SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish 608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL 60439 Parish Staff Pastoral Ministry Rev. Waldemar “Valdi” Stawiarski Pastor Deacon Michael Ciciura Deacon Norbert Lesnieski Education Mrs. Shirley Tkachuk Parish School Principal October 19, 2014 Mrs. Trish Nickleski 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sacramental Prep Religious Education Coordinator Kim Zajec Religious Education Secretary Music Ministry Miroslawa Sojka-Topor Music Director Youth Ministry Michael Lundberg Youth Minister Administration Denise Duda Business Manager Lynn Bailey Assistant Business Manager Monika Bochenek Beth Rachwalski Peggy Sniegowski Parish Secretaries Cheryle Long Debbie Grand Evening Receptionists Dennis Sepessy Facility Manager Renée Yep Bulletin Editor Our Parish Mission Statement We are a family of faith, entrusted with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Rooted in a rich tradition of worship, service and prayer, we foster the unity and faith of this community. Enlivened by the Spirit, we share our gifts, talents and resources to bring about the Kingdom of God. Page Two SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” October 19, 2014 Welcome to SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish The Parish Staff of St. Cyril’s welcomes all to our historic parish that has carried on the mission of Jesus since 1884. Parish Information Rectory: School: Religious Education: 608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Denise Duda, Business Manager (630) 257-2776; (630) 257-9372 Fax [email protected] website: 607 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Shirley Tkachuk, Principal (630) 257-6488; [email protected] Trish Nickleski D.R.E. (630) 257-9314; [email protected] Mass Schedule: Saturday: 7:00 AM & 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:00, 8:30 (Polish), 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (Polish) 5:00 PM (St. Patrick’s - English) Special Masses: Weekdays: Tuesday PM: First Friday: 7:00 AM 8:00 PM Polish 7:00, 9:00 AM (Fall) & 7:00 PM (Polish) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:30 - 5:00 PM First Fridays: 6:00 - 7:00 PM Also available by appointment. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: Minister of Music: Mira Sojka-Topor [email protected] (630) 257-0100 Youth Minister: Michael Lundberg [email protected] (630) 257-2414 Polish Club: (630) 863-9304 Polish School: Jan Lichacz President: 630-669-9700 Halina Szyrzyna Principal: (630) 669-9058 Minister of Care: Carol Mierendorf (630) 257-2776 Parish Council: Rita Suchecki, President 2014/2015 Bulletin: [email protected] Helping Hands: [email protected] New Parishioners: Please fill out the registration forms on the welcoming table in the back of Church or from our website and place in the registration box, rectory or collection. A member of the welcoming committee will contact each new parishioner. Baptisms: Parents need to be registered, active and supporting parishioners prior to arranging a Baptism at St. Cyril’s. If this is a firstborn child, the parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptismal Preparation Class. Both sponsors should be adults and one an active, practicing Catholic. Marriage: The bride and groom are encouraged to be registered, active, contributing parishioners of SS. Cyril & Methodius. Arrangements are to be made with the priest as soon as possible (preferably six months before the wedding.) A Marriage Preparation Program is a requirement of the Archdiocese. To schedule a wedding, please contact the rectory office. Following the Monday morning 7:00 AM Mass. Social Media: In an effort to enhance communication with our Rectory Hours: Each weekday the rectory will be closed parishioners and visitors, please visit these websites to stay better connected with the many events and ministries of our between the hours of 12 PM - 1 PM. parish. Monday through Wednesday Thursday and Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Closed Parish Website: School Website: Parish Facebook Page: Parish Youtube Page: Page Three SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” From the Pastor’s Desk The intelligent leaders of First Century Judaism really thought they had Jesus this time. They started with their compliments toward him and eventually came the real question, “Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not.” If he said that it is not lawful to pay the tax, then he would instantly be arrested as a rebel and zealot, an enemy of Rome, part of the Jewish resistance movement. If he said that it was lawful to pay the tax, he would be exposed as a supporter of pagans, not a true Jew but a collaborator with Rome. They really had him this time. Or so they thought. In one phrase, Jesus demonstrated how a person should choose in matters of religion and state: “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.” And they went away marveling, knowing that they had underestimated Jesus’ wisdom. Jesus’ response to the Pharisees confronts them and us with the demand to act out of our deepest convictions and take responsibility for those actions whether we are leaders or followers, whether we identify ourselves at a particular moment as Christians or as citizens. There is no doubt, a good Christian should be a good citizen. A good Christian should be willing to stand up for and even fight for the values that make a country great: freedom, liberty, the rights of people, particularly the rights of the neediest of our society. As patriotic Americans, we need to participate in the affairs of our government responsibly and intelligently so that our public policies may reflect the wisdom and justice of God. Jesus’ response tells us that one’s citizenship does not have to be at odds with one’s faith. The Pharisees had it all wrong. There is no dilemma between the choice of Caesar or God. At least, there is no dilemma when we are determined to instill, foster and support morality in the actions of our government. Yes, we have to keep a watchful eye on laws that we are governed by and never allow to face a choice between God and human’s laws. The letter must always flow from the first and this way peace and tranquility of all will be secured. And now a few things I want you to know: Please continue to reserve your seats for our 130th Anniversary Dinner Dance that will take place on Saturday, November 8th. The solemn Mass will begin at 4:30 PM led by Bishop October 19, 2014 Gorman who will bless the new altar, the ambo and the baptismal font as well as our new pews and floor in thanksgiving to God for the renovation completed. Please plan to attend prior to the banquet. The renovation of the side altars is completed. The Sacred Heart Altar was sponsored by Kathy and Chester Tomala and their family and the Altar of Our Lady of Grace was sponsored by members of the Altar and Rosary Society of our parish. The work at the high altar has started and is expected to be completed before the anniversary celebration on November 8th. The high altar is sponsored by an anonymous family of SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish. Thank you all for your generosity. Our next Parish Council meeting will be held this Monday, October 20th at 7 PM and our Finance Committee meeting will be this coming Tuesday at 7 PM. Both meetings will take place at the Rectory. Parishioners are welcome to attend. Please take advantage of this workshop covered financially by our parish: "The Church: Where We Were, Where We Are and Where Pope Francis is Leading Us" presented by Bishop John Gorman on Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 at 6:30 - 8:30 PM at Our Lady of the Woods Parish in Orland Park Thanks for your continuous support and generosity toward SSCM church. Have a nice week and God bless you and your loved ones, - Fr. Valdi For SSCM Parish Please consider sponsoring one or more of these items on our “Wish List”. A plaque of acknowledgement will be placed on the item sponsored unless you choose otherwise. Thank you for your continued support of our parish. Deacon’s Dalmatic Credence Tables Flower Stands Carillon Bells Reconstruct Light Fixtures Above Side Altars Thank you to those who have already fulfilled a wish! Page Four SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” “Celebrating 130 Years of Catholic Education” October 19, 2014 presentation in the gym. We will be joined by Sr. Mary Paul McCaughey, the Superintendent for the Archdiocese of Chicago. As always, thank you for your continued help and support. Go Come ts! Mrs. S. Tkachuk SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish School Dear Parents, I would like to congratulate all of the students who participated in the Providence High School Academic Bowl on Saturday, October 11th. We are very proud to acknowledge the following students: Anna Borzecki: Science-3rd Place Zachary Klimczak: Social Studies-5th Place Mark Wencl: Social Studies-1st Place GRADE 8 TEAM: THIRD PLACE! Thank you to the talented and dedicated team of junior high teachers who prepared them so well; especially to Mrs. Denise Coules who organized and accompanied our students to the event. We also thank the parents of the competing students for their help. Our entire school is so very proud of them! All students from grades K-8 recently completed their first reading and math assessments. These are very short tests done on an individual basis with the teacher. Our staff examines the results and uses them to help guide instruction within the school. We dedicated the Week of October 6th - 10th to go over safety procedures within our school. On the 6th, we were joined by the Lemont Fire Department for a special fire safety presentation. We also practiced a bus evacuation with District 113A on that same day. Wednesday, the 8th, had us practicing a fire drill and on Friday, October 10th the entire staff participated in an Armed Intruder Drill with the Lemont Police Department. The drill helps everyone to be better prepared in an emergency situation. Please join us on every Monday morning in the gym as we begin our week in prayer. We are honoring our Blessed Mother during the month of October and praying the rosary together. Mark your calendar for Friday, November 7th. On that day we will celebrate our school’s 130th Anniversary at the 8:00 AM Mass, followed by a historical Principal Page Five SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” Religious Education News By: Trish Nickleski, D.R.E. REMINDER: If you have a child that is in need of religious education you need to register them as soon as possible. Please remember all children must attend first grade in order for them to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion in second grade!! REMINDER: There is a First Reconciliation Parent meeting in the church next Sunday, October 26th at 3:45 PM. If you have a second grader in our parish school or religious education program we are asking that at least one parent attend this informational meeting. You should have received a letter by email along with the First Communion assignment list. If you have any questions or did not receive an email from the religious education office please contact Trish at 630-257-9314. Reminder About Background Checks and Protecting God’s Children Workshops Please remember that the Archdiocese of Chicago is requiring all volunteers who work with children in our parish, parish school, school sports program and religious education program to go through a background check and attend the Protecting God’s Children workshop. The background check and the workshop are two separate things and are found at two different websites. Several of these workshops are being held at nearby parishes over the summer and in the fall. The dates and times are listed below. Please remember that you need to register online at before attending the workshop. If you cannot make one of these workshops then you will need to go to a different parish than the ones listed below to attend the workshop. A complete listing of the different sites for these workshops can be found at the VIRTUS website. If you have any questions or would like a packet of information to help you register for the background check and the workshop please call Trish Nickleski at 630-257-9314. SS. Cyril & Methodius: 10/22/14: 6:30 PM St. Alphonsus, Lemont: 11/5/14: 6:30 PM Please note that if you do not complete the above requirements by October 31st you will not be allowed to volunteer with children at the school and the religious education program. This also includes all who volunteer in the sports program at the parish school. This is a requirement of the Archdiocese and all parishes are being required to have their volunteers complete these two requirements along with paper work that can be obtained by contacting your program coordinator or calling Trish in the Religious Education office at 630-257-9314. October 19, 2014 Tri-Parish Anointing of the Sick Bilingual Mass On Saturday, November 15th, SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish will celebrate the Anointing of the Sick at the 11 AM Mass. This will be a bilingual (English-Polish) Mass. We extend an invitation to those in our Tri-Parish Family who feel that the Celebration of Anointing will provide help for them in sickness and aging of their bodies. In the past, the anointing was done near the time of death. Theology today understands anointing as the Sacrament of the Sick rather that at the time of approaching death. The Anointing of the Sick is the prayer of Christ and His Church for the physical and spiritual health of the sick person. Who may be anointed? A sick person may be anointed before he/she undergoes surgery, whether or not the surgery is serious. Persons with chronic illness. Older persons, even if they are not suffering from dangerous illness. Mentally disabled persons and chemically dependent persons. A sick child may be anointed in order to be comforted and uplifted by the Sacrament. After the Mass, there will be a luncheon for all those who attend in our school gym. In order for us to prepare for this luncheon, we ask that you RSVP by calling Trish at 630-257-9314 or emailing her at [email protected] no later than Wednesday, November 5th. You can also fill out the form below and return it in the collection basket. ——————————–——————————–—— Anointing of the Sick Luncheon RSVP Name: ________________________________________ How many will attend: __________________________ Please RSVP no later than November 5th. We hope you can join us for food and fellowship! Page Six SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” October 19, 2014 SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish 130th Anniversary Dinner Dance Renovate, Celebrate & Renew November 8th, 2014 | Palos Country Club, Orland Park, IL th Please note that the 130 Anniversary Dinner Dance Invitations were mailed to all parishioners on September 3, 2014. The deadline for table reservations is October 25, 2014. Don’t delay to reserve your seating for a wonderful evening with friends and family. Our parish has planned an exciting evening to celebrate our renovation and 130 wonderful years of renewing our commitment to Our Faith, Our Gift, and Our Home! The evening is sure to include great music, dinner, desserts, raffles and genuine fellowship! Tickets are $75 each. Join us! Please note that due to our 130th Anniversary Celebration, Mass on Saturday, November 8th will be at 4:30 PM. Be a sponsor of next weekend's fresh flowers to decorate our main altar ($150) or side altars ($100). Please call our parish office to make arrangements. An acknowledgement and a thank you for the sponsor will be published in our bulletin. A journey into faith and history, 2015 Fr. Waldemar Stawiarski and Deacon Mike Ciciura invite the faith community of Lemont to join them on a grand tour of Italy. Dates: June 14, 2015 thru June 24, 2015 Itinerary includes visits to Rome, Venice, Assisi, Pompeii and more. (An audience with Pope Francis depends on availability.) The trip is being organized thru Taylored Travel International. Reserve your place! Deposits are being taken to reserve your space on this exciting pilgrimage. $750 is required to reserve your place. Please send check to Taylored Travel International, 39 Winthrop New Road, Sugar Grove, IL 60554. Deadline for reservations will be December 15, 2014 with final payment due February 14th, 2015. If you need a signup form or have any questions about this adventure, please contact Deacon Mike Ciciura at 630-243-9342 or [email protected]. Intentions for the week of October 13th - October 19th Remembering = Sylvester Ciciura The Blessed Sacrament candle that burns above the altar 24/7 is available to be offered for your intentions or in memory of your loved ones. This candle is replaced every Monday morning. Please call our parish office to book your week. A donation of $100 will be requested and a name of the donor and his/her intention will be acknowledged in our bulletin for the week booked. Polish Children’s Choir & Youth Choir Rehearsals Polish Children's Choir as well as Youth Choir rehearsals have begun, but it’s not too late to join us! Please contact our Music Director, Mira at 773-370-1538 or [email protected] for more information and a schedule. Zapraszamy wszytkie dzieci polsko mówiące do naszego Polskiego Dziecięcego Chóru, którego spotkanie odbywają się w każdy wtorek o godz. 6 wieczorem. Potrzebujemy, abyście podzielili się z nami swoim talentam muzycznym na polskich Mszach Świętych, gdzie będziecie śpiewać co drugi tydzień. Kiedy śpiewasz, modlisz się podwójnie! Page Seven SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” October 19, 2014 October 2014 Respect Life Month Lemont Parishes ProLife Ministry St. Alphonsus, SS. Cyril & Methodius, St. James, St. Patrick “Such a wonderful theme to support the beauty that life is, thanks to our God, who created each of us in His Image!” Archdiocese of Chicago Respect Life Office Spare Change Can Help Baby Bottle Project October 4th — October 25th October is Respect Life month! In support for the pro-life movement, our parish will be participating in The Baby Bottle Project of The Women’s Centers of the Greater Chicagoland, benefiting moms and babies. Please take a baby bottle home with you this weekend, fill it with your spare change over the next few weeks, and return it by the weekend of October 25th. The bottles may be found at the main exits. Thank you for your continued support. Why White Crosses on the Lawns of Lemont Churches? The white crosses you will see throughout Lemont in next few weeks represent the lives lost through abortion. Since the advent of “legalized” abortion, over 55 million children lost their lives, and their parents and family members have been forever, unalterably changed.” These crosses also remind us of the message that Christ died for all sins and his forgiveness is for all. Respect Life Holy Hour - St. Alphonsus Adoration Chapel Tuesday, October 21st, 7 - 8 PM HOPE AND FORGIVENESS AFTER ABORTION—888-456-HOPE Calling all musicians! We are looking for instrumentalists that play either woodwind or brass instruments to enhance our parish music ministry. We will be meeting for rehearsals every other week on Thursdays at 5:30 PM. If you play the trumpet, trombone, tuba, flute, clarinet, oboe or the saxophone, please consider sharing your talent with our parish. Contact our Music Director, Mira at 630-257-0100 or via email at [email protected]. Teen Meeting October 26, 2014 Special Guest Matt Doherty All Teens Welcome St Patrick Church 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Page Eight SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” October 19, 2014 Congratulations to Congratulations to Nicole Kowalczyk & Jakub Jaronczyk Married Saturday, October 11th, 2014 Lisa Flavio & John Vanhelder Married Saturday, October 11th, 2014 Market Day Help your parish school and feed your family with Market Day! Flyers are located in the back of the church. Pickup is once a month located in the school gym and we will earn up to 20% on each order! Please call Mary Kulaga at 708-204-2910 with any questions. BEAT THE LOTTO SS. Cyril & Methodius Beat the Lotto! Tickets are $100 each Only 1,500 tickets will be sold! Winner need not be present. Special seller’s raffle: Entry with every 5 tickets sold! Early Bird Drawings November 8th, 2014 Prize: $2,500 January 9th, 2015 Prize: $5,000 Grand Drawing March 8th, 2015 Grand Prize: $40,000 2nd: $4,000 3rd: $3,000 4 - 6th: $2,000 7th - 21st: $1,000 22nd - 25th: $500 Father Leopold Moczygemba Patriarch of American Polonia During a visit to Chicago in 1863, Fr. Moczygemba helped to found the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America. Later, he would serve as the President of this organization. In 1880, after returning from his assignment as a Vatican confessor, he served two years at St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish in Chicago. In 1882, he was appointed the Pastor of St. Adolphus in Lemont. The rapidly growing Polish population in the area caused the Archbishop of Chicago to ask Fr. Moczygemba to establish a separate congregation for the Poles. By June, 1883, the new parishioners voted to build a new church to be named SS. Cyril & Methodius. The first mass in the new church was held on Palm Sunday, 1884. Twice he was "borrowed" from the American church to serve as a multilingual confessor at the Vatican. He took advantage of one of these periods in Rome to petition Pope Leo XIII for permission to start a "Polish Seminary." On the strength of this permission, Father Joseph Dabrowski, with ongoing support from Fr. Moczygemba, was able to establish the SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary at Orchard Lake, Michigan. Since 1886, over a thousand priests have graduated from this seminary. Polish American Catholics were the special people of his ministry and his 44 years of priestly life. Father Moczygemba died in Detroit in 1891 and for a time his grave was all but forgotten. But then a grateful people remembered him and his remains were transferred back to Panna Maria, Texas in 1974. Page Nine SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” October 19, 2014 Congratulations to Senior Kindred Spirits Cara Wyrostek & Nicholas Jarman Married Saturday, October 11th, 2014 Front Cover: The Tribute Money John Singleton Copley, 1782 Oil on canvas Royal Academy of Arts, London Come join us for some fun and laughs, enjoy good food and good company at the next Senior Kindred Spirits meeting. Lunch is catered by Ali Tucker for a very reasonable fee of $6.00. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 28 at 11:30 AM in the St. Alphonsus Parish Center. Please call Jody Sternat at 630-243-8413 by Thursday, October 23rd if you are planning on attending this meeting. We'll be collecting for Christmas Party at this meeting. Save the Date: Drury Lane, Camelot, November 12, 2014 You're Invited! Growing With God SS. Cyril & Methodius is participating in (and has paid for) the Ministry Commission of Vicariate V, which offers many varied workshops which are FREE to SS. Cyril & Methodius Parishioners! You're invited to two upcoming workshops! The Church: Where We Were, Where We Are and Where Pope Francis is Leading Us Presented by Bishop John Gorman Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 at 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Our Lady of the Woods Parish 10731 W. 131st Street, Orland Park, IL 60462 The Catholic Church is the oldest existing organization in human history and she has gone through many movements and expansions. Today’s Church is drawing much attention for her remarkable leader, Pope Francis. Come and listen to one elder bishop’s perspective on this new context. Defamation: When Race, Class, Religion and the Law Collide Tuesday, October 30th, 2014 at 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Saint Xavier University - Butler Reception Room 3700 S. 103rd Street, Chicago, IL 60655 Written by Todd Logan, Defamation is a courtroom drama about an African-American woman who is suing a Jewish North Shore real estate developer for defamation of character. The play explores some of society’s most challenging social divides - with the audience as the jury. Jury deliberations and post-show discussions engage the audience in thoughtful discourse that often challenges pre-conceived ideas and assumptions. Some workshops require a minimum number of participants in order to be conducted. Any questions and to register contact: Kathy McNicholas at 708-388-4004 or email: [email protected]. Page Ten SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” Ministry of Care at SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish Since it’s formation in the early 1980’s the mission of the Ministry of Care has remained the same: to aid those of the parish who are ill, homebound or for whatever reason, unable to regularly attend Mass. The men and women of the Ministry of Care bring Communion to the homebound in their home and the Lemont Center every Sunday. The Ministry of Care also makes social visits during the week to those in a local hospital or nursing home. October 19, 2014 Soup Kitchen Friday, October 31st 6 PM - 8 PM Food donations needed to prepare dinner for the residents at Daybreak Soup Kitchen, Joliet. Contact Jackie Papiernik (630)243-9358 for details. NO servers are needed as the SS. Cyril & Methodius’ Parish Council has volunteered to serve this meal. Job Opening at SS. Cyril & Methodius Open Position! A Part-Time Skilled Maintenance Position for our parish campus. Contact the rectory at 630257-2776 to inquire about the position and to apply. If you or a parishioner you know are in need of the services offered by the Ministry of Care, please call the Rectory at 630-257-2776 or Carol Mierendorf at 630-243-1284. Praca w Parafii Św. Cyryla i Metodego Oferta Pracy! Pół etatu dla wykwalifikowanego konserwatora budynków (maintenance). Po więcej informacji lub złożenie aplikacji proszę kontaktować się z biurem parafialnym 630-257-2776. Bądź sponsorem kwiatów do ołtarza głównego ($150) lub do ołtarzy bocznych ($100). Zainteresowanych, prosimy o kontakt się z biurem parafialnym. Podziękowanie dla ofiarodawcy zostanie opublikowane w naszym biuletynie. POLSKI KLUB ZAPRASZA NA SPOTKANIE 11/02/2014 GODZ. 10:00am CO RODZICE POWINNI WIEDZIĆ O UZALEŻNIENIACH Podstawowe różnice miedzy uzależnieniami u nastolatka a soby dorosłej Jak efektywnie rozmawiać z nastolatkami o niebezpieczeństwach związanych z wszelkiego typu uzależnieniami Co zrobić gdy.............? Jak na dzieci/młodzież wplywa uzależnienie innych członków rodziny PRELEKCJĘ POPROWADZI p. MAŁGORZATA OLCZAK, CADC TERAPEUTA MŁODZIEŻY PRZY ZRZESZENIU AMERYKAŃSKO-POLSKIM Page Eleven SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” Drodzy Parafianie, W pierwszym wieku przywódcy Żydowscy myśleli, że będą mogli Jezusa podchwycić w mowie. Zaczeli oni od komplementów, a następnie zadali pytanie, "Czy wolno płacić podatek Cezarowi, czy nie?" Jeśli odpowiedziałby, że nie powinno się płacić podatków, zostałby natychmiast aresztowany jako buntownik, fanatyk i wróg Rzymu, uczestnik ruchu oporu Żydów. Natomiast, jeśli odpowiedziałby, że należy płacić podatki, oskarżyliby Go, że jest zwolennikiem pogan, nie prawdziwym Żydem lecz współpracownikiem Rzymu. Myśleli, że tym razem mają Go w garści. Jezus w jednym zdaniu powiedział jakich wyborów człowiek powinien dokonywać w sprawach religii i sprawach państwa. "Oddajcie więc Cezarowi to, co należy do Cezara, a Bogu to, co należy do Boga." Odeszli nie mogąc się nadziwić i wiedząc, że nie docenili mądrości Jezusa. Odpowiedź Jezusa jaką udzielił faryzeuszom pokazuje im, jak również i nam potrzbę działania zgodną z naszymi najgłębszymi przekonaniami i wzięcia za nie odpowiedzialności, nie ważne czy jesteśmy przywódcami czy też zwolennikami i nie ważne czy w danym momencie identyfikujemy się jako chrześcijanie czy też obywatele. Nie ma wątpliwości, że dobry chrześcijanin powinien być dobrym obywatelem. Dobry chrześcijanin powinien być gotów stanąć, a nawet walczyć w obronie wartości, które sprawiają, że ten kraj jest wielki: wolność, prawa człowieka, a szczególnie prawa tych najbardziej potrzebujących w naszym społeczeństwie. Jako Amerykanie, musimy mądrze i odpowiedzialnie brać udział w sprawach naszego rządu tak, aby polityka publiczna odzwierciedlała Bożą mądrość i sprawiedliwość. Odpowiedź Jezusa mówi nam, że obywatelstwo nie musi być sprzeczne z wiarą. Faryzeusze nie mieli racji. Nie ma dylematu w wyborze pomiędzy Cezarem, a Bogiem. Przynajmniej nie ma dylematu, kiedy jesteśmy zdeterminowani, aby zaszczepiać, pielęgnować i wspierać moralność w działaniach naszego rządu. Tak, ciągle musimy pilnować praw, którymi jesteśmy rządzeni i nigdy nie dopuścić, abyśmy musieli dokonać wyboru pomiędzy Bogiem, a ludzkimi ustawami. Kilka spraw z życia parafii: Proszę o dalsze rezerwowanie miejsc na nasz October 19, 2014 Jubileuszowy Bankiet 130-lecia, który odbędzie się w sobotę, 8 listopada. Uroczysta Msza Święta rozpocznie się o godz. 4:30 PM, celebrowana przez Biskupa John Gorman, który dokona poświęcenia ołtarza, ambony i chrzcielnicy, a także naszych nowych ławek i posadzki w podziękowaniu Bogu za ukończoną renowację. Proszę również o zaplanowanie wzięcia udziału we Mszy Świętej przed bankietem. Została ukończona renowacja ołtarzy bocznych. Ołtarz Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa został ufundowany przez Kathy i Chester Tomala z Rodziną. Fundatorem Ołtarza Matki Bożej Łaskawej jest Towarzystwo Różańca Świętego (Altar and Rosary Society) z naszej parafii. Zostały rozpoczęte prace nad renowacją Ołtarza Głównego, ukończenie prac planujemy przed uroczystościami jubileuszowymi 8 listopada. Fundatorem Ołtarza Głównego jest rodzina anonimowa z naszej parafii. Z całego serca dziękujemy za Waszą szczodrość. Zebranie Rady Parafialnej odbędzie się w ten poniedziałek, 20 października o godz. 7 PM, natomiast zebranie Komitetu Finansowego w najbliższy wtorek o 7 PM. Oba zebrania odbędą się na plebanii. Parafianie są mile widziani. Dziękujemy za ciągłe wsparcie i hojność dla Parafii Św. Cyryla i Metodego i życzę miłego tygodnia i niech Bóg błogosławi Was i Waszych najbliższych, Ks. Waldemar Stawiarski Lista rzeczy potrzebnych do Kościoła Św. Cyryla i Metodego Prosimy o rozważenie sponsorowania jednego lub kilku poniżej podanych przedmiotów z naszej "Listy Życzeń". Tablica pamiątkowa z nazwiskiem fundatora zostanie umieszczona na ufundowanym przedmiocie, chyba że ktoś ma inne życzenie. Dziękujemy za nieustanne wsparcie naszej parafii. Dalmatyka Diakońska Stoliki na naczynia liturgiczne Kwietniki Odnowienie Lamp nad Ołtarze Boczne Dzwony Carillon (karyliony) Podziękowania dla tych, którzy już pomogli w wypełnieniu "Listy Życzeń"! Page Twelve SS. Cyril & Methodius “United in Faith” Mass Intentions Monday — October 20th 7:00 AM= PEARL A. POVALISH by Tom & Janice Knopinski = TOM MEEHAN by Mike Pender Tuesday — October 21st 7:00 AM = ED & ROSE BREZINSKI by Family = MARION SOPRYCH by Mary Beth Rudis 8:00 PM (PL) = FR. MARION SOPRYCH (w 30 dzień po śmierci) by Parafianie i Rodzina = ANDREW LACEK by Family = WŁADYSŁAW MUCHA by Siostra z Rodziną GOD’S BLESSINGS FOR LUCIA & DAVID FLOYD by Parents Wednesday — October 22nd 7:00 AM= DONALD J. HEEG by Gene Prosio & Joe Prosio = GEORGE BARRY by Anna Mae Kluga October 19, 2014 Sunday — October 26th 7:00 AM = MARTY & MIKE SNIEGOWSKI by MaryAnn Sniegowski GOD’S BLESSINGS FOR MARIA & LESZEK KRZYMINSKI by Friends 8:30 AM (PL) O BŁ. BOŻE DLA ANNY i DAN JAREMA (1 Rocznica Ślubu) by Rodzice = MICHAEL GRELE by Patrick & Basia Foran = RODZINY KIPTA i JAREMA by Patrick & Basia Foran 10:30 AM FOR ALL PARISHIONERS LIVING & DECEASED GOD’S BLESSINGS FOR MAŁGORZATA (Birth) = FRANCISZEK & MARIA PAWLIKOWSKI by Family 12:00 PM = DONNA WHITEHEAD by Pender Family 1:30 PM (PL) = MARIA GRZEGORZAK by Rodzina = STANISŁAW, ALINA i KAZIMIER KURZAC by John & Sophie Grele = IRENA i CZESŁAW CYGAN by Dzieci i Wnuki Thursday — October 23rd 7:00 AM= SZEREMETA FAMILY by Friends = Doris J. Wozniak by Family Friday — October 24th 7:00 AM GOD’S BLESSINGS FOR PAUL DUBUQUE & FAMILY by Guzior Family = DENNIS HABBLEY by Mary Beth Rudis Saturday — October 25th 7:00 AM GOD’S BLESSINGS FOR RICHARD GUZIOR by Guzior Family = ANNA KRZYMINSKI by Kathy & Chester Tomala 1:00 PM WEDDING: Iwona Sobczak & Peter Byrdak 5:30 PM= CLARENCE BARRY by Ushers, Past & Present = RAY JOHNSON by SSCM Religious Education Staff 7:00 PM (PL) = RYSZARD GOŁĘBIOWSKI = JÓZEFA & STANISŁAW KOCZWARA by Rodzina = KAROL CIEŚLA by Siostra Aniela Mail for Francis Cardinal George: Francis Cardinal George, OMI Archbishop of Chicago 835 North Rush Street, Chicago, IL. 60611 Iwona Sobczak & Peter Byrdak Carly Rowinsky & Jason Lofgren Alicia O'Donnell & Jake Kobylarczyk Christina Veglio and Gregory Bies Check out these Facebook Pages: Page Thirteen SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” October 19, 2014 Devotions: Please pray for… Tuesday, October 21st: Weekly devotions at 7 PM followed by Polish Mass at 8 PM Saturday, October 25th: English Rosary at 6:30 AM, Polish Rosary after 7 PM Mass We ask you to please keep in your prayers the following parishioners who are on active duty in the military: Upcoming Events: Sunday, October 19th: Altar & Rosary Mass and Mtg. at 6:40 AM Monday, October 20th: Lego League at 2:30 PM in Fr. Sivore Hall, Parish Council Mtg. at 7 PM in Rectory Meeting Room Tuesday, October 21st: Chess Club at 2:30 PM in Fr. Sivore Hall, SPRED Group at 7 PM in Fr. Sivore Hall, Finance Mtg. at 7 PM in Rectory Meeting Room Wednesday, October 22nd: Protecting God’s Children Workshop at 6:30 PM in Fr. Sivore Hall Sunday, October 26th: Halloween Bingo at 12 PM in Fr. Sivore Hall, First Reconciliation Parent Mtg. at 3:30 PM in the church. Prayer for our Archbishop-Designate, Most Rev. Blase J. Cupich O God, eternal shepherd of the faithful, who tend your Church in countless ways and rule over her in love, look with favor on your servant Archbishop-designate Blase Cupich. Grant him, we pray, a spirit of counsel and fortitude, a spirit of knowledge and piety, so that he may build up in the world the sacrament of the Church. By word and example may he be of service to those over whom he presides, so that, together with the flock entrusted to his care, he may come to eternal life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Parish Contributions October 11th & 12th, 2014 Envelopes 706 $ 12,207.00 Children’s envelopes 20 36.00 GiveCentral - Oct. 6th - Oct. 12th 38 1,983.00 Total $ 14,226.00 706 envelopes plus GiveCentral Sunday donations represent 35% of our parishioners. Your donations help meet our immediate needs, repairs and improvements. We sincerely appreciate your generosity. Sgt. Bogumila Bielanska; LCPL Matthew Gill; Josh McManus, USMC; Gunnery Sgt., Stephan Staniulis, USMC; LCPL Robert Stasiak; Don Tabron, CWO 5, US Army; Staff Sgt. George T. Burke, USMC, Iraq; LCPL Cassie Leja, USMC, Iraq; Capt. Catherine R. Chappell, Pilot HC130, U.S. Air Force; Frank Romanowski, Army Combat Medic; Keith Zajac, U.S. Navy; SPC Ryan Sherwood. Attention Seniors! Beginning October 21st, 2014 on Tuesdays from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM pinochle will be played in the Lions Room at the Centennial Community Center, 16028 127th Street, Lemont. Come out to meet new friends and enjoy a friendly game of pinochle! Any questions call Donna Schmit at 630-257-7872. May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Her In your prayers, please remember the soul of Janina M. Wieczorek. May her soul and the souls of all our faithfully departed family and friends rest in everlasting Peace. Please call the parish office if you have a loved one you would like our parish community to pray for. Francis Cardinal George Ava Shai Jarc Rose Kureja Patrick Schimpf Steve Troc Joe Boyle Jim Bailey Lorraine Malm Betty Sivek Robert Cole Pawel Stepien Thomas Koch Cheryl Klein Debbie Madia Chris & Larry Slowina Nena Casica Audrey Mead Lucille Handorf Virginia Kozlowski A name of a sick person will stay on the list for two months, then be removed unless you update us on his/her condition to prolong the prayer request. Thank you for your cooperation. Page Fourteen SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” October 19, 2014 Liturgical Ministers’ Weekend Schedule October 25th & 26th Celebrant Liturgical Ministers’ Weekend Schedule Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers 5:30 PM English Mass Fr. Lucas N. Johnson R. Schmidt D. Bibly M. Zajac J. Tejkowski J. Doyle C. Ptacek S. Pavlovic T. Nickleski Marissa S. Andrew L. Bart L. 7:00 AM English Mass Fr. Kutch volunteer L. Wood K. Lewandowski A. Wozniak L. Kulpinski D. Baranoski J. Cisek Gianfranco M. Karol B. Marek B. 8:30 AM Polish Mass Fr. Stawiarski M. Kwak M. Orszulak C. Maturlak K. Maturlak B. Rajca J. Baluch B. Bogun Martin M. Matt M. Andrew L. 10:30 AM English Mass Fr. Lucas R. Perisin N. Rogers T. Rogers E. Czupta S. Antonopoulos T. Cisneros K. Jenner F. Romanowski K. Gonsch J. Gonsch E. Neubauer Matthew S. Jack S. Dominic C. 12:00 PM English Mass Fr. Lucas R. Wilczewski B. Damiani K. Batistich N. Batistich M. Labno G. Galassi S. Galassi A. Rimbo J. Wilczewski Kathleen K. Julianne M. Mikayla K. 1:30 PM Polish Mass Fr. Stawiarski A. Szudzinski T. Kadelak A. Swiderek T. Kadelak S. Kadelak Sebastian L. Adam P. Ewelina H. 5:00 PM St. Patrick Fr. Brian Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Call Nancy Krzystek 708.372.2244 GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount 000016 Ss Cyril & Methodius Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 GREG MUCHA MONICA’S CLEANING SERVICE Broker, Realtor, Parishioner HOMES, CONDOS, OFFICES “Consider Your Home SOLD!” Mowie Po Polsku • QUALITY SERVICE • REFERENCES AVAILABLE • FREE CLEANING WITH REFERRAL Office 708.301.4700 Cell: 630.546.7877 Business & Truck Insurance Mowimy Po Polsku GOLDEN SECURITY INSURANCE AGENCY 1011 State St., Ste. 240 Lemont, IL Telephone 630-355-6040 630.243.2435 LEMONT CRYSTAL GRAND BANQUETS (630) 243-6103 Parishioner The Best Things in Life Are Edible! • Get Wells • Thank Yous • Birthdays • Parties 7511 Lemont Rd., Darien (SE Corner 75th & Lemont Rd) 630.985.8543 Ilene & Bob Toth Parishioners • All Occasions • Funeral Luncheons • Catering Fax 630 355-3116 ZOFIA CYGAN, M.D., F.A.A.F.P. 630.257.0200 12416 S. Archer Ave. Diplomate American Board of Family Practice and Geriatric Medicine MEDICAL CARE FOR ENTIRE FAMILY IMMIGRATION PHYSICALS DOT, CDL TESTING Family Owned for 4 Generations 640 S. WASHINGTON ST., STE. 212 NAPERVILLE, IL 60540 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT Saint Margaret Sunday Missal 1100 State Street Lemont 630-257-5959 An ideal companion for personal prayer. Always with Flowers (Irene’s Flowers) 1138 B STATE ST., LEMONT 630.257.0339 • In Stock & Ready to Order Today. • CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 WEDDINGS FUNERALS • EVENT DECORATION • ALL OCCASIONS • BALLOONS 800-566-6150 • BEATA I. STYKA, MD INTERNAL MEDICINE / GERIATRICS Accepting New Patients 12130 S. Harlem, Ste. B Palos Heights 708.448.5500 Hot Foods • Deli • Dessert • Catering Platters Delicious Meats & Cheeses • Produce and Groceries Polish and Lithuanian • Family Owned Business $5 OFF any purchase of $50 or more 630.655.2200 Mon-Fri 8am-9pm • Sat 8am-8pm • Sun 8am-6pm 7145 S. KINGERY HWY. ROUTE 83, WILLOWBROOK, IL Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. BELCHER LAW OFFICE STOFFEL & TOMAZIN DENTAL 12371 Derby Rd. Suite C Lemont, IL 60439 ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 630-257-2133 630-243-6622 Free Consult & Digital X-Rays Graduating from Catholic grade for New Patients school, high school and law school Invisalign has provided me the foundation of social justice I’ve relied upon the last 20 years helping injured people like you and your family members. I hope you call me for a FREE CONSULTATION. –Matt Belcher BEZPLATNY NUMER PO BEZPLATNA PORADE™ 1-800-239-6528 , • General & Cosmetic Dentistry • Implants Parishioner DAMAR-KAMINSKI FUNERAL HOME 630.323.5056 PARISHIONER Family Owned/Located Next To Resurrection Cemetery MARK A. KAMINSKI, Owner/Director 7861 South 88th Ave. (79th & Archer Rd.) 708-496-0200 *First Three Months 000016 Ss Cyril & Methodius Church (B) Ubezpieczenia Na: Samochod, Dom, Motor, Zycie, Biznesy Parishioner , DR. JOHN MASTRUD, D.D.S. Paul J. Zieba 630-321-0492 Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. 15947 W. 127th St., Suite H, Lemont PC MD PC & MAC Sales & Service Agent Networking • Wifi • Internet Mowie Po Polsku (630) 789-3971 TOM [email protected] We Still Make House Calls! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Markiewicz Funeral Home 108 Illinois Street Lemont, Illinois 60439 Tel: 630-257-6363 Adam’s Flowers Fresh & Silk Flowers Wedding & Funeral all occasions Anthony Sendra (630) 863-0129 MOWIMY PO POLSKU Mowie Po Polsku 315 Illinois St. Introducing Dr. Eva Coggin, D.D.S. Relocated To Clarendon Hills Special For New Patients 15531 127th St. Ste. 102, Lemont (630) 257-6145 Parishioner Services: Hours: Mon, Tues 8am - 7pm • Wed, Thurs 8am - 5pm Some Fridays & Saturdays • 630.325.9298 235 Burlington Ave. • Clarendon Hills • Rozmawiamy po Polsku • Sales • Service • High Efficiency Furnaces • A/C • Boilers Internal Medicine 14244 McCarthy Rd. 630.754.0141 Theo J. Gorski and Son, Inc. LEMONT PATRICIA KOWALCZYK-GENNARO, DDS Residential & Commercial Mowie Po Polsku (708) 912-9017 Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, $50 OFF Initial Visit Initial Exam Crowns • Implants • Cosmetic Orthodontics • Whitening Dentures • General Family Dentist • Specialist Team Optometrist • Vision Care 708.448.5675 FREE JACEK GRELA, M.D. DR. JULIANNE KOS 7600 College Dr. Palos Heights (630) 243-9935 School & Charter Bus Service Lemont Help Wanted 257-5441 NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Petkus-Lemont Funeral Home Donald M. Petkus Rev. 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DR. ROBERT L. TENTLER LEMONT IV SEDATION DENTISTRY CATERING TO SPECIAL NEEDS CHICAGO 16600 S. 107 COURT ORLAND PARK TH For further information, please call the Parish Office. COMPREHENSIVE & COSMETIC DENTAL CARE WITH ORTHODONTICS & PERIODONTICS in Homer Glen DR. MARY ELLEN HOYE, GENERAL DENTIST DR. BARRY ABEL, GENERAL DENTIST DR. DEBRA ALAVI, ORTHODONTIST • DR. ROBERT BAIMA, PERIODONTIST DR. RON BARAN, GENERAL DENTIST, ROOT CANAL THERAPY 708.301.3444 15927 SOUTH BELL ROAD ~ WWW.DRHOYE.COM BEHIND BONFIRE RESTAURANT COMPREHENSIVE, QUALITY FOOT CARE Diana Emini, DPM Michelle Kim, DPM Podiatric Physicians & Surgeons 630.863.7517 (Derby Plaza) 14236 McCarthy Rd., Lemont BRINGING SMILES TO FAMILIES EVERYWHERE Mention this ad & receive a 10% discount on any service. BLUEBERRY HILL CAFE 708.403.3355 WWW.DRTENTLER.COM 15345 127TH STREET Contact us for a free initial consultation: 630.484.8868 630-876-9820 5912 S. ARCHER AVE. 773.735.5544 Attn: 1st Time Clients: For MRI, CAT Scan, Stress Test Sleep Study Call 708.423.9982 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! MATTHEW WITT, DDS 1011 State Street, #110 New Patient Special Lemont • 630.243.6600 Exam, X-Rays & Cleaning $ 99.00 • Breakfast • Lunch • Catering/Parties 14355 S. Bell Road Homer Glen 708.645.0766 Forzley Eye Clinic MARGARET RADZISZEWSKI, DDS DAZZLING DENTISTRY, INC. 5000 OFF $ Your First Visit With This Ad 000016 Ss Cyril & Methodius Church (A) Mowimy Po Polsku 773-586-5040 6941 S. Archer Ave. LEMONT CLEANERS DR. SAMUEL FORZLEY • Alterations • Shirts • Leather & More Optometrist - Parishioner 1192 Walter Street Helena Las, Parishioner Mowimy Po Polsku (630) 243-2020 Fax (630) 243-1100 12269 Walker Rd. 630.257.5700 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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