Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.” ~Matthew 22:21 St. Andrew’s Parish Mass Saturday Vigil: 4:00PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30AM & 5:00PM Weekdays: Mon.-Fri. 8:30AM & 12:00PM Saturday: 8:30AM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00-3:30PM Mon.-Fri.: 11:30-11:45AM or by appt. with one of the priests Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered every 1st Saturday of the month at the 8:30AM Mass and anytime upon request. Please contact the Rectory. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesday before Noon Mass Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday starting after Noon Mass ending at 4:30PM with Evening prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours followed by Benediction, The Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary at 3:00PM. The Rosary for Life 1st Tuesday of the month at 12:30PM St. Andrew Country Day School PARISH STAFF Rev. Matthew J. Zirnheld, Pastor Rev. Joseph Thien V. Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Michael Ficorilli, Deacon Theresa Bornholdt, Pastoral Associate Jean MacDonald, Business Manager Carolyn Liarakos, Director of Music Kathleen Johnson, Ensemble Director Maryanne Snyder, Director of Faith Formation Gerri Salay, Coordinator of Elementary Catechesis Doris Johnson, Coordinator of Middle School Catechesis RECTORY 1525 Sheridan Drive, Kenmore NY 14217 Phone: (716) 873-6716 Fax (716) 873-2214 Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00AM -12:00PM and 1:00PM3:00PM FAITH FORMATION OFFICE 1545 Sheridan Drive, Kenmore NY 14217 Phone: (716) 877-3034 PRAYER CHAIN (716) 873-6716 Ext. 9 Connect with us! Dr. Kathy C. Dimitrievski, Principal Jean Kornacki, Advancement Director Co-Presidents, Home School Association Sherrie Bowerman and Andrea Foglia SCHOOL OFFICE Office Hours 7AM– 3PM Catholic Schools “The Start of Something Great” 1545 Sheridan Drive, Kenmore NY 14217 Phone: (716) 877-0422 Fax: (716) 877-3973 Visit our website! ST. ANDREW’S PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “As St. Andrew brought St. Peter to Jesus, we strive to bring others into a deeper relationship with Christ through Sunday Eucharist, Community Outreach, Hospitality, and Catholic Education through lifelong learning and faith formation.” Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Schedule Saturday, October 18 Saint Luke, Evangelist 8:30 Philip Merkel by Family 4:00 Austin & Irene Short by Family Sunday, October 19 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 St. Andrew’s Parishioners 9:30 Stephen Strusa by Mother, Father, Marc & Lynn 11:30 Angelo Alba by Carol Savasta 5:00 Clara Klimek by Daughters Monday, October 20 8:30 Jack Schlant by Betty Sadowsky & Family 12:00 Matthew Dugan by Family Tuesday, October 21 8:30 William Bunny by Rectory Staff 12:00 For the Sick and Homebound of St. Andrew’s Parish Wednesday, October 22 8:30 Marlene Johnson by Rectory Staff 12:00 Douglas Holler by Friends Thursday, October 23 8:30 All Souls 12:00 Joseph Modica by Wife & Family Friday, October 24 8:30 Barbara Kluge by Rectory Staff 12:00 For the Intentions of Jerry & Arlene Poltowicz on their Golden Wedding Anniversay Saturday, October 25 8:30 Paula Twaragowski by Tom & Kathy McCargo 4:00 Mr. Joseph Eddy by Friends Sunday, October 26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 For the Intentions of Paulie Battaglia & Christopher Sodamo 9:30 Jack Schlant by Grace Marzullo 11:30 Gerry & Bud Keane by Family 5:00 Edward St. Pierre by Catherine St. Pierre Operation Walk USA. Kenmore Mercy Hospital is seeking applicants for Operation Walk USA, a national program that will provide a needy patient, without insurance, with a free joint replacement surgery in December. It provides all aspects of treatment – surgery, hospitalization, and pre- and post-operative care – at no cost to participating patients. Interested patients should call 716-447-6102 to see if they qualify. The Sunday Connection… The Pharisees’ question put to Christ in today’s Gospel concerns this world alone. Christ’s question put to the Pharisees has an entirely heavenly and other-worldly sense. The Pharisees’ question derived from profound ignorance and perversity. Christ’s stemmed from perfect wisdom and goodness. “Whose likeness and inscription is this? Caesar’s, they reply. Then give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” To each, Christ says, must be given what belongs to him. This is a judgment full of heavenly wisdom and instruction. It teaches that authority is twofold, having an earthly and human aspect, and a heavenly and divine aspect. It teaches that we owe a twofold duty of obedience: to human laws and to the law of God. The coin bearing Caesar’s likeness and inscription must be given to Caesar, and the one stamped with the divine image and likeness must be given to God. “We bear the imprint of your glorious face, O Lord.” We are made in the “image and likeness of God.” So you, O Christian, because you are a human being, are God’s tribute money – a little coin bearing the image and likeness of the divine emperor. Therefore with Christ I ask, “whose likeness and inscription is this?” Your answer is, God’s. To which I reply, Then why not give God what belongs to him? If we really want to be God’s image, we must be like Christ, for his is the image of God’s goodness and “the perfect copy of his nature,” and God “foreordained that those he has chosen should take on a likeness to his son.” Christ undoubtedly gave Caesar what was Caesar’s and God what was God’s. He fulfilled to perfection the precepts of both tablets of the law, becoming “obedient unto death, even death on a cross,” and he was most highly endowed, both inwardly and outwardly, with every virtue. In today’s Gospel the reply, most wise and discreet, by which Christ sidestepped his enemies’ trap shows his great prudence. His teaching that each must be given what belongs to him, and also the example he gave by being willing to pay the temple tax and giving a shekel for himself and Peter, show his justice. His declaring it to be a duty to pay taxes to Caesar, openly teaching the truth without fear of the Jews who would be offended, shows his fortitude. For this is God’s way, of which Christ is the authentic teacher. Those therefore who resemble Christ in their lives, conduct, and practice of the virtues, they are the ones who truly manifest the divine image; for the way to recover this image is by being absolutely just. “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s”; that is, give each what belongs to him. Commentary by Lawrence of Brindisi (Opera omnia 8, 335. 336. 339-340. 346) Our Catholic School….. College and Career Speakers Would you be willing to spend a couple hours on one Monday afternoon to speak to our students about your career and how you prepared for it? You may be currently employed in that career or retired. Both are wonderful bases of knowledge for our students to learn from! If you can spare an hour and a half on a Monday, from 11:00-12:30 pm, I strongly encourage you to call and set up a day to come speak. My e-mail is at the bottom of this message, along with the school office phone number. This year, we have started our STREAM initiative, with the integration of science, technology, religion, engineering, art and mathematics. That simply means that we are finding ways to blend the learning experiences across subjects (much as experiences happen in real life, where different skills are needed for one task). With STREAM, students also have more fieldbased experiences, so more field trips getting to those experiences. We have speakers coming in to tell students about their careers. In STREAM class and PreEngineering (Grades 6-8), students are learning about building bridges and the different types of bridges that engineers design. They are learning about Jesus, who is our bridge to Heaven. On Mondays, students are able to attend a lunch with a professional from a career that tell them about his/her career, how they decided to enter that career, and what college preparation and practical experiences in the field got them into that career. Perhaps you can be a speaker. Walk-a-thon Coming soon, on October 23rd is our annual Walk-athon. Students walk around the block encouraged by pledge supports they have collected. This fundraiser helps us to bring good programs, such as PreEngineering, STREAM, and Suzuki Strings (Pre-K 4). Please be generous. If you would like to make a flat donation, of any amount, please drop it off in an envelope marked “Walk-a-thon, Attention: Dr. Dimitrievski”, in the school office. Computers Wanted: We are accepting used laptop and desktop computers for practice in our Writer Workshop and Theme classes. If you know of any, perhaps through an employer that is updating their computers, please let me know. Again, my e-mail and phone contact information is just below. God bless you. Love and respect, Dr. Dimitrievski [email protected] Main Office Phone: 877-0422 PARISH STEWARDSHIP TALLIES FOR OCTOBER 6-OCTOBER 12 (as indicated by the colored time & service cards collected) HOURS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE – 63 HOURS OF SERVICE TO THE PARISH – 81 HOURS SPENT IN PRAYER – 105 Have you done your part this week to make the world a better place? Do you know where the time and talent cards for stewardship are found in the church? The pink, blue and yellow cards are sitting in baskets at the church doors. Place your “hours” of prayer and service for the week in the regular Sunday collection basket and watch this space as we tally our gifts generously given to one another each week. An hour spent driving your kids to a sports practice is an hour spent in service to the community. ST. ANDREW’S CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION NEWS Contact: Kathy Seel – Email: [email protected] Face book page: “St. Andrew CYO” 1 Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. St. Andrew’s CYO OCTOBER Dates: CYO meeting Sunday, October 19, 2014 at 6 p.m. Halloween Festival: Saturday, October 25, 2014 ST. ANDREW’S CYO: All High School Students (grades 9 thru 12) are welcome to join St. Andrew’s CYO at anytime during their 4 years. We invite all to join St. Andrew’s CYO. Contact Mrs. Seel on Face book or Email is best: Email: [email protected] or Face book Page: “St. Andrew CYO” ADULTS: St. Andrew’s CYO Volunteer Committee for Adults and Young Adults. We have a great Team of volunteers, but we need you! Consider Chaperoning dances or meetings, preparing part of a dinner, or donating a dessert! Your presence is a Blessing. Email: [email protected] (Mrs. Seel) HALLOWEEN: The Annual CYO Halloween Festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 25. A time for fun, games, crafts, refreshments, entertainment and social time! Get your costumes ready! Donate a can of food or non-perishable food items! Enjoy fun and entertainment from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Admission $2.00 per person and all proceeds and donations go to St. Vincent DePaul Pantry. Festival Location: Donovan Center Building. From the desk of Carolyn Liarakos “All Are Welcome” St. Andrew’s Craft & Gift Show Congratulations to Sister Sheila Lederer, RSM on her 50year anniversary as a Sister of Mercy! Sister Sheila has been a member of the St. Andrew’s Choir for many years and is also a daily Sacristan and Eucharistic Minister! Congratulations Sister Sheila on this Golden milestone!!! November 16th, 2014 9:30AM - 4:00PM Tables Still Available: 8ft $50.00/12ft $60.00 ($5.00 early bird Discount) Last years event drew in over 600 people! Vendor’s: For an application please contact us at: [email protected] Or contact St. Andrew’s rectory @ (716)873-6716 Only a couple of rehearsals left ….. Confirmation Choir (short term commitment) rehearses on Thursday October 23, 30 at 6:30 with an extra rehearsal if necessary, Nov 4 at 7:30 in the Church. Youth/Children’s Choir Due to the change in the Religious Education classes the Children’s choir is presently rehearsing on Sunday morning 8:45-9:25 in McNulty. They sing at the Family Mass, the second Sunday of each month. (Next Nov 9). The Youth/Children’s Choir will also sing Christmas Eve at the 4:00 Mass in McNulty. Faith Contemporary Ensemble rehearses on Monday evening at 7 PM in the Church. Parish Adult Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM in the Church thru October. ***Beginning November 7 the Adult Choir will rehearse on Sunday’s at 10 AM in Rm 112 in the school. For more information please call the Music Ministries Office, 873-6716 Ex 101 Our mission: “That the music we make blesses you and inspires your call to discipleship” Wedding Anniversary Mass In June of 2014 Bishop Malone wrote to all pastors encouraging them to honor those celebrating 50, 60 or 70 years of marriage with a parish celebration. He also announced that this year we are once again having a special Diocesan ceremony, sponsored by the Office of Family Life Ministries, honoring those with 50, 60 and 70 years or more of marriage. The date for the Cathedral event will be: SUNDAY, November 16, 2014 3:00 PM Mass ST. JOSEPH’S CATHEDRAL followed by a Reception at the ADAM’S MARK HOTEL Please stop by or call the Rectory Office for registration forms. 1545 Sheridan Dr. Kenmore NY, 14217 “Choosing to be Catholic” Young Adult Hiking Retreat Saturday, November 1, 2014 8:30am-8:30pm Cost $25* Christ the King Seminary Register at: *Financial Assistance Available Day includes peer witness talks, Mass, prayer, hiking, fellowship, lunch and dinner. Retreat is for ALL young adults – those in RCIA, cradle Catholics, doubters, seekers, or faithful followers – as we explore together what it means to actively choose our faith at whatever point in the journey we are at today. Sponsored by the Department of Youth & Young Adult Ministry in partnership with Charis Ministries. St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” 1Timothy 6:18 The pantry is currently in need of: Shampoo, conditioner, Ramen (any flavor), spaghetti sauce, pudding, hand soap, canned fruit and Rice-a-Roni. HELP WANTED FOR BEREAVEMENT LUNCHES St. Andrew’s Bereavement Ministry offers a light luncheon in McNulty Hall after a funeral. We need volunteers to make hot dishes, salads and desserts. In addition, we need volunteers to set the tables, help serve and to clean up. Please consider lending a hand. Call Toni Sciog at 876-7268 so we can put YOU on one of our four teams. Ladies of Charity Christmas Bazaar Sunday, November 2 10 am–4 pm Loyola Room We will be selling ladies’ and children’s pj’s and nighties, knitted baby items, ladies and children’s aprons, pre-K aprons, winter hats, mittens, booties and scarfs, beautiful tree ornaments, jewelry, and Buffalo Bills aprons for men and children. Holy Name News October 2014 ~The monthly board meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 27, in McNulty. ~Work is underway for the Craft Show to be held on Sunday, November 16, in McNulty by the Holy Name and Home School Association. 40 DAYS For Life Join the worldwide movement to protect mothers and babies. From September 24-November 2, our parish community will join hundreds of others participating in “40 Days for Life,” a life-saving campaign made up of three components: 1) daily prayer and fasting; 2) sacrifice an hour in Peaceful Prayerful Vigil at Buffalo Women Services, 2500 Main St., Buffalo, NY; 3) community outreach September Ongoing... Mondays 6:30 - 8:30 pm NAR-Anon Tuesdays 10:00 - 11:30 am Food Pantry Wednesdays 7:00 - 9:00 pm AA Thursdays 10 am - 2 pm Ladies of Charity Thursdays 6:45-8:15 pm Prayer Shawl Bingo Tues., Thurs., Fri., 7:30 pm Sunday 7:00 pm A special collection will be held the weekend of October 25-26 for humanitarian relief and pastoral support for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. These funds will be used by Catholic Relief Services and other Catholic agencies working in partnership with the local Church to meet the most urgent humanitarian needs facing the people in Iraq, Gaza, Syria and surrounding counties where refugees have fled. Collection funds will also be used to support Church programs to aid persecuted Christians and to respond to rebuilding needs of Catholic dioceses in the impacted areas. From Death to New Life Please pray for the repose of the soul of Barbara Kluge. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE MARRIAGE BANNS Thomas Shiah and Melissa Bungo World Mission Sunday Every year, something special happens on the next-to-last Sunday of October – the world unites. On World Mission Sunday, Catholics of the world unite at Mass to recommit ourselves to our vocation, through Baptism, to be missionaries. As we pray and respond on world Mission Sunday here at home, we are replicating what is also taking place in every parish and chapel all over the world. Our brothers and sisters in the Missions themselves offer their prayers and sacrifices so that others may come to know Jesus! Please be as generous as you are able this weekend, October 19, to the World Mission Sunday collection using the envelopes available in the church. Parishioners who subscribe to the parish CPL program, your donation is automatically made for you. God bless you for your charity! On Wednesday, October 29 at 7:00pm, we will have a special Mass to remember our loved ones whose funeral was celebrated since September 1, 2013. If you have a family member or friend who died, whether or not he/she was buried from St. Andrew’s, we would like to remember them. Please fill out the form below so that we may add his/her name to our memory board and to the list called out at the Mass. If you wish, bring an 8X10 or smaller framed photo of your loved one to be placed on a table in front of the altar during the Mass. (Please be sure to take it back home with you!) Leave the form below in the collection basket or at the rectory, or call Michelle at 725-6860. Remembering the loss of loved ones from September, 2013 to October, 2014. Name of deceased: ____________________________ Your name:_______________________________________ Number of family and friends attending: ______ Kenmore Housing Authority C. Mertz and Son Funeral Home, Inc. James K. Mertz, Director 911 Englewood Avenue Patricia Mertz, Director 836-2935 Northtowns Medical Group Edward Stehlik, MD, FACP Donald Gullickson, II, DO Brie Leaird, P.A. • Deborah Wydysh, NP-C 1783 Colvin Blvd. 874-2150 Senior Citizen Housing 657 Colvin Blvd. 874-6000 EVERYONE DESERVES A BEAUTIFUL SMILE WEGMAN MOTOR WORKS INC. “SINCE 1934” DISCOVER THE POSSIBILITIES! Outdoor Power Equipment Parts • Sales • Service RAYMOND ODE (716) 876-1330 1500 Kenmore Ave. 875-2321 2575 ELMWOOD AVE. KENMORE, NY ~Free Consultations~ HANLEY ORTHODONTICS PAULA’S DONUTS CALL TODAY 871-1614 Baked Fresh Daily Open 7 Days - 4am-10pm FREE DELIVERY 2446 Elmwood Avenue 862-4246 2319 Sheridan Dr., Tonowanda 959 Kenmore Avenue 873-1444 Deli & Cafe Consider Remembering PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP Your Parish in Your Will. 3024 Delaware Avenue • Kenmore, NY 14217 877-6829 Homemade Soups • Catering Eat-In • Take-Out For further information, please call the Parish Office. Monday-Saturday 11:00AM to 8:00PM Manicure • Pedicure Acrylic • Overlay • Solar Nails Shellac Gel • Pink & White 2321 Sheridan Dr. (716) 875-1888 Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM Closed Sunday Appts. & Walk Ins Welcome ........ ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 4611 Genesee St. Cheektowaga, New York 14225 *First Three Months (across from Buffalo-Niagara Airport) Open 7:00 am til Midnight Garage Doors • Service & Repair 232 Sawyer Ave. • Tonawanda 895-9245 Free Estimates Certified Public Accountant Roofing • Siding • Trim Replacement Windows Gutters • Doors SERVICING: SCHOOLS, DELI’S, LITTLE LEAGUES Accounting • Auditing • CANDY • GROCERIES • SNACKS • DRINKS, ETC. Income Tax Services 3780-3790 HARLEM RD. • Cheektowaga New Clients Welcome DEREK DERIGO, VICE PRESIDENT • PARISHIONER 2690 Sheridan Dr. 835-5733 (716) 834-7578 873-5650 Parishioner 185 Delaware St. Tonawanda NY 14150 (800) 736-3357 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Weddings Birthday Get Well Anniversary Gift Baskets Sympathy Plants North Buffalo’s Largest Auto Resale Center Mike Gjorgievski General Manager DAVID SEROTA (716) 983-1768 Funeral Breakfasts First Communions Big Groups Welcomed Edward F. Hacherl IRWIN ROOFING Residential • Commercial Jim Irwin 839-4022 • 839-2978 D. LAWRENCE GINNANE FUNERAL HOME 3215 Delaware Ave., Kenmore, N.Y. 873-4774 Thoughtful, Personalized Service Since 1977. Complete Funeral, Cremation & Preneed Arrangements. Experienced Full Service No Appointment Necessary! 2677 Delaware Ave., Kenmore (716) 877-1500 | Cell (716) 870-5647 CARISSA GRISANTI FIVE STAR ROOFING (716) 602-3650 & LAWN MAINTENANCE SERVICE North Town Real Estate Specialists! ROOFING | SIDING | SNOWPLOWING WEEKLY LAWN CARE | LANDSCAPE DESIGNS CUSTOM TRIM | SEASONAL CLEAN-UPS CALL MIKE CIPOLLA & MIKE LUTZ ( PA R I S H I O N E R S S T. A N D R E W S ) ◆ A Diocesan Cemetery ◆ Don’t leave this decision to your loved ones. 4000 Elmwood Ave., Kenmore 028575 St Andrew Church 716.828.6279 LOCALLY SENIOR OWNED, CITIZEN 873-6500 LICENSED DISCOUNT & INSURED AVAILABLE For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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