St Brigid’s Marrickville In the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia One Family, Alive in Christ Est 1886. Under the Pastoral Care of the Passionists since 1887 392 Marrickville Rd (PO Box 237), Marrickville NSW 2204 Tel: 02 8577 5670 Fax: 02 8577 5679 Email: [email protected] Web: FaceBook: St Brigid’s Marrickville Parish Priest: Fr John Pearce CP ([email protected]) Associates: Fr Peter Gardiner CP ([email protected]) Sr Elena Daton CP ([email protected]) Parish Secretary: Ms Terrey Trethowan (9.30am - 4pm) We stand at the Crossroads of life for many people 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Year A Feast of St Paul of the Cross 19 October St. Paul of the Cross: The Apostolic Worker By Paul Zilonka CP, New York. Once in a while, when I mention to a stranger that our Passionist Community was founded by St. Paul of the Cross, the person mistakenly thinks I am referring to the great St. Paul from Tarsus whose letters we read in the New Testament. Even though our Founder is generally unknown and was born at the end of the seventeenth century, he was as passionate as the Apostle to the Gentiles when they both preached Christ crucified as the “power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Corinthians 1:23-24). Paul from ancient Tarsus travelled widely in the Middle East and into Europe to found church communities in the decades immediately following the death and resurrection of Jesus. God harnessed his zeal in persecuting the followers of Jesus, transforming him into a dynamo for evangelization among the Gentiles who had not even known the revelation of God in Judaism. Paul Danei, who became known as Paul of the Cross, confined his apostolic travel to his native Italian peninsula. His zeal focused on the renewal of church communities through his dramatic preaching. He fervently reminded everyone that God’s love for us was demonstrated in a unique way through the Passion of Jesus. Like Jesus who described his ministry as seeking the lost sheep of the House of Israel, Paul Danei particularly sought out the marginalized areas of the countryside, whose residents were not often on the radar screen of the church administration of his day. Paul of the Cross provided for his long-term apostolic aims by founding a community of men whom he called, in his own terms, “apostolic workers.” He also founded a community of nuns. They lived the contemplative style that was still very common for religious women in eighteenth-century Italy. Both communities were integral parts of his vision for fostering in the hearts of all people a rediscovery of the great gift of salvation through the cross and resurrection of Jesus. Paul was tireless in his perennial travels to preach, yet listen to what he considered most essential in the preparation of his apostolic workers, clearly sentiments which he followed in his own life. In several doc- uments written over a thirty-year span, he mentioned how important the contemplative style of life at home was when the apostolic workers returned from their ministries. “The workers withdraw into more strict solitude in order to renew their spirit in holy spiritual exercises according to the admonition given by Jesus Christ to the Apostles: “Rest a little” (Mark 6:31). All these things help in a wonderful way to prevent dissipation, to acquire the holy love of God and to maintain holy union with the Supreme Good” (1768). Prayer St. Paul of the Cross, help each of us to find that contemplativeapostolic integration in our own lives as we seek to follow Christ, and to sow the seeds of the kingdom of God today. Fr. Paul Zilonka CP is a member of the Passionist Preaching Team of St. Paul of the Cross Province USA Newsletter No. 42. 18/19 October2014 Pope Francis & The Law God of the law, but is also the God of surprises," he said. "God is always new; he never denies himself, he never says that By Carol Glatz CNS 13 Oct 014 what he had said is wrong, but he God's laws are meant to lead always surprises us," the pope said. all people to Christ and his glory, and The scholars of the law had if they do not, then they are obsoforgotten how many times God surlete, Pope Francis said in a morning prised his people, like when he freed homily. them from slavery in Egypt, he said. In fact, the scholars of the law They were too wrapped up in their in Jesus' day were so wrapped up in perfect system of laws -- "a masterdoctrine as an end in itself, they piece" where everyone knew exactly were unable to see that Jesus was what he or she was supposed to do; leading people down a new and sur"it was all settled. And they felt very prising path toward his glory, the secure there," he said. pope said Oct 13 during his morning They couldn't see beyond "this Mass in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, system made with lots of good will," where he lives. and they could not read the "signs of Jesus did "strange things," like the times," the pope said. "walk with sinners, eat with tax colThey couldn't see that what lectors", things the scholars of the Jesus was doing was a sign indicatlaw "did not like; doctrine was in ing "that the time was ripe," he said. danger, that doctrine of the law" that This is why in the day's Gospel readthey and the "theologians had creating (Lk 11:29-32) Jesus said, "This ed over the centuries," he said, acgeneration is an evil generation," cording to Vatican Radio. because it sought the wrong kind of The scholars were safeguardsign, the pope said. ing the law "out of love, to be faithful The scholars of the law also to God," the pope said, but "they forgot that the people of God are a were closed up right there," and forpeople on a journey, "and when you got all the ways God has acted in journey, you always find new things, history. things you never knew before," he "They forgot that God is the If laws Don't Lead People to Jesus, They are Obsolete, Pope says said. But the journey, like the law, is not an end in itself; they are a path, "a pedagogy," toward "the ultimate manifestation of the Lord. Life is a journey toward the fullness of Jesus Christ, when he will come again." The law teaches the way to Christ, and "if the law does not lead to Jesus Christ," he said, "and if it doesn't get us closer to Jesus Christ, it is dead." Pope Francis asked people to reflect, "Am I attached to my things, my ideas. Am I closed?" "Am I at a standstill or am I a person on a journey? Do I believe in Jesus Christ, in what Jesus did," dying for humanity's sins and rising again? he asked. "Am I able to understand the signs of the times and be faithful to the voice of the Lord that is manifested in them?" he asked. Pope Francis urged people to pray to be able to walk "toward maturity, toward the manifestation of the glory of the Lord" and to have a heart "that loves the law, because the law is God's." But may people also be able to "love God's surprises and to know that this holy law is not an end in itself," he said. Parish News & Information Passionist Outreach Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr John, at St Brigid’s & Retreat Peter, at St Brigid’s Jim, at St Brigid’s Michael, at Bossley Park Phil, at Punchbowl Lex, marriages Singers Required/Needed The 10:30am Mass is looking for some new singers. You don't have to be a Joan Sutherland or Pavarotti! If you can sing in tune, pop up to the choir gallery and see Mary or Terry before Mass on any weekend or phone 0417 880 170. 18 Oct: Marrickville Festival From 10-5pm, walk down Marrickville Rd for a great day on a car free street. Plenty of entertainment. 18-19 Oct: Vietnam Project This weekend, the sausage sizzle contributions will support disabled children in orphanages in Vietnam during the next Pilgrimage. Thank you for your support. 25 Oct: Mosques Open Day In order to build harmony, many Mosques will be open next Sat- urday to help dispel myths and to build friendships. 25 Oct: Justice Gathering At St Patrick’s Summer Hill, 10.30-3.30pm and exploring the Social Justice Statement for 2014 “A Crown for Australia: Striving for the Best in our Sporting Nation. 26 Oct: Harmony Walk Moving Forward Together. 13 Nov: Reconciliation Service Joining together our Celebration of First Reconciliation and our Advent Service. Please consider coning to this Sacrament, even if you haven't been for years. It’s a good way to ask for healing in our lives. 22 Nov: Boarding Houses Christmas Party It’s in Shrubland Hall, 12-2pm. It’s a great outreach. Organisers are Carole & Michael Price. St Brigid’s and the Mutlifaith Roundtable members will join the 3rd Annual Harmony Walk next Sundat 13 Dec: Peace on Earth: Comat 2pm from Cathedral Square, Colmunity Carols @ St Brigid’s lege Street Sydney. Look out for our Once again we are hosting signs @ Irish Famine Memorial @ Carols @ St Brigid’s and expect a Hyde Park Barracks 1.30-2pm. Apbigger crowd after last year’s sucprox distance walked is 1km. cessful night. Marrickville Council gave us a grant of $700 (down on All Nov: Movember Project St Brigid’s Men’s Club are join- $2,000 last year). Our costs are covered mostly by sale of food and ing the Movember Project of the Cancer Council of NSW. It’s to give drinks. This year we will have to ask for donations on the night to cover focus to Prostate Cancer Awareness the shortfall in funding. John Jacobs and to raise funds for research. Frs from Casimir will be the MC and ProJohn & Tom have had surgery for this in the last 5 years. To join & fur- gramme Director. Maria Barlow & the Cultural Committee are co-ordinating ther info from Mick Ward on food and drinks. [email protected] Information Directory Liturgical Timetable CatholicCare Family Help Line 1300 1300 52 St Brigid’s Primary School 9558 6926 Casimir Catholic College 9558 2888 Catholic Church Marriage Tribunal 9390 5120 Baptisms Preparation: 1st Sundays 10am Presentation: 2nd Sunday Masses Baptisms: 3rd & 4th Sundays 12pm or at Masses Marriages Preferably 6 months notice Contact: Parish Secretary Mon—Fri: Masses: 6.45 am, 9.00 am; Wednesday 7.00 pm Eucharistic Adoration: 7.15-8.45am. Benediction: 8.45am Public Hols: Mass 9.00am Saturday: Mass 7.30 am; Reconciliation 9-10 am; Marriages 10-3 pm; Reconciliation 4-4.45 pm; Mass: 5 pm; & 6.30 pm (Vietnamese) Sunday: Mass at 7.30 am, 9 am, 10 .30am (multilingual); 4.30pm (Viet); 6pm Ministry of Care & Support to Aged and Infirm Mass is celebrated monthly in all the Nursing Homes in Marrickville. Communion is taken to sick residents in Nursing Homes & in their homes on a weekly basis, either by Ministers of Care or family members. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is offered after Masses on First Fridays, and at the 10am Italian mass on 4th Fridays. Also available on request and recommended before attending hospital for major surgery. We Remember Recently Deceased: Elisabetta Brogna Pastoral Ministry Contacts: Adult Sacraments Sr Elena CanCare Fr John, Jenny, Maree Care of Sick & Aged Sr Elena CCD in State Schools Sue King Children’s Sacraments Fr John Cross Roads Kids Fr John Crossroads Youth Fr John Cultural C’tee Maria Barlow-Sawaszenko Ecumenical & Interfaith John McGrath Sr Pat Bowthorpe FMM Family Groups Carole Price Finance Council Michael Curran Justice & Peace Fr Peter, Peter Jennings Liturgical Ministries Fr John, Sr Elena Men’s Club: Arthur Kassis, John Skinner, Mick Ward Pastoral Council John Skinner, Wendy Mason PPC Committees: - Communication/Engagement: Mai Nguyen - Infrastructure: John Skinner - Nurturing Liturgy: Paige Bullen - Social Justice: Pauline Roche - Spiritual Growth: John Collins - Strong Community: Michael Ward Anniversaries: Madeleine De Sousa; Peter Van Nhan; Sr Betty Marion McDonald RSJ; George Fountain; Franceschino Fois; Diwata Christine Daphne; Dorothy Thornley; Douglas Brown; Gwendoline Hockey. Recently Ill: . Parish Collections Counters: This week (20/10) Lea’s Team Counters: Next Week (27/10) Jim/Lalo/Maree 11/12 October 1st (Passionists): $ 2,101 2nd (Parish): $ 5,074 Cash & Envelopes: $ 3,791 Credit Cards: $ 1,283 4/5 October 1st (Passionists): $ 1,515 2nd (Parish): $ 4,273 Sunday Mass Ministries: Lectors/Commentators 18/19 October 25/26 October Mass Texts: Paul of the Cross First Reading: Jeremiah 1: 4-9 Response: Lord, may your mercy be on us , as we place our trust in you. Second Reading: Hebrews 5: 7-9 Gospel: Mark 6: 7-13 Intercession Response: Lord graciously hear us Mass Texts: Sunday 30 First Reading: Exodus 22: 20-26 Response: I love you Lord, my strength Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Gospel: Matthew 22: 34-40 Intercessions Response: Lord graciously hear us Sunday 29 & Sunday 30 Communion Ministers 18/19 October 25/26 October Altar Servers 18/19 October 25/26 October 5 pm Sat Michael Price Marg Dos Santos Liz Buchel Paul Cloran Kelelia Apikotoa Yvette Apikotoa Carmel Cloran Mary Leask Ofa Tupola Shelley Hopper Sam Kula Paul Hurst Leila Walsh Trish Thomas Susie Houssarini Jack Houssarini Michael Price Carole Price Leon Tupola Gary Tupola Visesio Siasau Joseph Kula Alicya Young Leon Tupola Gary Tupola Visesio Siasau Joseph Kula Alicya Young 7.30am Sun Carolan Ibbotson Pat O’Reilly Maree Doyle John Freeman Maree Doyle Janice Schubach Michael Dillon Teresa James Denis Habermann Michael Dillon Michael Dillon Michael Dillon Frank Cowell John McGrath Kath Walton Malia Amituanai Francis Seufale Pedro Moreira Frank Cowell Jessica Hartany Justin Hartany Judith Flett Antoinette Grigg Xavier Rego Naomi Rego Natasha Rego Olivia Moreira Ivy Bullen Fergus Bullen Theodore Bullen Michael Moreira Claude Walton Louis Walton Jacqueline Flett Nicholas Sourlas Elvie Chiapoco A & A Naticchia Mary Buda Ever Landero Peter Jennings Fiona & Jessica Paul Geoffrey Lean Bernadette Yammine Maria Barlow Giuseppe Sciamanna Giuseppe Parinetto Albert Naticchia Anthony Naticchia John Dorrington Geoffrey Lean Aldrick De Vera Alfred De Vera William Crocombe James Poonan Alysa Nasic Thomas Hill Dominic Manansala Maria & Catrina Fuller Noelene Fernandez Arthur Kassis Jackie Kassis Pei-Pei Coa David Cloran Lea Paladino Tony Hayek John Collins Tony Hayek John Collins 9 am Sun Bernadette Yammine Maria Hunkin Sue King 10.30 am Sun Maria Barlow Ros Naticchia Angie Chiapoco 6 pm Sun Robert Gascoigne Wendy Mason ST BRIGID’S SCHOOL Rita Boustani Carmela Meoli Adrienne Harverson YOUTH Parish Calendar 2014 & Coming Events October 18 Oct Parish Spirituality Day (9.30-4pm) 18-19 Oct Feast of St Paul of the Cross Celebrated at all Masses Sausage Sizzle to follow Baptisms (12pm) Harmony Walk in City (2pm) 20-22 Oct Casimir Seniors Retreat (Fr Peter) 22 Oct Family Preparation for Reconciliation No 2 Vinnies Conference (7.30pm) RCIA (7.30pm) 25-26 Oct 30th Sunday of the Year Baptisms at 12 noon 28 Oct Table Talks (after 9am Mass) Pastoral Council & Table Talks (7.30pm) 29 Oct Family Preparation for Reconciliation No 3 Vinnies Conference (7.30pm) RCIA (7.30pm) November 1 Nov 1-2 Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 7 Nov First Saturday Gardening (8-11am) Movember Project starts 31st Sunday of the Year Movember begins CanCare Group (1.30pm) Family Group Leaders (7.30pm) Reconciliation Reflection Day Marrickville CYO Reunion and Dinner Honouring Ron and Mary Jurd on 22 Nov 2014 in Yamba. Details: Terry Turner—[email protected] Adult Sacraments (RCIA) Do you know of Catholic adults who have not completed Christian Initiation, still to be Confirmed? Why not suggest they speak with Sr Elena about being Confirmed at Easter? . Marrickville 2020 This is a Marrickville Community Facebook page. Developed by a group of citizens to connect people and events across Marrickville. Our Friends on FaceBook We are on FaceBook and there are now 625 Friends of St Brigid’s Marrickville there. Harmony Walk: Moving Forward Together Come and join people from across Sydney at the 3rd Annual Harmony Walk 2pm Next Sunday October 26, starting at Cathedral Square, College Street Sydney The 1k walk is a celebration of Australia’s diverse and unique cultural identity. It aims to build an inclusive society by bridging differences among communities in a day of fun and celebration. It’s a festival of multicultural talent, with music, entertainment and a smorgasbord of food from Australia’s diverse ethnic communities. The walk is free and suitable for people of all ages and abilities. Come along. Bring the family and enjoy food, song and a wonderful Sydney celebration! Walking together as Marrickville Multifaith Roundtable. Meet at Irish Famine Memorial on footpath at Hyde Park Barracks. Register now! The Movember Project in November Local response Hosted by St Brigid’s Men’s Club Further info from Mick Ward [email protected] Mo Brothers …. Join the programme & support Men’s Health Mo Sisters … support the brothers & promote Men’s Health Bros & Siss … donate to Movember @ Cancer Council NSW Mo for Movember … it’s a growing thing! Early Notice for Young Adults: The Passionist Pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2016 The Passionists are going to WYD 2016 in Krakow Poland, with an Immersion Experience in Vietnam on the way there. Approximate Dates 13 Jul to 3 Aug 2016 There will also be an International Passionist Youth gathering in Poland. Expressions of interest are now invited. Contact Jo McDade: [email protected]
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