(Year A) Mass Book Page 85 TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 19th October 2014 Dear Parishioners, This weekend October 18th and 19th, we will have the “Renewal of Marriage Vows” at all Masses. I will be using a holy water sprinkler from the site of the wedding feast at Cana, which I got this year in the Holy Land. Our Renewal of Vows also include prayers for marriage and family life and will take the place of the normal bidding prayers. This week we are starting to put together our Book of Remembrance for the Holy Souls in November. There are envelopes available at the back of the church which you can place into the box which is now at the back of the church also. you can also post these through the presbytery letter box. Please hand in the envelopes over the next few weeks so that we can put together the Book of Remembrance which we read from during all the Masses in November. Your donations will be used to help with the sick and disabled people travelling to Lourdes next year. Thank you for your generous support with this. As you know we are welcoming Bishop Kenney to the Parish for our Visitation on the weekend of 15th and 16th November. His outline timetable for the weekend is as follows: arrive around lunch time. 1.30 – 3.30pm, visit some of the sick of the parish with some of the Priests and Deacons. 3.30pm, meet Headteachers and School Governors. 4.00pm, tea with various parish groups (fifteen minutes with each group to include Youth Group, SVP, Legion of Mary, Justice and Peace, Pastoral Care, Sports Groups, Mercia Club). Could any parish group leaders see me to arrange their slot between 4.00pm and 5.30pm. He will celebrate the 6.00pm Mass and meet parishioners afterwards over a cup of tea. 7.30pm interviewing Priests. On Sunday morning he will be at the 9.00am, 10.30am and 12 Noon Masses. After lunch, interviews with four Deacons. 4.00pm, visit Holy Rosary Convent. 4.30pm, tea with Parish Finance Group. 5.30pm, review of visit with Parish Priest. 6.30pm, depart. This timetable is of course flexible but we will try to keep to these timings and could group leaders please confirm that they are able to come along. I ask that you all support us over this weekend and allow the Bishop to see the full life of the parish and the various ways in which so many of you are involved. The Visitations only occur every six years, so it is important that we give a good reflection of the life of the parish. It will be a good opportunity for the Bishop to meet those who he will be confirming this coming year and those involved in this year’s sacramental programmes. We will have the Holy Land reunion on Thursday November 6th at 7.00pm in the Library. Our Justice and Peace group will also host an evening and will be showing a film entitled “The Stones Cry Out” telling the story of the Christians in Palestine. This Christ The King Church Saturday Sunday 19th October Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 26th October Confessions Sunday Wednesday Sunday Confessions 10.00am 6.00pm 9.00am 12 Noon 9.15am 9.15am 12 Noon 12 Noon 9.15am 6.30pm–7pm 7.00pm 10.00am 6.00pm 9.00am John Keane. Anniv. Ann Boyle. Anniv. Noel Larkin. Anniv. Sean O’Sullivan. Anniv. Catherine and Cornelius Quinn. Anniv. Margaret and Maurice Loughlin. Anniv. Ted Chapman. Anniv. Mary Boland. Anniv. Michael Barrett. Anniv. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Saundria McMillan. Anniv. Nora Farrell. Dec’d. Hugh Byrne. Anniv. Jack, Ann and Terry Callen. Anniv. Edward and Mary Curtis. Anniv. 12 Noon Doris and Bert Cox. Anniv. Saturday 10.30 am to 11.30 am. 7.00 pm after the Evening Mass. St Augustine’s Church 10.30am Patricia Farrar. 1st Anniv. 9.00am Peggy Tasker and Family’s Intentions. 10.30am John and Mary O’Mahoney. Anniv. Saturday 1st November – 11.30am – 12.30pm Parish Clergy: Very Rev Canon Tom Farrell, Parish Priest [email protected] Father Andrew Franklin, Priest in residence [email protected] Deacons: Rev Pat Flanagan, Rev Gerry O’Reilly, Rev Tony Janew and Rev Joe Patterson. will be held on Thursday 13th November at 7.00pm in the Library. It will be very informative for all those who went to the Holy Land, as well as people wanting to become more involved in our Justice and Peace Group and some of the political aspects of the church’s mission in the world. We had a good meeting of the Pastoral Care Group and are now working to update our records of those who need visiting and will do this in conjunction with our Eucharistic Ministers, Saint Vincent de Paul and Legion of Mary. Forms are available from the Sacristy or the parish office for all our Eucharistic Ministers and anyone who visits on behalf of the parish (SVP and Legion). Could all ministers and visitors pick up a form and complete it so that our list can be brought fully up to date. The Lourdes trip is now full with all 100 places taken. We are opening a waiting list in case of any cancellations. Of course, if there is a continued high level of interest we can book another fifty people in due course. People also have the option of travelling with the Diocese Group, although this will be a little more expensive. There is the option to stay in the same hotel as our parish group. If people want to explore the option of booking their own flights, again I can give you details of how to do this. The Talks on the Faith continue this Wednesday 22nd October and the theme will be on Confirmation. The course for new Altar Servers at Christ the King will begin after half term. We also have the classes for children at non-catholic schools who need to prepare for their communion and confirmation starting on Tuesday 11th November at 5.00pm in the Library. Thanks to all who supported the Walking Club this season. We will start again in Spring with perhaps a one off New Year’s Day walk as well. We have our next Boxing Club show on 31st October which you may wish to support. God bless. This week we pray for Marie Phillips and John O’Kane May they rest in peace. We pray for those preparing for Baptism. Roxy Angel Mary Stokes Tea and Coffee Available after Mass at both Christ the King & St Augustine’s. Online Webcam Go to the website and follow link. Pause for thought. Sometimes you have to be silent in order to be heard!! Collections Christ the King Rota Thank you for your weekly offerings for 12th October, 2014. Loose Plate £ 870.00 Gift Aid £ 1,001.33 TOTAL £ 1,871.33 Thank You! 18th / 19th Oct Readers 6.00pm R Ladbury M Duke 9.00am D Parnell J Ruddy 12 Noon P Farrell F Hoey 25th / 26th Oct 6.00pm T Luff E Hughes 9.00am J Ruddy K Millage 12 Noon J Jennette F Needham Gift Aid Organiser John Rock 76594318. Thank you for your continued support!!! Ministers M Hamlyn K Millage P Hobbs B Brennan L Baldwin T Mack K Moroney E Smith C Molloy J McNulty R Askew S Carlin St Augustine’s Rota This week’s diary 19th October 10.30am 26th October 10.30am Monday. 20th October 2014 9.45am Toddler Group. 1.30pm – 3.00pm Italian Group – in the Library. 7.00 pm Legion of Mary meets in the Meeting room on a Monday. Contact Deacon Pat 76335383 or Jean Stokes. 07742442298. Justice and Peace – Next meeting will be on 10th November. Tuesday 21st October 2014 10.00am Toddler Group. 6.30pm Youth Group. 7.30pm Charismatic Prayer Group in the Meeting Room. Wednesday 22nd October 2014 9.00am Toddler Group 1-30pm-3pm - Adult Crochet Class. Any new members welcome. TALKS ON THE FAITH 7.00pm – 8.00pm in the Library. Theme “Confirmation”. LECTIO DIVINA Next meeting will be on 29th October. Thursday 23rd October 2014 10.00am Toddler Group. Patricians Next meeting will be on 19th November. Friday 24th October 2014 10.15am Toddler Group. Readers F McManus Ministers D Field R Silva J Lee M Byrne M Farrelly 20th July Community Centre www.ctkparishcentre.co.uk 10.30amFriendship F McManus D Field – 3.00pm R Silva Mercia Club 23rd October 1.00pm Keep Fit with VJ / Card Game Sunday night in the Centre: “Open the box” Jackpot of £550 on 14 Keys. Music by “The Wild Rover”. Monday Club: Reduced prices on selected drinks – All Day Monday!! Monday nights Upstairs – Keogh Academy of Irish Dance. Children’s Lessons, Beginners to Championship levels 7.00 pm. Adults Ceili Lessons Beginners to Advanced levels 7.30 pm. Tuesday Morning Gentle Yoga for all young at heart to improve general well being, mobilise and joints lift energy levels. 10.00 11.00am. A free cup of tea before start. Details Maureen 76415586 or 07507636623. DRAMA GROUP – 4.30pm – 6.30pm. Contact Sam at the club on Tuesday evening. Tuesday 8.30pm – Accoustic Guitar Sessions. St Augustine’s Sports Centre T’ai Chi Wed 7.30 -9 pm. £6. £4 concessions. Details Martin 76769144. Baptisms Please talk with one of the Priests after Mass giving your name, address and ‘phone number, so that we can arrange a home visit and give you the necessary application form and literature. FUTURE DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sunday, 9am Mass Choir will be led by the children from “Our Lady of Knock House”. Parish Visitation – 15th and 16th November. Cardinal Newman Youth Choir – 23rd November at CTK - 12 Noon Mass. School Details www.ctk.coventry.sch.uk 76335790, www.st-augustines.coventry.sch.uk 76596988, www.cardinalnewman.coventry.sch.uk 76332382 Other Items of Interest. CHRIST THE KING BOXING CLUB Are holding their next show on Friday 31st October. Admittance by ticket only. Tickets available at £10 Adult, £5 Child, from Colm Doherty - 0781 4882236 or Brendan Malone - 07950 690122, Show starts at 7.30pm. COVENTRY MAYO ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DANCE on Saturday 8th November 2014, Music by T R Dallas, Tickets £15, Buffet, 7.30pm – late. Contact Ed on 0793 0211397 or Rosarie on 024 76 596818. ROGER CASEMENTS DINNER DANCE is on 22nd November at the Rialto in Moseley Ave, Tickets are £30pp for a traditional 3 course meal and entertainment supplied by the excellent 'Bible Code Sundays' - Contact Lofty 07985807289. RETREAT WEEKEND FOR YOUNG ADULTS (20’s-30’s) An opportunity for some input, prayer and a chance to meet other young Catholics. Katherine House, Salford. 24th - 26th October 2014. Cost - donation only (suggested £25 if waged) more information from Sr Lynne fcJ [email protected]. HOLY FAMILY PARISH FUNDRAISER on Friday 24th October Parish Centre Penny Park Lane 3pm -6pm. Please support us. Wanted in good condition, Clothes, CD'S, DVD's, toys, books, household items. For collection call Carmel 024765664 or Louise 02475012187. Free admission, refreshments available to buy. Mary Lord - 12 Brookford Avenue, Coventry. FREE VOLUNTARY HOME BLOOD SERVICE Community Nurse available to the sick and housebound of the Parish. Call the Presbytery for more information. COVENTRY BRANCH OF EPILEPSY ACTION Meet at 7.30pm on the 4th Thursday of each month at the Meeting House, Hill Street, Coventry. Admission Free and everyone welcome. Useful Information There is a 24/7 Live Internet Camera Operating in this Church. Parish Contact numbers: Presbytery: 76591618, Community Centre: 76593444 Christ the King Primary School: 76335790 St Augustine’s Primary School: 76596988, Sports Centre: 76601118 Baby Changing Facilities. Available in the Disable Toilet If you hear the Fire Alarm. Leave by the nearest exit, go to the assembly point in the car park and await further instructions. Parish Website: www.ctk-cov.org.uk Twitter: https://twitter.com/ctkcov Parish Secretary: Fiona McLintock - [email protected] Newsletter items to secretary by Wednesday Evening. Please switch off your mobile phone when in the Church. An induction Loop System is provided in the church. Please switch your Hearing Aid to the ‘T’ position
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