Revised October 16, 2014 November 2014 Programs offered at Our Place, Family Resource and Early Years Centre 154 Gatewood Road, Kitchener N2M 4E4 Telephone: (519) 571-1626 and Registration REGISTRATION for the November programs will begin on Monday Fax: (519) 571-0621 Programs at Our Place are for Children from birth to 6 years and their parents or caregivers. Parents and caregivers are required to remain at the Centre during the programs. October 20th at 1:30 p.m. **Programs requiring payment must be made in person with cash/cheque payment made at time of registration. For families requiring financial assistance please call 519-571-1626 ext. 25 before registration starts** Register for: Baby Basics, Baby Connections, Colour it Up@Victoria Hills CC, Fit Kids, Infant Massage, Newcomer Parent Support Program and Parenting in a New Society **Beginning October 20th, registration for programs requiring payment will be taken each day starting at 10:30am IN PERSON ONLY. These programs include: Creative Cooking @Forest Heights CC Many children attending our programs have severe allergies. Help keep them safe by not bringing peanuts or nut products into our Centre. Thank you for your co-operation Register for One is Fun and Guest Speaker Series one week at a time, starting the week before each group. ***************************************************************************************** Please remember to arrive on time. Pre-registered spaces in the programs will only be held until 9:15 a.m. Please call if you cannot attend or are going to be late. *Early Years Programs are free to participate however some programs require a small fee for materials. If you are in need of financial assistance, please call 519-571-1626 ext. 25* ***Please note; most programs end by 2:30 p.m. daily. Check program descriptions for current times and dates*** Centre Hours Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday* 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Wednesday* 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. *please note; participants will be asked to sign themselves in before participating in programs 1 **this calendar shows what programs are running daily, please refer to description for exact program times** Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Morning Drop In Playtime-ORANGE ROOM Dad’s and Kids Drop InGYM Music and Movement 3 Morning Drop In Playtime Drop in Sensory Play Early Learning Programs Parents together Stork Secrets Music and Movement 4 Morning Drop In Playtime Drop in Sensory Play Colour it Up @Victoria Hills Early Learning Programs Parents Together Speaker-‘Creating Holiday Cards’ with Julie Dyck ($10 fee) Afternoon Baby and Me Discovery Fit Kids Community Café Early Learning Programs Creative Cooking @Forest Music and Movement Afternoon Drop In Playtime Growing Healthy Together Newcomer Parent Support Baby Basics Heights Evening Preparing for Parenthood 10 Morning Drop In Playtime P.O.M.B.A. Early Learning Programs Parents together Stork Secrets Music and Movement Afternoon Baby and Me Discovery Fit Kids Community Café Early Learning Programs Creative Cooking @Forest Heights 11 Morning Drop In Playtime Drop in Sensory Play Colour it Up @Victoria Hills Early Learning Programs Parents Together Speaker-‘Vaccines and Dealing with Minor Childhood Illness!’with WR Nurse Practioner-led Clinic Music and Movement Afternoon Drop In Playtime Growing Healthy Together Newcomer Parent Support Baby Basics 5 Morning Drop In Playtime Early Learning Programs Parents together Parenting in a New Society Social Club Creative Cooking Music and Movement Afternoon Drop In Playtime Artistic Infants Baby Blanket Time Artastic Infant Massage @Country Hills Evening Positive Discipline Drop In Playtime Drop in Sensory Play One is Fun Music and Movement 12 6 Morning Drop In Playtime ‘Learning is Child’s Play’ at Centreville-Chicopee Terrific Two’s Meet with an RECE Music and Movement 7 Afternoon Drop In Playtime Make the Connection Get Set Learn After School-@ Queen Elizabeth PS Music and Movement @Old Navy 13 Morning Drop In Playtime Early Learning Programs Speech/Language Support Parents together Parenting in a New Society Social Club Creative Cooking Morning Drop In Playtime ‘Learning is Child’s Play’ at Centreville-Chicopee Terrific Two’s Meet with an RECE Music and Movement Afternoon Drop In Playtime Make the Connection Music and Movement Afternoon Drop In Playtime Artistic Infants Baby Blanket Time Artastic It Takes Two to Talk Get Set Learn After School-@ Queen Elizabeth PS Infant Massage @Country Hills 8 Morning Drop In Playtime- GYM Artastic- ORANGE ROOM Music and Movement Infant Massage Music and Movement Afternoon Peer Worker Training Drop In Playtime 14 Morning Peer Worker Training AUTISM SERVICES Drop In Playtime Terrific Two’s Artastic Baby Blanket Time One is Fun Preschool Fun 15 Morning Drop In Playtime- GYM Artastic- ORANGE ROOM Music and Movement Music and Movement @Kitchener Market Family Storytime Infant Massage Music and Movement Afternoon Peer Worker Training Drop In Playtime Evening Evening Preparing for Parenthood Morning Peer Worker Training Drop In Playtime Terrific Two’s Baby Blanket Time One is Fun Preschool Fun Family Storytime with Let’s Read Positive Discipline Drop In Playtime Drop in Sensory Play One is Fun Music and Movement 17 Morning Drop In Playtime Drop in Sensory Play Early Learning Programs Parent Council Meeting Parents together Stork Secrets Music and Movement Afternoon Baby and Me Discovery Fit Kids Community Café Early Learning Programs Creative Cooking @Forest Heights Evening Preparing for Parenthood 24 Morning Drop In Playtime Drop in Sensory Play Early Learning Programs Parents together Stork Secrets Music and Movement Afternoon Baby and Me Discovery Fit Kids Community Café Early Learning Programs Creative Cooking @Forest Heights Evening Preparing for Parenthood 18 Morning Drop In Playtime Drop in Sensory Play Colour it Up @Victoria Hills Early Learning Programs Parents Together Speaker –‘Understanding Emotional Health’ with Public Health Music and Movement 19 Afternoon Drop In Playtime Growing Healthy Together Newcomer Parent Support Baby Basics Morning Drop In Playtime Early Learning Programs Parents together Parenting in a New Society Social Club Creative Cooking Music and Movement Afternoon Drop In Playtime Artistic Infants Baby Blanket Time Artastic Baby Blanket Time @ Country Hills Evening Positive Discipline Drop In Playtime Drop in Sensory Play One is Fun Music and Movement 25 26 Morning VISION SCREENING Drop In Playtime Colour it Up @Victoria Hills Early Learning Programs Parents Together Speaker –‘Building Healthy Families’ with Kathy Elliott Music and Movement Afternoon Drop In Playtime Growing Healthy Together Newcomer Parent Support Baby Basics 20 Morning Drop In Playtime Early Learning Programs Parents together Parenting in a New Society Social Club Creative Cooking Music and Movement Afternoon Drop In Playtime Artistic Infants Baby Blanket Time Artastic Baby Blanket Time @ Country Hills Evening Positive Discipline Drop In Playtime Drop in Sensory Play One is Fun Music and Movement 2 Morning Drop In Playtime ‘Learning is Child’s Play’ at Centreville-Chicopee Terrific Two’s Meet with an RECE Music and Movement Afternoon Drop In Playtime Make the Connection It takes Two to Talk Get Set Learn After School-@ Queen Elizabeth PS 21 27 28 Morning Drop In Playtime ‘Learning is Child’s Play’ at Centreville-Chicopee Terrific Two’s Meet with an RECE Music and Movement Afternoon Drop In Playtime Make the Connection It takes Two to Talk Get Set Learn After School-@ Queen Elizabeth PS Morning Peer Worker Training Drop In Playtime Terrific Two’s Artastic Terrific Two’s Baby Blanket Time One is Fun Preschool Fun Family Storytime 22 Morning Drop In Playtime- GYM Artastic- ORANGE ROOM Music and Movement Music and Movement @Old Navy Infant Massage Music and Movement Afternoon Peer Worker Training Drop In Playtime—Orange room only Morning Drop In Playtime Terrific Two’s Artastic Terrific Two’s Baby Blanket Time One is Fun Preschool Fun Music and Movement @Kitchener Market Family Storytime Infant Massage Music and Movement Afternoon Centre closed for staff training 29 Morning Drop In Playtime- GYM Artastic- ORANGE ROOM Music and Movement GENERAL INFORMATION Registration **Registration for Get Ready for School begins Monday November 3rd starting at 10:30am. Registration will be taken IN PERSON only. ** Registration ballots for the new session of Social Club and Creative Cooking will be available starting Monday October 20th. Here are the steps to register: 1. 2. 3. 4. Obtain a form from the front desk staff or visit our website to download a form Fill out the form with the required information by November 1st. Place in the jar at the front desk counter or e-mail to [email protected] We will draw names for the upcoming session on November 3rd. (Participant numbers will depend on Early Learning program needs.) 5. Staff will contact those whose name was put on the list to inform them they have a 48 hour period in which to confirm their registration with payment. Programs requiring payment must be paid upon registration. If you are in need of financial assistance, please call 519-571-1626 ext. 25 BEFORE registration. Refunds requested before program starts will be subject to a $5 administration fee. Refunds will not be processed once programs have started. Centre Housekeeping If you or your children are ill, we ask you do not attend programs. If you are registered in a program, we ask you call the centre and let us know you will not be attending that day. Programming can be held out in the Outdoor Learning Area at any point during the Early Learning programs. We ask that you dress your child for the weather outside. Please remember your indoor shoes. For safety reasons, we can not allow wet boots or shoes into the gym or classrooms. Tours for new families visiting our centre will be done daily Monday to Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday tours will be done on an ‘as needed’ basis. In our efforts to ensure the safety of everyone in our centre: - We ask that if you have a ride that is coming to the centre to pick you up – please let the front desk reception know. If we know that you are expecting someone to check in and ask for you, we will ask them to sign in and they can come to find you. If we do NOT know of any pick up arrangements, we will ask the person to wait in the front hall while we come and find you. We ask that EVERYONE signs in as they arrive in the centre as this helps keep Our Place a safer place for everyone. - We do lock the front doors daily from 3:30-4:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday. The office will remain open during this time but anyone arriving at the centre must ring the bell to gain entry. We thank everyone in advance for their cooperation. 3 PROGRAMS FOR PARENTS/CAREGIVERS OF CHILDREN BIRTH TO AGE 6 Program Art-Tastic Come out and explore your creativity in a room full of various art supplies. This program provides the opportunity for families and children to have the freedom to explore and create wonderful artistic masterpieces in an art filled environment. *younger siblings from birth to two are welcome to attend* Dad’s and Kids Drop In Calling all Dads, Grandpa’s and Father Figures of Kids…come out on Saturday mornings to spend time with other families in the gym. It’s a great way to spend time with the kids, participate together in fun and games, songs and stories, friendship and laughter! Drop-In Playtime Parents, caregivers and children can play and learn together. We offer an assortment of gross motor activities for all age groups in the Orange room and Gymnasium. Play with your children and meet other families in this unique setting. Support and resources are provided for children and families. Age Time/Location Dates Ongoing 2–6 years Wednesday 1:00-2:30 p.m. Friday 9:00-11:00 a.m. Saturday 9:30-11:00 a.m. Saturday Birth to six years Birth to six years Register/ Drop In NO COST Drop In NO COST Drop In NO COST Drop In NO COST Drop In NO COST Drop In (cancelled Nov 7) Ongoing (cancelled Nov 1) November 1 9:30-11:00 am Monday to Saturday 9:30-11:30 am Ongoing Tuesday to Friday 12:30-2:30 pm (cancelled November 28) **please note: the Orange room part of Drop In Playtime will end at 11:00 am** A wonderful addition to our Drop in Playtime is the Outdoor Learning Area. Great opportunities for gross motor development await children outside. We encourage our families to use the Outdoor Learning Area as an opportunity for children to enrich their learning experiences. Drop In Sensory Play Spend time with your child in a calming environment designed for sensory stimulation of all types. This ASD-friendly program is open to all children birth-6 years and their parents, caregivers and therapists. Family Story Time Families come together with children from to listen and participate in fun and interactive stories and activities that promote literacy within the family. Stories offered by Our Place’s Early Learning Staff **On Friday November 7th Alma Fullerton along with Let’s Read will be joining Family Storytime. During this interactive session Alma will be reading her book ‘Community Soup’. Each family will receive their very own copy to take home! Fit Kids Come and join us for this fun-filled energy boosting program, geared to families with children 2-6 years. Our Educators will offer your family a time to play, exercise and create a healthy snack together. *younger siblings from birth to two are welcome to attend* ‘Learning is Child’s Play’@Centreville-Chicopee CC A play based early learning drop in program for children and their parents/caregivers that supports optimal learning and healthy development. Support and resources are provided for children and families. Ongoing Cost Wednesday 6:00-8:00 pm Birth to six years Birth to 6 years 2-6 years old Monday and Tuesday Ongoing 9:30-11:00 a.m. (Cancelled November 10 and 25)) Wednesday 6:15-7:30 p.m. Ongoing Friday Ongoing 10:30-11:00 a.m. **Friday 10:00-11:00 a.m. November 7 Monday November 24 to December 15 NO COST Register or Drop In September 4 to December 18 NO COST Drop In Ongoing NO COST Drop In 1:00-2:30 p.m. Thursday 2-6 years old 9:15-11:15 a.m. Birth to 6 years old Monday to Saturday 11:30-12:00 Wednesday 7:30-8:00 pm **This program is geared to children 2-6 years, however younger siblings are welcome to join in.** Music and Movement A time for families to move and groove together. A great way for children and parents/caregivers to let off a little steam in the gymnasium, while moving, singing and exercising together. Music and Movement @ Old Navy—Sunrise Plaza Move and groove with us at Old Navy! A great way for children and parents/caregivers to let off a little steam while moving, singing and exercising together. Music and Movement @ the Kitchener Market Move and groove with us in the Upper Level of the Kitchener Market! A great way for children and parents/caregivers to let off a little steam while moving, singing and exercising together. Preschool Fun A play based program for children 2-6 years and their parents/caregivers. Play, explore, and discover together in an environment that sparks a child’s curiosity. The program includes creative play both indoor and outdoor. Our Registered Early Childhood Educator is available to consult with and to provide information and resources to support optimal learning and healthy development. Birth to 6 years old Friday 10:30-11:15 am November 7 and 21 NO COST Drop In Birth to 6 years old Friday 10:00-10:45 am November 14 and 28 NO COST Drop In 2-6 years Friday Ongoing NO COST Drop In 9:15-10:15 am *this program is geared to ages 2-6 however younger siblings are welcome to attend* 4 PROGRAMS FOR INFANTS BIRTH TO 12 MONTHS Program Artistic Infants It’s never too early to support your child’s self-expression! This program will allow families with babies less than 12 months to explore different baby-safe art materials, and take home the end result. Each session will end with a short circle of songs and rhymes. Be sure to bring extra clothes and a towel for drying your baby as this creative process will get MESSY! Baby Basics Having a new baby is a time of change, discovery and often many questions. Come out and meet other new parents and learn about your baby with a Registered Early Childhood Educator. Topics include crying, sleeping, feeding, brain development, taking care of you, and playing with your baby. This program is geared towards parents with infants birth to six months only. Baby Blanket Time Parents and caregivers of babies under 1 year old can meet and socialize together. Learn songs, rhymes and finger plays to play with your baby. After the songs, stay to play with the Early Learning Staff and other parents. Bring your baby’s favourite blanket along! Age Time/Location Dates Cost Register/ Drop In Birth to 12 months Wednesday Ongoing NO COST Drop In Nov 18 to Dec 16 NO COST Register 1:00-1:45pm OR 2:00-2:45pm Ongoing NO COST Drop In Wednesday Nov 19 to Dec 17 Birth to 6 months 1:00-1:45pm OR 2:00-2:45pm Tuesday 1:00-2:00 pm Wednesday Birth to 12 months @ Country Hills CC 1:00-1:45pm Friday 9:15-10:15 a.m. Baby Connections This adult and infant program focuses on building early literacy skills through the use of simple songs, rhymes and books. Families will be provided with resources to facilitate practice at home. Join the fun and see that it’s never too early to foster a love of literacy and learning in your little one. *this program is suitable for all parents regardless of home language or literacy level* Baby and Me Discovery Early brain development is heightened by interactions that include all five senses. This program will focus on activities that foster attachment and learning through the use of music and other sight, sound, smell, touch and taste sensory experiences. Families are also able to seek parenting information, resources, referrals and support through their peers and our qualified staff. Infant Massage Parents with babies under 12 months will learn how to massage their babies in a comfortable and relaxing environment. Our facilitators are trained by the International Association of Infant Massage and will teach techniques that will help to relax the baby and relieve common physical discomforts. Make the Connection A fun and interactive program for parents with babies, from birth to twelve months, to develop strong attachment skills and help the baby to feel safe, good about herself, discover his world and knowing when to take a moment to stay connected. Parents and babies come together during a portion of the group for videotaping, songs and stories. *Payment for programs are due at time of registration, if you are need of financial assistance please call 519-571-1626 ext 25* Early Learning Programs Early Learning Educators provide a play based environment that sparks children’s curiosity and follows their interests. Both the indoor/outdoor environments are incorporated to support optimal learning and development. Children explore and learn with other children and educators. Parents are welcome to stay and participate with their child or attend a parenting program. Support and resources are provided for children and families. Pre-registered spaces available during some parenting programs. ** Monday A.M. infant room and Wednesday A.M. drop in spaces for children’s program are limited** Birth to 12 months Birth to 12 months Birth to 12 Wednesday Birth to 12 months 12 months and walking ***Parents and Caregivers are required to remain at the Centre during the children’s programs. Stork’s Secrets Pregnant Mothers and Mothers of babies under two years have an opportunity to talk with peers about their experiences with the changes and challenges of Pregnancy and the Post-Partum Adjustment Period. Moms will discuss their feelings of anxiety, depression and feeling overwhelmed. Information on the importance of Self Care, Community Resources, Health Issues, Healthy Relationships and building Circles of Support. -- NO COST Ongoing NO COST Drop In Friday 10:45-11:45 a.m. October 31 to November 21 NO COST Register Thursdays October 9 to December 4 $15 Register 6:15-7:00pm Monday 1:00-1:45 p.m. OR 2:00-2:45 p.m. 1:00-3:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 5 Ongoing Register Material Cost NO COST Register and Drop In NO COST Register with Jennifer Jordan 519-5711626 ext 26 9:15-11:15 a.m. Monday 12:45-2:30 p.m. Monday 9:30-11:15 a.m. Early Learning programs available for children during group. This group in ongoing, participants can join in at any point during the session. Drop In Ongoing Nov 5-26 months birth to 12 months Register @WebReg #167280 September 15 to December 15 PROGRAMS FOR TODDLERS 12 TO 24 MONTHS Program One is Fun! Age Time/Location Dates Cost Register/ Drop In 12-24 months Wednesday 6:15-7:00 p.m. Ongoing NO COST Drop In Parents and caregivers of children from 12-24 months meet and socialize together. Our Registered Early Childhood Educator will lead the group in singing songs, rhymes and stories with the parents and children. Feel free to ask staff questions about Child Development and interact with other parents. Early Learning Programs Early Learning Educators provide a play based environment that sparks children’s curiosity and follows their interests. Both the indoor/outdoor environments are incorporated to support optimal learning and development. Children explore and learn with other children and educators. Parents are welcome to stay and participate with their child or attend a parenting program. Support and resources are provided for children and families. Friday Ongoing Register weekly Session #1 9:15-10:15 am OR Session #2 10:45-11:45 am 12-24 months Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Ongoing NO COST Register and Drop In NO COST Register with Jennifer Jordan 519-5711626 ext 26 9:15-11:15 a.m. Monday 12:45-2:30 p.m. Pre-registered spaces available during some parenting programs. ** Monday and Wednesday A.M. drop in spaces for children’s program are limited** ***Parents and Caregivers are required to remain at the Centre during the children’s programs. Stork’s Secrets -- Pregnant Mothers and Mothers of babies under two years have an opportunity to talk with peers about their experiences with the changes and challenges of Pregnancy and the Post-Partum Adjustment Period. Moms will discuss their feelings of anxiety, depression and feeling overwhelmed. Information on the importance of Self Care, Community Resources, Health Issues, Healthy Relationships and building Circles of Support. Monday’s 9:30-11:15 a.m. Early Learning programs available for children during group. This group in ongoing, participants can join in at any point during the session. 6 September 15 to December 15 PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN 24 TO 36 MONTHS **THESE PROGRAMS ARE ON A ‘FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS’—SPACE IS LIMITED IN THE EARLY LEARNINGPROGRAMS** Program Age Time/Location Dates Cost Register/ Drop In 24-36 months Thursday and Friday October 2 to November 28 NO COST Program Full Ongoing NO COST Register and Drop In TIME DATES COST Register /Drop In Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Ongoing NO COST Register and Drop In Terrific Two’s This program focus’ on strengthening the parent/child relationship by building on the following skills: play, praise, positive support, learning to set limits and managing behaviours. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Delivered in partnership with Our Place Family Resource Centre and Family and Children’s Services. **Early Learning programs available** Early Learning Programs Early Learning Educators provide a play based environment that sparks children’s curiosity and follows their interests. Both the indoor/outdoor environments are incorporated to support optimal learning and development. Children explore and learn with other children and educators. Parents are welcome to stay and participate with their child or attend a parenting program. Support and resources are provided for children and families. 24-36 months Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9:15-11:15 a.m. Monday 12:45-2:30 p.m. Pre-registered spaces available during some parenting programs. ** Wednesday A.M. drop in spaces for children’s program are limited** ***Parents and Caregivers are required to remain at the Centre during the children’s programs. PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AGES 3-6 PROGRAM AGE Early Learning Programs 3-6 years Early Learning Educators provide a play based environment that sparks children’s curiosity and follows their interests. Both the indoor/outdoor environments are incorporated to support optimal learning and development. Children explore and learn with other children and educators. Parents are welcome to stay and participate with their child or attend a parenting program. Support and resources are provided for children and families. 9:15-11:15 a.m. Monday 12:45-2:30 p.m. Pre-registered spaces available during some parenting programs. ** Wednesday A.M. drop in spaces for children’s program are limited** ***Parents and Caregivers are required to remain at the Centre during the children’s programs. 7 SPECIAL INTEREST PROGRAMS PROGRAM Growing Healthy Together This program is suitable for pre-natal women with limited supports in the community. The group will learn about eating well for you and your baby, get tips on cooking and meal preparation, meet other women, share questions and concerns about your pregnancy and prepare for birth and your new baby. Also available--healthy snacks, free food vouchers, market dollars, free child care and bus tickets, support from health care professionals, breastfeeding support and information about community services. AGE TIME Tuesday -1:00-2:30 p.m. DATES COST REGISTER/ DROP IN September 9 to December 16 NO COST Register with Public Health at 519575-4400 OR Drop in The Growing Healthy Two-gether Program is part of a national project called the Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program and is funded by Public Health Agency of Canada, Mosaic Family and Counselling Centre and the Region of Waterloo Public Health Department. Breastfeeding Café Drop in for this weekly café! Meet other breastfeeding moms and get support from trained peer breastfeeding buddy volunteers. Ask your questions about breastfeeding and learn more about community resources. -Wednesday 2:00-3:00pm September 17 to December 17 NO COST Drop In This program is held at the Country Hills Community Centre 100 Rittenhouse Rd. Kitchener. Get Set Learn Afterschool at Queen Elizabeth Public School -- Thursday 3:15-5:15 pm October 9 to December 11 NO COST Register with Project Read 519-570-3054 -- Monday November 10 NO COST CLOSED REGISTRATION This family literacy program focuses on building early literacy and numeracy skills. The leaders of this group will provide parents along with their pre-school and school age children ways to incorporate literacy and math into every day activities as well as show the links to school curriculum. Building on literacy play, parents and children together will participate in activities that promote having fun reading and playing with books. This program is delivered in partnership with Project Read, Our Place-Ontario Early Years and Wilfred Laurier University. P.O.M.B.A. Parents of Multiple Births Association (P.O.M.B.A.) meet monthly to socialize, celebrate and strategize with other parents of multiple births. Having twins or more can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. 10:00-11:30 a.m. Early Years Programs in the Community: Centreville-Chicopee Community Centre 141 Morgan Ave. Kitchener 741-2490 Country Hills Community Centre 100 Rittenhouse Rd. Kitchener 741-2596 Forest Heights Community Centre 1700 Queens Blvd. Kitchener 741-2621 Highland Stirling Community Group 216 Mill St. Kitchener 745-9408 Kingsdale Community Centre 80 Wilson Ave. Kitchener 748-6463 Kitchener Market 300 King St. E Kitchener 741-2287 Old Navy Sunrise Plaza 1400 Ottawa St S. Kitchener 568-7462 Salvation Army Parent Child Resource Centre 75 Tillsley Drive, Kitchener 745-3351 Sunbeam Early Years Drop-In Centre, Pioneer Park Christian Fellowship Church , 8 68 Biehn Dr. Kitchener 744-9223 PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS PROGRAM Creative Cooking Experience the fun of food! This hands-on program allows participants to explore wonderful recipes that connect health, family and friends. Presented by Kathy Elliott, Community Nutrition Worker. (5 week program). Payment for programs are due at time of registration, if you are need of financial assistance please call 519571-1626 ext 25. ** Early Learning programs available** Creative Cooking @ Forest Heights Community Centre Experience the fun of food! This hands-on program allows participants to explore wonderful recipes that connect health, family and friends. Presented by Our Place's, Community Nutrition Worker. (6 week program). Payment for programs are due at time of registration, if you are need of financial assistance please call 519571-1626 ext 25. ** Early Learning programs are not available** AGE TIME DATES COST Register /Drop In Wednesday November 19 to December 17 $25 Material cost Register by ballot November 3 to December 8 Material cost -9:30-11:15 am -- Monday 1:00-2:30 p.m. $40 Register Colour It Up! @Victoria Hills Community Centre This program helps families make changes in how they eat. It gives participants the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to eat more vegetables and fruit each day. In each session there are discussions, activities, recipes and snacks that help families to overcome challenges and build confidence in their ability to eat more vegetables and fruit.** Early Learning programs are not available** Community Café Engage in conversation in this new program facilitated by Angie King, PHW at Our Place. Angie will start the conversation with a topic of interest with the group guiding the discussion. Guest speakers will be invited for specific areas of interest. -- Tuesday October 28 To December 16 NO COST Register Monday Ongoing NO COST Drop In 1:00-2:30 p.m. (cancelled Oct 13) NO COST Register weekly November 18 to December 16 NO COST Register November 19 to December 17 NO COST Register 9:30-11:00 a.m. -- Guest Speaker Series Tuesday -Parents and caregivers will participate in workshops dealing with a variety of parenting and family life topics. Guest speakers specialize in the specific topics, presentations are interactive and ideas are shared that parents and caregivers can take away and practice with the children. 9:30-11:15 a.m. Nov 4 “Let’s talk Immunization !” “Creating Holiday Greeting Cards” ($10 fee) Nov 11 “Understanding Emotional Health” Nov 18 *Early Learning Programs available for children * Nov 25 “Building Healthy Families” Newcomer Parent Support Group This program is geared to New Canadian parents of infants less than 18 months. The goal of attending this program is to increase English language, parenting and social skills. Early Learning programs available for children over 12 months. -- Tuesday 1:00-2:30 p.m. Parenting in a New Society We welcome parents from different countries to meet weekly to learn about life in Canada, parenting resources, ourselves and make new friends! Program delivered by Focus for Ethnic Women and Our Place’s Peer Worker *Early Learning Programs available for children during this group. * Parent Council Meeting Wednesday -9:30-11:15 a.m. Parents and Caregivers meet monthly in an advisory capacity to provide input in program planning and activities at Our Place. They share the goal of helping to strengthen the sense of community at Our Place. In addition, the Parent Council considers ideas and strategies that help meet the needs of all other Parents and Caregivers who participate in the centre. Meetings are open for all who are interested in participating in an ongoing basis and/or offering suggestions. **RSVP to [email protected] starting November 10th** **Limited Early Learning Programs available** Monday November 17 NO COST Register 9:30-11:15 a.m. Parents Together Drop-In A Program where parents and caregivers can meet to share ideas, parenting challenges and receive peer support from other parents and caregivers. Parents/Caregivers can read and relax while their children are involved in our Early Learning Programs. The Resource Library and the Parents Together Room are available for use during this time.**No Pre-Registration available for this program. Children can participate in the Early Learning Programs if space is available. ** Monday A.M. infant room and Wednesday A.M. drop in spaces for children’s program are limited** Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday -- September 3 to December 17 NO COST Drop In NO COST Register NO COST Register by ballot 9:30-11:15 a.m. Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting Positive discipline is an approach to parenting that teaches children and guides their behaviour, while respecting their rights to healthy development, protection from violence and participation in their learning. Positive discipline is based in research on children’s healthy development and effective parenting, and founded on child rights principles. **Early Learning programs are not available during this 8-week program. Wednesday -- 6:00-8:00 p.m. October 8 to December 3 (cancelled Oct 22) Social Club Come and join us for coffee and a light snack while we share the events of the day to day life as a parent/partner/friend. Each week we will discuss current events, parenting issues, relationships, finding time for yourself and whatever else is on your mind. This is a program facilitated by Our Place’s Peer Health Worker, Angie King. (5 week program) *Early Learning Program available for children during this group. * Wednesday 9:30-11:15 am -- 9 November 19 to December 17 SERVICES PROGRAM Autism Services Waterloo Region The focus of this service is to strengthen community cohesion with a vision for all families who have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder access support and direction required for their unique situation. Support is provided to all families, with or without a diagnosis and regardless of age to discuss what resources are available to them in order to make informed decisions. Breastfeeding Buddies Trained volunteers who provide 1:1 on-site or telephone support for breastfeeding moms and help connect them with community supports and resources. They listen, provide encouragement, respond to questions/ concerns, share common experiences and information. Please see reception for information on how to contact the Breastfeeding Buddies Community Outreach Program DO YOU HAVE CHILDREN AND NEED HELP FINDING RESOURCES FOR YOUR FAMILY? A Family Outreach Worker can assist you to find ways to connect with services you and your family may need. Funded by the Region of Waterloo Social Services Family Resource and Toy Lending Library Books, Resource Kits, Toys and Videos available for parents and caregivers to sign out. We have a computer with internet access that adults can use along with many other resources. Staff will be available to assist in finding information on child development, parenting, family life and community resources. We have a laminator and a dye cutter also! Many ideas on choosing age appropriate activities and books for children will be offered. Drop in to visit and play in the Library. **A $15 fee for the year is required for a membership to the Toy Lending Library. KidsAbility Preschool Speech and Language A Speech Language Pathologist from KidsAbility will offer weekly Speech and Language Support for children, parents, caregivers and staff. **For an individual meeting please book your appointment at the Reception Desk at Our Place or phone 571-1626. Drop In Support also available. Meet with a Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE) Here is an opportunity to consult one on one with a Registered Early Childhood Educator who can provide support around information and resources on child development and early learning topics, and connect children and parents with community resources, programs and developmental tools to further support their child’s optimal learning and healthy development. **For an individual meeting please book your appointment at the Reception Desk at Our Place or phone 571-1626. Drop In Support also available. Vision Screening The University of Waterloo, School of Optometry will be performing vision screenings for children 6 months to 6 years of age. The examination will include an assessment on your child’s visual acuity, eye coordination and depth perception. Questions you may have regarding you or your child’s vision can be answered. Zero2Six Do you have questions about your child’s social and emotional development or behaviour?? Individual consultation sessions with the Zero2Six specialist (KidsLink/Lutherwood) will provide resources, strategies and answers questions related to your child’s behaviour or specific parenting challenges related to sleeping patterns, eating, independence or your relationship with your baby or child under age 6. Appointments can be made at Our Place, in person or by calling 571-1626 AGE TIME DATES COST REGISTER/ DROP IN Birth to six Friday November 14 NO COST Drop In NO COST Drop In 9:30-10:30 am -- -- -- Tuesday and Wednesday ongoing 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. -- -- Wednesday Ongoing Please call (519) 5711626 ext. 23 for more information -- Drop In $15 for Toy lending member-ship November 12 NO COST Register October 9 to December 11 NO COST Register November 25 NO COST Register November 18 NO COST Register 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday 9:30-11:30 am -- Tuesday 6 months to 6 years old 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tuesday Birth to 6 years 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10
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