The Group The group was formed in January 1963 specifically to further the rationale of industrial accident prevention. It remains a voluntary organisation with membership from large organisations, small and medium enterprises, educational and government establishments and others interested in furthering the principles of Occupational Health, Safety and the Environment. .................... Group Functions Members' premises are used by request on a rotational basis to hold monthly meetings. The Executive Committee arrange speakers and venues covering a variety of topics for the annual programme. .................... Organisation The Group is self governing and supporting. We are members of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents and the British Safety Council. It is managed by an Executive Committee elected from representatives of member organisations. .................... Membership . The annual subscription is currently £30 payable in January. Member organisations may attend monthly meetings with more than one representative if required. Membership is open to all organisations interested in furthering the principles of Health and Safety and the Environment. If more information is required or details on joining the group contact: Membership Secretary Mr Colin Leeworthy 51 Chelmsford Road Portsmouth, Hants PO2 0QE Tel: 07737878009 Conference Bookings and Payment by BACS Mr Adrian Slater Tel: 02392 497608 [email protected] Conference Bookings and Payment by Cheque Mr Vince Baker. Tel: 02392820385 For further information visit our web site: Group Officers and Executive Committee for 2014-2015 President Mr G Medlow Managing Director, Fasset Ltd Vice President Mr WJB Cha Managing Partner Blake Morgan Chair Anne Canning. University of Chichester Vice Chairman Adrian Slater. Fasset Tel: 02392497608 Secretary Kevin Hickman. University of Chichester Tel: 01243816488 Honorary Treasurer Terry Palmer. Tel: 01489571669 Membership Secretary Colin Leeworthy Tel: 07737878009 Executive Committee Vince Baker. Independent H&S Practitioner Tel: 02392820385 Charles Cole. Independent H&S Practitioner Tel: 02392263964 Paula Gilfillan. Website Editor Cameron Jones. Events Committee Chairman Tel: 02392378068 Mob: 07526 541299 John Mitchell. PR Committee Chairman Blake Morgan Tel: 01489555008 Dave Snowdon. BAE Systems. Tel: 02392226066 Andy Collier. Immediate Past Chairman, Hampshire County Council. Tel: 01962 845167 Tel: 023 92521433 Mr Peter Hewick. Immediate Past President & Group Special Adviser Tel: 023 93076492 Thirty Second HHSEG One Day Conference on WEDNESDAY 15th October 2014 at THE LANGSTONE TECHNOLOGY PARK HAVANT, HAMPSHIRE To be opened by The Worshipful The Mayor of Havant Councillor Marjorie Smallcorn at 0900 am Conference Patron Mrs Sandy Hopkins Chief Executive of both Havant Borough Council and East Hampshire District Council Conference Theme LEADERSHIP for HEALTH, SAFETY and the ENVIRONMENT. HHSEG President Mr Gary Medlow Managing Director Fasset Event Sponsored by: IOSH South Coast Branch Blake Morgan Fasset Ltd Supported by: HSE. Fasset Ltd. Health, Safety and Environmental Professionals Occupational Health Advisers & Specialists Human Resources and Facilities Managers Business Risk and Insurance Managers POSITION/S ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. Dietary or other special needs: ……………………….. …………………………………………………………….. Contact Name : …………………………………………. Signature: ………………………………………………… Date: ………………………… Telephone number: ……………………………………… Tickets available from June Attendance Certificates will be available to all delegates Who should attend? Company Directors, Executive and Senior Managers in both the Private and Public sectors with Health, Safety and Environmental responsibilities within their organisations Please return Booking Form and Cheque to: Mr Vince Baker HHSEG, 81 Grosvenor Street, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire. PO5 4JG, Tel 02392 820385 Gain knowledge from the experience of our eminent speakers and enjoy the benefits of networking with other professionals. NAMES: …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… I/We enclose a cheque for £ ……………….. ………………….. (Payable to HHSEG) Company/Organisation: ………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… Address: …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… Discuss and Develop skills for solving or minimising Health, Safety and Environmental problems in the workplace. Includes Group membership for the rest of 2014 Gain information and guidance on successful Health, Safety and Environmental Management. We wish to nominate the following people to attend the Conference: Meet Company Directors, Executive and Senior Management and Health, Safety and Environmental Professionals. WEDNES DAY 15 th OCTOBER 2014 Cost: Members £75.00, Non Members £90.00 The Conference offers an impressive line-up of eminent speakers from leading organisations. ONE DAY CONFERENCE – LANGSTONE TECHNOLOGY PARK, HAVANT, HAMPSHRE and the ENVIRONMENT” 32 “LEADERS HIP for HEALTH, S AFETY “LEADERSHIP for SAFETY, HEALTH, and the ENVIRONMENT” The Conference is focusing on: PROGRAMME 0830 – 0900 Registration, Coffee and Exhibition. 0900 HHSEG President Mr Gary Medlow to introduce Conference Patron Mrs Sandy Hopkins 0910 HHSEG Vice Chairman Adrian Slater introduces The Worshipful Mayor of Havant - Councillor Marjorie Smallcorn inviting her to officially open the HHSEG 32nd one day Conference. Chairman for the morning Programme: HHSEG Member John Mitchell. 0920 – 1000 Session 1 Health & Safety Leadership. Speaker Dr Tim Marsh, MD Ryder Marsh (Safety) Ltd Dr Marsh is an acknowledged leader in behavioural safety who also specialises in safety leadership. From his wide experience and knowledge his presentation will bring a special perspective for safety leadership that creates safety cultures in business organisations and the people who work for them. 1000 – 1040 Session 2 Law & the Legal Perception of Leadership. Speaker Kevin Bridges, Partner & Regulatory Lawyer, Pinsett Masons Kevin will outline the legal basis for effective leadership – both corporate liability and personal liability of directors and managers. Kevin will also explore how senior managers can have an impact on safety culture and its consequent effect in terms of corporate manslaughter and health and safety prosecutions 1040 – 1110 Morning Coffee and Ex hibition 1110 – 1150 The Award Ceremony HSSEG President Mr Gary Medlow opens the ceremony then invites past president Mr Peter Hewick to give a brief history of the awards prior to inviting distinguished guests to make presentations to the HHSEG award winners for 2014. Following the HHSEG Awards ceremony will be the presentation of newly inaugurated IOSH South Coast Branch Apprentices Safety Award, the Allan St John Holt Trophy. 1150 – 1315 Luncheon and Exhibition Chairman for the afternoon Programme HHSEG Vice Chairman Adrian Slater 1320 – 1400 Session 3 Environmental Leadership Speaker Martin Baxter, Executive Director Policy and Engagement IEMA Martin will provide an update on current issues giving a practical focus for corporate sustainability and improvement of resource efficiency management. His talk is based upon his experience and support for leadership that is strong in its control and influences. 1400 – 1440 Session 4 Leadership for Safety Professionals Speaker Steve Granger, Past President IOSH & currently Director of the Centre for S&H Sustainability. Steve will establish how the OSH professionals might use ‘leadership’ more effectively. He will explore the necessary leadership competencies required to meet the expectations of a maturing profession in a global market. Steve will also describe how OSH leadership can drive the agenda and illustrate the movement of OSH into, and beyond the board room. 1440 – 1500 Afternoon Tea and Exhibition 1500 – 1540 Session 5 Leadership and Management Systems. Speaker, Gary Medlow MD Fasset Gary will use recent high profile incidents to question, what Health and Safety leadership is today and given the scale of recent incidents asks what needs to change? 1540 – 1545 Collect Conference questionnaires 1545 – 1600 Conference Summary The event will conclude with the Conference summary given by the Conference Patron Mrs Sandy Hopkins and the closing address by our President Mr Gary Medlow. nd The Hampshire Health, Safety and Environmental Group are celebrating their 32nd One Day Conference which complements the nationwide European week for safety and health at work: October 20th - 26th 2014.
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