unity of madison . 601 tompkins drive .madison, wi . 608-221-1376 http://unityofmadison.org Grace Notes February 2015 Volume 149 ...an open, affirming and heart-centered spiritual community, we live the Christ consciousness of acceptance, love, peace, justice and joy Inside this issue... In the Silence / Here I am Lord, page 2 From the Board of Trustees, page 3 Board and Staff / Housing, page 4 Letter from Board President February Services... Sundays, 8:30 and 10:30 am. Nursery care is available during both services. Youth Education is available during 10:30 service. Forgiveness /Youth Education, page 5 Candle in the Window, page 6 Financial and Tithing Information, page 7 Garden Team, page 8 Bookstore / Nia, page 9 Social Justice (Moses), page 10 February 1 Guest Speaker, TBA – stay tuned! February 8 Guest Speaker, TBA- stay tuned! February 15 Rev. Martha Newman, Interim Minister Calendar, page 11 Mailer, page 12 INSERT Annual Meeting, Membership Renewal February 22 Rev. Martha Newman, Interim Minister In the Silence by Pat Arnold I am struck by our human capacity to hold two or more emotions/thoughts/concepts in our hearts at the same time, even though they may be conflicting or seemingly at odds with one another. As the year moves on, I miss Marshall and Carrie more and more as I come to church and realize again they are not there. But I am also excited and hopeful of our new good to come in the form of leadership, within the community and a new minister. I feel very blessed by the people stepping up to fill, even if temporarily, the void left by Marshall and Carrie’s retirement. I hold, in my heart, the space of infinite possibilities as we trust in Spirit to guide us in our process. Sweet Spirit. Thank you for this opportunity to stretch our faith and trust as we move through this time of change and transition. We know You are here through every phase and we are comforted by Your presence and encouraged by the wisdom and strength evident in our leaders. We release concern about timelines and details and we say ‘Thank you God’. Amen. . Here I am, Lord by Jonathan Motley As we continue the journey of 2015, the word that resonates with me is “transition”. There were many significant changes in our community in 2014. The beautiful remodel of our Sanctuary; the installment of our brick labyrinth in June, our comfortable new chairs, a new furnace to warm us, etc. I can smile fondly on those transitions. And 2014 brought us more challenging transitions as well: the conscious, graceful yet still difficult departure of our beloved Sandy Strietelmeier and Reverend Marshall and Carrie’s decision to retire. The transition of several other members of our community to the other side of the veil. Of course, there are lessons, gifts and opportunities that come from these transitions yet they are - for some of us - much harder to see and embrace. And yet, that is the key: to see and embrace the gifts and new opportunities that come from these and all transitions. It is a choice. Sometimes a very challenging choice, yet still a choice. One of the things that resonated for me about the Unity message as I heard it was “how to bring positive spirituality into my daily life.” As a recovering ‘raised hippie with atheist tendencies’ it was a wonderful gift to see, hear and feel a positive vision of spirituality without the guilt and shame that I saw from our culture’s traditional majority religions. Unity offers Affirmative Prayer as a marvelous avenue to creating good in our lives. Your Prayer Chaplain team is standing by, before and after Sunday services, to support you in shifting your focus, thoughts or energy towards a positive path. Please come see us in the Prayer Corner. Blessings Your Unity of Madison Prayer Chaplains From the Board of Trustees by Diane Pauly Hello to all you beautiful souls, Here we are in the month of February. The year is moving forward just as we are here at Unity. We, the Board of Trustees, have been very busy pulling things together, while always keeping love and caring for you in mind. Last month, you got to meet and hear Rev. Martha Newman. She will be joining us as the Interim Minister starting on February 15. She will be with us on designated dates off and on for a while as we move forward. Rev. Martha will be holding the Sunday services as well as giving support to Julie Marca, our wonderful Office Manager, with the many ongoing jobs in the office. She will also be involved helping the Board of Trustees with the process of attaining a wonderful new minister. "Along with this, she will be giving support, guidance, classes etc. where and when needed. The speakers we will have when Rev. Martha can’t be here will be delightful surprises, with wonderful messages. I’m sure you heard it said many times, “Variety is the Spice of Life.” We want to thank you for filling out the survey that was given to you in January. It was a useful tool that will be used by the board and minister search committee as we go forward. In January, we replaced the furnace in the house office, which was a needed purchase. Please note that our annual meeting will be March 1, 2015. Watch for renewal cards in the foyer. Please be sure to have your renewal completed and turned in before then. Thank you in advance. Creating Fun During Transition -- God / Spirit Would Have Us Laugh. You have heard it said: “Unless Ye Are as Children”. A first grade teacher collected well known proverbs. He gave each child the first half of the proverb, and asked them to come up with the rest. Here is what the children came up with: When the blind lead the blind … get out of the way. Better to be safe than … punch a 5th grader. Strike while the … bug is close. A penny saved --- is not much. Never underestimate the power of … termites. You can lead a horse to water but … how? Don’t bite the hand that … looks dirty. If you lie down with dogs, you … will stink in the morning. We, the board, welcome your support as we make this transition. We love you, we bless you, and we behold the Christ in you! Love and blessings to all, Diane Pauly, Trustee UNITY OF MADISON Interim Minister, Rev. Martha Newman 2015 Board of Trustees President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer & Finance Chair Trustee & Service Chair Trustee Trustee Alternate Elaine Stebleton Tyrone Bell Jenny Persha Eileen Isom Helen Kenyon Daria Boissonnas Diane Pauly Ann Zenner Staff Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator Youth Education Director Nursery Staff Music/Choir Director Musician Bookstore Manager Newsletter Editor Maintenance Cleaning Licensed Unity Teacher Julie Marca Julia Meyers Deb Lucas Aliye Gallagher Carmen Meyers Pete Calgaro Brian Schultz Diane Gould Susan Spahn Jim L’Huillier Barb Peters Barry Roberts Letter from the Board by Elaine Stebleton First of all, we wish to thank you for your contributions to the 2014 BFOF fund. It was a huge success! We met our goal to pay off our construction loan by the end of the year. Because of your overwhelming generosity and love for Unity of Madison, we blew past that goal to reach approximately $57,000! The additional funds allowed us to replace the old furnace in the church office when it stopped working early in January. We were hoping it would get us through the winter. Of course, it didn’t! I’m also happy to report that the extra BFOF funds will allow us to repair the roof over the foyer before it causes water damage. We want to thank you for participating in the activities during the Christmas season and taking those opportunities to gather and express your gratitude to Rev. Marshall and Carrie for dedicating ten years of their ministry to Unity of Madison. We now look forward to this New Year and building our future together. Together, all of us will be able to take a good look at how far we have come on our spiritual journey, individually and as a congregation. No matter when you joined us, only you can give voice to what fed you spiritually and what is important to you. Cherish and bless the past but join us in embracing what lies before us. To prepare us for change during this transitional phase, you will experience a variety of speakers, work through your feelings of loss with people who understand and care about you, and help define who we are and what we would like Unity of Madison to become. As you may already know, the Board has invited Rev. Martha Newman to guide us through this important process. While her schedule with us will change from month to month, the intention is to have her speaking for three Sundays in a row and be available in the office three days a week working with staff. As a Transitional Consultant, Rev. Marty is not allowed to apply to be our permanent minister. Please talk with a Board member if you need clarity and information or turn to our wonderful team of Prayer Chaplains for prayer support. We look forward to seeing you on Sundays! With love and blessings, Elaine Stebleton, Board president Forgiveness and Ho'oponopono Sunday, February 8 9:30 and 11:30 Please join Marie Doty and Helen Kenyon for a conversation on the importance of forgiveness and an introduction to the Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono. We will be on the upper level of the church immediately after services have ended for a 15-20 minute conversation. Youth Education by Julia Meyers Dear beloved Unity Youth and parents, The year has started wonderfully and we are excited to say we have some new Unity Youth members as well. We have some minor changes coming up. During the first service, at 8:30 am, Deb Lucas and I will offer a class to the children in the nursery if enough children are present. This class will be based on the 12 Powers and the curriculum “A Celebration of our 12 Powers” created by Rev. Diane Venzera. During the 10:30 am service, we will offer a nursery as well as up to three classes for children and teens. The nursery will be staffed by Aliye Gallagher and Carmen Meyers and is for newborns to children four or five years of age. The Unichildren (ages four to about eight) will be taught by Deb Lucas. This class will be the about the 12 Powers as described for the early service. The children are not only learning about the 12 powers but also do meditation practices each class period, which they enjoy very much. The Tweens (ages eight and up) will be taught by Roger Boissonnas and Brandi Shingeldecker. The curriculum in this class has changed. We are excited to say that it will be about the Five Basic Unity Principles, which will last until the summer break. It was created by the Association of Unity Churches. The Teens will resume their 3rd Sunday of the month Teen-class. It is very likely that we will add a second Sunday to this program. When the teens are not in the teen class, they are welcome to join the Tween class or assist in the nursery. The class will be held by Julia Leichtenberg and myself. We will continue discussing chakras. Classes start at 10:40 am, please try to be on time. Please also note that all Youth Education activites, which includes nursery and youth classes, are only for parents and caretakers who attend services. Please feel free to contact me any time with questions or comments. Peace, love, and blessings, Julia Meyers Candle in the Window by Marie Doty There are many paths to Unity. For Diane Gould, the path led through ALANON. “I had been in a relationship that led me to ALANON and working with a counselor. I told her I wished I could find a church that would give me the same spiritual feeling that I got from ALANON. “She told me about a little church on the other side of the lake. I went there and was greeted by Doug Wakeman. I’ve been coming ever since.” Diane Gould Like others, Diane had been searching spiritually because, as she puts it, her home church had not been giving her what she had been seeking for a long time. “I felt like I had come home – like this was the place I was supposed to be all my life.” She laughs and adds, “Wow!” Sobering, Diane is quiet a moment. “My main challenge is accepting me for the person I can be and being able to love myself. It’s being able to let go of the guilt and be able to forgive myself as well as others. “I had come to the point in my work life where I was feeling forced to do something I knew was not something I really should do. Because I would not agree to what was being asked of me, I was fired. It was one of those freeing moments. I was able to stand up for who I was and not follow what someone else wanted me to do.” A moment’s silence before Diane adds thoughtfully, “Sometimes you’re compliant with what others want you to do – even if you know it’s not right. I had grown to the point of not knowing who I was – and what I really needed to stand up for. It was extremely freeing.” Since the loss of her job in April, she has been drawing Social Security. “I’ve been feeling that this has been both emotionally and mentally freeing. Also I’ve been physically healing. I’ve had a second surgery on my right ankle and an epidural injection for a bulging disc in my back. This time off is allowing me to heal.” Diane says she does need to find a job. And, perhaps related, she woke up one night dreaming about a big brown bear. *He was just standing there – not threatening me. I had no fear. It was comforting. Marshall told me I needed to find where the bear was leading me. And I’ve felt I need to explore what the message was so I’m reading about bears.” An active member in Unity from the beginning, Diane views her volunteer work as learning experiences. “The most significant was being on the board during the search that ended with Rev. Marshall Norman. As a chaplain, I cannot say enough about the chaplain team, the individual growth and the support of this incredible group.” “At one time I was a Uniteen teacher and that was also incredible. I am grateful for the principles my son learned throughout his life while here. He speaks them all the time – although he would not admit it.” “Currently I am managing the bookstore – and that’s another learning experience. It’s also a wonderful way to interact with our community.” Diane says she tries to live by the Unity principles. “I really try to keep life simple and to treat others the way I want to be treated. I so much love connecting with people. And I think Unity has helped me connect more spiritually with God when things are not going my way. “Rather than dwell on the negative, I will pray and ask for guidance – or I will call a dear friend and ask for help. Just talking with a friend centers me. Ultimately I know that something so much better is out there leading me. “When I come to Unity, I come home. I’m totally at peace.” We Live in an Abundant Universe Thank You, Divine Spirit Financial and Tithing Information December 2014 Tithes: Based on general donations of $23,391.54 during the month of December 2014: Unity World Wide Ministries 20% $467.83 GLURC (Great Lakes Unity Regional Council) 15% $350.87 Silent Unity 25% $584.79 Rasur Foundation (BePeace) 15% $350.87 Porchlight 10% $233.92 5% $116.96 10% $233.92 Northwoods Niijii Enterprise Community, Inc. (Lac Du Flambeau Reservation) Floating Tithe, Ancient Ways - Zimbabwe Ancient Ways-Zimbabwe encompasses a variety of aid programs to people in Zimbabwe, many directed toward children. We focus on health, education and facilities improvements with sustainability being foundational. We dig wells for clean water, build toilet facilities, and rebuild huts damaged or lost to flooding. We also support children to attend school ($100 supports one student for one year of school). We supply girls with hygiene products to help assure their ability to go to school and maintain self-esteem. TOTAL $2,339.16 December 2014 Contribution to the Reserve Fund: 2.0% of $23,391.54 = Current Total: $467.83 $10,808.52 Income Statement as of December 31, 2014 Operating Income $24,255.72 Operating Expenses $20,714.33 Net Ordinary Income $3,541.39 ____________________________________________________________ THINK SPRING AND SUPPORT THE UNITY GARDENS UNITY GARDEN FUNDRAISER WHEN: March 22, March 29, April 5 WHERE: BETWEEN SERVICES IN THE FOYER WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: BUY AMERICA’S BEST GIFT CARDS FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE * * * CARDS HAVE NO EXPIRATION DATE * * * THE UNITY GARDEN TEAM RECEIVES 25% IN CASH BACK FROM AMERICA’S BEST ON ALL CARDS PURCHASED PROCEEDS WILL BE USED FOR OUR UNITY GARDENS!!!!! THIS IS A WIN, WIN FOR OUR COMMUNITY! HELP OUR GARDENS GROW! It is cold and dreary and we haven’t even finished the football season as I write this so why, you may be wondering, are we talking about spring and our beloved Unity gardens? Just as we plan for the renewal that spring brings, we need to begin planning for our gardens and their renewal. Last year, we used our time and money to refresh the gardens. The money was from a generous donor along with from the Unity plant sale. This year the Garden Team is trying a new program specifically for churches sponsored by America’s Best Garden Center to fund our gardens. Buying prepaid gift cards through America's Best, nets 25% of that money to our Garden Ministry. So, during these winter months don’t forget the spring, summer and fall beauty that our church gardens provide all of us. With deep gratitude and thoughts of spring, Denise Stace-Naughton, Garden Team Leader “No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow” ~ Proverb HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS: 1. Purchase any number of card(s) in any amount(s) and pay for them. NOTE: You can buy cards for yourself, as gifts to give others like Mother’s Day etc. or buy a card and designate it for Unity Gardens directly. 2. America’s Best then registers the card in the purchaser's name so that if it the card is lost, the owner can get a replacement. This takes a week. 3. The Garden Team will pick up the cards and have them available to the purchaser the next time we hold our table during our America’s Best Gift Card sale. All cards should be picked up by April 11. Cards never expire and can be used this year, next year or any time you want!. Bookstore by Diane Gould Hello friends, It is hard to believe it is already the middle of January. A year for new beginnings. Change is in the air all over. I recently read a poem about "I Can Do It"- powerful little poem. We have many inspirational books and Unity books. There are other books, too. Also, there are a few journals if you want to start journaling as you go on your journey this year. There will soon be crafts for sale from the kids in the Youth Ed Department. New crystals are being ordered. There are still some pretty ones available. If you know any local crafters who might want to sell in our bookstore I would appreciate getting their names or having them contact me. Have a blessed New Year. Stop in and see what is available. Blessings, Diane Join Julie Marca for another 75 minute non-impact cardio dance class for people of all shapes and sizes. The practice of Nia fosters increased self-awareness and mobility without judgment. All that is needed is a willingness to dance in community and playit’s good for your brain, too. Dress in comfortable gym clothes. Friday’s in February: February 13: February 27: 10 am & 6:30 pm 10 am & 6:30 pm $10/class – first class is free In the sanctuary 601 Tompkins Drive Madison, Wisconsin Adults welcome & teens (12+) with guardian or parent, too! MOSES is an interfaith organization that unites Madison-area congregations to build a better community. We join together to take action on issues of social justice, such as over-incarceration in Wisconsin. Our church is one of 20 core members. MOSES is part of WISDOM, a statewide organization actively engaged in issues of social justice and currently focused on prison reform. MOSES has worked for 2 years with other state affiliates of WISDOM on the 11×15 campaign, with the goal of reducing the prison population in Wisconsin from 22,000 to 11,000 by the end of 2015. Now, there is a clear blueprint to arrive at this goal. You can see the blueprint at http://prayforjusticeinwi.org . Updates: The MOSES Jail Task Force presented information at the January monthly MOSES meeting about Dane County’s plans to study and invest in new jail facilities. MOSES opposes spending county money on new jail construction or on redundant studies. The goals of the Task Force include: 1. Stop all unnecessary incarceration a. End racial disparities. . b. Treatment and supports instead of jail for people with mental illness, addictions, or developmental disabilities. 2. Improve jail conditions for those inside. 3. Ensure that any facility changes promote goals 1 and 2. Mobilization is needed to: 1. Defeat latest proposal to build jail facilities. 2. Get leaders to implement proven methods to stop all unnecessary incarceration and solitary confinement, and to address racial disparities at all levels of the system. Upcoming events: Mobilization Social Justice Ministry- Guiding Affirmation: We discern calls to action as individuals and a community around social justice issues from a deep reverence for the oneness of all life. We support each other and communicate about valuable resources to the congregation to empower our actions. Join us for a discussion on Sunday, February 1 at 12:15 pm after the service, in the upper level. We will share ideas on a vision and mission for this ministry and identify next steps. There will also be an opportunity t for those who attended the January 7 tour of the Dane County Jail or visited the solitary confinement cell to talk about the impact of their experience. MOSES website: www.mosesmadison.org Facebook: “ MOSES” Madison Organizing in Strength, Equality and Solidarity February 2015 Sunday 1 Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am Talk: “TBA” Second Harvest $ collection 12:15 pm Social Justice UL 2 6:30 pm Meeting (full) O Forgive Renewal 8 Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am Talk: “TBA” 9:30 & 11:30 am Forgiveness & Ho'oponopono UL 9:45 am Drum Circle S 8-12 pm PC retreat offsite 9 6:30 pm meeting (full) O Prosperity Guidance Centered 15 Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am Talk: “TBA,” Rev. Martha Newman 10:30 am Teen Class UL 16 6:30 pm meeting (full) O 17 3-7pm Porchlight LL 6 pm Trustee Meeting UL Reconciliation 22 Services at 8:30 & 10:30 am Talk: “TBA” Rev. Martha Newman Practice Monday Tuesday 3 10 am PSM Lakeside St. Coffee House Comfort 10 23 6:30 pm mtg (full) O Body Awareness S= sanctuary UL = upper level LL= lower level $= charge LO = love offering 4 7 pm meeting (full) UL Present Moment 11 7 pm meeting (full) UL Joy Leadership Wednesday 24 Pray For Others 18 7 pm meeting (full) UL 5 12 noon Prayer Circle S Inspiration 12 7 pm Dream Circle UL World Peace 19 12 noon Prayer Circle S Spiritual Perceptions Preparation 25 7 pm meeting (full) UL Faith Protected O = office PSM = Prayer Shawl Ministry Full = group is full. No additional participants. Thursday 26 Friday 6 6:30 pm MA UL $ All day PC retreat offsite 7 All day PC retreat offsite Acceptance Free 13 10 am Nia S, $10 6:30 pm MA UL $ 6:30 pm Nia S, $10 Friendship 20 6:30 pm MA UL $ 14 9-11 am Men’s Breakfast LL Unconditional Love 21 9:30-1 pm PC training (full) LL 4-6 Rehearsal S Let Go, Let God Inner Peace 27 10 am Nia S, $10 6:30 pm MA UL $ 6:30 pm Nia S, $10 Intuition Saturday 28 Empathy PC = Prayer Chaplain MA = Martial Arts Movement Unity of Madison - An open, affirming and heart-centered spiritual community. We live the Christ consciousness of acceptance, love, peace, justice and joy. Healing Unity of Madison 601 Tompkins Drive Madison, WI 53716 Unity of Madison An open, affirming and heart-centered spiritual community. Contact Us: Office & Volunteers- [email protected] Youth Education – [email protected] Newsletter Submissions - [email protected] Website - http://unityofmadison.org - facebook.com/UnityofMadison
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