A monthly St. A monthly newsletter of St. John’s United Methodist Volume 12, Issue 10 October 2014 PASTOR’S CORNER The Blessing Of the Animals Saturday, Oct. 4, Pumpkins arrive! During my life I have had many pets that included cats, Easter chicks, dogs, a duck, fish, and a turtle and all of these had a special place in my family’s life. During the autumn each year it has been customary to have a remembrance of St. Francis of Assisis, who had a love for all creatures. Sunday, Oct. 5 On Sunday, October 5, 2014 St. John’s will celebrate our first “Blessing of the Animals”. We will gather at the church under the big tree around the picnic tables at 3:00 PM. Please bring your pet(s) on a leash or in proper restraints so that this can be a worshipful time for all. The following prayer was written by The Reverend Phyllis Ann Min, Animal Chaplin. World Communion Sunday Thurs. Oct. 9 thru Sat. Oct. 11 WEE SCHOOL Consignment Sale “Pet Blessing” We Pray to God, our Creator, to bless our pets with your radiant light and love. May our animals friends have good health, happy lives and always be protected and safe. We ask for better understanding as we learn from our animal friends’ wisdom, their innocence, their loyalty and particularly their ability to not judge humans unkindly. Thank you for the pleasures, playfulness and sometimes the surprising humor our pets display. Saturday, Oct. 18 Oktoberfest Sunday, Oct. 26, Trunk or Treat Thank you for their companionship and friendship especially for those lonely hours we may have experienced. Thank you for our companions’ natural ability to teach us to be aware of the present moments. Thank you for the pure beauty of every animal- their form, color, texture, motion is all a work of art, and may we appreciate your creation of this masterpiece. Bless all animals in harm’s way, heal the sick, protect those who are lost and guide them to safety. Thank you for the gift of love. Amen ST. JOHN’S CHURCH FORT MILL, SC. Saturday, October 18 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM UMM Brunswick Stew (Eat In/Take Out) Hot Dogs & BBQ Sandwiches Homemade Baked Goods Sale Featuring: Silent Auction Children’s Activities Assorted Vendors October 26 4:00 - 6:30 The safe way for our kids to dress up and trick or treat. Please come on out for some fellowship and fun! Decorate your trunk and hand out candy and treats to the smaller folk then enjoy a hot dog dinner in the fellowship hall. Don't miss the costume parade and games! H Hallelujah God is Mighty! A Awesome Power is He. L Love He's given to you, L Life everlasting, forever free, O Only, say yes, to Him. W Wear His armor daily E Everywhere you go E Enrich your life immensely N Never ending Paradise is yours to behold. D. Alsup Pull into a parking space and set up your own trunk-sized Halloween party for each kid to visit. We'll be looking for the most creative and entertaining displays, so get creative and have some fun. Hot Dogs will be served in the Fellowship Center immediately following the outdoor festivities. Worship Assistants for October 8:30 Ushers: Acolytes: Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nelson Odom Phyllis Helms Don Littlejohn Mary Ellen Rothert 11:00 (Head) Harper & Barron Griffin Taylor Works Evan Easterling Lydia Safnauer Clart Kontzen Andrew Kontzen Eddie Dowling Randall Long (Head) Kees Vandergriff & Jennifer Williams Nursery: Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Greeters: Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Fellowship Center Education Building First Time Visitors: Oct. 5 Matthew Geesey Oct. 12 David & Freida Price Oct. 19 Matthew Geesey Oct. 26 Bill Davies Flowers: Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Judy Moore Margaret Bryson Carla Vowell Keith Cryderman Altar Guild for the month: Donna & Barry Voss Children’s Church October Schedule Date: Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Activity Gods calls Samuel Gods calls Samuel David is Chosen David is Chosen Scripture 1 Samuel3: 1-20 1 Samuel3: 1-20 1 Samuel 16:1-13 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Leader 1 Leader2 Paige Moore Charlotte Kinley Paige Moore Charlotte Kinley Amy Middlelauff Will Chambers TBD OCTOBER Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BIRTHDAYS Erin Mackey Jim Ross Will Foster Donald James Eddie Dowling Laura Richardson Janet Tracey Caroline Anderson Ellen Frazier Linda Helms Bill McCarley Josh Robertson Michael Saladino Trevor Thoden Bryson Williams Alison Callacott Kimberly Grandjean Daniel Sessions Terri Carr Wyatt Hudson Bob Marett Will Kinley Drew Robertson Christopher Cauthen Martha Ferguson Grace Gatehouse Doug Chambers Susan Croxton Nicole Ho Margaret Messer Je’Lee Renner Pete Adkins Amanda Canterbury Justin Krueger Jeff Behan Cama Rice Courtney Smith Betty P. Ervin Dylan Fulghum David Rowland John Ede Britt Helms Jennifer Patterson Thomas Vaughan Julie Williams ANNIVERSARIES 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jeff Price Carol Blackwell Rick Diak Jeff Rhinehardt Ashley Hill Everett Bishop Sherry Ede Dylan Shuler Neal Barrow Addison Griffin Shannon Johnson Helen Johnston Kevin Jones Dianne Lowder Chandler Meador Hannah Bagwell Tammy Dean Connor Pendleton Donald Shaw Sr. Megan Spilmann Alvina Beach Wade Dean Ben Devine Tyler McDonald Dot Helms Doris Barnes Elaine Cryderman Jim Gatehouse John R. Neal Drew Reynolds Lucy Smith Katherine Cryderman Burns Anne Pendleton Michael Jones Patti Mercer Matthew Rice Bill Bagwell Randall Long Charles Morgan Judy Odom Mark Price Denise Rice P. J. Schwerin 2 3 Charles and Connie Morgan Charles & Janet Tracey 4 Don and Kate Dooley Chris and Lisa Henley 5 8 Jeff and Jodi Behan Bob and Marjean Howerton Stephen and Amy Middlekauff 10 Lloyd and Jo Twedt 11 Bill and Lisa McCarley Rick and Tracy Olinger Brandon & Britton Shelton 12 Stephen and Claire Cauthen 13 Michael and Pamella Saladino 14 Ryan and Samantha Jackson Donovan and Tammy Marks 16 John and Wendy Matherly Bobby and Nicole Morren Jeff and Kathy Marakoff Matthew and Donna Geesey 17 19 20 Greg and Courtney Bonéy Ed and Phyllis Carswell 22 Stephen and Eleanor Starner 23 Wayne and Harriett Bouldin Marc and Leslie Howie Gene and Mary Adkins 31 Thank You St. Johns Sunday, September 14 was our Annual Epworth Work Day Offering. The members at St. John’s gave generously and donated over $ 1,500.00 to the Epworth Children’s Home. Thank You St. John’s for making such a positive difference in the lives of the children at Epworth. Memorials Dot Richards by Mike and Cheryl Hill Mary Baumgardner by Judy and Nelson Odom Charles Richards by Judy and Nelson Odom Honoraria ——————————————————Don and Mary Ellen Littlejohn Thank You for your donations to the Fort Mill Care Center. Your continued support makes it possible to serve the many people in our community who by Judy and Nelson Odom Mildred Petersen by Judy and Nelson Odom need our help. Sincerely, Fort Mill Care Center, Inc. In Loving Memory P.O. Box 1401 We extend our Christian sympathy to the families of St. John’s UMC who have lost loved ones during the month of September. Rev. Bob Romanello Anyone Wanting to join The Boy Scouts contact Paul or Betty Hosage: 704-621-0670 They meet every Wednesday night in the Zone at 7pm. —————————————————————— The Cub Scouts will meet on Wed, Oct 1st. For more information contact Tevis Vandergriff lost his sister-in law Delores Romanello on Aug 28th, 2014 in Ohio. Jerry Griffin, Pat Corley and Phyllis Carswell lost a brother-in law Mr. Herbert Faught on August 28, 2014. WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER The St. John's United Methodist Church Wednesday meals are free to both members, guests, and the community. Donations are not required but are always appreciated. Come join us for a meal. Bring a friend or neighbor, and children are always welcome. The Children’s Fall and Winter Consignment Sale will be held October 9th thru 11th. If you would like to consign please contact Beth to obtain your number and drop off time. Flyers will be available in the Communications Center and Gathering Space. Dinner is served buffet style at 600pm and includes beverages and dessert. If you have a special dietary requirement, we can usually accommodate it. Just email Kate at [email protected] or contact the church office. If you need a full meal to-go box, do the same. All leftovers will be boxed to-go beginning at 640pm and are Available to all. However, these may not be full meals. Proceeds from this sale will benefit the St. John’s UMC W.E.E. School. We will also have a bake sale. If you would be interested in helping with the sale, donating items to the sale, or making baked goods, contact Beth at [email protected] Wednesday, 15 October, we need a volunteer to coordinate the meal. Kate can get you ready. Please email Kate at [email protected] if you can do the meal on this date. Thanks! …………………………………... Music Teacher Needed If you have borrowed items from the kitchen such as cloths, spoons and tongs, please return them ASAP. We need them !! The W.E.E. School is looking for someone to teach music to our children 2 days a week. If you love children, music and have an interest or would like more information, contact Beth Meador. Jennifer Mayes, Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Children’s Offering We recently asked the children what they would like to begin collecting money for through the organization Heifer International. And they have chosen… The Fort Mill Christmas Parade is coming and St. John’s UMC is participating!! The Gift of a Heifer! $500 per Heifer When: December 6th, 2014 at 11am. Who: Children ages 4 years-5th grade We are holding a contest and letting the CHILDREN DECIDE what our theme will be. There are entry forms and a box are located outside the Sanctuary near the Acolyte/ Communication Room. Entries will be accepted starting September 21st – October 12th. Children ages 4 – 5th grade are allowed to participate in the contest. Be sure to get your ideas submitted. The most creative theme will be chosen. Who knows…it could be you! We will also be providing hot chocolate to parade patrons and this will be a great opportunity to serve as a personal invitation to our community to come worship at St. John’s! If you can help serve, please contact Tom and Karen Vinson at [email protected] or 548-3649. Heifers Bring Health, Prosperity and Peace Heifer cow gift donations can change lives, giving hope to families in even the most dire of circumstances. This donation also funds training in the care of the heifer and improving the animal’s health. Each gift of a heifer: Provides milk and nourishment to hungry families Boosts income through sales of extra milk Encourages better crop yields by creating fertilizer Enables entire communities to benefit through Passing on the Gift. Heifers have many uses, and are capable of bringing stability to the lives of people struggling with hunger. Be sure to engage your child by reviewing this information with them so that they know where their money is going. For more information on heifer international be sure to visit their website at www.heifer.org Upcoming Event! November 23rd will be our Advent Workshop from 4-5:30pm All Families are welcome More details to follow! Brandon Galbraith, Youth Director 803-804-6071 [email protected] [email protected] Planning Retreat- 26th-28th- Myrtle Bach Pumpkins Arriving PLANNING RetReAt, ANd PumPkINs… MYRTLE BEACH PLANNING RETREAT- September 26th-28th This year, the youth will be planning their year during a retreat to Myrtle Beach, SC. We will be camping out as we enjoy fellowship, decide the plans for the year, and grow closer as a group. To help make this happen, we are asking for donations of things needed for the youth. The list can be found on the youth bulletin board across from the sanctuary. The sign-up sheet to go on the trip can also be found there as well. The cost for any youth to go will be $25. More information will be given at youth meetings or you can email me at [email protected] After the retreat, we will have the year planned out for our youth. PUMPKIN PACTH THE PUMPKINs ARE COMING! THE PUMPKINS ARE COMING! We are receiving a full truck load this year and the youth would love your help. On October 4th, the truck will be arriving at 9am and we would love many people to come out and help. The sign-up sheet to volunteer to sell pumpkins will be outside the sanctuary and any time serving will be much appreciated. All proceeds from the Pumpkin Patch will go to the UMYF. We will be out in force and hope to see you there as well! After delivery, the youth will spend much of their time ensuring that we are helping out as much as possible with the Pumpkin Patch. We are continuing to meet, study, and have fun. Thank you for everything you do to support these young Christians. Weekly Choir Schedule Tuesday CHOIR NOTES 6:30-7:30 Adult Handbell Rehearsal Wednesday 5:30-6:00 Sonshine Children's Choir Rehearsal (ages 4K- 1st grade) 5:30-6:15- Lifesong Children's Handbell Choir Rehearsal (2nd-5th grades) 6:30-6:55- Relentless Youth Choir rehearsal (6th-12th grades) Attention St. John's Children (And their Parents!)! Our music worship leaders would like to conduct and sponsor a Children's Christmas Musical this December 14th at 4:00 p.m. in the fellowship center. 7:00-8:30- Adult Choir Rehearsal Here is what we need- WE NEED YOUR CHILDREN!!!! The VIPs are planning an overnight bus trip to Charleston, SC on December 2-3. Activities include shopping at the City Market, tours of the city, the Charleston Tea Plantation, the Mepkin Abbey Crèche Festival, the Holiday Festival of Lights and dinner at Hyman’s. Pick up a detailed flyer and registration form outside the sanctuary. A $100 deposit is required with registration to hold your place and payment in full is due by November 1st. You can give your registration with deposit to the church office, Meredith Jackson 803-493-8299 or Suzanne Fisher 803-396-8298. We hope you will join us! There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway outside the church office where you can sign up your children in grades 4k-5 to take part in this event. If you would like for your child to participate, please sign your child up beginning Sunday, September 28th. We would like to have sign-ups completed by Sunday, October 12 at the end of worship. We also welcome any parent volunteers to assist in the production. A rehearsal schedule will provided to you in mid October, but we expect most rehearsals to be during choir practice on Wednesday evenings, with a few practices on Saturdays in December. Don't let your child miss out on this awesome opportunity to help celebrate the Birth of Our Lord and Savior! UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Can you believe it is that time of year again? The women and men are busy finalizing plans for their annual event. The men are calculating ingredients for their famous stew while the women are baking, accepting vendor applications and securing items for the silent auction. All the work by both groups is a labor of love as the proceeds are then redistributed to worthy missions locally and well as around the globe. We would love to have your participation as well as your attendance to be a part of the festivities. Mark the date, Saturday, October 18th from 10am to 2pm in the Church Fellowship Center. SEE YOU THERE !! Bless His Name! Judy Tilly President, UMW UNITED METHODIST MEN In October, ST John’s United Methodist Men will be Hosting OktoberFest along with St. John’s UMW. This is the biggest fund raiser of the year. We need lots of help (volunteers) Everyone one can help. We need volunteers of all ages and all genders. The work will begin on Friday Oct 17 and last all day, into the night and the next day Oct. 18 which is the OktoberFest event. Please see Steve Siebert, Gerald Talley or George Rhinehardt for more information or with any questions you may have. Please come out on Friday Oct 17 and Saturday Oct 18 and help us turn this into the biggest fund raiser ever. LET’S SHARE OUR LOVE This message is sponsored by The Ladies’ Bible Class. Let’s share the love by sending cards to the following individuals this month. Helen Johnston Home Wood Resident Quail Boyce Ave. Greenville, SC. 29601 Bill Hannon Agape Senior/ Room 322 1785 Lexington Common Drive Rock Hill, SC. 29732 Adult Craft Time Oct 11th 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Anyone interested in helping us make matt’s for the homeless are welcome to come and get involved. It takes about 100 plastic bags weaved together to make just one matt. Donations of plastic bags and your time/talent are appreciated. We will meet in the Loft. For more information contact Mary Ann Sherry at [email protected] or 252-288-9555. Library News Visit Your Church Library New DVD’s Available The Bible, A History Channel’s 2013 miniseries. A.D. recreates the years following the death of Jesus. Bible Explorer: A visually riveting series (4 videos) about searching for Noah’s Ark, for Mount Sinai, the Ark of the Covenant and for the lost shipwreck of Paul. We also have several dramas including Courageous and Fireproof. the videos are on the coffee table in the library. Our library is also our new art gallery! Art from Vacation Bible School is now framed and hanging on the wall. The theme is the rainbow over Noah's Ark. Please stop by and see the Children’s Artwork St. John’s UMC Fort Mill Church Staff CARE CENTER SUNDAY Will be October 26 Karen H. Radcliffe/Pastor: [email protected] Beth Meador/WEE School Director: [email protected] Cindy Foster/Church Building Administrator [email protected] Need: Toiletries, Soap, Toilet Paper, Lotion, Toothpaste, Deodorant and Non Perishable Food Items. We would like to Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to provide.... Fort Mill Care Center Board of Trustees Sonja Bell/Secretary: [email protected] Jim Harris/Accounting: [email protected] SCRIPTURE SNACKS Pam Johnson/Choir Director: [email protected] Sunday, October 12 Jim Lowery/Organist: [email protected] Bill Cummings Sr./Monday Night Music Director [email protected] Jennifer Mayes/Children’s Ministry Director: [email protected] Brandon Galbraith/Youth Director: [email protected] Jeannine Hillhouse/Custodian: [email protected] will be Scripture Snacks Sunday. Scripture verses will be attached to individually wrapped snacks that will then be distributed to the surgical waiting areas at Piedmont Medical Center for the patients’ families and other area outreach ministries. Please remember to bring your donation of snacks for these outreach ministries! (Please note that snacks must be left in their prewrapped store-bought condition to be used in this ministry. Thank you.) OCTOB Sun Mon Tue 5 6 7 12:00 (room 200) Children’s Council Meeting 6:00 PM Hospitality Time 6:30 Monday Night Worship 7:00 PM (Loft) UMW General Meeting 12 13 14 Scripture Snacks 6:00 PM Hospitality Time 6:30 Monday Night Worship 5:30 PM Staff Meeting 19 20 21 12:15 Family Ministries 10:00 AM—2:00 PM VIPS Luncheon 4:00 PM (Loft) Jesus in the Gospels 4:00 PM (Loft) Jesus in the Gospels 4:00—5:30 KIDZROCK 4:00 PM (room 201) SPRC Meeting 4:00 PM (Loft) Jesus in the Gospels 6:00 PM Hospitality Time 6:30 Monday Night Worship 26 Care Center Sunday 27 2:30 Finance Meeting 6:00 PM Hospitality Time 6:30 Monday Night Worship 4:00 PM (Loft) Jesus in the Gospels 4:00—6:30 PM TRUNK-or-TREAT 28 BookMobile BER 2014 Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 5:30 PM Children’s Choir. 5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir Sat 4 9:00 AM Pumpkin Delivery 6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Adult Choir. 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone). 6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper 8 9 10 5:30 PM Children’s Choir. 5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir 6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Adult Choir. 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone). 10:00 AM Adult Craft Time Children’s Consignment Sale 6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper 15 11 16 5:30 PM Children’s Choir. 5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir 6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Adult Choir. 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone). Children’s Consignment Sale Children’s Consignment Sale 17 OKTOBERFEST Set-up 18 24 25 10:00 AM-2:00 PM OKTOBERFEST 6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper 22 23 5:30 PM Children’s Choir. 5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir Main Street Event Parking Lot in use. 6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Adult Choir. 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone). 6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper 29 30 5:30 PM Children’s Choir. 5:30 PM Children’s Handbell Choir W.E.E School Halloween Carnival 6:00 PM Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Adult Choir. 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Zone). 6:00-6:45 Wed. Night Supper 31 Halloween W.E.E School Halloween Carnival The vision of St. John’s UMC is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by reaching out to God’s community through worship, witness, nurture, and service. Monday Night Worship: An Invitation to a Changed Life When is it? Monday Nights at 6:30PM (Hospitality Time 6:00) What is it? An alternative time for worship that reaches out to our community and membership. A worship experience for those who work or miss Sunday services. A casual environment for praise and worship. ST. JOHN’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 130 Tom Hall Street P.O. Box 1298 Fort Mill, SC 29716-1298 Phone: 803-547-7538 Fax: 803-547-7539 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sjfm.org _____________________________________________________ Rev. Karen H. Radcliffe, Pastor 864-313-9348 (Cell ) [email protected] Sonja Bell…………….……. Administrative Assistant Cindy “C.J.” Foster….…..…..Church Administrator Jim Harris ……………………………….….Accounting Bill Cummings….… Monday Night Worship Leader Pamela Johnson…….…………..……..Choir Director Jim Lowery…………..………………Church Organist Beth Meador…..….……..…Director of WEE School Jennifer Mayes... Director of Children’s Ministries Brandon Galbraith.….Director of Youth Ministries Jeannine Hillhouse………………………....Custodian When Using the Facility for functions, please respect the classrooms and most of all, the Sanctuary. Members and non-members need to be sure that children are not running through the Sanctuary or education building classrooms. W.E.E. School classrooms usually have projects out drying or in progress of being completed. Also, Please do not leave a child in a room unattended, and if you are using a room to entertain your child, please clean up and leave the room as you found it. These rooms are usually already cleaned and prepped for the following day. We are having instances where the whiteboards have things written on them, things left out of place, and trash/crumbs left on tables and floors. Please be respectful of the Your Church Property and clean up after yourself. Deadline for the newsletter is the 15th of each month.
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