Grace Notes unity

unity of madison . 601 tompkins drive .madison, wi . 608-221-1376
Grace Notes
October 2014  Volume 146 open, affirming and heart-centered spiritual community.
we live the Christ consciousness of
acceptance, love, peace, justice and joy
Inside this issue...
In the Silence / Here I Am Lord, page 2
Minister’s Letter, page 3
Board and Staff Listing / Board Report, page 4
Youth Education / Holiday Fair, page 5
Candle in the Window, page 6
Financial and Tithing Information, page 7
Hidden Treasures, page 8
MOSES, page 9
Prayer Shawl Ministry / Bookstore, page 10
Fall Program 2014, page 11
Mailer, page 12
INSERT Calendar / Garden Team Clean-Up
October Services...
Sundays, 8:30 and 10:30 am.
Nursery care and Youth Eduction are
available during both services.
October 5
"The Technique of Meditation", Rev. Marshall Norman
October 12
"Working with Thoughts", Rev. Marshall Norman
October 19
“Working with Emotions”, Rev. Marshall Norman
October 26
"Working with Sense Perceptions",
Rev. Marshall Norman
In the Silence
by Pat Arnold
Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for the unfolding life that is before us.
Thank you for the blessings of change and uncertainty. In
situations which may be challenging, we learn trust and patience.
We learn anew the truth that You are with us, whatever the situation
and/or outcome. We trust in your presence and your blessings as
we Thank You God. Amen.
Here I Am Lord
by Donna Rose
Live Life as a Prayer
In the three years I have been a prayer chaplain, my sense of what prayer is has grown into something I
never imagined. Growing up in the Catholic Church, I learned that prayer was words, usually memorized,
that were said in a church on Sundays, or before meals, or at bedtime. Some of the words were very
scary: “Now I lay me down to sleep...If I should die before I wake...” Many of the words sounded funny:
“Blessed art thou amongst women.” Somehow, no one communicated that prayer was simply
communicating with God, just as we communicate with each other, expecting a dialogue. And
communication is not always done in words, but is a complex blend of language, behavior, emotion and
energy. As I have started discovering this, a scripture I had puzzled over started making sense: “Always
be joyful. Pray without ceasing, and give thanks whatever happens” (1Thessalonians 5:16-17). Living life
in connection with God is prayer.
A couple of weeks ago, we gathered to celebrate a loved one who understood this.
Listening to people sharing their memories of Sandy, I was struck by how people were touched by her
presence and actions. She hugged people, she welcomed people. She came to the church early to warm
it up for all of us, then sat quietly with God to build our sacred space. Every one of these actions was
prayer: being a vehicle through which Godʼs love flows into us. Even her memorial service, which she
planned, was a prayer to God and for us. She gathered us together one last time to be warmed by her
smile, tickled by her giggle, and comforted by her hug. She reminded us that our deepest purpose is to
know, love and serve our Creator--not as a duty or obligation, but as a joy and adventure that can be at
the center of every moment of our lives. Sandy knew, loved and served us, as well, and in so doing, she
knew, loved and served God. That is prayer.
In the prayer corner, every congregant who approaches is an opportunity for joy. When you come to a
prayer chaplain with a prayer request, you bless us with the opportunity to know, love and serve you, and
to be one vehicle by which God lavishes you with extravagant love by using the prayer chaplain to speak
directly to you. Words, images and feelings flow from God through the prayer chaplain to you. You, in
turn, are deeply heard and loved. We invite you to share a prayer experience with us.
With blessings and love, Donna Rose
A story goes that the apostle, John, near the end of his long life, was asked why he
always talked about love. His answer: What else is there but love?
Minister's Letter
by Rev. Marshall Norman
Three Things
Wow!! We have been blessed with such a beautiful fall this
year! There is so much beauty all around with the changing of
the seasons and winter fast approaching. It would be great to
feel like we are all increasing in our awareness of this beauty. It would be great to really believe that our
capacity to enjoy this beautiful life is steadily improving and growing large. I’m thinking of three
things…..actually three ideas or energies that I have been working with lately that have made a significant
difference in my ability to enjoy life.
The first energy that I have been working with in my prayer times is the energy of gratitude and
appreciation. My mantra or affirmation for this energy has simply been “Thank you”. I’ve been addressing
this “thank you’ to all of life exactly the way it is right now. This ‘thank you’ is addressed to all of my past
experiences of life and to the present gifts and future possibilities. This ‘thank you’ is for the total experience
of life just as it is, has been and will be. “Thank you!!” This practice empties me of regret and unforgiveness
and complaint. In this emptiness I am more able to receive and perceive the beautiful blessings that the
Creator provides for me. I do not need to evaluate the worthiness of certain experiences for this gratitude. I
simply want all of life to observe and to know that I am grateful for the chance to be here and to be a part of
life…..without exception or condition.
The second energy that I’ve been working with is expressed as “I am willing”. I am willing to be and to do all
that I have been created to be and to do according to the will and way of the very spirit of life. I release all
attitudes and energies that would keep me from this attitude of willingness. I am willing to give the gifts that
are mine to give. I am willing to be useful. I am willing to be a blessing to all of life. I am willing! Willingness
is a powerful energy for transforming our experience of life. Willingness is our “yes saying” to the great
Creator, to goodness and to truth. We are blessed when we are placing no obstacles in the way of the
blessings that the Creator has for each and every one of us. We are no longer standing in our own way. We
are living the way of beauty.
The third energy that I’ve been working with to powerful effect is expressed as “I love my life”. This
statement really is an affirmation of an experience that I believe is natural to us all. I also know that I would
like to grow in my experience of this aspect of my true nature. We must take ourselves, our bodies, our
workplaces, our families, etc. and begin to love them exactly as they are right now. We do not withhold love
and appreciation from any part of our lives. We say “I love my life” with great vigor and with as much
conviction as we can muster. This statement begins to work in our consciousness in a powerful way.
Aspects of our lives that we do not currently love will make themselves known and heard to us in our
thoughts and feelings. Again, we do not have to evaluate every circumstance and situation to determine if it
is worthy of our love. We simply embrace our whole lives as a totality and express our unconditional love.
Without a need for anything to change in any particular way, we begin to notice transformation. We begin to
notice more and more the beauty that has always been with us and within us. We witness the power of love.
My prayer for all of us is that we are all growing in our experience of the beauty of this life. I am thankful for
all of you. I am willing to be in harmony with you and to be a blessing in your lives and to welcome you all
into my heart. I love that you are all a part of my life. You are all gifts to me and I thank you for being you.
From the Board of Trustees
by Ann Munkres Zenner
Senior Minister
“It is not I, but the Christ within that does the work.”
Rev. Marshall Norman
September was a busy month as we planned and
hosted a very successful Open House that showcased
our newly remodeled sanctuary, labyrinth, and
revitalized medicine wheel. At our debriefing after the
event, we identified what we did that worked and some
things we might do differently if we sponsored another
event. We welcomed both new and returning members
and many enjoyed visiting in hospitality. Now that our
big remodeling project is complete, the board is planning
a retreat in early October. Barry Roberts will facilitate
the meeting where we plan to do strategic planning for
the immediate and long range future of our community.
2014 Board of Trustees
Treasurer & Finance Chair
Trustee & Service Chair
Elaine Stebleton
Tyrone Bell
Eileen Isom
Helen Kenyon
Daria Boissonnas
Diane Pauly
Ann Munkres Zenner
Jenny Persha
During our meeting, We talked about how to plan
financially for 2015. As of January 1st, the generous
yearly donation of $30,000 that we have received from
from one of our families is ending. The Board and
members will be given many opportunities to consider
how we can work together to make up this amount. This
is one of the items on our retreat agenda. We have a
beautiful sanctuary, labyrinth, and foyer, and a church
house that are all maintained by your generous
donations. More discussion will be forthcoming our
town meetings and during Sunday Services.
Senior Minister
Office Manager
Volunteer Coordinator
Youth Education Director
Nursery Staff
Music/Choir Director
Bookstore Manager
Newsletter Editor
Licensed Unity Teacher
Rev. Marshall Norman
Julie Marca
Carrie “Shanti” Norman
Julia Meyers
Deb Lucas
Aliye Gallagher
Kaitlyn Hopfensperger
Pete Calgaro
Brian Schultz
Diane Gould
Susan Spahn
Jim L’Huillier
Barb Peters
Barry Roberts
Our Fall Program using Pema Chodron’s book, “How to
Meditate” is starting the week of Sept 28th. It is exciting
to see that we have over 80 people signed up and nine
facilitators. There is still time to join a group by calling
the office.
The Building For Our Future (BFOF) fund raising campaign will start in October. For several years we have used
this money to help pay for remodeling and repairs of our buildings. We now owe approximately $50,000 that was
used to complete our sanctuary project. We would like to pay this off as quickly as possible so we don’t have to
pay interest on it.
Prior to our retreat, we would welcome comments from you as members. What would you like to see happen
here at Unity? We are here to serve, not govern. Please address your comments to any of the members of the
Board, and/or e-mail Elaine Stebleton [email protected] Along with your comments, please consider giving
us your suggestions on what actions, if any, are necessary to address your ideas and concerns.
Blessings and Prosperity, Ann
Youth Education
by Julia Meyers
Dear beloved Unity Youth and parents:
Our Youth classes have been off to a good start. Deb Lucas is lovingly
teaching our youngest members during the early and the late service.
The children are not only learning about the twelve powers but also do
meditation practice each class period, which they enjoy very much.
The Teens have also started their program with an introduction to BePeace based on the teachings of
the Rasur Foundation founded by Rita Marie Johnson. This practice combines a scientifically tested
method of “feeling peace” with a clear path of “speaking peace” that creates an authentic, compassionate
connection. The Tweens (twelve years and older) meet the 3rd Sunday of each month in the Teen room
and are taught by Julia Meyers and Julia Leichtenberg. They will also help prepare hospitality after the
second service. In the following months, the Teens will learn about Chakras and their significance.
The Tweens are taught by Brandi Shingledecker and Roger Boissonnas and will be working with the
book “Self Image”.
The nursery children are supervised by Aliye Gallagher, Kailtyn Hopfensperger, and Carmen Meyers.
There will be nursery during both services.
During the months of November we will start practicing for our 3rd annual Christmas play. Upon request,
this years’ play will be “A Night in Bethlehem”. I hope many children will be able to participate.
Please note that the Youth Education Ministry, this includes nursery and youth classes, are for parents
and caretakers who attend the service only. Please feel free to contact me any time with questions or
Peace, love, and blessings
Julia Meyers
Unity Holiday Fair
Unity is hosting its Holiday Fair on Sunday December 14 from 9-2 on the
lower level.
For info and/or application contact Jae Almond at:
[email protected] or (608) 270-0559 (leave message).
Space is limited.
Candle in the Window
by Marie Doty
In almost any gathering, there will be individuals who, during a
desperate period of their lives, have considered suicide. Many
never speak of it, never tell anyone. Ari-John White-Wolf talks
quietly, openly, about his “dark night of the soul.”
“I went to one service and asked the chaplain to pray for me. I was in a bad
place. The chaplain went to Marshall. Who came and gave me an
incredible amount of love. That’s what I needed at that time.”
A long term relationship had gone sour. His partner assaulted him, Ari-John
left their apartment and his ex called the police, charging Ari-John with the
assault. Because the police feared he would commit suicide by hanging
himself, they took away all his clothing.
Ari-John White Wolf
Released from jail after the judge dropped the charges, Ari-John had no home. “From the jail I went to
the V.A. hospital in Madison and checked into the mental health ward. I stayed there for several days.
When I got out – that’s when I came to Unity.”
It was not only Rev. Marshall Norman who helped Ari-John but many others. “I was a complete stranger at that
church,” he recalls, “but I was treated equally with love and compassion – as if I had been there for years.”
His time with the U.S. Marine Corps was the toughest challenge in a life that has never been easy. (He
was abused as a child and has had no connection with his family for twenty years.) A severe reaction to
a smallpox vaccination left him partially disabled and in constant pain. “I was in boot camp and had to
work twice as hard. To this day, the pain and fevers never go away.
“What you see now is me dealing with the pain. I spent a good decade in a wheelchair. My body is
working twenty-four hours a day to heal itself and it can’t. That’s why I have the fever.”
Ari-John also suffers from P.T.S.D. - not from battles on foreign soil, but from the physical abuse after he
was “outed” for being gay. “Marines are not the healthiest place for a gay to be. I’ve even had rocks
thrown at me. Then I was discharged from the marines for homosexuality.”
Despite the punishment he was taking, despite the nightmares still haunting him, the discharge still
grieves him. “Once you’re a marine, you’re supposed to be a marine for life.”
Ari-John was a familiar face each Sunday as he filmed the second service. His dog Hermes, also familiar
to church regulars, helps keep Ari-John calm in public. “Now I do the remote broadcast from my studio
because in a roomful of people – even these kind and loving people – I’m not comfortable.”
“The best way for me to center myself is to find my guitar and sing the songs I’ve written. Music heals
me. It’s a tough life to be alone. I keep people at arm’s length to be safe.”
His dream is to raise enough money to buy a van and a camper/trailer “to travel and do broadcasting
around the country. I had a vision in a prayer and knew I would be traveling. Spirit is saying it’s time.”
And, unfortunately, time is running out for him. The building where his studio is located has been sold.
“My music is what connects me to people. I do a live show in the studio on Friday night,” he says. When
he’s performing, playing and singing his music, some of the discomfort he feels around people is eased.
“The only thing that’s kept me going all these years is God,” he says quietly. “Even though man has
failed me, God has never done that. God is God in the good times and the bad times.”
We Live in an Abundant Universe
Thank You, Divine Spirit
Financial and Tithing Information
August 2014 Tithes:
Based on general donations of $21,550.73 during the month of August 2014:
Unity World Wide Ministries
$ 431.02
GLURC (Greater Lakes Unity Regional Council)
Silent Unity
Rasur Foundation (BePeace)
Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community, Inc.
(Lac Du Flambeau Reservation)
Floating Tithe – Second Harvest Food Bank*
August 2014 Contribution to the Reserve Fund:
2.0% of $18,091.57 =
Current Total:
Income Statement as of August 31, 2014:
Operating Income
Operating Expenses
Net Ordinary Income
* Second Harvest Food Bank
is helping to feed low income
families throughout southern
Unity’s Annual ‘Hidden Treasures” is happening again!
What you release today could be someone else’s treasure tomorrow
NOTE: If you have Like New Items that are
collecting dust, not being used – that are only
taking up space; we have just the
place for them! They can be donated to Unity’s
annual “Hidden Treasures” fundraiser. Crafts are
also welcome.
Donated items: Can be brought on Saturday, October 18th, 2014
Items cannot be accepted before the 18th
No clothes please.
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Sale Dates: Sunday, October 19, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
If you don’t have cash – items can be charged in the bookstore.
Between and after both services – ending at 1:30 p.m.
Unity of Madison – lower and upper levels
We need your help in
spreading the word --
We are opening our doors to everyone
this year – community, neighbors,
friends, relatives etc. Remember, people
get to set their own price on what they
think the item is worth!
Questions? contact:
Diane Pauly at 608-231-6193 or [email protected].
Unity is connected with Madison Organizing in
Strength, Equality and Solidarity- MOSES, an interfaith
organization that unites congregations to build a better
community. The group has been working together to
take action on issues of social justice, and especially
mass incarceration in Wisconsin.
MOSES is part of a powerful statewide organization.
MOSES is part of WISDOM, with more than 125 member congregations in ten local organizations across
Wisconsin. Each local organization is autonomous, but works together on matters of common concern.
Members of MOSES include First Congregational United Church of Christ, Fountain of Life Covenant
Church, James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation Madison, Lake Edge Lutheran Church,
Midvale Community Lutheran Church – ELCA, Memorial United Church of Christ, Plymouth
Congregational UCC, Bethany United Methodist Church, Voices Beyond Bars, First Unitarian Society of
Madison, Friends Society of Madison (Quakers), Logos Deliverance Ministries, Call to Action Madison,
Holy Wisdom Monastery, Snowflower Buddhist Sangha, Prairie Unitarian Universalist Society, Zion City
International Church Ministries, Breaking Barriers Mentoring, Inc.
MOSES works for a better future. MOSES unites people of faith to have a powerful voice in our local
community, our region, and beyond. MOSES has already had a significant impact in Dane County,
especially in areas related to criminal justice. MOSES/WISDOM achieved a 150% increase in state
funding for alcohol and drug treatment alternatives to prison.
MOSES supports a statewide campaign called – “11x15 For a Safer, Healthier WI”. This is a challenge to
the state of WI to reduce the prison population from its current size (about 22,000) to 11,000 by the end
of the year 2015.
There is also a major action to support putting an end to solitary confinement with a rally on Wednesday,
Oct. 1 on the Capitol steps.
For more information and to get involved- contact Barbara Benson or Jeanie Verschay (608-226-8738).
The MOSES website with information is Facebook: MOSES: Madison
Organizing in Strength, Equality and Solidarity.
October 2014 Affirmations
from The Daily Word
Inner Peace. At the core of my being, I find peace.
Guidance. God guides my way in every situation.
Healing. I am one with the stream of healing life.
Prosperity. I give and receive with ease and grace.
World Peace. I am a peacemaker in the world.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
by Ann Munkres Zenner
Members of the Prayer Shawl
Ministry participated in their third
annual retreat. This year, we went to
a new place, the Grove Retreat
Center in Evansville, WI. The center
was formerly a nursing home that
was converted into a retreat center
for quilters and crafters. It afforded us
the space to knit, crochet and learn
new crafts.
During the weekend, we spent time in circle and participated in meditation and contemplation. Free
time was set aside for just resting or exploring the town. It is our special time to really consider all of
the support and love that has been put into making and then giving the shawls to those who would
like the support and comfort draping a shawl around them. We receive as much as we give.
If you like to knit or crochet, this may be the team you would like to join. We meet monthly and if
you can't make our meetings, you are still welcome to contribute a shawl. If you or anyone of your
family or friends would benefit from receiving a shawl, please call Ann Zenner@ 608-230-6601 or
Carrie in the church office.
by Diane Gould
Thanks to all of you who have stopped in the past
month to browse and purchase books and/or
In last month's article I talked about Maryanne
Radmacher. If you stop in, her books are now
available and there are framed quotes from her
We would like ideas from you for what you
would like to see carried in the bookstore.
Stop and talk to any one of us who are
working on any given Sunday.
“I am not the same having
seen the moon shine on the
other side of the world.”
We look forward to seeing you in the bookstore.
Later in October, we will be having a sale on
several items. Watch for the postings. Happy
~ Mary Anne Radmacher
Blessings, Diane
Fall Program 2014
Based on the book,
by Pema ChÖdrÖn
The Fall Program is a study series that runs for six weeks. Groups
are hosted and led by people in our congregation. Each group has
roughly six to eight people. It is designed for study, fellowship,
making new friends and strengthening old ones.
Begins the week of September 28, 2014.
Sign-up continues. . .
visit the foyer or contact the office.
Unity of Madison
601 Tompkins Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53716
Unity of Madison
An open, affirming and
heart-centered spiritual community.
Contact Us:
Counseling - [email protected]
Office - [email protected]
Volunteer Opportunities – [email protected]
Youth Education – [email protected]
Newsletter Submissions - [email protected]
October 2014
S = Sanctuary
UL = Upper Level
LL= Lower Level
O = Office
$ = Charge
LO = Love Offering
PC = Prayer Chaplain
PSM = Prayer Shawl
MA = Martial Arts
6:30 pm Fall
Program LL
12 pm
Prayer Circle
6:30 pm
Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am
Talk: “The Technique of Mediation”
9:45 am Communion S
Fall Program Week 2
Second Harvest $ collection
6 1 pm Fall Prog. S
6 pm Chimes S
6:30 pm Whispering
Pines Mtg LL
7 pm Vocal Choir S
6:30 pm Fall
Program LL
12 pm
Prayer Circ.S
7 pm Dream
Circle UL
6:30 pm
PC Retreat
Set Free
9-11 am Men’s
Brkfst LL $
PC Retreat
1 pm Fall Prog. S
6 pm Chimes S
7 pm Vocal Choir S
12 pm
Prayer Circle
6:30 pm
18 8 am – 1
pm Garden
Clean Up G, O
9-11 am Dropoff Hidden
Treasures LL
Unity of Madison
601 Tompkins Dr.
Madison, WI 53716
Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am
Talk: “Working With Thoughts”
9:45 am Drum Circle S
Fall Program Week 3
PC Retreat (offsite)
Let go
Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am
Talk: “Working With Emotions”
10:30 am Teen Class UL
Hidden Treasures Fundraiser
Fall Program Week 4
20 1 pm Fall Prog. S
6 pm Chimes S
6:30 pm Whispering
Pines Mtg LL
7 pm Vocal Choir S
26 Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am
Talk: “Working with Sense Perceptions”
Hidden Treasures Fundraiser
Fall Program Week 5
1 pm Fall Prog. S
Labor of Love
10 am
PSM Lakeside
St. Coffee House,
Pray for
6:30 pm Fall
Program LL
6:30 pm
Glendale Nbhd
Mtg S
3- 7 pm
Porchlight LL
6 pm Trustee
Mtg UL
Inner Peace
6:30 pm Fall
Program LL
6:30 pm Fall
Program LL
Open the Door
12 pm
Prayer Circle
6:30 pm
12 pm
Prayer Circle
World Peace
6:30 pm
Unity of Madison - An open, affirming and heart-centered spiritual community.
We live the Christ consciousness of acceptance, love, peace, justice and joy.
Board Retreat
Sacred Space
We need folks’ help with
putting away benches and
hoses, turning off the
water, cutting beds down
and putting hay down. We
need help in three (3)
garden spaces by adding or
finding the existing edging
for them. This will help the
garden team reduce the
amount of weeding time in
the upcoming seasons.
Unity Garden Clean-Up
Saturday, October18, 2014
8 am – 1 pm
Lunch & dessert will be provided
in the church house.
Contact: Denise Stace-Naughton