question to Jesus in the hope of the Blessed Sacrament until 11am) catching him out. Jesus spots the trap 10.30 am Cheadle: Sacrament of Penance immediately and turns the question TWENTY– NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - A back on them so that they are forced 4.30 pm Cheadle: Confessions to answer it themselves. Jesus’ final 5.00 pm Cheadle: Helen Lowndes. comment on the matter – render to God what is God’s and to Caesar Sunday 19 October: MISSION SUNDAY what is Caesars goes deeper than 10.30 am Cheadle: People of the Parishes 4.50 pm Tean: October Devotions just paying taxes however as we 5.30 pm Tean: Priest’s Intention would expect. The Romans were Second Collection: APF (Mission Sunday) occupying Israel and the people were forced to pay high taxes to them. ——————————————————————————————————————The Romans were instrumental in Monday 20 October: Feria the advancement of the modern 9.15 am Cheadle: Helen Lowndes world, introducing sanitation and 9.15 am Tean: Bernard Peaky education and roads but they were Tuesday 21 October: Feria often brutal in their enforcement and 10.00 am Cheadle: Betty Matthews their occupation caused much friction and anger. Yet Jesus tells the people Wednesday 22 October: Feria (St John Paul II) to respect the laws imposed on 9.15 am Cheadle: Eucharistic Service them and pay what they were asked Thursday 23 October: Feria (St John of Capristano) instead of rebelling. The state demands taxes are paid but God 9.15 am TEAN: Holy Souls demands so much more. Jesus tells Friday 24 October: Feria (St Anthony Mary Claret) us to give back to God what is His. 6.30 pm Tean: Holy Souls It is He who gives us life, the freedom to live according to His will and it is Saturday 25 October: Our Lady on Saturday this which we render to Him. Much is 10.00 am Cheadle: Eucharistic Service, with Exposition of the received by us and much is required Blessed Sacrament until 11 Noon) 10.30 am Cheadle: NO Sacrament of Penance this week from us. Our opening prayer asks that we have strength and joy in THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - A serving God as followers of Christ 4.30 pm Cheadle: Confessions who is our Lord and King. Saturday 18 October: 5.00 pm Cheadle: Nora Stephens Sunday 26 October: 10.30 am Cheadle: People of the Parishes 4.50 pm Tean: October Devotions 5.30 pm Tean: Priest’s Intention PRAYER INTENTIONS - October 2014 Pope’s Universal Prayer Intention: Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. Pope’s Evangelization Intention: World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. Liturgy 1st Reading: Isaiah 45 1 4-6 Psalm: 95 2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Gospel: Matthew 22 15-21 ST THOMAS’, TEAN It’s staggering by the number of donations we have received for our restoration work. It started out as an opportunity to "sponsor" a Station of the Cross when church was decorated. Then restoration of a pre 1913 crucifix brought down from Cotton. We have had interest from our own parish but also from further afield, through this column. So, in answer to those people who have asked "Can we still donate and to this crucifix?" the answer is a most definite "Yes". The donations are in the form of £30 lots, (by cheque [payable to St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Parish, Tean] or cash, in an envelope with a note as to how you would like the inscription written). We are preparing a board in church which will include all those donors. You may care to nominate a deceased relative or in honour of your family or an individual. The most heart-warming donation was from a parishioner who asked that the donation be dedicated to any parishioner who could not afford the donation. A bit like the Unknown Warrior I suppose. Hand in your envelope to church or the Parish Office or ring me on 722464 and I'll collect it. The restoration work is progressing at a pace. The re-modelling of the Body is finished. Carmen had to strip some of the old plaster away and renew the armature of hessian and wire. Once the plaster has dried and shrinkage stops then the painting can be done. It's a fascinating project. She sends us weekly up-dates and photo evidence of the work. Sky Arts Channel has missed a trick here by the way. Father Sandy has unearthed some fascinating evidence on the original donor back in 1914. All in all, it makes for a great story and wonderful piece of restoration. POPE FRANCIS: At last Sunday’s Angelus, he spoke about the Gospel of the day: God is good to us. He freely offers us his friendship. He offers his joy, salvation. But so often we don't welcome his gifts. We put our material preoccupations, our own interests, in first place. Some of those invited even mistreat and kill the servants who bring the invitation. But despite the lack of response from those called, God's project is not impeded. Faced with rejection from those called first, he is not discouraged. He does not cancel the celebration but rather re-extends the invitation, expanding it beyond any reasonable limits, and sends his servants to the plazas and the crossroads to gather up everyone they encounter. We're talking about common people, the poor, the abandoned, the disinherited, even "good ones and bad ones." Even the evil are invited, without distinction. And the banquet hall is filled with these "excluded ones." The Gospel, rejected by some, finds a surprising welcome in so many hearts. The goodness of God does not have limits and does not discriminate against anyone. That's why the banquet of the gifts of the Lord is universal, universal for everyone. He gives everyone the possibility of responding to his invitation, to his call, to his path. No one has the right to feel privileged or to claim exclusivity. OCTOBER: MONTH OF THE ROSARY: Please remember to pray some part of the Rosary each day. At Tean, there will be October Devotions at 4.50pm before Sunday Mass. This year, we shall try to pray the Rosary before Mass at Cheadle, at least some of the time. Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendour of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may this Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Amen. The Synod of Bishops finishes today. At Mass in St. Peter’s, Pope Francis will be beatifying his predecessor, Pope Paul VI, (who was Pope when I was ordained). NOVEMBER: Prayer for the Holy Souls: It will soon be here, which is why I have made available the familiar envelopes. Please make a list of the people, you would like to remember, lists which will be placed on or under the altar. Many like to enclose a monetary offering, and Mass will be offered for the Holy Souls in and around November. CHEADLE & DISTRICT FOODBANK: Thank you to all who continue to give so generously. They continue to serve many local families and welcome all donations of food. Please pray for all the volunteers that they may continue their wonderful works. To get involved please see Glenn or Chris. Please note they will now close at 3pm on a Friday. MISSION SUNDAY: Today, the Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special Collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission. Your prayers and donations today will support the work of missionaries and young churches as they share faith, build churches and provide healthcare and education, often in difficult and dangerous circumstances overseas. The World Mission Sunday will go in its entirety to support mission projects worldwide that bring God’s love and message of dignity for all. Please give what you can, using Gift Aid envelopes if you are a taxpayers. Every gift makes a real difference to people living in poverty who are yearning to hear the Good News of God’s love for them. Jim Taafe, who did such a wonderful decorating job in church, has offered to hang the finished cross on the East wall over the altar for free as a gesture to the parish. Now that, as they say, is what you call "a result" ! AUTUMN FAIR: A separate sheet should provide you with an account of the takings from each stall etc. You will also receive an account of raffle winners and the other small raffles. It is certainly better having a Fair at this time, when the weather is good. You always wish for more to come, but I felt that we did well, bless you. Thank you to all who put in so much time and work on the day and before it. To have raised around £2,500 was spectacular. The efforts at the Combined Parishes Autumn Fair last Saturday were really good. It was reassuring to raise over £120 on our cake/ pie stall and I'm sure Robert was successful on his stall but the most important aspect was seeing everyone there and socialising during the morning. The money raised is vital, of course, but the other part, for me, is just as important in the community. TABLE TOP SALE: Mike O'Callaghan and Peter Rushton are holding a ‘Table Top’ sale 2 November, at the Guild Hall. Each table will cost £6.00 to hire. Any proceeds after this amount will go to the stall holder. Table fees to go towards funding for the lighting. Please contact them directly on 01538 753434 PRISONERS’ SUNDAY used to kept in November. In fact it was last Sunday, and we have missed the boat, alas. Please keep prisoners, their victims and their families in your prayers. Leaflets available in Church HALF-TERM: It is quite lengthy, starting on Thursday. I hope you all can get some relaxation. JOURNEY INTO FAITH 2014 - 2015 For those enquiring about the Catholic Faith. For parishioners to sponsor the enquirers on their journey. For parishioners to invite those interested. Please contact Fr Sandy for more details. BAPTISMAL PRE PARATION Next meeting will be on Monday 1 December, at 7.30pm in the Presbytery (Parish Room). It is very important to prepare for the Sacrament so please attend. I am eternally grateful to the good parishioners who give their time. Churches Together Prayer Services in Residential Homes: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ALL SAINTS: to be celebrated on Sunday, 2nd, With ALL SOULS’ DAY on Monday, 3rd. 2 Nov: Table Top Sale, Guild Hall 13 Nov at 7pm in St. Thomas’ School: Meeting for parents of Confirmation candidates. 23 Nov Mass of Commitment for Confirmation candidates 19 Jan 2015, 9.30am: Committee mtg, followed by finance mtg at 11am. Both at Guild Hall Beech Lodge: Thursday at 2.30pm 20 Nov, 18 Dec Parish Finances: Church Terrace: Friday at 3.30pm Nov 14, Dec 12 St Giles: £277.75 + Gift Aid £246.45 = £524.20 (CAFOD additional amount = £97.00) Daisy Bank: Wednesday at 2.00pm 19 Nov, 10 Dec St Thomas’: £110.73 + Gift Aid £96.00 = £206.73 READERS: If you are unable to attend please find a substitute. Sat 18 Oct: V Blaxhall Sat 25 Oct: P Lucas Sun 19 Oct: S Peck Sun 26 Oct: S Glass REMINDER: You are ALWAYS welcome to call Jane Jones, safeguarding Officer, at any time. Tel: 07976 516629 (Totally private and only answered by Mrs Jones). S.V.P: If you know of anyone in need of help, or who would like a visit, please contact the Parish Office on 01538 753130. Meetings are held once a month on the first Thursday, at 6.30pm in the Parish Room. And finally… Some people come into your life as a blessing. Some come into your life as a lesson… Mother Teresa
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