PORT OF KOKKOLA PORT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 1. Contact the emergency center, tel: 112 2. Contact the Port Security Officer +358 44 7809 132 or the Vice Security Officer +358 40 5575 928 or, during other hours than office hours, the watchmen +358 400 432 694 3. Prepare the vessel to leave if necessary 4. Wait for instructions from the port on VHF–CH. 12 WHEN POLICE, AMBULANCE OR FIREBRIGADE IS NEEDED CONTACT 112 Police (not urgent) Sea Rescue center: First aid/City hospital: First aid/Health Centre phone: phone: phone: phone: 10022 0204 1000 +358-(0)6-8264 500 +358-(0)6-8287 350 ________________________________________________________________________ -1Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 PORT OF KOKKOLA CONTACTS Address: Phone: Fax: Internet: E-mail: Kantasatamantie 50 67900 Kokkola FINLAND +358 6 8242 400 +358 6 8242 444 www.portofkokkola.fi [email protected] Harbour Master & Security Officer (PFSO) Carita Rönnqvist Gsm: +358 44 7809 132 E-mail:[email protected] Development manager & Vice PFSO Jyrki Roukala Gsm: E-mail: +358 44 7809 133 [email protected] Lines men Gsm: E-mail: +358 400 432 694 VHF-Channel 12 [email protected] VTS contacts: Phone: Fax: E-mail: +358 20 4487 356 +358 20 4487 357 [email protected] VHF-CHANNELS BothniaVTS The pilots The port, lines men Tugs (Yxpila Hinaus-Bogsering Oy Ab) Phone: +358 10 2190750 24 h Seamens´ Mission Address: Satamakatu 51 67900 Kokkola Tel. & fax: +358 6 8226 219 +358 400 227240 Port Director Torbjörn Witting Gsm: E-mail: Ch.67 Ch.13 Ch.13 or 12 +358 40 5119 595 [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________ -2Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 RAUANHEIMO PORT OF KOKKOLA OPERATOR’S CONTACT NUMBERS: SHIP AGENT: DEP.MANAGER DUTY AGENT +358 50 387 3315 +358 50 387 3308 FORWARDING : FOREMAN +358 50 387 1351 +358 50 387 3301 +358 50 387 3318 CONTAINERS RUSSIAN TRANSIT +358 50 387 3350 +358 20 777 1336 +358 20 777 1316 DEP.MANAGER +358 50 387 3340 FOREMAN +358 50 387 3301 DEP.MANAGER +358 50 387 3340 STEVEDORING: Oy M. Rauanheimo Ab Box 254 FIN-67101 KOKKOLA Kotipaikka - Domicile Satamatullintie 5 67900 KOKKOLA Phone: +358 20 777 1300 Telefax: +358 20 777 1320 Y-TUNNUS BUSINESS ID 0179291-9 Internet www.rauanheimo.com E-mail [email protected] VAT REG. FI01792919 ________________________________________________________________________ -3Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 RAUANHEIMO PORT OF KOKKOLA LIST OF FREQUENCIES USED IN PORT OF KOKKOLA VHF FREQ CALL NAME PORT 1 169,550 FORWARDING ALL 2 169,600 CRANE 1 GENERAL 3 169,825 CRANE 2 GENERAL 4 171,075 5 166,900 6 170,875 7 DEEP STACCER(CONVEYOR) DEEP DEEP 171,025 DEEP 8 166,925 SILVERSTONE 9 167,075 DEEP/BOLIDEN 10 170,400 GENERAL Oy M. Rauanheimo Ab Box 254 FIN-67101 KOKKOLA Kotipaikka - Domicile Satamatullintie 5 67900 KOKKOLA Phone: +358-(0)6-8265300 Telefax: +358 20 777 1320 Y-TUNNUS BUSINESS ID 0179291-9 Internet www. rauanheimo.com E-mail [email protected] VAT REG. FI01792919 ________________________________________________________________________ -4Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 PORT P OF KOKK KOLA OR’S CON NTACT NU UMBERS: OPERATO SHIP AGE ENT: JALA ANDER OY Y +358 6 822 1213 STEVEDO ORING: Duty Foreman +358 6 828 232 21 Produ uction Man nager +358 6 828 232 20 +358 50 323 82 249 Oy Hacklin Bulk Service Ltd. Box 602 KKOLA FI-67701 KOK Kotipaikka – D Domicile Mäntyluoto Phone: +358 6 8282320 Telefax +358 6 8221312 Interne et www.hacklin.fi E-mail firstname.su [email protected] Y-TU UNNUS BUS SINESS ID 21266049-3 VAT T REG. FI21126049-328880 0 PORI ________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________________ _________ _ -5Port of Kokkola a 11.6.2013 3 PO ORT OF F KOKK KOLA FREQUEN NCIES USE ED IN POR RT OF KOK KKOLA LIST OF F VHF FREQ CA ALL NAME PORT 11 443,025 5 Forreman All 11 443,025 5 IITA A 11 443,025 5 Silvverstone crrane Oy Hacklin Bulk Service Ltd. Box 602 KKOLA FI-67701 KOK Domicile Kotipaikka – D Mäntyluoto 28880 PORI (C CRANE) Phone: +358 6 8282320 Telefax +358 6 8221312 Interne et www.hacklin.fi E-mail [email protected] firstname.su Silverstone Silverstone Y-TU UNNUS BUS SINESS ID 21266049-3 VAT T REG. FI21126049-3 ________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________________ _________ _ -6Port of Kokkola a 11.6.2013 3 TECHNICAL INFORMATION & CAPACITIES BERTHS (Enclosure 1) DEEP PORT Berth Length Draught (max.auth.) Deep quay 10,11,12 620 m 13,0 m (+20 cm) Deep quay 9 180 m 11,0 m (+20 cm) Boliden quay 8 100 m 9,5 m Oil quay 7 140 m 9,5 m No air draught limitation, but for loading by the stacker max railingheight 13,65 meter from the waterlevel, 11 meter from the quay SILVERSTONE PORT Silverstone quay Silverstone quay 1 2 160 m 156 m 9,5 m 9,5 m Quay 1 Quay 2 Chemical quay 5 No air draught limitation 150 m 150 m 83 m 9,5 m 9,5 m 9,5 m All weather terminal (AWT) 4 Length of the basin Length of the outside quay Width of basin Maximum draught Maximum air draught foremast 120 m 124 m 25 m 8,3 m 23,5 m GENERAL PORT HEIGHTS OF THE QUAYS Deep quay Boliden quay Silverstone quay General port AWT 2,65 m 2,65 m 2,5 m 2,44 m 2,65 m DISTANCE BETWEEN BOLLARDS Deep quay 18 meters Silverstone quay 1 20 meters Silverstone quay 2 23 meters General port 15 meters AWT 15 meters THE BEARING CAPACITY OF THE QUAYS (Enclosures 2, 3,4 and 5) ________________________________________________________________________ -7Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 CARGO HANDLING FACILITIES DEEP QUAY Conveyor belt for loading bulk cargo Loadingcapacity 500 – 1000 tons /hour Dischargingcapacity 300 – 500 tons /hour from wagons 2 x 40 tons shore cranes 1 x 50 ton shore crane 1 x 28 ton crane with counterweight Loadingcapacity with two cranes is 80-90 tons With grab 750 tons/crane/hour (for example iron ore) Railwagontipplerterminal (RWTT) Dischargingcapacity 15 wagons/hour BOLIDEN QUAY 1 x 10 ton shore crane Conveyorsystem for discharging zincconcentrate OIL QUAY Pipelines for discharging oilproducts and caustic soda SILVERSTONE QUAY 1 x 8 ton shore crane 1 x 40 ton shore crane A pipeline for loading phosphoric acid A pipeline for discharging ammonia SHORE QUAY 2 x 8 ton shore cranes A pipeline for loading/discharging cement A conveyorsystem for bulkcargo AWT 1 x 50 ton bridge crane A Container handling gear CHEMICAL QUAY A pipeline for discharging sulfuric acid 1 x material handling machine ESSEMKO 60 tons, 6 tons 20 meter 1 x material handling machine Mantsinen 21 ton Mobile cranes available up to 45 tons capacity Warehouses total 80,129 m2 ________________________________________________________________________ -8Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 GENERAL INFORMATION RELEVANT CHARTS: BA 2252, BA2301, BA3062 Finnish charts; 3 (Gulf of Botnia),5 (Tankar, Yxpila) LANDMARKS Tankar Lighthouse (6357´N, 02251´E) Kokkola Lighthouse (6400´N, 02252´E) Chimney at Boliden (6351,6´N, 02303,1´E) APPROACH AND ENTRY The Yxpila harbour is approached from the NW, trough a 200 meter wide channel authorized for a draught of 13 meters to the deep harbour, goes on as a channel with maximum authorized draught 9,5 meters to the general port and maximum draught 8,3 meter to the All Weather Terminal DEPTH In all fairways and at the quays, the waterdepth is between 1 and 2 meter more than the maximum permissible draught shown in the charts. There is no tide in the port, but the waterlevel varies between +100 cm/-50 cm depending on the weather conditions MAXIMUM SIZE OF A SHIP Max draught 13,2 m, max length ca. 300 m, max width 50 meter, max DWT about 180.000. In the all weather terminal max draught 8,3 meter, max air draught 23,5 meter, max lenght about 130 meter, max width about 20 meter (Vessels about 9500 DWT) WEATHERCONDITIONS Sometimes heavy sea by NW winds ICE Ice occurs between January and April. During this time icebreakers will assist only ships with an Ice class. Ice charts and restrictions to navigation are published during the winter SPEED Maximum speed in the port area is 7 knots DENSITY The water density in the port is 1,002 ________________________________________________________________________ -9Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 PILOTAGE Compulsory and available throughout 24 hours. Pilot boards 3.5 Nm. NNW of Tankar Lighthouse. Pilot on VHF Channel 16. Distance to port 12 Nm. Inward vessels or their agent make an advance notification 24 and 6 hours before arrival and the pilotorder 3 hours before arrival by email, fax or phone E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +358 20754 6153 Fax: +358 20754 6163 Internet: www.pilotorder.fi Outward vessels order the pilot 2 hours before departure MOORING Mooringmen are available on telephone number +358(0)400432694 or on VHF CH 13 or (CH 12). Working CH in port VHF 12. . Vessels calling the port are obliged to use mooringmen. ANCHORAGE Anchorage may be obtained 1-2 miles N of the Yxpila breakwater TOWAGE AND TUGS Tugs are available from: YXPILA HINAUS ORION – 4000 iHK , 2502 kW, 36 t Bp, 12,5 kn ARIES – 3200 Hp, 2354 kW, 41 t Bp, 12 kn CETUS - 2801 Hp, 2060 kW, 28 t Bp, 13 kn For more tugs contact the agent at least 12 hours in advance SUPPLIES All kind of bunkers delivered by truck. Fresh water, provisions, electricity available. Ordering possible through the agent SLOP RECEPTION Dirty ballast water, slops from tank washing, sludge, oily mixtures as per agreement by a road tanker Ordering and service through the agent ________________________________________________________________________ -10Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 WASTE E RECEPT TION ATTE ENTION! Beforre the vesssel delivers s sorted so olid waste tto the port, it should conta act the portt service th hrough the agent or oon tel.numb ber +358 400 43269 94 or satamavalvoja at@kokko ola.fi. All ga arbageconttainers are e closed an nd will be oopened for vessels delive ering sorted d waste att a given tim me. Port of o Kokkol a encoura ages all ve essels to ssort the waste w on board d. The sorrting has an a impact on the waastehandlingcosts. INSTRUCTION S FOR WA ASTESOR RTING KITCH HEN GARBA AGE is mamm mals or birds s: - co ooked or raw meat - bo ones - pa ackages or w wrappers, which have bee en in contact with meat or bones. KITCH HEN GARBA AGE FROM OTHER O THA AN EU-COUN NTRIES mus st be put in a yello ow plastic sacck delivered d on the vess sel by the porrtquards. The sack must be delivered furthe er on to the lo ocked yellow w plastic conta tainer, CATE EGORY I. The sa acks are brou ught on to the ship on req quest. MIXED D WASTE Mixed waste is succh waste, tha at is produced by the perssonnel of the e vessel as activities. Mix xed waste ca an be compaared to house ehold a result of normal a wastes s such as ga arbage, dome estic waste and a other wasste compara able to such to its character c and d consistency considering g transportattion and trea atment. The following are e examples of mixed waste e: - ho ousehold wasstes (except kitchen garb bage) - tex xtiles - po orcelain and cceramics - window glass - no on-combustib ble waste, an nd waste uns suitable for prractical application Put the e mixed was te into the grreen container, which ho lds 6 m3 PAPER AND CAR RDBOARD Waste suitable to b be put into th he container for paper: - all clean and d dry non-treate ed paper - telephone direcctories, book ks and office paper - folded cardboa ard Paper should be pu ut into the plastic contain ner, which hoolds 600 liters. ________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________________ _________ _ -11Port of Kokkola a 11.6.2013 3 GLASS Waste suitable to be put into the container for glass: - transparent and colored glassbottles and jars, (remove all lids and surrounding parts of metal) Glass should be put into the plastic container for GLASS, which holds 600 liters. METAL Waste suitable to be put into the container for metal: - metal tubes and sheet metal - preserve cans and metal lids - other clean metal If there is such metal waste on the vessel which is large or particularly heavy and not suitable to put into the container available, the port service must be informed about this. Metal should be put into the plastic container for METAL, which holds 600 liters. COMBUSTION RESIDUES (PLASTIC) Waste suitable to be put into the container for combustion residues: - packages for coffee, biscuits, cereals and other packages for milk and juice, boards for fluids dry plastics waste (except PVC) and small amounts of rubber dirty cardboard and paper Combustion residues should be put into the plastic container, which holds 600 liters. WASTE, THAT SHOULD NOT BE PUT INTO THE CONTAINERS Do not put the following into the containers: - flammable or explosive waste - hazardous waste - objects, that might damage the vehicle transporting the waste - materials or object, that might cause the person handling the waste or the container danger, for instance big objects of glass or metal, heavy materials or objects, that make the process of loading waste difficult to an excessive extent - liquid waste or similar COMMENTS ON DEFECTS OR OTHER REQUESTS REGARDING THE WASTEMANAGEMENT CAN BE SENT TO THE HARBOUR MASTER ________________________________________________________________________ -12Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 RESTRICTIONS OR CONDITIONS ON THE DISCHARGE OF BALLAST WATER and WASHWATER FROM HOLD CLEANING It´s allowed to discharge clean ballast water. If the ballast water is suspected or found to be contaminated the Harbour Master must be contacted for further instructions. Discharging ballast water on the quay is forbidden. Marpol annex V came into force 1.1.2013. All washwater from HME (harmful to the marine environment) cargo prohibited to discharge into the sea.The port provide roadtankers for the washwater from the holds at extra costs. EMISSIONS INTO THE AIR The EU directive from the 1.1.2010 regulates that vessels at berth have to use fuel with marine sulphur content less than 0,1 %. This regulation is valid in all ports within the EU. The regulation doesn´t apply on vessels staying less than 2 hours at berth. WELDING AND HOT WORK Welding on deck or other hot work while berthing is not to be carried out without permission of the Harbour Master On ships laden with combustible or inflammable goods, open fires, the use of the mobile phone, repair works producing sparks and smoking are forbidden on open decks and 25 meters from the ship on the quay and on the sea side. DE-MOBILIZING MAIN ENGINES No vessel shall de-mobilize its main engines whilst alongside without permission of the Harbour Master. If approval is given the vessel has to have emergency towing lines standby. The master is required to keep a 24 hour watch on VHF-channel 12 or give a mobile phonenumber, so the vessel can be reached in case of emergency. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS WHEN USING THE ALL WEATHER TERMINAL Don´t drive in the ship before: the traffic light shows green the linesmen give the allowance to drive in the height of the foremast is lower than 23,5 meter from the waterlevel (the door is 24 meter from MW +/-0), the fore mast must never exceed the height of 23,5 meter while being inside the terminal an extra line is ready to give to the linesmen for fastening to the fire wire ashore. The line should not be the normal mooringline, which is fastened on the bollard, but an extra ________________________________________________________________________ -13Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 line, which can be used if the ship has to be towed out from the terminal because of fire. To avoid smoke from the chimney, leave the bridge outside the terminal about 1 – 2 meters from the curtaindoor. This door and the sidecurtains will be closed after the ship is moored. PORT SECURITY INFORMATION DANGEROUS CARGO Advanced notification is to be given to the Port Authority 24 hours before goods classified as dangerous referred to in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and its supplements, the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail(RID) is brought into the port . Such an information must include at least the: Correct technical name of the goods IMDG-Class UN-number Amount of cargo Type of packages Unit packing must be marked with stickers in accordance with the IMDG-code. In addition, advance enquiry 7 days before is required for IMDGgoods of class 1, 4, 6.2 and 7 and when large quantities of any dangerous goods has to be transported. ISPS – CODE 1. All vessels have to transmit to the port security control if possible 24 hours prior to arrival or at latest on arrival A complete crewlist A passengerlist Changes of crewmembers The names of visitors expected on board Shipsuppliers/-service expected The ship´s securitylevel and SSO contactdetails 2. Visitors, of whom the port security control has no information, have to wait until confirmed from ship that they are expected. The port security control has to be informed about visitors in advance ________________________________________________________________________ -14Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 3. The “DECLARATION OF SECURITY” ref.SOLAS XI-2 – ISPScode has to be effected between the port and the ship ONLY if the ship or harbour has raised it´s securitylevel from level 1 to level 2 or 3. If there has been a security incident in one of the last ten ports (a list of the ten last ports must exist onboard, but doesn´t have to be sent in case there hasn´t been a securityincident in these ports) if there is a securityrisk on the ship, when it arrives in port. 4. The ship´s master will receive a codenumber for the crewmembers to use at the gate. The code is working during the stay of the vessel. Anybody, who is passing through the harbour area has to be prepared to prove his identity through the presentation of a valid document of his country on request. The refusal of a proof will result in refusal of the admission and consequently the possible banishment from the port area. It´s pointed out explicitly that entry and exit are allowed only via the main gate from the general port and via the gate for pedestrians/vehicles from the deep port. 5. When securitylevel rises to level 2 all persons leaving the ship or entering the port area are to be guided the shortest way from gate to ship and vice versa. Identitycards has to be shown and inspection of luggage is to be allowed when requested 6. When securitylevel rises to level 3 nobody is allowed to leave the ship and enter the port without permission from the PFSO. The ship should be prepared to leave the port within ½ an hour and it has to follow the instructions from the Port Authorities. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS while opening or closing the hatches Before opening or closing the hatchcovers the loading, discharging or securing operations have to be interrupted. The officer in charge of loading/discharging is responsible for that persons in the vicinity of hatchcovers are warned when they are about to be opened or closed. No person should be permitted to be in the hold or on the hatchcover, when it is about to be opened or closed MOVING THE HATCHCOVERS BEFORE ENSURING THAT ALL PERSONS ARE CLEAR IS STRONGLY FORBIDDEN ________________________________________________________________________ -15Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 PORT REGULATIONS SECTION I General regulations SECTION II Notifications to the Port Authority SECTION III The arrival in port and berthing of the vessel SECTION IV Port security SECTION V Unloading, loading and storage of goods SECTION VI Environmental regulations SECTION VII Fire prevention SECTION VIII Road and rail traffic SECTION IX Measures in the event of damages and violations SECTION X Miscellaneous regulations SECTION XI Coming into force ________________________________________________________________________ -16Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 Port Regulations for the Municipality of Kokkola Approved by the Municipal Council January 30th, 2006 / February 20th, 2006 SECTION I General regulations 1§ In the Port area belonging to the Municipality of Kokkola , in addition to Laws and Statutes in force and any regulations based on these, the stipulations of these Port Regulations shall be complied with. 2§ The Port area referred to in these Port Regulations comprises the area the boundary of which starts from Hyljeniemi WGS-84 latitude 6352,63’ N, longitude 02302,43’E, from there to point 6352,69’N, 02301,91’ E, to point 6351,92’ N, 02301,47’ E, to point 6351,18’ N, 02300,50’ E, to point 6351,1’ N, 02300,40’ E to point 6351,10’ N, 02300,19’ E, to point 6350,74’ N, 02300,12’ E , to point 6350,70’ N, 02300,59’ E, to point 6350,02’ N, 02301,90’ E and to point 6350,19’ N, 02302,28’ E and from there along the shoreline to the point of Hyljeniemi. For the boundaries of the Port area, please refer to the map attached to these Port Regulations. 3§ Port administration is ensured by a Port Committee supervised by the Municipal Council. The practical administration of the Port shall be entrusted to the Port Authorities of the municipality of Kokkola. The duties of the Port Authorities supervising conformance with these Port Regulations are specified in the Ordinance for the Port Committee and Port Office In the municipality of Kokkola, the competent Port Authorities are the Port Director, the Harbour Master and in issues pertaining to the regulations mentioned above the managers of the departments. SECTION II Notifications to the Port Authority 4§ The operator, agent or Master of a vessel arriving at the port shall submit to the Port Authority an advance notification of the arriving vessel no later than 24 hours before the vessel reaches the Port; ________________________________________________________________________ -17Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 or at the latest as the vessel leaves its previous port of call in case of a crossing that is less than 24 hours in duration; or if the next port of call is not known or has changed during the crossing, as soon as this information becomes available. The notification shall contain all information required by the Port Authority, including the security level of the vessel. This notification need not to be submitted for vessels in scheduled traffic, unless the Port Authority specifically so requires. 5§ A notification of the vessel's arrival and departure shall be submitted to the Port Authority immediately after the arrival and departure of the vessel unless otherwise agreed. This notification shall contain any information required by the Finnish Maritime Administration, the Port Authorities and the Customs concerning goods unloaded and loaded as well as the numbers of passengers arriving and departing. The Master or agent of the vessel shall similarly submit any other information needed by the Port Administration for the charging of the port dues and for the promotion of safety and security of the Port and the vessel traffic. These notifications shall also contain the ISPS security level declaration and any other information required by the ISPS regulations. 6§ Notification of passenger vessel schedules and changes therein shall be given in good time. Operation can only start after the Port Authority has approved the schedule. 7§ Notification of any tug, water-bus, fishing trawler or other similar vessel engaged in a commercial activity and operating in or from the port shall be given to the Port Authority before initiation of such activity. 8§ This notification need not to be submitted if the vessel is owned by the Government of Finland, unless such a vessel is used for mercantile shipping. This exemption also applies to any boat used for recreational purposes. Such boats are also exempted from the advance notification requirement. 9§ Of goods classified as dangerous, advance notification shall be given to the Port Authority 24 hours before such a consignment is brought into the Port area, unless otherwise agreed. Goods classified as dangerous refer to substances intended in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous ________________________________________________________________________ -18Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 Goods by Road (ADR) and the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID). In addition, while transporting particularly dangerous goods or large quantities of dangerous goods, it is necessary to ensure in advance that the consignment may be brought into the Port area (advance enquiry). 10 § This notification shall be submitted in the PortNet maritime information system or using another method as specifically agreed. 11 § In case the vessel is arriving from an area contaminated by a generally dangerous disease or if a person onboard the vessel has during the crossing fallen ill with a disease, that is generally dangerous, suspected to be contagious or is unknown, notification of this shall be given in good time to the Port Authority and advice by the Port Authority shall be awaited before entering the Port. In case of the death of or occurrence of a serious illness in an animal onboard during the crossing, notification of this shall be given to the Port Authority. In this case, no animals may be unloaded from the vessel without the permission of the Municipal Veterinarian or another competent Veterinary Health Authority. SECTION III The arrival in port and berthing of the vessel 12 § Maximum speed permitted in the Port area is indicated by means of appropriate signs. This speed shall be so adjusted that it does not cause damage, inconvenience or danger. Pilotage is not compulsory in the port area. The sea pilots are permitted to pilot in the harbour area by request of the master of the vessel. 13 § The vessel shall be moored or anchored in the location indicated by the Port Authorities, and it may not be moved to another location without their permission. The berths are mainly allocated in the order of arrival in Port. By decision of the Port Authority or by specific agreement, exceptions may however be made to this rule. The Master of the vessel shall keep himself informed of the current water depth at the berth. 14 § When mooring and casting off the vessel as well as while the vessel is moored at berth, necessary care shall be taken to avoid ________________________________________________________________________ -19Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 damaging the quay and the fixed constructions and any cranes located on it. Towing assistance shall be used when necessary while mooring and casting off. The Port Authority may also order the vessel to use towing assistance. Using the anchor on the quayside should be avoided. When moored, the vessel shall be adequately fendered off. Gangways and accommodation ladders shall be fitted with handrails and protective netting and illuminated during the hours of darkness. Davits, derricks, cranes, accommodation ladders and other equipment reaching over the vessel's sides shall be positioned so that they do not hamper the movements of the cranes on the quay nor vessel traffic on the seaward side. Before and while the vessel is moored, its drains and other outlets shall be covered to prevent water or sewage from running onto the quay. The propeller of a berthed vessel may only be run at dead slow speed for testing while standing by for departure except when otherwise agreed with the Port Authority. 15 § The vessel shall be removed to another berth if the Port Authority so decides. Any vessel in the port area, unless laid up, shall be adequately manned to enable shifting manoeuvres at any time. 16 § Tankers transporting dangerous goods and, when ordered to do so by the Port Authority, any other vessel shall after mooring pay out two towing lines for emergency towing, one fore and the other aft at the vessel's seaward side with the eyelets close to the water surface. 17 § Mooring a laid-up vessel in the Port requires the permission of the Port Authority. The vessel shall be moored in the place and manner advised by the Port Authority. The owner or the party in possession of the vessel shall ensure the good quality and conditions of the moorings at all times. The owner or the agent of a laid-up vessel shall entrust the maintenance of the vessel to a reliable person, whose name and address shall be given to the Port Authority. ________________________________________________________________________ -20Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 SECTION IV Port security 18 § Trespassing the Port area (a port facility intended in the ISPS regulations), which is indicated as being closed for unauthorized access by fencing or signs is not permitted. A person wishing to gain access to such a Port area shall on request present an identification card or access permit approved by the Port Authority or otherwise prove their identity. Any unauthorized persons found inside the Port area may be removed, if necessary with the assistance of Police, Customs and Border Guard Authorities. 19 § It is the responsibility of everyone to submit to the Port any information that may be significant in terms of port security and port facility- and shipping security as intended in the ISPS regulations. 20 § While the vessel is in Port, it shall notify the Port of any inbound and outbound traffic of persons and goods for the purposes of access control. SECTION V Unloading, loading and storage of goods 21 § While unloading and loading goods, care shall be taken not to damage structural parts of the quay or port equipment used in the loading or unloading operations. When placing heavy cranes on the dock, the crane owner shall check the bearing capacity of the quay with the Port Authority and obtain their approval for the location of the crane. 22 § Goods or parcels may not during the loading or unloading operations be placed in the way of port cranes, on the quay, streets, alleyways, in front of warehouse doors, on top of fire hydrants or anywhere, where they may block access to life-saving appliances nor anywhere else where they may hamper traffic except in special cases by specific permission issued by the Port Authority for each individual case. 23 § Any Stevedore's gear and machinery that is privately owned and used in the Port area shall be equipped with the name or logo of their owner, and in case of machinery also with an ID number. ________________________________________________________________________ -21Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 Stevedore's gear and working machinery may not be left on the quay area after the work has been completed. 24 § Dangerous goods shall be unloaded and loaded on condition that they, with the exception of bulk goods, are provided with appropriate labels as intended in such as the IMDG - Code or that they are packaged following a method, which conforms with this Code or is otherwise appropriate. In case such dangerous goods are not labelled or packaged as described above, the Port Authority may forbid their unloading from the vessel and their transport by land to the Port area for loading, or may undertake other safety measures. 25 § While unloading and loading dangerous goods in bulk, the Master of the vessel or the owner of the goods shall, on request of the Port Authority, arrange efficient supervision and take other safety measures at their cost. The access of unauthorized persons to the unloading and loading area shall be prevented by warning notices and appropriate barriers. While unloading and loading liquid fuels in an oil port, the Port's own safety guidelines shall also be adhered to. 26 § In case vermin are found in the cargo of a vessel, unloading shall cease immediately. It is the duty of the Master of the vessel to report this to the Port Authorities and to await their advice before continuing the unloading. 27 § When storing goods in the Port area, the instructions issued by the Port Authority shall be strictly adhered to. Goods may not be stored in such a way that they may block road access or hamper the use of life-saving or fire-fighting equipment, or that it cause damage to the storehouses or other constructions Goods, which cause inconvenience or damage because of a leak, odour or any other reason shall be immediately removed from the Port area by their owner. 28 § Explosives and radioactive substances may only be stored in the Port area if permitted by a Law or a Statutory Act or if permission to do so has been granted based on a Law or a Statutory Act. ________________________________________________________________________ -22Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 SECTION VI Environmental regulations 29 § The Master of the vessel shall make sure that no substances or waste contaminating the environment are discharged from the vessel. The Master shall also ensure that the operation of the vessel does not cause unreasonable inconvenience to other users of the Port. The Master shall further make sure that the waste management guidelines of the Port are complied with in the handling and sorting of wastes. 30 § It is the duty of the Master of the vessel or the owner of the goods to immediately notify the Port Authorities in case goods have fallen overboard or oil or any other pollutant has leaked in the water and to take appropriate measures for their removal. 31 § While handling goods in the Port area, the Operators shall take care not to unnecessary defile the Port area and ensure that unnecessary noise is avoided. In case the handling of goods causes dust or noise that is harmful to the environment, the Port Authority may interrupt the handling of such goods. The parties handling goods and managing such work shall ensure that rubbish, waste, pallets and covers are taken to the appropriate locations and that any areas soiled are cleaned up. SECTION VII Fire prevention 32 § In case the cargo of a vessel includes inflammable goods, the making of open fires, repair work producing sparks and smoking are prohibited on open decks as well as in the vicinity of the vessel both on the quay and seaward side. A tanker shall immediately after mooring be earthed by means of an earthing cable. This earthing cable may only be disconnected as the vessel leaves the Port. The ventilation of such tanks onboard the vessel where inflammable substances have been carried is prohibited without permission of the Port Authority. At quays and storage areas for inflammable liquids, the making of open flames and smoking outdoors is prohibited. This prohibition ________________________________________________________________________ -23Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 also applies to the seaside area within a 50 m radius of the storage areas, quays and vessels. Regarding other instances of making fires in the Port areas, there are specific regulations. 33 § Any marked fire alleyway in the warehouses and storage areas in the Port area as well as route to fire hydrants, fire wells and fire extinguishing pipes shall be kept clear at all times. The firefighting and life-saving equipment, automatic fire detection and life-saving appliances as well as automatic fire detection and extinguishing devices shall be kept in order at all times and portable fire extinguishers shall be easily accessible. 34 § The crew of vessels in the Port shall take part in the rescue operations and the removing of vessels from locations under risk according to the instructions of the authorities and to the best of their ability. SECTION VIII Road and rail traffic 35 § Trains, passenger passageways or cranes, moving on rails, and other equipment on rails, shall have the right of way over any other vehicle. Parking on the tracks of gantry cranes or trains is prohibited 36 § Vehicles, which exceptionally are moving in the working- and quay-areas, shall use either a flashing light or the flicks of the car. When alighting from a vehicle in the work or quay area, protective, visible CE marked clothing shall be worn. 37 § Highest permissible speed of vehicles, parking areas and other traffic arrangements are indicated by traffic signs. 38 § Regarding the use of motor vehicles over a water area covered with ice, there are specific regulations. SECTION IX Measures in the event of damages and violations ________________________________________________________________________ -24Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 39 § In case a vessel or a boat has touched bottom, submerged or sunk, its owner or the party in possession of it shall remove it as soon as possible. In case the sunken vessel or other object in the water causes danger or obstruction to traffic, its owner or the party in possession of it shall mark it with warning signs. In case they neglect to do so, the Port Authority shall take care of the marking at the cost of the owner or the possessor. 40 § In case the quay or other port equipment is damaged by a port user, this damage shall immediately be reported to the Port Authority. The Port Authority will after such an incident survey and estimate the costs of the damage. To this procedure is also the offender or his agent invited to participate. 41 § In case a vessel, a boat or goods are placed in the Port area without permission or in a manner that otherwise is in violation of the Port Regulations or obstructs traffic and the Master, haulier, owner or possessor neglects to have them removed, they can be removed by the Port Authorities at the cost of the relevant party. 42 § In case goods, machinery or vehicles are placed in the land area of the port against the orders of the Port Authorities and the Master, haulier, owner or possessor neglects to have them removed, they can be removed by the Port Authorities at the cost of the relevant party. SECTION X Miscellaneous regulations 43 § Boats used for recreational purposes shall avoid moving in the harbour area unnecessarily and always give the right of way to commercial vessels. Such boats may not be moored in berths designed for loading or unloading of vessels, on beacons or other navigation marks or elsewhere where they may obstruct traffic. 44 § No objects obstructing traffic may be placed in the Port area without permission by the Port Authorities. Fishing in an access channel or from a bridge, in the harbour basin, on the dock or in other similar locations, that causes an obstruction, is prohibited. Swimming in the harbour basin, in the ________________________________________________________________________ -25Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 All Weather Terminal and in the access channels is prohibited. Opening a channel outside the public navigation channel is only allowed by permission of the Port Authorities. 45 § For any violations of these Port Regulations and orders issued by the Port Authority based on these, unless the violation is minor and no specific penalty is imposed for it in the Laws and Statutes in force, a fine may be imposed, in addition to which the perpetrator shall, in accordance with the Law, be liable to indemnify the damages and costs caused by them. SECTION XI Coming into force 46 § These Port Regulations of the Municipality of Kokkola, by which the Municipality's Port Regulations confirmed on October 27th, 1986 along with their later modifications and additions, are abolished, shall enter into force on March 1st, 2006. ________________________________________________________________________ -26Port of Kokkola 11.6.2013 15 16 Deep Port and Silverstone Port 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Silverstone Quay 1 Silverstone Quay 2 Warehouse No. 1 Warehouse No. 2 Warehouse No. 3 Warehouse No. 4 Oil Quay 7 Boliden Quay 8 Deep Quay 9, 11 m Deep Quay 10, 13 m Deep Quay 11, 13 m Deep Quay 12, 13 m Warehouse for Zinc Warehouse No. 6 Pumphouse for Sprinkler System Railwagon Tippler Terminal (RWTT) Forwarding & Stevedoring, Hacklin Bulk Services / Agency Jalander Oy 18. Warehouse No. 5 Sy 18 12 6 10 Syv älai nti ntie e 14 9 13 8 Boliden Quay P 7 Oil Quay Silverstone Quay 2 1 Gate 3 17 Gate to Industrial Area Aa llon mu rtaj ant ie Satamatullintie rin tie Gate 2 al AWT:n tie nt All Weather Terminal 8 11 uva 13 Ra 4 S tu ai tu 14 rint ie P 18 9 17 10 12 Shore Quay 6 7K antas atam antie Gate 1 ne pa jan Packhouse Quay P tie 3 Ko 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. turi Deep Quay 15 Shore Quay 1 Shore Quay 2 Packhouse Quay 3 All Weather Terminal 4 Chemical Quay 5 Seaman´s Mission Port Authority Office Warehouse No. 1 Warehouse No. 3 ma 11 16 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ata 5 5 Chemical Quay General Port väs Warehouse No. 4 Warehouse No. 6 Warehouse No. 7 Warehouse No. 8 Warehouse No. 9 Dangerous Goods shipping/unloading AWT Warehouse No. 1 Customs Forwarding & Stevedoring & Agency Backman Trummer/Rauanheimo Oy P the anchorplateline *on the seaside from the anchorplateline loading over 3 t/m2 in this area requires a special pilling max. allowed weight over 3 t/m2 (10 t/m2) max. weight defined after a geotechnical survey Bearing capacity SILVERSTONE QUAY
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