74 1 1 2 3 NOTES REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE (R’m) continuing continuing operations continuing operations operations 25 777 25 777 23 773 23 773 773 893 25 777 The key fundamentals of reliability, delivery and quality, together with an ability to build and nurture relationships, underpin the motto of theCONSTRUCTION group of ‘being SECTOR a pleasure WBHO WBHO WBHO CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SECTOR SECTOR to do business with’. SCORECARD SCORECARD SCORECARD 12 438 12 438 48% 48% 48% 10 243 2014 20142014 40% 12 438 10 243 10 243 40% 40% 17 893 67 12% Ownership Ownership Ownership 2013 11 2012 2012 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 Management Management and Management and and 6,5 control controlcontrol 6,8 6,5 6,5 6,8 6,8 24 24 24 24 24 24 12% 12% 3 096 3 096 3 096 12 14112 141 12 141 8 736 4,9 Employment Employment Employment equity equity equity 4,9 4,4 4,4 4,9 4,4 51% 14,4 Skills Skills Skills development development development 14,4 13,8 13,8 0 976 939 1 035 976939 1 035 939 20 EnterpriseEnterprise Enterprise development development development 1 035 Socio-economic Socio-economic Socio-economic5 development development development 5 2013 11 2012 2012 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 0 MIKE WYLIE CHAIRMAN 0 5 2014 5 5 5 5 0 151 1 167 2013 11 2012 1 1167 151 2012 2014 2013 1 282 1 282 2014 15 15 15 15 15 10 15 10 1520 24% 432 South Africa Rest of Africa Australia 2 896 South Africa South Africa South Africa 29%20 25 20 15 47% Rest of Africa Rest ofRest Africa of Africa Australia Australia Australia 25 25 37% 37%8 7368 736 12% 12% 12% 495 290 2 896 2 896 LOUWTJIE LOUWTJIE LOUWTJIE NEL NELNEL CHIEFCHIEF EXECUTIVE CHIEF EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE OFFICER OFFICER OFFICER “Our construction ‘Our construction ‘Ourdivisions construction divisions delivered divisions delivered a credible delivered a credible a credible performance performance inperformance the midst in the of in challenging midst the midst of challenging of challenging conditions conditions within conditions certain withinsectors within certaincertain of sectors the sectors of the of the economy. economy. Being economy. flexible, Beingdependable Being flexible, flexible, dependable and dependable and and hard-working hard-working are hard-working suitedare to suited navigating are suited to navigating to navigating competitive competitive markets competitive and markets our markets focus and our and focus our focus this year this remained year thisremained year on keeping remained on client keeping on keeping client client relationships relationships strong relationships bystrong delivering strongon projects.by Ondelivering the bywhole, delivering onI projects. believe on projects. that this is Onsomething theOn whole, the we whole, I believe haveI believe that this that is this is achieved.” something something we have weachieved.’ have achieved.’ Read Read more more Read more on page on pageon 18 page 20% 0,94 0,94 0,94 37% 20 184 [2013: [2013: 1,35] [2013: 1,35] 1,35] 1 151 2013 2014 Read more on page 16 250 operations 2014 5 10 5 LTIFR LTIFR LTIFR 1 283 20 15 2014 20132014 2013 2013 “In the construction industry you have to be adaptable and flexible enough to “go where the work is”, especially when conditions are challenging, and I am comfortable that we continue to have this vital capacity, without compromising our standards.” 416 continuing 19,4 19,4 19,4 Preferential Preferential Preferential procurement procurement procurement OPERATING PROFIT (R’m) 14,4 13,8 2013 20132013 51% 51% TRAINING TRAINING TRAINING SPEND SPEND SPEND 323 2013 46% 34% R 38m R R38m 38m [2013: [2013: R33m] [2013: R33m] R33m] 1 1 2 20142014 HIGHLIGHTS 2014 HIGHLIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS 1 REVENUE REVENUE REVENUE 30 000 30 000 30 000 25 000 continuing continuing operations continuing operations operations 25 000 25 000 20 000 20 000 20 000 8,4% 8,4% 8,4% 15 000 10 000 5 000 [2013: [2013: 32,9%] [2013: 32,9%] 32,9%] 0 1514 201 769 14 769 15 000 15 000 25 777 25 777 23 773 23 773 23 773 17 893 15 767 201 1414 769 15 201 14 767 17 893 25 777 WBHO WBHO WBHO CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SECTOR SECTOR SECTOR SCORECARD SCORECARD SCORECARD 14 767 Ownership Ownership Ownership 10 000 10 000 2009 0 0 2010 2009 2009 2011 2010 2010 2012 2011 2011 2013 2012 2012 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 Management Management and Management and and 6,5 control controlcontrol 6,8 4,9 4,4 NG rations 1 400 continuing continuing operations continuing operations operations 495 10,2% 10,2% 10,2% 1 600 1 600 1 200 1 200 1 049 1 000 800 600 6,8 1 800 1 700 1 049 1 274 1 090 1 049 1 274 1 090 976 1 000 1 000 800 600 2009 1 090 976 939 1 035 976939 1 035 939 1 035 600 2010 2009 1 761 1 800 1 800 700 11 611 1 700 1 611 1 600 1 600 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 400 1 400 1 400 1 300 1 300 1 300 1 200 1 200 1 200 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 000 24 24 24 4,9 4,4 4,4 51% 14,4 13,8 13,8 5 2009 2011 2010 2010 2012 2011 2011 2013 2012 2012 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 0 1 000 1 000 2009 2010 2009 1 761 1 761 1 611 1 416 1 416 1 416 1 283 1 167 2009 2011 2010 2010 2012 2011 1 151 1 167 2011 2013 2012 1 1167 151 2012 2014 2013 1 282 1 282 1 151 2013 2014 2014 13,8 12% 19,4 20 EnterpriseEnterprise Enterprise development development development 0 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 2 19,4 20 South Africa South Africa South Rest of Africa Rest ofRest Africo Australia Australia Austra 10 15 10 1520 15 20 25 20 25 25 2014 20132014 2013 2013 LTIFR LTIFR LTIFR TRAINING TRAINING TRAINING SPEND SPEND SPEND [2013: [2013: 1,35] [2013: 1,35] 1,35] [2013: [2013: R33m] [2013: R33m] R33m] 0,94 0,94 0,94 2013 201 51% 51% 14,4 14,4 19,4 Socio-economic Socio-economic Socio-economic5 development development development 800 1 600 continuing continuing operations continuing operations operations [2013: [2013: (1,4%)] [2013: (1,4%)] (1,4%)] 24 24 12 14112 141 12 141 Preferential Preferential Preferential procurement procurement procurement 2014 15,4% 15,4% 15,4% 6,5 6,8 1 400 1 400 1 274 1 200 [2013: [2013: (3,7%)] [2013: (3,7%)] (3,7%)] HEADLINE HEADLINE HEADLINE EARNINGS EARNINGS EARNINGS PER PER SHARE PER SHARE SHARE 6,5 Skills Skills Skills development development development 1 600 24 5 000 5 000 4,9 Employment Employment Employment equity equity equity OPERATING OPERATING OPERATING PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT 12 438 17 893 R 38m R R38m 38m 4 5 BUSINESS BUSINESS MODEL MODEL The construction The construction business business model consists model of consists the of the It is during the execution It is duringorthe operational executionphase or operational that the phase that the Strategic planning, Strategic risk management planning, riskand management governanceand governance brand and reputation brandofand thereputation group is created. of the group The key is created. The key form an integralform part an of the integral procurement part of the process. procurement Duringprocess. During simultaneous, simultaneous, continuous continuous and inter-linked and inter-linked processesprocesses fundamentals offundamentals reliability, delivery of reliability, and quality, delivery together and quality, together this process, the this group process, leverages the group its inherent leverages skillsitsand inherent skills and procurement project procurement and execution. and execution. with an ability towith build anand ability nurture to build relationships, and nurtureunderpin relationships, underpin expertise, brandexpertise, and reputation, brand and and reputation, financial strength and financial to strength to of project of the motto of thethe group motto of of ‘being the group a pleasure of ‘being to doa pleasure to do secure those projects secure that those willprojects achievethat the will implementation achieve the implementation business with’. This business consistent with’. This experience consistent when experience when of its short to medium of its short termtostrategic mediumobjectives. term strategic The objectives. The interacting with interacting us generates withrepeat us generates work andrepeat enhances work and enhances quality of the submitted quality ofbid thehas submitted a directbid impact has aondirect the impact on the credibility. credibility. operational performance operational of performance the group. of the group. N S A N D I M PA C T S N S A N D I M PA C T S REMENT PRHEMENT PHASE PROCU PROCU ASE E RY DELI V IBILI TY FLE X SOCIAL SOCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE QUALITY QUALITY PEOPLE PEOPLE STRATEGY to geographies target? to target? ° Which geographies ° Which Which focussectors on? to focus on? ° Which sectors° to work for? clients to work for? ° Which clients °toWhich RISK MANAGEMENTRISK MANAGEMENT to anyexposure given sector/ to any given sector/ ° How much exposure ° How much client/geography? client/geography? Project evaluation Project evaluation ° ° - Programme - Programme - Technical complexity - Technical complexity - Available resources - Available resources bid at? margin to bid at? ° What margin to ° What BRAN D, REPU BRAN D ENT ENT TAT I O N A N D, R E P U TAT I O N A N D A C T O N P R O C U R E MA C T O N P R O C U R E M P E R F O R M A N C E I MPPE R F O R M A N C E I M P 6 6 6 BUSINESS BUSINESS STRUCTURE STRUCTURE BUILDINGBUIA ENGINEERIN ENG The Building division The of Building WBHOdivision is recognis of W industry. Having established industry. Having a reputation establishf budget, the division budget, regularly the division exceedsregul clie negotiate a number negotiate of projects a number every of year pro diversity to the margin diversity streams to theof margin the divis str ROADS AND ROA EARTHWOR EAR The Roads and earthworks The Roads division and earthwor opera disciplines, as well disciplines, as a number as well of special as a n strength when operating strength in when Africa operating and has in the region. Theindivision the region. differentiates The divisioit effective teams, which effective areteams, encouraged which to ar for the mutual benefit for theofmutual all parties. benefit of AUSTRALIA AUS WBHO entered the WBHO Australian entered market the Austra in 20 support of WBHO, support Probuild of is WBHO, a tier one Probui co to the success ofto this therelationship success ofhas thisbeen rela of management. of The management. group also operates The gro earthworks sectors. earthworks sectors. PROJECTSPROA PROPERTY PRO ° Guarantee facilities ° Guarantee facilities ° Working capital ° Working capital investment investment ° Enhances credibility ° Enhances credibility ture expenditure ° Capital expendi ° Capital STRATEGY 5 IT Y SOCIAL SOCIAL ° Key relationships ° Key relationships° Key relationships ° Key relationships - client - client - client - client - supplier - supplier - supplier - supplier employees - employees ° Leverage brand ° Leverage brand and reputation and reputation ° Culture: the “WBHO Way” the “WBHO Way” ° Culture: ABIL ° Skills and experience ° Skills and experience ° Skills and experience ° Skills and experience - tendering - tendering - technical - technical - project evaluation - project evaluation- resource management - resource management - resource planning - resource planning G E M EANNTA G E M E N T M R EL I G O V E R A GNOCVE E R A N C E N N MANA HUMAN HUMAN IT Y PEOPLE HUMAN HUMAN ABIL STRATEGY EXECUTIONEXPEHCAUSTEION PHASE CAPITALS/INPUTS CAPITALS/INPUTS R EL I S SHIP PEOPLE S SHIP STRATEGY TION R EL A TION R EL A IBILI TY L E A D E R S LH EI PA D E R S H I P P E R AT I O E F O R O P E R AT I O O N P E R F O R M A N C EO N P E R F O R M A N C E ELIN A PIP E RY NE FOR O DELI V ELI A PIP FLE X 4 PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE and resource management ° Project and resource ° Projectmanagement ° Relationships ° Relationships - Client - Client - Professionals - Professionals - Suppliers and-subcontractors Suppliers and subcontractors - Staff and labour - Staff and labour and competenc expertise and e competence ° Technical expertise ° Technical RISK MANAGEMENTRISK MANAGEMENT ° ° ° ° Programme ° Programme Technical complexity ° Technical complexity Cost control ° Cost control Project ‘health° checks’ Project ‘health checks’ The overriding purpose The overriding of the Projects purposean o group to a rangegroup of diversified to a range margin of diver stre construction environment. construction environmen CONSTRUCT CON MATERIALS MA WBHO conductsWBHO its operations conducts within its ope the Capital Africa Steel Capital group Africa of companies, Steel group 2002. Capital Africa 2002. Steel Capital operates Africavariou Stee period of challenging period conditions, of challenging the grou con under-performingunder-performing investments, as well investm as 5 5 6 6 7 6 BUSINESS BUSINESS STRUCTURE STRUCTURE BUILDINGBUILDING AND CIVILAND CIVIL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING FOOTPRINT AFRICA SECTORS SECTORS RETAIL RETAIL EDUCATION EDUCATION HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL The Building division The of Building WBHOdivision is recognised of WBHO as is a leader recognised in theas South a leader African in the building South African building MINING INFRASTRUCTURE MINING INFRASTRUCTURE industry. Having established industry. Having a reputation established for quality, a reputation reliability for quality, and delivering reliability against and delivering against INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL budget, the division budget, regularly the division exceedsregularly client expectations. exceeds client Theexpectations. division is able Thetodivision is able to RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL negotiate a number negotiate of projects a number every of year projects as a result. every The yearCivil as aengineering result. The Civil division engineering adds division addsAND ENTERTAINMENT HOTELS HOTELS AND ENTERTAINMENT diversity to the margin diversity streams to theof margin the division streams and of strengthens the division and the overall strengthens earnings. the overall earnings. ENERGY ENERGY ROADS AND ROADS AND EARTHWORKS EARTHWORKS 11 SECTORS SECTORS 10 9 ROADS ROADS MINING INFRASTRUCTURE MINING INFRASTRUCTURE RAIL RAIL ENERGY ENERGY The Roads and earthworks The Roads division and earthworks operatesdivision across multiple operatestraditional across multiple civil engineering traditional civil engineering WATER WATER disciplines, as well disciplines, as a number as well of specialist as a number disciplines. of specialist The division disciplines. has aThe particular division has a particular OIL AND GAS OIL AND GAS 12 7 6 13 5 AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA earthworks sectors. earthworks sectors. PROJECTSPROJECTS AND AND PROPERTY PROPERTY SECTORS 4 SECTORS RETAIL RETAIL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL WBHO entered the WBHO Australian entered market the Australian in 2001 through marketits in subsidiary 2001 through Probuild. its subsidiary With theProbuild. WithMINING the INFRASTRUCTURE MINING INFRASTRUCTURE support of WBHO, support Probuild of is WBHO, a tier one Probuild contractor is a tier across one contractor all buildingacross disciplines. all building Key disciplines. Key INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL to the success ofto this therelationship success ofhas thisbeen relationship the similar hasvalues, been the culture similar and values, attitudes culture and attitudes LEISURE LEISURE of management. of The management. group also operates The group in also the civil operates engineering in the civil and engineering roads and and roads and HOTELS AND ENTERTAINMENT HOTELS AND ENTERTAINMENT 3 1 SECTORS REBAR REBAR QUARRIES QUARRIES PIPE MANUFACTURE PIPE MANUFACTURE AGGREGATES AGGREGATES WBHO conductsWBHO its operations conducts within its operations the construction within the materials construction segment materials throughsegment the through the Capital Africa Steel Capital group Africa of companies, Steel groupinofwhich companies, it has held in which a strategic it has interest held a strategic since interest since 2002. Capital Africa 2002. Steel Capital operates Africavarious Steel operates businesses various withinbusinesses this sector.within Afterthis a long sector. After a long period of challenging period conditions, of challenging the group conditions, is in a the process groupofisunbundling in a process non-core of unbundling and non-core and under-performingunder-performing investments, as well investments, as assessing as well its as industrial assessing portfolio its industrial in general. portfolio in general. Swaziland 4 Botswana 5 Namibia 6 Mozambique 7 Zambia 8 DRC 9 Ghana 10 Sierra Leone 11 Guinea 12 Tanzania 13 Mauritius 2 BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING ROADS AND EARTHWORKS AUSTRALIA 13 5 7 4 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS MATERIALS Lesotho 3 SECTORS CONCESSION ARRANGEMENTS CONCESSION ARRANGEMENTS TURNKEY PROJECTS TURNKEY PROJECTS ENGINEER, PROCURE, ENGINEER, PROCURE, CONSTRUCT PROJECTS CONSTRUCT PROJECTS The overriding purpose The overriding of the Projects purposeand of the property Projects division and property is to expose division the is to expose the PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS group to a rangegroup of diversified to a range margin of diversified streams within marginthe streams boundaries withinofthe theboundaries of the GOLF ESTATES GOLF ESTATES construction environment. construction environment. RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS SECTORS South Africa 2 8 strength when operating strength in when Africa operating and hasindeveloped Africa andahas successful developed formula a successful for trading formula for trading in the region. Theindivision the region. differentiates The division itself differentiates with its modern itself fleet with of its plant modern andfleet of plant and effective teams, which effective areteams, encouraged which to arework encouraged togetherto with work clients together and consultants with clients and consultants for the mutual benefit for theofmutual all parties. benefit of all parties. SECTORS 1 6 8 1 Melbourne (Victoria) 2 Sydney (New South Wales) 3 Perth (Western Australia) 4 Brisbane (Queensland) 5 Karratha (Western Australia) 6 Goldfields (Western Australia) 7 Pilbara (Western Australia) 8 Geraldton (Western Australia) 3 2 BUILDING 1 CIVIL ENGINEERING WBHO INTEGRATED REPORT 2014
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