Document 356475

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 19, 2014
“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.”
— Matthew 22:21
St. Paul the Apostle
Catholic Community
10750 Ohio Ave
(at Selby)
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 474-1527
“Wherever you are on your
faith journey, you are
welcome here”
Mass Schedule
Sunday Masses
7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 5:00 pm
Saturday (one mass only) 5:00 pm Vigil
Weekday Masses
Monday - Friday
6:30 am and 5:30 pm
Thursday and Saturday
4:00 - 4:45 pm
October 19, 2014
An Explanation of the Mass
Here at St. Paul’s we often begin the Mass when
the presiding priest invites us to greet someone in
the congregation we don’t know. This reminds us
that living as members of a community--and also
welcoming a stranger-- are important parts of being
a Christian. We all stand as the Presider, readers
and altar servers process from the back of the
church to the altar. By standing and singing an entrance hymn we show that we are ready to pray!
The Presider welcomes us with a formal welcome
such as “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
the love of God, and the communion of the Holy
Spirit be with you all.” This is a very ancient greeting, found in many places in the New Testament,
reminding us that we have received, are receiving
and hope to receive, the gift of our Father’s grace
and love.
Prayer for the Canonization of
Father Isaac T. Hecker, CSP
Heavenly Father, you called your servant Isaac Thomas
Hecker to preach the Gospel to the people of North
America and through his teaching, to know the peace
and the power of your indwelling Spirit. He walked in
the footsteps of Saint Paul the Apostle, and like Paul
spoke your Word with a zeal for souls and a burning
love for all who came to him in need. Look upon us this
day, with compassion and hope. Hear our prayer. We
ask that through the intercession of Father Hecker your
servant, you might grant us (state the request). We ask
this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. One
God, forever and ever. Amen
Be a part of SPA’s 8th
Annual Celebration
of Guadalupe, Mother of
the Americas!
Please join our 8th annual volunteer meetings
to make this the best ever celebration ever.
We need help to plan for and support the sunrise Mass, decorating, building the Tepeyac Hill, etc. All help will be blessed
by Our Lady!
Meetings will be in the Downstairs Classroom on the 3rd
Sundays at 10:30 am to 11:15 am. Join us on 10/19, &
11/16. Then on Saturday, 12/6, please help us construct our
Tepeyac Hill from 9 am to 1 pm.
Our event is solely sustained by your support and stewardship. For more information, please contact Rosa Castillo at
(310) 473-6022 or [email protected]
Save the date...
Friday, Dec. 12th, 6:00 am
Sunrise Mass in English!
The readings for all masses are available from the United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops
October 19, 2014
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 am to 4:30 pm
General E-Mail: [email protected]
Fax # - 310-474-2897
Theresa Kiene
Confirmation Coordinator
[email protected]
Rev John Ardis, C.S.P.
[email protected]
Lois Massey
Business Operations
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Danny Amos
Parish Deacon
[email protected]
Virginia Ostrin
Funeral Ministry/Altar Servers
[email protected]
Mary Ann Bertolucci
Facilities Coord/Data Admin
[email protected]
Mary Pat Cooper
Coordinator of Church and
School Advancement
[email protected]
Rev Joseph Scott, C.S.P.
Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Mr. Richard Billups
School Principal
[email protected]
Rev. Jimmy Hsu, C.S.P.
Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Irene Holly
Director Children’s Religious Ed
[email protected]
Christopher Walker
Director of Music
[email protected]
The Paulist Fathers
Priests in Residence
Paul Lannan, C.S.P.
Ted Vierra, C.S.P.
Patrick Hensy, C.S.P.
Ed Wrobleski, C.S.P.
UCLA Catholic Center — (310) 208-5015
Fr. Peter Abdella, C.S.P., Director
Fr. Paul Rospond, C.S.P., Asst. Dir.
UCLA Medical Center (310) 267-8191
Paulist Productions
(310) 454-0688
Community GiŌ
“Whatever you did for one of these least of these, you did for
me.” Mt 6:40 b
Times are difficult for so many. The finance council and the parish
staff have discussed how best the parish can respond to the increased need that we are experiencing through phone inquiries,
walk-ins and the increased requests from various charitable agencies. Since September 2009, the parish has been giving 5% of the
weekly collection to a charity.
Parish Support
Monthly Credit Cards:
Weekly Collection :
For more details on the collections or information on the
purple printed slips for credit card donations, please contact Lois Massey in the parish office at 424-832-5152.
Lay Ecclesial Ministry – What’s That?
Beginning the weekend of September 20th-21st, the term
“Lay Ecclesial Ministry” has been added permanently to
the Prayer of the Faithful proclaimed at every Sunday
Mass. The intention that asks us to pray for vocations now
reads “…for vocations to the priesthood, the diaconate,
religious life, and lay ecclesial ministry.”
All of us have some sense of what “priesthood,”
“religious life” and “diaconate” mean. But “lay ecclesial
ministry” is a mouthful. Rather than trying to find something easier to speak aloud, we have decided to keep this
term as it is used in bishops’ documents (most notably, CoWorkers in the Vineyard) and, instead, help everyone to
understand its meaning and importance. “Lay ecclesial
ministry” refers to all non-ordained men and women who
work in and for various Church ministries. It is a vocation,
just as priesthood, diaconate and religious life are vocations
– and they all draw from the same source – Baptism.
Those lay people who make a life’s work out of service
to the Church – at the parish or diocesan level – as catechetical leaders, liturgical ministers, pastoral associates, parish
life directors, youth ministers and others are responding to
the call of their Baptism. Each has an authentic vocation.
We will continue to pray for an increase in their number.
An Evening with Sister Carol Perry,
Author of Waiting for Our Souls to CatchUp
Waiting For Souls To Catch Up, invites readers to begin a
journey of the heart and mind in which a small effort of
faith, guided by reason, can yield huge spiritual dividends.
This event is free. Light refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, October 28th
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Von der Ahe Family Suite
(library Level 3 at Loyola Marymount University)
For additional information visit
Page 4
October 19, 2014
Mass IntenƟons
Saturday, October 18, 2014
5:00 PM
†Madeline and Joseph Semaan
Sunday, October 19, 2014
7:30 AM
†Leonard Cosgrove
9:30 AM
†Marjorie Geddes
11:30 AM
SPA Parishioners
5 :00 PM
†Michael Cooper
Monday, October 20, 2014
6:30 AM
†Roberto Palermo, Sr.
5:30 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
6:30 AM
5:30 PM
†Shahira Eversole
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
6:30 AM
5:30 PM
†Patricia Costello
Thursday, October 23, 2014
6:30 AM
For the Canonization of Fr. Hecker
5:30 PM
For the Canonization of Fr. Hecker
†Sammy Sosna III
Friday, October 24, 2014
6:30 AM
5:30 PM
†Eun Young Park
Saturday, October 25, 2014
5:00 PM
†Janine Retourne
Sunday, October 26, 2014
7:30 AM
†Albert O’Connor Anton
9:30 AM
†Bernard Orozco
11:30 AM
SPA Parishioners
5 :00 PM
†Rev. Msgr. John R. McSweeney
†Lily Lindlahr
Prayer For Our Military
Almighty Father, Creator of Humankind, and author of peace
BLESS and safeguard the members of our armed forces and all who
find themselves in harm’s way. Be their protector and bring them
safely home.
BLESS our military and civilian personnel who have been injured in
service to our country.
May they experience your firm support, gentle love, and compassionate healing.
BLESS all who have died in defense of our freedoms. Grant them
eternal rest in you.
BLESS their family members who have been left behind. Be their
constant companion and strength.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. AMEN
Teddi Schumann
Stella Dunbar
Lucy Gervasio
Theresa Christman
Daniela Kaufmann
Joanne Khouri
Bridget Healy
Mike Rogers
Jaspar David
Nancy Sampson
Inez Vasquez
Renee Cambitsis
Hector Casanello
Paige Greenspan
Pam Clendenning
Jodi Skinner (neiee of Pat Edlefsen), Yu San Wang, Kelly Walters,
Sr. Theresa Martin Schwalenberg, DMJ
How can I have a name added to the prayers of the faithful?
You can call the parish office at (310) 474-1527. If you do not reach
anyone, please leave a message in the general mailbox.
You can also e-mail: [email protected]
*Please let us know about the conditions of those we are praying for.
We will remove the name after 4 weeks on the list.
Holy Hour Thursday
(immediately following the 5:30 pm mass) Join us as we
pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and personal
meditation with Our Lord.
First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
From 3 - 5 pm (October - May)
Saint Paul the Apostle Men’s Group
One-Day Men’s Retreat for the Men of our Parish
Saturday, Nov. 15th, 2014
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Theme: Mindfulness and Christian Meditation
We will explore ways to open our hearts and minds
to the loving presence of the Holy Spirit through the
use of mediation and prayer. We will balance
insightful and instructive presentations with direct
experience. The retreat will include mindfulness
exercises, an experience of Christian Meditation,
followed by the celebration of the Eucharist.
Chuck McCreary, Ph.D., Rod Johnson
Fr. Joseph Scott, CSP
Paulist Productions, 17575 Pacific Coast
Highway, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Light Breakfast and Lunch included
Call Gene Carbone at (310) 839-2813 or
[email protected]
Space is limited, so please respond as``
quickly as possible.
Page 5
October 19, 2014
An Invitation to RCIA - If you have never been baptized; been
baptized in another Christian tradition; been baptized Catholic and have not
received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist; been attending Mass
and desire to join the community at the table of the Lord, RCIA is for you. For
more information please contact Fr. Joe Scott -- [email protected] or
424-832-5154. RCIA meets on Weds evenings in the MPR at 7:30 pm.
Lectors, Ushers, Eucharist Ministers
RCIA for Children
please contact John Newman at 310-845-9590 or [email protected].
The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for
Children) 8 yrs. to 14 yrs. of age is also part of the process where the children
that have not received the sacraments of Baptism or Holy Eucharist meets on
Sunday morning after the 9:30AM mass with their parents. Contact Irene
Holly at 310-689-6212 or [email protected].
Children’s Religious Education
Classes are held Wednesday afternoon from 3:45 to 5:15PM. Please call
Irene Holly, Director, for more information at: 310-689-6212 or email
[email protected] . Classes begin Sept. 17th, 2014, yearly fee is $150 per
Teen Confirmation Information and registration forms are available on the at, or e-mail [email protected].
The next class will be Oct. 19th - year 1 at 3:30 , year 2 at 6:00 pm.
Sandwich Builders 7:00—8:00 PM in the JCPC E-mail :
[email protected]. The next S/B will be Oct. 17th
Toddler Group SPA Toddler Group meets on Tuesdays @ 10:30
am in the Multipurpose. For more information visit our website or e-mail us. or [email protected]
Coffee and Donuts
Coffee and Donuts are offered after the 9:30 am
mass. Questions or to volunteer contact the parish office
Bible Study
meets Monday Mornings at 7:00 and Repeated Friday
Mornings 11:00 AM - MPR. E-mail Fr. Joe for more info—[email protected]. Bible Study will Resume on Monday, Sept. 8th, 2014.
Business Development Network - Are you a business professional who can give, and wants to receive, business referrals? Please join
held on 2nd Tues of the month, at 7:30 a.m. at John O’Groats, 10516 Pico
Blvd. For questions, contact Jay Spillane, [email protected] or (818)
205-1100, x 201.
Lectors -
If you are interested in reading at the Mass, please contact
Tom Roth at 323-464-4102 or [email protected].
Ushers - If you are interested in joining our ushers/hospitality ministry,
Eucharist Ministers - If you are interested in becoming a EM,
please contact Lisa Wellik [email protected].
Our mission:
To raise awareness in the parish community of the changing
spiritual needs of older adults, to develop activities and services that support and protect the quality of life and the independence of our seniors, and to provide opportunities for
Spiritual Growth, Social Connections and Community Service.
Book Club. . .
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 in
the Multipurpose Room from 1:00 to 2:30pm. Join us for
stimulating and thoughtful discussion of current bestsellers
and classics. For this meeting the members have chosen to
read Silence by Thomas Perry. For information, call Claire
at 310-474-5977.
SPA’s Social Group meets in the Multipurpose Room, from
12:00 - 2:30 PM, on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.
Come join us Monday, October 20, for lively conversation,
friendship, refreshments, and more as we play Bingo. New
Members are welcome. For information, call Eva 310-8374197.
Infant Baptism at St. Paul the Apostle - Baptisms are
held on Sundays at 1 pm. Parent(s) must be registered in the parish and regularly attend Sunday mass. For more information or to schedule a baptism,
please contact Fr. Jimmy Hsu at 424-832-5155, or [email protected].
Sycamore and Romaine - Volunteers need to feed the hungry
on the first Weds of each month. Sign up at
Restorative Justice/Prison Ministry
An ongoing ministry
at SPA for 25 years, this ministry is making a difference in the lives of ’at risk’
youth. Attend mass and visit with youth incarcerated in Malibu Canyon or
Sylmar detention facilities. Transportation is available. Please contact David
Primac for more information at (310)-871-2968/ [email protected].
Faith Sharing—Men’s and Women’s
Men’s Faith Sharing —An on-going prayer group designed for men. This
group meets Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m. in the Multi-purpose
room. All men are welcome.
Women’s Faith Sharing—An on-going prayer group designed for women. The group meets Tuesday mornings at 8:0 5 am. In the Multi-purpose
room. All women are welcome.
November 19, 2014
The UCLA Catholic Center will offer a special
presentation on "Pope Francis and the Future of
Catholicism" by noted Boston College theologian
Richard Gaillardetz .
Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 7:30pm.
At the University Catholic Center at UCLA,
633 Gayley Avenue. Los Angeles.
For more information,
contact the University Catholic Center
at (310)-208-5015.
Page 6
October 19, 2014
Readings for October 29, 2013
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Paul the Apostle School
Reading 1EX 22:20-26
Thus says the LORD: "You shall not molest or oppress an
alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of
Egypt. You shall not wrong any widow or orphan. If ever
you wrong them and they cry out to me, I will surely hear
their cry. My wrath will flare up, and I will kill you with the
sword; then your own wives will be widows, and your children orphans. "If you lend money to one of your poor neighbors among my people, you shall not act like an extortioner
toward him by demanding interest from him. If you take
your neighbor's cloak as a pledge, you shall return it to him
before sunset; for this cloak of his is the only covering he has
for his body. What else has he to sleep in? If he cries out to
me, I will hear him; for I am compassionate."
Thank you for your interest in St. Paul the Apostle School.
We would like to welcome you on a tour of the campus.
Please know that it is not necessary to R.S.V.P. or make an
appointment. You may arrive on the day and time (listed below) that is most convenient for your family. Tours last approximately 45 minutes. Applications will be available at the
completion of all Tours.
Reading 21 THES 1:5C-10
Brothers and sisters: You know what sort of people we were
among you for your sake. And you became imitators of us
and of the Lord, receiving the word in great affliction, with
joy from the Holy Spirit, so that you became a model for all
the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia. For from you the
word of the Lord has sounded forth not only in Macedonia
and in Achaia, but in every place your faith in God has gone
forth, so that we have no need to say anything. For they
themselves openly declare about us what sort of reception we
had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to
serve the living and true God and to await his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus, who delivers us
from the coming wrath.
Admissions for Grades One – Eight
Gospel MT 22:34-40
When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a scholar of the
law tested him by asking, "Teacher, which commandment in
the law is the greatest?" He said to him, "You shall love the
Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul,
and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on
these two commandments."
Save the Date
Advent Wreath Building Festival
Bring your family and friends on
Sunday, November 30th
to the Upper Social Hall between
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
to build an Advent Wreath for your home!
Wreath rings, evergreens and
Advent candles will be available.
Kindergarten Admissions
Tour Dates:
2014: October 21, 22 & 23
Please arrive at 8:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.
Tour Dates:
2015: January 20, 21 & 22,
Please arrive at 8:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.
For further inquiries, please contact Lindsay
in the School Office:
310-474-1588, ext. 7220 or [email protected]
Married Couples!
Would you attend a seminar to enhance your
job or increase your salary? Why not give your
marriage the same attention? Enhance your
good marriage by attending a Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend!
Weekends take place in a local area hotel and all sharing
is private with your spouse. A series of presentations,
made by married couples and a priest, teach valuable
communication tools and much more! Many couples
complete the weekend with a renewed sense of togetherness, romance and deeper communication. Join us
for our last 2014 Weekend in the LA Area on November 8-10
Visit to apply or contact
Sarah&Jacob Flores at 562-923-7335 or
Vinny&Tanya Calingasan at 424-777-WWME (9963).
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