O c t o b e r 2 0 1 4! F L I G H TL I N ES T e N C O! N! T ! E N! T! S x e i n s w F s Fall Happenings, 1 Club Picnic, 2 September Speaker: Pat Cannon, 3 Fleet information, 4 Regional Events, 5 l l y i e n g t C t l u e b r Fuel Prices, 6 Club Meetings, 7 TFC Instructors, 8 TFC Board Updates, 9 FALL HAPPENINGS Oct 16, 2014 Welcome to Fall, we hope you enjoyed the club picnic. If you missed it we have some pictures of everyone telling their tall tales. We have quite a few aviation events coming up in the next month so take a look and go check them out. Last month Pat Cannon spoke at our club meeting. He gave a great presentation on “the error chain”. Coming up in November we are going to try something new. We plan to go to the Vintage Flying Museum at Meacham Airport in Fort Worth. We would like to make it a fly-out/ drive-out event so we will be sending a few reminders and sign-up notices. If you are interested in driving or flying out there and you have or want some seats in a vehicle, send your information to Charles Galles and we will work on coordinating and matching drivers/pilots/passengers. The Vintage Flying museum event will be on November 8 and Fort Worth Meacham field is already planning a celebration to honor veterans. They will have speakers, a live band, free burgers, and discounted 100LL fuel! It would be really great to get a big turnout from the TFC to show up and join the fun. We will send out more details as they become available. You can also check out the facebook event page for Meacham Airport https://www.facebook.com/ events/337399879761211/ Enjoy! Questions? - contact Charles Galles [email protected] Flightlines •• Texins Flying Club Newsletter •• Page 1 O c t o b e r 2 0 1 4! F L I G H TL I N ES CLUB PICNIC by Charles Galles It was a dark and stormy night. The rain swept the tarmac in torrents ... But that’s okay we weren’t going to let a little KTKI 111353Z 34011KT 6SM BR BKN006 OVC010 14/13 A3008 RMK AO2 SLP184 T01390128 ruin our picnic. Indeed we had a pretty good turnout as folks from around the airport chose to stay local rather than fly out to other events. Quite a few friends from the EAA Chapter 1246 stopped by to enjoy our hospitality. We even had one pilot fly-out and back in again on IFR. Low ceilings - not a problem In fact it finally felt almost like Fall for a day or two. The ceiling was so low that at times it seemed as though the hangars were holding the clouds off the ground. Robert and Barb did a great job with the grill. Perhaps as a testimony to the cooking we had one pilot who had stopped in at McKinney to pickup or drop-off a passenger. He was very glad to see us out there grilling hamburgers and he grabbed a couple. After a few minutes he took off in a jet to head back to Denton. I suspect that burger was a little more than $100. Sheltering from the wind Everyone’s best friend Flightlines •• Texins Flying Club Newsletter •• Page 2 A u g u s t 2 0 1 4! F L I G H TL I N ES SEPTEMBER GUEST SPEAKER - PAT CANNON by Charles Galles We were fortunate to have Pat Cannon come speak to us at our September meeting. Pat is an aviation safety evangelist. He frequently speaks at major aviation venues and was instrumental in investigating accidents and developing a safety training program for the Mitsubishi MU-2 turboprop. During his presentation, he asked how we can prevent accidents. In all cases it came down to people following rules and practicing established procedures. Even in cases of mechanical failure, there is generally an opportunity to minimize the risk by maintaining the aircraft to a higher standard. And even when an accident or an incident becomes unavoidable there is always the opportunity to not make things worse by executing properly trained emergency operations. Pat posed the question “if it’s so easy to do it right, why would anyone do it wrong?” In a recent case of an MU-2 fatality, the pilot had just completed ground school and emergency procedure training for the plane. In fact he had just completed training that very day and then planned a flight back home. His first solo flight in the aircraft. The “If it’s so easy to do it right ... plane crashed a few miles short of his destination runway after why would anyone do it wrong”? losing an engine and losing control of the plane. The NTSB investigation discovered that the training school was using their own version of an MU-2 checklist and this checklist was found in the wreckage. The official MU-2 checklist had been examined and tested and certified and the MU-2 is one of the only GA aircraft with an FAA mandated standard checklist. The modified checklist in fact had a few deviations that significantly increased the likelihood of disrupting fuel flow to an engine during the landing sequence. So what caused the accident? The checklist? Inexperience with the plane? Fatigue? Pat cited a study of accident reports in which accidents were evaluated against a set of error chain factors. The study indicated that out of 11 factors contributing to accidents, no accident had fewer than 4 factors, and the average was 7 factors. In other words, in every case there were at least 4 chances to break the error chain and prevent the accident. So what factors should you be on the lookout for? One item that may be on the rise is the use of electronic devices in the cockpit. If you have not tried using the GPS or iPad applications on the ground, you probably don’t want to be learning or depending on them in the air. Error Chain - Contributing Factors * Failure to meet targets: time / weight / weather * Use of undocumented procedures * Departing from SOP * Violating Minimums/Limits * Nobody flying the aircraft * Nobody looking outside * Incomplete Communications - with ATC or passengers Pat is passionate about safety and gave a great * Preoccupation/Distraction presentation. If you ever have a chance to hear him speak you owe it to yourself to go listen. * Complacency Thanks, Pat for coming out to visit us and we hope to have you back again soon. * Attitude Flightlines •• Texins Flying Club Newsletter •• Page 3 A u g u s t 2 0 1 4! F L I G H TL I N ES Sep13 Oct13 Nov13 Dec13 Jan14 Feb14 Mar14 Apr14 May14 Jun14 Jul14 Aug14 Sep14 TFC FLEET MAINTENANCE 99.8 105.9 70.1 81.8 112.4 63.8 80.3 87.3 118.8 107.3 N6368K on-line. N733NB off-line for cracked spinner back 9/16/14 Nose wheel torque link kit installed and plate. A new one is on order.. nose tire replaced to fix shimmy problem. 9/03/14 Pilot head set jacks adjusted for 9/23/14 Control lock broken. A new one is on clearance. order. 9/20/14 Pitot static checks completed. 9/26/14 50 hour oil change. 9/26/14 beacon serviced. 9/30/14 brake assembly adjusted. 172.0 177.6 132.0 0 66.7 . 133.3 200.0 N6368K N7929U N737TY N733NB N7508J N7929U on-line. N7508J needs stall warning, clock and trim 9/15/14 Pitot static check completed. An clutch repair. instrument vacuum filter is on order. 9/23/14 Nose wheel damper serviced and nose wheel strut torque link shimmed. 9/28/14 Right brake pad replaced and fluid added. Sep 2014 N737TY On-line 6.9 9/21/14 Garmin 430 removed and returned to 28.2 factory for display problems. Now back in 39.1 aircraft. 33.3 24.5 TFC FLEET HOURS 2013 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TTM TOTAL 1324.9 112.4 63.8 80.3 87.3 118.8 107.3 172.0 177.6 132.0 105.9 70.1 81.8 1309.3 N6368K 306.6 8.3 0.0 15.6 11.4 26.1 19.2 27.8 33.7 28.2 12.7 16.1 1.2 200.3 N7929U 340.6 14.7 14.9 16.2 23.6 21.2 26.2 47.2 34.9 33.3 24.2 6.0 9.6 272.0 N737TY 150.7 47.8 5.3 25.2 30.1 21.0 39.9 51.5 61.4 24.5 23.5 25.6 33.7 389.5 N733NB 404.1 26.0 26.1 18.6 14.6 20.6 18.1 33.8 39.2 39.1 39.4 20.8 26.5 322.8 N7508J 122.9 15.6 17.5 4.7 7.6 29.9 3.9 11.7 8.4 6.9 6.1 1.6 10.8 124.7 Flightlines •• Texins Flying Club Newsletter •• Page 4 A u g u s t 2 0 1 4! F L I G H TL I N ES REGIONAL AVIATION EVENTS 10/18 - EAA Chapter 1246, Chili Cookoff (KTKI) 11/08 - Meacham Airport Fly-in (KTKI) Bring a desert and whatever you might need to cool your mouth off. It’s time for the EAA Chapter 1246 chili cookoff. Join us for our biggest event of the year! Bring your appetite and antacids. The cookoff will be held in large FBO hangar at the airport. Serving will begin at 11:00 am. Join us Saturday November 8 at Meacham Airport for our fly-in BBQ. We will be honoring our Veterans with static military aircraft displays, a live big band, and speakers. There will be prize giveaways for those flying in. Free hamburgers, hot dogs, and refreshments will be provided. Our host FBO, American Aero, will be discounting 100LL fuel for the event. Contact: T' Marbach, 214-549-9563, [email protected] 10/17-10/19 - Cedar Mills Fly-in/Splash-in, Gordonville, TX (3T0) https://www.facebook.com/events/337399879761211/ Join us at Cedar Mills on beautiful Lake Texoma for North Texas most informative and fun safety seminar and fly-in. Forums presented by the FAA and aviation representatives. Registration begins Friday Oct 17th at 3 pm, Seminars Start Saturday at 9 am to 4 pm and Pilots Octoberfest Dinner at 6 pm. Aviation guest speaker and grand prize at pilots dinner. Every seminar qualifies for WING credit and Door Prizes. http://www.cedarmills.com 10/25 - OU Westheimer Family Festival and Open House, Norman, OK (KOUN) Our 9th year! Free admission - Free parking! Fun for young and old! Sooner Flight Academy hands on kids hangar - a huge treat every year! All sorts of General Aviation Aircraft and OU Department of Aviation Flying Sooners Aircraft on static display and go in cockpits of OU aircraft. Civil Air Patrol information RC flying demos galore! City and Country Emergency vehicles OU Sooner Schooner and Boomer and Sooner Come out and see America's and Oklahoma's General Aviation and Collegiate Aviation at it's best! http://www.ou.edu/content/airport/events.html 10/25-10/26 - Alliance Airshow, Fort Worth, TX (KAFW) Acrobatic performers, parachute teams, static displays, and the return of the Thunderbirds. Admission is free, parking fee per car. 11/01 - EAA Chapter 1246 1st Saturday Coffee and Donuts (KTKI) Collin County Regional at McKinney (TKI) Let's get together for some fellowship and fun. We're having Free Coffee and Donuts for everyone on the first Saturday of every month at Chuck Roberts Hangar #2520 in the McKinney Hangars Owners Association area (MOA). Let's gather at 9:00 am. You don't have to be a member to attend, so we'll see you there!! Contact: T' Marbach, 214-549-9563, [email protected] Flightlines •• Texins Flying Club Newsletter •• Page 5 A u g u s t 2 0 1 4! F L I G H TL I N ES $7.50 $6.92 McKinney Air Center. Fuel Price Trends. $6.33 $6.69 $6.04 $5.75 $5.17 $5.39 $5.15 $5.12 $5.56 $5.75 $5.57 $5.61 $5.61 $5.61 $5.38 $5.27 $4.89 $4.58 $4.00 Se p1 3 t1 Oc 3 No v1 3 De c1 3 Ja n1 4 4 b1 Fe TFC AIRCRAFT RENTAL R AT E S TAIL NUMBER MAKE/MODEL Ma r14 Ap r14 Ma y1 4 Ju n1 4 Ju l14 Au g1 4 Se p1 4 t1 Oc Comparative Fuel Prices from Around DFW. Information current as of 09/09/2014 HOURLY RATE ADS $7.89 TKI $5.55 SWI $4.55 $132.30 GYI $4.60 $166.19 CPT $4.76 GVT $4.96 GLE $4.70 HQZ $4.80 LNC $4.80 DTO $5.21 N6268K Cessna 150M Commuter $104.53 N7929U Cessna 150M Commuter $104.53 N737TY Cessna 172N Skyhawk $132.30 N733NB Cessna 172N/180 Superhawk N7508J Piper PA28R/180 Arrow rates effective 10/01/2014 - 10/31/2014 Texins Flying Club rates are based on a “wet tach hour”, meaning fuel and oil costs are included and you pay for engine usage and not wall clock time. Our fuel prices at McKinney Airport are $5.38/gallon. The average 100LL price in our 6state region is $5.88/gallon. Check 100LL.com and/or AirNAV.com for current fuel prices when planning your next cross-country flight. Flightlines •• Texins Flying Club Newsletter •• Page 6 4 A u g u s t 2 0 1 4! F L I G H TL I N ES November 8 - Special Club outing to Vintage Flying Museum at Meacham Airport in Fort Worth In place of our normal club meeting we will be visiting the Vintage Flying Museum. After a short business meeting we will tour the museum and see the great collection of warbirds on the field there. Cost of admission is $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for seniors and teens, and $3.00 for children. We would like to help coordinate carpools or fly-in rides to the meetup. If you are interested in driving or flying, or if you are looking for a ride out there, let Charles Galles ([email protected]) know how many people you Monthly Board Meetings All members are welcome to attend our can take or how many seats you need. If you can also let us know your location we can try to match drivers up with riders in your area. board meetings held on the Wednesday prior to each monthly membership meeting. Our board meetings are held from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the following location: McKinney Air Center Vintage Flying Museum 505 NW 38th Street Hangar 33 South Fort Worth, TX 76106 1500 Industrial Blvd #100 McKinney, TX 75069 Contact a board member with any questions regarding our meetings. Milestones 9/8 Jeff Thomas - PPSEL, instructor Mike Baulch 9/5 Jimmy Jose - CFII, instructor Dinu Catona Flightlines •• Texins Flying Club Newsletter •• Page 7 A u g u s t 2 0 1 4! F L I G H TL I N ES Texins Flying Club Certified Flight Instructors Name Richard Klein Gender Male Ratings PHONE CFI, CFII, MEI, CONV 972-424-2307 (Chief Instructor) Availability 7 days per week. 214-704-2054 Mike Baulch Male CFI, CFII, MEI, CONV, SES 972-843-2208 Dinu Catona Male CFI, CFII, MEI 469-795-1117 619-925-1118 Calvin Coffey Male CFI, CFII, MEI, CONV, SES, ATP 972-547-6711 weekends, some weeknights Hank Eilts Male CFI, CFII, CONV 214-480-3581 7 days per week. Rich Graham Male CFI, ATP, MEI, CFII 972-491-0011 7 days per week. Art Jones Male CFI, CFII, MEI, CONV 972-346-2646 Bob Niedwiecki Male CFI, CFII, MEI, ATP 214-697-5266 Sherman Ratliff Male CFI, CFII 214-801-6351 weekends, some weeknights Aniseh Shapiro Female CFI, CFII, MEI 972-965-7999 7 days per week. Dick Stephens Male CFI, CFII, CONV 972-517-1647 7 days per week, except Sunday 972-342-0018 mornings. Gerhard Deffner Male CFI, CFII, MEI, CONV, SES, ATP 972-814-3746 7 days per week. Tom Guyton Male CFI, CFII, MEI, SES, ATP 214-566-1765 7 days per week. Larry Eckhardt Male CFI, CFII, MEI, ATP, Glider C 214-315-6360 H 972-727-5128 CFI: Certified Flight Instructor CFII: Certified Flight Instructor for Instrument Rating MEI: Multi-Engine Rating Instructor CONV: Conventional Gear Endorsement SES: Seaplane Rating Instructor ATP: Airline Transport Pilot Flightlines •• Texins Flying Club Newsletter •• Page 8 A u g u s t 2 0 1 4! F L I G H TL I N ES Texins Flying Club Board Meeting Updates Website changes agreed to begin looking for replacement G530. Still working on options for 08J trim motor. Replacing the motor and trim indicator will require off-site repair and Safety Officer downtime. Discussion on quotes for Ground school deferred to Spring, only painting the Arrow. Board wants to 4 people showed up. Discussion about minimize downtime so we are looking at nose wheel shimmy reports on 150’s and shops that can do the work in a timely possible issues with landing techniques. manner. 68K replacing fuel tank was $2500, will try to fix old tank and resell it. Operations Report need to update TI board list 3NB had instrument check and X-Country Maintenance Report replaced master switch. 7TY G430 has Planes were washed. possible cooling problem /bad display. This is a common issue with the 430, the board Treasurer Small claims proceeding. We have received favorable judgements in 3 cases. An additional case is paying balance. Retained lawyer services to respond to one case. Membership report 4 new members in Oct. Fall picnic and Vintage Flying Museum for Nov meeting. Trainer maintenance/GPS updates GPS updates completed Texins Flying Club Board of Directors POSITION OFFICER PHONE E-Mail President Calvin Coffey 972-547-6711 [email protected] Vice-President of Operations Fred Carvajal 972-562-2128 [email protected] Vice-President of Membership Robert McLeod 972-424-0820 [email protected] Chief Instructor Richard Klein 972-424-2307 [email protected] Treasurer Curtis Conrad 972-998-9898 [email protected] Comptroller Anton Quiroz 972-495-5850 [email protected] Communications Charles Galles 469-222-8203 [email protected] Safety Dick Stephens 972-270-1769 [email protected] X-Country Maintenance Brad Asprion 817-692-7037 [email protected] Trainer Maintenance James Ballard 972-271-9728 [email protected] TEXINS FLYING CLUB Our purpose, as stated in our PO BOX 831311 Constitution is “... to encourage interest Richardson, TX 75083-1311 in aviation, to advance the knowledge of the members in aeronautical and navigational subjects, and to bring to The TEXINS Flying Club is a subsidiary more people the social benefits and organization of the Dallas TEXINS pleasure of flying.” Association, a non-profit organization. http://www.texinsflyingclub.org Flightlines •• Texins Flying Club Newsletter •• Page 9
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