St. Joseph University Parish Established in 1850 3269 Main Street Buffalo, New York 14214 (716) 833-0298 Fax: (716) 833-7339 PARISH VISION STATEMENT: St. Joseph University Parish is a diverse, progressive, spirit-filled Christian community where ALL are welcome to deepen their experience of faith, join in vibrant worship, share their talents and gifts and live justly. Adopted May, 2009 Parish Center (716) 833-0298 Fax (716) 833-7339 Pastor Reverend Jacob C. Ledwon-Ext. 301 Pastoral Associates Sr. Jeremy M. Midura, CSSF-Ext. 314 Patty Bubar Spear-Ext. 312 Permanent Deacons Thaddeus V. Pijacki (away on assignment) Paul C. Emerson School Management 835-7395 Mark Mattle-Ext. 326 M. Anne Wojick-Ext. 327 Lifelong Faith Formation Diane Brennan-Ext. 310 Campus Minister Patrick Burns-Ext. 311 Christine Marino-Ext. 311 Parish Nurse Ann Marie MacIsaac-Ext. 318 Organist & Choirmaster Roland E. Martin Contemporary Ensemble Jacqueline Peoples Timothy Wells Weekend Associates Reverend Monsignor Angelo Caligiuri Reverend Michael Tunney, s.j. Trustees Richard J. Baumann Phyllis Drews Parish Office 833-0298 Joanne Messer, Office Manager-Ext. 303 Maureen Kruse, Bookkeeper-Ext. 316 Athena Schmidt, Receptionist-Ext. 304 School Office 835-7395 Debbie Raithel-Ext. 328 Maintenance Staff Jack Blachaniec-Ext. 319 Peter Lelonek THE EUCHARIST. Daily Mass is celebrated at 8:30 am Monday -Friday in the Parish Center Chapel. Weekend Masses are on Saturday at 4:30 pm, Sunday at 8:30 am, 10 am (Traditional Choir), 11:30 am (Contemporary Ensemble) and 8 pm during the Fall and Spring University semesters. The Holy Day Mass schedule appears in the previous week’s bulletin. SACRAMENTS. BAPTISM. Contact the Parish Center at 8330298 to make arrangements for Baptism. A required Baptism preparation program should be completed prior to the birth of your first child; it is offered monthly. CONFIRMATION. High School students in grades 10-12 should contact the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation to register in July to prepare to receive Confirmation the following Spring. Adults wishing to become members of the Catholic Church through the RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA), those returning to the Church or adults looking to be confirmed are asked to contact the Parish Center at 833-0298 for information. RECONCILIATION. The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated on Saturday from 3:30-4 p.m. Individual appointments for Confession may be made by contacting the Parish Center. A Communal Penance Service is held in Advent & Lent. MARRIAGE. Engaged couples should contact the Parish Center to make an appointment to arrange the date and time of their wedding. Pre-Cana sessions are offered several times each year for parishioners and A those being married here. ANOINTING OF THE SICK. communal Mass of Anointing will be held Saturday, October 18 at the 4:30 p.m. Apart from this, please contact the Parish Center for arrangements for individual anointing. In the event of sudden illness or accident, please call anytime, day or night. PASTORAL OUTREACH. Upon notification by family members, a staff member will attempt to visit those hospitalized, ill at home or in other care facilities. NEW PARISHIONERS. We warmly welcome and invite you to become acquainted with the many opportunities here at St. Joseph University Parish. The next registration date is Wed., Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. For more information on registering, contact 833-0298. Check Out Our Website:, a useful resource to learn about upcoming events and meetings, the latest parish news, volunteer for a ministry, make a donation, or for information on all aspects of parish life. October 19, 2014 LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION: Contact Diane Brennan at: [email protected] or 833-0298 ext. 310 Intro to the Bible: This is an opportunity to get some background on how Catholics read the Bible; What do Catholics believe about the Bible? How the Bible came to be; who chose which writings to include? Where did they come from? When was the Bible as we know it first known? Sessions will be held Wed., Oct. 22 and 29 with an afternoon session from 1:30 to 3:30 and a repeat evening session from 7-9 pm in the Community Room. Please pre-register in the Community Room or online by e-mailing [email protected]. Ellen Dragos will facilitate these sessions; Ellen has an MA in Religion with a focus on Adult Faith Formation & Spirituality from Fordham University. She also attended the Catholic Biblical Studies (CBS) Program for four years; Ellen has participated in the CBS sponsored study trips to Israel and Turkey. She is also part of the RCIA team Women Wisdom Lecture: Sr. Margaret Carney, OSF, President of St. Bonaventure University will speak on “Pope Francis I, the Good News and the Bad News” Sunday, Nov. 2 at 8 p.m. at the Newman Center at the North Campus 495 Skinnersville Road. The lecture is free and open to all. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) for children for youth not baptized and older than age 7 but younger than 18 meets Tuesday nights in the School from 6:30-7:30 p.m. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Mrs. Brennan. Tuesday Formation: meets Oct. 21 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the School. High School: session 4 meets Sun., Oct. 26, from 6-8 p.m. in the School. Dinner will be provided and please remember to bring your Catholic Youth Bibles. Young Adult Hiking Retreat “Choosing to Be Catholic” Sat., Nov. 1 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. at Christ the King Seminary. The day includes peer witness talks, Mass, prayer, hiking, fellowship, lunch, and dinner. Retreat is for ALL young adults – those in RCIA, cradle Catholics, doubters, seekers, or faithful followers – as we explore together what it means to actively choose our faith at whatever point in the journey we are at today. Register online at Cost is $25, financial assistance is available. Sponsored by the Department of Youth & Young Adult Ministry & Charis Ministries. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL NEWS: For information, contact Mr. Mark Mattle or Ms. M. Anne Wojick at 835-7395 or Our 4th and 5th graders are off on their first field trip as part of our Explore Buffalo partnership. This week they will be taking a walking tour of downtown Buffalo showcasing many of Buffalo's most recognizable landmarks and the students will learn about many of Buffalo's best local architects. Stops include the Market Arcade (Green & Wicks), Buffalo Savings Bank aka the Goldome (also Green & Wicks), the Electric Tower (Esenwein & Johnson), the Hotel Lafayette (Louise Bethune) and City Hall (Dietel & Wade). The tour and our partnership instill SJUS students with deeper appreciation of Buffalo history, gives them real-life experiences that connect them to their classroom curriculum, and inspires them to get involved in our community. It's a wonderful way to experience Buffalo's great history and rich architecture. Soccer. We were invited to play against St. Mary's School for the Deaf in their homecoming soccer game. Our a squad of 5th-8th grade scholarathletes had a great time playing a friendly soccer game with their SMSD counterparts and it was fun to see how students from both schools communicated with one another. We'd like to thank SJUS parent & soccer coach, Dennis Schaeffer, for coordinating this event; it was a wonderful afternoon for all of us. YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS: Contact Patty Spear at [email protected] or 833-0298 ext. 312 Save the Date: High School Service Retreat Sat., Nov 1 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Join us for a morning of service at local service agencies followed by lunch & reflection. Make a difference in the lives of others! Sign up in the Community Room or email Patty Spear CAMPUS MINISTRY NEWS: Contact: Patrick Burns at [email protected] or 833-0298 ext. 311 Sunday Night Student Dinner returns Sun., Nov. 2 at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room. A great time to hang out with fellow students as well as professors and your campus ministers! The dinner is FREE for all students. Following dinner is the regularly scheduled 8 pm Student Mass. If you’re interested in attending dinner, please contact Patrick Burns or Christine Marino. ReTree the District Sat. Nov. 1 the University Heights Tool Library is running a large scale tree planting in University Heights. We are looking to provide a group of volunteers. If you’re interested, contact Patrick Burns. St. Joseph University Parish YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE: (716) 833-0298 PARISH NURSE CORNER: Contact Ann Marie MacIsaac at 833-0298 Ext. 318 No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Take Action Now! A special thank you to all who helped to make our UNYTS blood drive a success either by actually donating or through your prayers. VOICE Buffalo Public Meeting on Thursday, Nov. 6 from 7-8:30 p.m. at Elim Christian Fellowship on Chalmers Ave. in Buffalo. This meeting serves two purposes: it energizes and galvanize the members around specific issues/campaigns; and it celebrates faith in action. Help us attain our goal of 100 parishioners at this public meeting. Sign up in the Community Room to let us know you are coming. This year's issues center on the Restorative Justice practices: Autumn has begun . . . The changing of the season is a reminder of God’s awesome love and caring for all of us. As you gaze upon the brilliant colors of the fall leaves, what memories of times past and anticipation of what is to come, enter your mind and cause your spirit to soar? Take yourself on a walk or drive and be AWARE! Plan this ME time and then pack up the family and invite them to share the experience with you. Do you know what 15 minutes can do? A. Erie Country Conditional Release Program: the program enables 25 individuals who are currently serving time at the Alden Correctional facility to qualify for early release and to participate in this program that provides wraparound services to support their reintegration into the community. Each participant is required to work with probation for one year in return for early release. B. Restorative Justice Peace Circles in the Erie County Holding Center: this one will be a celebration, because VOICE Buffalo has already proposed and been approved to begin holding circles starting Oct. 1st with youth in correctional facilities. C. L.E.A.D. (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion) program: based on a program operating in Seattle, working to begin a program that would hold a more proactive approach. In this program, law enforcement would work with the community restorative justice hubs to release low level nonviolent offenders into four pilot programs; St. Joe's has been named one of the hubs. Does Human Trafficking happen in WNY? Yes. Western New York is composed of three urban centers surrounded by large rural areas. These urban centers have extensive casino, restaurant, and exotic dancing establishments; all of which are common industries for human traffickers to utilize. Marginalized farm workers in the rural areas are commonly exploited and provide another common trafficking opportunity. Buffalo and Niagara Falls are major transit points for travelers between the United States and Canada. Constant movement of a large transient population, coupled with extensive casino, restaurant and exotic dancing establishments & rural farms, exacerbates the conditions for human trafficking. BEREAVEMENT NEWS: Feeling Overwhelmed as a Caregiver? You are not alone. Life Transitions Center provides support and resources for coping every Wednesday evening from 67:30 p.m. at 1140 Delaware Ave. For more info call 836 -6460. New Beginnings for Widowed People (NBWP): This is a social group which meets on the first Sunday of each month at 7 p.m. at Blessed Sacrament Church hall, 263 Claremont Ave., Tonawanda. The meetings may include a speaker, an activity, or entertainment. Monthly activities include: Wednesday lunches, Saturday dinners at local restaurants, card games, and Thursday coffee get-togethers. The NBWP also has an annual Christmas party, a summer picnic, and a potluck supper. A $22 annual membership fee covers refreshments, entertainment and postage. Questions? Call Sandra at 873-4911 or June at 836-1913. MENTAL HEALTH CORNER…. Restoration Society, Inc. Programs are rehabilitation communities founded upon the recovery vision that all individuals with mental health conditions can lead active lives filled with hope and satisfaction and make valuable contributions to our community. A recovery, wellness and life achievement focus promotes and supports the development of new meaning and purpose in one’s life as one grows beyond the challenges of a mental health condition. Restoration Society at 66 Englewood Avenue has programs which include: community connections, drop-in peer services, educational services, employment services, homeless and housing services. October 19, 2014 HAPPENING THIS WEEK... Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time COME WORSHIP WITH US ! (Daily Mass is held in the Parish Center Chapel) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 Non Perishable Food Collection for Little Portion Friary 3:30 pm Confession-Church SAT., OCT. 18-VIGIL 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 SUN., OCTOBER 19–29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:30 pm Gertrude & George Messer (Joanne Messer) Non Perishable Food Collection for Little Portion Friary 9 am Flu Shot Clinic-Community Rm 9:45 am Family Sunday, Group 2-SJS 10 & 11:30 am Children’s Liturgy-Parish Cntr Chapel 6 pm H.S. Faith Formation-SJS 8:30 am Raymond & Mary Ball (Family) 10 am Phyllis Cronin (Barbara Multerer) 11:30 am Linda Philbeck (Linda Maggio) 8 pm Pro Populo Mass MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 8:30 am Mrs. Anna Brown (Mr. & Mrs. John Zilliox) 7 pm Healthy Talk– Advanced Care Directives-Cm Rm MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 8:30 am Deceased of the Caban Family (Family) 1:30 pm Prayer Shawls-Community Rm 6:30 pm Faith Formation Classes-School 7 pm Jim Crow Subcommittee-Community Rm WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23-ST. JOHN CAPISTRANO 8:30 am Jody Pizzuto (Michael Pizzuto) 1:30 & 7 pm Bible Study-Community Rm 7 pm CME Rehearsal-Music Rm 8:30 am Anna Noon (Bernice Leising) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 8:30 am Kathleen Graf (Bernice Leising) 7:30 am Intercessory Prayer Group-Parish Cntr 7 pm Baptism Preparation Class-Parish Cntr 7 pm Prayer Shawls-Parish Cntr 7 pm Choir Rehearsal-Church 7 pm RCIA-Community Rm FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 7 pm 60’s + Group “Amish Culture”-Community Rm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 3:30 pm Confession-Church 7 pm Harmonia Concert-Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 10 & 11:30 am Children’s Liturgy-Parish Cntr Chapel 6 pm H.S. Faith Formation-School 6:30 pm Campus Min. Student Dinner-Community Rm ASSISTING ON THE ALTAR OCTOBER 25-26: EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: WEEK 4 ALTAR SERVERS: 4:30: Schaeffer, 8:30: Lapp 10: Fleming, McIntyre, Christopher, Lenz, 11:30: unassigned FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 SAT., OCT. 25-VIGIL 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 12 pm Wedding: Caitlin Overdorf & Tim McCarthy 2 pm Wedding: Michelle Schroeder & Korey Steramovic 4:30 pm Jake & Kay Groff (Family) SUN., OCTOBER 26–29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:30 am Raymond & Mary Ball (Family) 10 am Phyllis Cronin (Barbara Multerer) 11:30 am Linda Philbeck (Linda Maggio) 8 pm Pro Populo Mass Our Prayer Intentions: Call Parish Nurse, Ann Marie at 833-0298 ext. 318 to add or to keep your name on the prayer list. If she is not in, leave a message with the name, phone number OR best way to contact the person. We want to ask for permission to publish names to protect confidentiality. We remember all who have requested our prayers, those written in our Book of Prayers, those who have received prayer shawls, for the safety of travelers, those who serve & protect us, the ill, and their caregivers, especially: Janeann Haggerty, Terri Lee Perry, Grace Sobotka, Jenna Carroll, Dorothy West, Trudy Gamacorta, Michael Lamancuso, Melinda Easter, Paul Page, Rose Speciale. We remember in a special way all those who have died especially Gene Cisek, Helen Gietzen, Maria Ciali, Louis Giampaola. St. Joseph University Parish Over 60’s Group will get together this Friday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. in the Community Room to welcome Sally McCarthy who will speak about Amish Culture, Customs and Crafts. A display of handmade quilts and the history of quilts and their patterns as well as the Ten Quilt Code used by the Underground Railroad will be featured. A free will donation will be accepted. For info contact Jackie at harejm18@gmail or stop in the Community Room. The Retirees Book Club will discuss And the Sea Will Tell at its Thurs., Nov. 6 meeting. Author Vincent Bugliosi pieces together conflicting details of a true crime story, reconstructing a murder mystery involving four people in a tropical paradise and the subsequent trial. The group will also vote on book selections for 2015. Retired or not, all are welcome to join us at 1 p.m. in the Community Room. Baptism Preparation. If you are new parents planning the Baptism of your first child, we welcome you to attend a Baptism Preparation Class offered this Thursday, Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center. Led by Deacon Paul Emerson, this one session class fulfills the parish requirements prior to Baptism of the first child. To schedule your baptism, or if you have questions, please contact the Parish Center at 833-0298 ext. 303. Costume Parade & Trick of Treating. Families with young children are invited to “Trick or Treat” with the Sisters at Villa Maria Infirmary Wed., Oct. 29 at 11:45 a.m. Call or email Patty Spear if you plan to attend at [email protected]. Across The Bridge Of Hope, a moving choral tribute to resilient cultures and religions across the world, Music of Africa, the Holocaust, and the African American Spiritual will be presented here Sat., Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. by the Harmonia Chamber Singers. A free will offering will be accepted; suggested donation is $10. Future in Our Hands USA presents “An Afternoon Interlude” Sat., Nov. 8 at 11 am at Clarence United Methodist Church, 125 Greiner Road, Clarence. Admission is $20 pre-sale and include a luncheon, silent auction and fashion show by Steinmart. All proceeds benefit women and children in Zambia and Kanya. For tickets contact Sr. Linda at [email protected] or 837-4898. Caregiver Workshop. The Erie County Caregiver Coalition & Alzheimer’s Disease Assistance Center will offer a day of free workshops to help caregivers learn to reduce stress and make daily chores easier on Sat., Nov. 8 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Millennium Airport Hotel. Whether your loved one is frail or has memory loss, you will find useful information. Topics include: Activities for Those with Dementia, Legal/Financial Issues, Who’s Helping the Caregiver? Lunch & materials are provided. The workshop is free but reservations are needed by contacting 858-2177 or [email protected]. Supervision for memory impaired adults is available. Fall Wine Tasting. Blessed Trinity Church hosts a Fall Wine Tasting on Friday, October 24 from 7-9 p.m. in St. Charles Hall (behind church at 317 Leroy Avenue, Buffalo), featuring wines and expertise courtesy of Bill Warren and Hertel Parker Liquor. Hors d'oeuvres, beer, desserts and non-alcoholic beverages also included. Secured off-street parking. Proceeds benefit the Church's "Under This Roof Fund." For more information, visit or call 716-832-2540. Mass for the Loss of a Child. Wed., Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. at St. Stephen Parish, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island. Confessions will be offered before and after Mass; the rosary to be prayed at 6:30 p.m. in the Daily Chapel. Refreshments will be served after Mass in the Hospitality Room. For information, call St. Stephen at 716-773-7647. UNIVERSITY NEWS: The Buffalo Choral Arts Society, a 120 voice chorus, presents "A Jubilant Song" at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 2 here at St. Joseph University Church. The concert features sacred and poetic works by Rutter, Martini, Stroope, Bernstein and more. Call 775-SONG or for details and a special offer of free admission for children. UB Speech & Hearing Clinic will offer free hearing screenings to parishioners on October 22 & 29 between 9 a.m. & 5 p.m. at the clinic at 52 Biomedical Education Building on South Campus. You may park in the clinic parking spots located in front of the building. Call 829-3980 to schedule an appointment. World Missions. This weekend we are invited to reach out and help build the Church throughout the 1,050 Catholic Missions Dioceses around the world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith supports the work of priests, religious and lay leaders throughout the world who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God's love and mercy, His hope and peace. Research Participants Needed: Is your family interested in losing weight and becoming healthier? Join the “Food for Thought” Study. We are looking for families with one overweight child and parent to participate in a thought provoking 6 week study. Families will receive compensation for participating. Call or e-mail Ub [email protected] or 829-6698 to see if you are eligible! we will provide the best for your family. When Planning is Important 3135 Main Street at Highgate Park Creek EVERYONE DESERVES A BEAUTIFUL SMILE ~Free Consultations~ Senior Living Community HANLEY ORTHODONTICS Assisted Living * Affordable Memory Care CALL TODAY 871-1614 959 Kenmore Avenue Park-like setting; Amherst State Park Beautiful full-sized chapel with daily services Frank’s Tim Horton Donuts Mobil 836-5337 • 3198 Main Street at Winspear 410 Mill Street • Williamsville, NY Jane Nogowski 716-632-3000 Ritter & Sentry Plumbing & Heating Srvc. “Servicing Erie County Since 1909” Your Complete Plumbing Service Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA FOSTER CARE / ADOPTION • • • • • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Hot Water Tanks Sump Pumps Emergency Back-up Pumps Underground Sewer & Waterline Installation & Repair “Radio-Dispatched Trucks” 894-4181 or 894-6266 5% Discount with this Ad Saint Margaret Sunday Missal 440 Northwood Dr Tonawanda, NY 14223 Fully Licensed • Insured P: 716-447-1688 F: 716-447-1650 [email protected] BLAIR & ROACH, LLP Attorneys DAVID L. ROACH, Parishioner 2645 Sheridan Drive Phone: 834-9181 An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Monthly Info Sessions Call (716) 856-4494 800-566-6150 • UNIVERSITY CAR CARE QUALITY CARE FOR YOUR CAR BRAKES.TIRES.ELECTRICAL.TUNE-UP MIKE WENDLING OWNER/PARISHIONER 3931 Main Street 716-832-2273 Corner Eggert 832-CARE Amherst, NY 14226 [email protected] SERVING ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS: RESIDENTIAL – COMMERCIAL – INDUSTRIAL HOME REWIRING AND REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING 856-6636 FREE ESTIMATES 32 Cypress Street, Buffalo See our ad in the Verizon Yellow Pages. DAVID S EROTA Cellino&Barnes CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 CARISSA GRISANTI (716) 983-1768 (716) 602-3650 North Town Real Estate Specialists! Stephen C. Ciocca PARISHIONER | SENIOR ATTORNEY 888-8888 | MAIN STREET, BUFFALO Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Founded in 1939 by twelve parishioners of St. Joseph’s Church - Guaranteed highest CD rates in the country! - First time car buying program! - Checking & Savings Accounts - Home Equity, Boat, Personal, Auto, Consolidator, & Home Loans! 341 Englewod Ave., Buffalo, NY 14223 716-833-9670 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? 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