Issue October 2014 Vice-President’s Message In this Issue Celebrating WCET in 2014 Vice President’s Message in English, French and Chinese (simplified and traditional)1 Elizabeth A. Ayello, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CWON, ETN, MAPWCA, FAAN Congress impressions Vice President, WCET 8 NNGF Celebrations 12 Code of Ethics in Turkey 15 Coming events 18 Faculty, Excelsior College School of Nursing, New York, USA WCET has much to celebrate in 2014! Thank you for electing me as your WCET Vice President for 2014-2016. This is a tremendous honor and responsibility that you have given me. Over the next two years, I look forward to working for you, our WCET members. Please be patient with me as I learn and begin to do the many functions and tasks associated with this leadership position. I pledge that I will do my best for you in this new role. With much gratitude, I wish to acknowledge, our new president, Susan Stelton, who has already been giving me guidance and orientation to what this position will entail. It is one thing to watch what someone who has previously been in the position has achieved, it is quite another thing to begin the “lived experience”. Thank you Susan for sharing your expertise with me. This is a wonderful vision you have to partner with you and I appreciate the opportunity to work alongside you. I am delighted to be working with such a talented group of professionals who compose the 2014-2016 Executive Board which also includes, Alison Crawshaw Treasurer, Vera Santos Education Chairperson, Carmen George NNGF Chairperson, Laurent Chabal Publications and Communications Chairperson, Karen Zulkowski Journal Executive Editor and Dee Waugh Congress and Meeting Coordinator. With the support and efforts of this Executive Board joined by the expert management team from Hauck and Associates, Jen Bank and Graham Hauck, we will continue the important work of the WCET in order to achieve our vision of specialized nursing care for all persons worldwide who have ostomy, wound or continence needs. On a personal note, I want to thank Karen Zulkowski Assistant Editor Wounds, Sarah Lebovits Assistant Editor Ostomy, Kevin Woo Assistant Editor Ostomy, and the entire Journal Editorial Board for all their volunteer work and support. Likewise, it has been a pleasure for the past ten years to work with the Cambridge team, Greg Paull, Publisher, Sandra Carbone, Production manager, Sarah Horton, Rachel Hoare, and Simon Henriques who made my role as Executive Editor enjoyable and productive. I have worked with Karen and Cambridge for a smooth transition for the WCET Journal. I wish this new Journal Editorial team all the best and look forward to seeing what new and innovative ideas they will bring to the journal. With the redesign and allocation of functions by President Stelton, since the BullETin is an important publication of the WCET, it will now be a responsibility of the Publications and Communications Committee. Susan and I will be working with Laurent and his committee in this transition so that you will continue to receive the quality BullETin you have come to expect. While the process of how the BullETin is created has changed, we will keep having themes BullETin October 2014 1 for each BullETin issue, a message from the Vice President and of course the items that you our members submit. Please send your items to Laurent Chabal at [email protected]. Thank you Laurent for having me as part of your committee, I look forward to working with you. Part of the Vice President role is to be the liaison between the international delegates (ID’s) and the executive board. Please let me know of any changes to your ID details so I can communicate that to Karen for the journal and Laurent for the website. There are several countries for which there are no WCET members and therefore do not have an ID. If you have colleagues in those countries, please contact them and encourage them to join the WCET and to consider representing their country as an ID. Together we can make a difference for patients. The more countries that are part of the WCET world the more we can accomplish. I will be continuing to work on the ID handbook that Susan began. Together, we hope to have that available soon in an updated and reconfigured format that Greg Paull, our publisher has generously donated as part of his volunteer work as a member of the Publications and Communications Committee. Thank you Greg for all you do for the WCET. Another aspect of being the Vice President is to represent the Executive board on the Constitution Advisory Panel. Thank you Shirley McSavaney and your Advisory Panel members for all the work you have done on the Constitution Advisory Panel. It will be great to work with you on this important WCET document. Two years ago, the WCET declared 26 June (which is her birthday) as the WCET Norma N Gill Day. We did this to honour Norma, who founded the WCET and served as the first President and Journal Editor. How lovely that we received so much correspondence from you about how you celebrated this special day. We have included some of those items in this issue of the BullETin. How special that Norma’s daughter, Sally Thompson, took the time to send us special greetings. I’m sure you will enjoy reading her message and others from our members around the WCET world. Thank you to our colleagues in Turkey who have submitted their newly written Code of Ethics. This is an important document for them that sets a strong basis for practice in their country. Besides the ethics of practice, we need continual education. Congresses can help provide this information. Please take the time to learn about upcoming conferences in Melbourne, Australia and Cape Town, South Africa. After much anticipation, in June, WCET arrived in Gothenburg Sweden to a well organized, educational and socially fun congress! Hopefully by now Eva Carlsson and her organizing committee along with Dee our WCET Congress and Meeting Coordinator have had the opportunity to rest from all the work they did on our behalf for the 20th WCET Biennial Congress in Gothenburg Sweden. Thank you so much for a job well done! This high quality scientific program will enhance the evidence base practice for our members and all who attended. It also was the first time that all were able to see a copy as well as hear a presentation by Karen on the WCET International Ostomy Guideline. Congratulations and thank you to all who participated in the development and review of this guideline. We always are delighted to hear from our members. Thank you to those who sent us your impressions from attending this fabulous congress. I enjoyed meeting so many of you at the WCET stand and look forward to seeing you again in the “mother city”, Cape Town, South Africa in March 2016. The WCET journey continues….. Regards, Elizabeth BullETin October 2014 2 Célébrations du WCET en 2014 (Merci Laurent Chabal pour cette traduction) (Thank you Laurent Chabal for this translation) Le WCET a beaucoup à célébrer en 2014. Merci de m’avoir élue comme votre Vice-Présidente du WCET pour 2014-2016. C’est un immense honneur et une grande responsabilité qui m’a été confiée. Je suis impatiente de travailler avec vous pendant ces deux prochaines années, chez membres du WCET. Merci d’être patiente avec moi, puisque j’apprends à réaliser de nombreuses nouvelles fonctions et tâches associées à ce rôle de leadership. Je m’engage à faire de mon mieux pour vous. Je désire soulever, avec beaucoup de gratitude, l’aide déjà apportée par notre nouvelle Présidente, Susan Stelton, dans les conseils et les orientations que cette nouvelle position va engager. C’est une chose que de regarder ce que quelqu’un a pu réaliser dans cette position, il en est tout autre que de commencer à le «vivre». Merci Susan pour ton partage d’expériences avec moi. Il s’agit d’une merveilleuse vision que tu as à partager et j’apprécie cette opportunité de travailler à tes côtés. Je suis aussi ravie de travailler avec un groupe de professionnels si talentueux qui constituent le Comité Exécutif 2014-2016 : il comprend également Alison Crawshaw Trésorière, Vera Santos responsable de la Commission Education, Carmen George responsable de la Fondation NNG, Laurent Chabal responsable de la Commission Publications et Communications, Karen Zulkowski Rédactrice en chef du Journal et Dee Waugh Coordinatrice des Congrès et des Conférences. Avec le support et les efforts du Comité Exécutif, associé avec l’équipe d’experts en gestion de Hauck and Associates, Jen Bank et Graham Hauck, nous continuerons l’important travail du WCET afin de réaliser notre vision en soins spécialisés pour toutes les personnes stomisées, porteuses de plaies ou ayant des besoins quant à des troubles de la continence, de part le monde. Comme note personnelle, je tiens à remercier Karen Zulkowski Rédactrice adjointe pour le champs des plaies, Sarah Lebovits Rédactrice adjointe pour le champs des stomies, Kevin Woo Rédacteur adjoint pour le champs des stomies, et toute l’équipe du Comité Editorial du Journal pour leur travail bénévole et leur soutien. De même, cela a été un réel plaisir que de travailler ces 10 dernières années avec l’équipe de Cambridge, Greg Paull Editeur, Sandra Carbone Directrice de production, Sarah Horton, Rachel Hoare et Simon Henriques : ils ont permis à rendre mon rôle de Rédactrice en chef agréable et productif. Je souhaite à la nouvelle équipe éditoriale du Journal le meilleur et j’ai hâte de voir les nouvelles idées et initiatives qu’elle apportera au Journal. Suite à la nouvelle répartition des tâches effectuée par la Présidente Stelton, le BullETin est désormais une des responsabilités de la Commission Publications et Communications, puisque qu’il est une publication importante du WCET. Susan et moi travaillerons avec Laurent et sa Commission dans cette transition afin que vous puissiez continuer à recevoir un BullETin de qualité, tel que vous l’attendez. Bien que la procédure de mise sur pied du BullETin ait changé, nous continuerons à avoir dans toutes ses éditions des thèmes traités, un message de la VicePrésidente et bien sur des sujets que vous nous soumettre. Merci par avance d’envoyer vos sujets à Laurent Chabal via [email protected]. Merci Laurent de m’avoir au sein ta Commission, j’ai hâte travailler avec toi. Par le passé, le rôle de la Vice-Présidente a été de faire le lien entre les Délégués Internationaux (ID) et le Comité Exécutif. Merci de me faire connaître tout changement concernant vos coordonnées d’ID afin que je puisse les transmettre à Karen pour le Journal et à Laurent pour le site web. Il y a différents pays qui n’ont pas de membres du WCET et qui par conséquent n’ont plus d’ID. Si vous avez des collègues dans ces pays, merci de les contacter, de les encourager à rejoindre le WCET et de réfléchir à l’idée de représenter leur pays en temps qu’ID. Tous ensemble, nous pourrons faire la différence auprès des patients. Plus nous aurons de pays représentés au sein du WCET, plus nous pourrons accomplir de choses. Je vais poursuivre le travail sur le manuel des ID que Susan a commencé. Toutes les deux, nous espérons bientôt l’avoir à disposition dans un format mis à jour et revu par Greg Paull, notre Editeur, qui a généreusement donné de son temps comme bénévole et membre de la Commission Publications et Communications. Un grand merci Greg pour tout ce que tu fais pour le WCET. BullETin October 2014 3 Un autre aspect d’être Vice-Présidente est de représenter le Comité Exécutif au sein du groupe de travail sur la Constitution. Un grand merci à Shirley McSavaney et aux membres de ce groupe pour tout le travail que vous avez réalisé concernant la Constitution du WCET. Ce sera un plaisir que de travailler avec vous sur ce document important du WCET. Il a deux ans, le WCET a déclaré que le 26 juin serait le jour du WCET Norma N Gill (jour de son anniversaire). Nous avons fait cela en l’honneur de Norma, qui a créée le WCET, en a été la première Présidente et la première Rédactrice en chef du Journal. Nous sommes très heureux de recevoir vos très nombreux courriers sur comment vous avez célébré ce jour si particulier. Nous avons inclus quelqu’un de ces récits dans ce numéro du BullETin. Nous sommes particulièrement touchés par le mot que la fille de Norma, Sally Thompson, a pris le soin de nous envoyer pour nous adresser ses remerciements. Je suis sure que vous serez ravi de lire son message ainsi que ceux venant de nos membres de par le monde. Merci à nos collègues Turques pour nous avoir transmis leur nouveau Code d’Ethique. C’est un document important qui établit des bases solides sur la pratique dans leur pays. A côté de l’éthique liée à la pratique, nous avons aussi besoin d’éducation continue. Les congrès nous permettent de nous en donner. Merci de prendre connaissance des prochaines conférences qui auront lien en Australie et au Cap. Après tant d’anticipation, le WCET qui a eu lieu en juin à Göteborg en Suède a été bien organisé, Ce fut un congrès où nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir tant au niveau des connaissances partagées qu’au niveau social! Espérons maintenant qu’Eva Carlsson et son comité d’organisation, ainsi que Dee notre Coordinatrice des Congrès du WCET et des Conférences, auront eu l’occasion de se reposer de tout le travail effectué, pour nous, dans la réalisation de ce 20e Congrès biennal du WCET à Göteborg en Suède. Un très grand merci pour l’excellent travail effectué! La qualité élevée du programme scientifique a permis de renforcer la pratique basée sur les preuves de nos membres, ainsi que celle de tous les participants. Ce fut aussi la première fois, pour tous, de découvrir les Recommandations Internationales du WCET concernant les soins aux personnes stomisées sous forme papier, ainsi que d’entendre Karen les présenter. Félicitations et merci à tous ceux qui ont participé à l’élaboration et la révision de ces directives. Nous sommes toujours enchantés d’avoir de vos nouvelles. Merci à ceux qui nous ont envoyés leurs impressions sur leur participation à ce congrès fabuleux. J’ai été très heureuse de pouvoir rencontrer nombre d’entre vous au stand du WCET et j’espère pouvoir encore vous retrouver dans la “ville-mère” du Cap, en Afrique du Sud, en mars 2016. Le voyage du WCET continue… Mes meilleurs messages. Elizabeth. BullETin October 2014 4 在2014年庆祝世界造口治疗师学会(WCET) (本文由李伟娟及黎自强翻译,特此鸣谢) (Thank you Michelle Lee and Peter Lai for these translations) Elizabeth A. Ayello PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CWON, ETN, MAPWCA, FAAN, 美国纽约护理学系怡东学院 WCET副主席 2014是WCET値得庆祝的一年! 感谢您们选我作为2014-2016年的WCET副主席。这是你们给我的一个荣誉,同时也是一个巨大的责任。在接 下来的两年里,我期待着为您和其他WCET会员服务。请给我时间学习并开始做一个领导者的相关工作。我保 证,我将竭尽所能为你做好这个新角色。 我首先要感谢我们的新主席, Susan Stelton,给我在这个职位将涉及的方向及事项的指导。看着他人在这位置所 成就的,跟现在自己亲身经历的完全是两码子事。感谢Susan 与我分享您的经验。您有一个美好的愿景,我 很高兴能有机会作为你的伙伴,与你一起工作。我也很高兴能与2014-2015年执行委员会工作,这个实在是 一个很专业的团队。他们包括财务长Alison Crawshaw, 教育委员会主席 Vera Santos, 诺玛吉尔基金(NNGF)主席 Carmen George, 出版及通讯委员会主席Laurent Chabal, 杂志执行编辑 Karen Zulkowski和年会及会议协调员 Dee Waugh。有这执行委员会的支持及努力, 加上由Hauck Associates的Jen Bank 及 Graham Hauck组成的专业管理团 队,我们将继续WCET的重要工作,为全世界所有造口,伤口或失禁的人仕服务, 以实现我们的专业护理愿景。 就我个人而言,我想感谢Karen Zulkowski助理编辑(伤口), Sarah Lebovits及 Kevin Woo助理编辑(造口), 以及整个 杂志编委会的志愿工作和支持。同样, 我很高兴能在过去的10年与剑桥团队合作, 他们包括出版社的Greg Paul, 生产部经理 Sandra Carbone, 以及Sarah Horton, Rachel Hoare和Simon Henriques, 他们使我在执行杂志编辑的工 作变得愉快和富有成效。我已与Karen和剑桥团队交接, 务求使WCET杂志能平稳过渡。我亦祝愿这个新的杂志 编辑团队一帆风顺, 并期待着看到他们带给杂志的一番新气象。 随着主席Susan Stelton的重新规划,现在WCET BullETin这重要通讯将会由出版和通讯委员会负责。在这过渡时 刻,我和Susan 将与Laurent和他的委员会合作,继续为您提供高质量的BullETin。虽则BullETin的制作过程改 变了,我们将维持每一期也有一主题,副主席的话及我们会员提交的活动信息。请将您的信息电邮给Laurent Chabal, [email protected]。感谢Laurent 邀请我作为您委员会的成员, 我期待着与您合作。 副主席其中一个角色是作为国际代表(ID)和执行委员会之间的联络人。请让我知道任何关于国际代表 (ID)更改的信息, 以便我,Karen和Laurent能更新杂志和网站的相关数据。有几个国家因没有WCET的成员而 没有国际代表。如果您有同僚在这些国家, 请与他们联系, 并鼓励他们参加WCET, 及考虑成为自己国家的代表。 我们可以一起为病人带来更好的改变。越多国家成为WCET的一部分, 我们将能做到越多事情。我亦会继续努 力完成由Susan开始的国际代表手册,我们希望很快会有一新的版本面世。为此我们非常感谢出版商, Greg Paul,对作为WCET出版和通讯委员会志工的贡献。 副主席的另一工作是代表执行委员会参与宪法执行小组。谢谢Shirley McSavaney和小组成员对所有WCET宪法 所做的工作。能与您一起制定这重要的WCET文件实在是値得高兴的事情。 两年前, WCET宣布6月26日(诺玛吉尔的生忌)为WCET 诺玛吉尔(Norma N Gill)日。我们这样做是为了表扬诺 玛(Norma)创立了WCET并成为第一任主席和杂志编辑。我们非常兴奋收到这么多来自你们关于如何庆祝这个 特殊日子的信息。我们已经在BullETin上刊载部份的项目。此外, 诺玛的女儿 Sally Thompson也给我们发送特殊 的问候。我敢肯定你们会喜欢阅读她及世界各地其他会员的信息。 感谢在土耳其的同僚提交了他们新完成的“道德规范”。这文件对他们国家来说是一个很强大的护理实务基 石。 除了护理实务的道德外,我们也需要继续教育。学术会议可以帮助提供这方面的信息。故请花一些时间去了 解澳大利亚和开普敦即将举行的会议。 BullETin October 2014 5 在万众期待的6月份, WCET已在瑞典歌德堡完满举行了一个富教育性及社交乐趣双年会!这是WCET第20届 的WCET双年会。希望现在 Eva Carlsson,她的组委会成员和Dee已从双年会繁重的工作后恢复过来。谢谢你们 这么出色的工作!这个高质量的科研学术会议将强化我们的会员以至所有出席人仕的循证护理的基础。这是 第一次能够听到Karen介绍WCET国际造口指南及看到其真本。恭喜并感谢所有参与这本指南制定和审查的人 员。我们很高兴收到很多会员的信息,也谢谢那些发送会议回馈给我们的会员。我很喜欢在WCET的摊位见到 你们, 并期待2016年3月在南非“母亲城市”开普敦能再次见你们。 WCET的旅程将会继续...... 诚恳祝福 Elizabeth 在2014年慶祝世界造口治療師學會(WCET) (本文由李偉娟及黎自強翻譯,特此鳴謝。) Elizabeth A. Ayello PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, CWON, ETN, MAPWCA, FAAN 美國紐約護理學系怡東學院 WCET副主席 2014是WCET値得慶祝的一年! 感謝您們選我作為2014-2016年的WCET副主席。這是你們給我的一個榮譽,同時也是一個巨大的責任。在接 下來的兩年裡,我期待著為您和其他WCET會員服務。請給我時間學習並開始做一個領導者的相關工作。我保 證,我將竭盡所能為你做好這個新角色。 我首先要感謝我們的新主席, Susan Stelton,給我在這個職位將涉及的方向及事項的指導。看着他人在這位置所 成就的,跟現在自己親身經歷的完全是兩碼子事。感謝Susan 與我分享您的經驗。您有一個美好的願景,我 很高興能有機會作為你的夥伴,與你一起工作。我也很高興能與2014-2015年執行委員會工作,這個實在是 一個很專業的團隊。他們包括財務長Alison Crawshaw, 教育委員會主席 Vera Santos, 諾瑪吉爾基金(NNGF)主席 Carmen George, 出版及通訊委員會主席Laurent Chabal, 雜誌執行編輯 Karen Zulkowski和年會及會議協調員 Dee Waugh。有這執行委員會的支持及努力, 加上由Hauck Associates的Jen Bank 及 Graham Hauck組成的專業管理團 隊,我們將繼續WCET的重要工作,為全世界所有造口,傷口或失禁的人仕服務, 以實現我們的專業護理願景。 就我個人而言,我想感謝Karen Zulkowski助理編輯(傷口), Sarah Lebovits及 Kevin Woo助理編輯(造口), 以及整 個雜誌編委會的志願工作和支持。同樣, 我很高興能在過去的10年與劍橋團隊合作, 他們包括出版社的Greg Paul, 生產部經理 Sandra Carbone, 以及Sarah Horton, Rachel Hoare和Simon Henriques, 他們使我在執行雜誌編輯 的工作變得愉快和富有成效。我已與Karen和劍橋團隊交接, 務求使WCET雜誌能平穩過渡。我亦祝願這個新的 雜誌編輯團隊一帆風順, 並期待着看到他們帶給雜誌的一番新氣象。 隨著主席Susan Stelton的重新規劃,現在WCET BullETin這重要通訊將會由出版和通訊委員會負責。在這過渡時 刻,我和Susan 將與Laurent和他的委員會合作,繼續為您提供高質量的BullETin。雖則BullETin的製作過程改 變了,我們將維持每一期也有一主題,副主席的話及我們會員提交的活動資訊。請將您的資訊電郵給Laurent Chabal, [email protected]。感謝Laurent 邀請我作為您委員會的成員, 我期待著與您合作。 副主席其中一個角色是作為國際代表(ID)和執行委員會之間的聯絡人。請讓我知道任何關於國際代表 (ID)更改的信息, 以便我,Karen和Laurent能更新雜誌和網站的相關資料。有幾個國家因沒有WCET的成員 而沒有國際代表。如果您有同僚在這些國家, 請與他們聯繫, 並鼓勵他們參加WCET, 及考慮成為自己國家的代 表。我們可以一起為病人帶來更好的改變。越多國家成為WCET的一部分, 我們將能做到越多事情。我亦會 繼續努力完成由Susan開始的國際代表手册,我們希望很快會有一新的版本面世。為此我們非常感謝出版商, Greg Paul,對作為WCET出版和通訊委員會志工的貢獻。 BullETin October 2014 6 副主席的另一工作是代表執行委員會參與憲法執行小組。謝謝Shirley McSavaney和小組成員對所有WCET憲法 所做的工作。能與您一起制定這重要的WCET文件實在是値得高興的事情。 兩年前, WCET宣布6月26日(諾瑪吉爾的生忌)為WCET 諾瑪吉爾(Norma N Gill)日。我們這樣做是為了表揚諾 瑪(Norma)創立了WCET並成為第一任主席和雜誌編輯。我們非常興奮收到這麼多來自你們關於如何慶祝這個 特殊日子的信息。我們已經在BullETin上刊載部份的項目。此外, 諾瑪的女兒 Sally Thompson也給我們發送特 殊的問候。我敢肯定你們會喜歡閱讀她及世界各地其他會員的信息。 感謝在土耳其的同僚提交了他們新完成的“道德規範”。這文件對他們國家來說是一個很強大的護理實務基 石。 除了護理實務的道德外,我們也需要繼續教育。學術會議可以幫助提供這方面的資訊。故請花一些時間去了 解澳大利亞和開普敦即將舉行的會議。 在萬眾期待的6月份, WCET已在瑞典哥德堡完滿舉行了一個富教育性及社交樂趣雙年會!這是WCET第20屆 的WCET雙年會。希望現在 Eva Carlsson,她的組委會成員和Dee已從雙年會繁重的工作後恢復過來。謝謝你們 這麼出色的工作!這個高品質的科研學術會議將強化我們的會員以至所有出席人仕的循證護理的基礎。這是 第一次能夠聽到Karen介紹WCET國際造口指南及看到其真本。恭喜並感謝所有參與這本指南制定和審查的人 員。我們很高興收到很多會員的信息,也謝謝那些發送會議回饋給我們的會員。我很喜歡在WCET的攤位見到 你們, 並期待2016年3月在南非“母親城市”開普敦能再次見你們。 WCET的旅程將會繼續...... 誠懇祝福 Elizabeth Dear Members, I’m very honored to have joined the Board as the new Publications & Communications Chairperson. I am a Specialized Stoma Nurse since 2005 and also a Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences (HES-SO) in Switzerland, French speaking part, since 2009. I have been involved in the WCET since I have started Stoma Nursing in 2003. I was the Switzerland ID from 2009 to 2013. Additionally, I am a member of the Education Committee since 2010 and of the Publications & Communications Committee since last year. I will have the pleasure and honor to work with a fantastic Board and to be assisted by them in tasks that are huge challenges for me. It will also improve my English! About the BullETin, I’m very honoured to have President Susan Stelton and Vice President Elizabeth A. Ayello on my Editorial Board and I’m very enthusiastic to learn from them. All my heartfelt thanks to you both for that. Be sure I’ll do my best. Best regards. Laurent Chabal. Editor of the BullETin BullETin October 2014 7 Cher-e-s Members, Je suis très honoré d’avoir rejoint le Comité en temps que responsable des Publications et Communications. Je suis Stomathérapeute spécialisé depuis 2005 et Chargé de cours à la Haute Ecole de Santé (HES-SO) en Suisse Romande depuis 2009. Je suis membre du WCET depuis que j’ai commencé la Stomathérapie en 2003. J’ai été le Délégué International pour la Suisse de 2009 à 2013. Enfin, je suis membre de la Commission Education depuis 2010 et j’ai rejoint la Commission Publications et Communications l’an passé. Je vais avoir le plaisir et l’honneur de travailler avec un Comité qui est fantastique, ainsi que d’être aidé par eux pour réaliser ces tâches qui sont pour moi un grand défi. Cela va aussi me permettre de perfectionner mon anglais! Au sujet du BullETin, je suis très honoré d’avoir la Présidente Susan Stelton et la Vice Présidente Elizabeth A. Ayello comme membre du Comité Editorial et je suis très enthousiaste d’apprendre grâce à elles. Tous mes chaleureux remerciements pour cela à vous deux. Soyez sûr que je ferais de mon mieux. Avec mes meilleurs messages. Laurent Members’ Impressions of the WCET 2014 Congress: The ID’s parade Congress The congress was extremely well organized. The scientific level was rather high compared to former congresses I have attended. It made it more interesting with so many and interesting invited speakers and longer sessions instead of mostly 10 minute presentations. The social program was also well organized, fun and with lots of opportunity to network. Birgitte Dissing, Denmark BullETin October 2014 8 I have been a Member of the WCET for several years. It was the first time that I attended a WCET Congress. I usually went to the ECET Congresses. For me it was very interesting, the lectures were of high quality. All was very well organized, it was no chaos, not even too much noise! I really enjoyed every part of the Congress! Thank you for your big job for the WCET Congress, is really very well appreciated. Cristina Treter, Lugano, Switzerland Congratulations on the success of the 2014 WCET Congress. I was very happy to be present at the congress. It was my first experience to attend the WCET Congress and to come to Europe. It is remarkable to meet many ET nurses from all over the world. The most interesting part of the congress is sharing knowledge and experiences with ET nurses from all over the world. Hopefully I can meet with you all again at the next WCET Congress 2016 in Cape Town, South Africa. Wijaya, Bali-Indonesia The recent WCET Congress held in Gothenburg was excellently and fantastically organized. We found the daily activities very productive for all of the attendees from different continents. The leaders, international delegates, attendees as well as the industrial partners showed an interesting participation, and the international learning experience was unforgettable. With the relay of messages and artistic portrayal of the vision of the organization through dancing, singing, and acting, the closing ceremony touched the hearts of the delegates. It empowered them to continue this endeavor in stimulating positive change and sharing with their patients and colleagues what they have in their minds and hearts as well as what their skilled and therapeutic hands can do in terms of this special field of nursing, Enterostomal Therapy. Paula Quiambao, ID Philippines I feel happy to be part of this group. Always remembering that education is a process, I seek knowledge in order to continue improving the lives of ostomates. Ciliana, Brazil Thank you for a very good Congress in any way. It was organized perfectly. Annica Wistedt, Sweden BullETin October 2014 9 This is our memory for the congress... We felt so great as ETs... Wida Si Gitarja, Indonesia I think it was great and a successful conference, that brings all ET together from different regions around the globe, sharing and discussing issues in ET Nursing and also meeting old friends with same passion and vision. I really enjoy attending WCET Biennial Congress because it is full with knowledge, spirit to success, keeping abreast with new technology in products and management and also networking. I love seeing all the pioneers and expert in ET nursing get-together, having dialogue and sharing their experiences with others especially to those junior ET. It is a great opportunity to see how others managing their patients and this is also a place where we can see how ET innovate in their care. Looking forward to attend more conferences in future especially in 2016! Cape Town, South Africa. MARIAM MOHD NASIR, President Malaysian Enterostomal Therapy Nurses Association (METNA) BullETin October 2014 10 I am Jane, Chinese name is Qixia Jiang, an ET nurse and prof. from Nanjing Jinling Hospital affiliated Nanjing University, a famous university and hospital in China. I have been also a WCET member since 2007. The congress I attended in Gothenburg was very wonderful! Many interesting presentations impressed in my heart, such as Dr. Ayello’s, Carmen George’s, Louise’s, and so on. I had the honour to do an oral presentation on “Prevention and Treatment Pressure Ulcer” session on June 16.This is my first time to share my research to colleagues at the WCET congress. So that was exciting. By the way, the Gothenburg’s fresh air, blue sky and seaside, food and quality hotel also be very good. So thank you for providing those wonderful chances for me. Jane (Qixia Jiang), Nanjing, China Report of the 20th WCET Biennial Congress, 15-19 June 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden Eva Carlsson (Congress Convenor) and Eva Bengtsson (President of Swedish Society for Enterostomal Therapist and Nurses in Colorectal Care) Provided a wonderful forum for the recent World Council of Enterostomal Therapy Biennial Congress. WCET had its first congress in 1984 in Milan, Italy. This was the second time in the last 20 years that it was held in Gothenburg, Sweden. Attendance topped history with over 1500 clinicians and vendors coming together as a united group from over 52 countries. Nightingale believes “when like-minded, like-spirited nurses gather phenomenal things will happen” and they did in Sweden. The weather was special ordered “absolutely beautiful” not too hot, not too cold, very little rain – just right. On any given day of the congress speakers from over 15 countries discussed issues, concerns, case studies and research. Topics were presented on ostomy care, fistulae management, diabetic foot ulcers, and draining wounds. Sessions included discussion on how to publish an article by Elizabeth A. Ayello, staff and patient education, and professional development in Kenya and Nepal. New technologies for some, shared resources for others, and networking at social events, business meetings, and site seeing was offered for all. Over 100 posters on ostomy, wound, continence, professional practice and a “new pediatric specific issues” area were shared. Shelly Burdette-Taylor offered a poster on the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health. A new approach to poster presentations was offered with 3- minute Oral Poster Presentation Forum for those interested. The highlight was the in the opening ceremony – Guest Speaker Manuel Knight, gave an inspirational lecture called “Free your Performance”. Prior military special forces from Atlanta, GA, married a Swedish girl and lives in Sweden doing motivational, inspirational speaking events. He holds seminars about creating top performing teams, leaders, and organizations. BullETin October 2014 11 Plan now to join us in Cape Town, South Africa March 13-16, 2014. Plan to submit an abstract to present a poster or oral presentation. Shelly Burdette-Taylor PhD, RN-BC. ANCC Board Certified in Nurse Case Management & Professional Development, WOCNCB Board Certified in Foot Care & Wound Care, CEO/Curriculum Developer TayLORD Health, LLC, USA’s ID Norma N. Gill Day June 26 WCET received this note from Sally Gill-Thompson, Norma’s Daughter: Just want to say on what would have been my mom’s 94th BD...Thank you to the WCET for honoring her on her birthday each year! Regards, Sally Gill-Thompson, ET ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WCET received this note from Life Member, Mary Jo Kroeber, Australia: She really was a “Florence Nightingale”. Nothing stood in her way. When we visited her and her husband in their home her passion for her work was everywhere. Many an idea was developed around the table which we were able to implement around the world resulting in positive outcomes for our patients. Mary Josephine Kroeber, WCET Life Member ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Norma N. Gill Celebrations ET Nurses of Jiangsu, China BullETin October 2014 12 We celebrated Norma Gill BirthdDay with General Surgeon of Medical Collage of Kanpur up India. Laxmi Shanker Kushwaha, Kanpur, Up India I’m Wijaya from Dharma Mulia Husada Foundation in Bali, Indonesia. I submit this photo about Norma N Gill Day celebration in Bali. Hopefully it can be put in the Bulletin to give Norma N Gill’s spirit to ET Nurses all over the world. Happy Norma N Gill Day for all ET Nurses all over the world. Nurses of Bali, Indonesia This is an Indonesian report for celebration of Norma Gill day..... Wida Sri Gitara, Indonesia BullETin October 2014 13 Nurses of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia We are happy and glad to be able to celebrate Norma N. Gill day today 26 June 2014. What we did in our hospital - University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA included: 1. As the Head of ET Team, I did a short presentation about Norma and her work. 2. Cake cutting ceremony 3. Tea party We miss her and we know that she will be proud of what we are doing now and let’s continue our commitment and dedication towards ET Nursing. Mariam Mohd Nasir, Malaysia Zivka Madzic, ET It is my great honor and pleasure to say that today we celebrated the birthday of one of the founders of ET nursing and WCET, Norma N. Gill. Our association together with colleagues from all over Serbia organized an educational lecture on a topic related to ostomy. Proposal for next birthday: celebrate together, as befits Norma N. Gill. Zivko Madzic, President of the Association Ostomy Nurses Serbia BullETin October 2014 14 News from Turkey: Our Turkish nurse colleagues have shared the code of ethics that they have developed for Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses. CODE OF ETHICS FOR OSTOMY AND WOUND CARE NURSES IN TURKEY Gocmen Baykara Z., RN., PhD, Instructor; Executive Board Member of Turkish WOC Nurses Association, Turkey [email protected] Ayise Karadag., MsN., Phd., ET/WOCN., Professor., President of Turkish WOC Nurses Association, Turkey| [email protected] Each member of the profession makes a vow to perform “good” and “correct” actions concerning the profession when starting to practice the profession. Professionalism obliges members of the profession to do what is “good” and “correct” concerning their roles. As individuals have different life experiences and values, the meaning of good can vary for them. However, though not absolute, each profession has a common “good” and “correct.” Professions are able to maintain integrity around common values. Professional codes of ethics establish the “good” and “correct” things that members of the profession should do. Therefore, codes of ethics also point out things that should not be done. Suggesting professional code of ethics is an important field of study of normative ethics. The importance of this field of study increases for medical disciplines each day. The healthcare environment is an environment where many professional groups assuming responsibilities work together. Furthermore, the change and transformation caused in healthcare practices by science and technology has caused the development of various fields of expertise in each profession. Ostomy and Wound Care Nursing is a special field of expertise under nursing. Ostomy and Wound Care Nurses have been trained in Turkey since 2001 at national courses. These nurses are responsible for the care of stoma, wound, fistula, and incontinence patients in their institutions. Furthermore, the Regulation on Nursing (2011) (1) has legally recognized ostomy wound care nursing and established its duty, power, and responsibilities. With the new regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey, stomatherapy units will be increased in Public Hospitals, and Wound Ostomy Nurses will be assigned in these units. The Wound Ostomy Incontinence Nurses Association (WOINA) has considered the establishment of ethical principles for ostomy wound nurses; whose numbers will rapidly increase across the country, to be a need. It is necessary for members of this new field to know the “good” and “correct” actions and make a vow to act accordingly from the beginning. WOINA was established in 2008 in order to strengthen ostomy and wound care nursing in Turkey. This young association has decided to determine “Code of Ethics for Ostomy and Wound Care Nurses In Turkey” in order to enable ostomy and wound care nurses to act ethically. Code of Ethics for Ostomy and Wound Care Nurses Development Process WOINA regularly organizes the “Ostomy and Wound Care Nursing Meeting” each year. One of the three workshop subjects of the 5th. Wound Ostomy Nursing Meeting (2013) was determined to be “Code of Ethics for Ostomy and Wound Care Nurses.” Prior to the workshop, the workshop groups were determined, and preliminary preparations were determined. Five Ostomy and Wound Care Nurses served in the workshop. One of these nurses is also a specialist in “History of Medicine and Ethics.” BullETin October 2014 15 Code of Ethics for Ostomy And Wound Care Nurses was prepared based on patient rights, patient rights declarations, the Code of Ethics of the International Council of Nurses (2), the text of the Ethical Principles and Responsibilities of the Turkish Nurses Association (3), the Nursing Practice Codes of the World Enterostomal Therapy Association (4), and the Rights of Individuals with Ostomy prepared by the International Ostomy Association (5). These developed ethical principles have been submitted to the opinion of three faculty members specialized in the field of ethics, and amendments were made in line with their opinions. Furthermore, opinions of a faculty member specialized in the field of Turkish linguistics was also consulted. Members of the commission finalized the Code of Ethics for Ostomy and Wound Care Nurses accordingly. The Code of Ethics for Ostomy and Wound Care Nurses were delivered to all wound ostomy nurses in Turkey by e-mail. It was officially sent to the Ministry of Health and posted on the WOINA website ( so our colleagues could conveniently access them. The Code of Ethics for Ostomy and Wound Care Nurses developed in July 2014 by WOINA have been presented below. We are sharing these ethical principles with the hope that they will be beneficial to our colleagues in many countries in the world and individuals with a stoma. CODE OF ETHICS FOR OSTOMY AND WOUND CARE NURSES IN TURKEY A- PURPOSE The purpose of the Code of Ethics for Ostomy and Wound Care Nurses can be defined as follows: identifying behavior complying with ethical principles for nurses providing care to ostomy, wound, and incontinence patients and to inform and guide professionals these nurses are cooperating with and the public. B- SCOPE These ethical codes are associated to ostomy and wound care nurses caring for stoma, wound, incontinence, and tissue disintegration patients. C- BASIS These ethical codes were prepared based on patient rights, patient rights declarations, the Code of Ethics of the International Council of Nurses, the text of the Ethical Principles and Responsibilities of the Turkish Nurses Association, the Nursing Practice Codes of the World Enterostomal Therapy Association, and the Rights of Individuals with Ostomy prepared by the International Ostomy Association. D- THE PRINCIPLE OF RESPECT FOR AUTONOMY With regards to the individual with a stoma, wound, and incontinence, The Ostomy and Wound Care Nurse shall; 1. Respect his/her dignity, privacy, and rights. 2. Respect his/her beliefs, values, and culture. 3. Ensure that s/he is accurately and adequately informed on care. 4. Ensure that s/he participates in decisions concerning his/her care. 5. Receive his/her verbal and written consent concerning his/her care. 6. Ensure that s/he is involved in care. 7. Take care concerning the confidentiality and privacy of his/her personal information. 8.In case the 4th and 5th principles are not fulfilled, legal and ethical approaches guaranteeing the protection of the individual’s autonomy will be applied. BullETin October 2014 16 E- THE PRINCIPLE OF BENEFICENCE / NON-MALEFICENCE The Ostomy and Wound Care Nurse shall; 1. Preoperatively determine the stoma site by cooperating with the individual and ensure that the stoma is opened in the area suiting the individual the most. 2. Ensure that the individual benefits from healthcare in the best manner by providing care training, consultancy, and rehabilitation services in line with the needs of the individual. 3. Ensure that the individual receives care with the most suitable materials. 4. Teach colostomy irrigation to relevant individuals and enhance their quality of living. 5. Take measures to prevent the individual from being harmed due to negligence, carelessness, and inexperience. 6. Take measure against problems/complications that may develop in the individual. 7. Constantly observe the benefits of the individual during communication with persons and organizations engaged in the selection, production, and marketing of stoma and wound care products and assume their advocacy. 8. Assume a role in ensuring/arranging the permanence of the treatment of the individual. F- THE PRINCIPLE OF JUSTICE The Ostomy and Wound Care Nurse shall; 1. Provide care, training, consultancy, and rehabilitation services to the individual regardless of gender, age, race, color, faith, and nationality, political and social status. 2. Utilizes all resources (labor, materials, time, etc.) in a fair manner when providing care. 3. Inform individuals on the financial opportunities and services provided by the country in relation to health support systems. 4. Ensure that the individual familiarize the stoma and wound care products in the country so s/he can use the most appropriate product. 5. Assist the individual in ensuring that s/he is informed on national and international support organizations in order to make the life of the individual easier. 6. Not engage in a self-interest based relationship with persons, institutions, and organizations. G- PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Ostomy and Wound Care Nurse shall; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Act in a manner protecting the honor of ostomy and wound care nursing. Perform investigations concerning stomas, wounds, and incontinence and compose new evidence. Contribute to the development of new products concerning stomas, wounds, and incontinence. Develop standards concerning stomas, wounds, and incontinence. Contribute to the development of wound ostomy nursing in Turkey and the world. Maintain professional development and contribute to the development of colleagues. Contribute to professional organization in order to positively develop the economic and social statuses and work conditions of wound ostomy nurses. 8. Not transfer duties and responsibilities concerning stoma and wound care to incompetent individuals. BullETin October 2014 17 Coming Events Next WCET Congress On behalf of the WCET 2016 Local Organising Committee, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to the 21st WCET Biennial Congress entitled “Embrace the circle of Life” in Cape Town South Africa, from 13 to 16 March 2016. The Cape Town International Convention Centre, a modern and well planned facility, will certainly provide an interactive venue for stimulating scientific exchange. This congress will give us the opportunity to embrace new ideas on stoma-, wound- and continence management, empowering us to render a professional service to those in need of special care. Papers will be presented in the form of plenary sessions, symposia and posters, which will all include superb scientific material. We hope that you will enjoy the beauty that Cape Town has to offer and that your interaction with your colleagues from many different countries will stimulate a creative exchange of ideas and will prove to be personally very rewarding. We look forward to welcoming you to Cape Town, South Africa! Kind Regards Monica Franck WCET2016 Congress Convenor Further details: BullETin October 2014 18 AASTN conferences 2015 Conference Melbourne On behalf of the organising committee, I sincerely invite you to attend the 40th National conference of the Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses. This conference will be held as a combined event with the Colo-Rectal Surgical Society of Australia and New Zealand, who are meeting with Asian Pacific Federation of Coloproctology in Melbourne, Australia. Within this context we extend a warm invitation to our Asian nurse colleagues to attend. Meeting dates are 5th – 7th October 2015 inclusive. Melbourne comes to life during spring. There is an array of colour and blooms throughout the Garden State. Daytime temperatures are ideal for sightseeing, ranging from 18-20 C. The Melbourne Convention Centre is located in the heart of Melbourne city and within walking distance of the venue there is much to see and do including Arts Centre, Federation Square, Myer Music Bowl and Botanic Gardens, Southbank cafes and shops, Melbourne Aquarium, Harbour Town and Crown Casino. A short tram ride takes you to the centre of town and world famous shopping, Docklands, Queen Victoria Market, and famous eatery destinations of Lygon, Brunswick and Johnston Streets. Either before or after the conference why not extend your stay to further take in the surrounding sights which include, Great Ocean Road, Phillip Island Penguin Parade, Mornington Peninsula, Dandenong Ranges, Puffing Billy Stream Train, Beautiful Yarra Valley, Healesville Sanctuary, Ballarat and Sovereign Hill, Western Districts and Grampian Ranges. The theme for this conference is Proactive and Innovative Strategies in Stomal Therapy Nursing. The program will focus on Preventative practice rather than Reactive practice and provide the nurse with current up to date information that will address future trends and expectations within our health care industry. We have a large organising committee comprising representation from most states in Australia, so there is a wonderful collective of experience that will formulate the program for this event. We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne in October 2015. Further details: Helen Nodrum Convenor WCET BullETin is a copyright publication of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET) Editor: Laurent Chabal, Publications and Communications Chairperson, Switzerland Assistant Editors: Elizabeth A. Ayello, Vice President, WCET, USA; Susan Stelton, President, WCET, USA Greg Paull, WCET Publications and Committee Member, Perth, Australia BullETin October 2014 19
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