Don’t Forget to Order your Lulav and Etrog 732-545-6482 732-246-3100 fax SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 Lulav and Etrog sets are only $38 each WHAT IF? Rabbi Eliot Isaac Malomet n one of my classes this summer a young that every person we meet affects us in so camper turned to me with the following many ways, the possible roads that our lives question: “What if,” the camper asked, could have taken are infinite. What if, “what if the Carthaginians had won the indeed? Punic War? Would the Romans still have At this time of the year we ask been able to destroy the Temple?” ourselves, “Who are we? What are we? What I paused for a moment not knowing have we set out to become? What were we how to answer. “Great question,” I said. meant to be?” And regarding hurtful things That’s always a good start. Trying to find the that we have said or done we could ask, what file in my brain marked ‘Ancient Greek if we had done them differently? What if History’ I then replied, “I’m not exactly sure we would have made different decisions? how to answer that.” For the next year, what if we resolved Great question indeed. We got started to make the necessary changes in our lives, to on a lot of different “what if ’s.” What if deepen our lives Jewishly, to enrich our lives Hitler hadn’t come to power? What if the with Torah and mitzvot? What if we Allies had bombed the train lines to decided to learn more, to participate more, Auschwitz? What if a hundred thousand to give more of ourselves? What if? I more Jews had been allowed to immigrate to Palestine before 1948? And then, regarding the events of this summer: What if the Palestinians would have made a strategic decision to renounce violence instead of launching wave after wave of terror against Israelis? What if the leaders of Hamas had decided to build schools and hospitals instead of tunnels for terror? What if they had decided to protect their children instead of sacrificing them as human shields? What if indeed? Some would say that asking what if is a useless exercise, but considering that it inspired some fascinating discussions, I would respectfully disagree. What if launches us into some fascinating thought experiments and can sometimes even inspire good literature. See Philip Roth. At the very least what if can give us some kind of insight into the history of major events and lead us to some fascinating conclusions. Teshuva is a process of applying what if to our own lives as well. Given that every event in our lives affects every subsequent event; given that everything that has happened to us in the past affects everything that will happen to us in the future; given Perform the mitzvah of gathering the Arbah Minim (Four Species) during Sukkot. Now I wonder: What if the Carthaginians had won the Punic War? Would the Temple have been destroyed? Would the Jews have been dispersed throughout the world? Would the rabbis have created the Talmud? Would we have created synagogues and houses of study? Would my grandparents have crossed the ocean? Would we be here now asking this question? May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life for a sweet, healthy, beautiful and joyous new year. Place your order with the Temple no later than Friday, October 3rd Pick-up is Tuesday, October 7th beginning at 10 a.m. and Wednesday, October 8th from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. High Holiday Liturgy with Rabbi Mordy Schwartz Sundays, September 7th and 14th at 9:30 a.m. The focus of each Shabbat is the weekly Torah portion. On the High Holidays the Torah reading takes a back seat to the lyrical and charged liturgy of the Mahzor. Join us as we reveal the spiritual truths hidden in its dense language. On 9/7 we will closely read the Musaf of Rosh Hashanah to reveal its inner soul as a Rabbinic Midrash on the Shofar blowing. On 9/14 we will examine the Musaf of Yom Kippur and its use of the Temple service of Yom Kippur as a motif, to move us from sacrifice to an authentic service of the heart. Fee: Members $12; non-members $15 for the 2 class session Shana Tovah Rabbi Eliot I. Malomet Rebbetzin Devorah Hilsenrath Cantor Randall and Emily Levin Linda and Al Tondow The Officers, Directors and Members of the Highland Park Conservative Temple—Congregation Anshe Emeth pray that God grant to us, the house of Israel, and to all people a New Year of peace, freedom, health and happiness. PAGE 2 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth Rabbi Eliot Isaac Malomet Rabbi Emeritus Yakov R. Hilsenrath zt”l Cantor Randall Levin OFFICERS President President Elect 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President BOARD OF TRUSTEES David Brotman Ira Cohen Lawrence Fineberg Gittel Footerman Elaine Rand Fromkin Carey Glass Marty Golden Phil Goldwasser Dr. Peter Heimann Linda Tondow Sheldon Freidenreich Zoltan Kemeny Stuart Feinblatt Treasurer Dr. Marc Weinstein Financial Secretary Gail Kroop Recording Secretary Dr. Barbara Chabner Marc Herman Sue Kheel Ira Kizner Joy Kuchinsky Sherri Lerner Steve Lerner Uri Mittler Lisa Morgan Barbara Parkoff Stanley Ravens Henry Salmon Arnold Schifman Linda Schmidt Lynette Seader Barry Sherman Marcia Shiffman Al Tondow Jerry Trub Men’s Club Presidents: Marty Golden and Larry Klioze PAST PRESIDENTS Jacob Willner z’l A. Harry Freedman z’l Louis Beck z’l David Michelson z’l Philip Susswein z’l Abram Freidberg z’l Harry Kroll z’l Stuart Katz z’l Daniel Rockoff z’l HONORARY TRUSTEES Barbara Cohen Edward Cohen Dr. Marlene Herman Dr. Hans Fisher Karl Ringel z’l Dr. Theodore Stahl Gertrude Klaus Arthur Cohen Dr. Theodore Sulzberg Albert Rappaport Dr. Elliot Brooks Benjamin Schall Edward Guttenplan Charles Mandel z’l Arline Schwartzman Ira Susswein z’l Sisterhood President: Teri Manes Roy Tanzman Kevin Leff Gayle Brill Mittler Fred Morgan Dr. Peter Schild Stuart Mitnick Samuel Kamens Carl Levy Dr. Mitchel Rosen Joseph Tabak Hon. Herbert Tanzman Mazel Tov Rabbi Esther Reed on receiving the Rutgers Hillel Visionaries in Partnership Award. Marion Holdowsky on the engagement of two of her granddaughters in Israel: Moriah Bat-Sheva Macales and Penina Yaffa Macales. Lisa and Stanley Fischer on the birth of their grandson, Remy Brandon Fischer. Marilyn and Barry Pruce on the birth of their grandson, Jonah Forrest Pruce. Rochelle and Keith Epstein on the birth of their grandson, Austin Pierce Epstein. Judith Tamaroff on the marriage of her grandson, Daniel Tamaroff, to Dr. Jordan Lewis. Gayle Brill Mittler on being appointed Mayor of Highland Park. Hava and Avi Freidenreich on the birth of their son, Joey. Bonnie and Sheldon Freidenreich on the birth of their grandson, Joey Freidenreich. Vickie Zagorin on the birth of her greatgrandson, Joey Freidenreich. Linda and Barry Diamond on the birth of their grandson, Max Caleb Diamond. Teri Manes and Jerry Trub on the birth of their granddaughter, Amielle Rose Trub. Ari Behar and Julie Suesserman on the birth of their granddaughter, Amielle Rose Trub. Devorah Hilsenrath on being honored by the Raritan Valley Chapter of Hadassah. Bonnie and Ed Guttenplan on the marriage of their son, Seth, to Haley Longman. Gert and Irving Klaus on the marriage of their grandson, Seth Guttenplan, to Haley Longman. Helene and Robert Knee on the marriage of their son, Sam, to Ilana Visotzky. Lil Prince on the marriage of her grandson, David Prince, to Alyssa Spira. Devorah Hilsenrath on the birth of her greatgrandson, Yakov Chaim Goldschmiedt. Stacy Horowitz and David Greenblatt on their marriage. Judy Petsonk and Stephen Eisdorfer on the marriage of their daughter, Hope Eisdorfer to Dan Levin. Sheila Milecofsky on her special birthday in September. Sybil Levine on her special birthday in September. Linda and Al Tondow on their special wedding anniversary in September. Terri and Michael Rosenberg on their special wedding anniversary in September. Michelle and Michael Brill on their special wedding anniversary in September. Minnie and Mel Goodman on their special wedding anniversary in September. Morris Kaplan on his special birthday in October. Stuart Katzman on his special birthday in October. Carey Glass on his special birthday in October. Carol Shapiro on her special birthday in October. Amy and Howard Rothschild on their special wedding anniversary in October. Ellen and Cliff Lacy on their special wedding anniversary in October. Esther and Larry Goldberg on their special wedding anniversary in October. Nahamu Nahamu Judith Tamaroff on the loss of her sister, Ruth Bishop. Marla and Rich Zirin on the loss of Marla’s father, Joel Kabat. Eugenia Rothstein on the loss of her sister, Hilda Mester. Bernice Manheim on the loss of her husband, Joseph. Lil Prince on the loss of her twin brother, Lee Cantor. Michael Schoeffler and Pamela Dahlen on the loss of Michael’s father, Max Schoeffler. Ed and Michele Rockoff on the loss of Ed’s mother, Frieda Rockoff Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PAGE 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Registration is open for Linda Tondow, President Hebrew High 2014-2015 I am writing my President’s message at an interesting time. Tisha B’Av is behind us and the fall yom tovim, though “late this year,” will be here “before we know it.” This year, the sorrow of Tisha B’Av and the current crisis in Israel reminds us all too clearly of the fragility of Jerusalem and our beloved state of Israel. At the same time, soon we will be in our beautiful synagogue as one community, the t’fillot and shofar reminding us of the covenant between God and the people of Israel and their message of hope and continuity. We have reason to hope. Each Shabbat morning, our sanctuary is proof of the continuity of the Jewish people, Klal Yisrael. As I sit on the bima, I look out at a sea of faces. Many were already congregants when Al and I first arrived, almost 30 years ago. Many others came at some point during these past 30 years. And fortunately, still others are young “newcomers,” representing our future. We have young singles and couples on Shabbat morning joining those of us who came to our synagogue many years ago, drawn by our community’s warmth and soul. We are blessed with multi-generational families, young couples joining the Synagogue they were brought up in, davening alongside their parents and even grandparents. Whether family “by blood” or family by being part of HPCT-CAE, when the “adon olam singers” race to the bima, the Temple family collectively kvells as our little ones sing, clap hands and maybe even dance. We are blessed. In 2015, the Highland Park Conservative Temple - Congregation Anshe Emeth will achieve milestones in its service to the Central Jersey Jewish community: it will be the 85th anniversary of Highland Park Conservative Temple, and Congregation Anshe Emeth’s 95th anniversary, a combined 180 years of remarkable community service. We have a rich history to build upon as we embrace our future. We each have the opportunity to be guardians of that future, doing what we can to be sure HPCTCAE remains vibrant for the next generation, and the generation after that. I look forward to an exciting year as together we continue to grow and serve as guardians of our future, dedicated to Torah, meaningful prayer, and life-long Jewish learning and strive to build and sustain a vibrant social and spiritual congregation committed to outreach, community engagement, and Israel. Best wishes for a most healthy, peaceful and fulfilling New Year. L’shanah tovah tikatevu v’taihatemu. Congratulations to the newly elected Highland Park Chapter USY Board!! President: Josh Rothberg Israel Awareness VP: Mikaela Zirin Membership/Programming: Simona Moyal Religion/Education VP: Samantha Marder Social Action/Tukun Olam VP: Eli Gang • Communications VP: Jonah Rosen Freshman Representative: Jonah Beberman Classes are a blend of current events through a Jewish lens and is focused on tough questions Jews ask, taught by our very own Rabbi Malomet. Mondays at 5:30 p.m. Starting October 13th in the Sukkah! Pizza and salad will be served. Open to grades 8-12. Tuition is $575 for members and $675 for non-members. Registration forms are available in the Temple Office. USY has A LOT planned for the upcoming year! If you would like to get your 9th-12th grade child involved, or would like to join the email listserv and receive a youth calendar of events, please email Julie Katz at [email protected]. We are excited to announce our new KADIMA ADVISOR is Hazzan Randall Levin! Cohorts - Come one come all! INSTALLATION SHABBAT Saturday, September 20th – 8:45 a.m. Kiddush following services Please join us for Shabbat Services as we install our newly elected Board of Trustees. After another year of conversing one would think there is nothing left to talk about. Yet, we manage to find new topics and ideas each week. Come join us to discuss how Torah is involved in everyday life and how our experiences don’t differ much from stories in the Torah. There are many fascinating things I have learned from my cohort session and many things I have been able to pass on to my cohorts as well (I hope). Starting mid-August we will be meeting each Shabbat morning to shmooz and we even find time to eat yummy snacks. Everyone is welcome to join in the discussions or sit back and take in the lessons we all learn from each other. I look forward to seeing you all there. - Danielle Cohen PAGE 4 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth News From the Men’s Club Marty Golden and Larry Klioze, Co-Presidents The Men’s Club has had a very busy summer, running and participating in several events. We started the summer with a lively Ultimate Frisbee game against USY on the afternoon of May 31 in Donaldson Park. While USY had youth on their side, the Men’s Club did make a respectable showing. A good time was had by all. On Sunday, June 1 we held our Annual Pre-Shavuot Wine and Cheesecake Tasting. Over 40 people attended, tasting nine delicious cheesecakes and sampling six different Kosher wines. Many thanks to Asher Weinstein, plus his helpers, for organizing both of these events. Also, we would like to thank our wonderful cheesecake bakers. Without them, we would not have been able to enjoy the sweet treats. Friday, June 6 - Sunday, June 8 brought us to the Multi-Regional Biennial Retreat Weekend at the Capital Retreat Center in Waynesboro, PA. Al Davis, Craig Artel and Larry Klioze joined other Men’s Club members from the Northern New Jersey, Middle Atlantic and New York Metro Regions. We had three days of learning, worship (in an open-air setting), Hearing Men’s Voices, camaraderie, recreation and ruach. It was a very uplifting experience for all attendees. Wednesday, June 18 brought us to the Annual Northern New Jersey Presidents’ Dinner, held this year at Congregation B’nai Israel in Toms River. Several HPCT-CAE Men’s Club members were in attendance as Marty Golden and Larry Klioze were installed as club co-presidents. In addition, new regional officers were installed. We are pleased to report that 41 enthusiastic donors came to the Blood Drive on Sunday, June 29, and donated 33 units of whole blood. We extend thanks to Jerry Langer, Linda Schmidt, Hillary Glass, Doris Siederer, and Phil Schmidt for running another successful Blood Drive to benefit the entire community. We also thank Beth Spurr and the Temple staff, for their logistical help setting up and cleaning up before and after the drive. The Men’s Club is planning a full calendar of events for the coming year. We look forward to seeing you at many, maybe even all, of the events starting with Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah on Sunday, October 12. We also encourage you to attend all possible services and activities at the Temple including daily Minyanim. Feel free to let us know of any feedback or programming ideas by writing to us at [email protected]. You can also use that email address to ask to be subscribed to our mailing list, and you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy New Year! Men’s Club 4th Annual Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah Sunday, October 12th at 6 p.m. Be on the lookout for more information soon! Yasher Koach to Craig Artel and Nate Kean for a job well done as our past Men’s Club Co-Presidents. HPCT-CAE Announces “Written in Stone” The Highland Park Conservative Temple-Congregation Anshe Emeth announces an exciting new endeavor and fundraiser titled “Written in Stone.” This creative program will give congregants a special vehicle to honor family simchas, life-cycle events, as well as the memory of loved ones. This opportunity to custom engrave a paving stone that will enhance our synagogue both physically and Welcome Brunch for New Members On Sunday, September 7th at 10 a.m. There will be a Brunch welcoming new members to our Temple community. Prospective members are welcome. If you know any non-members who should receive an invitation, please contact the Temple Office. spiritually will be a permanent and unique way to mark a milestone event. Two sizes and price points are available: a 6” x 6” stone for $218 or a 6” x 9” stone for $318. Order forms have gone out in the mail to Temple members! Order forms may be found on the Temple website, office and welcome table in the lobby. For additional info contact Barbara Cohen at 732.325.7341. Sisterhood invites you to their Opening Meeting Mind, Body and Spirit Monday, September 8th at 7 pm An interactive workshop on stress management Led by Paula Rovinsky, MA, RN A special gift will be given for all who have paid their membership dues. Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PAGE 5 SISTERHOOD REPORT Teri Manes, Sisterhood President Welcome back to another great year of Sisterhood programming and activity. Our programming team of Susan Winter and Helene Knee have planned a year that has something for everyone and so many opportunities to participate in a wide variety of activities. I want to take this opportunity to remind you to send in your membership forms. If you have mislaid the form that was mailed to you, please pick one up from the Welcome Table in the foyer of the Temple, or ask the Membership Vice-Presidents, Rachel Modiano and Joy Kuchinsky, how you can join the Sisterhood. For me, the Sisterhood means comraderie with the women of the Temple and service for the Temple. Together we weave a wonderful tapestry of comraderie and joyful activity. We are starting our year off with a mitzvah project. We will hold our Annual Clothing Collection between Thursday, September 4 and Sunday, September 7. Every year we collect wonderful clothing for our charitable community partners: Hire Attire, which provides people getting back into the workplace with suitable clothing, and Goodwill Industries, which sells clothing at a small price to assist persons who are having trouble making ends meet. Do a pre-holiday/autumn cleaning and share the fruits of your more organized and cleaner house with the Sisterhood and its partners. The whole community will benefit from your thoughtful generosity! Join us on Monday, September 8 at our Welcome Back Meeting, The topic will be Mind, Body and Spirit. This is an interactive stress management workshop designed to help build resiliency and to help us keep our life in balance. We will learn valuable skills to be able to successfully navigate the many demands on our time and our reactions. We will have healthy snacks and a small gift for anyone who has already joined sisterhood! On September 10, come to an ice cream social among our Sisterhood and others in our region as the East Brunswick Jewish Center Sisterhood hosts Carol Simon, the new National Women’s League for Conservative Judaism President. She will be sharing a vision of the national scene for the Women’s League and our role within it. This will be a wonderful opportunity to get to know her, our own regional President, Ilene Rothman, and many of the women in our region. We will resume our weekly Zumba classes on Monday, September 15. You can’t help but smile while you are getting fit and losing calories, and enjoying being with your friends. Contact Susan Winter or Helene Knee for details. Our next Book Discussion will take place at a private home on Wednesday, September 17. Ronald Balson’s first novel, Once We Were Brothers, combines the best of historical fact, spellbinding fiction and personal drama. Although set in war-torn Europe and the legal world of modern Chicago, it’s not your typical courtroom drama with historical flashbacks; it’s also a love story that crosses both time and geographical boundaries Add well-developed fictional characters, suspense and a great ending, and you won’t be able to put this book down. Call Lynette Seader for more information. Mark your calendar for October 13 as we reprise our very popular “Sushi, Sake and Snacks in the Sukkah”. A delicious way to celebrate Sisterhood and Succot at the same time. More information will be coming your way in a flyer. We will sponsor our Annual Simchat Torah Children’s Luncheon on October 17. Before we even start, I want to thank the wonderful sponsors that have helped to support this program in the past and hope you will continue to help in the future. The kids love it! The parents love it! Please be in touch with Debbie Gerber if you want to be a sponsor and/or to help volunteer to serve pizza, tuna and ice cream! Right around the corner, we have our 65th Annual Dinner and Fashion Show on Election Day, November 4. We are honoring Elly Ehrlich and Beverly Teich, two incredible women who have done so much for the HPCT-CAE Sisterhood 65th Annual Dinner and Fashion Show Tuesday, November 4th — 6:00 p.m. This year’s honorees are Elinore Ehrlich and Beverly Teich Dinner by Exquisite Caterers Fashions Coordinated by Rachel’s Boutique Watch your mail for the invitation and details! Sisterhood over the years. Please come to support them. The Fashion Show team of Mindy Golden, Marcia Klioze and Paula Kondioti are planning a fabulous evening. This is also your opportunity to win “big” with the tricky tray gifts, the bigger raffle items and at the same time get a great deal on merchandise from one of our vendors. Besides having a great time seeing fashions and getting a delicious meal served by “our own waiters”, it is a big fundraiser for the Sisterhood, and in addition to all the raffles and vendors, we always have a wonderful array of door prizes. Bring your friends and family for a wonderful evening out. Lastly, but VERY important, is the Torah Fund Campaign. The aim of Torah Fund is to provide every individual with the opportunity to participate in the preservation, promotion, and joy of Conservative/Masorti Judaism through active giving to the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. The Torah Fund Campaign supports: The Jewish Theological Seminary (New York, New York), the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles, California) and the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies. Donations are accepted at many levels, starting as a benefactor for $180. Each year a beautiful pin is designed and given to benefactors. The year’s pin is called Mishpachah “Family” and focuses on the central place that the family has in Judaism. From the earliest first family of Chava and Adam to our own families, this pin will also serve as a reminder that our connection as a community roots back to the fact that we are all – the entire Jewish People – one big family. I look forward to seeing all of you in the coming months as we cook, dance, learn, share and engage together in service to the Temple. As always, feel free to call me at 732-586-7241 or email me at [email protected] with any questions, suggestions or ideas to make the Sisterhood an even more wonderful place to dedicate your time and effort. As we share the Chagim and all the joy that they bring us, do it with your sisters in the Temple community! Sisterhood Clothing Collection Please donate your gently used clothing, which will be distributed to local agencies, including Hire Attire and Goodwill Industries. Please place career clothing on hangers if possible. All other items should be in plastic bags. If you give a voluntary monetary donation, it will be given to the Sisterhood Feed the Hunger Fund. Drop-off CLOTHING, SHOES AND HANDBAGS ONLY in the Legacy Room from Thursday, 9/4 through Sunday, 9/7. Thank you for helping us to help others! PAGE 6 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth HPCT-CAE 2014 GALA – An Evening to Remember! TODAH RABAH! Todah Rabah for the honor of being presented the Chaver Award at our Annual Gala. We thank everyone who attended, purchased or solicited ads and the directory listings. We also acknowledge with gratitude the Rabbi’s gracious remarks and the hard work of the Chairs, their committee and the Temple staff. The Gala was a fun evening and helped provide vital financial support for our shul. We look forward to many more years of service to our shul. – Carl Levy and Mitchel Rosen Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PAGE 7 Congratulations Graduates!! HIGHLAND PARK HIGH SCHOOL Nina Moyal, daughter of Rifka and Joe Moyal, and granddaughter of Gittel and Justin Footerman. She will be attending Middlesex County College in the Fall. Michael Hoffman, son of Beth Breau. He will be attending Fordham University on an ROTC Scholarship in the Fall. MISCELLANEOUS Ethan Ravens, grandson of Sandy and Stanley Ravens, graduated from Avon Lake High School, Ohio. Naama Malomet, daughter of Rabbi Eliot Malomet, graduated from Jack Barrick Hebrew Academy. She will be attending the University of Rhode Island. COLLEGE AND GRADUATE PROGRAMS Bryan J. Pasichow, son of Rachel and Steven Pasichow, graduated from Rutgers University with a Masters in Criminal Justice. Jennifer Rothschild, daughter of Amy and Howard Rothschild, graduated from the University of Maryland with a BA in Graphic Design and a minor in Arabic Studies. David Prince, grandson of Lil Prince, graduated from Yeshiva University with a BA in Business. We are so pleased to report that 41 enthusiastic donors came to the Blood Drive on Sunday, June 29 and donated 33 units of whole blood. Thanks to all the donors! Also, thanks to our other volunteers: Hillary Glass, Doris Siederer, Phil Schmidt, and to the shul staff, Beth Spurr and Nellie Amigon. Also, thanks to the Men’s Club for their sponsorship and support. – Linda Schmidt and Jerry Langer, Co-chairs. SAVE THE DATE FOR OUR NEXT BLOOD DRIVE MONDAY, JANUARY 19th! PAGE 8 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PICTURE GALLERY Sisterhood Installation of Officers and 10th Annual Neshama and “Women of Torah” Awards Dinner Rally to Support Israel Mazel Tov to the newly Installed Men’s Club Co-President’s Marty Golden and Larry Klioze! KOL NIDRE High Holy Day Services Friday, October 3............................................................................................................6:15 PM No one will be seated during Kol Nidre. Please be in your seat no later than 6:00 PM. Services will start precisely at 6:15 PM because we need to start before sundown. Candle lighting facilities will be available in the Temple. Candle lighting ....................................................................................................before 6:18 PM This year there will be one service for the entire congregation in the Kaplan-Rutman Sanctuary, and two parallel Torah readings in the Kaplan-Rutman Sanctuary and the Lower-Level “Blue Room”. Services conducted by Rabbi Eliot Isaac Malomet Liturgy chanted by Cantor Randall Levin Youth Congregations Torah Time – Ages 3 years and up – Marlene Herman – Upper-Level Skylight Room Rosh Hashanah – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Yom Kippur – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Grade 1-3 – Mini-Minyan 4-6 – Junior Congregation Place ..................................................................Time Classroom 3..................................10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Classroom 6..................................10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Babysitting for younger children will be available on Rosh Hashanah from 10:00 AM until the conclusion of Services, and on Yom Kippur from 10:00 AM to the conclusion of Services. Please call the Temple Office for reservations. ROSH HASHANAH Wednesday, September 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Evening Services 6:30 PM Candle Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .before 6:33 PM Thursday, September 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:30 AM Tashlikh – 5 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mincha followed by Ma’ariv 6:30 PM We will meet at Donaldson Park for Tashlikh on the banks of the Raritan River. Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .after 7:31 PM Friday, September 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:30 AM Mincha followed by Services for the Eve of Shabbat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:30 PM Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .before 6:30 PM SHABBAT SHUVA Saturday, September 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:45 AM Mincha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 PM Shabbat Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:27 PM TZOM GEDALIAH Sunday, September 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fast Begins 5:30 AM Services at 8:30 AM and 6:45 PM (note special time) Fast Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:15 PM SUKKOT Wednesday, October 8.........................................................................Evening Services 6:00 PM Candle Lighting ...................................................................................................before 6:10 PM Thursday, October 9...............................................................................8:45 AM and 6:00 PM Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame............................................................... after 7:07 PM Friday, October 10 ...................................................................................8:45 AM and 6:00 PM Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame .............................................................before 6:07 PM Saturday, October 11......................................................................................................8:45 AM Shabbat…………………………..…Mincha 6:00 PM ..........................Shabbat ends 7:05 PM HOSHANA RABBAH Wednesday, October 15 .................................................................................................6:45 AM SHEMINI ATZERET Wednesday, October 15.......................................................................Evening Services 6:00 PM Candle Lighting ...................................................................................................before 5:59 PM Thursday, October 16 ....................................................................................................8:45 AM ......................................................................................................Yizkor Recited during Services SIMCHAT TORAH Thursday, October 16 .......................................................................................Mincha 5:45 PM Special Service for Young Children..............................................................................6:00 PM Simchat Torah Celebration..........................................................................................7:00 PM Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame................................................................after 6:57 PM ..................................................................................................Light Refreshments after Services Friday, October 17 .........................................................................................................8:45 AM Children’s Luncheon – Sponsored by Sisterhood – After Services Mincha followed by Services for the Eve of Shabbat ......................................................6:00 PM Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame .............................................................before 5:56 PM Saturday, October 18......................................................................................................8:45 AM Shabbat Bereishit………………. Mincha 5:30 PM................................Shabbat ends 6:55 PM BREAK FREE Yom Kippur Afternoon Saturday, October 4th Join us to continue the soul searching on this day of individual introspection in the midst of a supportive prayer community. Nurture your spirit during the special time between Musaf and Mincha. Watch your mail for more details. PAGE 9 YOM KIPPUR Friday, October 3 Mincha Service, Erev Yom Kippur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:30 PM Saturday, October 4........................................................................................................8:30 AM Mincha ...........................................................................................................................5:00 PM Neilah .............................................................................................................................6:30 PM Yom Kippur Ends ...........................................................................................................7:16 PM Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth Please pull out this special High Holy Day section ADDITIONAL NOTES FOR CANDLE LIGHTING Candles are to be lit on Thursday evening, after 7:31 p.m. from an existing flame. The Yom Tov blessing for the candles is recited. CANDLE LIGHTING FOR ROSH HASHANAH BLESSING OF THE CHILDREN The Eve of Rosh Hashanah is Wednesday, September 24. Candles are to be lit before 6:33 p.m. After striking the match and lighting the wicks, it is customary to move one’s hands in a circular motion three times, as a symbolic invitation of the angels, and then cover one’s eyes while reciting the blessing by heart. The blessing for the candles is followed by the Shehecheyanu blessing. The Hebrew text of both blessings is found in the machzor. Following the blessings, many add their own private mediations for the New Year. Here is a transliteration of the blessings: Prior to the meal it is customary to bless the children: Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam asher kidshanu be-mitzvotav ve-tzivanu le-hadlik ner shel Yom Tov. Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam she-he-che-ya-nu ve-ki-ye-ma-nu ve-hi-gi-anu la-zman ha-zeh Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who has given us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this day. Meditation for the New Year: Yehi ratzon milfanekha, she-tehadesh aleinu shanah tova u-metukah. May it be Your will, that You grant us a beautiful, sweet year. For boys: Yesimha Elohim ke-Efrayim ve-khe-M’nashe May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh. For girls: Yesimeh Elohim ke-Sara Rivka Rachel ve-Leah May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. For all Children: Yevarekhekha Adonai ve-yishmerekha Ya-eir Adonai panav elekha ve-yihunekah Yisa Adonai panav elekha ve-yaseim lekha shalom. May God bless you and watch over you. May God shine His light upon you and be gracious to you. May God lift up His face upon you and grant you peace. KIDDUSH FOR ROSH HASHANAH Kiddush is recited prior to the meal. A Hebrew text and English translation of the Kiddush may be found in the Machzor. Here is a transliteration: Hold the cup of wine and recite: Savri maranan ve-rabanan: Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam borei pri ha-gaften. Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam asher bahar banu mikol am ve-romemanu mi-kol lashon ve-kidshanu be-mitzvotav va-titen lanu Adonai Eloheinu be-ahava et Yom Hazikaron ha-zeh Yom Teruah, mikra kodesh zekher litzi’at mitzrayim ki vanu vaharta ve-otanu kidashta mikol ha-amim Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with the commandments and commanded us to light the candles of the holiday. PAGE 10 HOME RITUALS FOR ROSH HASHANAH AND YOM KIPPUR toa w orthyc ausea ndI s hallpr oceedt oa good,l ongl ifea ndpe ace. She-hecheyanu: For Yom Kippur, light candles on Friday, October 3, before 6:18 p.m. Candle lighting will be available at shul. Use the following blessing: Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam she-he-che-ya-nu ve-ki-ye-ma-nu ve-hi-gi-anu la-zman ha-zeh. Iti sc ustomaryt oe ata na ppropriatem ealf ort hef ast. CANDLE LIGHTING FOR YOM KIPPUR Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam asher kideshanu be-mitzvotav ve-tzvivanu le-hadlik ner shel Yom HaKipurim. HA-MOTZI SHEHECHEYANU is also recited: It is traditional on Rosh Hashanah and throughout the holidays, to eat round shaped challah symbolizing the cycle of the year and the cycle of life. Following the ritual washing of the hands, Netilat Yadayim, Ha-Motzi is recited over the challah. Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam she-he-che-ya-nu ve-ki-ye-ma-nu ve-hi-gi-anu la-zman ha-zeh Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam Ha-motzi lechem min ha-aretz. Blessed are You, Lord our God King of the Universe Who brings forth bread from the earth. It is the custom to dip the challah in honey before eating it. APPLES AND HONEY Among the various food customs of Rosh Hashanah, the most prevalent is dipping apples in honey. Following the motzi, but prior to the formal meal, we distribute wedges of apple and dip them into a bowl of honey. We recite the following: Yehi ratzon milfanekha, Adonai Eloheinu ve-elohei avoteinu she-tehadesh aleinu shanah tova u-metukah. May it be Your will, O Lord our God, and God of our ancestors that you renew for us a year that is good and sweet. TASHLIKH Join in the community Tashlikh service, on Thursday, September 25, at 5:00 p.m. in Donaldson Park. EVE OF YOM KIPPUR Thisi sm ye xchange,t hisi sm ys ubstitute,t hisi sm ye xpiation. Thist zedakahs hallgo Join us Saturday evening, September 20th for our Pre-Yamim Noraim Study: Selichot Program at 10:30 – 11:30 p.m. Selichot Services – 11:30 p.m. Watch for more details! The ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur are commonly known as the Days of Awe or Days of Repentance (Yamim Noraim) This is a time for introspection and a time to re-evaluate ourselves before Yom Kippur. Come join us at 5 p.m. on Saturday, September 27th (Shabbat Shuvah) in the sanctuary for a series of teachings on the subject of Repentance (T’Shuva). Speakers to be announced. Each Speaker will talk for approximately 15-20 minutes on a topic connected to Repentance (T’Shuva). Brief question and answer period to follow. This event is open to the community. PAGE 11 Join us for Mincha at 1:30 p.m. Following mincha (or at any time prior to Yom Kippur) it is customary to perform Kapparot. In our community we symbolically perform this ritual by giving tzedakah. Say the following while holding the tzedakah: *PLEASE NOTE: ERUV TAVSHILIN Is recited prior to Rosh Hashanah and the 1st and last days of Sukkot. Please consult a Siddur for the appropriate blessings. Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth udvarkha emet ve-kayyam la’ad. Barukh ata Adonai Melekh al kol ha’aretz mekadesh Yisrael ve-Yom ha-Zikaron. PAGE 12 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth Todah Rabah! Mark your calendars Ladies! For Sisterhood’s The Scholarship Committee would like to thank Hallie Lerner and Mikaela Zirin for their outstanding talks about their summer programs at the Annual Scholarship Shabbat. Singing in the Sukkah with Sushi, Sake and Snacks A special thank you to all of the parents who contributed to the kiddush. We would also like to thank all those who made contributions to the scholarship fund. Your generosity allows the fund to continue to provide support for the youth of our congregation. – Steve Lerner Monday, October 13 at 7 p.m. in the HPCT-CAE sukkah! YOUR HELP IS NEEDED Sunday, September 21st at 9:30 AM The Temple Sisterhood will be sponsoring the Annual Simchat Torah Luncheon ____________ To Our Temple Family, There truly are no words to express my gratitude for the outpouring of love that we felt when my Dad, Joel Harvey Kabat, passed away. The literally hundreds of visits, cards, letters, donations, meals and more touched us deeply. We all were so appreciative of your love and your care, and the generosity of your time. Your friendship has helped us through this very difficult time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. B’ahavah – Marla and Rich Zirin and Family ____________ We would like to thank everyone at HPCT-CAE for your support and well wishes as we moved to our new home. Special thanks go to those of you who sponsored the paving stone in Sam’s honor. HPCT-CAE was our home for over 20 years, and even though we don’t live in town anymore, the Temple will always be a part of us. We will always be a part of it. We look forward to sharing milestones and experiences with our Temple family for years to come. L’Hitraot – Sam, Sue, Aviva, and Noah Kamens We will be building our sukkah. Rain Date: Sunday, September 28th at the same time. for all the children in our congregation Friday, October 17th HEBREW ULPAN with ILANA ROZETT JOIN OUR HEBREW ULPAN UPDATE YOUR HEBREW SPEAKING AND READING SKILLS We have classes for all level. Come and enjoy speaking and reading Hebrew in a relaxed and fun environment with our teacher, Ilana Rozett. Beginners’ Hebrew: Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. starting October 23 Learn the aleph-bet and basic reading, writing, conversational Hebrew, and simple vocabulary. Intermediate Hebrew: Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. starting October 21 Build vocabulary through conversation, reading and writing supplemented by a simple text and workbook . Advanced Hebrew: Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m. starting October 21 Build your knowledge of Hebrew and focus on comprehension, creative writing and conversation. To register, contact the Temple Office at (732) 545-6482, or e-mail Linda Diamond at [email protected] SEPTEM BER CA LENDAR OF EEVENT VENT SEPTEMBER CALENDAR SUNDAY SU NDAY MONDAY M ONDAY 1 ELULL 6 ELU TUESDAY TUESDAY 2 LABOR LA BOR DDAY AY AY ELULL 7 ELU WEDNESDAY W EDNESDAY 3 ELULL 8 ELU 12 EELUL LUL 8 13 EELUL LUL Sisterhood Sisterhood RRummage ummage CCollection ollection Noon 9 am – 12 Noon High Ho liday LLiturgy iturgy wi bbi High Holiday withth Ra Rabbi Schwartz – 9:30 9:30 am Schwartz New MMember ember BBrunch runch – 10: 30 am New 10:30 Boyy Scouts Bo Scouts – 6:6:30 30 pm 14 LUL 19 EELUL High Holiday withth Ra Rabbi High Ho liday LLiturgy iturgy wi bbi Schwartz – 9:30 9:30 am Schwartz 21 26 EELUL LUL Sukkah Building – 9:30 amm 4 TTISHREI SHRE Sisterhood Si sterhood MMeeting eeting – 7 pm 15 20 EELUL LUL 9 EELUL LUL Sisterhood Sisterhood RRummage ummage CCollection o lle c tio n Noon 9 am – 12 Noon 9 14 EELUL LUL 10 15 EELUL LUL 11 16 EELUL LUL 16 21 EELUL LUL Zumba Zum ba – 7:15 7:15 pm Above Beyond Above & Be yond CCommittee ommittee Meeting Meeting – 8 pm Membership Meeting Membership CCommittee ommittee Me e tin g – 8 pm 22 27 EELUL LUL NOVEMBER/DECEMBER NO MB R D C MB R KKIRUV RU DDEADLINE AD N – 12 NNOON OON 23 28 EELUL LUL Torah on Tuesday – 10:30 amm 5 TTISHREI SHRE 30 6 TTISHREI SHRE Torah on Tuesday – 10:30 amm Fast Begins 5:30 amm Services 8:30 amm and 6:45 pmm Zumba m – 7:15 pmm 17 22 EELUL LUL 5 10 EELUL LUL SATURDAY SAT URDAY 6 11 EELUL LUL PARSHATT KKII TETZ PARSHAT TETZEE Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 221:10-25:19 1:10-25:19 Haftarah Haftarah – Isaiah Isaiah 554:1-10 4:1-10 Torah Torah Study Study GGroup roup – 5 pm Mincha, Mi ncha, SSeudah eudah SShleesheet hleesheet – 6:30 6:30 pm Shabbat En ds – 8:02 8:02 pm Shabbat Ends Sisterhood Si sterhood RRummage ummage Collection Collection 9 am – 12 NNoon oon Kabbalat Shabbat Kabbalat Sh abbat – 7 pm Candle Candle LLighting ighting – 7:04 7:04 pm 12 17 EELUL LUL 13 18 23 EELUL LUL Kabbalat Shabbat Ka bbalat Sh abbat – 7 pm Candle Candle LLighting ighting – 6:52 6:52 pm 19 24 EELUL LUL Sisterhood Book Sisterhood Bo ok DDiscussion iscussion GGroup ro u p (away) (a way) – 7 pm Board Bo ard ooff TTrustees rustees MMeeting eeting – 8 pmm 24 25 29 EELUL LUL EREV ROSHH HA HASHANAH R RO HANAH 5774 TISHREI 1 TI SHRE 20 2 TTISHREI SHRE ROSH HASHANAH DAY RO H HA HANAH FIRST R DA A Services – 8:30 amm Tashlikh – 5 pmm Mincha – 6:30 pmm M C Candle Lighting fromm pre-existing flame m – after 7:31 pmm ROSHH HA HASHANAH DAY RO HANAH SECOND COND DA Services – 8:30 amm Mincha – 6:30 pmm M Candle Lighting fromm C pre-existing flame m – before 6:30 pmm CELEBRATE CE LEBRATE YYOUR OUR SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER SEPT EMBERR OCTOBER MILESTONE M LESTONE WITH W TH OUR OUR TEMPLE TEMPLE FAMILY FA M LY TH ON SEPT SEPTEMBER EMBER 20 . The cost o is just u $36. $36 Ca Call the he TTemple emp e OOfficee (732-545-6482) 732 545 6482 for o de details. as 25 EELUL LUL INSTALLATION N A A ON SHABBAT HABBA – MILESTONE M ON KIDDUSH K DDU H SELIHOT HO PARSHAT AR HA NNITZAVIM-VAYELEKH A M A KH Deuteronomy Haftarah Isaiah 61:10-63:9 D m 29:9-31:30 H Torah Study Group G – 4:30 pmm Mincha, Seudah Shleesheet – 6 pmm Shabbat Ends – 7:39 pmm M Selichot – 10 pmm Kabbalat Shabbat – 6:45 pmm Candle Lighting – 6:41 pmm C 26 18 EELUL LUL PA RSHAT KKII TAV VO PARSHAT TAVO Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 226:1-29-8 6:1-29-8 Haftarah Ha ftarah – IsIsaiah aiah 660:1-22 0:1-22 Torah Torah Study Study GGroup roup – 5 pm Mincha, Mi ncha, SSeudah eudah SShleesheet hleesheet – 6:30 6:30 pm Shabbat Ends Shabbat En ds – 7:51 7:51 pm Jewish Je wish HHistorical istorical SSociety ociety PProgram ro g ra m – 10:30 10:30 am Evening Service – 6:30 pmm Candle Lighting – before 6:33 pmm C Zumba m – 7:15 pmm 29 Executive Board Executive Bo ard MMeeting eeting – 8 pm Men’s Meeting Me n’s CClub lub BBoard oard Me eting – 8 pm Torah Tuesday 10:30 Torah on Tues day – 10: 30 am TZOM OM GEDALIAH G DA AH Fast Ends 7:15 pmm 4 FFRIDAY RIDAY Torah Tuesday 10:30 Torah on Tues day – 10: 30 am Boy Scouts – 6:30 pmm 28 TTHURSDAY HURSDAY Torah on Tues day – 10: 30 am Torah Tuesday 10:30 TEMPLE TEMPLE OFFICE OFFICE CLOSED CLOSED 7 EL UL 55774 774 – TI SHREI 55775 775 ELUL TISHREI 27 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth 2014 3 TTISHREI SHRE SHABBAT HABBA SHUVA HU A PARSHAT AR HA HHA’AZINU A A NU DDeuteronomy m 32:1-52 Haftarah – HHosea 14:2-10; MMicah 7:18-20; Joel 2:15-27 H DAYS OOF AWE DA AW PROGRAM ROGRAM – 5 pm m MMincha, Seudah Shleesheet – 6 pmm Shabbat Ends – 7:27 pmm Important mpo an KKiruv uv D Deadline ead ne Information n o ma on The dead deadline ne for o the he N November/December o embe De embe issue ue oof the he KKiruv u w will bbee Mo Monday, nday September Sep embe 22 22 aat noon. noon PPlease ea e leave ea e your ou aarticles e inn the he KKiruv u box bo inn the he Tem Temple peO Officee oor email ema your ou aarticles e too [email protected]. pu @hp ae o g Sisterhood Board MMeeting – 7 pmm PAGE 13 SCHEDULE OFF SERVICES SCHEDULE O SERV CES WE EKDAY M NYAN 6 45 A M 7:30 7 30 PM SH ABBAT M ORN NG 8 45 AM AM SU NDAYS AN D LLABOR ABOR D AY 8 30 A M 77:30 30 PPM M SSHABBAT HABBAT YYOUTH OUTH SSERVICES...10:30 ERV CES 10 30 A M WEEKDAY MINYAN...6:45 AM, SHABBAT MORNING...8:45 SUNDAYS AND DAY...8:30 AM, AM SOUTH OFF MO MORNING SERVICES: MONDAY, AM AM SO UTH RIVER R VER SCHEDULE SCHEDULE O RN NG SER V CES M ONDAY TTHURSDAY!6:50 HURSDAY!6 50 A M TUESDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY FRIDAY!7 FR DAY!7 AM AM SUNDAYS!8 SUNDAY S! 8 A M OCTOBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 7 TISHREI TISHREI – CHESHVAN 5775 THURSDAY 2 FRIDAY 8 TISHREI 3 SATURDAY 9 TISHREI 4 10 TISHREI YOM KIPPUR - YISKOR Leviticus 16:1-16:34 & Numbers 29:7-29:11 Haftarah – Isaiah 57:14-58:14 EREV YOM KIPPUR Mincha – 1:30 pm BREAK FREE YOM KIPPUR AFTERNOON Mincha - 5 pm Neliah – 6:30 pm Yom Kippur Ends – 7:16 pm Kol Nidre – 6:15 pm Candle Lighting before – 6:18 pm 5 11 TISHREI 6 12 TISHREI 7 13 TISHREI 8 Torah on Tuesday – 10:30 am 14 TISHREI 9 15 TISHREI EREV SUKKOT 10 16 TISHREI 11 Zumba – 7:15 pm Boy Scouts – 6:30 pm 12 18 TISHREI INTERMEDIARY DAY OF SUKKOT 19 25 TISHREI 19 TISHREI INTERMEDIARY DAY OF SUKKOT Hebrew High in the Sukkah – 5:30 pm Sisterhood Program – 7 pm 20 26 TISHREI Take Down Sukkah – 9 am Talmud Class – 9:30 am Boy Scouts – 6:30 pm 26 2 CHESHVAN Temple Board of Trustees Retreat – 9:30 am Talmud Class – 9:30 am m 14 20 TISHREI 15 IN T E R M E D IA R Y D A Y O F SUKKOT HOSHANAH RABBAH Torah on Tuesday – 10:30 am 21 27 TISHREI Torah on Tuesday – 10 21 TISHREI Morning Service – 6:45 am Candle Lighting before – 5:59 pm Evening Service – 6 pm 22 m 28 TISHREI 16 22 TISHREI 17 23 TISHREI S H E M IN I A T Z E R E T Services – 8:45 am Yiskor Recited Mincha – 5:45 pm Children’s Service – 6 pm Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame after – 6:57 pm Simchat Torah Celebration – 7 pm Services – 8:45 am Children’s Luncheon after Services. Mincha followed by Services for the Eve of Shabbat – 6 pm Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame before – 5:56 pm 23 24 29 TISHREI 18 24 TISHREI SHABBAT MEVAREKHIM P A R S H A T B E R E IS H IT Genesis 1:1-6:8 Haftarah – Isaiah 42:5-43:10 Torah Study Group – 4:15 pm Mincha, Seudah Shleesheet – 5:30 pm Shabbat Ends – 6:55 pm SIMCHAT TORAH 30 TISHREI 25 1 CHESHVAN ROSH CHODESH G w H m Zumba – 7:15 pm Membership Committee Meeting – 8 pm 27 3 CHESHVAN Rabbi’s Class – 12:15 pm Heb w High 5 30 m m m C N m Intermediate Hebrew Class Advanced Hebrew Class 28 m m 4 CHESHVAN Torah on Tuesday – 10 Si t hood B d M ti m H wC H wC M H wC C w M 29 5 CHESHVAN 30 m m m 6 CHESHVAN M RO H CHOD H m C 31 m m M PA RSHA T HA YEI SA RA H H M w m M R D G m m 7 CHESHVAN m m m m H C R wC w C mm M m m m C m m SCHEDULE OF SERV CES WEEKDAY M NYAN 6 45 AM 7 30 PM SHABBAT MORN NG 8 45 AM SUNDAYS 8 30 AM 7 30 PM SHABBAT YOUTH SERV CES 10 30 AM SOUTH R VER SCHEDULE OF MORN NG SERV CES MONDAY THURSDAY 6 50 AM TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FR DAY 7 AM SUNDAYS 8 AM m Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth Men’s Club Steak & Scotch – 6 pm Boy Scouts – 6:30 pm 13 Men’s Club Board Meeting – 8 pm Services 8:45 am and 6 pm Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame before – 6:07 pm Services 8:45 am and 6 pm Candle Lighting from Pre-existing flame after 7:07 pm 17 TISHREI SHABBAT HOL HA-MO’ED SUKKOT PA RSHA T Shemot 33:12-34:26 Bemidbar 29:17-22 Haftarah – Yeheztzel 38:18-39:16 Torah Study Group – 4:45 pm Mincha, Seudah Shleesheet – 6 pm Shabbat Ends – 7:05 pm SUKKOT – FIRST DAY SUKKOT – SECOND DAY Evening Service – 6 pm Candle Lighting before – 6:10 pm PAGE 14 2014 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth hats and marched proudly in the Hat Parade. At the Rainbow Party, the whole school participated in a colorful bean bag toss, rainbow obstacle course, parachute play, rainbow tattoos, and rainbow ball pit. They also painted a giant rainbow mural and ate a variety of fruits representing all the colors of the rainbow. We completed another awesome Summer at Above and Beyond, where it seemed like every day was a special event! Highlights included Crazy Hat Day and a Rainbow Party. On Crazy Hat Day, the children wore their finest, funniest We celebrated the first phase of work starting on our playground. The children enjoyed a unique learning experience as they watched the bulldozers doing their work, demolishing, digging and cleaning. They joined in the “work” wearing their own hard hats like the rest of the crew, and recreated the experience in their classrooms at the sand tables doing the PAGE 15 demolition with toy steamrollers, dump trucks and bulldozers. We look forward to the new school year starting in the fall, where we will now have three preschool classrooms on the second floor to accommodate our growing center. We also plan to begin a new cooking class in addition to the other extra-curricular enrichment experiences for our children. Best wishes for a very sweet New Year from everyone at Above & Beyond! PAGE 16 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth Welcome New Members Get Healthy and Fit with Sisterhood Amy Winn-Dworkin and Benjamin Dworkin join us with their daughters, Miranda age 8 and their twin babies Samantha and Emily. Benjamin is a professor at Rider University and Amy is in fundraising development. They reside in East Brunswick. Susan and Irv Kobren are both retired and reside in Green Brook, NJ. They will be moving to Somerset in the near future. Rachel and Konrad Konik recently moved into Highland Park from Brooklyn. Konrad is in real estate and Rachel is a student. They have one daughter, Keira, who attends our Above and Beyond Daycare. Rachel’s parents are our members Randy and Carl Levy. Miriam and Richard Spector reside in North Brunswick. Miriam is a teacher and Rich owns his own landscaping business. Rich’s parents are our members Arlene and Samuel Spector. Zumba Instructor is Andrea Orlando Classes start on Monday, September 15 at 7:15 p.m. SAVE THE DATE! 8th Annual Dr. Julius and Ethel Mintz Scholar-in-Residence Shabbaton Friday, December 5th – Shabbat, December 6th Guest Speaker - Rabbi Ethan Tucker Watch your mail for more information! Yahrzeits (If you are not already receiving notification about a yahrzeit, and would like to, please contact the Temple Office.) MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Sandra Berkowitz, Hartley Shein, Marshall Sorkin, Ira Susswein, Edward Ehrlich, Saul Karp, Meyer Trachtenberg, Neil Weiss, Benjamin Kranz, Louis Pritz, Frances Schocket, Samuel Stein, Julius Miller, Louis Rapaport, Anna Shragowitz, Celia Pomper, David Rutman, Marilyn Epstein, Albina Hand, Abraham Sonberg, Edith Digiesi, Lauryann Friedman, Sam Kobren, Harold Mandel, Harry Belgrad, Sylvia Bergstein, Milton Paige, Alex Sandler, Sidney Schiffman, Elka Cohen, Linda Cerboni, Esther Laibowitz, Ronald Levy, Hyman Pell, Louis Robins, Elyse Cohen, Benjamin Dwin, Ethel Epstein, Harold Hershkowitz, Laszlo Kemeny, Roberta Kirsch, Harry Kroll, Harold Tamaroff, Florence Becker, Lillian Dubinsky, Fred Frant, Louis Glasser, Goldie Granich, Ruth Rothschild, Jesse Politziner, Szerena Solowitz, Simon Cohen, Susan Cutler, Sidney Kirsch, Louis Mondschein, Dora Susswein, Katie Zamost, Adolph Cabot, Miriam Falk, Natalie Federman, Jacob Holdowsky, Harry Kaplan, Israel Spector, Yetta Gottlieb, Bessie Greenberg, Faye Klein, Edward Ross, Celia Smilowitz, Mates Stahl, William Zack, Morris Zimmerman, Zacai Moyal, Nathan Sharff, Louis Fox, Eva Hinden, Elsie Lieberman, Celia Schneiderman, Rose Morgan, Rose Narod, Sharon Zimmerberg, William Berman, Edith Levine, Alex Rimmer, Bebe Rudkin, Dorothy Schiff, Ethel Tamaroff, Eric Frisch, Felix Goldsmith, Steven Gordon, Louis Lieberman, Lillian Goldsmith, Max Nissenbaum, Dean Swan, Shirley Langer, Uri Ronnen, Fae Sadowsky, David Pleet, Lena Shapiro, Edward Ehrlich, William Metz, Joseph Sathan, Walter Fessler, Reuben Silver, Ruth Cohen, Clara Kimel, Arnold Santoro MONTH OF OCTOBER Nisel Baron, Irving Belsky, William Feldman, Jean Schafrank, Sidney Beck, Frances Deutsch, David Katz, Wilford Ratzan, Evelyn Shaffer, Chaim Stollman, Julie Swan, Frederick Korff, Beatrice Raab, Shmuel Frand, Karl Rebarber, Miriam Angiel, Vita Pritz, Faye Rosen, Rena Schifman, Sylvia Weinstein, Harriet Guttenplan, Samuel Rosalsky, Jane Beck, Beatrice Flagler, Barney Nusbaum, Rose Robinson, Morris Schall, Sophie Breslin, Joseph Lieberman, Percy Ratet, Aaron Beck, Elaine Guth, George Goldsmith, Kenneth Rozett, Edith Saks, Samuel Samuels, Pearl Baron, Minnie Fuchs, Theodor Geffner, Helen Lipow, Arnold Miller, Mildred Urbach, Nathan Mandel, Joseph Selden, Bernard Chabner, Richard Geller, George Gens, Irene Kaufman, Emil Rabinowitz, David Schwartzman, Samuel Hoffman, Esther Susser, Adam Kondioti, Seymour Lobel, Rita Manheim, Solomon Mitnick, Harry Rosenbloom, Jacob Sulzberg, Jay Chernow, Julius Levine, Bertha Olitzky, Jacob Reiser, Elias Kushnick, Bruce Ross, Reuben Oshinsky, Elvin Fineberg, Daniel Lubeck, Jacob Solomon, Schulim Trattner, Lena Goodman, Jean Thomas, Leslie Cohen, Nathan Berman, Esther Horwitz, Jonathan Kallman, Alvin Rockoff, Leila Bussell, Miriam Davis, Theodore Langer, Mae Tucker, Yetta Sadof, Ruth Selden, William Rosen, Libby Sadwith, Marcia Spears, Julius Rosenthal, Sam Solomon, Marcus Beymann, Ceil Lakind, Dorothy Engelhardt, Rose Ginzler, Irene Grossman, Lester Grossman, Herbert Halper, Abraham Kraut, Bela Lichtman, Fannie Ratet, Miriam Rebhuhn, Fannie Stein, Hermann Bamberger, Lillian Gushin, Ivy Kelson, Samuel Kronman, Sheldon Lasher, Herman Rabinowitz, Lawrence Robinson Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PAGE 17 We Gratefully Acknowledge and thank the following generous contributors to our funds AJA Elly Ehrlich in memory of Joel Kabat. Elly Ehrlich in honor of the birth of Maya Avery Tarplin. Elly Ehrlich in memory of Irving Bloom. Elly Ehrlich in memory of Carl Kitroser. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FUND Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Julia Stahl. Cathy and Ira Cohen in honor of the graduation of Chazan Randall Levin from Cantorial School. Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of the retirement of Joan Mitnick. Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of the special birthday of Linda Diamond. Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of the special birthday of Barbara Parkoff. Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of the college graduation of Tim Kurucz. Andrea Seader in honor of the anniversary of the Bar Mitzvah of Leonard Seader. Stephen Klein in memory of Sanders Klein. Murray Sternberg in memory of Myra and David Sternberg. Bonnie and Sheldon Freidenreich in memory of Louis Zagorin. Victoria Zagorin in memory of Louis Zagorin. Cantor Mike and Lisa Weis in memory of Rabbi Yakov Hilsenrath. Cantor Mike and Lisa Weis in memory of Dr. Eva Stahl. Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Diane and Barnett Hoffman. Mimi and Hal Weitzman in honor of Leslie Fishbein and Zoltan Kemeny. Teri and Richard Beck in memory of Ruth Bishop. Lynette and Len Seader in honor of the birth of Austin Pierce Epstein. Lynette and Len Seader in honor of the birth of Remy Brandon Fischer. Barbara and Pete Schild in honor of the birth of Austin Pierce Epstein. Barbara and Pete Schild in memory of Arthur Wexlin. Barbara and Pete Schild in memory of Joel Kabat. Barbara and Pete Schild in honor of the graduation of Naama Malomet. Barbara and Pete Schild in memory of Hilda Mester. Elaine Rand Fromkin in memory of her father, Julius Rand. Joe Tabak and family in honor of Gayle Brill Mittler being appointed Mayor of Highland Park. Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of Gayle Brill Mittler being appointed Mayor of Highland Park. Elaine Rand Fromkin wishing a speedy and complete recovery to Linda Diamond. Joe Tabak in honor of the special wedding anniversary of Harriet and Alan Gordon. Joe Tabak in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Diane and Barnett Hoffman. Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the high school graduation of Naama Malomet. Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the special wedding anniversary of Harriet and Alan Gordon. Diane and Barnett Hoffman in honor of the special birthday of Brenda Tanzman. Seth S. Gross in memory of Jack I. Gross. Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of Gayle Brill Mittler being appointed Mayor of Highland Park. Barbara and Pete Schild in memory of Joseph Manheim. Suzy Levin in memory of Rose Silverman, Wilbur Silverman, Buzzy Levin and Carol Levin. Lynn and Barry Sherman in honor of the birth of Joey Freidenreich. Lynn and Barry Sherman in honor of the special birthday of Brenda Tanzman. Lynn and Barry Sherman in honor of the special birthday of Stu Feinblatt. Barbara and Arthur Cohen in memory of Hilda Mester. Barbara and Arthur Cohen in memory of Lee Cantor. Barbara and Arthur Cohen in honor of the birth of Joey Freidenreich. Suzy Levin in memory of Lee Cantor. Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the birth of Joey Freidenreich. Joan and Stuart Mitnick in memory of Lee Cantor. Joan and Stuart Mitnick in memory of David Thaler. Paula and Aaron Kondioti in honor of the birth of Joey Freidenreich. Paula and Aaron Kondioti in memory of Joel Kabat. Leslie Fishbein and Zoltan Kemeny in memory of Max Schoeffler. Fredric and Mary Gushin in memory of Jack Gushin. Barbara and Pete Schild in memory of Frieda Rockoff. Linda and Irwin Katz in memory of Silva Braun. Rabbi Kerry and Sheryl Olitzky in memory of David Olitzky. Rabbi Kerry and Sheryl Olitzky in memory of Abraham Olitzky. Linda and Al Tondow in honor of the birth of Joey Freidenreich. Linda and Al Tondow in honor of the birth of Max Caleb Diamond. Tillie Pass in memory of Leonard Pass. Barbara Parkoff in memory of Abraham Weinstein and Rose Perlmutter Weinstein. Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the engagement of Eric Seader and Ann Fabrikant. Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the birth of Austin Pierce Epstein. Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the birth of the granddaughter of Toby and Martin Sukinik. Renée and Stuart Feinblatt and family in honor of the birth of Max Caleb Diamond. Renée and Stuart Feinblatt and family in honor of the birth of Joey Freidenreich. Renée and Stuart Feinblatt and family in honor of the birth of William Harris Yudkoff. Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of the marriage of Seth Guttenplan and Haley Longman. Roberta and Paul Solomon Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Nona and Gary Schwartz. Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the marriage of Seth Guttenplan and Haley Longman. Lynette and Len Seader in honor of the marriage of Sam Knee and Ilana Visotzky. Lynette and Len Seader wishing Arlene Wasserman a speedy and complete recovery. Stephanie Dickstein and Marc Weinstein in honor of the wedding anniversary of Mindy and Marty Golden. Barbara and Pete Schild in honor of the marriage of Seth Guttenplan and Haley Longman. Barbara and Pete Schild in honor of the birth of Matthew Ryan Morgan. ENDOWMENT FUND Stephen Klein in memory of Sadie Klein. Sara and Jay Culang in memory of Harry Culang and Lewis Gordonson. Gertrude Gerr in memory of her husband, Lester. Doris Frisch in memory of Phil Frisch. Irma Rockoff in memory of Rose Avroch. Steven Tamaroff in memory of Jacob Tamaroff. Esther and Larry Goldberg in memory of Violet Schneider. Irma Rockoff in memory of Lee Cantor. Frima and Larry Hofrichter in memory of Ethel Hofrichter. Irma Rockoff in memory of Frieda Rockoff. Frima and Larry Hofrichter in memory of Norman Hofrichter. Irma Rockoff in memory of Louis Rockoff. Harriet and Marv Goodman in memory of Abe Fessler. MEALS FUND Sandy and Stanley Ravens wishing Bertha Grodstein a refuah shelemah. Carolyn and Robert Metz in memory of Gertrude Siegel. Carolyn and Robert Metz wishing Ray Sabin a refuah shelemah. Evelyn and George Lander in honor of the graduation of Katie Salmon. Evelyn and George Lander in honor of the graduation of Gaby Marantz. Elaine Grundt in memory of her son, Michael L. Grundt. Rachel Modiano and Jonathan Ehrlich in memory of Jason Grzesh. Rachel Modiano and Jonathan Ehrlich in honor of the birth of Ella Skye Merkel. PAGE 18 Lew Bloom in honor of our Chessed Outreach Committee and the great work they do. Nanette and David Cohen Ellen and Maurice Elias in memory of Agnes Elias. Sandy and Carlos Katz in memory of Martha Katz. Suzy Levin in memory of Hilda Mester. Diane and Powell Saks in memory of Harriet Saks. Diane and Powell Saks in memory of Joseph Manheim. Sima Schall and family in memory of Ida Gros. Linda and Phil Schmidt in memory of Joseph Manheim. Sue and Sam Kamens in memory of Max Schoeffler. George Lander in memory of Harry Lander. Rita and David Paszamant in memory of Nathan Paszamant. Freda and Ed Cohen in honor of the 60th wedding anniversary of Dr. Max and Honey Wisotsky. Lil Prince in memory of her twin brother, Lee Cantor. Randy and Carl Levy in memory of Max Schoeffler. Howard Sorkin in memory of Esther Sorkin. Freda and Ed Cohen in honor of the birth of Max Caleb Diamond. Freda and Ed Cohen in honor of Devorah Hilsenrath being honored by Hadassah. Arlene and Stanley Ferman in memory of Howard Paige. Freda and Ed Cohen in honor of Allison Guttenplan passing her CPA boards. Fred Shaffer and family in memory of Arthur J. Entis and David Evan Shaffer. Carol (nee Dakelman) and Gerald Halpern in memory of Mrs. Ida Dakelman. Michael Kaplan in memory of Fela Kaplan. Alfred Bloch in memory of Mathilde Bloch. GENERAL DONATIONS Gail Fox in honor of Nathan Fox. Ruth-Ann and Harold Gerr in memory of Rabbi Yakov Hilsenrath. Irwin (Goldstein) Martin and family in memory of Rabbi Yakov Hilsenrath. Lois Fields St. Lifer in memory of Rabbi Yakov Hilsenrath. Nadine Goldman and Ari Klein in memory of Jason Grzesh. Michele and Joel Bassoff in honor of the graduations of Miriam Langer and LeeAnn Langer. Myra and Marvin Marantz SCHOLARSHIP FUND Dayahn and Harvey Klee in memory of Joseph Klee. Lisa and Jeffrey Marder in memory of Ruth Lax. Muriel Levine in honor of the graduation from college of the grandchildren of Anne Glatt. Beatrice Beck in memory of William Beck. Susan and Mark Winter in memory of Manuel Schwartz. Bea Beck in memory of Ruth Bishop. Jerrold Trub in memory of Rose Trub. Hannah and Michael Hofrichter in memory of Rabbi Yakov Hilsenrath. Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth Judith Harrison and Stephan Gross in memory of Rabbi Yakov Hilsenrath. Anne and Allan Greenberg in memory of Joel Kabat. Fred Shaffer and family in memory of Devin S. Shaffer. Judy and Steve Lerner in memory of Joel Kabat. Gail and Mervin Kroop in memory of Joel Kabat. Linda and Al Tondow in memory of Joel Kabat. Marilyn and Phil Rabinowitz in memory of Joel Kabat. Pauline and Jerry Gellerstein in memory of Max Greschler. Ellen and Maurice Elias in honor of Marilyn Rabinowitz receiving the MCC Award for Outstanding Service. Ellen and Maurice Elias in honor of the investiture of Cantor Levin. Ellen and Maurice Elias in honor of the birth of Jonah Forrest Pruce. Ellen and Maurice Elias in honor of the graduation of Naama Malomet. Ellen and Maurice Elias in honor of the graduation of Alina Bayer. Ellen and Maurice Elias in honor of the graduation of Sam Trub. Phyllis Novick and Murray Sternberg in honor of the graduation from medical school of Miriam Langer. Phyllis Novick and Murray Sternberg in honor of the college graduation of Lee Ann Langer. Pauline and Jerome Gellerstein in memory of Bella Gellerstein. Stanley and Arlene Ferman in memory of Jacob Lieberman. Ted Sulzberg in memory of Nettie Sulzberg. Ellen and Maurice Elias in memory of Bernie Novick. Marilyn and Lawrence Lerner in memory of Lee Cantor. Martha Moskowitz in memory of Anne Harris. Cathy, Ira, Ben and Andrew Cohen in memory of William Levine. Theodore Choplick in memory of William Choplick. Lauren and Peter Gellman in memory of Max Schoeffler. Henner/Marantz Family in honor of the special birthday of Stu Feinblatt. Marilyn and Lawrence Lerner wishing Barry Fink a speedy and complete recovery. Faith Rost and family in memory of David Halper. Linda and Ted Choplick in memory of Max Schoeffler. Rosalyn Shifrin in memory of her mother, Marion Davis. Mark and Susan Winter in memory of Charles Winter. Lisa and Jeff Marder in memory of Stuart Marder. Irma Rockoff in memory of Paul Libby. Sarra Genchik in memory of her husband, Mordkah Genchik. Fred Shaffer and family in memory of Arthur J. Entis and David Evan Shaffer. Anne and Allan Greenberg in memory of Nat Greenberg. Nina Taft in memory of Myra Rosen. TZEDAKAH FUND Lewis D. Fishberg in memory of Jacob J. Fishberg. Lenore Feldman in memory of Ruth Berman. Nona and Gary Schwartz in memory of Freda Levine. Linda and Barry Diamond in honor of Lila Frost receiving the HPCT-CAE Sisterhood Neshama Award. Linda and Barry Diamond in honor of Marlene Herman receiving the HPCT-CAE Sisterhood Woman of Torah Award. Anne Glatt in honor of Lila Frost receiving the HPCT-CAE Sisterhood Neshama Award Sybil and Arthur Levine in memory of their son, Jason. Harold Mondschein in memory of Bessie Mondschein. Theodore Choplick in memory of Mollie Choplick. Fred Shaffer and family in memory of Rose C. Entis. Lewis D. Fishberg in memory of Lee M. Fishberg. Lola Kamp in memory of Regina McDermott. Nona and Gary Schwartz in memory of Abe S. Schwartz. Roberta and Larry Fachler, Ellen and Sheldon Gasior and Carol and Howard Shapiro wishing a refuah shelemah to Ray Sabin. Beverly Teich in memory of her father, Isidore Rems. David Ehrenfeld in memory of Joan Ehrenfeld. Judy Storch in memory of Avrom Storch. Ethel Rimmer in memory of Judy Schuman. Jocelyn Berman in memory of Samuel Cohen. Arlene and Mitchell Frumkin in memory of Bernard Diamond. Harold H. Kaplan in memory of Beatrice Tabak. Nathan Zankel in memory of Samuel Zankel. Ruth-Ann and Harold Gerr in memory of Lester Gerr. Susan and Mark Lubeck in memory of Sylvia Lubeck. Esther and Larry Goldberg in memory of Rabbi Yakov Hilsenrath. Robin and Bob Rabinowitz in memory of Rabbi Yakov Hilsenrath. Pam Dorman and Jerry Langer in memory of Jason Grzesh. Zach Pyle in memory of Jason Grzesh. Nancy Amerson in honor of Lila Frost on the occasion of receiving the honors she so richly earned. Tamara S. Guberman in memory of her mother, Sylvia A. Sherman. Barbara and Kenneth Daniels in memory of Charles Daniels. Richard Schatzman and Debra Sue Pawa in memory of Frank D. Schatzman. Esther and Ray Sabin in honor of the birth of Austin Pierce Epstein. Joseph Tabak in memory of Beatrice Tabak. Karen and Lee Ratzan, Sondra Teichman and Frank Ballerini in memory of Vera Katz. Rosengarten Family in memory of Sonia Abrams. Marge and Al Sandler in memory of Dorothy Sandler. Sandy and Carlos Katz in memory of Manfred Katz. Anne Glatt in memory of Moishe Glatt. Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth Elihu Rubenstein in memory of Robert Rubenstein. Anne Glatt in honor of Gayle Brill Mittler being appointed Mayor of Highland Park. Harold H. Kaplan in memory of Doris Maged. Lola Kamp in memory of Michael Fuchs. Helen Solomon and family in memory of Laura Mandel. Susan and Michael Karpoff in honor of the special birthday of Eugenia Rothstein. Sandy and Stanley Ravens wishing Linda Diamond a refuah shelemah. Sandy and Stanley Ravens in honor of Gayle Brill Mittler Nathan Hindes in memory of Rose Hindes. Yakov Epstein in memory of his father, Henry Epstein. Jean Gordon in memory of Samuel Gordon. Phyllis Novick in memory of Dr. Bernard Novick. Gerald Pomper in memory of Marlene M. Pomper. Esther and Ray Sabin in memory of Joseph Manheim. Lewis Bloom in memory of his sister, Rose Bloom. Eileen Chernow in memory of Jay Chernow. Marla Pastner in memory of Harriet Saks. Rabbi Sylvan and Rhoda Kamens in memory of Joel Kabat. Linda and Phil Schmidt in memory of Joseph B. Rothenberg. The Kondioti Family in memory of Annette Hortz, Mollie Edelstein and Joseph Edelstein. Debbie Dobin Gerber in memory of Charlotte Dobin. Lynn Montefusco in memory of Jack Gushin. Harriet and Marv Goodman in memory of Adele Fessler. Harriet and Marv Goodman in memory of Nathan Goodman. Dorothy Weiss in memory of Eva Berkowitz. Bonnie and Sheldon Freidenreich in honor of the special birthday of Stu Feinblatt. Bonnie and Sheldon Freidenreich in memory of Max Schoeffler. Ruth Rockoff in memory of Julia Feld. Sandy and Stan Ravens in memory of Sarah Ravens. Nathan Hindes in memory of William Hindes. Sue and Brian Kheel in memory of Shirley Fox. Carolyn and Robert Metz in memory of Lee Cantor. Carolyn and Robert Metz in honor of the birth of Joey Freidenreich. Ruth Halper in memory of David Halper. William Gorelick in memory of Judith Gorelick. Teri and Richard Beck in memory of William Beck. Buena Rosenbloom in memory of Rae Rosenbloom. Ted Stahl in memory of Max Schoeffler. Arlene and Stanley Ferman in memory of Eva Perelstein. Linda and Phil Schmidt in memory of Rose Schoenfeld. Linda and Phil Schmidt in memory of Arthur Wexlin. Linda and Phil Schmidt in memory of Joel Kabat. Linda and Phil Schmidt in memory of Jason Grzesh. Linda and Phil Schmidt in memory of Joseph Manheim. Phyllis Novick in memory of her father, Herman Thomas. Suanne Rosen in memory of Helen and Frank Rosen. Arlene and Stanley Ferman in memory of Jennie Lieberman. Phyllis Novick in memory of her brother, Harold Thomas. Ellen and Maurice Elias in memory of Sol Elias. Jean Gordon in memory of Pauline Potsheba. Anne Glatt in honor of the marriage of Seth Guttenplan and Haley Longman. Mel Rimmer in memory of Sylvia Rimmer. Deborah Rebhuhn in memory of Wolf Rebhuhn. Dorothy Weiss in memory of Samuel Berkowitz. Ann Salzberg in memory of Sylvia Politziner. Diane and Barnett Hoffman in memory of Elaine Greene. Bernice Bernstein in honor of the 90th birthdays of both Sybil and Arthur Levine. Stanley Friedberg in memory of Frances Frank. Lila and Alfred Schwartz in memory of Ida R. Sarett. LEONARD SCHENERMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Gloria Schwartz in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Diane and Barnett Hoffman. Arlene Schenerman in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Diane and Barnett Hoffman. Arlene Schenerman in memory of the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Szyalo. Arlene Schenerman in honor of the wedding anniversary of Jill and Scott Luxenberg. Arlene Schenerman in honor of the wedding anniversary of Brad and Shari Schenerman. Arlene Schenerman wishing Joan Krengel a speedy and complete recovery. Gloria Schwartz in honor of her wonderful neighbor, Hazel Rabinowitz. Arlene Schenerman in memory of Lee Cantor. Arlene Schenerman in honor of the marriage of Seth Guttenplan and Haley Longman. Arlene Schenerman in memory of Len Schenerman. PAGE 19 HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL FUND Shari and David Seltzer wishing Cindy PatrychBrotman a speedy and complete recovery. EDYTHE SCHRIER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Anita Schrier and family in memory of Bea Schrier. ANDREW GROSS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the special birthday of Stu Feinblatt. Renée and Stuart Feinblatt and family in memory of Selma Feinblatt. Sambra Bernstein in honor of Renée and Stuart Feinblatt’s 60th years; and in honor of Sandor and Suzanne Gross’ grandchildren and Andrew Gross’ nephews, Max and Aaron Feinblatt and Adam Gross. CURT AND ALICE BAMBERGER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Julia Stahl. Linda and Phil Schmidt wishing continued good health to Raymond Sasson. Ted Stahl in memory of Alice Bamberger. Ted Stahl in memory of Rose Bamberger. NORMAN SHIFFMAN MUSIC FUND Debra Rosichan in memory of Norman Shiffman. TALMADGE-KHEEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Sue and Brian Kheel in memory of Rose Kheel. MILTON AND FRIEDA FRANT HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL EDUCATION FUND Milton Frant in memory of his sister, Elaine Bronet. Bernice Bernstein in memory of Blanche Frant. Bernice Bernstein in memory of Jill Bernstein Welsh. Milton Frant in memory of his father, Chaskel Frand. Milton Frant in memory of his his wife, Frieda Mozeico Frant. Milton Frant in memory of his mother, Tillie Aaron Frand. Milton Frant in memory of his brother, Jacob Frant. HILTON NELSON PASSOVER FUND Ina Nelson in memory of Frances Rubin and Morris Lichtenstein. DR. PAUL AND MELITTA MITTLER SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Mittler Family in memory of Dr. Paul Mittler. CONTRIBUTIONS MAY BE DIRECTED TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING FUNDS Capital Campaign: Provides funds for the rebuilding of the Temple building. Meals Fund: Provides meals for Temple families for Shiva and stressful times. Tzedakah Fund: Provides financial support to individuals in need. Scholarship Fund: Provides funds for young people to participate in Jewish educational programs. Religious Articles Fund: Provides funds for prayer books and other religious articles. Endowment Fund: Provides funds for the Temple’s future growth and development. USALEM JER AC CO UD FOR IES AN Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth Y EM AD AME RI C PAGE 20 ST Our Adult Committee has put together another exciting program of classes, lectures and Shabbatons for next season. Save these T E Education IC MP DA RY J U dates andO R Aplan to attend. N Regular Programs and Classes • Pre-Yamim Noraim Study: Selichot Program Saturday Evening, September 20 - Rabbi Malomet • Dr. Julius and Ethel Mintz Scholar-in-Residence Shabbaton: Friday-Saturday, December 5 & 6: Rabbi Ethan Tucker. Topic to be announced. • Sandor and Suzanne Gross Memorial Cantorial Shabbaton: Friday-Saturday, February 20 & 21. Guest chazzan to be announced. • CAE Legacy Shabbaton: Friday and Saturday, April 24 & 25. Topic and speaker to be announced. • Hebrew Ulpan: Beginner’s Thursday at 8 p.m.; Intermediate, Tuesdays at 7 p.m.; Advanced, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Starts Tuesday, October 21 and Thursday, October 23. • Torah on Mondays with Rabbi Malomet: Mondays at 12:30 p.m. Starts October 27. • Torah on Tuesdays with Rabbi Malomet: at 10:30 a.m. Starts Tuesday, October 28. • High Holiday Liturgy with Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz: Sundays September 7 and 14 at 9:30 a.m. • Talmud on Sundays with Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz: at 9:30 a.m. Starts Sunday, October 19. • Issues in Bible and Judaism with Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz on Thursday evenings: starts 8 p.m. on Thursday, October 23 for six weeks. Topic will be Documentary Hypothesis. Resumes on Thursday, February 12 for 6 weeks. Topic will be Second Temple Judaism. • Development of the Haggadah with Phil Goldwasser. Three Monday nights starting November 24. • “Jewish Music, the Sacred and Popular” with Randall Levin. Starts March 2 at 8 p.m. for three Monday nights. • Shabbat Torah Study with Barry Mael: Shabbat afternoon before Mincha, through November 1. Resumes March 14. • Pre-Passover Workshop with Rabbi Malomet. Monday evening, March 23 at 8 p.m. Lectures (all begin at 8:00 PM): • Monday evening, October 27: Samuel Norich, editor and publisher of the Forward. Topic to be announced. • Monday evening February 9: Professor James Goodman of Rutgers Newark on “The Akadah.” Professor Goodman will also sign copies of his book. • Monday evening, April 27: Professor Melissa Klapper of Rowan University on “American Jewish Women’s Activism 1890 - 1940.” Professor Klapper will also sign copies of her book. Watch for our other Special Music Program: • Saturday evening, February 7 at 8 p.m.: Shirainu Concert: Basya Schechter and Pharoah’s Daughter Film Series (all are Saturday nights at 8 p.m.) November 22, December 13, January 17 & 31, February 14 & 28 Look for separate announcements for our Sisterhood and Men’s Club Programs and for the Annual Jewish Film Series. BE A SPONSOR! Please consider becoming a sponsor for AJA and Film Series. Forms are on the Welcome Table or contact the Temple Office for more details. 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