St. Luke Lutheran Church A people rooted in God’s word, serving in God’s world HORIZON OCTOBER 2014 60th Anniversary Celebration Faithfulness through Service and Healing S ERVICE THROUGH C REATIVE A RTS Saturday, October 18, at 9 AM - 12 Noon, in the Fellowship Hall Creative instructive session of crafts, needlework, banner-making and more! Turn to page 2 for details. C ELEBRATION W ORSHIP : H OLY C OMMUNION WITH R ITE OF H EALING Saturday-Sunday, October 18-19, during worship Followed by Church Council hosted receptions. Turn to pages 3-4 for an article on healing. 60th anniversary video presentations will also be shown in the narthex. H YMN F ESTIVAL Sunday, October 19, at 5:30 PM, in the Sanctuary Choirs from St. Luke and St. Paul Lutheran churches join voices in joyous celebration. Followed by a WELCA hosted reception. Turn to page 4 for more information. Welcome to ... THE REV. RON ROSCHKE Guest Preacher on October 18-19, 2014 Ron Roschke serves as an Assistant to the Bishop for the Rocky Mountain Synod. His work focuses on the many ministries we can do together when we are linked: candidacy (preparing people for pastoral, diaconal and associate in ministry rostered ministries); campus, global, outdoor and social ministries; faith formation; colleges, universities and seminaries. Before coming to the office of the bishop two years ago, Ron served as a parish pastor for 38 years in congregations in Kansas, New York City and Boulder, Colorado. 60th Anniversary Celebration Faithfulness through Service & Healing S ERVICE T HROUGH C REATIVE A RTS Open House October 18, 2014 9 AM to 12 Noon, in the Fellowship Hall Come to the Open House to find out about: Quilts, large and small Prayer Shawls Baptism Banners Music opportunities Cooking for others Surgery Pillows Preemie Baby Hats Sacristy Linens Altar Paraments & Banners Join us in working on quilts, learning to knit, or learning to crochet with the help of other volunteers. Find out about many other opportunities. Many volunteers serve through all kinds of creative endeavors, providing items for St Luke or other community organizations. You can use your hands to create a work of art in fabric, yarn, or paint, for worship or healing, for friends or strangers in need. You can use your musical talents to sing, play an instrument, or ring a hand-bell in worship. You can use your culinary skills to provide food for events at St Luke, Family Promise, or Luther House. 2 The Healing Ministry of St. Luke “W HY S HOULD A NYONE C OME TO THE S ERVICES OF H EALING ?” By The Rev. Ben Larzelere In its ministry of healing, the church does not replace the gifts of God that come through the scientific community, nor does it promise a cure. Rather, the church offers and celebrates gifts such as these: God’s presence with strength and comfort in time of suffering, God’s promise of wholeness and peace, and God’s love embodied in the community of faith. In the middle of this month, October 18 (Feast of St. Luke) and 19, during our weekend celebration of 60 years of Faithfulness Through Service and Healing, we will renew the liturgical practice of the Order for Healing at each of the services: Saturday evening at 5 o'clock; Sunday morning at 8 and 10 o'clock. FIRST, ALL ARE WELCOME … everyone, anyone … there are no restrictions, requirements, or obligations. If you “sense the need for God's healing in any aspect of [your] life” then you are welcome to participate. SECONDLY, THE ORDER FOR HEALING involves three things: prayer, laying on of hands, and anointing with oil (see the article in last month's Horizon). Just like the Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist, the rite depends upon words, speaking and listening, touching and being touched … it is something real and grounded in our humanity. WHY SHOULD ANYONE come to the Services of Healing? What makes this rite something to which we should give our attention? Let us take a look at the introduction of the Brief Order for Healing: The Brief Order for Healing may be used in a variety of circumstances in the church’s ministry of care. Those who sense the need for God’s healing in any aspect of their lives may receive the gifts of prayer and of the laying on of hands, which may be accompanied by anointing with oil. These signs, first given in baptism, tell us again that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked forever with the cross of Christ, who is health and salvation for the whole world. NEXT, THE ORDER FOR HEALING does not replace what happens through the gifts of our medical community. No miraculous cure is promised. This is not magic, nor is it supernatural or something eerie and weird. FINALLY, THE ORDER FOR HEALING is not something that happens in solitude. I cannot put one hand on my head, say a prayer, and put oil and the sign of the Cross on my fore 3 Healing Ministry … continued from previous page head with my other hand and say that it is Healing. It may make me feel good (or strange!) but it is not the Order for Healing. Rather services of healing take place with in the community of faith. It is how God's love is mediated, not to us privately, but within our being together, saints and sinners 'tho we be (Luther). Brothers and sisters gathered together in Holy Presence where prayer is offered, human touch is made, and … as hands placed upon our head in blessing are lifted, so is the weight of illness, despair, depression, anxiety and our dis-ease … all within the community we call the Church whose business always is to love God and to love neighbor. REASON ENOUGH to walk into the liturgy where the Order for Healing is offered, and remain! 60th Anniversary Celebration Faithfulness through Service & Healing H YMN - F ESTIVAL By Frederick Frahm, Director of Music Ministries present to the future. Around the readings there are responses sung by the congregation and choirs in the forms of hymns. The hymns are all very familiar, except maybe one which might be new to you, and towards the end of the service we will chant the Lord’s Prayer together. Before we go, Pastor Russ will bless us on our way and we’ll sing a final hymn. ON OCTOBER 19 AT 5:30 P.M., you will have the opportunity to participate in a final 60th Anniversary day event. A HymnFestival is planned which will be sung by the combined choral forces of St. Paul’s and St. Luke and accompanied by our Director of Music Frederick Frahm. A reception is being planned by WELCA which will follow the event in the narthex. ESSENTIALLY A HYMN-FESTIVAL is a dialog between art and faith, words and music, sound and silence. It offers us a chance to hear what God is saying to us not only in the words we sing or hear, but in the meanings they imply in the way they are orchestrated through the course of the service. We hope that you will join us! IF YOU’VE NEVER BEEN to a hymn-festival, here is what it will be like: we’ll gather in the church for a blessing and prayer, an opening hymn (A Mighty Fortress), and then we’ll be seated to take part in a series of readings and music. The readings come from the work of one of our great Lutheran hymn-writers Susan Palo Cherwien. Her meditations tell a story of life together as a faithful people from the past through the 4 F AITHFULNESS THROUGH S ERVICE St. Luke cleaning up the Bosque Open Space. I JUST WANT TO SAY thank you to all of you who have volunteered over the years at St. Luke, and especially for making God's Work, Our Hands a success. I especially want to thank Nancy Krenz for gathering and assembling all of the pictures that are on display in the Narthex! ST. MARTIN'S Hospitality Center is also an ongoing ministry, that serves our homeless community. They appreciate any help that we can give!! And St. Luke Preschool also has some projects that still need some help. They are still looking for that person with just a little bit of art skill to remake the Campbell Soup Label's sign and receptacle, as well as the Box Tops for Education sign and receptacle. Lori Erven our preschool director, can give you a more specific idea of what is needed. I AM HUMBLED AND IN AWE of all of the outside volunteer work that you, the good people of St. Luke have done over the years. You truly are a representative of Christ's love!! WE WILL START to enlist volunteers soon for Camino de Vida mission church that serves the immigrant community in the South Valley. Their pastor will be speaking at a service at St. Luke in the near future. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES will continue to be offered throughout the year. Luther House still has some Wednesdays available for providing dinner for the students. Find a friend or another family to help prepare a meal for the students, and enjoy a brief service with them and Pr. Morawski after dinner. THIS IS SUCH AN EXCITING time at St. Luke and I am so grateful to be a part of this congregation of service! IN HIS NAME, Chris Escudero 5 THE WORK OF ST LUKE TRANSITION TEAM Begins! By Pastor Russ Sorensen “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path!” Psalm 119:105 ST LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH is at a new and exciting crossroads for the future! We ask for your prayers, support and encouragement during these times. We all look to God’s word as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path moving forward. St Luke Transition Team will begin its work to prepare the way for God’s Spirit to guide us together in mission. THE TWO MAJOR GOALS for the Transition Team are: (1) discover a new and deepened sense of identity and purpose for the congregation and (2) establish a healthy relationship with the next pastoral leader who will walk with the congregation toward the renewed sense of purpose. This will be accomplished in a variety of ways, including specific opportunities for input and questions. Above all, they will be working with the leadership of St Luke to focus on discerning the work and guidance of God’s Spirit for each new mission step for the future. The context for doing mission and ministry continues to change as we seek to follow the great commission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations and love one another in these days! Ultimately, the hard work and prayer of the Transition Team will be expressed in St Luke “Ministry Site Profile”. This detailed, eleven page document will help to tell the story of St Luke Ministry for all potential pastoral candidates for the Senior Pastor position. AFTER THOUGHTFUL CONSIDERATION and prayer, the following members of St Luke were unanimously affirmed at the September 16 Church Council meeting as the members of St Luke Transition Team: DeAnn Eaton Azar Tom Berardinelli Forrest Blech Shawn Dirk Karl Eickhoff Dianne Follstaedt Jean Hollowwa Jamie Kerestes Myra Lynch Holly Trujillo THE MEMBERS OF THE TRANSITION TEAM will be officially commissioned at the worship services on the weekend of October 12. It will be my honor to begin the extensive work with this great group of St Luke folks beginning with the month of October. As Council President, Mark Eickhoff will also be directly involved with us. Please keep the work of the Transition Team in your prayers for the next several months and look for further updates on progress and opportunities for input! 6 Let's Chat—Transitions By Dave Begeal Transitions. ber of St Luke, our average senior pastoral cycle is about the norm, however in that time span, three of our senior pastors were with us for more than ten years. We are probably more stable than the average Christian congregation As noted, we changed our primary vision to Faithfulness just a couple of years ago, but I view this as a very positive change. Faithfulness is my assurance that our process for a completing the Mission Site Profile and calling a senior pastor will be successful. I can already sense that we are well on our way towards positive and exciting things happening at St Luke. Our 60th Anniversary celebrations are ongoing, and the outpouring of community volunteer service on September 6th and 7th was inspiring. The theme of Faithfulness through Service and Healing is entirely fitting for our mission. THAT WORD SEEMS to come up a lot lately. For example, we now have a transition team and an interim pastor to guide us through our transition between senior pastors. Transitions are happening all around us all the time. Larvae have been undergoing transitions to pupae and then to butterflies for eons. Such natural changes (or transitions) are accepted as the norm. For some reason, we tend to think that our congregational transitions are special. Congregational transitions also include a change in a primary area of emphasis. Just a couple of years ago, we adopted Faithfulness as our Vision. For some, our congregational transitions can create anxiety, and in extreme cases, can be frightening. I can assure you that we are not unique, and I pray that you will be excited to participate in our transition as we journey forward. DID YOU HAPPEN TO SAVE the program for the Worship Services on September 6th and 7th? The list of volunteer activities that are happening both at St Luke and within the community is astounding. Personally, I have a warm, good feeling about the health of our congregation. Oh sure, we have some things that we need to work on, and I'd like to approach a couple of areas here. A VALUABLE RESOURCE that deals with transitions and change is The Once and Future Pastor by William Hobgood, (1998, Alban Press). The author notes that the cycle time between congregational transitions was only seven years about twenty five years ago, and that time had reduced to about three years when his book was published in 1998. In my 42 years as a mem- 7 FRIDAY FILM FORUM Come and enjoy discussing a film over snacks, wine and coffee at Marg Zinser-Knorovsky's and Jerry Knorovsky's house on Friday, October 17th at 7:30 P.M (Note that this month's FFFF will be on the third Friday of the month!). The movie to see is "The Giver"; if this movie is not playing the week of the film forum, see the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy". RSVP at 823-4422. Hope to see you! Let’s Chat … continued from previous page NOW, SWITCH GEARS for a moment, and think about how we are going to operate for the next year. We are fortunate to have Pastor Sorensen as our intentional interim pastor, but he will not have an assistant. Some additional pastoral care might be needed, but can we pick up the slack? I think so!! Would that solve the budget problems? Maybe, but an increase in lay participation would be a very healthy thing for our congregation. Our current transition is like a breath of fresh air, or a spiritual renewal if you will, and our future is going to be a good one. Why do I believe that? Because of my faith in God., and the Bible tells me so. Let's start with the budget, and our difficulty in getting it out of the red. We seem to always come through when a specific need is made known. For example, we have a recent appeal for funds to repair our organ. Although results aren't known yet, it is my hunch that this need will be fulfilled promptly. The resources are there, yet we have consistently been over budget for the past few years. Is our unified budget approach the right way to be doing things?? Council would really like to hear your ideas. Ok, now a few words about our volunteer efforts. As noted, our output is rather astounding, but curiously, we always seem to need more ushers, communion assistants, and other sacristy staff. Another area is the care of our elderly and otherwise compromised members. Visiting these folks, giving communion, and just showing that we care is so important. For the most part, we have lay personnel who are doing just that, but we can do better. The Wellness Committee is addressing this concern in a formal manner, and we can all help them with this important need (read Karen Carlson’s article on page 17). "But we are not those who shrink back and so are lost, but among those who have faith and so are saved. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 10:39, 11:1). THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS, Dave Begeal 8 HIGH SCHOOL JESUS CHRIST–DISCIPLE CREW We are meeting at Luther House at UNM (1805 Las Lomas Rd) on the 1st & 3rd Sundays from 3-5 p.m., September–May. We have youth-led devotions, Bible study, snacks & an activity each meeting. All current 8th – 12th grade students are invited to join us! Contact Erica Morgan for more information 505-873-3572. 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering We will be travelling July 12 – 19, 2015 to Detroit to attend the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering. This national Gathering for high school-age youth takes place every three years and is about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service and play. It is an opportunity for youth to engage with peers from across the United States and the world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. The Gathering is a five-day event that begins on a Wednesday evening and ends with a service of communion the following Sunday morning. The opening night sets the stage for the days ahead in which young people may have an encounter with Jesus that energizes their faith and helps them discover their call to serve in the world — locally and globally. The Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) is a pre-event to the ELCA Youth Gathering. Registration forms and deposit are due to Erica Morgan this month. Financial assistance is available to ALL. Trip is open to all current 8th – 12th grade students (for the 2014-2015 school year). You can contact Erica Morgan at 505-873-3572, or Bev Berardinelli 505-266-3666 with any questions. 9 10 Mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Our Mission & Purpose: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. Lamplighters WELCA Board Tuesday, October 7 7 PM Is not meeting on October 11 as previously scheduled. Information will be shared by email. In the Lounge The book to read is Heaven is For Real, by Todd Burpo, chapters 1-12. For more information, call Shirley at 830-9106. Women's Bible Study Tuesday, October 28 10 AM - 12 Noon Location: TBA Church Women United Friday, October 3, at 9 AM At Community of Christ Church Study: Transforming Life and Faith: Session 2: We are Called Leader: Chris Escudero Hostess: TBA For childcare, copy of the study, or, for more information, call 294-1935. 4701 Juan Tabo NE Speaker: Jane Perry of UMC Outreach: new/gently used pants, shirts, & coats, new socks/underwear for boy and girl students will be gathered for the APS Community Clothing Bank. For more information, call Amy Costales at 867-4207. Hymn Festival Sunday, October 19 5:30 PM, at St. Luke In the sanctuary Sew and Sow Tuesday, October 21 9:30 AM In the Zuni room Choirs from St. Luke and St. Paul Lutheran churches join voices in joyous celebration. Followed by WELCA hosted reception. Work continues on the quilting projects. For more information, call Shirley at 8309106. 11 ORGAN REPAIR FUND APPEAL SEVERAL ESTIMATES have been requested and received to repair the stop action. The plan of action that I believe is of the quality required, and is of reasonable cost is that proposed by Jason Alden, owner of Alden Organ Services of Dallas and a rep for the Reuter Organ company, (the same builder as St. John’s Cathedral organ). The work involves removal of the stop action by Jason himself (this is highly specialized work), preparation and shipping of the assembly to Quebec for rebuilding by the Casavant Organ Company, and the reinstallation and testing by Jason on a second trip to Albuquerque. The total cost for this proposal is around $14,000. The exact cost will depend on uncontrollable variables like air fares, shipping charges, etc. AS YOU KNOW, St. Luke has many treasures - some great, some small, but each important to our life together as a faith community. One such treasure is our excellent pipe organ, built for us in 1998-1999 by the Casavant Organ Company of Quebec Canada. This instrument, one of the finest in the city, is quite valuable, intangibly to our worship life, but also tangibly in terms of its replacement cost which is estimated to be around $800,000. IN FIFTEEN YEARS OF SERVICE to the congregation, it has required little in terms of maintenance beyond tuning and a few small mechanical fixes here and there. Those little mechanical fixes, however, have included work on the stop action (the gadget that allows the sounds to be selected and played) on a more frequent basis. As it turns out, this mechanism is no longer able to work as designed and some of the parts have worn to the point where they have permanently failed. At some point other critical parts of the stop action will also fail and the instrument will become silent. It will not be able to lead the congregation in hymns, or accompany the choir in anthems, or join the orchestra in special music. THE PROJECT WILL TAKE approximately six weeks to complete. I would like to start the repair just after Christmas. I believe I can manage from now until then with a little creative thinking. Fortunately, we have a spectacular Steinway piano in the church (one of our other wonderful treasures) which will serve us splendidly if we need it during the holiday season. We will certainly need the piano while the organ is being repaired since it will not be playable. 12 Organ Fund … continued from previous page repair. To contribute, make out a check to St. Luke Lutheran Church and write "Organ Repair Fund" on the memo line. This expensive repair is not optional if we are to have the organ operating as designed and St. Luke does not have budgeted repair funds available. But I am happy to say that special pledges have already been made towards this repair by two families with gifts of $1000 each. However, we need your help to acquire the remainder of the funds necessary for the project. Please consider a pledge or contribution to get our fine instrument back into shape. There are no gifts too small or too large; we would deeply appreciate your help in assisting us with this Thanks in advance for your prayerful support, your generosity, and for all of things each of you do for the community at St. Luke. We are all a family with many blessings to share. Frederick Frahm, Director of Music and Organist Mark Eickhoff, Congregation President Dave Begeal, Worship Music & Arts ADULT FORUM MEN’S BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY Schedule for Fall 2014 Tuesdays (note time change) 7 AM: Breakfast 7:30 AM: Lessons Historical Jesus Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov 30 By Bart Ehrman The Birth of the Gospels Some of the Other Gospels 60th Anniversary Celebration The Coptic Gospel of Thomas Other Sources Historical Criteria—Getting Back to Jesus More Historical Criteria The Early Life of Jesus Jesus in His Context This fall we will be studying Jesus and the Gospels by Prof. Luke Timothy Johnson ST. OLAF BAND Please join the St. Olaf Band for its Albuquerque performance, a part of its 2014 national tour. The concert will take place on Tuesday, October 14 at 8 p.m. at Manzano High School Performing Arts Center. The concert is free for students, and $10 for adults/seniors. Tickets are available on the night of the concert or in advance at Read more at For more information, contact Christine Drotning. The schedule may change when the Budget is presented. Great Figures of the New Testament Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec 21 Dec 28 By Amy Jill-Levine John the Baptist The Virgin Mary Joseph, Magi and Shepherds Holiday Break 13 10:15 AM WORSHIP ASSISTANT SCHEDULE OCTOBER 2014 This schedule is frequently updated. The most current schedule is posted on the kiosk in the narthex. Volunteers for the current and upcoming Sundays are listed on the weekly green sheet. OCT. 5 OCT. 12 OCT. 19 OCT. 26 Assisting Minister Karen Carlson Rick Parker Karen Carlson Lorna Hansen Communion Asst. Barbara Shirrod _________ Judy Marsh Greg Hashcke Betty Ann Arner Lorna Hansen Mary Beth Tidwell Barbara Shirrod Myra Lynch Barbara Haschke Don Fisher John English Yvonne Shirley Mary Beth Tidwell Terry Shirrod Rick Parker Acolyte Dorela Cole Sonia Garley Lauren Hollowwa Emily Christopher Crucifer Phyllis Peterson Ernesto Garley Cierra Erven James Christopher Greeters Lorna Hansen Marina Mauney Max & Jan Irving Chris & Jean Hollowwa Dick & Myra Lynch Children’s Sermon Barbara Shirrod Lector Council Member Ushers Altar Flowers (maximum: 2 arrangements/ Sunday) $35 per arrangement Flower Delivery Sacristy Candle $25 Lorna Hansen Chris Escudero Lorna Hansen Tom Berardinelli Don Tidwell Chris Escudero Terry Shirrod Bob & Bonnie Paine, in memory of father, Harry H. Pauly, born 1914. (two arrangements available) Mike & Brenda Sanchez, in celebration of Ellie. John & Phoebe English, in loving memory of Bertha R. Torrisi Dave & Betty Begeal, in honor of parents, Homer & Millie Begeal and Ed & Vivian Borling. (one arrangement available) Nancy Krenz Amy Hathaway Jane & Jerry Bentley Don Fisher Rick Parker Terry Shirrod John & Phoebe English, in loving memory of Renate K. English Sacristy Lori Erven Cierra Erven Sally & Gil Guintana Dorthe & Bob Carr Barbara & Greg Haschke Nursery Jamie Kerestes Megan Diercks Taylor Hollowwa Andrea Walters Sound Engineer Ken Vincent John English John English Ken Vincent Bread Ministry Barbara Shirrod Aida Elliott Karen Carlson Sonia Lersten Lorna Hansen Dorela Cole Erven Family Council (St. Luke 60th celebration) Counters Mary Beth Tidwell Shawn Dirk Don & Ginny Fisher Elizabeth Dirk Daleen Olson Phoebe English Mike Abramovich Bulletin Helpers Mary Voelz 9/30 Ken Lersten 10/3 Ginny Fisher 10/7 Carrie Montgomery 10/10 Mary Voelz 10/14 AJ Plikerd 10/17 Ginny Fisher 10/21 Shirley Smith 10/24 Coffee Hour 14 From the Wellness Ministry THE WELLNESS MINISTRY AT ST. LUKE By Karen Carlson, Chair, Wellness Committee OCTOBER 18 THE WEEKEND OF THE ANNIVERSARY TH is the feast Day of St. Luke and the congregation’s celebration of 60 years of Faithfulness Through Service and Healing. St. Luke as stated by Pastor Larzelere in the August Horizon “continues to urge us into healing ministry.” I Corinthians 12:9 in the discussion of many spiritual gifts states, “to another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit.” The Wellness Committee is just one healing ministry at St. Luke. The group was formed in 2005 and has as a mission “to CARE by equipping, education, and advocating for wellness of mind, body, and spirit in our church and neighborhood.” celebration each household present at any of the three services will receive a copy of a Care Note entitled The Sprituality of Wellness. The pamphlet is based on the words of St. Paul in I Corinthians 6:19 – “Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit … therefore, glorify God in your body.” The pamphlet stresses two fundamental ways to honor the body: regular exercise and healthy eating” In addition, at the anniversary services members of the healing community (some members of Wellness) will also participate in the Rite of Healing Service. THE COMMITTEE DURING this season of service is also committed to renew a more organized way to serve our own congregational members who are ill, shut-in, or in need of some temporary support or means to get to the church services. Probably before this newsletter arrives, there will be a meeting of some members (both from the committee and others) to discuss with Pastor Sorenson the best way to achieve this goal at St. Luke. While the committee can start the initiative, it will take others to coordinate and train to be members of a group willing to serve and use their healing gifts in this way. The committee is too small in number to do this alone. I have a list of several members that signed up on “goldenrod sheets” about a year ago as a start. However, if you are someone who WELLNESS COMMITTEE is taking an active part in the anniversary celebration in several ways. We are all serving as volunteers in numerous capacities within and outside the church. By the time this edition of the Horizon arrives you will have seen committee members active at the Feast providing information on hand washing and using sanitizing hand wash for all participants before dinner. Reminders of good hand washing hygiene will be placed in all the restrooms at St. Luke. At the Feast you will also see a poster about maintaining wellness. 15 The Wellness Ministry … continued from previous page sees this congregational need and has ideas and gifts to share (everyone does), please let a member of Wellness Committee know so you are included in the planning/training. The Wellness Ministry is composed of nurses and others interested in health and promotion and education. We welcome new members and ideas. If you cannot be a member of the Committee, assistance with certain functions or projects is also welcome (e.g. monthly blood pressures by nurses). Visitations are another need and it does not take a nurse to do this. We hope to communicate with many of you soon. ST. LUKE LUTHERAN FINANCIAL STATUS As of August 31, 2014 August 31, 2014 Offerings and other income for the month $ 416,389 Average amount needed to cover budget expenditures each month $ 436,530 Faith challenge - (deficit) $ (20,141) Thank you for your faithful giving. CONGRATULATIONS SHERRI DOMRES!!! Winner of several awards at the NM State Fair! Four FIRST PLACE Awards for her Poblano, Jalapeño, Habanero, and Banana peppers SECOND PLACE Award for her Thai peppers 16 CHANGE MAKING A CHANGE capacity of family guestrooms to 30. The House now has the capacity to provide over 10,000 family lodging nights annually. Local McDonald's restaurants and their customers provide 10-15% of the RMHC-NM operating budget annually. THIS MONTH, our “Change Making a Change” offering is dedicated to Ronald McDonald House of Charities of New Mexico which provides comfort, care and a home away from home for families whose children are in medical treatment. THE HOUSE HAS BEEN a temporary home for thousands of families while employing a staff of less than 10. The warm and compassionate environment would not be possible without the dedication of volunteers who are crucial to our programs. Students, retirees, civic and social organizations, as well as corporate teams have cooked, cleaned, computerized, raked, weeded, laundered, listened and cared for our families and our mission. It is because of these volunteers and our organizational history, that Ronald McDonald House Charities of NM is truly the “House that Love Built.” IN 1973, FRED HILL, a Philadelphia Eagles NFL player, had a child stricken with cancer. He met many others with ill children who had traveled far for similar pediatric medical treatment. These families had nowhere close to the hospital to stay and could not afford hotels. Fred decided to do something about this, and in partnership with Eagles, the UNM Children’s Hospital, and McDonald’s, he created the nation’s first Ronald McDonald House. ON OCTOBER 30, 1982, a dream came true for New Mexico when our own Ronald McDonald House opened. Since then, over 33,000 families have stayed in this comfortable and supportive home environment. The Ronald House opened in 1982 with eight guest rooms. Eighteen months following the opening, the House was already too small and plans began to expand to meet the community need for family services. By December 1985, 10 bedrooms, 10 baths, a large living room, 2 solariums, more laundry space, and another kitchen were added. In 2008 they completed the latest House Expansion by increasing the THANK YOU The Storehouse - $165 and a barrelful of food From Ronald McDonald House of Charities Thank you so much for your donation of the large bag of pop tabs. The recycling of these helps defray costs for events held here for the families. We appreciate the effort your church makes in saving these for our “House.” 17 Email: [email protected] Lori Erven, Director (505) 292-8812 Back By Popular Demand! It’s Fall Festival 2014! On a cool and cloudy Saturday in September, an amazing army of volunteers descended on the preschool bringing with them wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, gloves, and trimmers, as well as a lot of energy and generosity. They tackled the preschool tasks with much enthusiasm! In the span of two hours, a mountain of wood chips was spread throughout the playground, resupplying the fall zones and reestablishing a safe play surface. Trees were trimmed and little chairs were scrubbed clean. Preschool staff, children, and their families have grateful hearts! Huge thank yous to: Dave Begeal, Forrest Blech, Dorthe Carr, Ted & Arlene Dellin, Emily Dagon, Shawn Dirk, Dusty Erven, Cierra Erven, Chris & Ron Escudero, Ruth Glauner, Greg Haschke, Jean Hollowwa, Brent Meyer, Eric Meyer, Stephen Montgomery, Barb & Terry Shirrod, Mary Voelz, and Ruth Weichbrodt. 18 On Friday, October 24, 2014, we will be holding our 8th annual Fall Festival! The event will be open from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Families with young children are invited to join us for games, prizes, and delicious food to eat. Wristbands for children ages 2 to 14 will be sold in the Preschool office for $8.00. Wristbands sold at the door that evening will be $12.00. The wristbands allow children to visit the games as many times as they would like throughout the evening. Adults get in for free! Some of the special activities as well as food or treats will need to be purchased with tickets that we will be selling. Tickets are $1.00 each, or buy 5 tickets and get one free. Children are invited to wear costumes to the event, provided that they not be scary or violent in nature. ST. LUKE CHURCH OFFICE We’re here to serve you Mon.-Fri.: 8:30 AM - 4 PM. Contact: 505.299.2621 or [email protected] Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! Serve the Lord with gladness! - Psalm 100:1-2 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR VOLUNTEERS Thank you Diane Follstaedt for helping keep our kitchen clean and bright. Thank you Horizon Mailers for this month: Les & D’Ann Anderson, Jan Irving, Kaye Martin, Nadyne Plugge Week of Oct. 5: Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew 1-9 Week of Oct. 12: Matthew 10-26 IN MEMORIAM Week of Oct. 19: Matthew 27-28, Mark, Luke 1 Joyce Morello, member since 1958, finished her baptismal journey on Sunday, September 21. Week of Oct. 26: Luke 2-26 CHRISTMAS ALTAR FLOWERS & SANCTUARY CANDLE Thank you to everyone who have dedicated Altar Flowers and Sanctuary Candle for October. You may still dedicate flowers; sign up on the flower chart posted in the narthex. Donation: $35 each arrangement. ROOM USAGE Various ministries use the facilities at St. Luke. When you rearrange a room for your use, please put back the room the way you found it, before leaving. Thank you. This is one of the most joyous times of the year, remembering the birth of Jesus, our heavenly Father’s most precious gift to us. Worship Assistants, please let us know if you will be available to help with the worship services on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th. Contact Rosa at the church office at [email protected] or at 299-2621. PLEASE HELP US BE GOOD STEWARDS - If you have a key to the premises, please make sure you are familiar with the alarm system. If you need training or refresher, please call the church office. After 3 false alarms, the church is charged hundreds of dollars for each false alarm. 19 02 06 07 08 09 For thou didst form my inward parts, thou didst knit me together in my mother’s womb. - Psalm 139:13 10 11 13 01 Mike Kovach Barbara Loveless Walter Maybee Gary Randolph Alison Schuler Gerdean & O’Dell-Bower family, Ken & Vi, Ellen, Mela, Bob, Virginia, Daryl & Angela, Morello family, Rick, Ty, Bob & family, Lorraine, Teri, Mandy, The Rev. Travis & family, TJ, Emily, Katelyn, & Thea (expected soon), Logan, Crews, Chuck, Dawn, Robin, Pat & Larry, Chris, Kayln, Francis, Mary, Linda, Edith, Matthew, Michelle & Beau, Phyllis & Rebecca, Greg & Nancy, 15 16 17 18 Faith Gresham Lucas Threet Barbara Belcher Marilyn Feagler Don Fisher Benjamin Girlamo Carol Allen Joan Kaiser Yvonne Shirley Ruth Glauner Peggy Wifall Lois Sherwood Doris Smith Holly Trujillo Wendy Grode Jack Ramirez Amy Wynia Carrie Montgomery Sharon Monson Luis Gonzales Barb, Nancy, Owen & Kendra, Penny, Gina, Carrie, Bob & Betty, Reagan, Ashlee, Brian, Jessica, Sarah, Daniel, Kristian, Regan & Carol, Kurt, Carol, Robin, Mary Alice, DeeDee, Stephanie, Robbi, Jack, Scott & Debi, Joey, Brian, Ralph & Donna, Don, Tom, & Jan, Sheila, Cassie, Jeanette, John & Beth, Hudson & Jonathan, Salli Anne, Chris, Jay, Christensen, Carolyn & John, Janet, Doug, Bob, Samantha, John, Kaycee, 20 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 Amy Hathaway Nancy Tarman Greg Anderson Sally Quintana Sandy Williams Karin Duda Rebecca Pelowitz David DeLoach Charlotte Varela Dottie Donohoe Lorna Hill Mary Sorenson Howard Gerwin Ryan Howard Frances Smith Erica Zebick Myra Lynch Eric Meyer Hadley Diercks Peggy, Lindsey, Dorela & John, Stan, Daneen, Joanna, Craig, Kelly, Emily, & Jan, Carol, DiAnn & Sandra, Reagan, Larry, Jean, Phoebe, Pr. Russ & Cheryll Church Council St. Luke Preschool Pres. Bishop Elizabeth Bishop James Our church & activities Military, city, & world The poor & helpless For all to know God & to feel his presence Church Council Thank you for your faithful service at St. Luke He’s the president. 21 HISTORICAL PHOTOS OF ST. LUKE Available in the narthex through October 19th 60TH ANNIVERSARY VIDEO PRESENTATIONS October 18 - 19 Before and after worship In the Narthex St. Luke Day of Service Cleaning the Bosque - Open Space 22 Ministries and Committees ~ Who to contact ~ Bible Study Groups Pastor Bread Ministry Sonia Lersten Call & Search Mark Eickhoff Card Ministry Robbi Ross Change Making a Change Bob Thornton Children’s Christian Education, Baptism, Confirmation Pastor Children’s Sunday Classes Greg Haschke Church Decorations Carolyn Dougherty Nancy Krenz Finance & Stewardship Rick Parker Mary Beth Tidwell Grace in Action Sandi Brasher Home/Hospital/Shut-in Visits & Holy Communion Pastor Property Terry Shirrod Sew & Sow Group Peggy Wifall St. Luke 60th Anniversary Celebrations Bev Larzelere Joy in Movement Anne Miller Social Concerns (WELCA) Betty Begeal Lamplighters Study Group Shirley Smith Social Ministry Mandy Scarberry Meal Ministry Sandi Brasher Transition Team Mark Eickhoff Membership Pastor Wellness, Blood Pressure Screening, Volunteers Who Assist Members Karen Carlson Music & Choirs Fred Frahm Council Mark Eickhoff, Shawn Dirk, Karen Carlson Nursery Care on Sundays Sandy Williams Family Promise Diane Follstaedt Preschool & Kindergarten Lori Erven Horizon Newsletter & Weekly Parish Notices (green sheet) Angie Miller Constitution Mark Eickhoff Faith Growth Barbara Haschke Preschool Committee Andrew Diercks Personnel Phil Saucedo Prayer Chain Beth Cretsinger Prayer Shawls/Lap Robes Jean Eickhoff 23 Women of the ELCA Carrie Montgomery Women’s Bible Study Betty Ann Arner Worship Assistants Rosa Wersonick Youth Bev Berardinelli MINISTRY AREAS Ministry of Discipleship Formation: meets first Tuesday at 5 PM Committees: Faith Growth & Youth; Stewardship; Women of the ELCA; and Worship, Music, & the Arts Ministry of Relational Community: meets second Monday at 5:30 PM Committees: Grace in Action; Preschool; Social Ministry; Wellness; Women of the ELCA Ministry of Resource Management: meets third Monday at 6 PM Committees: Finance; Personnel; Property; Trust Fund; Women of the ELCA ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH A congregation of the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod CHURCH OFFICE HOURS The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, Presiding Bishop The Rev. James Gonia, Synod Bishop The Rev. Russ Sorensen, Intentional Interim Senior Pastor Frederick Frahm, Director of Music Ministries & Organist Greg Haschke, Sunday School Superintendent Mary Ehle, Saturday Worship Keyboardist Rosa Wersonick, Office Manager & Parish Ministries Coordinator Angie Miller, Admin. Assist. & Horizon Editor Tim Manville, Custodian Karen Archibeque, Bookkeeper Open: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4 PM Staff Meeting: Tuesdays, 10 AM Council Meeting: Third Tuesday, 6 PM (subject to change; please check the calendar) ST. LUKE PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN Phone: (505) 292-8812 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Lori Erven, Director Jane Clinger, Office Administrator HORIZON NEWSLETTER is a monthly publication of ST. LUKE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, 9100 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112 Phone (505) 299-2621 ; Fax (505) 271-2831 E-mail: [email protected] Website: CHURCH COUNCIL Mark Eickhoff: President; Transition Team Shawn Dirk: Vice-President; Visioning Dave Begeal: Worship, Music, & Arts Karen Carlson: Council Secretary; Wellness Don Cretsinger: Ministry of Discipleship Formation Chris Escudero, Ministry of Relational Community Barbara Haschke: Faith Growth Judy Marsh: Grace in Action Rick Parker: Treasurer; Finance Mandy Scarberry: Social Ministry Yvonne Shirley: WELCA Representative Terry Shirrod: Property Mary Beth Tidwell: Financial Secretary; Stewardship Deadline for submitting articles/items: Articles for the monthly Horizon newsletter: deadline - 15th of the month Items for the weekly Parish Notices (green sheet insert in bulletins): deadline - noon on Wednesdays. Please send your articles/items to the St. Luke church office, attn: Angie. 24 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 72 Albuquerque, NM ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH 9100 Menaul Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 Phone: (505) 299-2621 Fax: (505) 271-2831 Email: [email protected] Website: Return Service Requested Please deliver by September 30, 2014 Place address label here Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6 ST. LUKE LUTHERAN CHURCH We are a CONGREGATION CREATED by God in Christ, EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit, CALLED and SENT to bear witness to God’s creative, redeeming, and sanctifying activity in the world. Come & worship with us! The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered at all the Worship Services. 5: 00 PM Saturday … Casual - in the midst of life Service with lively sing-able music accompanied by piano and guitars. 8:00 AM Sunday … quiet and contemplative Begins with prayer and meditation, welcoming the new day as the sanctuary fills with light and life. 10:15 AM Sunday Late … rich in tradition, spirited Complete liturgy, sounds of the pipe organ, and congregational singing HIGHLIGHTS 60th Anniversary From Pr. Russ Council: Let’s Chat High School Youth Women of the ELCA Organ Fund Appeal Adult Forum/Bible Study October Calendar Worship Assistants Wellness Ministry Outreach Preschool & Kindergarten Church Office BIBLE IN ONE YEAR October Birthday Remember in Prayer Ministry Contacts p. 1-6 p. 6 p. 7-8 p. 9 p. 11 p. 12-13 p. 13 p. 14-15 p. 16 p. 17-18 p. 19 p. 20 p. 21 p. 21 p. 23 p. 23 p. 26-27 Soli Deo Gloria! 25
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