THREE RIVERS SCHOOL October 16, 2014 News You Can Use “Teaching Responsible Scholars October 24th…… End of 1st Quarter 31st…… Early Dismissal @11:00, School Improvement Day November 5th…… Picture Re-Takes 6th ….. Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00 PM Early Dismissal @ 1:40 PM 7th…… Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:30-11:00 AM No School for Students 6th Grade MAP Testing 18th,19th,20th….. 25th, 26th and 27th….. Thanksgiving Holiday Report Cards Sent Home Friday, October 31st BOOK FAIR Sir Readalot's Castle..... Enter the kingdom of books Open Monday, November 3rd - Friday, November 7th Students will have a chance to shop during their library times, and at lunch recess. Open during Parent/ Teacher conferences. 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts for 6th Grade Boys Basketball will start on Monday, October 20th at 4:30-6:00 PM. Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up Use Sign Up Genius to schedule your child(s) conferences Parent‐TeacherConferencesareaveryimportantmeansofcommunicationbetweenhome andschool.Parentsareencouragedtomakeanappointmentwiththeirchild’shomeroom teacheratthefollowingwebsite ConferenceswillbeheldonThursday,November6thfrom4:00–8:00PMandFriday, November7thfrom8:30‐11:00AM. Ms.HillsourschoolcounselorwillbeavailableforconferencesonThursdayeveningand Fridaymorning.Mr.Fracassi,Mr.Becker,Mrs.Freehaufwillbeavailableforconferences onFriday,from8:30‐11:00AM. 1). Clickon(orcopy) 2). Scroll to find the teacher you want to see and click on “Sign up” in the time slot available. 3). Enter your student’s name in the white box, fill in your name and Email address and click on the “sign up”. Choose to be a member so you can make changes if needed-it’s FREE! 4). If you would like Email confirmation, you must check the box “Send Email Confirmation”. 5). Click on “My Account” on the top right hand corner to see your schedule and to make changes if necessary. PleasecalltheThreeRiversOfficewithanyquestionsorconcernsat(815)467‐4313. LUNCH ACCOUNTS: If you haven’t replenished your child’s lunch account yet, you may want to do so at this time. Please check your child’s account on Power School. When sending in lunch money, please make sure you fill out a lunch deposit form. Please put your form and money in an envelope with your students name on it, marked Lunch Money. Misconceptions and a Controversial Subject Matter The Bullies 2 Buddies program can be misinterpreted at first glance. Bullying can be a controversial subject matter. As research indicates, many anti-bullying efforts are not working. Punishing the bully and emphasizing the role of the bystander are both common in the media. What about the person being teased? Bullies 2 Buddies is a program that works with the child who is being teased by giving him/her tips and skills on what to say back to de-escalate the situation by fostering assertiveness and self-confidence. The problem is not going to go away by being passive, letting it happen and hoping the problem will go away. It will most likely not go away with aggressive tactics either since the aggression may cycle. By teaching the child how and when to apply assertive skills, it empowers them to be able to quickly solve a conflict before the problem continues to persist thus, escalating into bullying. Whether your child is being bullied or not, this is a great program that helps teach our children how to develop confidence and nurture interactive, assertive social skills. Unfortunately, there are mean people all throughout life, so teaching our children preventative, de-escalation tactics and assertive skills will help them to become more independent and self-confident individuals. FAQ: Because this program works with the student being teased, does this mean the bully is dismissed or goes unpunished? - By no means do we dismiss the bully type behaviors. Teachers and staff are trained to intervene when necessary. Bullies 2 Buddies teaches when it is appropriate to tell an adult and when/how they can appropriately apply assertive social skills instead to solve a conflict. By working with the child who is considered the victim, does this mean Bullies 2 Buddies is blaming him/her? - By working with the victim as well, this does not imply that this is the victim’s fault. These are simply preventative tips and measures on how to apply assertive skills to keep a conflict from escalating, since teachers and parents will not always be there to protect the child from hurtful words being said. Does this mean Bullies 2 Buddies is implying that it is okay to ignore our feelings when they are hurt? - By no means does this dismiss the child’s feelings being hurt either. It is healthy for the child to talk their feelings out and gain advice on how to be assertive and handle the situation next time from an adult or trusted friend. Bullies 2 Buddies states that if someone hurts you, show you are hurt, not angry. Many times it is programmed into us to get angry when someone hurts you. Assertiveness is a matter of control. If you are angry, you are not in control. Learning these skills do not appear overnight, it is a long term plan your child can practice and use for the rest of their lives in order to handle conflict effectively. For more information on Bullies 2 Buddies by Izzy Kalman, please visit Additional information for parents that help teach your child assertive skills through the Bully Expert Toolkit, please visit Izzy Kalman Tech Talk….Internet Safety Password Safety As our children progress through school, they will find themselves faced with situations where they are using login information for all sorts of accounts. Sometimes that login information is provided to the students, such as student account login information used for the computers here at school. But sometimes students have to create their own login information, and password management becomes an issue. It is common for students (and sometimes adults, too!) to create easy-to-remember passwords or create passwords and then forget what they are. The link below provides some good information about how to create and remember passwords so information stays safe and secure! Click here to read more about password safety: PICTURE RE-TAKES Picture re-takes will be Wednesday, November 5th. Students who were absent on picture day, students who forgot to turn in their picture money, and students who are not satisfied with their first set of pictures, will need to have their pictures taken at this time. If you are dissatisfied with your original pictures you must return the ENTIRE PACKET of original pictures to the Three Rivers office by Tuesday, November 4th. MusicBoosterNews! Hurry,hurry,hurry!Thereisstilltimetosignupforourfabulousfundraiser.The3rdannualForte5kRun/Walk takesplacethisSaturday,October18that9:00a.m.Joinus,thechoirandthepepbandforagreatcommunityevent. Wehopetoseeyouthere! OurmeetingdatesforbothNovemberandDecemberhavechanged.PleasemarkyourcalendarsforNovember4th andDecember2ndandjoinusatThreeRiversSchoolArtroomforthe7:00p.m.meetings.Allmusicparentsare morethanwelcome!Wewouldlovetohaveyouattend. SpiritWearformswillbecominghomeverysoon.Pleaselookoverthegreatitemswehavetoofferthisyear! UpcomingDates: 10/18:Forte5kRun/Walk,ChannahonStatePark,9:00a.m. 10/23:PepbandforGirlsbasketball,5:15p.m. 11/4:CMBmeeting,7:00p.m.,TRSArtroom Kicking Cancer to the Curb Kickball Tournament October 24th The Kicking Cancer to the Curb Kickball Tournament 2 - Roster sheets and fees are due by 10/22 - 5th and 6th grade students will need to be driven to CJHS because bus transportation will not be available. - If you would like to make a monetary donation or donate a raffle prize you may do so by turning it in at the main office of CJHS or TRS. - Pumpkin Decorations, Music, Raffle Prizes, Concessions Stand, TRS vs CJHS Staff Kickball Game, and More! - Student Council's goal is to raise $4,000 - ALL profits will be going to help fight cancer in our community. - If you have any questions please email Mr. Ted Martin and [email protected] Is the flu vaccine a good idea? The flu vaccine is, indeed, a good idea for families. The flu shot does not cause the flu and it keeps kids and parents from getting sick. Getting the flu is worse than having a cold and can make a person sick for a week or more. Infants younger than 6 months can't get the vaccine, but if the parents and older kids in the household get it, that will help protect the baby. This is important because infants are more at risk for serious complications from the flu. Who Should Be Immunized? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends a flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older (instead of just certain groups, as was recommended before). But it's especially important that those in higher-risk groups get vaccinated. They include: all kids 6 months through 4 years old anyone 65 years and older women who will be pregnant during flu season anyone whose weakened immune system is weakened from medications or illnesses (like HIV infection) residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes any adult or child with chronic medical conditions, such as asthma kids or teens who take aspirin regularly and are at risk for developing Reye syndrome if they get the flu health care personnel who have direct contact with patients caregivers or household contacts of anyone in a high-risk group (like children younger than 6 months) Native Americans and Alaskan Natives Certain circumstances would prevent a person from getting the vaccine. If your child falls into any of the groups below, talk to your doctor to see if the vaccine is still recommended: infants under 6 months old anyone who's severely allergic to eggs and egg products. (People with a mild egg allergy can receive the vaccine, but it should be given in a doctor's office so that they can be monitored for side effects for 30 minutes after the shot is given.) anyone who's ever had a severe reaction to a flu vaccination anyone with Guillain-Barré syndrome (a rare condition that affects the immune system and nerves) If your child is sick and has a fever, talk to your doctor about rescheduling the flu shot. When Should Kids Get Vaccinated? Flu season runs from October to May. It's best to get a flu shot early in the season, as it gives the body a chance to build up immunity to, or protection from, the flu. But getting a shot later in the season is still better than not getting the vaccine at all. Those who don't like shots might be able to get the vaccine in a nasal spray. Your doctor can tell you if this is an option for you or your kids. Market Day Pick-Up Wednesday, October 22nd from 5:30-6:30pm Galloway School. RED R RIBBO R ON WEEK W A AGEN NDA 2 2014 October O r 27th th hrough Octobe er 31st Be somebo s ody’s hero. h Have H th he pow wer to say NO! MONDA AY 10/27: KICKOF FF Wear W red day! d Red R ribbon ns distribu uted in cla assrooms. Essay E Conttest begin ns (Option nal): Who is the hero in yourr life? Writing prompt p willl be distriibuted. Du ue by Thu ursday. To op 3 winners will be e announced a d Friday! Trees T outsside the scchool will be decoraated by lu unch groups. TUESDAY 10/28: POWER R THROU UGH TO Y YOUR FUTURE up! Dress D like who you want to be b when yyou grow u Students S pledge p to live a drug-free lifee by decorrating and d signing tthe riibbon pled dge at lun nch/recesss. Pencils will be pa assed out to remind d students th hey have the powe er to stay drug free. WEDNE ESDAY 10 0/29: TEA AM UP AG GAINST D DRUGS Wear W your favorite sports ge ear to “teaam up aga ainst drug gs.” Fact F game es/activitie es about the t dangeers of drugs and m making healthy h liffe choicess will be during PE cclasses. THURS SDAY 10/3 30: DRUG G FREE SUPERHE S ERO ME Wear W yourr favorite superhero s o shirt. Essays E for the essay y contest due. A wellnesss walk will be held at a the end d of the day. FRIDAY Y 10/31: HEROES H MAKE HEALTHY AND SAF FE CHOICES Top T 3 winn ners of the essay contest announced. ***Numb bers on the back of the ribbo ons will be e called ovver the annou uncementss through hout the week. w Stud dents with h the winn ning numb ber must be wearin ng their ribbon to come c to th he office tto receive e a prize.* *** HALLOWEEN SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Costume Safety: • Use make-up or face paint instead of mask, but if mask are used, make sure that they fit properly and have hole large enough for mouth and eyes. • Wear brightly colored clothing/or put on glow-in-dark patched or strips on your costume so vehicles can see you. Clothing should be short enough and shoes should fit properly to prevent tripping. • Choose costumes that are marked flame retardant • Make props such as magic wands and swords out of cardboard rather than metal or wood Trick-or-Treat Safety: • Give and accept wrapped or packaged candy only. • Children should bring home treats for adult inspection before they are eaten. • Accompany small and elementary school age children when they are trick-or-treating and send older children in groups. • Go out in daylight and carry a flashlight in case of delay. • Stay within your neighborhood; only visit homes you know • Make sure you cross streets at corners • Have your parents check Illinois State Police Sex Offender registry website for addresses of known child sex offenders in the neighborhood TRICK OR TREAT HOURS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014 4:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. (Channahon) 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. (Shorewood) 3:00 P.M.- 6:00 P.M. (Joliet) A day y dedicated to o supporting faamilies who have lo ost hou using du ue to ecconomicc hardship… Scho ool Staff an nd Commu unity Workkers will bee WHEN W Saturdayy, Novemb ber 8 9 a.m m. ‐ 12 noo on on site to assist ffamilies wiith: Education E Understand thee Educational R Rights /Region nal Office of Ed ducation Library registrattion nal Intervention System Eaarly Education WHERE W Bolingbro ook High Sch hool 365 R Raider Way Bolin ngbrook, IL Frree Books for cchildren Financial C F Counselingg Crredit counselin ng and rebuild ding credit Food, Hair F r Cuts and Hygiene p products Distributed to aattendees Continent tal Breakfast t Light Brreakfast an nd Child C Care will be e Entertainin ng Child care e pro ovided Employme E ent Job Training Pro ogram/Assistan nce Child care with h fun activities Housing H RSVP Requested by 11/3 to View School Valley V McKinney‐‐Vento Liaisons: or Ron O’Connor Vento ROE Liaison McKinney‐V 702 W W. Maple St. (815)) 740‐4787 emporary Stafffing Agencies Te Asssistance with eligibility for rrent assistancee an nd/or affordab ble housing Medical/D M Dental, Visiion, Mentaal Health SServices Infformation on h health insuran nce and local m medical care Vission screeningg and Flu shotss De ental care on ssite Blood presssure screeningg, If p possible, bringg household documentation w with you (identtification, social security caards, medical ccards, income, etc.) to simpliffy pplying for servvices through pparticipating orrganizations. ap Spon nsored by D DuCap, Du uPage Tow wnship, Valley View SSchool Disttrict 365 and Willl County, Regional O Office of Ed ducation, SShawn Waalsh, Superrintendentt
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