Roger Houck City Manager Scott Burton Mayor Gail Cook Finance Director City Council E. Curtis Perez Codes Enforcement Officer Larry Gann Rob Herrell Charlie Lyons Jim McBride Jerry H. Shattuck E.T. Stamey September 29, 2014 Ms. Mary E. Murphy Anderson County Commission Office Anderson County Courthouse 100 North Main Street Clinton, TN 37716 RE: Anderson County Library Board Dear Ms. Murphy: This is to advise you that John Selser has been appointed to fill the "Clinton" vacancy on the Anderson County Library Board. This appointment was made by Mayor Scott Burton, with the approval of the Clinton City Council, meeting in regular session on Monday, September 22, 2014. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please let me know. CC: Scott Burton, Mayor Roger Houck, City Manager Gina Ridenour, City Recorder WRR/ AC Library Board - 092914 City Hall • 100 N. Bowling Street • Clinton, TN 37716 • Phone (865) 457-0424 •Fax (865) 457-4651 Office of the Director of Schools 101 South Main Street, Suite 501 Clinton, Tennessee 37716 Office: (865) 463-2800, x 2801 Fax: (865) 457-9157 Larry M. Foster, Director MEMORANDUM TO: County Commission Members Mrs. Terry Frank, County Mayor Ms. Connie Cook-Aytes, Interim Finance Director FROM: Larry M. Foster, Director of Schools DATE: October 15, 2014 RE: Report to County Commission Listed below are informational items that may be of interest to you. The September 2014 board minutes are attached for review. FALL BREAK Students were on fall break October 13 – 17, 2014. Many of our central office staff took advantage of vacation time as well. Staff and students have been working extremely diligently these past few weeks. We have completed our first nine weeks of school and grade cards will go out on October 24, 2014. ENROLLMENT I reported to you in August about our enrollment. Our staff has worked on our first 20day attendance report and the following data exists: 1st 20-Day Period 2014-2015 2013-2014 ADA 6227.87 6258 ∆ <31> ADM 6437.34 6472 ∆ <35> As you can see, we are still lagging in enrollment and average daily attendance compared to this time last year. These numbers are important to us due to our share of local tax revenue from sales tax and property tax. Please see our second 20-day report below: ACT SCORES In September I reported on our ACT scores and how we are moving in the right direction. Clinton High School Principal Eric Snider has been invited by Deputy Commissioner Kathleen N. Airhart, Ed.D, to a special session at the LEAD conference on October 29, 2014 from 8:30 – 11:00 AM. He was invited because Clinton High School had success in making significant improvement in student ACT scores in recent years. They want him to share his experience to help shape the state’s planning and resource development for the future. The measure for College and Career Readiness is the ACT exam. For your information, 100 percent of our students (juniors) take the ACT exam each year. To be College and Career Ready, students must score the following: ACT Anderson County State Math 22 19.0 19.2 Science 23 19.5 19.6 English 18 18.9 19.6 Reading 22 19.5 20.1 Preliminary scores from last year’s juniors indicate we are moving in the right direction and scores are at an all-time high. We should receive final scores for the class of 2015 in early November. BOARD CHAIR ELECTED The board of education re-elected Dr. John Burrell as chairman for the 2014-2015 school year. Jo Williams was elected vice-chairman. SUPERVISOR OF THE YEAR Congratulations to Dr. Tim Parrott who was selected by his peers as the Supervisor of the Year for the East Tennessee area. Dr. Parrott was interviewed by a panel of judges on Thursday, September 25, for the state Supervisor of the Year award. The winner will be announced on October 28 at the LEAD Conference. We are proud of Dr. Parrott’s accomplishments and proud that he is working for educational excellence! TSBA FALL DISTRICT MEETING Our board of education recently attended the Tennessee School Board Association (TSBA) Fall District Meeting at Newport Grammar School. An update was given on anticipated bills that will come to the General Assembly in 2015. The board will participate in TSBA’s Leadership Conference in Nashville November 14 – 17, 2014. The conference is designed to apprise board members of educational issues and updates from the State Department of Education and gain best practices in education from other school districts. FARM DAY Anderson County Schools’ third graders participated in “Ag in the Classroom” and “Farm Day” on Thursday, September 17. Students were given lessons in the classroom and they then culminate the lesson with a field trip to the Ed Underwood & Pete McRae Pavilion at the fairgrounds. This activity is sponsored by the Anderson County Farm Bureau and is led by Patsye Thurman, an Anderson County Schools employee. There are many organizations and sponsors that make this event happen each year. It is a meaningful event that is of educational value. Below are just a few of the action shots taken of our students participating in “Farm Day.” GRAND OAKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BALL FIELD Grand Oaks Elementary School recently named their baseball field/ playground after a former student, Mikey Carter, who is now a student at Norwood Middle School. Mikey is dying of cancer. He was diagnosed this past April and is now being cared for by hospice. The staff wanted to do something in his honor and this was their suggestion. It was a very moving program and Mikey was able to join the ceremony via Skype. According to Grand Oaks teachers he was a likable student who befriended all who came his way and played hard, always ending up on the ball field at playtime. SCHOOL FLU CLINICS The 2014 School Flu Clinics are complete with very successful results. The system vaccinated 1180 students and 387 staff members for a total of 1567. Working with local pharmacies, 1160 of those vaccinated were covered by insurance saving the district approximately $15,000. NET ZERO CLASSROOM The Net-Zero classroom (see photo below) opened in April 2013 with two goals in mind: 1) producing net-zero energy; and 2) creating our STEM project. Both goals have been achieved. Jim Woodward has reviewed the last 12 months of utility bills from July 11, 2013 through July 11, 2014, and the total net energy savings amounted to a net credit of $14,685.69. This is actual payment offset from the grid equaling a generation of 4,407 Kilowatt Hours over and above usage. DUTCH VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The flashing lights have been installed and are functioning at Dutch Valley Elementary School. Three lights were installed on Dutch Valley Road and one on old Dutch Valley Road. The energy savings projects are still in progress at Dutch Valley Elementary School. The building is getting a facelift with brick veneer installed on the front replacing the old pannels. Also, the ceiling has been lowered to improve the acoustics, and the windows have been replaced in the old part of the building with new windows that feature enclosed blinds. Princpal Coleman has stated the rennovation has made a great difference with teachers and students. 9/18/2014 Minutes of Anderson County Board of Education Regular Meeting Page No. 6 ANDERSON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 101 S. Main Street Clinton, TN 37716 September 18, 2014 6:30 PM Members Don Bell John Burrell, Chairman Dail Cantrell Scott Gillenwaters Glenda Langenberg Teresa Portwood Rickey Rose Jo Williams Larry M. Foster, Director Present √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Absent Others in Attendance Gail Martin, Jim Woodward, Jennifer Coleman, Greg Deal, Kelvin McCollum, Theresa Scott, Beth Roeder, Margaret Burrell, Sue Voskamp, Anna Hurt, Tim Parrott, Lynn Ward, Terri Ferry, Rachel Minardo, Andy McKamey, Clay McKamey, Shawna Cox, Kelly Myers, Shelby Haun, Ted Fletcher I. II. CALL TO ORDER Dr. Burrell, chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM as a regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education. Teresa Portwood led the pledge of allegiance. ELECTION OF BOARD OFFICERS Dr. Burrell turned the meeting over to Mr. Foster, Director of Schools, who opened the floor for nomination of board chairman. Dail Cantrell nominated Dr. John Burrell, seconded by Scott Gillenwaters. A motion to cease nominations was made by Scott Gillenwaters and seconded by Dail Cantrell. Dr. Burrell was elected by unanimous vote. III. Rickey Rose nominated Jo Williams for board vice-chairman, seconded by Glenda Langenberg. A motion to cease nominations was made by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Scott Gillenwaters. Mrs. Williams was elected by unanimous vote. IV. RECOGNITION OF GUESTS A. New student board member Jake Wade was introduced. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD None. VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 9/18/2014 Minutes of Anderson County Board of Education Regular Meeting Page No. 7 Motion by Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Scott Gillenwaters to approve the agenda. Motion carried. VII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of Regular Meeting – August 14, 2014 B. HR Staffing Report C. Field Trips EXECUTIVE APPROVAL (for information only) None. Motion by Scott Gillenwaters and seconded by Glenda Langenberg to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried. VIII. COMMENTS FROM THE CHAIR A. Fall District Meeting – September 23, 2014 – Newport City Schools. A carpool is leaving at 2:30 PM from the parking lot adjacent to central office. B. TSBA Annual Conference – November 14 – 17, 2014 IX. DIRECTOR’S REPORT A. Something Good – Principal Chris Goodwyne reported on Clinton Middle School’s gym dedication held in early September. He said a great by-product of changes made to the gym was $10,000 in funds going to their library and auditorium. The library is going digital and they’re very excited. A new sound system and curtains were added to the auditorium. Mr. Goodwyne issued an open invitation for all to see what’s going on at Clinton Middle School. B. Dr. Tim Parrott provided information on ACT scores. C. Andersonville Elementary School is the initial Golden Broom Award winner for the 2014-2015 school year. D. Mr. Foster encouraged board members and others in attendance to view the photos on the screen in the lobby area showing school participation in the Employee Appreciation Program for Bus Drivers in September. Custodians will be recognized in October. X. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Scott Gillenwaters presented the Budget Committee report. A brief summary of the 2013-2014 rollover and 2015-2016 budget and goals was provided. A cost 9/18/2014 Minutes of Anderson County Board of Education Regular Meeting Page No. 8 breakdown of the name change for Lake City Elementary and Middle Schools was provided as well to committee members 1. Financial Report B. Jo Williams presented the Policy Committee report. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Rickey Rose to approve Head Start policies Fiscal Plan; Health, Nutrition, PDM Plan and Transportation Plan on first reading and refer to the full board of education for approval. Motion carried. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Scott Gillenwaters to approve policy 6.4001 Student Survey, Analyses and Evaluations on second reading and refer to the full board of education for approval. Motion carried. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Rickey Rose to delete policy 5.111 Utilization of Career Level Educators as suggested by TSBA and refer to the full board of education for approval. Motion carried. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Glenda Langenberg to approve policy 5.112 Extended Contracts on first reading and refer to the full board of education for approval. Motion carried. XI. STUDENT SERVICES A. The Discipline Report and annual Summary was presented and approved. XII. ACTION ITEMS A. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Scott Gillenwaters to approve the following policies on second reading: 3.500 Food Service Management, 4.400 Instructional Materials, 4.401 Textbooks, 4.700 Testing, 4.802 Student Equal Access, 4.803 Recognition of Religious Beliefs, Customs and Holidays,5.700 Interim Employees, and 6.312 Use of Personal Communication Devices and Electronic Devices. Motion carried. B. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Rickey Rose to approve the annual agenda as presented. Motion carried. C. Motion by Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Don Bell to approve special courses Work-Based Learning: Career Practicum and Jobs for Tennessee Graduates as presented by Dr. Tim Parrott. Motion carried. D. Motion by Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Rickey Rose to approve a new Preschool/ Headstart position – Afterschool Monitor as presented. Motion carried. E. Motion by Rickey Rose and seconded by Jo Williams to approve an abbreviated Head Start/ Pre-K schedule as presented at Dutch Valley Elementary for three days. Motion carried. F. Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Glenda Langenberg to approve an additional teacher as requested. Motion carried. 9/18/2014 Minutes of Anderson County Board of Education Regular Meeting Page No. 9 XIII. Financial Report APPROPRIATIONS A. Motion by Scott Gillenwaters and seconded by Rickey Rose to approve appropriations 1 a-d. Motion carried. Roll Call Vote Don Bell John Burrell Dail Cantrell Scott Gillenwaters Glenda Langenberg Teresa Portwood Rickey Rose Jo Williams Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea B. Motion by Scott Gillenwaters and seconded by Don Bell to approve appropriation 1e. Motion carried. Roll Call Vote Don Bell John Burrell Dail Cantrell Scott Gillenwaters Glenda Langenberg Teresa Portwood Rickey Rose Jo Williams Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea 9/18/2014 Minutes of Anderson County Board of Education Regular Meeting 10 Page No. TRANSFERS A. Motion by Scott Gillenwaters and seconded by Rickey Rose to approve transfers 2 a-c. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:10 PM. Respectfully submitted by Pam Crawford, recording secretary. ______________________________ Dr. Burrell, Chairman _______________________________ Larry M. Foster, Director of Schools lndustrial Development Board of the City of Oak Ridge Summary of Annual PILOT lncentive Reports Tax Year 2013 (January 1 through December 31, 2013) 7 PILOT lncentive Reports were received by the IDB in compliance with the City of Oak Ridge Property Tax Program Policies and Procedures. One was not in compliance; USEC, notice was sent to Bankruptcy Attorney. Gapital Expenditures Total # of Jobs and Salaries Bristol Park Apartments (Nickel Plate) N/A Gentennial Village Apartments LLC KissmaU Staybridge Suites Company Omega Consultants / Heritage LLC Pro25erve USEC OR Centre (National Fitness Genter) Total# of Employees Living in OR/AC and Salaries Miscellaneous N/A N/A 208 Units with Occupancy Rate of 90% N/A N/A N/A 252 Units with Occupancy Rate of 82% N/A NiA N/A 70% Occupancy Rate for 2013 71 12 $5,202,670 $532,674 340 $26,086,196 27 N/A $60,299 $2,524,852 $147,731spent with local suppliers/contracts $627,901 spent with local suppliers/ contracts Company is currently is in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Non Compliance Notification was sent to the bankruptcy attorney. Total Sq. Ft.=64,602, Total Leased=S8,130 (90%) Tenants/Sq. Ft: NFC/46,000; Gondolier/4,000; Bravo Wirelessi 880; Mattress OutleU1,500; Edward Jones/1,250; Sth Avenue Nails/1,500; Results Physical Therapy/1,500; Chop Stix 1,500 This summary report fulfills the requirement stated in Section V Post-Closinq Monitoring of the City of Oak Ridge Property Tqx Program Policies and Procedures. David Wilson Chairman, lndustrial Development Board September 29,2014 STATE OF TENNESSEE COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY SUITE OFFICE OF STATf, AND LOCAL FINANCE 1600 JAMES K. POLK STATE OFFICE BUILDING 505 DEADERICK STREET NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37243-1402 PHONE (6tsl40t-7872 FAX (615) 741-s986 -t.fnYr'P 'nnirr.on Mayor CountY September 17,2014 The Honorable Terry Frank, Mayor Anderson County 100 North Main Street, Suite 208 Clinton, TN 37716 Dear Mayor Frank: This Office received a request on September 15,2014, from Anderson County (the "County") for approval to issue one-year capital outlay notes in an amount not to exceed $400,000 to be known as the $400,000 OneYear High School CapitalOutlay Notes, Series 2014 (the 'oNotes"). This Office received a copy of Resolution No. 14-08506 adopted on August 18, 2014, authorizing the issuance of Notes to finance school capital projects that relate to the grades 7 through 12 and consisting of purchases of capital equipment, building renovations and other projects (the "Project"). The County indicated in its resolution that the Notes will be sold at either a competitive public or private negotiated sale and will mature not later than June 30,2015. The proposed note form was not included with the County's request. Please note that the enclosed note form is the proper legal instrument to execute these notes. This form needs to be attached to all future capital outlay note resolutions for review by the County Commission at the time of adoption. Please send a copy of the executed note to us along with the completed Report on Debt Obligation (Form CT-0253). The County provided a copy of its debt management policy, and within forty-five days of issuance of the debt approved in this letter, is required to submit a Report on Debt Obligation that indicates that this debt complies with its debt policy. If the County amends its policy, please submit the amended policy to this office. Note Approval This letter constitutes approval for the County to issue the Notes by negotiated sale or competitive bid pursuant to T.C.A. $$ 9-21-604 and9-21-607. Approval of the sale of the Notes is conditioned upon the Counff's compliance with all relevant provisions of Tennessee law. This Office has relied upon the County's determination and representation as to the cost of the public works project. The County is responsible for insuring compliance with Tennessee Code Annotated Title 9, Chapter 2l,Parts l, 4, and 6 and timely payment of outstanding note principal and interest in accordance with the note provisions. Letter to Anderson County September 17,2014 Page 2 Please present a copy of this leffer to the members of the County Commission at the next meeting following receipt of this letter. This letter and the approval to issue debt do not address the compliance with federal tax regulations and should not be relied upon for that purpose. The County should discuss these issues with a tax attorney or bond counsel. This approval is valid for six months after the date of this letter. If the Notes have not been issued within that time, a new note resolution must be passed by the County Commission and submitted to this Office for approval. Purpose, Terms, and Life This Project meets the definition of a public works project in T.C.A. $ 9-21-105, and the County may issue notes under the authority of Title 9, Chapter 21, Tennessee Code Annotated to finance such Project. The maturity of the Notes does not exceed the life of the proposed Project as attested by the local governing body. The submitted certified resolution and supporting documents appear to meet the requirements for the issuance of notes in Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 9, Chapter 21, Parts l, 4, and 6. The maximum maturity for the Notes as authorized by the governing body is one year after the date of issuance. In accordance with the requirements of T.C.A. $ 9-21-604, a condition for this approval is that not less than (l/9) of the original principal amount of the Notes is paid each year after the fiscalyear issued with the balance being paid in the final year of the Notes. In its resolution the County committed to pay (l/3) onethird of the original principal each year the Notes are outstanding. This meets the requirement of statute. one-ninth Nonconforming Obligations Notes issued contrary to Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 9, Chapter 21, Parts 4 and 6 or Notes not properly extended are nonconforming obligations. The Comptroller has the option to levy a penalty for notes deemed nonconform ing obl igations. Director's Budget Approval Requirement By issuing capital outlay notes under the authority of Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 9, Chapter 2l,the County has placed itself under the budget approval authority of the Director of the Office of Stati and Local Finance (the "Director") for the life of any outstanding notes. This authority requires you, as Chief Executive Officer, to submit to the Director, the appropriation resolution for official budget approval within l5 days of adoption, with any necessary supporting documents that o o o substantiate: the Countlz's budget is balanced as required by state law, the County intends to pay all of its outstanding debt obligations, and the annual budget is prepared in a form consistent wiih accepted governmental standards and as approved by the Director. This office can require the county to provide any information or perform any audits necessary to ascertain that the county maintains a balanced budget and make payments on its outstanding debt obligations. If the government is unwilling to submit informition to comply with the..qui.e."ntr 9-21-403, the approval to issue the Notes is rescinded. "Fi.c.e. $ Letter to Anderson County September 17,2014 Page 3 If the statutorily required budget and supporting documents are not submitted to this Office, the County will not be permitted to extend the maturity of the Notes or convert the Notes to bonds after the two (2) year period commencing on the date of issuance. Once under this requirement, if the County does not comply, it must publish a notice in a paper of general circulation in the County stating that a proper budget has not been submitted to the Director and that the County is not operating in compliance with Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 9, Chapter 2l,Part 4. Municipal Securities Rule Making Board Notice 20ll-52 on "Bank Loans" and Voluntary Disclosure The MSRB released a regulatory notice; MSRB Notice 20ll-52, providing guidance on the use of "bank loans" that could be a private placement of municipal securities subject to specific regulatory requirements including disclosure. This Notice also encourages the voluntary disclosure of bank loan financing information through the MSRB's Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA@) website ( To learn more about this guidance and how it may apply to the County, read the information posted at wrvw. Public Debt Entity Report Enclosed is a Report on Debt Obligation. The report must be filed with the governing body of the public entity issuing the debt not later than forty-five (45) days following the issuance or execution of a debt obligation by or on behalf of any public entity, with a copy (including attachments, if any) filed with the Director of the Office of State and Local Finance by email to the address below or by mail to the address on this letter. No public entity may enter into additional debt if it has failed to file the Report on Debt Obl igation. StateandLocal F i nance. Publ ic DebtForm( gov Please notifi us if the County decides not to issue the Notes. Sincerely, J^^^r!*tlT Sandra Thompson Director of State & Local Finance Cc: Mr. Jim Arnette, Director of Local Government Audit, COT Encl: Report on Debt Obligation Capital Outlay Note Form OFFICE OF THE COUNTY LAW DIRECTOR ANDERSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE 101 South Main Street, Suite 310 CLINTON, TENNESSEE 37716 N. JAY YEAGER Law Director TELEPHONE: (865) 457-6290 FACSIMILE: (865) 457-3775 Email: [email protected] MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Mary Murphy CC: County Commission FROM: N. Jay Yeager DATE: October 15, 2014 RE: Law Director’s Report – October 20, 2014 - County Commission Meeting Please add the following items to the County Commission Agenda under the Law Director’s Report: A. Contract Approvals: 1. Amendment to Plan Management Agreement. Humana – Human Resource 2. New Case Document – Humana – Human Resource 3. Summary Plan Description – Humana – Human Resource 4. Nova Southeastern University Inc., Revised - Autism Training – Schools 5. Clayton Dubose – Purchasing 6. Summary of Benefits & Coverage – Humana Health Plan, Inc. – Human Resource 7. Carolina Textiles – ACDF 8. Sue Duncan – GSU – Schools 9. U.S. Dept. of Justice – Forfeited Property – ACSO 10. Clinton Fire Dept. – Fire Protection Services MOU – Schools 11. Computer Systems Plus, Inc – AC Gov. 12. Riverside Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Schools 13. AT&T Contract – AC Gov. Mary Murphy October 15, 2014 B. Lawsuit Updates: 1) Harmon, James Howard v. AC Sheriff, et al. - (Case dismissed against Anderson County and all employees) C. New Lawsuits: 1) Dixon, Craig v. Anderson County - (Employment rights case) D. Amendment to Iron’s Lease for East Wolf Valley Convenience Center. (Operations Comm. Ref.) Agreement will be sent by email before Monday’s meeting. E. Beer Permit Issued – (Yarber – Windrock Mountain Pub) F. Carton Services, et al. v. Anderson County (Court dates set for January 26, 27 and 28) G. Delinquent Tax Sale set for November 1st at 10:00 A.M. ANDERSON COUNTY CONSERVATION BOARD MINUTES September 8, 2014 Members: Tracy Wandell , Chairman Earl Cagle Bill Andrews Brenda McKamey Karen Lively Meeting Status present present present present present Paul Schilling, Park Manager Bill Chapman Dennis Hackworth Debbie Stevens Deloris Johnson Richard Burroughs Jay Yager, County Attorney The Anderson County Conservation Board was called to order at 4:00 on September 8th by TracyWandell, Chairman. 1st item of business- Motion by Earl Cagle to approve August 2014 minutes. Correction to July minutes as it relates to the need of washer and dryer at Anderson County Campground. Second by Bill Andrews. Motion carried. 2nd item of business-Park report by Park Manager Paul Schilling. 3rd item of business-Motion by Earl Cagle to restate the charge for storage will be after the campground is closed for the season. Second by Bill Andrews. Motion Carried. 4th item of business-Motion by Bill Andrews to approve gravel for new parking area as presented by Paul Schilling, Park Manager. Second by Earl Cagle Motion Carried. 5th item of business-Motion by Earl Cagle to pave or concrete area at bathhouse and office as ADA committee has recommended. Seconded by Bill Andrews. Motion Carried. Motion to adjourn by Earl Cagle. Second by Bill Andrews. Motion Carried Next meeting October 20th, 2014 1 Board of Directors Meeting-September 25, 2014-Minutes Location: Anderson County Health Department Call To Order: Meeting was called to order by Mark Morgan, Chairperson Members Present: Jim Folck, Mark Morgan, Jason Brown, Maria Hooks, Art Miller, Janet Parks, Brent Galloway and Stephanie Wells Members Absent: Tim Isbel, Katy Brown, Carol Moore, Anne Garcia-Garland, Terry Frank, Elaine Meyer, Trish Lay, Jackie Nichols, Parker Hardy, Chris Hepler, Tim Sharp and Robin Biloski Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Janet Parks and seconded by Jim Folck to approve the June 2014 minutes. Motion passed. Financial Report: A motion was made by Brent Galloway and seconded by Art Miller to approve the financial report. Motion passed. Director’s Report: Stephanie Wells, Director of Anderson County Tourism, reported on the following items: Stephanie Wells, Executive Director, has scheduled a meeting with Senator Yeager to discuss potential amendments to the Adventure Tourism District Bill. The amendments would reduce the number of full time jobs required by a business to be eligible to the incentives. Wells has been working with the Anderson County Greenway Committee to produce a greenway plan for Anderson County. She will make a presentation to the Anderson County Planning Commission and County Commission in October. The Tourism Council will have representatives at the Windrock Jamboree to conduct surveys and provide tourist information to attendees. Wells will be attending the South East Outdoor Press Association from October 8th through 11th. The Tourism Council will be providing the co-op grants again this year. The notices have gone out and the deadline for applications is October 24th. The tourism council is working with the Anderson County Chamber’s retail development initiative to determine the economic impact of Norris Lake. Potential developers are interested in the county’s proximity to Norris Lake and the number of people that visit the attraction. Days of the Pioneer Antique Show was in September at the Museum of Appalachia. They had 61 vendors from 21 different states. According to Art Miller, the vendors and the shoppers also shopped in Downtown Clinton while they were here. The tourism council was contacted by the owner of the Tornado Alley car wash who is interested in partnering on a billboard for six months, October to March. Wells has made some changes in the staff by changing the job description for the Welcome Center Attendees which resulted in the laying off of two existing employees. Wells has hired a new part-time Welcome Center Attendee/Graphic Designer and will be searching for another part-time Welcome Center Attendee/Public Relations Specialist and a full time Sales and Events Coordinator. Wells will be assisting the City of Rocky Top with the Rocky Top Bluegrass Festival in April 2015. Page 1 of 2 The tourism council is reprinting 25,000 copies of the Hit-the-Trails brochure and will be redesigning the brochure to go along with the countywide greenway plan. The county is also reprinting the Anderson County /Oak Ridge Brochure. Upcoming Events, Conference and Shows September 27, 2014 Norris Lake Cleanup October 8-10, 2014 Tennessee Governors Conference on Hospitality and Tourism October 8-11, 2014 South East Outdoor Press Association October 10-12, 2014 Museum of Appalachia Fall Homecoming October 10-11 Clinch River Fall Antique Festival October 16-19, 2014 Windrock Fall Jamboree January 16-18 and 21-25, 2015 Cincinnati Boat Show February 14-22, 2015 Detroit Boat Show February 20-March 1, 2015 Indianpolis Boat Show Old Business/New Business A motion was made by Janet Parks and seconded by Art Miller to purchase two new desktop computers and a new laptop computer utilizing fund balance funds. Motion passed. Wells met with Greg Campbell, Architect with Design Innovations, to discuss constructing additional office space and meeting space to the existing Welcome Center. He suggested adding an additional 2,700 square feet divided into two floors. He estimated the cost to be between $175,000 and $250,000 depending on materials used. After discussion, no action was taken. Item will be discussed at next tourism council meeting. Adjourn: A motion was made by Brent Galloway and seconded by Jason Brown to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Respectfully Submitted By: Stephanie Wells, Executive Director Page 2 of 2
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