Mary Mother of the Church Parish 2006 Weston Street, La Crosse, WI 54601 608.788.5483 Parish Staff Rev. Brian D. Konopa Rev. Mr. Richard Sage Sr. Kathy Stuttgen Therese van Oss Tom Thibodeau Andy Foley Mary Jo Lium Linda Elsen Allie Dunkley Pastor Deacon Director of Ministry with the Elderly and Sick Director of Religious Education and Pastoral Minister Director of Confirmation and Adult Faith Formation Director of Buildings and Grounds Director of Sacred Music Financial Secretary Parish Secretary Aquinas Catholic Schools Todd Goldsmith, Aquinas Catholic Schools President Greg Wesely, Cathedral Primary School Principal Kay Berra, Blessed Sacrament Intermediate School Principal Patty Gallagher-Kosmatka, Aquinas Middle School Principal Ted Knutson, Aquinas High School Principal 784.8585 782.5998 782.5564 784.0156 784.0287 Catholic School Registration Parents who wish to register their children in one of our Catholic Schools are asked to contact the appropriate school principal. Mass Schedule Confession Schedule Tuesday-Friday 7:30 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Office Hours Confessions are heard every Saturday from 3:15 p.m. until 3:45 p.m. or by appointment. Scrip Sales Tuesday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Before and after each Mass on Saturday and Sunday Twenty –Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lost and Found Our lost and found is getting full. It is located on the ushers table in the vestibule of the church. Any unclaimed items will be donated to a good cause at the end of the month. World Mission Sunday Today is World Mission Sunday! We are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches through out the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today help the work of priest, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please be as generous as you can. For more information, please visit Time for a New Ministry Schedule Attention all Ministers of Holy Communion, Ushers, Gift Bearers, Servers, Hospitality Ministers, Scrip Sellers, Cantors, Musicians, and Lectors, please submit any ‘Can’t Serve Dates’ for November, December, and January, online through the Ministry Scheduling program found on the parish website, or call the parish office at 788.5483 ext. 2, if you do not have access to a computer or have any questions. New Life Choir Practice There will be practice for the New Life Choir Tuesday, October 21 at 9 am in the church. All Saints Day Mass There will be a 9:00 a.m. Mass Saturday, November 1 for All Saints Day, however this is not a holy day of obligation. Sacred Worship Evening of Remembrance An Evening of Remembrance Prayer Service will be held on Monday, November 3rd at 7 pm. Mary Mother of the Church will call to mind the souls of our departed loved ones, especially those parishioners who have had their funerals with us in the previous 12 months. All are welcome. Pictures in Memory of Loved Ones On Monday, November 3rd, MMOC will remember and celebrate our loved ones who have gone before us marked by the sign of faith. As part of this remembrance, we invite any and all of you to bring to church – by the weekend of Nov. 1-2 – a picture of your family members or friends who have died and we will arrange them in church. This is not just for those who have died this past year; consider doing this if you have never done it before. The display will be created Friday, Oct. 31 for the weekend Masses, but additional pictures will be added until the Nov. 3rd service. It would be helpful, but not necessary, if the picture is in a frame that could stand on its own. Simply place them in the box at the front entrance of church. Please make sure all pictures are marked with your name so we can return them to the rightful owners. The display will remain in place through the Nov. 9th weekend. Book of Remembrance In the month of November – beginning with the Feasts of All Saints (Nov. 1) and All Souls (Nov.2) – the Family of God remembers the souls of our departed loved ones. MMOC records the names of parishioners who have died in the previous 12 months in our Book of Remembrance. Everyone is invited to pray for them and to write the names of their own loved ones whose funerals have been in other places, especially those who have died in the last year. The Book of Remembrance will be in a place of honor near the Easter Paschal Candle for the majority of the month of November. Catholic Education First Confession Meeting There will be a meeting for the parents of second graders making their First Confessions. The meeting will be held in the church this Sunday, October 19, after the 10 a.m. Mass. Aquinas Catholic Schools Dates remember: No School Friday, October 31. to Family Life Congratulations We would like to send our best wishes to Andrew Kerr and Anna Wagner who were married last Saturday here at MMOC. Our prayers are with you as you start your new life together. Baptisms We would like to welcome to the Catholic faith Josephine Jean Feehan-Krause daughter of Rachel Feehan and Jared Krause, who was baptized last Sunday. Mary Mother of the Church Parish Man and Woman of the Year Nominations Mary Mother of the Church Parish feast day celebration will be held Sunday, Nov. 16. At the Sunday potluck brunch the man and woman of the year will be recognized. There are many wonderful people who contribute to the success of the parish. If there is a man or woman that you would like to see acknowledged for their contribution to our faith community, please send nominations to the parish office by Oct. 31. Please include a brief description of the positive efforts the nominee has made on behalf of MMOC. Past Men and Women of the Year winners: Alice Kempton Everett Kuhn Alys Kerrigan & Shirley Wenzel Brad Strum Carol Breidel Henry Becker Mary Lou Larkin Rich Larkin Pat Darling Jack Darling Mary Schaub Ken Martin Virginia Hortsman Norm Suhr Sr. Kathy Tom Thibodeau Linda Gillette Joseph van Oss Germaine Klouda Mike Marcou Maureen Monk Fred Monk Therese van Oss Mike Pederson Judy Roraff Dave Wagner Women’s Club Fall Deanery Assembly Thank You To all the wonderful ladies who assisted with the Fall Deanery Assembly held last Monday evening, thank you. You all shine when you are helping others and are so very inspiring! You are a great reminder of how we can be a light to the world. May you continue to find peace and joy in all you do!— Karla Herberger’s Coupon Book Fundraiser The MMOC Women’s Group has Herberger Coupon Books to sell. If you are interested in selling a few booklets, they will be at the ushers table until gone. Any unsold booklets and money for sold booklets will need to be returned by Nov. 9. The booklets sell for $5 each and are good for Friday, Nov. 14 thru Saturday, Nov. 15. All proceeds will go to the MMOC Women’s Group. Crafters Wanted Are you creative and enjoy making crafts? MMOC is looking for craft items to sell at our annual cookie walk. If you have a donation, please contact Kathy Emmert at [email protected]. The MMOC Cookie Walk is Saturday, December 13, 7:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the Moose Lodge on Ward Ave. Social Justice Volunteers Needed For La Crosse Warming Center Volunteer trainings will take place at English Lutheran Church (1509 King St.) in the Fellowship Hall. Please come in the door by the parking lot. Scheduled trainings are as follows: Men’s Club Monday, October 20 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 28 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Football Mania Winners The winners for week six are: Martin Gaul, Shawn Curti, George Van Voorhis, Kirk Layer, Gordon Pankratz, Scott Ackerson, Ben Snyder, Collin Webb, Sandy Hanson, David Bratberg, and Charles Servais. If you have any questions call Mary Fitzpatrick at 608.519.8020. If you are interested in volunteering at the warming center, and would like to get on the schedule, please contact Heather Harpenau at 608.304.4620. Food Drive For Place of Grace The Men’s Club is hosting a food drive to assist Place of Grace. Members of the Men’s Club are needed to help hand out bags after Masses for the needed couple of weekends. Dinners and Doings Knights of Columbus Play The St. Pat’s Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a fundraiser performance of Late Nite Catechism on Saturday October 25th at 7 pm at the Onalaska High School. Tickets are available now and at the door for $25 & October 19, 2014 $30. Tickets can be purchased at the Onalaska Festival Store or by contacting Mike Carney at 608.385.8380 or [email protected]. Please plan to attend. Thank you. The Pope Francis Effect Please join Fr. Conrad Taronski and Msgr. Bernard McGarty at the Fine Arts Center Main Theater at Viterbo University Monday, October 27, at 7:00 p.m. as they discuss the pontiff’s popularity and the worlds reaction to him. This event is free and open to the public. La Crosse K of C Council 839 Turkey Shoot The Knights of Columbus Council 839 will hold its’ Annual Turkey Shoot fundraiser at the VFW Club (6th and Market St) on Sunday, November 9 from 12 noon—5:00 p.m. Raffle tickets are $25 or 5 for $100. $500 will be given away every 30 minutes. The grand prize is $5000. A $5 donation at the door entitles you to refreshments and snacks and a chance at a 50/50 drawing. There are many opportunities to win turkeys, ham, and more money. Raffle tickets are available at the door. The public is invited, all are welcome. Parish Finances Going, Going, Gone!!! As of July 2013 w e have paid off $152,563.62 in debt to the Diocese of La Crosse. We have also paid off $95,191.82 in debt to Aquinas Catholic Schools for the 2011-2012 school subsidy. Thank you so much for all the hard work and generosity that went into getting these debts paid! Please note that any money that is received in ‘Debt Reduction’ envelopes will now be deposited into our Building Fund. Liturgical Roles October 25 and October 26 Ministers of Holy Communion 4:00 p.m. Phyllis Brandau, Linda Gillette, Betty Koenen, Sarah Kopski, Kevin Moyle, Rita Sanchez 8:00 a.m. Mike Kemp, Sue Moyle, Nixie Oldenburg, Steve Salerno, Betty Stoll, Walter Stoll 10:00 a.m. Sue Halter, Mark Halter, Amy Hammes, Anne Kernan, Shannon Klar, Sue Konop Lectors 4:00 p.m. Mark Outzen, Delores Strasser 8:00 a.m. Linda Elsen, Donna Omernik 10:00 a.m. Nancy Misch, Barbara Stetzer Servers 4:00 p.m. Peter Glodosky, Sam Orlan 8:00 a.m. Joseph Lecheler, Nicholas Salerno 10:00 a.m. Gabriel Schelfhout, Daniel Skifton Musicians 4:00 p.m. Judy Roraff 8:00 a.m. Judy Roraff 10:00 a.m. Judy Roraff Cantors 4:00 p.m. Lisa Conzemius 8:00 a.m. Sara Groetsch 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Liturgical Ministry Training For “New” & “Old” Three liturgical ministries will have training sessions this month. It is important for our veterans to attend as well as those who are interested in trying something new. Veterans are asked to attend because there are a few changes that will take place beginning November 1st. Every Altar Server, Minister of Holy Communion, and Lector is asked to come to either one of the two sessions. All trainings will take place in church. Minister of Holy Communion Training Oct. 18 at 9-10 a.m. Oct. 21 at 5:30-6:30 p.m. Lector Training Oct. 25 at 9-10 a.m. Oct. 28 at 5:30-6:30 p.m. Rick Wilson Ushers John Dooley, Ron Fitzpatrick, Matthew Hafner, Jim Kadlec, Steve Pitsch, Tom Sinniger, Don Stoeckly, Phil Watson Paul Chapiewsky, Marv Elsen, Dick Gilles, Joe Kotnour, Jack Lucey, Rich Waller, Ed Watson, Steve Weiland Al Bennett, Mike Burns, Joe Halverson, Jerry Kernan, Mike Konop, Jim Servais, B.J. Sherry, Don Wavra Gift Bearers 4:00 p.m. Ken Martin, Denise Martin 8:00 a.m. Pat Darling, Jack Darling 10:00 a.m. Keith Krejchik, Kimberly Krejchik Hospitality 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Ann Kotnour, Joe Kotnour Robb Pretasky, Sue Pretasky Scrip Sellers 4:00 p.m. Sarah Kopski, Kevin Moyle 8:00 a.m. Kerry Groetsch, Sue Groetsch 10:00 a.m. Kathy McGettigan, Rita Sanger Money Counters 10:00 a.m. Alice Flock, Lynn Grosch, Pat Morrison October 19, 2014 WeeklyMass Mass Intentions Weekly Intentions Tuesday, September 2013 Tuesday, October24, 21, 2014 7:30a.m. A.M. 7:30 † Roger Horstman † Norene Smith by Virginia Horstman by Pat Mertens Wednesday, September 25,22, 2013 Wednesday, October 2014 7:30a.m. A.M. 7:30 † Klos † Ronald Leo and Evelyn by Myra Klos by Pat Mertens Mertens Thursday, September 2013 Thursday, October26, 23, 2014 7:30a.m. A.M. 7:30 10:30a.m. A.M. 10:30 † Gierszewski † Helen Katherine Hawes by Myron Gierszewski by Jack and Pat Darling † † Mildred Angie Reinhard Schwarzkopf by Kay Weldyand (at Hillview) by Friends Family Friday, September 27,Hillview) 2013 (at Friday, October 24, 2014 7:30 A.M. † Charles Wuensch Charlie and Carol Wuensch 7:30 a.m. † by Elizabeth Wadzinski by Jim and Donna Omernik Saturday, September 28, 2013 Saturday, 25,and 2014 4:00 P.M.October † Lorraine Adrian Yeager Kathy Leisgang and Dennis Bissen 4:00 p.m. † by Phyllis by29, Robert Sunday, September 2013 Leisgang and Family Sunday, October 2014 8:00 A.M. Pro26, Populo 8:00 a.m. Pro Populo 10:00 A.M. † Francis Keaveny 10:00 a.m. † by Wilbur and Gertrude Kessler Patricia Keaveny by Mark and Susan Halter The Rosary is prayed before each weekday Mass TheTuesday Rosary through is prayed before each weekday Mass Friday beginning at 7:00 a.m. Tuesday through Friday beginning at 7:05 a.m. Readings for The Week Readings for The Week Monday: Monday: Tuesday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Thursday: Friday: Friday: Saturday: Saturday: Sunday: Sunday: Ezr 1:1-6/Lk 8:16-18 EphEzr 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20/Lk 8:19-21 EphEzr 2:12-22/Lk 9:5-9/Lk 12:35-38 9:1-6 EphHg 3:2-12/Lk 1:1-8/Lk12:39-48 9:7-9 EphHg 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 2:1-9/Lk 9:18-22 EphZec 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 2:5-9, 14-15a/Lk 9:43b-45 Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9 Am 6:1a, 4-7/1 Tm 6:11-16/ Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34 Lk 16:19-31 -40 "The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the "Show me the coin that pays the person who is dishonest in very small matters is census tax." Then they handed also dishonest inhim great ones. therefore, the RomanIf,coin. He saidyou to are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth, who them, "Whose image is this and will trust you withwhose true wealth?" - Lk 16:10-11 inscription?" They replied, "Caesar's." At that he said to them, "Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God." - Mt 22:19-21 Weekly Finance Report October 06-12, 2014 Income Last Week Actual Collection Income $ 8,590 $ 320 $ Other Income $ Total $ 8,910 $ Expenses Last Week $ 32,045 $ Income Year to Date Collection Income $ 192,271 $ Other Income $ 34,603 $ Total $ 226,874 $ Expenses Year-to-Date $ 223,469 $ Budget 13,962 2,944 16,906 16,845 209,436 50,654 260,090 263,765 As of October 15th, 439 households (47%) have par!cipated making commitments totaling $106,218! We are $16,058 above our goal, and we have surpassed last years par!cipa!on rate of 41%, Thank You! If you s!ll have not turned in your Annual Appeal pledge please do so, extra pledge cards are available in the ves!bule of the church. Much good is accomplished through the ministry of the Catholic Church. Thank you. Parish Contact Information Parish Registration Those who would like to join the parish are asked to contact the parish secretary. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Those who are interested in becoming Catholic are asked to contact Tom Thibodeau. Religious Education and Infant Baptism Parents who wish to have a child baptized, and those who wish to register their children for Religious Education classes are asked to contact Therese van Oss. Marriage Engaged couples who wish to be married must contact the parish secretary at least six months prior to their intended wedding date to set up an appointment with Father Konopa or Deacon Sage. Anointing of the Sick Those who are seriously ill or scheduled for surgery and wish to be anointed are asked to contact Father Konopa. Funerals Those who are making pre-arrangements for their own funeral or arrangements for the funeral of a loved one are asked to contact Therese van Oss. Bulletin Deadline Items must be submitted by 12:00 noon on Tuesday for publication on Sunday. ➲➳➵➸➺➺➻➼ ✃❐✃❒ ❮❰ÏÐÑ ÒÓÔÕÖ ×❰ØÙÚ ❐ÛÜ ÝÚÐÞÙÐß à❰ÞÕ ❮Þ áß❰ÏÏÐâ ãä ❐å❒Ü✃ æçÞÓÞÏèÞâ ãä ❐å❒❐Ü é❒Üêë ìêåíÛ❐❐Ü é❒Üêë ìêîí❒ÜÜÜ ïïïðñòóôõõö÷øùðøõú ûüýþ ➽➸➳➾➚➲➾➪ ➶➹➘➘➴➷➴➹➬ ➮ ➱➘➴✃➬❐❒➬❮ ❰❒ÏÐ➴Ñ ÒÓ ÔÕÖ××Ø ÙÚÓÛÓ×ÜÓ ÝÞÞßàáâá ÝÞãßâááâ ✺✻✼ ✽✾✾✿❀❁❂❃❁❄ ❅ ❇❛❉ ❊❋●❍❃✾❋■ ▲▲❏ ❑◆❖P◗❙❚❯ ❱❲P❳❨ ❩❬❚❯❬◗❭ ❪❫❴❭ ❵❩❴ ❜❝❝❞❡❢❣❤❢✐❥ ❦❞❞❧❧♠♠♥❤❢✐❥ ♦♣qr❞ss t ✉❢❝❞✈♠ ✇♣① ②♠r③❤❝♠④ ⑤❞r ✉❢⑥❤③❤⑥❡♣s④❥ ②✈♣ss ♣❢⑥ ⑦♠⑥❤❡✈ ②❤⑧♠ ❦❡④❤❢♠④④♠④⑨ ⑩❶⑩❷ ❸❹❺❻❼❹❻ ❽❾❿ ➀ ➁➂ ➃➄❹❼❼➅➆ ➇➈ ➉❷➊➋⑩ ➌➊➋➍➎ ➏➍➐➑➊❷❶❶ ➀ ➒➓➔→➄➒➣↔↕➂❿↔❹➔ ➇➅➣❼➓❾➅➙ ➛➛➛❿➄➒➣↔↕➂❿↔❹➔ st✉✈✇✇①②③④✈t⑤⑥s⑤⑦ ⑧⑨⑩❶ ❣❤✐❥❦❧♠❧ ♥♦♠❤✐❤♠♣q❧ r❧❥♥♣r ❷❸❹❺❻ ❼ ❽❾❿➀➁❻ ❼ ➂➃❸➄➅➆❺➅➈❻ ➉❹➊➁❺❻ ❼ ➋➌❾➊➍❻➈ ❼ ➎➅➏❺❹ ❾❿❿➏ ❘ ✁✂✄☎ ✆✝✞✟✠✡☛✂ ▼☞✠✡✞✂✝ ✌✠✡✍✂☞✎✂✄ ❆✎✞✏ ✌✠✡✍✂☞✎✂✄ ❊❋●❍ ■❏ ❑▲▼◆❋❖P◗ ❘▼❖❏ ❙❚❯❱❲❳ ❨❩❬❭❪❫ ❴❯❵ ❛❜ ❝❪❬❵❫❞ ❱✾✿✿❀❣❁ ❂❃❄❅❅✾♣❣ ❇❁♣❈❁❋ ●■❏❑ ▲❄▼❁② ◆✿❖P ❂ ◗ ▲❀ ❇❋❄▼▼❁❚ ❲❯ ❳❨■❏● ❩■❏❬❭❪❬●❫❨❳❳❏◗ ❴❴❴❵❴❀❣▼❀♣P❴❃✾▼❛❁❋▼✿❀s❵❜❄❝ ❧♠♥♦♣qrs♥t✉✈s✇ ①②③④⑤⑥⑦ ⑨⑩② ❶③②❷⑨②③ ❸❷ ❹③❺❻❻② ❷③②❷ ❼❺③ ❽④②③ ❾❿ ➀②❷③❻➁ Ù üý❒❒ ÑÓÔþ❐ÿÓ ×ØÙ ü❐Ô❰ ➻➼➽ ➾➚➼➪➪➶➪➹ ➘ ➾➴➷➬➼➴➼➮➶➱➪ ✃❐❒❒❐❮❰ ÏÐ ÑÒÓÔÔÕÖ ×ØÙ ❈ ✁ ✂ ✄☎ ❈ ✆✄✂✝✁☎ ÚÚÛÜ ÝÞßàÞá âÞãäåå æç è éê âßÞëëåìíî ïðñòó ❙✞✟✠✠ ✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✏☛✑☞✒✓☞✟✌✔✑ ✕✖✗✘✙ ✚✘✖✛✗✜✢✜ ô õõö ÷ ÷ ø õ ø ù ú û ❲✐✣✤✥✦✣✐✦ ✧★✩★✪ ✫✪✬★✐✭✪✮ ✯✩✣★✪✬ ✰✱✪✤★✬✐✤✐✩✦ ❋✲✳✳✴ ✵✶✷✲✸❡✹ ⑥ r✉⑦ ✉③❦ ③r ✉⑥ ❦⑦① ✐⑨⑩ ❷⑩⑩❶ ❤⑩❤ ❈✱✲✳✱✴ ✵✶✸✶✸✹ ✻✶✽✾ ◗✳✱✴✶✽✿ ❀❁❁❂ ❃ ❄❅✶❆✶✽✲ ➇❇ ❉❊ ❋●❍■■❏ ❑●❊▲▼◆▼❍❖ ❙▼❖P❏ ❘❚❯❯❱ ❲❳❳❨ ❩❬❭❬❪ ❫❴ ❵❝❝❞❡❳❳❢ ❸❹❺ ❻❼❽❾❿ ➀❾➁➂➃➄❽❽ ➅➇➈❺ ❻❼❽❾❿ ➀❾➉➂➉➀➀➊ ➋➌➌➍➎➏➐➑ ➒➓➔→➣↔ ↕➙ ➛➜➝➞➟→➝➒➜➠➡ ➢➤➥➦➧➥➨ ➩➤➫➭➧➯➨➲➳➵➤➯ ➸ ➺➧➥➨➤➯➲➻ ➼➯➽➾➥➚ ➪➶➹➘➴➷➬➮ ➱✃❐❒❮❐➷➬❰ Ï✃❐Ð➮ ÑÒÓ ÔÕÖ Ö×Ø ÙÚÛÜ ÝÜ Þ ßà áâãääÛå æç ÖèéÕê ➲➳➵➸➺ ➻➸➼➽➾➚➪➳ ✶✑✑✒ ✓✔✕✖✗✘✙✚✔ ✛✜✢ ✣ ✶✤✑✶ ✥✖✦✜ ✧★✖✢ ✛✘✢ ❈✩✪✫✬✭✮✯ ✰✱✲✳✪✮✪✴ ✵✮✳✯✲ ✷✸✹✸ ❡❢❣❤✐❥❦❡❤ ❡❢❤✐ ❥❦ ❧❧♠♥❦ ❥q♠rrq t✉ ✇♠①③③r④ ⑤⑥⑦①⑧③⑥⑧ ❡❢✐⑨❤ ✐⑨⑩❶❷⑩⑩❶✐⑩⑨⑨ ❇❆●✺✻✼✽✾✿✻ ❍✼❆❀✻✺● ❁ ❂✻■ ❃❖✺❄✻❀✻❖✺✻✺● ❅ ❈❛❊❋❏ ❅ ❈❋❑✈▲▼❋ ❅ ◆P❏◗❛❊❊❛◗▲❘P ❙❘❯❋◗❘✇P ❱❑❘❲❳ ❩❋❛❊❋❑ ❬❘❑ ❭❪❫❴❵❜❜❝ ëìíîîïðñ îòí ìîóðôóõôö ÷øùùúûüýþÿ ú ý ú ýþÿ ûýþÿ ③④⑤ ⑥⑦⑨⑨⑩❶ ③⑩❷❸❹❺⑩❸⑦❻❹④⑤ rst✇①② ❯❱❳❯❩❬❱❯❭❪❩❫❴ ❵❭❛❱❵ ❜ ❵❱❯❝❩❞❱ ✉✈✇ ❂❃❃❄❅❇❇❊ ❋● ■❏❑ ▲P❏◗❘❙P ❢❣❤✐❥❦❧ ♠ ❤❥♥ ♦♣❦q❥✐❥♣❦❥❦❧ ❼❽❾❿ ➀➁➂➃❾➄❽➅➆➇ ➈ ➉➅❽➊➋➅➇ ➌➍ ➎➊❾❿ ➏➏➏ ➐➑➒➓➔→➣↔ ↕ ➙➙➙➛➜➝➞➟➠➡➡➢➜➝➙➛➞➠➤ ➥➦➧ ➨➝➩➫ ➭➯➟➢➢➯➲ ➭➳➩➯➢ ➧➦➦➦ ➵ ➸➝ ➺➟➠➡➡➢ îïðñ ò óôõð ö÷øùúûïù üýü þÿ✺ ✁✂✄ ✂ ☎ ✆✝ ✞✄ÿ✺✺ ✟ ✠✡ ✼☛ü☞✌ý✌✼ ☎ ✍✍✍✎✏✑✺✒ ✓ ✔✂✄✑✔✎✔ÿ✕ ❉❆ ➆❙ ✁❍✂✄ ✥✄❊❆☎❘ ✆✝✞✟✠✡☛ ☞♦✌ ✆✠✡✍✝ ✎✏✑✒ ✻✓✔✕✖✔✗✕✘✖✖✙ ❞✚✛✜✢✣✤✦✤✛✧✤★✚✜✣✩✪✫★ ✶✶✬ ✭✮✯ ✰✈✢✩ ✱✩ ✲ ✳✚ ✴✦✫✵✵✢✷ ✸✹ ✭✺✼✽✶ ⑧ ✖✗✘✘✙✚✛✜✢✣ ⑧ ✤✚✙✙ ✥✦✧✜✘✢✧✙✦ ⑧ ★✙✦✜✩✙✪✧✜✢✣ ⑧ ✫✬ ✭✗✮✚ ✥✘✙✚✯✙✪✛✰ ✱✙✚✲✜✛✙ ⑧ ✳✪✩✮✦✧✚✜✢✣ ⑧ ✴✜✛✙✪✦✙✩ ✜✪ ✵✳ ✶ ✷✸ ➇✹✻✽✾ ✿✾❀❁❂❃ ❀❂ ❄❅❁ ❆✽❇❀❂❁❇❇❈❉ ➜➝➞ ➟➠➡➝ ➢➠➤➥➦➧➨➩➦➫➠➤ ➭➤➯ ➲➝➡➠➯➝➳➫➤➵ ➸➺➻➼➽ ➺➾➚ ➪➶➾➽ ➹➘➻➴➷➾➬➻ ➮➱✃❐❒ ❮❐❰ÏÐ✃❐❮ ÑÒÓÓÔ ÕÖ×× ØÙÚ Û ÜÝ Þßà××Öá âã äåÔæÒ ➞➞➞çè➫➧➩é➤➝➧➩➨➥➦➠➡ê➨➫➳➯➝➧➥ç➩➠➡ ➡➭➧➦ëìè➫➧➩é➤➝➧í➵➡➭➫➳ç➩➠➡ ❳❨❩❬❬❭❪❫❴ ❵❛✈❴❜♥ ❝❞❢❝ ❣❤❥❦ ❧♠♣ q❤rs✉✇✇①③ ④⑤ ⑥⑦⑧⑨❢ ⑩❶❷❸❹❺⑩❸❻❶❶❹ BATTERY MART Auto • Truck • Tractor Motorcycle • Boat • Deep Cycle ✺♦✻t✼✽t ❚✾✿ ❀❁❂❁❃❄❅② t♦ ❆❃✼✽✾ ✼✻ ✼✿ t♦✿✼②❇ “We Buy Old Batteries” ❚❀❁❂❁❃❄❅②❉❊●❍❁■✽♦❏ ♦❑ ▲▼◆◆❖ P◗◆❘PP◗❯ ❱❯◗❊◆ 1546 Miller St. 782-3715 ïðñòóôõñö õ÷ ÷øùó úóûü ûùý öóû÷õõý ❛Ð ➷Ð✃❒ ➶➹✁✂ ✄➬☎✁ ✷✆✝✞ ✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✏☞✑✒ ✓✔ ✕✖✌☛☛✠✒ ✗✘ ✺✙✝✞✚ ❜✛✜✛✢✛✣✤✤✛✥✤✛✦✧★✩✪✫ ✼✬✭✮✯✰✬✭ ➐➑➒➓➔→ ➣↔ ↕➑➙➛➑➜➝➞ ➟➟➠ ➡→➝➢➒➙➢➛➓ ➤↔ ➐➑➛➓➒➞ ➟➟➠ ➥➦➧➨➩➫ ➭➯➲➳➨➵➳➸➫ ➺ ➭➯➲➳➦➩ ➻➧➼➩➦➲➳➵ ➽➾➚➪➶➹➘➚ ➴ ➽➾➚➪➶➘➘➶ ➚➘➹ ➷➬ ➽➮➱ þÐÿÐ➘ÐÑ➷ ❞❣✐❥❦❧♠ ♠❞♠✐♥❧♣✐ q❦♥❦❧ ❧♠r❣♣❧ st✉①②③④ ⑤⑥③⑦⑨✉⑥ ⑤①t①⑨②⑩ s②③❶ ❷❸❹❸ ❺ ❻⑥⑩①❼③④ ❺ ❹❽⑥③❾②⑩ ❺ ❿❸➀❸ ⑤❽⑨①➁ ➂t➃➄②③ ❺ ➅⑥⑥❾②⑩ ❺ ➆⑨➃➇t❼➈⑥⑥ ➉➊➋➌ ➍➊➌➎ ➏ ➐➑➒➎➓ ➔→➣➏➔↔↕➙ ➛➜➝➞ ➟➠ ➡➝➢➞➤ ➥➦ ➧➨➩➝➞➫➝➭➯➝ äåæçèé êëìíé ìíêî ïðñ òóôõö ÷óøùú û üýþÿ♦þ ÿ✁✂✂✂ çèéêë ìêíîìíìé ➂➃➄➅➄➆➈➄ ➍➎➏ ➐➑➒➓ ➔➑→➣ ↔➓ ➤➥➦➧➨➩➫➭ ➅➄➉➊➂➆➆➋ ↕➎➎ ➙➣➛➜ ➝➞➣ ➐ ➤➥➫➧➦➫➨➫ ➅➄ ➉➊➋➆➉➋➃➌ ➟➟➟ ➐➠➡ ➢➑→ ➐➜➡ ➥➯➨➧➫➨➦➥ ÿ❖ ➶➹➘➴ ➷➬➮➱➬✃➮ ❐❒❮ ❰ ÏÐ ÑÒÓÔÔ➬ ÕÖ×××ÖØÙÙÖØØØÕ ÚÚÚÛÜÕÝÞßàÞáâßãâäáåÛãáæ ✥❉ ✁◆✂❖ ✄❆☎☎ ❚❡✆ ✝✞✟✞✠✡☛☞ ✌✍ ✶✎✏✑✑✎✒✓✏✎✔✕✓✔ ⑧ ❲❲❲✳✖✗✘✙✳❈✚✛ ✶✄✄☎ ✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✝ ✌✍✎✏ ✑✝ ✆✒✡✓✓✟✏ ✔✕ ⑧ ✌✖✟✗☞✝✞☞✘✟ ☞☛ ✗✡✞✞✟✗✍☞✙✞✟ ✚✌ ✗✡☞☛✓ ✛ ✗✜✒✒✟☛✗✢ ⑧ ✣✤✤✟✒ ✗✡☞☛ ✗✡✞✞✟✗✍☞☛❢ ✓✜✖✖✞☞✟✓ ✛ ✖✜✙✞☞✗✝✍☞✡☛✓ ⑧ ✔✟ ✙✜✢ ✡✒ ✓✟✞✞ ❢✡✞✠ ✛ ✓☞✞❡✟✒ ✙✜✞✞☞✡☛ ⑧ ✔✟ ✙✜✢ ✓✗✒✝✖ ❢✡✞✠ ✛ ✓☞✞❡✟✒ ✥✟✦✟✞✒✢ ❉✧★✩✪ ✫✬✭★✩✮✭✭ ✯✧✰✱✲✲✳ ✴✧✵ ✷✧✵✮ ❚❤✮✩ ✸✹ ❨✮✱✵✭ ▼✜✢❨✱ ▼✣✤✦✧✢ ✣★ ✤✦✧ ✩✦❍✢✪✦ ✫✜✢✬✭✦✱ ✮✜ ✩✢✣✭✭✧ ✯ ✰✲ ✴✰✵✴✷✸✸ ✹✺✻✺✼✻✽✺✹✾ ✹✽✿❀✹✿✺❁
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