Canadian Military Intelligence Association Association Canadienne de Renseignement Militaire THE SECOND ANNUAL CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE CONFERENCE (CANIC 2014) FRIDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2014 08:00 – 20:00 BALLROOM C, DELTA OTTAWA CITY CENTRE HOTEL 101 LYON STREET N., OTTAWA ONTARIO K1R 5T9 Telephone 613-237-3600 AFTER OVER A DECADE OF WAR IN AFGHANISTAN, HAS THE CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE ENTERPRISE LEARNED ANYTHING USEFUL? (As of 12 September 2014) Time Presentation 7:30-8:00 8:00-8:10 REGISTRATION WELCOME Lieutenant-Colonel (Retired) Michel Beauvais President CMIA 8:10-9:15 KEYNOTE ADDRESS - THE EVOLVING INTERNATIONAL SECURITY ENVIRONMENT AND ITS IMPACT ON CANADA Stephen Rigby National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada (to be confirmed)* Introduced by: Major-General Paul Wynnyk, Commander Canadian Forces Intelligence Command* 9:15-10:15 THE CYBER THREAT: HOW BAD IS IT? Major-General (Retired) John Adams Former Associate Deputy Minister of National Defence and former Chief, Communications Security Establishment Canada Introduced by: Dr. Michel Tarko, President and Chief Executive Officer, Justice Institute of British Columbia 10:15-11:00 11:00-12:00 Coffee Break – Sponsored by the Justice Institute of British Columbia PANEL ONE – STRATEGIC LEVEL INTELLIGENCE IN CANADA. WHAT IS IT? DO WE HAVE ANY? Dr. Peter Archambault Centre for Operational Research Analysis, Defence Research and Development Canada* Dr. Robert McRae Director, Canadian Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, former Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet for Intelligence Assessments, Privy Council and former Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Moderator: Melissa Radford, Security and Defence Analyst, Library of Parliament 12:00-13:30 Working buffet lunch – open for sponsorship FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF CANADIAN DEFENCE INTELLIGENCE Major-General Paul Wynnyk Commander Canadian Forces Intelligence Command* Introduced by: TBC 13:30-14:30 CANADA’S OPERATIONAL LEVEL INTELLIGENCE CAPABILITY Lieutenant-General Jonathan Vance Commander (Designate), Canadian Joint Operations Command* Introduced by: Brigadier-General Glenn Nordick (Retired), Colonel Commandant, Canadian Forces Intelligence Branch Canadian Military Intelligence Association Association Canadienne de Renseignement Militaire 14:30-15:30 PANEL TWO - CAN THE CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE ENTERPRISE DO MORE TO EMBRACE THE ADVANCED EDUCATION OF ITS FUTURE LEADERS? Dr. Michael Hennessy, Associate Vice-Principal Research, Royal Military College of Canada Monik Beauregard, Director, Integrated Terrorism Assessment Centre* Michael Trump, Dean, School of Criminal Justice and Security, and Office of International Affairs, Justice Institute of British Columbia 15:30-16:00 Health Break – open for sponsorship 16:00-17:00 PANEL THREE - IS IT POSSIBLE TO HAVE INFORMED, MEANINGFUL AND NONPARTISAN PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE ISSUES? Tom Quiggan, Member of the Terrorism and Security Experts of Canada Network Ian MacLeod, Senior Writer, Ottawa Citizen Peggy Mason, President, Rideau Institute and former Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations for Disarmament 17:00-17:15 CONFERENCE WRAP-UP President CMIA 17:30-20:00 CANIC 2014 RECEPTION – open for sponsorship Ballroom C and Adjacent Foyer CMIA IS PLEASED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE SUPPORT PROVIDED BY *Annotated appointments may be called away to duty on the day. If so, another speaker will be present.
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