PORTUMNA COMMUNITY SCHOOL Parents/Guardians Update June 2014 Dear Parents / Guardians, Enclosed please find the following: • Summer report for your daughter/son (non-exam classes: 1st, 2nd, 5th & LCA) or results of literacy and numeracy test (incoming 1st years). • Information about the following: School improvements in Summer 2014 and other developments. ePortal and new Portumna C.S. smartphone app. New Junior Cycle Student Award and School Self Evaluation. Parents’ Association and Transition Year. The Online Payment system. Resource and Photocopying / Printing Fund. Locker Rental. Book Rental Scheme – Fees, Dates, Terms and the Book List for 2014-15. School calendar 2014/2015 including re-opening dates in August. I hope this further improves communication between school and parents. Yours sincerely, Derry Long Please take the time to read through this information and keep safe. S UMMER 2014 I MPROVEMENTS Over the Summer the following works are underway: • New fire alarm throughout the school. • New classroom created in old building and Staff room refurbished. • Survey of Gym roof in preparation for repairs Summer 2015. • Upgrading of pitch maintenance equipment. • Addition of tennis court markings to outside hard court. • The senior girls and senior boys toilets floors will be completely retiled. • Replacement water tank in main building. All these works are in addition to the complete re-equipping of one computer room with modern pc’s and the re-equipping of the Home Economics room with new cookers done during the school year just ended. The constant improvements made to the school reflect our commitment to maximising the opportunities and facilities available to students. S TAFF CHANGES We want to wish all the best to Ms. Denise Dorgan (Kelleher) who has moved to a school in Cork city, much nearer her own home. Ms. Dorgan taught music and religion in the school since 2004 and was always involved in school liturgies and musicals. We wish her every success and thank her for her work here. The new music teacher will be appointed shortly. Ms. Fiona Kenny is on a two year career break. She taught Science and Biology. Ms Kenny was involved with the Science department in the promotion of the Young Scientist competition and in the breakthrough made this year when several projects made it to the RDS exhibition and were successful in winning prizes. We know that students are already planning next year’s entries. Hopefully when we email Ms. Kenny next January we will have more news of Portumna CS students achieving national awards. Her replacement will be appointed shortly E P ORTAL Teachers have been using a computer system called ePortal for several years to upload exam results and take the roll call. This system will be expanded over the Summer and will record both student achievement and misbehaviour during the next school year. Parental access will be made available before Christmas so that parents can see the progress made by their son / daughter. You will not be able to change data but you will have an up to the minute picture of your daughter’s or son’s progress. Parents / Guardians are not charged for using this system. P ORTUMNA CS P HONE A PP In September or October we hope to launch our own phone app, available for both Android and iOS smartphones. This will contain key information about the school and over time will replace the text messaging service. As parents / guardians upgrade mobile phones over the next two years the vast majority will be using ‘smartphones’. It will be more cost effective for the school to use notifications to these phones than paying for the text messaging service. Unlike other schools, parents are not charged for school text messages. Notifications are free to smartphones. NEW JUNIOR CYCLE STUDENT AWARD The First Years who start in August will begin the new English syllabus for the new Junior Cycle Student Award (JCSA). Other subjects will be phased in up to 2022. Parents/Guardians will have the opportunity to meet early in September to learn more about this. In the mean time you can visit www.juniorcycle.ie or to look at the English syllabus www.juniorcycle.ie and go to Curriculum, subjects. The timetable for complete introduction of the JCSA: English will still be introduced in September 2014 Science to be introduced on its own in September 2015 Irish and Business Studies to be introduced in September 2016 Following a review in 2016 a decision on how many/what subjects will be introduced each year but provisionally: Sept 2017: Art, Craft & Design; Modern Languages Sept 2018: Home Ec.; Music; Maths; Geography Sept 2019: History; Technologies; Jewish Studies; R.E.; Classics. The JCSA will be fully in place by 2022. S CHOOL S ELF E VALUATION As part of the school development planning process the school has prepared plans in the areas of Literacy & Numeracy and in September begins work on Assessment for Learning, Learning an approach already widely used in the school which improves student learning from homework. A School Improvement Plan will be published shortly bringing these strands together and outlining steps towards implementation and evaluation. Parents of Leaving Certs. will receive a letter advising them of a survey for school selfevaluation purposes. Please follow the instructions in the letter and return as soon as convenient - this will enable us to plan for the future and further improve the school. P ARENTS ’ A SSOCIATION The Parents’ Association has had a busy year and there will be no let-up in the Summer as a new constitution is being prepared. They are also planning a Careers Evening in the October and will be looking for parents and past students to act as interviewers for mock interviews with current students. There may be a need for parents willing to act as mentors for school teams next year: as you know Portumna CS is economical with sending teachers to mentor teams at matches. We usually only send one teacher and it would be useful to have further support on the side-line. If you might be available and willing to help support sport in the school without it impacting on teaching and learning then please give your name to any member of the Parents’ Association. T RANSITION Y EAR 2014/2015 There has been a huge uptake of TY this year and parents will be met in early September for a briefing on activities and budget planning. Students will travel to Delphi in September and a musical is pencilled in for December. A further trip with educational value will take place later in the year. Gaisce is compulsory for all TY students. Training in First Aid as well as Film and I.T. are also included. The usual academic subjects will be supplied and students will have guidance on Careers and Personal Development. O NLINE P AYMENT S YSTEM The school moved successfully to an online payment system in July 2013 and this was well supported by the vast majority of parents/guardians. For all payments for 2014/2015 2014/2015 the Online Payment system must be usedusedwe cannot handle cash in school and the time lost in banking cash is time lost to promoting the core business of the school, education. To use the system, please go to our website, www.portumnacs.com www.portumnacs.com, and click the ‘Pay Now’ button (with Easy Payments Plus). If you already have an account you then select the appropriate payment being made and complete the payment. Print and keep your receipt. The school gets a copy of all receipts automatically. If you are new to the school simply set up an account using your email address. For bus transport to matches next year students will be required to show their receipt to avail of the €7 subsidised cost. Those with no receipt will have to pay €10. €10 Receipts may be sought for all other events where a payment is necessary: this is to ensure that the system is fair and fairly applied to all. For the online payment system you can use a credit or debit card and there are no transaction charges for parents / guardians (this is unlike other schools where parents pay a transaction charge). Detailed information is available on school website. R ESOURCE (& P RINTING ) F UND The Resource Fund is used for Sports & Leisure Activities and Extra Curricular activities enjoyed by our students. It also helps to pay for the new Printing/Copying Printing/Copying system for students and for the free credit each student gets. Every student benefits from this and every family should contribute. Every family is expected to contribute: €40 for one student / €70 for two or more students – responding to difficult circumstances for families the school reduced both contributions by €10 in 2011. It would be greatly appreciated if you would make your contribution as early as possible using the online system. I realise that families may find it difficult to meet this cost in the current economic situation but the fee can be met through instalment payments as well. B OOK R ENTAL S CHEME F EES The Book Rental scheme operates on a flat fee basis which averages out the cost over the five/six years of a student’s time in school. The fees for the book rental scheme remain the same this year (except TY): First Year €60 - Part 1 Second Year €60 - Part 2 Third Year €60 - Part 3 Transition Year €50 (reduced) Fifth Year €70 + deposit of €50 * Sixth Year €60 Junior Cert Senior Cycle * Deposit given back after Leaving Cert only when all rented books are returned in good condition by 24th June, 2016 If you are unhappy with the Book Rental Scheme please note that it is not compulsory and you can source school books independently. A list of books used in school is supplied. B OOK R ENTAL S CHEME D ATES All Students must have their books organised before the school term begins i.e. during Book Week (dates below). Pay the correct fee using the online payment system before Book Week and bring the Receipt on the day to collect the books. Mon. 11th August from 10.30 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 3.30 pm for the I NCOMING 1 st Y EARS only along with their brothers/sisters already in the school. For all other students: Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th Aug. from 10.30 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 3.30 pm. Please Note: Book room closed on Wed. 13th – Leaving Cert Results day. B OOK R ENTAL S CHEME T ERMS Students renting books must adhere to the following: • Rented books are to be covered and kept in good condition – Please note: Any book returned in a poor condition will have to be paid for in full by the parent/guardian. • Students must write their name on each book on or inside the cover (that way, if a book is misplaced and found it can be returned to its owner). On second hand books make sure to cross out the previous name. name • Students must not hig highlig hlight sections or write notes in the rented text books. books • Rented books must be kept in the student’s locker when not in use (they are not to be left on bag racks). Students are responsible for the books rented to them. them Students may be excluded from the Book Rental Scheme for failing to keep these conditions. • Rented text books must be signed back in on time and in good condition at end of the school year for 1st year books and after the State exams for Junior & Leaving Certs (end of 3rd week in June). • Failure to return books on time will result in the parents/guardians having to pay for the outstanding books as the school will have to order replacement books in time for Book Week. • Junior Certs that do not return the rented books after their exams will not be allowed to rent books for the Senior Cycle. Cycle • Book Deposits paid in 5th year will only be refunded if ALL of the rented books are returned in good condition and on time after the Leaving Cert exams the following year (end of 3rd week in June). • The Book Rental scheme operates on a flat fee basis which averages out the cost over the 5/6 years of a student’s time in school. The scheme may need to be adjusted from time to time. L OCKER R ENTAL FOR A LL S TUDENTS A locker is provided for every student to alleviate the problem of the weight of books that students carry around the school during the day. Students are to use these lockers and not leave any books or copies around the school e.g. on bag racks. Only by keeping books securely in lockers will parents/guardians avoid replacement cost of lost books. All students must have their own padlock in time for the first day of term. The padlock has to have a shackle (the U-shaped piece that locks into the body of the lock) measuring 6.4mm. Pictured opposite is a suitable lock and this is the actual size that is required. If a student brings an unsuitable lock they will be asked to change it. A flat RENTAL FEE of €10 will be charged for each locker and this is to be paid using the Online Payment system with a receipt brought on the first day of term when students are assigned their new locker. S CHOOL C ALENDAR 2014—2015 The school calendar for next year is available online on the school website already: go to www.portumnacs.com and click on calendar. You may like to follow us on Twitter to get regular news updates from school. For your convenience the main calendar dates are reproduced here: SCHOOL RE-OPENS: Tuesday, 26th August for First, Sixth Yrs and LCA2 (Leaving Cert Applied 2) - Full day Wednesday, 27th August for Second & Third Years - Full day Thursday, 28th August for Fifth Years, T.Y. and the Special Class - Full day Once school has reopened for a year group they attend every day after that. OCTOBER 2014 MID-TERM BREAK All schools will close from Mon., 27th October to Fri., 31st October, 2014 inclusive. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS 2014 All schools will close on Fri., 19th December, 2014, which will be the final day of the school term. All schools will re-open on Mon., 5th January, 2015. FEBRUARY 2015 MID-TERM BREAK Post-primary schools will close from Mon., 16th Feb., to Fri. 20th Feb., 2015 inclusive. EASTER HOLIDAYS 2015 All schools will close on Friday, 27th March, 2015, which will be the final day of the school term. All schools will re-open on Monday, 13th April, 2015. SUMMER HOLIDAYS These start at 3.50 p.m. on Friday, 29th May, 2015. PARENT TEACHER MEETINGS (PTM): Thursday, 2nd October for 6th Years and LCA2 Monday, 13th October for 3rd Years Tuesday, 4th November for 5th Year & TY Tuesday, 3rd February, 2015 for 1st Years Wednesday, 25th February, 2015 for 2nd Years All meetings commence in the gym at 4.15 pm and conclude at 6.45 pm. The latest arrival time for parents is 6.15 pm. Please note that school finishes 15 minutes early every day there is a PTM (buses available at usual time) and that there is no evening study on the evening of a meeting. STAFF MEETINGS: There will be two hour staff meetings after school frequently during the year. To facilitate this Evening Study may be moved to rooms O & P. WORK EXPERIENCE T.Y. work experience weeks are from Mon. 20th October to Fri. 24th October, 2014, and Mon. 23rd February to Fri. 27th February, 2015, inclusive. 5th Year work experience week is Mon. 9th February to Fri. 13th February, inclusive. Students and their parents should ensure that students choose activities that engage students in career areas of interest to them. MOCKS 2015 The mocks or trial exams or pre exams will take place both before and after February mid-term 2015 in order to ensure students have an experience closer to the real thing and that they can revise over midterm.
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