Cardiff Open Studios Weekend Penwythnos Stiwdios Agored Caerdydd 25–26/10/2014 Love Your Local Artist 25—26/10/2014 Cardiff Open Studios Weekend 25—26/10/2014 Mae artistiaid ym mhobman, ond nid ydynt bob amser yn weladwy. Maen nhw’n gweithio’n agos atoch chi, yn siopa yn yr un siopau â chi, yn pleidleisio yn eich etholiadau chi ac yn cyfrannu at y dreth gyngor, ardrethi busnes a chronfeydd CThEM. Mae eu plant yn mynd i’r ysgol gyda’ch plant chi – efallai bod rhai ohonyn nhw’n addysgu eich plant. Maen nhw’n gweithio ar brojectau i wneud eich dinas chi’n un well ac, yn eu stiwdios eu hunain, yn creu gwaith sy’n adlewyrchu’r byd mewn ffyrdd newydd a diddorol. Fel rhyw lygod mawr, dydyn nhw byth yn bell i ffwrdd. Maen nhw’n agosach nag yr ydych yn ei feddwl yn ddaearyddol ac yn ysbrydol. Maen nhw am weld llawer o’r un pethau â chi yn y ddinas y maen nhw’n ei galw’n gartref. Fel rhan o fotiff Datgelu/Celu Caerdydd Gyfoes, gallwch chi gwrdd â’r creaduriaid llechwraidd hyn, sydd wrth wraidd cynhyrchiant celf, yn eu stiwdios preifat. Dros baned o de, gallwch chi weld y gwaith y maen nhw’n ei greu cyn iddo gael ei arddangos mewn orielau, gofodau arddangos neu fyd y cyhoedd a dysgu beth sy’n eu hysbrydoli wrth iddyn nhw fynd i’r afael â rhywbeth newydd – dewch i weld yr offer, arogleuo’r deunyddiau a chwrdd â phobl gyfeillgar a diddorol ar hyd y daith. Mae rhai newidiadau wedi bod ers y penwythnos Stiwdios Agored cyntaf yn 2012, gyda stiwdios a gofodau artistiaid newydd yn cael eu hagor, fel Spit & Sawdust, ac eraill yn cau eu drysau am y tro olaf, ond mae ysbryd tactileBOSCH a’r diweddar Kim Fielding yn ysbrydoliaeth o hyd mewn project dros dro ar gyfer Caerdydd Gyfoes. Gyda phob carfan newydd o artistiaid, mae mwy o syniadau yn cael eu cyflwyno i ffabrig y ddinas. Y diweddaraf o’r rhain yw oriel a gweithdy Modern Alchemists yn The Abacus yn Stryd Wood. Yng nghrafangau’r dirwasgiad, gall artistiaid ddod â chwa o awel iach i adeiladau segur. Yn eironig gall hyn wneud yr adeiladau hynny’n fwy deniadol i fentrau masnachol. Caiff yr artistiaid a’u gwnaeth yn ymarferol economaidd eu symud allan i ddod o hyd i ofodau gwaith newydd. Nid oes adnodd ariannol ar gael i ddangos gwerth sylfaenol stiwdios artistiaid – sut allwch chi asesu effaith cymaint o weithgarwch na allwch ei weld? Rydyn ni’n gwybod y gall clystyrau o artistiaid mewn ardaloedd trefol sydd wedi gweld dyddiau gwell newid canfyddiadau o’r ardaloedd hynny a gwneud yr hyn sy’n annymunol yn ddymunol. Y penwythnos hwn yw eich cyfle chi i weld mecanweithiau’r byd celf a’r hyn sy’n sbarduno adfywiad trefol. Y cyfan sydd ei angen arnoch yw’r map hwn, sgidiau synhwyrol a meddwl agored. Bydd hi werth chweil. —Emma Geliot Caru Eich Artist Lleol Please place in your window / Rhowch hwn yn eich ffenestr Penwythnos Stiwdios Agored Caerdydd @diffopenstudios Artists are everywhere but not often visible. They work near you, shop where you shop, vote in your elections and contribute to the council tax, business rates and HMRC kitties. Their children go to school with your children - some of them even teach your children. They instigate projects to make your city a better place and, in the solitude of their studios, make work that reflects the world back at you in new and interesting ways. Like rats in no other way but this, they are never far away, are closer than you think both geographically and spiritually, wanting many of the same things that you want for the city they call home. As part of Cardiff Contemporary’s Reveal/Conceal motif, you can meet these elusive creatures at the very heart of art production, in their private studios. Here, over a cup of tea, you can see the work they produce before it goes out into the world of gallery, exhibition space or public realm and find out what they think about as they approach something new — see the tools of production, smell the materials and, most of all, meet some friendly and interesting people on the way. There have been some changes since the first 2012 Open Studios weekend, with new studios and artist-led spaces opening, like Spit & Sawdust, and others closing their doors for the last time, although the spirit of tactileBOSCH and it’s late instictator [sic] Kim Fielding lives on in a temporary project for Cardiff Contemporary. With each new cohort of newly-graduated artists, more ideas are introduced into the fabric of the city, with Modern Alchemists’ gallery and workshop space at The Abacus on Wood Street being the latest addition to the map this year. In the teeth of a recession artists, ever opportunistic, can breathe fresh life into defunct, unloved and un-let buildings. Ironically this new lease of life can make those very buildings more attractive to more commercial ventures and the artists who have made them economically viable again are moved out and onwards to find new spaces to work. There doesn’t seem to be a fiscal toolkit that can adequately demonstrate the underlying value of artists’ studios – how can you assess the impact of so much unseen activity? What we do know is that clusters of artists in run down urban areas can radically change perceptions of those areas and make the undesirable desirable. This weekend is your chance to see inside the engine houses of art production and the well-springs of urban regeneration. Take this map, sensible shoes and an open mind. It’ll be worth it. —Emma Geliot LAKE ROAD WEST RO AD N . RD . RD A4 161 NG KI M SM ITH AD MINSTER RO . RD RO AD D AF HA AR PE R EE S OR R IP T. SE S N CO ST EL TIO LA N NS T. T IN . ST SP LO TT RO AD . ST Getting About The best way to travel is by bus and bus routes are indicated for each space. Studios tend to be down backstreets and local parking can be difficult. A Day To Go is only £3.60 for unlimited travel for the day. Visit the Cardiff Bus website for more offers and details of services. Cardiff’s districts are also great places to explore on foot. OA D T NT AY INK ER W LL OON RA SCH 23 4 CE RA INK 70 A4 LL E AY NU ER W NT OON T E AV R EE SCH GE About Artists Studios and Workshops The traditional idea of an artist’s studio of a personal or private space is true. These spaces are a unique view into the mind of the artist. Occasionally they may be in run down buildings, accessible only by stairs and have uneven floors. While the spaces have been assessed, they are working spaces; you are responsible for your own safety and those with you. A4 Atlantic Wharf OR E ST EM AD BA NK ME NT AR EN ROYAL ST HO RO AD W Y ST UART WALES MILLENNIUM CENTRE About Cardiff Contemporary Cardiff Open Studios is part of Cardiff Contemporary; a FREE season of exhibitions, temporary pavilions, film and performance works and public interventions. It runs from 3 October to 9 November. A festival brochure is now available from your local arts venue, library or tourist information point. ST. A4 16 0 WN LIN K CARDIFF BAY / BAE CAERDYDD BU PE TE TO ET D TRE R OA ES IE W CLIV EL V TH NN SOU Windsor Quay H AT K RO OC D THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WALES INNER HARBOUR CH A NA X JAMES STREET C E R OAD DE ST. RY SQ. AY GW R B A OA SI TH N CL UART CA STUART . MOUNT RE ST MB LE DA ES LM RD REET ST ET RE ET BUTE ST E MIN ADEL AI AV ON L DA A42 Yellow Plus Pink The Cardiff Art Map The pink Cardiff ArtMap is the regular quarterly events map for the city. A special edition is available now for Cardiff Contemporary. To carry on seeing what is happening after Cardiff Contemporary remember to look out for this FREE pink map or visit So to find out more about Cardiff Contemporary pick up a Cardiff Contemporary Programme, a pink Cardiff ArtMap and watch out for features on the festival in the press and magazines including a special supplement in CCQ Magazine. 32 GR AN Artists including / Artistiaid gynnwys: GE TO WN LI NK RIV ER Philippa Brown, Penelope Rose Cowley, BIT Studios, Matt Cook, Ellie Young, Jason Pinder, Freya Dooley, Christopher Holloway, Jamie Cross, Gabrielle Frazer, Richard James, Hillary Roberts, LightTrap Films, Anna Llewellyn, Alan Symmonds, Godmachine, Alun Hemming. Chris Griffin, Anthony Evans, Adrian Metcalfe, Pete Sainty, George Chambers, Jac Saorsa, Anna Polya, Broadway Drawing School, Sarah Younan, Richard Gravelle, Nigel Bowles, Richard Higlett, Lydia and Lann Niziblian, Wendy Batey, Liz Picton, Shaun James, Cathryn Weatherhead, Andy Fung, Alun Rosser, James Charlton, Regine Williams, Gordon Dalton, Jan Williams, Neil McNally, Amber Mottram, Melanie Wotton, Joseph Forster, Brian Watkins, Sam Pickthall, Christopher Moore , Margaret Sian Williams, Barrie J. Davies Michael Smith, Kristina Mistsuk, Zoe Preece, Jin Eui Kim, Louise Hall, Becky Adams, Lisa Krigel, Dan Allen, Virginia Graham, Paul Wearing, Sara Moorhouse, Lowri Davies, Diane Horne, Caroline Taylor, Matt Thompson, Frankie Locke, John Blackwell, Natalia Dias, Natasha Mayo, Kelly Best, Louise Shenstone, Mike Murray, Angie Kirby, LLANDOUGH / 55 David Sopwith, Hannah Morris, Tina Neale, jude Ridou, Ian Smith, Ababcus Artists, Lynne Cartilage, Jo Berry, JacquelineA40Alkema, S. Mark Gubb, Neil McNally, Sam Perry, tactile BOSCH, Becca Thomas, Sam Hasler, Scratch Platform, LLANDOCHAU N Pete Williams, Lou Thornton, Billie Blue Williams, Steph Turnbill, Issie Smathers, Bob Gelthrope, Will Roberts, Dave OKnight, David Gould, Dave Brook, Maggie James, Iwan Bala, Carol Hiles, Richard Cox, Annie Giles Hobbs, Jan Beeney, A G C Phil Nicol, Mary Husted, Dilys Jackson, Terry Setch, Sue Williams, Jackie Shackson, Eleanor Whiteman, Catherine Ade, Ken Hugill, Bill Chambers, Claire Carter, Sue Edwards, Eufryn Lewis, Vivien Turner, Sally Williams, Su Roberts, BARRAGE David Petterson, Anne Williams, Becci Holmes, Lauren Burgess and in spirit/a mewn ysbryd Kim Fielding…… Y EL HIG H STR EET ARCOT ST. B 4 26 SULLY ROAD 7 OV N LA OD STAWNO WEL L RO L. PENARTH ROA D AD STATION ROAD ER CH AR OAD TH R MOU PLY D ROA ELL RSW NE COR DP H AC BE Stairs / Grisiau GR PL AC E LL PI AD GLEBE STREET RO ST RE DS T YS DR RU ESPLA NADE ET AN AVENUE WORTH WORDS Crëwyd Pipes Olde Contemporary gan Pipes Artisan Brewery i ddathlu artistiaid a chrefftwyr Caerdydd a Chaerdydd Gyfoes 03/10-09/11, 2014. Bydd ar gael mewn poteli ym Mhenwythnos Stiwdios Agored Caerdydd yn Pipes, 183a Ffordd y Brenin, Caerdydd (islaw Stiwdios Artistiaid Ffordd y Brenin). Comisiynwyd gan Olde Contemporary gan Goat Major Associates. AD RO Hanes cryno o berspectif: Heddiw, ceir sawl ffurf ar gelf weledol; mae ffilm, perfformiad a chelf sain i’w gweld ochr yn ochr â ffurfiau mwy traddodiadol ar gelf fel cerfwaith, peintio a phrintio. Mae’r paentiadau hynaf ar waliau ogofau yn hynach nag iaith a geiriau. Darlunio oedd un o’n dulliau cyfathrebu cyntaf. Ar waliau ogofau, mae’r ffigurau sy’n dangos helwyr ac anifeiliaid yn fflat. Gwnaed yr ymdrechion cyntaf i beintio dyfnder gan artistiaid fel Giotto a Duccio ar ddechrau’r 14eg Ganrif. Dechreuodd persbectif gael ei beintio yng nghyfnod y Dadeni ar ddechrau’r 15fed Ganrif. Arhosodd pethau’n gymharol dawel o safbwynt persbectif am ychydig ganrifoedd. Yng nghanol y 19eg Ganrif, dechreuodd argraffiadwyr a mynegiadwyr i dorri’r rheolau hyn, gan weithio’n erbyn ffotograffiaeth a oedd bellach yn cael ei defnyddio i ddogfennu bywyd. Dechreuodd paentiadau ddangos dyfnder drwy liwiau llachar (Van Gogh a Matisse) neu Giwbiaeth, gan haenu golygfeydd o wahanol safbwyntiau. Nawr gallai gwrthrychau PENARTH mewn lluniau ogwyddo a throi o flaen yr arsylwr; nid oedd y gofod yn y llun bellach yn efelychu realiti ffisegol. Pan ddechreuodd peintwyr beintio pethau na allent eu gweld, gwelwyd Gwaith Haniaethol. Gallai peintwyr arbrofi gyda phethau anweledig, gan geisio portreadu emosiynau fel marciau ffisegol mewn paent. Ceisiodd y Swrealwyr beintio gwaith anniriaethol o freuddwydion, a dathlodd y Minimalwyr burdeb y siapiau elfennol sy’n creu’r byd. Yn y 1950/60au, dechreuodd Celfyddyd Bop edrych ar y byd materol roedden ni wedi’i greu i’n cynnal ni ac, yn ddiweddarach, dechreuodd artistiaid Cysyniadol ganolbwyntio ar ganfyddiad, geiriau ac iaith. Gwelwyd newid creadigol mawr yng nghelf yr 20fed Ganrif. Roedd pobl yn chwilio am ystyr Celf mewn byd newidiol. Heddiw, mae gwahanol ffurfiau ar gelf yn eistedd ochr yn ochr â’i gilydd, ond dechreuodd pob un gyda’r dyhead i gyfleuPIER rhywbeth am y byd rhyfedd hwn o’n cwmpas, yn union fel yr helwyr a beintiodd ar waliau ogof filoedd o flynyddoedd yn ôl... Design/Dylunio: TERR A NO VA W AY Pipes Olde Contemporary beer has been created HAR Artisan Brewery to celebrate the artists by Pipes BOU JOHNST. R VIE Wof RD. Cardiff and Cardiff Contemporary and makers 03/10-09/11, 2014. A4 BELLE 16 E SAL 0 PLA inOPSbottles, atVUthe Cardiff Open PE FIt AI will be available TRE SSE NA RF ET Y ST RT LUD IE HH Rfrom EET LOW LD Studios Weekend Pipes, 183a Kings EA Road, S W IN TRE RO D E D T AD DI SO NG Cardiff (below Road ArtistsCLStudios). RKings IVE RO LE AD LR W D DSO Olde Contemporary was INcommissioned by R TE R. Goat Major Associates. L. P E . CUR CH ROA D AN NL ROAD OA D PE RR ANDREW MARCO NI AVEN UE DSO RD . WIN D ALB ER T ROA D 0 16 A4 B R OA ARRY Mae gan Gaerdydd gymuned fywiog o artistiaid sy’n dewis y ddinas hon fel eu cartref creadigol. Mae llawer o’r artistiaid yn arddangos eu gwaith yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol, ond mae’r penwythnos hwn yn gyfle prin i weld gwaith sy’n mynd rhagddo, cwrdd ag artistiaid a thrafod syniadau yn y mannau personol hyn. Mae’r map hwn yn canolbwyntio ar fannau a gaiff eu rhedeg gan artistiaid ac unigolion ar gyfer artistiaid Gweledol a Chymhwysol fel rhan o Caerdydd Gyfoes. Thema Caerdydd Gyfoes 2014 yw Datgelu/Celu. Nod y penwythnos hwn yw datgelu lleoedd a syniadau sydd fel arfer wedi’u celu. Gobeithio y byddwch yn mwynhau’r penwythnos yn crwydro drwy’r gymuned gudd hon o’r ddinas. CY . RD ITH T EE TR TS RR ISM ET RE IE RR DY A4 16 1 ET RE ST RO LE ST V IL D OD AR CH RI LA . IRO A4 16 0 L ST GE BU T OA D A4 16 0 EC L A PL ST. ST. ME T CE DA L YD LLO AD AN R S RO CURR BALL T D AD M IL L E T. R EE OA OA M ER TH ON WO HA L A N. S TR AM D UM RO Cardiff has a vibrant community of artists who choose this city as their creative home. Many of the artists exhibit nationally and internationally, while this weekend is a rare chance to see work in progress, meet artists and discuss ideas in these personal spaces. This map focuses on artist-run and individual spaces for Visual and Applied Arts as part of Cardiff Contemporary. The theme of Cardiff Contemporary 2014 is Reveal/Conceal. This weekend is about revealing places and ideas that are usually concealed. We hope you enjoy the weekend exploring this usually hidden community in the city. CO LAKE ROAD AD T. RO YS ER UR SB KE W M NY AD AD HE E ST HR N Y WA H ES S RT M AC ON Mae Penwythnos Stiwdios Agored Caerdydd yn gyfle i ymweld â’r mannau lle y mae artistiaid yn creu u gwaith. About this Activity Map This free yellow map is to help to locate the studios, indicate opening times and compliment your journey. There is space to add the names of artists whose work you like, a place to draw should you be inspired and the reverse is a poster for your wall or front window. While it is for the weekend, we hope you keep this map and place on your wall as part of discovering more about the Arts in Cardiff. D LY AT I GE 7 NE T CE 26 MOIR PL A B4 L AN AD RT . ST ZA T RO . AD CO EE H LA O TR FIT TR IT PO ET T W W ON E OR RD PL A Y WA SS EE CK NE IF T FO E LE TR LE . CL OV WP WIND T YN R ID AD ROATH / Y RHATH ST. RD ST . AK RO ST . FA I LD IE GF DO TE N LT O DA FA N W ST . E NU AV E RN TE ES ET ARE RO AD CONY BE RO T T ER AD AL AS INS RO ER GR NE OV L. KINGSLAND TT DE DE RM A AU D R OA EN E NG CL CO OA GR VICTORIA PARK BL R D K IM B ERL E Y OA HA R M RO IM E AD H EN U D. EY WIL C OL RE K R AV ST AC . L RD RO LA BA ST EE T GH GH STE NC CLIV Bay / Bae OU CHE AE ST. Central / Canolog OR C OL OA D LB E OO R LL SA E ND RI ERL WAT STR EE T ST ST A . E ST F ER AR EL M OX IL L AR SS T T. NM A VI NU O STU AD EA WE PAR DE CH CH RY AD M ST EA VE BRO UR MA RO ST. AN REB LL A OR T. A ND H BL RP AD S HE V T T AR OS ET . RD SP STR ST. EE LR D E T. TR LK YR D R OA FR I E M TH LK WA UNIVERSITY OF CARDIFF C.I.A T DS PENYLAN WA CIT ON RE M ST CH D ON HE ET CARDIFF MILLENNIUM STADIUM O WO STR O YR CH EN EE T HS RE FF RIVER TA A4119 LIVE ER S CKL PEN ST EE T RI G OR R OA D CE T DU ES ST. DAVID’S HALL NT EMBANKME ET TH C L AV PEN Artists Artistiaid STR CE EE T EE T STR STR PL A BUR Y PL A U AD Q UE V AT E YN 469 EE T STR A EE T AIM STR T HN A T E R E ST Y STR RO EN EE T GL H STR OC PP ET KE IG E CR A STR N N A EE T KI A RR STR E T S E R RI TR AS EH A OA K F R F I EL T TH DS FAR T RE CY BE ET PAR T DF RIDG OR E RO A D D N LBA AD TAFFS ME CL ARE STRE NOR N CO STO TG ED LA D AD S ALFR DIANA DONAL Y RO K PAR RO BOULE VARD- DE - N A N T R STR EE R TUDOR T LA . S PE RED ES LE ANGU REET SS ST AR ABEL MO E AD DL Closed/Ar gau D NU Q ST. RE Open/Ar agor OA AD HI G PA RK RO CK ELY Venue/ Lleoliad E DO Z LL BO WE ER Scratch Platform Event 18.30 Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 6, 8, 17, 18 Central Stops) Four Bars at Dempseys, Cardiff 15 Castle St, Cardiff CF10 1BS [email protected] Artists showcase/Artistiaid arddangos V NU AD An Artisan Beer celebrating the Artisans of Cardiff. Cwrw o fri i ddathlu Crefftwyr Caerdydd. U ER E AV VE IA W RIV X A HA Y Z RO RN ST . M VI D TUDO Associated Activity Bay Paradise Lost – tactile BOSCH: The Kim Fielding Award Open/Ar agor: 19.00—23.00 Sat/Sadwrn 12.00 —17.00 Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 Train/Trên Cardiff Bay) Former Customs & Immigration Building, 56 Bute Street, Cardiff Bay CF10 5LE Large Group Exhibition celebrating the work and life of Kim Fielding. Arddangosfa Grw ˆ p mawr i ddathlu gwaith a bywyd Kim Fielding D VE N EU D E R OA D P YD US AR W RIDG NT ME NK BA EM ON AM ZH FIT CR N M 70 A4 C OW B A LWR. CATHEDRAL RO LL EN KI CARDIFF CASTLE RIVERSIDE / GLAN YR AFON EE T GH IS 9 11 A4 OA D WE T T. M N D AD RN R L A S R D. TO ING TR NS E AS NINIAN M OA Cathays Park . TON ST HAMIL COWBRIDGE ROAD CANTON / TREGANNA D TR Y CIT PONTCANNA SE V E OA RO ER GS WN ET AD N C D F D DO RO KI E . N ST R OA NS ROAD EAST T HE ET B MAR L RB ED VE CAR G H I CO RA YS WYE RIVER TAFF GR O KE ROAD R OA D COWBRIDGE PONTCANNA ST. D ST PEMBRO FORREST ROAD RK EA ERN R OA AD SE V WAY RO MA GE 8 RID 25 WB ETHEL STREET B4 CO Y ROAD ROMILL DAISY STREET ED NN AD R OA D CA TH AD AD LY RO DALCRO SALIS CISE ST NI . EL S T R EE ST T CR RE ET W OND RO D PEN B448 RT TIA NE S S RO SE FF R Associated Activity Central The Told and Untold Tour Open/Ar agor: 15.00 Sat/Sadwrn Bus Tour leaving from front of National Museum Cardiff, Cathys, Cardiff CF10 3NP For how to book a place and other details, please visit Neil McNally ‘Far Off Things’ curator/curadur Sam Perry AD T. EN RICHM M DA BE INVER RO MI EN PL . -COED TY ’N-Y REET NE Y ST RH YM STREET COBURN LU Y RO OR YS E OA H R CO ND AS TERR AC Blackweir D NOR T OA AI FL PL ACE M FR OR RW AD ME H DIF DA Fireworks Clay Studios Open/Ar agor: 10.00—18.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 9, 17, 18 Train/ Trên Central ) 24 Tudor Lane, Cardiff CF11 6AZ [email protected] 07525 416877 Zoe Preece, Jin Eui Kim, Louise Hall, Becky Adams, Lisa Krigel, Dan Allen, Virginia Graham, Paul Wearing, Sara Moorhouse, Lowri Davies, Diane Horne, Caroline Taylor, Matt Thompson, Frankie Locke, John Blackwell, Natalia Dias, Natasha Mayo. FL S CATHAY CAR C ON T RO A IN INTOS CATHAYS AT Ian Smith’s Studio Open/Ar agor: 11.00 —17.00 Sat/Sadwrn (Bus/Bws 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 Train/ Trên Cardiff Bay) 2nd Floor, 102 Bute Street, Cardiff Bay CF10 5LE (floor below Third Floor gallery) Ian Smith W NY-W M ACK LLANDAFF PE DAVIOT R OA D Pontcanna Fields Floating Associated Activity Nowhere Bar Open/Ar agor: Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul Curator and Studio Visits Follow @nowhere_bar to discover were it is located on a certain day. Gordon Dalton and S. Mark Gubb DE RA D ELLIN ET TRE ER S B RI IG A TH LL LIS DI VA GE C O R NE SM ST ST . ES . TO N ST M AI . ND YR OA D O W EASTERN AVENUE R OA LLM ROAD YN TY -D AD P WE AN Q Ababcus Open/Ar agor: 11.00—17.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 8, 9, 9a, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, Central Station) 18-20 Wood Street, Cardiff CF10 1ER [email protected] [email protected] Artists Collective T-Y RW RO LE Y LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL LL Jacqueline Alkema’s Studio Open/Ar agor: 11.00—17.00 Sat/Sadwrn (Bus/Bws 7, 8, 9, 9a, 17, 18, 61, 62) 7b Machen Place, Cardiff CF11 6ER 07917106774 [email protected] Jacqueline Alkema S AN TAF F D D R OA OA ANT HR TRIS RT LL AN ER NO RIV BIT Studios Open/Ar agor: 12.00—15.00 Sat/Sadwrn (Bus/Bws 49,50) Unit 1a, Fox Lane, Rear of 177 Broadway, Roath, Cardiff CF24 1JN 07805 572741 Bay Bae PA N DR D IEL OA AD LLF RO EY RN CLODIEN AVE WE RE HR SHIR A4 119 LA Butetown Artists Studios Open/Ar agor: 11.00—18.00 Sat/Sadwrn (Bus/Bws 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 Train/ Trên Cardiff Bay) 54b/c Bute Street, Cardiff Bay CF10 5AF 07969900847 [email protected] Will Roberts, Dave Knight, David Gould, Dave Brook, Maggie James, Iwan Bala, Carol Hiles, Richard Cox, Annie Giles Hobbs, Jan Beeney, Phil Nicol, Mary Husted, Dilys Jackson, Terry Setch, Sue Williams T Cardiff Open Studios Weekend is an opportunity to visit the spaces where artists make their work. ED EAST AD RO DO RT ST. P Studio b Open/Ar agor: 11.00—17.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 9, 17, 18 Train/ Trên Central ) 24 Tudor Lane, Cardiff CF11 6AZ [email protected] Kelly Best, Louise Shenstone, Mike Murray, Angie Kirby studiob.cardiff ES E EG LL CO ER PO NI A AB UE ER HI West /Orllewin ROATH PARK AY W E NI AD ALF A A V EN BRECON Central Canolog Studio 4, The Wells Hotel Open/Ar agor: 10.00—18.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 4,95, 95a, x91 from Centre) First Floor, The Wells Hotel, Riverside, Cardiff CF11 6EW 07554957084 [email protected] Sarah Younan, Richard Gravelle W LL ANED CARDIFF CITY FC “artists’ work I like” / “gwaith artistiaid rwy’n ei hoffi” D R OA O ED RC AVEN U 70 A4 DANESCOURT H I N-C CI G AB L Associated Activity West Pipes Artisan Brewery Open/Ar agor: 12.00—18.00 Sat/Sadwrn (Bus/Bws 25, 60, 61, 62a ) 183A Kings Road, Cardiff CF11 9DF [email protected] ERN L RD. Studio 5a Open/Ar agor: 10.00—18.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 24, 25, 60, 62a ) 183A Kings Road, Cardiff CF11 9DF 07921776153 [email protected] David Sopwith, Hannah Morris, Tina Neale, Jude Ridou THORNHILL ROAD I G E AS T T. GREENWICH Warwick Hall Studios Open/Ar agor: 10.00—18.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 35, 38) Banastre Avenue, Cardiff CF14 3NR 029 20 625 375 [email protected] Matt Cook, Ellie Young, Jason Pinder, Freya Dooley, Christopher Holloway, Jamie Cross, Gabrielle Frazer, Richard James, Hillary Roberts, LightTrap Films, Anna Llewellyn, Alan Symmonds, Godmachine. ER ES N Associated Activity East Hangover Lounge Open/Ar agor: 12.00—18.00 Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 30, 44, 45, 49, 50 alight/glanio Newport Road) Spit & Sawdust Skate Park, Café & Artspace, Rhymney River Bridge Road, Cardiff CF23 9AF 029 20 494741 Becca Thomas, Sam Hasler Studios Spaces Available Winter 2014/15 K D -YOL ON AD D ST RO Cardiff Print Workshop Open/Ar agor: 10.00 —18.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws alight/glanio Chapter 1, 2, 12, 13, 17, 18 ) Market House, Market Road, Canton, Cardiff CF5 1QE [email protected] Jackie Shackson, Eleanor Whiteman, Catherine Ade, Ken Hugill, Bill Chambers, Claire Carter, Sue Edwards, Eufryn Lewis, Vivien Turner, Sally Williams, David Petterson, Anne Williams, Becci Holmes, Lauren Burgess. IN AB Lynne Cartlidge’s Studio Open/Ar agor: 10.00—18.00 Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 57, 58 get off by Penylan Library) 75 Kimberley Road, Penylan, Cardiff CF23 5DL 02920637200 [email protected] Lynne Cartlidge Kings Road Studios Open/Ar agor: 10.00—18.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 25, 60, 61, 62a ) 183A Kings Road, Cardiff CF11 9DF 07791683807 [email protected] Andy Fung, Alun Rosser, James Charlton, Regine Williams, Gordon Dalton, Jan Williams, Amber Mottram, Melanie Wotton, Joseph Forster, Brian Watkins, Sam Pickthall, Christopher Moore, Margaret Sian Williams, Barrie J. Davies Michael Smith, Kristina Mistsuk. www.kingsroadartiststudios. C EF LLANDAFF NORTHCOLW J F ROATH PARK LAKE LE GE C TY-WERN RD ID Print Market Project Open/Ar agor: 11.00—17.00 Sat/Sadwrn (Bus/Bws 1, 2, 12, 13, 17, 18, 61, 96 ) The Workshop, 41a Market Road, Cardiff CF5 1QE [email protected] Pete Williams, Lou Thornton, Billie Blue Williams, Steph Turnbill, Issie Smathers. A4 70 M4 (EAST / DWYRAIN) CYNCOED BR B E The Broadway Drawing School Open/Ar agor: 10.00—18.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 49, 50) Studio 8 59-61 Broadway, Roath, Cardiff CF24 1QE 07969 144474 [email protected] Jac Saorsa, Anna Polya thebroadwaydrawingschool/home OA D Oriel Canfas Gallery and Studios Open/Ar agor: 10.00 —18.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (gallery only) (Bus/Bws 12, 13, 17, 18, 96) 44a Glamorgan Street, Cardiff CF5 1QS 02920 666455 [email protected] Jo Berry, Alun Hemming. Chris Griffin, Anthony Evans, Adrian Metcalfe, Pete Sainty, George Chambers East Ddwyrain The Cyncoed Fine Art Studio Open/Ar agor: 12.00—18.00 Sat/Sadwrn (Bus/Bws 28, 28b Train/ Trên Heath High Level ) 1 Nant Fawr Close, Cyncoed, Cardiff CF23 6JP 02921 321603 [email protected] Penelope Rose Cowley ION R A Printhaus Workshops and Studios Open/Ar agor: 11.00 — 17.00 Sat/Sadwrn + Sun/Sul (Bus/Bws 33, 33a, 33b or alight/glanio Chapter 1, 2, 13, 17, 18) 70a, Llandaff Road, Cardiff CF11 9NL 029 20 220 349 [email protected] Nigel Bowles, Richard Higlett, Lydia and Lann Niziblian, Wendy Batey, Liz Picton, Shaun James, Cathryn Weatherhead, Su Roberts J RHIWBINA / RHIWBEINA R D. S TAT West Orllewin Philippa Brown’s Studio Open/Ar agor: 12.00 —18.00 Sat/Sadwrn (Bus/Bws Train/Trên Llandaf North) 57 College Road, Llandaf North, Cardiff CF14 2HZ 07931166088 Philippa Brown M4 (WEST / ORLLEWIN) AH BEUL HE @diffopenstudios East /Ddwyrain A short history of perspective: Today visual art comes in many forms; film, performance and sound art sits alongside more traditional ways of making art such as sculpture, painting and printmaking. The oldest paintings on cave walls predate language and words, drawing was one of the first forms of communication we have. On the cave walls, the figures and animals showing hunters and animals were flat. Attempts at painting depth came with artists such as Giotto and Duccio in the early 14th Century. Painting perspective arrived with the Renaissance in the early 15th Century. Things remained relatively quite perspective wise for a few centuries. In the mid 19th Century, Impressionist and Expressionist artists began to break these rules, working against photography that was now being used to document life as we saw it. Painting became free to create depth only using vibrant colours (Van Gogh and Matisse) or in Cubism; creating layers of perspective from different viewpoints. Objects in pictures could now tilt towards and turn their position before the viewer; the space in the picture no longer copied physical reality. When painters no longer had to paint what we see, Abstraction arrived as painters could explore non-visual things, attempting to portray emotions as physical marks in paint. Surrealists attempted to paint the intangible world of dreams and Minimalists celebrated the purity of elementary shapes that make up the world. In the 1950/60’s, Pop Art looked at the material world we had created to support us and later Conceptual artists focused on perception, words and language. The 20th Century was a process of great creative change in art. It was a search for what art could be in a changing world. Today, different art forms sit side by side but they all begin with the desire to communicate something about this strange world that surrounds us, just as the hunters who painted on the walls of a cave thousands of years ago….. Hywl Cardiff Open Studios Stiwdios Agored Caerdydd Gweithgaredd Map Bydd y map melyn am ddim hwn yn eich helpu i ddod o hyd i’r stiwdios, yn dangos amseroedd agor ac yn eich cynorthwyo ar eich taith. Mae lle i ychwanegu enwau artistiaid rydych yn hoffi eu gwaith, tynnu llun os cewch eich ysbrydoli ac mae’r ochr arall yn boster i’w roi ar eich wal neu ffenestr flaen. Er mai ar gyfer y penwythnos ydyw, gobeithio y byddwch yn cadw’r map hwn ar eich wal i’ch helpu i ddysgu mwy am y Celfyddydau yng Nghaerdydd. Teithio Y bws yw’r ffordd orau o deithio ac mae’r llwybrau bysus wedi’u nodi ar gyfer pob un o’r ardaloedd. Mae’r stiwdios yn tueddu i fod lawr strydoedd cefn a gall fod yn anodd parcio’n lleol. Dim ond £3.60 yw tocyn Diwrnod a gallwch deithio’n ddiderfyn am y diwrnod cyfan. Ewch i wefan Bws Caerdydd i weld rhagor o gynigion a manylion gwasanaethau. Mae ardaloedd Caerdydd hefyd yn fannau gwych i’w gweld ar droed. Stiwdios a Gweithdai Artistiaid Mae’r syniad traddodiadol bod stiwdio artist yn fan personol neu breifat yn wir. Mae’r mannau hyn yn rhoi cipolwg unigryw ar feddwl yr artist. Gallant, o bryd i’w gilydd, fod mewn hen adeiladau, gyda lloriau anwastad lle mae’n rhaid defnyddio grisiau i gael atynt. Er bod y mannau wedi’u hasesu, mannau gweithio ydynt; chi sy’n gyfrifol am eich diogelwch chi’ch hun a diogelwch y sawl sydd gyda chi. Caerdydd Gyfoes Mae Stiwdios Agored Caerdydd yn rhan o Gaerdydd Gyfoes; tymor AM DDIM yn llawn arddangosiadau, pafiliynau dros dro, ffilm a pherfformiadau ac ymyriadau cyhoeddus. Cynhelir o 3 Hydref tan 9 Tachwedd. Mae llyfryn o’r w ˆ yl nawr ar gael o’ch lleoliadau celfyddydau lleol, llyfrgell neu’ch canolfan groeso. Melyn a Phinc Map Celf Caerdydd MapCelf Caerdydd pinc yw’r map digwyddiadau a gyhoeddir bob chwarter ar gyfer y ddinas. Mae rhifyn arbennig ar gael nawr ar gyfer Caerdydd Gyfoes. I gael gweld beth sy’n digwydd ar ôl Caerdydd Gyfoes cofiwch edrych am y map pinc AM DDIM hwn neu ewch I Felly i ddysgu rhagor am Gaerdydd Gyfoes, cofiwch ddarllen Rhaglen Caerdydd Gyfoes, MapCelf Caerdydd pinc a chofiwch edrych am erthyglau ar yr Nyl yn y wasg a chylchgronau gan gynnwys atodiad arbennig yng Nghylchgrawn CCQ.
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