The Mail Pouch Our Next Meeting is Ostomy Support Group EV/AZ

The Mail Pouch
Ostomy Support Group EV/AZ
October 2014
ET Advisors
Our Next Meeting is
We want to thank our WOC nurses for all they have
done for us. They come to every meeting and help
us with any problems we may have.
Sunday, October19, 2014
2:00 PM
161 N. Mesa Drive
Mesa, AZ. 85201
Meeting in Fellowship Hall
Banner Desert Medical Center (Dobson
Contact # 480 412-3449
Janet Schmidbauer, RN, BSN, CWOCN
Elaine Fox, RN, BSN, CWOCN
Angela Hukill, BSN, COCN, CWCN
Jenny Bishman BSN, COCN, CWCN
Banner Baywood Medical Center (Power
Road) Contact # 480 321-4642
Karol Friend, BSN, RN, COCN, CWCN
Today’s program will be presented by our
fabulous WOC nurses. They are always
informative and entertaining. This is one
program you don’t want to miss!
Independent Nurses
Sandy Lane BSN, RN, COCN, CWCN
Miriam Jensen BSN, RN, COCN, CWCN
Support Group Meeting Dates through
December 2014. All meetings begin at 2:00 PM
UOAA: For information for ostomates and to view
upcoming conferences and events, go to You can join the discussion board
and read the monthly Update letter. Click the
“advocacy” tab to reach your elected officials and
send a suggested message
at Mesa First Presbyterian Church
October 19, 2014
November 16, 2014
December 7, 2014
Board Meeting Date:
All meetings begin at 9:30 AM
at Mesa First Presbyterian Church
November 01, 2014
The Mail Pouch 1
Note from Your President
Officers and Directors
President: Darlene Kosman
[email protected]
Vice President/Program: Vella Owens
[email protected]
Secretary/ Sunshine: Marilyn Justice
[email protected]
Treasurer/Membership: Paula Nelson
[email protected]
Director: Bob Owens
Director: Maureen Hymel
Director/Webmaster: Robert Miller
[email protected]
Director of Projects: Gretchen Rodriquez
[email protected]
Visitors: Open
Visitation: Bobby King
[email protected]
Greeters/Sign In: Dan Jacobson
Newsletter Editor: Angelica Ontiveros
[email protected]
Newsletter Circulation: Sandy Clark
Refreshments: Florence Park
Ostomy Supplies: Kathy Scoles
[email protected]
Well, what a meeting we had in Sept Twelve
new Visitors! So happy to have you all.
I'll look forward to meeting and
talking to each one of you.
Thanks to the "Smith" family for sharing your
family's life with us. We hope you will continue
to be apart of "our" Ostomy family. Your story
touched every heart in the room!
"Our" nurses will be our program for October.
Never know what they have planned for us. I do
know you will something
So... let's see who reads the Newsletter!!! Best
Halloween Costume will receive a "spooky"
See Ya Soon, Darlene
Important Contacts for Ostomates
The Mail Pouch 2
You have always been very generous brining
refreshments. We have no sign ups, so if you any
of you would like to bring something, it would
greatly appreciated.
Suggestions box
We would like to start a suggestion box column in
our newsletter. Many of you have special little
things you do that help you and work for living
with an ostomy. It is amazing how little
inconsequential ideas can bring great comfort and
answers to frustrating happenings. Please share
your tidbits. Send your suggestions to Ostomy
Support Group EV/AZ, P.O. Box 1681, Mesa, Az.,
85211, or email [email protected],
or call 480-812-0324
We look forward to making this column a winner!
50/50 Raffle: Lincoln Smith
1 colostomy Contacted by Lee Lucas
Sunshine Report:
AMERICA (UOAA) is declaring that on October
4, 2014, UOAA is acknowledging ostomy and
continent diversion surgery. The day will be
recognized as Ostomy Awareness Day 2014 –
Live, Learn, Share. Our mission by celebrating
this special day is an effort to help patients LIVE
a normal life following surgery, to help the
medical community LEARN about the needs of
ostomy patients, and to SHARE our stories to
raise awareness about ostomies throughout the
United States.
Midwest Regional Ostomy
Education Conference •
Sympathy cards were sent to:
John Cowgur - Sympathy to Family
John Burns - Sympathy to Family
Juanita Frankenstein - Sympathy to Family
Nov 8, 2014 •
Arlington Heights IL
New Visitors:
Joe & Trish
Fifth UOAA National Conference •
Sept 1-6, 2015 •
St Louis MO
The Mail Pouch 3
Hello Dear Ostomy Member:
Ostomy Support Group
It is time for our yearly dues
for the 2014/2015.
Hope everyone had a great
summer and look forward to
seeing everyone at our
Important News
In our continuing effort to
reduce costs and keeping up
with “go green”, newsletters
to members will discontinue
effective November 2014.
$25.00 a year for a member.
$12.50 for an associate
member which is a spouse of
a member or if you have also
joined and paid dues to
another group.
Those of you who want a
newsletter sent by mail must
contact Sandra Clark at:
Use our website to attain our
news and other valuable
articles about our ostomy club
You can mail it to my address
6712 E. Des Moines St.
Mesa, Arizona 85205
Or to our P.O. Box or pay at
our meetings on the 3rd
Sunday of the month
Thank you Paula Nelson
The Mail Pouch 4
John J. Wroblewsky; Rph, Via: Ostomy Management
and Ostomy Assn. of Greater Orlando
The most well-adjusted ostomate can run into
trouble when he or she starts taking medication.
The potential of side effects or adverse reaction
increases as the number of medications the patient
is taking goes up. Compounding the risk is that
consumers today are turning to over-the-counter
medication and are prescribing for themselves to
offset rocketing health- care costs. A few basic
principles of drug use are, therefore, important to
keep in mind. A drug can’t do any good unless it
gets to its target organ. This simple idea is all
that’s behind the concept of bio-availability. In
almost every case, a drug must be absorbed into
the systemic circulation before it can exert a
therapeutic effect. Since drugs are absorbed
primarily through the intestines, ostomates can be
at a particular disadvantage. Many factors
influence the absorption of drugs. These factors
include the chemical nature of the drug, the
dosage from in which it is introduced into the
system, and the condition of the patient who is
taking the drug. Iron for instance, and vitamin
B12 are absorbed only in the upper ileum.
While the chemical nature of most drugs allows
absorption along a significant length of the
intestinal tract, the shorter the functional intestine,
the less will be absorbed. Only a very few drugs,
such as alcohol, can be absorbed to any great
extent through the stomach. Another chemical
factor involved in bio- availability is the intrinsic
solubility of the drug. Some drugs are rather
insoluble in the digestive juices and absorption
into the bloodstream will vary greatly, even in
patients with an intact bowel.
Clearly, a patient with a shortened ileum is at risk
for mal-absorption of any poorly absorbed drug.
The dosage form, too, is a major factor in bioavailability. As a general rule, the smaller the
particle size provided to the GI tract, the easier it
is absorbed.
True solutions have the best bio-availability by
the oral route and suspensions are almost as good.
Chewable tablets have a pretty good record if
they are chewed well; in most cases they are
better than capsules or compressed tablets.
Ostomates who have had a significant portion of
their intestine removed may achieve better
absorption by emptying the contents of a capsule
into applesauce, or crushing a compressed tablet
and adding the powder to food. A word of caution
though– not all tablets can safely be crushed, and
not all capsules should be emptied. Generally
speaking, timed release tablets should not be
crushed, nor should time released capsules be
emptied. The result could be 12 to 24 hours’
worth of medication being released all at once.
Certain drugs can react chemically with foods.
Tetracycline is notorious for combining with
heavy metals and with ions such as calcium,
which is present in milk, yogurt, ice cream and
other dairy products. Enteric-coated tablets
should never be crushed. The reason those tablets
are coated is to prevent acid degration in the
stomach or to protect the mucosa from irritation.
Enteric-coated tablets are a poor choice for
ostomates. Entire tablets have been recovered
intact in an ostomy bag. A patient’s diet can
affect the drug absorption too, either by
absorption of the medication onto the food,
chemical interaction, or by delaying gastric
emptying time. Since many drugs are affected by
acid, prolonged exposure to stomach acid may
decompose the medication.
Physicians, pharmacists and especially
enterostomal therapists have an important role in
educating ostomy patients so they’ll know what to
expect and avoid in drug therapy. Ostomates owe
it to themselves to be informed and alert, to
minimize risks and to ask when there remains but
the slightest doubt.
The Mail Pouch 5
Inspirational Story: Why Your Group
Simple Yet Profound Words From
a Five Year Old
Submitted to UOAA Office (used with permission)
UOAA Update 08/2014
By Kathy Ward, Admin. Asst.-UOAA
UOAA Update 08/2014
The following letter was received at the office and is
a great example of why your ASG makes a
difference, by accepting supply donations and
sharing them with others in need.
Hello! My name is Tiffany. I'm contacting you
because my fiancé has a lot of colostomy
supplies that he no longer needs, by the grace of
God, and we would like to find someone or
somewhere to donate them to due to the
blessings we-mostly he-has received and keep
the blessings going.
This is my fiancé's story. His name is Dan, and
in December 2013 he was walking from his
house to a friend's and only made it two houses
of myhe
had to google
was attacked.
His “ostomy”
collapsed, he lost a lot of blood, and his arm
suffered nerve damage but it helped save his
life. Along with this he had damage to his
intestine. After surgery he woke up to having a
We are now 8 months later and he had a
colostomy reversal, which went well until a
small hole started to leak and he went into
emergency surgery. But once again our prayers
were answered and they were able to drain it
and let it heal on its own. So far the draining is
stopping, meaning the intestine is healing and
that hole gets smaller and smaller. I've never
been so happy to hear someone pass gas and
have a regular bowel movement in my life, and
he was very happy as well.
So, if you can help in any way to lead us to
anyone who needs colostomy supplies near our
town, we would like to bless someone else with
a little help.
When my granddaughter was five, she had
many problems with her digestive system.
Her surgeon placed a stoma over her
stomach so that a feeding tube could be
One day, she looked at me and said,
"Grandma, did you name your stoma?"
I replied, "Yes, I did. I call it Rose, because
it looks like a flower to me. Did you name
"Yes," she said. "But I named mine Jack."
Thinking this was an odd name for a little
girl to name her stoma, I had to ask, "Why
did you name it Jack?"
Her response, "Because Jack is the name of
the lifeguard at the beach and my stoma
saved my life."
If You Have Internet Access . . .
Our website has been up and running. We have all
kinds of information plus links to the national
UOAA and Phoenix Magazine. Our current Mail
Pouch is on the website in addition to archived ones.
Our website address is:
If you have any questions or suggestions about the
website, send an email to:
[email protected]
Useful websites:
Thank you, from Tiffany and Dan.
The Mail Pouch 6
Please support our
advertisers. The
advertising helps
to defray the cost
of printing and
mailing your
The Mail Pouch 7
The Mail Pouch 8
The Mail Pouch 9
Ostomy Support Group EV/AZ
P.O. Box 1681
Mesa, AZ 85201-1681
Membership is open to all persons interested in ostomy rehabilitation. MEMBERSHIP in the Ostomy Support
Group EV/AZ includes a subscription to the chapter’s monthly newsletter. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP in the
Ostomy Support Group EV/AZ is open to the spouse of a regular member or a member of another chapter
who lives out of state, and includes a subscription to the newsletter.
Full Membership Dues are $25.00 per year. Associate Membership Dues are $12.50 per year.
I wish to make an additional contribution of $_________ to support chapter programs.
NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Spouse’s Name: ___________________________________________ Phone: (
) ___________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: __________________________________________________
STATE: __________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________
BIRTHDAY MONTH & DAY: ____________
Continent Urostomy
No Ostomy
ZIP: ___________
Urostomy/Ileo Conduit
Other (please specify) ______________________________
Date & Location of initial surgery: _______________________________________________________________
Complete this form and bring it to the next meeting or mail it with your check to: Ostomy Support Group
EV/AZ, c/o Paula Nelson, 6712 Des Moines St., Mesa, AZ 85205-6827
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