Responsible management of construction resources. Amortization of the concrete’s embodied environmental impact as a sustainable strategy. Speakers: Vilches Such, A.1; Lizana Moral, F.J.1; Barrios Padura, Á.1; Heredia Díaz, I. 2; Serrano Jiménez, A.J. 1 1 2 Higher Technical School of Architecture, Building Department, Seville, Spain Quality and Sustainable Development Manager, Holcim (Spain), Madrid, Spain Abstract: Cementitious derivate products are one of the most used in building sector. Despite having a low unitary environmental impact relating to other materials, its intensive use means a high impact to environment. This paper introduces the research carried out in Seville´s University with the main target to evaluate strategies in order to improve and optimize the use and management of structural concrete, and analyse its environmental and service life performance. Besides locating the main energetic and emissions impacts in concrete production, it is determined the dosages with lower amortization time period (CO2e/years) regarding to its durability properties. Depending on the case of study it can get a better environmental performance using a product with a higher embodied impact but with better durable properties that will allow amortize the resource till the end of its service life. Concrete, life cycle assessment, serviceability, sustainability 1. Introduction Reducing greenhouses gases emissions and diminishing energetic dependency of countries are world priority objectives. The Building Sector is responsible of the 30% of CO2e emissions and the 40% of primary energy consumed. Those impacts to the environment occur mainly in the life cycle stages of materials production, transport and the energy needed for building operation. This research is focused on the analysis of CO2e emissions at the stage of materials production in order to establish efficient and sustainable design strategies. The incessant information about the sustainability of products makes it complicated to discern which are the most reliable aspects and criteria to evaluate this concept. We should call into question the established issues and theories regarding the sustainable management of resources in Building Sector, underlining that most of the material used in construction works (ceramic, cement and aggregates), around the 80%, are not included under labelling programs neither environmental certification programs[1]. The significant concern about the reduction of the concrete environmental impact is reflected in the large amount of research projects on this topic: outlining those which propose clínker substitution by additions, the use of recycled aggregates, the optimization of heat exchange in cement plant, and the waste valorisation as alternative fuel. 1 All this questions are identified by the cement industry that states how the European Cement Sector is close to the limit that could be achieved due to the best available technologies and rationalization. Recent reports published by the Cement Sustainable Initiative (CSI) confirm that the current production technologies of clinker do not allow significant improvement potential regarding to energy efficiency. They highlight how Cement Sector has the possibility to reduce CO2e emissions using waste as fuel and alternative raw materials (additions and secondary raw material from ceramic industry to clinker). 1.1 Environmental impact of the cementitious derivate products. Diverse research carried out with the aim of analysing concrete life cycle lead to clinker production as the main source of energy consumption and emissions to the atmosphere [2-7], estimating that regarding to the type of cement used (due to the amount of clinker), CEM I or CEM III/B, may be a variation between 60-70% of CO2e emissions. These emissions occur because a huge amount of energy (often provided by fossil fuels) is required in clinker production. Firstly, greenhouse gases are released due to the combustion process of fuel. Secondly, calcium carbonate is decomposed at 900ºC releasing significant amount of carbon dioxide, around a 59% (CaCO3 + 1450ºC CaO + CO2) [4]. This is the reason why many researches propose to reduce clinker contents. However, others show that reducing it lowers its durability [8]. In this line, the present paper focuses on the evaluation and assessment of the importance of concrete durability in the definition of its environmental performance. 1.2 Building materials’ durability as a sustainable key factor. The principal differentiation with other researches is the inclusion of durability as essential evaluation criteria. Regarding sustainability, life service and resource optimization should be taken into account as well as the environmental aspects. This holistic approach pretends to reveal the effect of concrete damages in relation to its initial dosage and its environmental impacts associated, that will affect directly to the concrete’s life service and to the environmental assessment along time. 2. Methodology for environmental impacts and lifetime calculations. The methodological processes include the following three aspects: (i) quantification of environmental impact, (ii) concrete service life calculation, and (iii) correlation between variables through the structural calculation of a column. 2.1 Environmental impact quantification. Nowadays, there is lack of common criteria to define the boundaries of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The control of those limits is still under development to certain products through the EN 15804:2012, which establish the Category Product Rules (RCP) regulations 2 regarding to building materials. Because of that, and due to the high weight in the impact of the concrete that the type of conglomerate has [2-7], firstly it was made a comparative work of 21 different samples of cement in order to get representative means values of each type. The data was obtained from different Database [4,9-11] and from Environmental Product Declaration [12]. The means values used for this research are presented below: Energy consumption CO2e emissions Cement type Samples [MJ / kg cem.] Samples [kg de CO2e / kg cem.] CEM I 10 4,46 9 0,843 CEM II 9 3,73 8 0,742 CEM IIIa 2 3,05 2 0,420 Table 1. Average values used for each type of cement. Self elaboration. To determinate the impact of the components (aggregates, water and additives) it was used the BEDEC Database [9], from the Instituto Tecnológico de la Construcción. The values used in the research are the followings: Energy consumption CO2e emissions Component [MJ / kg] [kg CO2e / kg] AGGREGATE 0,150 0,00790 WATER 0,006 0,00029 ADDITIVES 93,000 13,73000 Table 2. Values used for each concrete component. Source: BEDEC database. 2.2 Estimation of the service life of concrete. Concrete durability is conditioned by diverse aspects: physical, chemical, mechanical, biological and environmental [13]. Because of these limitations and due to geographical and environmental adaptation, the procedure carried out to obtain the life service of concrete was through failure process of corrosion by concrete carbonation model shown in the Annexe 9 of the Spanish structural code EHE-08 [14]. It was considered 30mm of steel covering and an environmental aggression of IIa (XC2 or XC4 according to Eurocode 2): outdoor environment without chlorides, exposed to rain with an annual precipitation higher than 600mm or foundations. The total lifetime estimated is the sum of the initial period (ti) and the propagation period (tp): Equation (1) Unit 80 Ø Factors: tL Service life (year) ti Initiation period by carbonation model (year) tp Propagation period by corrosion (year) d Cover depth (mm) Kc Carbonation rate ϕ Diameter of steel (mm). Vcorr Corrosion rate (µm/year). Table 3. Estimated service life of concrete by carbonation corrosion model. Source: Annexe 9 EHE-08. This model does not consider the influence of water/cement ratio either the maximum amount of cement [8]. 3 2.3. Calculation criteria 9 dosages of different concrete from a unique plant for C25/30, C30/37 and C35/45 were implemented, as different aggregates require different dosages of cement. As high strength category is not commonly used, for C40/50 and C45/55 were used a different plant dosages, these environmental impact results, although are slightly lower, can be used for the research having this into consideration. As well, another criteria used was to include different type of cement for every characteristic strength. This allowed us to relate all factors in a specific model: a three meters column under an axial stress. From the structural concrete element, for each dosage it was calculated the environmental impact per cubic meter. This impact is equal to the summation of the unitary multiplied by the amount of material of every component. It was calculated the service lifetime (years) for every dosage regarding to the previous equation (Eq. 1). 2.4 Indicators used To estimate the amortization along time of the concrete embodied impact kg of CO2e/year and MJ/year indicators were used. It was obtained through Eq.2. Equation (2) Unit !" #$%&'(/*#+&, Factors: IT , Impact amortization factor An, Resistant section area h, Support height (3m) icategory, Unitary material impact for each category: (CO2 e/m3) o (MJ/m3) tL, Estimated service life years of concrete Table 4. Calculation of impact amortization factor. Self elaboration. 3. Results The emissions (kg de CO2e) and embodied energy (MJ) results are showed in the following tables for each dosage. It can be deduced, from the embodied carbon results of table.5, that cement is the major component in the concrete impact with a weight around 75-85%. Aggregates and water have a lower percentage, between 3-8%, and additives represents around 10-18%. As well, dosages with CEM III/A accounted a 36,5% less emissions than CEMII/A to C25/30 concretes, and 46,1% less emissions regarding to CEM I to C30/37. According to the table.6, CEM III/A accounted a 13,2% less embodied energy than a CEM II/A to C25/30, and a 28,4% less embodied energy than a CEM I to C30/37. Cement Strength Class (EN 1992) (N/mm2) C25/30 C30/37 Designation according to EHE-08 HA-25-B-20-IIa HA-25-B-20-IIa HA-30-F-20-IIa HA-30-B-20-IIa HA-30-B-20-IIa Cement type CEM II/A-S 42,5 N/SRC CEM III/A 42,5 N CEM I 52,5 SR CEM II/A-S 42,5 N/SRC CEM III/A 42,5 N Embodied Carbon (Kg CO2e) % Total Cement Aggregate Water Additives kg CO2e/m3 additions 6-20 36-65 0-5 6-20 36-65 84,31% 75,26% 81,90% 85,40% 76,80% 4,68% 7,39% 3,68% 4,35% 6,91% 0,01% 0,02% 0,01% 0,02% 0,02% 10,99% 17,33% 14,41% 10,24% 16,27% 303,6 192,5 380,9 325,8 205,1 4 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 HA-35-B-20-IIa HA-35-B-20-IIa HA-40-B-20-IIa HA-45-B-20-IIa CEM II/A-S 42,5 N/SRC CEM III/A 42,5 N CEM II/A-V 42,5 R CEM II/A-M (P-V) 42,5 R 6-20 36-65 6-20 12-20 85,20% 76,52% 81,18% 81,52% 3,57% 5,66% 3,78% 3,39% 0,01% 0,02% 0,01% 0,01% 11,22% 17,80% 15,02% 15,08% 383,2 241,5 365,6 414,1 Table 5. Calculation result of Kg CO2 e/m3 impact associated of different type of concretes. Self-elaboration. Strength Class (EN 1992) (N/mm2) C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 Cement Designation according to EHE-08 HA-25-B-20-IIa HA-25-B-20-IIa HA-30-F-20-IIa HA-30-B-20-IIa HA-30-B-20-IIa HA-35-B-20-IIa HA-35-B-20-IIa HA-40-B-20-IIa HA-45-B-20-IIa Embodied Energy (MJ) % Cement Aggregate additions Cement type CEM II/A-S 42,5 N/SRC CEM III/A 42,5 N CEM I 52,5 SR CEM II/A-S 42,5 N/SRC CEM III/A 42,5 N CEM II/A-S 42,5 N/SRC CEM III/A 42,5 N CEM II/A-V 42,5 R CEM II/A-M (P-V) 42,5 R 6-20 36-65 0-5 6-20 36-65 6-20 36-65 6-20 12-20 72,16% 67,92% 72,12% 73,83% 69,75% 74,85% 70,86% 70,15% 71,10% 15,13% 17,43% 11,62% 14,19% 16,41% 11,83% 13,70% 12,33% 11,15% Water 0,05% 0,06% 0,04% 0,05% 0,06% 0,05% 0,05% 0,04% 0,04% Additives Total MJ/m3 12,66% 14,59% 16,22% 11,92% 13,78% 13,27% 15,38% 17,48% 17,71% 1784,8 1549,2 2291,8 1896,0 1639,9 2194,3 1893,8 2128,6 2388,8 Table 6. Calculation result of MJ/m3 impact associated of different type of concretes. Self-elaboration. Depending on the different strength, the section needed for each column would be different. The most strength used the smaller section size is got; therefore the amount of material needed for the whole column would be lower. Taking into account this structural behaviour was important to analyse the results and its further discussion in conclusions. Geometry support Strength Class Cement type (EN 1992) (UNE-EN 197-1) (N/mm2) C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 CEM II/A-S CEM III/A CEM I CEM II/A-S CEM III/A CEM II/A-S CEM III/A CEM II/A-V CEM II/A-M Section1 (cm2) 1220,4 1220,4 1017,0 1017,0 1017,0 871,7 871,7 762,8 678,0 Impact of structural element Total % Concrete kg CO2e/m3 emissions CO2e 3 (m ) kg CO2 e relative 0,366 0,366 0,305 0,305 0,305 0,262 0,262 0,229 0,203 303,6 192,5 380,9 325,8 205,1 383,2 241,5 365,6 414,1 111,2 70,5 116,2 99,4 62,6 100,2 63,2 83,7 84,2 100,0% 63,4% 104,5% 89,4% 56,3% 90,2% 56,8% 75,3% 75,8% Durability Amortization Estimated service live2 % CO2e/year CO2e/year relative 397 317 600 600 417 878 539 1246 1719 0,280 0,223 0,194 0,166 0,150 0,114 0,117 0,067 0,049 100,0% 79,4% 69,1% 59,1% 53,5% 40,7% 41,9% 24,0% 17,5% 1. Section necessary for an axial force of 3051kN, obtained for a concrete support on the ground floor of a five-storey residential building. 2. Estimated service life for a covering of 30mm and Ø12mm of diameter steel, by carbonation corrosion model. Table 7. Amortization kg CO2e/year of a concrete structural element exposed to an environment IIa (high humidity). Self-elaboration. Strength Class Cement type (EN 1992) (UNE-EN 197-1) (N/mm2) C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 CEM II/A-S CEM III/A CEM I CEM II/A-S CEM III/A CEM II/A-S CEM III/A CEM II/A-V CEM II/A-M Geometry support Impact of structural element Section1 (cm2) Concrete (m3) MJ/m3 1220,4 1220,4 1017,0 1017,0 1017,0 871,7 871,7 762,8 678,0 0,366 0,366 0,305 0,305 0,305 0,262 0,262 0,229 0,203 1784,8 1549,2 2291,8 1896,0 1639,9 2194,3 1893,8 2128,6 2388,8 Total % MJ emissions relative MJ 653,4 567,2 699,2 578,5 500,3 573,8 495,3 487,1 485,9 100,0% 86,8% 107,0% 88,5% 76,6% 87,8% 75,8% 74,5% 74,4% Durability Amortization Estimated service live2 MJ/year % MJ/year relative 397 317 600 600 417 878 539 1246 1719 1,647 1,791 1,166 0,964 1,199 0,653 0,920 0,391 0,283 100,0% 108,7% 70,8% 58,5% 72,8% 39,7% 55,8% 23,7% 17,2% 1. Section necessary for an axial force of 3051kN, obtained for a concrete support on the ground floor of a five-storey residential building. 5 2. Estimated service life for a covering of 30mm and Ø12mm of diameter steel, by carbonation corrosion model. Table 8. Amortization MJ/year of a concrete structural element exposed to an environment IIa (high humidity). Self-elaboration. 4. Discussion Reinforced concrete (composed of aggregates, cement, water and additions) use traditionally dosages according to the aggregate type from every cement plant. This is done with the aim of getting a certain mechanical strength, compactness and service lifetime capable to endure weather conditions on site where the building is located. The Spanish structural code (EHE08) regulates the water/cement ratio decreasing this relation for high environmental aggressive conditions that could deteriorate concrete or rust the steel. High proportions of cement with high levels of clinker produce high strength and compact concrete, however it has a high embodied environmental impact in terms of energy needed and CO2e emissions. The durability studied through the EHE analysis method considered the covering of steel and the sheltering from rain as determining factors. In the current research, the used values are 30mm (d) as cover thickness and 0,5 as rain exposure factor in order to determinate the carbonation rate (kc). According to the carbonation model, a difference from 2 to 3 times more of service lifetime for rain-exposed concretes it is obtained (which are shown in the results) than for non rain-exposed concretes. Regarding the calculations, the lowest value of estimated service lifetime is 317 years (C25/30; CEM IIIa) and the higher is 1700 years for high strength concretes (C45/55; CEM II), with dosages of high level of cement. When concrete section is bearing a stress close to the maximum allowable, the lowest impact of the material is obtained with high strength concretes because of the lower amount of material needed. It is obtained in the results that for the same type of cement, a high strength concrete (C45/55) will have embodied emissions of the 75,8% regarding to a low strength concrete (C25/30). As well, the amortization of the impact of the structural element would be of a 17,5% at the end of its service life, according to the degradation model used. Therefore, the use of high strength concrete is recommendable even though they are composed of cements with higher unitary impact. In the Building Sector, the most used calculation strengths are 25, 30 and 35 N/mm2. Within this strength the lower impact option regarding to a carbonation model is the 35N/mm2 concrete using a CEM IIIa. Nevertheless, if possible using higher strength concretes would be less impacting despite the fact that the type of conglomerate is CEM II or CEM I. However, if the column is sized due to a minimum section (the Spanish building code determinates the smallest section as 25x25cm for columns), it is better to use lower embodied carbon concrete with CEM IIIa. 6 Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the information and support given by Herena Amaya Ruiz Fuentes, Technic Assistance and Sustainability Applications responsible of Holcim Spain. This paper has been developed from the results obtained in the framework of the Holcim Grant to Sustainable Development 2013. This grant is conceded to a recent graduate from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Seville, Spain. References [1] Barrios Padura, Á., Lizana Moral, F. J. (2013). Strategies for responsible consumption of buildings products. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Sustainable Construction and Eco-efficient Solutions. Seville. (pp. 243-256). ISBN: 978-84-6957739-4. [2] Vold, M. and Rønning, A. (1995). LCA of Cement and Concrete. 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