Mayo Education Centre Diary of Events November 2014 Title 3 AISTEAR Workshops 1. Maths through Play 2. Role of the Teacher 3. Thinking & Talking about Picture Books Date Thursday’s th 16 October rd 23 October th 13 November Listening Skills and Tibetan Singing Bowls DEVELOPING LISTENING AND CONCENTRATION THROUGH SOUND. Bird Watch Youth Workshop & Launch For Teachers Supporting ting Children Bereaved through illness llness For Parents/Guardians Supporting ting Children Bereaved through illness llness Monday rd 3 November Tuesday th 4 November Time 7pm (AUT-14-06) 7pm (AUT-14-10) 7.30pm Tuesday 11 November (AUT-14-13) 7pm th (AUT-14-14) Memory Matters….let’s talk Community Action on Dementia in Mayo Tips for teachers on Preparing for Parent Teacher Meetings Emergency First Aid Wednesday th 12 November Thursday 13 November Mayo Education Centre Facilitator: Isabela Hoban Mayo Education Centre Mayo Education Centre Facilitators: Therese Soden & Loretta Sheridan In association with The Family Centre For Parents/Guardians Helping elping Children with General Learning Difficulty (mild/moderate/severe) to do well at school Facilitator Facilitator: Therese Marie Vahey (AUT-14-12) 7.30pm Thursday th 6 November Mc William Park Claremorris (AUT-14-11) 7.30pm Wednesday th 5 November Venue 7pm (AUT-14-15) 7pm Mayo Education Centre Facilitators s: Therese Soden & Loretta Sheridan Mayo Education Centre Facilitator Facilitator: Dr. Michelle Dunleavy Mayo Education Centre Facilitator Facilitator: Fiona Hoban & Frances Maloney Mayo Education Centre th Thursday 13 November (AUT-14-16) 7pm Facilitator Facilitator: Sue Baird Broadhaven Bay Hotel, Belmullet th Cost €25 per person Christmas Crafts Wednesday th 26 November (AUT-14-17) 7pm (AUT-14-18) Facilitator: Lisa Gorman Mayo Education Centre Facilitator: Isabela Hoban Details These 3 workshops aim to provide support to primary schools in becoming familiar with Aistear, the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework, which caters for all children from birth to six years. Full details on each module on separate flyer or online at This enjoyable and relaxing workshop will focus on how to help your students develop listening, attention and concentration skills. This will be achieved through activities designed to release physical energy, games that develop focus and techniques based on sound. The participants will also receive a 30 minute minute group sound session with the Tibetan ibetan singing bowls in order to open up their own listening, concentration capacities and to reduce stress. Absolutely no experience required. Facilitators: (Bird Watch Youth: Eileen Bolger) Bolger (Bird Watch Mayo: Mick Hogan) Hogan (Wildlife Photography: Kevin Murphy) Murphy (Landscape Photography: Michael Gannon) Come along to this Nature & Wildlife Workshop where you will discover the necessary resources to get your students to love nature, photo it, sketch it and share it. Part of this workshop will include the launch of the Bird Watch Youth Website. Website Prizes and handouts on the night for some lucky participants. As a teacher in a school it is inevitable that you will work with children who are affected by death. When a child experiences a loss their world changes unrecognisably. bly. We know that routine is of huge importance to children and the school is often that one constant in a child’s child’s life that can help to provide a sense of security. Teachers have a significant and important role to play in supporting children who are bereaved. This workshop aims to look at what children need in bereavement and how teachers can provide support to children at a very difficult time. We will also look at ways of supporting children where a loved one is very ill and their death is expected. Many parents worry about what to tell children about death, who should tell them and what they should be told. After a death in the family fam it is normal for parents or carers to want to protect children from further distress. However, children need to be told about death and helped to understand the implications of their loss. This evening aims to give parents/carers some direction on helping helping children in this situation and what kind of language to use to enable them to support their children in bereavement. This course offered in association with the Family Centre is suitable for parents/guardians of children who have been diagnosed with a general learning difficulty. It will look at how this will affect a child in the school environment. It will examine strategies and approaches to support the child’s learning and nd social development and look at ways in which collaborative working between parents/guardians and the school staff can provide the best outcome for the child. Community Action on Dementia Mayo is a three year project that commenced in 2013. One of its aims is to start up a county-wide county wide conversation about Dementia in order to create better awareness and understanding of Dementia so that County Co Mayo becomes a Dementia friendly community. There are some key messages that the project is promoting and is bringing these messages to all sectors of the community, including schools. All teachers chers and Parents welcome. This module focuses es both on advanced preparation for Parent nt Teacher Meetings as well as conducting effective PTMs. The module includes handling difficult situations, dealing with discontented parents and creating a balanced approach working jointly with parents to achieve agreed outcomes in the best interest of the student. It’s a very practical module aimed at giving teachers the tools to prepare and conduct a PTM with confidence. This emergency first aid awareness course will provide participants with an appreciation and knowledge nowledge of the application of basic first aid. On completion of the course, participants will be able to assess the extent of injury, provide emergency first aid for situations most likely to arise in their place of work and deal effectively with common workplace injuries. This will be a very festive, fun and hands-on hands on practical workshop. Participants will create a variety of crafts for the Christmas season with ideas for display in the classroom and decorations for children to make and d take home in time for Santa. Absolutely no experience necessary. The above courses may fulfill part of your school’s Croke Park Agreement. Most courses are FREE, except for the courses for the Emergency First Aid Course which costs €25. All courses are available on a first come, first served basis. Travel Expenses will be paid to teachers in accordance with the Department of Education and Skills regulations. It iss very important that you contact us if you have any special requirements regarding mobility or special needs. To Book a place on any of the above courses, contact Mayo Education Centre at 094 9020700 THE MAYO EDUCA CATION CENTRE WISHES TO ACKNOWLED EDGE THE FUNDING PROVIDED BY THE ET TEACHER EDUCATION SECTION, DEPART RTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SKILLS WITH WIT ASSISTANCE FROM THE NATIONAL LD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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