Digiajan kuluttaja ja internetin rooli eri ostoprosessin vaiheissa Jonna Toikka Industry Head, Agencies Google Confidential and Proprietary 1 ! "#$#%&%'!()*)+%&%,! Google Confidential and Proprietary -./0120.3..#!4#$#/%%*#.3..%!5%%#*5%..%!! /0#5##!()*)+%&%'!3640#**%! <32#'/3#'3'! 7'%*0$#'3'! >?(?#'3'! "#$#/%%*#'3'! 78%23'3..! 9'/323./! :0'.#432%;0'! <)2=6%.3! Google Confidential and Proprietary @0A##*#!?64#./BB!0'*#'3'!&%!0C#'3'! '()**$"+& !"#$"%&'()**$"+& !,$"%&'()**$"+& Google Confidential and Proprietary -'*#'3!.6011#'$!A36%D#0)2! ! • -./+%0&+/)1*2&3"0%/"%0&14%/4&$"&5$"#."67&89&:%./4&."6&)#6%/& • '.;*#%2&"<87===&3"0%/"%0&14%/4& • >%0()6)#)+:2&!"#$"%&?1%4@)"".$/%7&A%$+(@"+&B.4%6&)"&.&/%*/%4%"0.@C%& 0%#%*()"%&41/C%:& • D%/$)6&)E&.".#:4$42& • 5$%#6A)/F2&G)C%;B%/&H80(&I&G)C%;B%/&H90(7&H=88& • 5$".#&J%*)/02&K%L%;B%/&8M0(&H=8H& • J%4%./L(&L);*.":2&-G'&3"E/.0%40! Google Confidential and Proprietary 55 Overview online purchase Two thirds of the Finnish internet users are online shoppers and half of the onliners purchase at least once every 6 months on the internet Do you purchase on the internet? All respondents Don’t know 3% No 30% How often do you purchase online? All respondents Several times a week 1% Once a week 2% Several times a month Yes 67% Once a month About once every 3 months About once every 6 months Less frequently 11% of the Finnish onliners are heavy shoppers 8% 11% 17% 12% 17% 17% Light Shoppers Q3: How often do you purchase things online? Base (weighted): n=1,000; answer category Don t know not shown Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 6 Who are the online shoppers? 51% of the online shoppers are women 49% of the online shoppers are men The average online shopper is 41 years old 34% of the online shoppers have a university degree 31% of the online shoppers have an annual hh income of more than 40.000 EUR 16% of the online shoppers are heavy shoppers (online purchase: several times a month) 25% of the online shoppers are light shoppers (online purchase: once a year or less) 10% of the online shoppers have already bought online via smartphone Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 7 Differences between the online shopping levels In comparison with offline-only shoppers the online shoppers are a rather young group with a significantly higher education and income Online shoppers Heavy shoppers Light shoppers Offline-only shoppers Gender 49% m / 51% f 52% m / 48% f 50% m / 50% f 53% m / 47% f Age Ø 41 years 34 years 49 years 56 years Annual income Ø 37.000 EUR 33.500 EUR 36.600 EUR 32.800 EUR University Degree 34% 26% 38% 17% Mobile purchase 10% 28% 5% 0% % of all onliners 67% 11% 17% 30% Base (weighted): Online shoppers n=672; Heavy shoppers n=107; Light shoppers n=165; Offline-only shoppers n=297 Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 8 Product categories for online shopping Various product categories are considered for online shopping – most popular are products from the verticals entertainment, travel and apparel In which product categories do you buy online? Online shoppers 73% 70% 69% 58% 57% 50% 44% 42% 42% 36% Entertainment products Travel Apparel Communications Consumer electronics Gaming Domestic appliances TV services Furniture Sport equipment Q4: How much money do you spend annually online within the product categories written below? If you can’t tell it exactly please try to estimate. Base (weighted): Shopper per category: Online shoppers n=672; answer categories “I do not buy products of this category at all” and ”Don’t know” not shown Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 9 Product categories for online shopping Heavy online shoppers are typically not focused on single categories but consider every vertical for online purchase – light shoppers are particularly interested in buying travel products online In which product categories do you buy online? Online shoppers/ Heavy shoppers/ Light shoppers 93% 87% 79% 70% 73% 67% 82% 73% 69% 58% 48% 45% 83% 71% Travel 70% 61% 57% 50% 40% 36% 40% 44% 42% 27% Entertainment products 65% Consumer Apparel Communications electronics Gaming Domestic appliances Online shoppers 42% 26% TV services 36% 28% Furniture Heavy shoppers 23% Sport equipment Light shoppers Q4: How much money do you spend annually online within the product categories written below? If you can’t tell it exactly please try to estimate. Base (weighted): Shopper per category: Online shoppers n=672; Heavy shoppers n=107; Light shoppers n=165; answer categories “I do not buy products of this category at all” and ”Don’t know” not shown Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 10 Devices for online purchase Obviously all groups use stationary internet as the most represented device – highest mobile purchase share among the heavy shoppers Which of these devices have you already used for online shopping? Online shoppers/ Heavy shoppers/ Light shoppers 94% 93% 94% 32% 28% 23% 16% PC/ laptop at home PC/ laptop at work 10% 21% 5% Mobile/ smartphone 9% 6% Laptop/ netbook on the go Online shoppers 2% 5% 2% Tablet PC Heavy shoppers Light shoppers Q5: You’ve stated that you at least sometimes buy things on the internet. Which of the following devices have you already used in order to make an online purchase? Base (weighted): Online shoppers n=672; Heavy shoppers n=107; Light shoppers n=165; answer category Don t know not shown Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 11 Relevant set methods of purchase Retailer online shops (e. g. NetAnttila, Stockmann) are clearly the most preferred online purchase channel among Finnish online shoppers Methods of purchase Online shoppers Ever tried 74% Online shop of a retailer 18% 47% Online auctions Online classifieds 44% 49% Online shop of a contractor Price comparison website Preferred 38% 31% 17% 5% 5% Q7: Thinking generally about your purchases you’ve already done so far in the internet. Which of the following ways of purchase have you ever tried? Q8: And which of these is your preferred way of purchasing on the internet? Base (weighted): Online pruchasers: n=672; answer categories Other and Don t know not shown Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 12 Relevant set methods of purchase In comparison with the other shopper groups the group of the heavy shoppers shows a higher preference for buying at online auctions Methods of purchase Online shoppers/ Heavy shoppers/ Light shoppers Online shoppers Online auctions 17% Online classifieds 16% 30% 12% 63% 47% 30% 16% 28% 38% 5% 53% 5% 23% 1% 43% 31% 5% 36% 61% 49% 18% 53% 44% 44% Online shop of a contractor Light shoppers 82% 74% Online shop of a retailer Price comparison website Heavy shoppers 4% 22% 9% Ever tried Preferred Q7: Thinking generally about your purchases you’ve already done so far in the internet. Which of the following ways of purchase have you ever tried? Q8: And which of these is your preferred way of purchasing on the internet? Base (weighted): Online shoppers n=672; Heavy shoppers n=107; Light shoppers n=165; answer categories Other and Don t know not shown Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 13 Preferred payment method Across all shopper groups paying via online banking/bank identifiers is most common, heavy shoppers are comparably open for PayPal payments Which is your preferred payment method for online purchase? Online shoppers/ Heavy shoppers/ Light shoppers Online shoppers Online banking/bank identifiers 48% Bank transfer after delivery 15% Online with credit card 15% Cash on delivery 9% Bank transfer before delivery 5% Online via pay pal 5% Online with direct debit card Heavy shoppers 1% Light shoppers 48% 50% 12% 16% 9% 13% 5% 8% 6% 6% 17% 1% 2% 3% Q9: Which is your preferred method of payment for products or services when you buy on the internet? Base (weighted): Online shoppers n=672; Heavy shoppers n=107; Light shoppers n=165; answer category “Don’t know” not shown Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 14 7E/)43.!/08%24.!0'*#'3!.6011#'$! Google Confidential and Proprietary 1515 Image perception of purchase methods Buying online is first of all perceived as an up to date, convenient and efficient purchase method - offline is rather perceived as entertaining and trustworthy Image perception of purchase methods All respondents From my perspective! up to date convenient efficient easy to handle inspiring new ideas entertaining trustworthy !applies more to online purchasing 55% !applies more to offline purchasing 10% 47% 34% 19% 42% 35% 24% 31% 34% 36% 30% 33% 24% 19% 46% 44% 4% !applies to both options 37% 66% 30% Q12: Please state for each item whether this item rather applies to online purchasing or offline purchasing. Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000 Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 16 Drivers for buying online Convenience - not pricing - related aspects (shopping at any time, convenient payment) are the main drivers for buying on the internet Drivers for buying online - Top 10 All respondents It is available 24 hours and 7 days a week 50% 37% Convenient online payment Convenience Convenience Lower prices than offline 35% Prices/Payment Easier to compare prices 35% Convenience I can buy products that are not available in Finland 35% Assortment/Clarity Special Products which are hard to get offline 34% Assortment/Clarity Trusted online supplier 34% Lifestyle/Environment You can shop from anywhere 33% Convenience No long queues like in the store/supermarket 33% Convenience Easier to compare products 32% Assortment/Clarity Q10: Independent of the products you’ve already bought online. From your perspective, what are reasons for buying online? Or what are the advantages of online buying in general? Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000 Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 17 Barriers for buying online Needs for consultancy and physical product experiences are top barriers; buying habits and low trust in online supplier/payment constrain online too Barriers for buying online - Top 10 All respondents No possibility to talk to a specialist for my topic in person 44% Additional information 38% I want to see or touch the products therefore I buy live in a store 34% I want to try the product before I buy it I m used to buy those things in a store 31% I don t trust the online supplier 28% Convenience Convenience Lifestyle/ Environment Lifestyle/ Environment I don t trust online payment 27% Prices/payment It is more complex to compare products 27% Assortment/clarity I appreciate the recommendation and expertise of a salesperson 25% Additional information Delivery is too expensive 24% Prices/payment I don t want to pay for delivery 23% Prices/payment Q11: From your perspective, what are reasons for NOT buying online in general? Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000 Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 18 Product comment online Giving product related comments on the internet is quite common: almost one third of the onliners has already done so – even offline-only shoppers leave comments online Have you ever commented on a product online? All respondents/ Online shoppers/ Offline-only shoppers All respondents Online shoppers Offline-only shoppers Yes 18% Yes 31% Yes 39% No 82% No 69% No 61% Q21: Have you ever commented on a product online? Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000; Online shoppers n=672; Offline-only shoppers n=297 Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 19 Product comment online Among Finnish internet users the favourite options for giving product comments are writing consumer reviews or sharing links on facebook Have you ever commented on a product online? All respondents/ Online shoppers/ Offline-only shoppers All respondents 16% Writing a review Sharing a link on Google+ Tweeting the product 2% 8% 19% 5% 4% Offline-only shoppers 20% 15% Sharing a link on facebook Blogging Online shoppers 7% 5% 2% 7% 2% 2% 2% Q21: Have you ever commented on a product online? It does not matter whether you have commented in a positive OR negative way on a product. Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000; Online shoppers n=672; Offline-only shoppers n=297; answer category No, I ve never commented on a product so far not shown Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 20 78%23'3..!%'4!).%$3!0F!0'*#'3!.601.! Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 21 Awareness of retail online shops Awareness of retail web shops is quite high among Finnish onliners NetAnttila and Huuto (known by 2/3 of the onliners) are top of mind Which of the following retail online shops do you know? All respondents 1. 66% NetAnttila.com 5. 55% Verkkokauppa.com 2. 65% Huuto.net 6. 54% 3. 61% Hobby Hall.fi 7. 4. 60% Gigantti.fi 8. 9. 34% Konebox.fi Ellos.fi 10. 22% Mulletoi.com 35% H&M.com 11. 17% Bookplus.fi 35% CDON.se 12. 14% Netrauta.fi 90% of the Finnish internet users know at least one online shop from the retail vertical Q22: Which of the following online shops do you know? Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000 Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 22 Usage of retail online shops Retail online shops are not only well-known but they are actively visited and most shops receive considerable purchase shares as well What’s your user experience with the online shops you know? I have already made a purchase at this shop 65% CDON.se (n=353) Bookplus.fi (n=171) 51% Huuto.net (n=647) 50% Hobby Hall.fi (n=610) 49% Verkkokauppa.com (n=546) 49% NetAnttila.com (n=662) 49% Ellos.fi (n=544) 48% 45% H&M.com (n=355) Mulletoi.com (n=218) 38% Gigantti.fi (n=603) 36% Netrauta.fi (n=141) Konebox.fi (n=337) I have not purchased there so far but I already visited the site and informed myself 20% 18% 21% I‘m interested in visiting this shop in the future 8% 38% 8% 31% 10% 29% 10% 34% 8% 37% 7% 27% 9% 27% 11% 50% 7% 43% 10% 60% 61% 15% 11% Q23: For each of the following online shops you know, please state which of the statements below best reflects your experience with that online shop? Base (weighted): Respondents who are aware of online shops Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 23 Search behaviour Among online shoppers search engines are the top trigger for navigating to online shops. If a shop s name is known 1/3 of the online shoppers use search for quick access – which equals the share for direct type-in. How do you end up on a particular website of an online shop? Online Shoppers/ Heavy shoppers/ Light shoppers Online Shoppers I search for products in a search engine and then choose one of the online shops 45% I type the address of the online shops directly into the browser 35% I type the name of the online shop in a search engine and then click on the link 34% I have all relevant online shops in my favourite list or bookmarked 19% Heavy shoppers Light shoppers 38% 48% 47% 24% 29% 32% 36% 15% Q25: If you want to visit an online shop, how do you end up on a particular website of an online shop? Base (weighted): Online Shoppers n=672; Heavy shoppers n=107; Light shoppers n=165; answer category Don t know not shown Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 24 Awareness; different communication channels Search engines and personal advice are the dominant sources for discovering new online shops – social media comparably strong for heavy shoppers, among light shoppers direct mail via post contributes How do you get to know about new online shops? All respondents Online Shoppers 42% Normal search engine results Light shoppers 41% 39% Personal recommendations Price comparison sites 27% Internet banners 26% Social media Heavy shoppers 44% 42% 34% 19% 31% 24% 22% 37% Direct mail (via post) 22% 21% Ads on search engines 21% 22% Direct mail (e-mail) 21% 23% Q26: How do you usually get to know about new websites or new e-shops for online shopping? Base (weighted): Online Shoppers n=672; Heavy shoppers n=107; Light shoppers n=165; answer categories Other and Source: TNS Infratest 31% 19% 31% 18% 21% Don t know not shown Google Confidential and Proprietary 25 G3*3D%'=3!0F!.3%2=6!F02!0'*#'3!.6011#'$! Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 2626 Search engine usage Search engines are perceived as an important tool for collecting product information and almost every onliner uses search for pre-purchase research - no matter whether the purchase is made online or offline How often do you use search engines!? How important are search engines for collecting product information? Search engine user Search engine user ....prior to an online purchase 80% 27% ....prior to an offline purchase 89% 91% Very often 25% 28% Often 29% 36% Sometimes 14% 9% 14% 9% 25% 22% Extremely important 34% Very important 36% Important Never Q13: How often do you use search engines to find information about products or services before you decide to buy these products or services in a store? Q14: And how often do you use search engines to find information about products or services before you buy these products on the internet? Q16: How important would you consider search engines for collecting information about products or services? Base (weighted): Search engine users n=896 Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 27 Search engine usage Every Finnish search engine user is a Google user and the vast majority does not use any other search engine Which search engines do you use? Search engine user 99% Google Fonecta 12% Bing 6% MSN 5% Yahoo 4% 77% use only Google Q15: Which of the following search engines do you use during your research process or would you consider using? Q16: How important would you consider search engines for collecting information about products or services? Base (weighted): Search engine users n=896 Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 28 Ad contact evoking search Ad contacts in press or TV are most likely to evoke online search, already 41% of the onliners sometimes apply mobile search when seeing outdoor ads How often does it happen that you notice advertising! All respondents See advertising about a product or service in a newspaper or magazine and then try to find out more online 4% 15% 5% 14% See advertising about a product or service on TV and then try to find out more online Hear advertising about a product or service on the radio and then try to find out more online 3% See outdoor advertising about a product or service and try to find out more directly via internet 4% 38% 36% 9% 55% 29% 11% Very often 58% 41% 26% Often 41% Occasionally Q20: How often does it happen that you !. Base (weighted): All respondents n=1,000 Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 29 Yhteenveto 3"0%/"%@N&FN:0%0NN"& )40)*/)4%44$"&O)F.&C.$(%%44.& R.F1F)"%&)"&.C.$".4%;.44.& )"#$"%S)40)*/)4%44$44.& >)B$$#$&:(6$40NN&)"#$"%"&O.& ),$"%"&O.&)"&:(N&14%.;;$"& CN#$"%7&O)"F.&F.1P.&F1#1P.O.& C$%/.$#%%&F.1*.44.Q& Source: TNS Infratest K$+$.O."&F1#1P.O.&)"&#$$FF1C.& ;)B$$#$.&*NN0%#.$0%P.& (:T6:"0NCN&F1#1P.O.Q&& Google Confidential and Proprietary 30 Suomalaisten yritysten mobiilivalmiudet ! • H)/(#5)(.3'!/%2(0#/)(.3'%!)"&4%#C$PNN&;$0%"&;)"$*1)#$4%4@&41);.#.$4%0& :/$0:F4%0&(:T6:"0NCN0&;)B$$#$.&#$$F%0)$;$""."&%/$&)4.S.#1%$44.&O.&;./FF$")$""$44.Q&& • H)/(#5).!/0/3)/3E#'!H8Q8HQH=88&I&UQ8QH=8H&4N(FT*)4@F:4%#:"N&41);.#.$40%"& :/$0:40%"&;./FF$")$"@S7&@%0)(.##$"0)S&0.$&F%($0:4O)(0)*NNPNO$##%Q&-10F$;1F4%40.& /.O.V$"&*)$4&.##%&8=&(%"F$#T"&:/$0:F4%0Q&GN:0%#N(0%%"N&FN:0%V$"&-G'&W.##1*$"& *NNPNONC.40..O.F."0)O.Q&& • H)/(#5)(.33'!D%./%.#!8XY&C.40..O..Q&Z.40..O.F1"0.&%6140..&41);.#.$40%"&:#$&8=& (%"+%"&:/$0:40%"&;./FF$")$"@S7&@%0)(.##$"0)S&0.$&F%($0:4O)(0).Q& Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 31 !"F)&:/$0:F4%##N&O)F$"&0.$&14%.;*$&4%1/..C$40.& ;)B$$#$/.0F.$41$40.& Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary >$0%"&;)B$$#$"&/))#$&)"&;NN/$0%#0:&:/$0:F4%44N& [.$FF$&C.40..O.07&G<8XY& Source: TNS Infratest TNS Gallup Digital / Google tutkimus yritysten mobiilivalmiuksista 2012 Google Confidential and Proprietary D.$")./C)#0.."&411/%;*$&4::&4$##%7&;$F4$&:/$0:4&%$&(:T6:""N&;)B$$#$.& 0N##N&(%0F%##N&%"%;*NN& \/$0:F4%44N&%$&FN:0%0N&;)B$$#$/.0F.$41O.7&G<9]& Source: TNS Infratest TNS Gallup Digital / Google tutkimus yritysten mobiilivalmiuksista 2012 Google Confidential and Proprietary ^40%%0&;)B$$#$/.0F.$41$6%"&(:T6:"0N;$4%##%&:/$0:F4%"& F."".#0.& Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary >$"FN#.$4$.&;)B$$#$;./FF$")$""$"&/.0F.$41O.&:/$0:F4%44N& FN:0%0NN"& Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 3"0%/"%@N&FN:0%0NN"& )40)*/)4%44$"&O)F.&C.$(%%44.& R.F1F)"%&)"&.C.$".4%;.44.& )"#$"%S)40)*/)4%44$44.& >$44N&C$$*:CN0&41);.#.$4%0&:/$0:F4%0_& >)B$$#$&:(6$40NN&)"#$"%"&O.& ),$"%"&O.&)"&:(N&14%.;;$"& CN#$"%7&O)"F.&F.1P.&F1#1P.O.& C$%/.$#%%&F.1*.44.Q& Source: TNS Infratest K$+$.O."&F1#1P.O.&)"&#$$FF1C.& ;)B$$#$.&*NN0%#.$0%P.& (:T6:"0NCN&F1#1P.O.Q&& Google Confidential and Proprietary 38 KIITOS! 060209_Medialer Paradigmenwechsel Source: TNS Infratest Google Confidential and Proprietary 39
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