10/15/14 Parent Resource Library for Parents and Staff: Housed in receptionist office on the north end of the Lomira building is now a Parent Resource Library, which includes DVDs, CDs, cassettes, and books. These items are beneficial for parents with children of all ages, as well as, staff members. Please look over the list of items below. If you are interested in checking one or a number of items out, please do the following: Contact the Special Education Administrative Assistant in the receptionist office by e-mail or phone at 920-269-4396 ext. 100. Items need to be picked up and dropped off at the receptionist office. Staff requests will be placed in respective mailboxes. Please return items within a two-week period. A DVD’s for Parents or Teachers B Audio CD’s for Parents or Teachers C Books/Guide for Parents or Teachers D DVD’s for Teachers E Audio CD’s for Teachers F Books for Teachers G ELL Resources for Teachers 1 10/15/14 DVD’s for Parents or Teachers A1 Hope for Underachieving Kids: Opening the Door to Success with Love and Logic Love and Logic Jim Fay & Charles Fay, Ph.D A step-by-step plan for reaching kids who don’t seem to care about school and tools for preventing battles over schoolwork and homework DVD, 150 min. This DVD will help parents and educators lay the foundation that gives unmotivated, underachieving kids the desire to be successful. The time-tested strategies will help you: Understand the roots of underachievement, navigate the home-school connection Learn the skills that motivate underachieving kids, Raise the odds for your kids to stay in school A2a / A2b How to Raise Kids Who Make Responsible Decisions When Nobody is Watching (2 copies) Love and Logic Jim Fay & Charles Fay, Ph.D An introduction to Love & Logic and the benefits of using Love & Logic to raise responsible children DVD :75 min. As seen on Public Television! Learn the secrets of raising children who will make responsible decisions, when no one else is watching. Father and son parenting gurus, Jim Fay and Dr. Charles Fay, speak to the heart of middle America about the benefits of raising children the "Love and Logic" way. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will learn why Jim Fay and Dr. Charles Fay are among the most beloved story-tellers of our time. A3a / A3b Love and Logic Solutions (2 copies) Answers to parents’ most-asked questions about raising kids DVD :120 min. Unbeatable, On-the-Mark Answers to Parents' Most-Asked Questions About Raising Kids. , Jim Fay will answer all your questions and help you: End hassles about curfew, avoid being embarrassed by your child’s actions in public Raise kids who can cope, raise responsible kids , discipline without anger and threats, end sibling bickering. More 1-2-3 Magic A4 Encouraging good behavior, independence, and self esteem Responses to put downs, power struggles and button pushers Love and Logic Sally Northway Ogden 48 min. DVD and 14 pp study guide. Responses to Put Downs, Power Struggles and Button Pushers Sally Ogden, a veteran classroom teacher and national consultant, teaches how to respond to bullies, criticism, and cruelty, as well as how to avoid being manipulated while at the same time maintaining one's self-esteem. Painless Parenting for the Preschool Years A6 Parentmagic, Inc. Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D 120-minute, DVD (CC) includes both English & Spanish tracks RAISE COMPETENT, RESPONSIBLE AND HAPPY KIDS! In addition to controlling difficult behavior, parents need to know how to encourage good behavior so they can enjoy their children and relate to them with warmth and affection. In the More 1-2-3 Magic presentation in both English & Spanish you will learn how to encourage positive behavior, responsible independence and a healthy self-concept. Discover easy-to-learn techniques to get your kids to START: Picking up, going to bed, staying in bed, eating dinner, doing chores , doing homework You will also learn: Three parental qualities that foster competent kids , how to run effective family meetings, how to encourage and respect your child’s growing independence No Thanks, I Just Had a Banana A5 Love and Logic Jim Fay Learn easy, powerful parenting techniques to answer common questions from preschool parents Love and Logic Charles Fay, Ph.D. DVD, 120 min. Parents of preschoolers have lots of questions…Charles Fay, Ph.D., has the answers, with wisdom and humor he addresses: Bedtime - and how to keep the child in their bed, potty training - when and how Time-out - really can work for toddlers, temper tantrums - they can be avoided no matter where you are How to get to work on time - and not be stressed , and many other everyday challenges 2 10/15/14 Parenting Doesn’t Have to Be Rocket Science Teach Kids Good Choice A7 Laugh and learn while viewing concrete information guaranteed to make parenting simpler, more effective, and more fun. The DVD discusses basic principles, effective tools, and examples that are easily applied Love and Logic Foster W. Cline, M.D. DVD, 110 min. Join Foster W. Cline, M.D. in this live presentation as he shows that it is not what parents say, but how they respond; not the content of their lectures but the quality of their questions. With humor, compassion, common sense, and delightful clarity, Dr. Cline models reaching children. The techniques in this video best insure that your children and your children's children are kids anyone would want to take off the shelf! Real World Parenting Solutions That Prepare Kids For the Real World A8 Prepares children for the real world, how to get respect and responsibility out of your child, ending arguing and defiance, handle misbehaviors in public, teaching good decision-making and problem solving, staying calm when you don’t feel calm A9 Love and Logic Jim Fay & Charles Fay, Ph.D DVD, 120 min. Get res+pect and responsibility out of your kids, stay calm when you don't feel so calm Raise kids who can cope, teach good decision-making and problem solving Put an end to arguing and defiance, handle misbehavior in public , and much, much more. Simple Parenting Strategies For Raising Great Kids in Complicated Times Love and Logic Jim Fay & Charles Fay, Ph.D Learn how to get your kids to listen the first time you ask, avoid power struggles over chores, help your kids cope with bullying and teasing, keep parenting simple and fun, and more DVD, 120 min. This DVD teaches how to: Get your kids to listen the first time you ask, avoid power struggles over chores Use techniques far more powerful than spanking, help your kids cope with bullying and teasing Keep parenting simple and fun, and much, much more Surviving Your Adolescents A10 A step by step approach that will help end the hassles of dealing with adolescent behaviors and offer concrete solutions Parentmagic, Inc. Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D 130-minute high-resolution DVD (CC) Living with a teenager is no picnic. There are times when you must bite your tongue as they push towards independence. Or, if you sense there is trouble, there are times when you must take charge. What is normal adolescent behavior, how to manage teenage risk-taking Exactly what problems require your "letting go", the Four Cardinal Sins (What not to do) The relationship between parent/teen communication and safety, the five ways to improve your relationship What role to take: Observer, Advisor, Negotiator, Director , how to respond to emotional blackmail From fashion to passion: guidelines to specific problems A11a / A11b Thank God It’s Monday! Creating Peace & Joy in the Classroom & Home (2 copies) Love and Logic Sally Northway Ogden Learn about what causes bad behaviors in children and what can be done about it. This DVD uses stories, real-life examples, and humor to give adults practical tools to get children back on the track of achieving and behaving well 4 CD set, 180 min. Secrets for Helping Children Thrive, strategies for building strong, emotionally healthy children Indispensible tools for making discipline a breeze, how to bully proof children, diffuse power struggles & handle difficult people Sally Ogden speaks to teachers and parents about what causes bad behaviors in children and what can be done about it. Using stories, lots of real-life examples and humor A12 Reality Matters: Smoke Signals Grades 6-12 The program explores the rise of teen use of tobacco and tobacco products Discovery Channel School - Health Teens in record numbers are becoming hooked on tobacco, from cigarettes to a rise in the use of smokeless tobacco. Through interviews with students, parents, and teachers, the program explores the rise of teen use of tobacco. The program explores three themes: The selling of tobacco to a new generation of savvy adolescents, the rise in tobacco sales including smokeless tobacco, and new trends in cigarettes. 3 10/15/14 A13 Reality Matters: Deadly Highs Grades 6-12 The program explores the rise of teen use of drugs and alcohol and their addiction Discovery Health Channel School - A new generation is experiencing addiction to drugs and alcohol but a modern world has created an alarming accessibility. Alcohol sales on the Internet are up and have become an increasingly popular way for underage savvy teens to purchase booze. Acid is now available in clever strips that fit neatly inside a school notebook and a large number of teens are quickly becoming addicted to drugs inside their parents medicine cabinets. A14 Reality Matters; Prescription for Trouble Grades 6-12 The program explores the abuse of over the counter and prescription medicines and their addiction Discovery Channel School - Health More kids than ever are abusing drug they can find right in their own homes. Research shows that four million Americans, ages twelve and older, are using over-the-counter and prescription medicine for non-medical reasons. In this program, experts put forth three explanations for the explosion in the abuse of legal drugs, and show how abuse of these drugs is addictive and dangerous. A15 Reality Matters Under the Influence Grades 6-12 The program discusses the deadly decisions that alcohol can often lead to Discovery Health Channel School - The American Medical Association find that alcohol permanently shrinks the part of a teenager’s brain that controls memory and learning. In addition to brand damage and alcohol poisoning, getting drunk also puts teenages at greater risk of committing a crime or becoming a victim of crime. This program will focus on the deadly decisions that alcohol can often lead to. A16 Smoking and Biofeedback Teaches students about immediate physiological effects of smoking A17a / A17b / A17c A17d / A17e / Meth is Death Grades 9-12 (5 copies) Explores the use of methamphetamine addiction and its destruction How to Discipline Kids without Losing Their Love and respect A18 No more arguing, no more manipulation, stress free parenting. This is the support system parents have been searching for Leadership Fox Cities 36 minutes Love and Logic Jim Fay DVD :94 min. CC As seen on Public Television plus - Bonus Material. We know you will enjoy watching beloved storyteller and parenting expert, Jim Fay, as he speaks to parents, educators, and community leaders about how to discipline kids without losing their love or respect. This DVD teaches: Two simple rules for raising respectful, responsible kids , how to take good care of yourself How to teach and build character, how to get kids to listen the first time How to Make the Best of Sibling Rivalry A19 LifeSkills Gilbert J. Botvin, Ph.D.. 9 minutes This video will teach you practical skills that allow you to save your own energy and teaches our kids how to get along with others. Based on decades of experience using the Love and Logic approach. Love and Logic Charles Fay, Ph.D. DVD :90 min. This video will teach you practical skills that allow you to save your own energy and teaches your kids how to get along with others. You will learn simple and practical skills for: Setting limits without waging war, staying calm when your kids aren't Helping your kids learn to take responsibility for resolving their own issues , putting an end to arguing and manipulation A20 Who Says Parenting Can’t Be Fun Love and Logic Stories from American’s parenting experts to help you learn new parenting skills or reinforce the Love and Logic techniques you have been using for years. Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D., Foster W. Cline, M.D., Betsy Geddes, Ed.D DVD, 60 min. These stories from America's Parenting Experts® are a wonderful introduction for new Love and Logic parents and a great refresher for veteran parents. Learn new skills or reinforce the Love and Logic techniques you have been using for years. Hear about: How well it works with very little kids, bedtime at the Fay’s, watch as your teen learns better decision making The famous Love and Logic "Energy Drain" , give kids the skills to work with very bad teachers 4 10/15/14 Helping Kids Face Today’s World A21 A22 Love and Logic Foster W. Cline, M.D. DVD, 60 min Today's kids are up against pressures and influences never felt by previous generations. Join Foster W. Cline, M.D., in this live presentation as he helps parents and educators understand, and deal with, the ever-changing challenges faced by today's kids. With stories and examples, Foster makes everyday family and school life less taxing and more enjoyable for kids and the adults in their lives. Dr. Cline will give you practical, easy-to-use skills and strategies that work effectively with kids of all ages and help them handle today’s demands and tomorrow’s frustrations. 1-2-3 Magic Managing difficult behavior in children 2-12 Love and Logic Thomas W. Phelan, PH.D.. Easy to follow steps for disciplining children without arguing, yelling or spanking DVD You will learn: How to How to How to How to How to How to get your kids to STOP obnoxious behavior avoid the Talk-Persuade-Argue-Yell-Hit! Syndrome maintain control in your classroom and have more time for instruction. deal with The Six Kinds of Testing and Manipulation. handle misbehavior in public. exercise self-control and be an effective disciplinarian at the same time. - 5 10/15/14 Audio CD’s for Parents or Teachers B1a/ B1b/ B1c Avoiding Power Struggles With Kids (3 copies) Learn that by giving away some control you will gain even more Love and Logic Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D. audio CD, 45 min. Featuring Jim Fay's "Science of Control" Do you have a stubborn, strong-willed child who constantly tries to pull you into arguments and power struggles? Are you ready to: •Give your child a little piece of the action? , avoild the “rant, rave, and rescue” cycle?, gets lots of laughs? •Steer clear of everyday struggles such as choosing clothes, breakfast, and leaving for work on time? Calming the Chaos B2 Simple and effective behavior improvement strategies for the child with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 3 audio CD set, 210 min. Behavior Improvement Strategies for the Child with ADD/ADHD. With simple-to-learn and easy-to-apply Love and Logic techniques you can restore order and peacefulness to homes and classrooms while building positive and healthy relationships between parents, teachers, and children with ADD/ADHD. Developing Character in Teens B3 Love and Logic Jim Fay and Charles Fay, Ph.D Learn how to raise kids who are honest, caring, ethical, responsible, and reliable citizens Love and Logic Jim Fay audio CD, 85 min Join Jim Fay as he helps parents of teens. In this audio Jim addresses: B4a / B4b Stress relief for parents, parties and rebellion Teens doing chores and preparing meals, basic human needs and their effects on teens Didn’t I Tell You to Take Out the Trash?! Learn how chores can help children become connected to their families and feel like an important member Love and Logic Jim Fay and Foster W Cline, M audio CD, 60 min Techniques for Getting Kids to Do Chores Without Hassles. Are you tired of arguing and fighting with your child over chores? This audio will help you: B5a / B5b / B5c Choose age-appropriate chores that allow kids to be proud to contribute, negotiate reasonable time limits Negotiate reasonable time limits, immediately solve their refusal to do chores Learn how to have kids volunteer to help around the house Four Steps to Responsibility (3 copies) Learn how parents who aren’t afraid to allow their children to fail raise children who are independent, responsible decision makers with a high self-concept Love and Logic Jim Fay audio CD, 90 min. Techniques to Lead Children to Responsible Decision-Making, Love and Logic teaches a four-step process for turning children’s mistakes and misbehavior into opportunities for learning and building self-esteem. You want the best for your child! B6 You can quit fighting with your kids, stop screaming them to bed Let them make lots of mistakes while the price tag is low, they will build high self-concept Teach them to solve their own problems, help them discover good decision-making skills From Innocence to Entitlement: A Love and Logic Cure for the Tragedy of Entitlement Love and Logic Jim Fay and Dawn Billings 4 audio book set, read by Roni Caw, 4 hrs, 20 min. The legendary Jim Fay, and entitlement expert, Dawn Billings, take an in-depth look at the devastation and destruction of entitlement and provide techniques for preventing and curing the problem. Teach your kids the true meaning of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, have the courage to say “No” Step out of the role of "service provider" and into the role of parent , never hear, “It’s not fair,” or “But I want it” and give in again A look at entitlement and techniques for preventing and curing the problem 6 10/15/14 Healing Trust B7 B8a / B8b / B8c Learn how to reestablish trust and connection between children with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and the adults who are significant in their lives Love and Logic Nancy Thomas 3 audio CD set, 180 min. Rebuilding the Broken Bond for the child with Reactive Attachment Disorder This audio helps ease the feeling of hopelessness for birth parents, foster and adoptive parents, and professionals who work with children who have Reactive Attachment Disorder. Understand the definitions of RAD children, learn five ways to bond with these kids , discover how to handle potentially violent situations Learn how to get support in raising RAD kids…and see how you can take care of yourself in the process Helicopters, Drill Sergeants, and Consultants (3 copies) Learn how to identify your parenting style, the message it sends, and stress-free techniques to help you become a “consultant” parent Love and Logic Jim Fay audio CD, 80 min. Parenting Styles and the Messages They Send. This great introduction to Love and Logic will help you identify your parenting style, the message it sends, and stress-free techniques to help you become a “consultant” parent. It's how you say things to kids that affects what they choose to hear from you, it’s okay for kids to make mistakes The importance of giving children choices , simple steps to help kids want to be responsible B9 Hormones & Wheels Learn how to handle teen-age behavior including driving, anger, dating, dropping out of school, and parental respect Love and Logic Jim Fay 3 CD set, 202 min. Parent Survival Tips for Those Chaotic Teen Years. Parenting expert Jim Fay takes a lighthearted look at the often harrowing job of raising a teenager. In this audio you will learn how to: Answer, “I wasn’t born into this family to be your slave.”, quit fighting with your teen Give them control over driving, drinking, and other poor decisions , make curfew work the first time B10a / B10b B11a / B11b / B11c Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood -(2 copies) Learn easy to use, fun, and practical techniques for parenting children ages birth through 6 years Love and Logic Jim Fay & Charles Fay, Ph.D. 4 audio CD set, read by Tim Kenney, 255 min. Practical Parenting from Birth to Six Years . Let Jim Fay and Charles Fay, Ph.D., help you start your child off on the right foot. The tools in Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood will give you the building blocks you need to create children who grow up to be responsible, successful teens and adults. And as a bonus you will enjoy every stage of your child’s life and look forward to sharing a lifetime of joy with them. Get help with: Potty training, daycare, back talk, whining and many more everyday stresses faced by parents of toddlers Love Me Enough to Set Some Limits – (3 copies) (Learn how to build your child’s self-esteem with thoughtful limit Love and Logic Jim Fay audio CD, 60 min. Building Your Child's Self-Esteem with Thoughtful Limit Setting. Raise kids who can cope and get help when you want them to: Stop arguing over chores, do their homework, top fighting with their siblings, eat their peas, and get to school on time. These will all become a thing of the past when you use Love and Logic. B12 Oh Great! What Do I Do Now? Learn how to handle the unexpected from kids of all ages Love and Logic Charles Fay, Ph.D. 2 audio CD set, 100 min. Parenting Remedies for When Kids Cook Up the Unexpected Join Dr. Charles Fay for lots of giggles and plenty of easy-to-use strategies to help you handle the unexpected. This audio is guaranteed to lower your stress level and make life fun again. And the great news is that it works on kids of all ages, toddler to teen. 7 10/15/14 Parenting With Love & Logic B13 B14a / B14b Love and Logic Jim Fay and Charles Fay, Ph.D. Learn how to teach children responsibility and parent without power struggles 7 audio CD set), read by Tim Kenney, 455 min. Teaching Children Responsibility. Raise children who are self-confident, motivated, and ready for the real world with this win-win approach to parenting. Your children will win because they’ll learn to solve their own problems while gaining the confidence they need to meet life’s challenges. And you’ll win because you’ll establish healthy control— without resorting to anger, threats, nagging or exhausting power struggles. Parenting with Love and Logic puts the fun back into parenting! Raising the Odds for Responsible Behavior (2 copies) Love and Logic Jim Fay Learn skills for raising children who are responsible and are ready to handle today’s problems and tomorrow’s challenges. audio CD, 65 min. Up your odds that your kids will become responsible. Learn how by: Being a good model. And remember…responsibility can be taught when you start by asking questions instead of telling, B15 Creating a high self-concept in the child, avoiding saying, "I told you so" Shaping Self-Concept: Encouraging Kids to Take Risks and Learn Learn how to help kids learn to look for their strengths and become selfmotivated, confident, and proud Love and Logic Jim Fay 3 audio CD set, 180 min. Encouraging Kids to Take Risks and Learn Jim Fay shows teachers and parents how to reach underachieving students by giving them hope and the willingness to keep going when the going gets tough. This live audio presentation gives adults techniques and skills for helping children become self-motivated and proud. Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers B16 Love and Logic Parenting for Early Childhood: 6 months to 5 Years Love and Logic Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D 2 audio CD set, 114 min. Love and Logic Parenting for Early Childhood, 6 Months to 5 Years Parents are often astonished to find their sweet, innocent little baby has suddenly turned into a noisy,demanding—and sometimes out of control—toddler. The change seems to happen almost overnight and it leaves parents feeling at their wits end. Now help is here! Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D., share the secrets to taking the frustration, stress, and confusion out of parenting a toddler. Get started early using Love and Logic! Trouble-free Teens B17 B18a / B18b Learn suggestions for parenting pre-teens that will help reduce or eliminate teenage rebellion and help parents avoid typical parent-teen power struggles When Kids Drain Your Energy (2 copies) Learn techniques to take the exhaustion and frustration out of parenting Love and Logic Jim Fay audio CD, 60 min. Get ready to laugh, learn, and take the exhaustion and frustration out of parenting. When it comes to helping parents raise honest, responsible, successful kids, Jim Fay is the master! The stories and examples on this audio will give parents techniques they can use in the heat of battle…without breaking a sweat. Parenting should be full of love and fun. With Jim Fay’s help, you will get the skills and techniques to make it happen! B19 Winning the Homework Battle Learn how to use homework as an opportunity to celebrate a child’s strengths Love and Logic Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D audio CD, 60 min. Helping Children Discover and Celebrate Their Strengths. Starting the first day of school, homework is a fact of life. Even the youngest students will need to complete their homework assignments. Often both the child and the parent become resentful. Now you can turn the homework battle into a positive interaction. Parental excitement, interest, and enthusiasm about the things a child does right are the key to getting a child to be more cooperative about doing homework. When parents use Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline’s Love and Logic approach to homework, children end up seeing themselves as winners! 8 10/15/14 B20 B21 Father’s Involvement in Children’s Learning Partnership for Family Involvement in Education Substance Abuse A look at what substance abuse can do to a child and the home environment 55 minutes Directions for Dads National Fatherhood Initiative B22 Helpful advise and exercises for dealing with the most important issues facing fathers today B23 Alcohol B24 Bridging the Gap B25a / B25b Truth and Consequences Learn how to handle the growing up years. No Can Do (Refusal Skills) Sibling Rivalry (2 copies) Love and Logic Charles Fay, Ph D Strategies for teaching your kids how to get along 2 audio CD set, 110 min Strategies for Teaching Your Kids How to Get Along. Are your dreams of a peaceful family life being shattered by your children's non-stop arguing and fighting? Well you're not alone. It's the most ancient form of conflict known to mankind…Sibling Rivalry! Learn how to turn those inevitable sibling spats into priceless learning opportunities for your kids, and re-claim the peaceful family life every responsible and loving parent deserves. Dr. Charles Fay is a world-renowned expert in the areas of parenting, family psychology, and you guessed it...Sibling Rivalry! Put the Fun Back into Parenting B26 Highly entertaining stories that reinforce the easy to use, stress free Love and Logic techniques that put the fun back into parenting Love and Logic Jim Fay 3 audio CD set, 250 min Stories that teach by Jim Fay Both first-time listeners and long-time Love and Logic fans will find themselves laughing and learning as they enjoy some of Jim's favorite stories. These highly entertaining stories reinforce the easy-to-use, stress-free Love and Logic techniques that put the fun back into parenting. Keeping Cool When Parenting Heats Up B27 Tips for staying calm and collected Love and Logic Dr. Charles Fay and Leah Wells audio, 51 min. Tips for Staying Calm and Collected. In this audio you will learn: How to avoid common mistakes you make while trying to do the right thing for your kids How to stay calm when your kids are pushing your buttons. Childhood Lying, Stealing & Cheating B28 Practical solutions to guide children toward honesty and integrity The importance of empathy Love and Logic Foster M. Cline, M.D. 2 audio CD set, 90 min Techniques that guide children toward trust and honesty. Children sometimes reason that if they can lie, they might as well cheat and steal too, and then lie about cheating and stealing. Parents and educators often find untruths to be overwhelming and frustrating. Foster W. Cline, M.D., shares techniques which improve communication, avoid confrontations and guide children towards trust and honesty. You'll hear discussions around ditching school, stealing a watch, lying to cover up serious problems, and concerns about dealing with privacy issues. 9 10/15/14 Love and Logic – Winning with Diabetes B29 Tools, Tips and Tactics for Raising Healthier Kids Love and Logic Foster Cline, M.D. and Charles Fay, Ph.D audio CD, 67 min. Tools, Tips and Tactics for Raising Healthier Kids Does your child have diabetes? Discover effective ways to raise happy, healthier children with diabetes and other chronic medical conditions by joining this engaging discussion with parenting experts Foster Cline, MD and Charles Fay, Ph. D. Answer your child’s tough questions about diabetes. Prevent power struggles and other common parenting traps. Motivate your child to make wise self-care choices about food, glucose monitoring, and medication management without nagging, lecturing, or bribing. Escape the dangers of over-protection and avoid rebellion in the teenage years. Love and Logic – On The Bus B30 Laugh and learn, and take the frustration out of managing behavior on the school bus. Love and Logic Dr. Bob Sornson, Ph. D . 2 audio CDs, 106 min Key Skills for Managing Behavior on the School Bus Laugh and learn, and take the frustration out of managing behavior on the school bus. During this live presentation, Dr. Bob Sornson offers effective techniques to: Build relationships with students, Identify and teach the non-negotiable procedures on your bus. Use skills to set limits without anger. Give consequences with empathy. Develop a personal plan to manage your bus This CD is also great for training drivers at the district level. 10 10/15/14 Books/Guide for Parents or Teachers 1-2-3 Magic for Kid C1 Designed to help parents explain America’s simplest discipline program directly to their children. Includes games, puzzles, and questions for discussion Parent Magic, Inc Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D. and Tracy M. Lewis, B.A. 97-page, 4-color illustrated paperback HELP YOUR CHILDREN UNDERSTAND THE 1-2-3 MAGIC PROGRAM The book is presented from the point of view of young children and includes games, puzzles, questions for discussion and 4-color illustrations. 1-2-3 Magic for Kids contains elements of fiction, nonfiction and hands on learning activities. This book will appeal to children in different age groups and with various learning styles. Most important, 1-2-3 Magic for Kids will help parents and kids enjoy one another's company. C2 C3 Conversation on the Go Search Institute.org Mary Alice Ackerman Clever questions to keep teens and grownups talking Creating Classrooms Where Teachers Love to Teach and Students Love to Learn Learn how to teach children to be responsible, caring, and self-disciplined by modeling empathy, compassion, and respect Love and Logic Bob Sornson, Ph.D. and intro by Jim Fay book, 180 pp. The easy-to-read storytelling style of Dr. Sornson's latest book, Creating Classrooms Where Teachers Love to Teach and Students Love to Learn, captures the essence of using Love and Logic to build successful school cultures. C4a / C4b Learn to set limits in the classroom without anger. Create a culture of learning among faculty and parents. Build strong connections between home and school. Send fewer students to the Principal's Office Enjoy stories that illustrate the practical application of Love and Logic Love and Logic Magic: When Kids Leave You Speechless (2 copies) Specific words parents can use when their children leave them speechless, learn what to say and when/how to take action Love and Logic Jim Fay and Charles Fay, Ph.D. book, 300 pp. Great comebacks every parent needs. Jim Fay and Charles Fay, Ph.D., have put together a book that will give you the actual words. From toddler to teens, you’ll find yourself ready for this book when your kids say things like: C5 "It’s not fair!", “But why?" ,”Yuck! I don’t want that to eat.", "None of my friends do chores "I’m 16, you owe me a car.", "All my friends use drugs." , and all those words they don’t learn at home. Meeting the Challenge Learn how to use Love and Logic to help children develop attention and behavior skills Love and Logic Jim Fay, Foster W. Cline, M.D. and Bob Sornson, Ph. D book, 226 pp. Using Love and Logic to Help Children Develop Attention and Behavior Skills. Some kids can challenge even the most patient parent or teacher. This book will help you: C6 Develop attention skills in children. Learn to gain teaching time by delaying the consequence Discover how empathy leads to stress-free evenings. Learn powerful techniques to gain cooperation at home and school Children’s Hospital and Health System – Practical Advice for Parents of Teens Practical information for parents with children ages 13-18 Children’s Hospital and Health System 11 10/15/14 C7 What Kids Need to Succeed Proven, practical ways to shape your own future FreeSpirit Peter Benson, Ph.D., Judy Galbraith, M.A. and Pamela Espeland 272 pages, softcover Researchers at Minneapolis-based Search Institute have identified 40 Developmental Assets that all kids need in their lives—good things like family support, a caring neighborhood, and resistance skills. Communities across the nation have embraced the book's quick-read, commonsense suggestions for helping kids lead healthy, productive, and positive lives and stay out of trouble. This revised and updated third edition draws on findings from a 2010 survey of 90,000 kids (grades 6–12) from communities across the United States. What Teens Need to Succeed Proven, practical ways to shape your own future C8 FreeSpirit Peter Benson, Ph.D., Judy Galbraith, M.A. and Pamela Espeland 368 pages, illustrated, softcover Some teens lead healthy, productive, positive lives. Others are troubled, self-destructive, and negative about themselves and the future. What makes the difference? The presence of specific assets in their lives—not financial assets, but Developmental Assets™ including family support, self-esteem, a caring school climate, adult role models, structured time, and positive peer influence. It's a proven fact: The more Developmental Assets™ a young person has, the less likely he or she is to engage in at-risk behaviors. C9 When Love is Not Enough A guide to parenting children with RAD – Reactive Attachment Disorder Nancy Thomas, Therapeutic Parenting Specialist This book is a guide to parenting emotionally disturbed children back to health! This method was honed on the toughest kids in the US and has proven very successful in helping them to become respectful, responsible and fun to be with. A clear focused plan for guiding angry, defiant, destructive kids back to emotional health and happiness is all here. If you want to make a difference in the life of a child, this method will do it! C10 Words Will Never Hurt Me Learn how to help kids handle teasing, bullying, and putdowns Love and Logic Sally Northway Ogden book, 149 pp Helping Kids Handle Teasing, Bullying, and Putdowns We are all concerned over the safety of our children. In Sally Ogden's book you'll find the tools that will allow your child to feel empowered, relaxed, and in control. You'll be amazed by how easy it is for children to apply these concepts, and how effective they are. C11a / C11b Parenting with Love and Logic (2 copies) A terrific book for parents that provides important concepts and practical solutions to help children become emotionally, socially, and morally healthy. Love and Logic Foster W. Cline, M.D. and Jim Fay book, 271 pp. Teaching Children Responsibility. Raise children who are self-confident, motivated, and ready for the real world with this win-win approach to parenting. Your children will win because they’ll learn to solve their own problems while gaining the confidence they need to meet life’s challenges. And you’ll win because you’ll establish healthy control—without resorting to anger, threats, nagging or exhausting power struggles. Parenting with Love and Logic puts the fun back into parenting! C12 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families This book will help you to find answers to common family challenges FranklinCovey Golden Books Stephen R. Covey Stephen Covey Shows You How To Apply The Acclaimed 7 Habits To The Unique Circumstances Of Your Family. 12 10/15/14 C13 Growing Up Again: Parenting Ourselves-Parenting Our children This book offers further guidance on providing children with the structure and nurturing that are so critical to their healthy development, as well as your own. Hazelden Jean Illsey Clark and Connie Dawson Jean Illsley Clarke and Connie Dawson provide the information every adult caring for children should know--about ages and stages of development, ways to nurture our children and ourselves, and tools for personal and family growth. This new edition also addresses the special demands of parenting adopted children and the problem of overindulgence; a recognition and exploration of prenatal life and our final days as unique life stages; new examples of nurturing, structuring, and discounting, as well as concise ways to identify them; help for handling parenting conflicts in blended families, and guidelines on supporting children's spiritual growth. C14 Parenting Solo This book provides valuable information for a single parent who wants to enjoy life and raise good kids Here’s Life Publishing Dr. Emil Anthelei C15 Discipline with Dignity This book offers specific ways to involve students in defining classroom procedures, rules, and consequences based on values or principles compatible with learning Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Richard L.Curwin and Allen Mendler 276 pages Offers teachers practical consequences to use when students do not conform to the behaviors agreed upon in their social contracts and advocates treating students in fair, dignified, and individualized ways. C16 When You Feel Like Screaming This book shares with you why you do what you do, how it affects you and your kids, how you can achieve quiet control of yourself and your family Harold Shaw Publishers Pat Holt and Grace Ketterman, M.D. 84 pages Many moms feel guilty about screaming at their children, but they don't know how to stop. Filled with sound wisdom, helpful insights, and successful strategies to help you defuse stress and tension, this practical book discusses why moms yell and gives healthier, more effective ways of interacting with your child. C17 Teaching Your Children Values This book presents a practical program of proven methods for teaching values to kids of all ages. This book can help you develop a family relationship that is strong, caring, and supportive Simon and Schuster Linda and Richard Eyre Paperback 256 pages One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is a strong sense of personal values. Helping your children develop values such as honesty, self-reliance, and dependability is as important a part of their education as teaching them to read or how to cross the street safely. The values you teach your children are their best protection from the influences of peer pressure and the temptations of consumer culture. With their own values clearly defined, your children can make their own decisions -- rather than imitate their friends or the latest fashions. In Teaching Your Children Values Linda and Richard Eyre present a practical, proven, month-by-month program of games, family ctivities, and valuebuilding ecercises for kids of all ages Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments C18 This book presents practical solutions for tantrums, rage, and melt downs for children with Asperger Syndrome Autism Asperger Publishing Co. Brenda Smith Myles and Jack Southwick This expanded edition of the bestselling AAPC classic offers both parents and professionals tried-and-true solutions to minimize and circumvent the often frightening circumstances that surround the rage cycle – not only for the child with Asperger Syndrome but others in the environment as well. In addition to almost doubling the section on interventions, this highly practical and user-friendly resource also focuses on the reactions of the adults around the child. This detailed book takes the reader through the stages of the rage cycle and emphasizes the importance of utilizing the teachable moments before and after a rage episode. 13 10/15/14 C19 Surviving Your Adolescents-How to Manage and Let Go of Your 13-18 Year Olds This book gives you a step by step approach that will help end the hassles and offer concrete solutions Child Management Inc. Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D. 168 pages DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THIS KID ANYMORE! Have you ever felt like this? If your answer is yes, that's what Surviving Your Adolescents is all about. Exactly what should you do—and equally important, what should you not do—with your adolescents. This book gives parents a step-by-step approach that will help end the hassles and offer concrete solutions. How to transform your attitude toward your teen, How your relationship affects your teen's safety The definition of a normal adolescent , How to manage teen risk-taking How to have dinner with a teenager! , Fashion to passion: guidelines for specific problems How to Keep Your Teenager from Driving You Crazy C20 This book provides a proven program for enforcing limits and restoring peace to your family Contemporary Books Paula Stone Bender, Ph.D. 256 pages Rebellion. Arguments. Bad attitudes. So many parents fear that their once-adorable child will become unrecognizable during the teen years. But it doesn't have to be that way. Dr. Paula Stone Bender shares her proven, research-based formula for a more cooperative, peaceful household-a behavior contract. The action-oriented program you'll find here shows how you can develop and implement a contract that offers your teen positive incentives to live within the rules while learning valuable lessons in personal responsibility. Sample contracts and worksheets are provided, and real-life stories from Dr. Bender's practice demonstrate how the program works. It's easy to understand, and, best of all, it works. C21 A Survival Guide from a Family of Nine- Raising a G-Rated Family in an X-rated World Greentree Publishing Brent and Phelecia Hatch This great book teaches you how to take control of the influences around you and how to teach your children to independently make right choices Brent and Phelecia Hatch, parents of seven children, were named California 2001 Parents of the Year and are the coauthors of the award-winning book Raising a G-Rated Family in an X-Rated World. Deemed “Family Approved” by the Dove Foundation and awarded the National Parenting Center Seal of Approval, Raising a G-Rated Family in an X-Rated World presents timely tips and tools for more effective parenting in a world where it is increasingly more difficult to shield children from sex, violence and declining values. C22a / C22b / C22c / C22d / The Pearls of Love & Logic for Parents & Love and Logic Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D. C22 e / C22f / C22g / C22h / Teachers. (11 Copies) This book provides clear, concise, easy to apply techniques Book 261 pages C22i / C22j / C22 k for peaceful classroom and home An owner’s manual for kids. Parents and educators, this book is a quick reference guide for: Peer pressure, disrespect, back talk, clothes Complaining , sibling rivalry, whining, mealtime, skipping school Over 100 specific references to help you raise great kids. C23 Entitled to Fail, Endowed to Succeed: America’s Journey Back to DCB Publishing Dawn L. Billings, M.A.,LPC Greatness This book deals head on with the entitlement mentality that harms both individuals and societies and presents powerful, practical ways to eliminate it 256 pages This book is a delightful tapestry of eternal truths from great men and women; woven expertly with threads from Dawn's personal experiences; and hemmed with examples from her practice. It is an absolutely delightful read! 14 10/15/14 Open the Door to Better Communication with your Teen C24 This book is a hands on family activity for parents and teens to directly experience together Love and Logic David Garrison, M.D. Book 64 pages Through each Family Movie Night, families will: Practice just two simple and essential rules for better communication with teens Discuss critical issues all parents and teens must talk about, including especially a discussion of their strengths and role models Experience the true underdog stories of people like Chris Gardner, Homer Hickam, and Erin Brockovich With Dr. Garrison’s prescription, parents and teens will have the confidence of open communication and both the security and pleasure of a closer relationship as they face the challenges of the teen years together. Parenting Children with Health Issues and Special Needs C25 Discover how to engage and communicate with children of all ages using proven and practical techniques Love and Logic Foster W. Cline, M.D. and Lisa C. Greene Paperback 105 pages Raise happy, healthier kids! Discover how to engage and communicate with children of all ages using these proven, practical techniques. Any parent, medical professional or teacher can immediately apply these universal tools when working with a wide range of conditions such as ADD/ ADHD. Developmental Delays Allergies Asperger's and Autism Learning Difficulties Diabetes Health Issues Behavior Problems Cystic Fibrosis Disabilities Money-isms C26 A collection of 126 of the most brilliant things ever said about raising money-smart kids Love and Logic Jim Fay and Kristan Leatherman Book 144 pages Wise Words About Raising Money-Smart Kids. Love and Logic Money-isms is a collection of wise words that capture the powerful and inspiring truths about raising financially responsible kids. If you would like to know how to: Set limits without losing your children's love Do what's best for your kids without feeling guilty Do what's right in the short term to prevent future financial problems in the long term Grandparenting with Love & Logic C27 Practical solutions to today’s grand parenting challenges Love and Logic Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D. Book 286 pages Whether you are a grandparent raising your grandchildren, a grandparent who wants to be a positive influence in your grandchild's life, or a parent who wants to ensure that the Love and Logic techniques you are using are also used by your children’s grandparents…this book is a must. Uncontrollable Kids from Heartbreak to Hope C28 This book takes a hard hitting look at our society’s roll in creating uncontrollable, unreachable young people and the steps to take toward a genuine solutions Love and Logic Foster W. Cline, M.D. Book 348 pages More and more American children are emotionally hurt early in life and cannot form the relationships necessary to heal themselves. The cost to America as these children become adults is beyond estimation. This book takes a hardhitting look at our society's key role in creating uncontrollable young people and the no-nonsense steps we absolutely must take toward a genuine solution. 15 10/15/14 C29a/ C29b / C29c What to Do When You Worry Too Much-A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety-(3 copies) Magination Press Dawn Huebner, Ph.D. This material guides children and parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of anxiety. Lively metaphors and illustrations make the concepts and strategies easy to understand, while clear how-to-steps and prompts to draw and write help children master new skills related to reducing anxiety. This interactive self-help book is the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering kids to overcome their overgrown worries. Did you know that worries are like tomatoes? No, you can't eat them, but you can make them grow, simply by paying attention to them... If your worries have grown so big that they bother you almost every day, this book is for you. What to Do When You Worry Too Much is an interactive self-help book designed to guide 6 - 12 year olds and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of generalized anxiety. Metaphors and humorous illustrations make difficult concepts easy to understand, while prompts to draw and write help children to master new skills related to reducing anxiety. Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, this book educates, motivates, and empowers children to work towards change C30 Choice Words How our language affects children’s learning Stenhouse Publishers Peter H. Johnston Language is a teacher's most powerful tool. In this unique book, Peter provides instructive examples of the apparently ordinary words, phrases, and uses of language that are pivotal in the orchestration of the classroom. Grounded in a study of accomplished literacy teachers, the book demonstrates how the things we say (and don't say) have surprising consequences for the literate lives of our students Love and Logic Magic For Early Childhood C31 Practical Parenting from Birth to Six Years Love and Logic Jim Fay and Charles Fay, Ph.D. Book 175 pages Let Jim Fay and Charles Fay, Ph.D., help you start your child off on the right foot. The tools in Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood will give you the building blocks you need to create children who grow up to be responsible, successful teens and adults. And as a bonus you will enjoy every stage of your child’s life and look forward to sharing a lifetime of joy with them. Get help with: potty training, day care, back talk, whining, and many more everyday stresses faced by parents of toddlers Parenting Teens with Love and Logic C32 Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood. Love and Logic Foster Cline, M.D. and Jim Fay Book 269 pages Our changing times require new approaches to parenting teens. Parenting experts Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D., help you address the pressing subjects faced by today’s teens like: Drugs, alcohol, smoking, and sex. Peer Pressure. What happens if they break the law and who pays bail. Violence in school and on the street Give them the tools to face the choices of today’s world The Love and Logic Journal – Tenth Anniversary Collection C33 Love and Logic Jim Fay and Foster Cline, M.D. Book 231 pages Take a walk through Love and Logic history. In this collection of journal articles you'll find a decade’s worth of wit and wisdom from two of your favorite parenting experts, Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D. 16 10/15/14 Love and Logic – Parenting Kids C34 To become the People Employers really Want and America Desperately Needs Love and Logic Charles Fay, Ph.D. Book 240 pages Unless you’ve got the finances to set your kids up with a lifetime trust fund, they’re going to end up spending most of their adult lives working. Wouldn’t it be a great gift if your children grew up to enjoy work…rather than dread it? Bosses are desperate for employees who understand: The importance of personal responsibility , How to remain positive when the going gets tough . That success comes from hard work and determination…rather than handouts The future of America rests on these qualities, as well! This new book provides practical strategies for raising great people, great employees and great Americans. C35a / C35b Love and Logic – Powder Room Reader (2 copies) Insider’s Club Tips Love and Logic Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D., and others Paperback 172 pages America’s Parenting Experts® Jim Fay and Charles Fay, Ph.D. have compiled tips they have written for our email database of over one hundred thousand subscribers. This easy-to-read book is a collection of their most current articles. You will find simple solutions for both parents and teachers of children of all ages! Here are a few examples of the many fantastic tips that are included: C36a / C36b Three Steps for Little Tykes.. Why Won’t He Get a Job? When Kids Get in Trouble at School Put an End to Sibling Spats Tips for Win-Win Parent-Teacher Conferences Love and Logic – Tales of Successes with Kids (2 copies From Parents and Educators who use Love and Logic Love and Logic Book 182 paes Only read this book if: C37 You want to learn how others were successful using Love and Logic You're looking for ideas on how to implement Love and Logic You want to protect your kids while they learn to protect themselves You want to hear heart-touching stories about kids of all ages There’s got to be a Better Way Discipline that works for Parents and Teachers Conscious Discipline Dr. Becky Bailey Children have changed. Society has changed. Adults must change how they discipline children to be effective. We cannot teach children skills we do not possess. This book uniquely and humorously helps adults uncover damaging beliefs about themselves and children. Learn how to use every conflict moment as a teaching opportunity. Acquire the strategies you need to create a problem solving community of learners. Transform aggression, stop power struggles, empower both yourself and the children. There is a better way! C38 Conscious Discipline 7 Basic Skills for Brain Smart Classroom Management Conscious Discipline Dr. Becky Bailey Join hundreds of thousands in discovering the secrets to a complete emotional intelligence and classroom management system for early childhood and elementary programs. Transform conflict into cooperation using the seven proven powers and skills of Conscious Discipline to help children perceive, use, understand and manage their emotions. Stop struggling and start finding joy in the classroom again. Perfect for Pre-K – 5th grade. C39 Creating the School Family Bully-Proofing Schools Through Emotional Intelligence Conscious Discipline Dr. Becky Bailey Dr. Becky Bailey delivers a fresh perspective called “The School Family,” creating a fundamental shift in education and classroom management. Step into a world where intrinsic motivation, helpfulness and connection govern your classroom. Creating the School Family: Bully-Proofing Classrooms Through Emotional Intelligence incorporates everything you need to successfully create and teach 12 classroom structures, integrating social-emotional well-being into your existing curriculum. This new title is essential for early childhood and elementary educators! Your journey to a problem-solving, caring, bully-free and academically successful classroom begins here! 17 10/15/14 Love and Logic C40 I’ve Got What It Takes Love and Logic Jim Fay Book 112 pages Every parent wants their child to say, “I’ve got what it takes.” The information in this book by Jim Fay will help you make that happen. Provide kids with a positive self-concept . Teach children to feel good about themselves without criticism . Love and Logic Magic C41 For lasting relationships Learn how to set limits Love and Logic Jim Fay & Dr. David B. Hawkins Paperback 156 pages The Love and Logic approach is the foundation for this book. This approach has helped millions of people raise wonderful, responsible children. Now we're taking all that wisdom, which works so well with kids, and applying it to adult relationships. C42 Do you feel like there has to be a better way to interact, instead of arguing, with co-workers, significant others and any other adult in your life? Do you ever struggle in your relationships with friends, family, coworkers, or significant others? Do you feel like relating just shouldn't be this hard? Love and Logic From Bad Grades to a Great Life Love and Logic Dr. Charles Fay Paperback 146 pages Your underachiever can grow-up to have a great life! How can I be so sure? Over the past three decades, thousands of parents and educators world-wide have discovered the power of Love and Logic. In this book you'll hear why character and personal responsibility form the foundation of lasting academic and occupational achievement. In the process you'll also learn practical skills for: C43 Avoiding un-winnable power-struggles over homework and grades. Helping children discover and capitalize upon their natural strengths. Teaching politeness, respect and personal responsibility. Showing children that the key to happiness involves determination and hard work…rather than luck or handouts. Creating a happier family or classroom, and much more! Love and Logic Millionaire Babies or Bankrupt Brats Love and Logic Jim Fay & Kristan Leatherman Solutions to Teaching Kids about Money Book 447 pages Put an end to the constant begging to buy . Deal with ungrateful kids or overindulgent relatives. Teach personal responsibility and financial responsibility at the same time. Use allowance to teach kids to spend, earn, borrow, save, share and invest wisely . Prepare your children for the global economy they will inherit! Discover a win-win approach: Your children win because they will learn how to solve their own problems while gaining the confidence and capability they will need to meet life’s financial challenges. And you’ll win because you will establish healthy control now -without resorting to anger or threats; and without the guilt of having to rescue them later when they should be financially independent . This book turns cents into sense! 18 10/15/14 C44 Overcoming Dyslexia FOR EVERYONE WHO STRUGGLES TO READ! Clear, practical, science-based information and advice for successful results Overcoming Dyslexia Sally Shaywitz, MD Book 414 pages ! One in five American children has trouble reading. But they are not stupid or lazy. InOvercoming Dyslexia, Dr. Sally Shaywitz, codirector of the Yale Center for the Study of Learning and Attention and a leader in the new research into how the brain works, offers the latest information about reading problems and proven, practical techniques that, along with hard work and the right help, can enable anyone to overcome them. Here are the tools that parents and teachers need to help the dyslexic child, age by age, grade by grade, step by step. --What dyslexia is and why some intelligent, gifted people read slowly and painfully --How to identify dyslexia in preschoolers, schoolchildren, young adults, and adults --How to find the best school and how to work productively with your child’s teacher --Exercises to help children use the parts of the brain that control reading --A 20-minute nightly home program to enhance reading --The 150 most common problem words–a list that can give your child a head start --Ways to raise and preserve a child’s self-esteem aqnd reveal his strengths --Stories of successful men and women who are dyslexic 19 10/15/14 DVD’s for Teachers Brain-Friendly Classroom D1 Learn practical teaching and learning strategies every teacher can use. Learn how and when the human brain best learns and retains information Love and Logic Larry Miller 2 DVD set -120 minutes Join in a fun, active presentation that shares practical, brain-friendly techniques for all classrooms. In this live session a teacher with thirty years of classroom experience models strategies he learned that made his students more involved and successful. This DVD teaches: Strategies to get and keep students' attention. Proactive classroom management ideas that lower stress for students and teachers Ways to improve active participation and memory How to make teaching and learning more fun and productive How to Teach Without Getting Punched D2 Learn verbal and nonverbal skills designed to prevent blowups with angry, potentially violent students Love and Logic Charles Fay, Ph.D. DVD 90 minutes Preventing Battles and Blow-Ups with Angry Students. As the school environment changes, teachers need new skills. In this live presentation Dr. Charles Fay offers techniques that: Help create harmony between teacher and student. Keeps disruptions to a minimum Control outbursts with empathy. What to do in a dangerous situation—fighting, guns, drugs How to discipline without losing quality teaching time Practical Applications of Love and Logic in Today’s Classroom D3 Learn techniques to minimize student misbehavior, maximize teaching time, and cure discipline problems immediately Love and Logic Betsy Geddes, Ed.D 2 DVD set -240 minutes Teachers, the information on this live presentation by Betsy Geddes, Ed.D., can save your career and sanity! Let Betsy help you: Minimize student misbehavior Maximize teaching time Cure discipline problems immediately No longer be manipulated by students Build positive relationships with kids 20 10/15/14 Audio CD’s for Teachers E1 Angry & Oppositional Students: Calming Classrooms with Love and Logic Learn the psychology underlying violent behavior in youth, how to set firm limits, how to intervene with angry, resentful youth, and tools for creating a positive school climate Love and Logic Charles Fay, Ph.D 3 CD set, 198 minutes Are you looking for a positive yet powerful approach to preventing school violence? In this live presentation, Dr. Charles Fay gives you long-term solutions rather than temporary bandages. You will learn: How to set firm limits without creating explosions The psychology underlying violent behavior in youth How to intervene with angry, resentful youth before they seek revenge Tools for creating a positive school climate…even with really tough kids Strategies for saving lives E2 Putting Parents at Ease Learn 9 elements that guarantee stress-free and effective parent-teacher conferences Love and Logic Jim Fay 3 cd set 180 minutes Whether unexpected, or planned in advance, parent conferences are often stressful events. Jim shares the nine elements that guarantee successful parent-teacher conferences. These easy-to-use techniques begin by showing teachers how to make parents comfortable in the school setting. Jim's approach then helps teachers move parents out of an emotional state and into a thinking state, the place where true collaboration can take place. E3 Quick and Easy Classroom Interventions Learn techniques to manage disruptive students without taking time away from teaching Love and Logic Jim Fay 2 CD set, 180 minutes 23 Proven Tools for Increasing Student Cooperation The information in this audio will help both teachers and students. You will learn skills that allow teachers to take back control of the classroom through an escalating series of interventions. Interventions that will: E4a / E4b Increase learning time for students. Help teachers manage disruptive students Decrease office referrals Reduce teachers’ stress so they enjoy teaching again Immediately eliminate struggles with resistant students Teaching with Love and Logic Taking Control of the Classroom (2 copies) Love and Logic Jim Fay and David Funk 5 CD set, read by Tim Kenney, 375 min Discover why Love and Logic works in the school environment, and understand the psychological reasons for its effectiveness. Jim Fay and David Funk's truly positive approach and time-tested ideas and strategies will empower teachers to effectively manage classroom dynamics while bringing the joy back to teaching. Puts teachers in control of the classroom discipline. Discourages the “classroom clown” Improves attendance by Jim Fay and David Funk The Love and Logic Classroom - E5 More Cooperative, Higher Achieving Students Nine Key Skills for Educators Love and Logic Jim Fay and Dr. Charles Fay 7 Audio CD set, 425 minutes As an educator, are you seeing more and more students gifted in their ability to turn entire classrooms upside down? Have you ever felt so worn-out by their antics that you began to fantasize about a career change? There’s hope! In this live, fun-filled presentation, Jim Fay and Dr. Charles Fay share powerful skills, refined through over five decades of real classroom experience. You'll learn how to: Avoid getting pulled into exhausting arguments and power-struggles. Enforce these limits…even with your most challenging students . Prevent group misbehavior. Build fun and rewarding relationships with all students. Preserve your sanity while working with adults who act worse than kids. Save more energy for yourself and your own family, 21 10/15/14 Books for Teachers School Wide Discipline Plan Without the Loopholes F1 Learn how to establish a school wide culture of respectful behaviors which support learning and teaching Love and Logic Jim Fay Book 101 pages Positive Schoolwide Discipline Plan Without the Loopholes A positive approach to school discipline by legendary education and parenting expert Jim Fay. The stories in this book teach these easy techniques: How to handle disruptive students. Help students own and solve their own problems Develop respectful involvement with parents. Build positive teacher/student relationships F2a / F2b / F2c / F2d / F2e / F2f / F2g / F2h / F2i / F2j / F2k / F2l / F2m / F2n / F2o / F2p / F2q / F2r / F2s / F2t /F2u / F2v Teaching With Love & Logic (22 copies) Learn techniques for easily and effectively managing a classroom. Love and Logic Jim Fay and David Funk Book 389 pages Taking Control of the Classroom Discover why Love and Logic works in the school environment, and understand the psychological reasons for its effectiveness. Jim Fay and David Funk's truly positive approach and time-tested ideas and strategies will empower teachers to effectively manage classroom dynamics while bringing the joy back to teaching. F3 Puts teachers in control of the classroom discipline Discourages the "classroom clown" Improves attendance What to do When How to Achieve Discipline with Dignity in the Classroom Solution Tree Allen Mendler, Ph.D. Understand the principles that place dignity at the core of classroom management, and explore what motivates misbehavior. This book also provides unique, effective strategies for dealing with power struggles, working with parents, and making a positive impact on schoolwide discipline. Creating a Love and Logic School Culture F4 Love and Logic Jim Fay Book 389 pages This book offers a successful, time proven, step-by-step process. Jim Fay not only provides the specifics of creating a Love and Logic school, he shares actual dialogs for dealing with difficult kids, difficult teachers, and difficult parents. These strategies are those that are not found in typical administrator training courses. Students Speak F5 Effective Discipline For Today’s Schools Building a Sense of Community Love and Logic Institute Linda Clarry Barber and Betsy Geddes, Ed.D Book 213 pages Students Speak contains over 80 Winning Ways: "rip and run" activities which are designed to develop responsible classroom behavior by addressing students' basic interaction needs. Winning Ways help students change their behavior so that achievement increases and misbehavior decreases. These activities also help teachers change their behavior so that students will respond more positively. Winning Ways are designed for use with students of all ages and abilities and in any socioeconomic school setting. 22 10/15/14 EEL Resources for Teachers G1a / G1b / G1c / G1d Oxford Picture Dictionary Content Areas for Kids 4 copies Second Edition English / Spanish Oxford University Press Jenni Currie Santamaria / Joan Ross Keyes Program Consultant-Kate Kinsella Book – 186 pages The Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Area for Kids builds direct, explicit, multifaceted vocabulary instruction using rich visuals and brings meaning and context to words to activate learning for English Learners. Level : Beginner to Intermediate G2a / G2b / G2c Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas 3 copies Content Areas for Kids English / Spanish Oxford University Press Dorothy Kauffman Gary Apple Book – 140 pages Designed for students who are learning English, the monolingual version of the Dictionary presents over 1500 words drawn from content areas of social studies, history, science, and math. The words are presented in full-page illustrations that place each word in context. Reading Level : Age 8 & up G3a / G3b / G3c / G3d Oxford Picture Dictionary – Second Edition 4 copies English / Spanish Content is organized within 12 thematic units, including Everyday Language, People, Housing, Food and Recreation Oxford University Press Jayme Adelson-Goldstein Norma Shapiro Book – 320 pages Each unit starts with an Intro page (new to this edition) and ends with a story page, with single or double-page sub-topics introducing new words in a realistic visual context and easy-to-learn "chunks." The target new vocabulary is listed and simple practice activities help students put their new words into practice. Story pages include pre-reading questions to build previewing and predicting skills and post-reading questions and role-play activities to support critical thinking and to encourage students to use the new language they have learned. Rich visual contexts recycle words from the unit. This structure is designed to address the needs of multilevel classrooms. Supporting components include more guidance on this topic as well as assessing needs and lesson planning. (available in English only). G4a / G4b Lomira School District ELL Apple - IPAD – MINI 2 Apple Ipads available English / Spanish ELL Apple - IPAD – MINI Lomira School District Contact Lori Wojahn 920-269-4396 ext 113 to To check out. English / Spanish Contact Lori Wojahn 920-269-4396 ext 113 to check out For in school use only. Not to be taken home. 23 10/15/14 G5a / G5b / G5c / G5d/ G5e / G5f / G5g The More Than Just Surviving Handbook-ESL for Every Classroom Teacher ESL for Every Classroom Teacher 7 Copies The More Than Just Surviving Handbook-ESL for Every Classroom Teacher Barbara Law & Mary Eckes Book 300 pages For teachers with even one non-English-speaking student, this book is invaluable. The second edition features updated chapters on testing and placement, teaching reading, teaching writing, and teaching content. A new chapter on balanced literacy discusses the place of direct instruction and the teaching of skills within an environment of authentic learning. Also new are sections on writing lesson plans and the effective use of technology. Contains practical advice on helping students adjust to a new school, managing cultural diversity, setting realistic goals, and grading appropriately. Incorporates dozens of new examples of students' work. G6a / G6b / G6c / G6d 2012 Amplification of the WIDA English Language Development Standards Spiral-bound Kindgergarden-Grade 12 4 copies 2012 Amplification of the WIDA English Language Development Standards Spiral-bound WIDA Consortium – World Class Instruction and Assessment Spiral Bound – 129 Pages The 2012 Amplification of the English Language Development Standards was developed with input from leaders in the field and educators in WIDA Consortium member states. This process was also informed by the latest developments in both English language development research and states' content standards for college and career readiness. 24
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