Presented by the Chaparral Section, Mercedes-Benz Club of America Support our Advertisers! President Mike Zonnefeld on what‛s happening in the club (p. 2) Regional Director Steve Ross‛ RD Corner (p.3) The Beginning of a New Event and Social Year... T he new Event and Social year begins with a change in leadership for the Chaparral Section website. Our Chaparral Star newsletter editor Michael Turner has assumed the Webmeister position. Michael has been assisting with the website content management and overall look and feel of the website starting in 2013... (see page 5 ) Upcoming Events (p. 5) September Drive and Dine – German Style (p. 7) Photos and New Members (p. 9) A Blast from the Past... (p. 10) Club Calendar for 2014 (p. 11) Support our Advertisers! On 13 December, the Chaparral Section is joining with the Tucson Cars & Coffee group to host the Annual Toys for Tots benefit event managed by the US Air Force from Davis Monthan Air Force Base here in Tucson. Chaparral SecƟon Board MeeƟngs occur every second Thursday at 5:00 PM at Mercedes-Benz of Tucson, 6350 E Grant Rd, Tucson, AZ. For naƟonal Mercedes-Benz club informaƟon, go to The Chaparral SecƟon “Trading Post” and other local news are posted at The Saguaro Star newsleƩer is published four Ɵmes per year. We announce new events, date changes and other important informaƟon electronically. Not receiving our e-news? Contact any of our Board members (see the list on page 2), email us at [email protected]) or click the “Contact Us” link on our home page at www. October - December 2014 • Page 1 Please visit our website: Mike Zonnefeld President 520-749-3575 [email protected] Ed Gladish Vice President 520-577-8621 [email protected] Fred Finney Treasurer 520-297-2485 [email protected] Michael Cooper Secretary 520-326-9733 [email protected] Jerry Tucker Director 520-529-1978 [email protected] Lynn Davison Director/Events Coordinator 520-885-6669 [email protected] Kenneth George Director 520-408-7255 [email protected] Michael Turner Newsletter Editor, Webmeister 520-743-3437 [email protected] Steve Ross Regional Director 619-508-3925 [email protected] We‛re Back!... W e are back into our wonderful fall season and along with it some great driving weather. Your board has been busy lining up some wonderful driving events for this last quarter. Along with fun car shows, Rotary Club International show in October, a tour of the St. Anthony Monastery (outstanding) and lunch at Mt. Athos Cafe in Florence in November, and a delightful Christmas dinner in December. Several Chaparral Section members are driving to Albuquerque, NM for the International Balloon Fiesta in early October. The events are designed to enhance the driving pleasure of our Mercedes-Benz automobiles and member camaraderie. Check the events calendar for all the details. Our annual meeting is in December and if you are interested in serving on the board, let us know as it is always refreshing to have new input and ideas for our club. Everyone is invited to join us at our monthly board meetings as well. We meet the second Thursday of each month at Mercedes-Benz of Tucson at 5:00 PM. By now you also should be aware of the discounts offered by Mercedes-Benz of Tucson, another benefit of our MBCA membership. Come join all of our members who attend the events and share in a wonderful Mercedes-Benz owner camaraderie. For the Chaparral Section, MBCA Mike Zonnefeld President Support our Advertisers! JOctober - December 2014 • Page 2 Please visit our website: Regional Director Corner... A lthough a bit late, here is a report on our Presidents/Section Leaders meeting held in Palm Spring May 31, 2014. We had a very productive meeting according to the attendees. Lisa Juhl our Director of Marketing and Laura Simonds our National Vice president gave us very informative and useful information on our strategy to keep and gain members. Our region had members in attendance representing six of our eight sections. I noticed in the section newsletters that many of the initiatives have been covered there. Based on my own experience, we are not making use of the assets available to us on our MBCA website. I very recently brought up a burning issue I had, only to be told that my issue had been addressed over a year ago and was on our website. Needless to say I felt like an idiot. I have since explored our website and discovered that every question I had was covered there! To access all the information you must first log on the MBCA website. Sometimes we forget that and become frustrated when we can’t find what we are looking for. We have brought on a website administrator, Hauss Cartwright, to keep our website running smoothly. Bear in mind that no website is perfect but, in my opinion ours is pretty good. Some of the information available are; upcoming events throughout the USA and Canada, latest news about the club and Mercedes-Benz, businesses that offer discounts, special offers, and other breaking news pertaining to the MBCA. Several companies that offer us special treatment are Passport Automobile Transport, Sears, Chubb Auto Insurance and Medjet Assist to name a few. You will find these under membership and click on benefits. In our resources section every bylaw and procedure is covered. One area in the resources section that all of us can use is the Turn Signals. This newsletter is distributed three times annually by your leadership committee. It is written by people who have had your job in the section and how they approached the issues and what worked for them and what did not. I strongly encourage all section officers and directors to log on and peruse some of these Turn Signals. I promise you will not be disappointed. Please give the website a try. Our election is coming up in October and I beg and encourage all of you to vote. Read the candidates statements and make a decision. I know it is not always easy to get to know someone in 300 words but you can always call them and get more input. Who we have serving on our national board is important! I am running unopposed for my fourth term as Regional Director. I will not be your Regional Director for life so please help me find my replacement. Steve Ross Director, Southwest Region, MBCA October - December 2014 • Page 3 Please visit our website: Membership has it’s rewards Mercedes-Benz Club member specials Mercedes-Benz of Tucson values the Mercedes-Benz Club members and their patronage. So we’d like to say thank you for your loyalty by extending to you exclusive offers. Please contact your Service Advisor for details. With 15 highly skilled technicians -11 of which are Master Certified Technicians, loaner Mercedes-Benz vehicles, and a state-of-the-art service center, we’ll ensure your next service visit is exceptional. Mercedes-Benz of Tucson, for a superb ownership experience. Mercedes-Benz of Tucson 6350 E. Grant Rd. 886.1311 October - December 2014 • Page 4 Please visit our website: Upcoming Events... October 18, 2014 - Tucson Classics Car Show Come out and join fellow Chaparral Section members for one of the premier shows in the Southwest. This has always been a fun event, with the show having a limit to the first 425 cars. In addition, all cars are parked on grass. Last year, eleven Chaparral Section members attended the show. We need at least 10 vehicles entered to retain the special section and signage from the previous year. Contact either: Mike Cooper, michael_31475(at), 520-326-9733 Jerry Tucker, jeroldvtucker(at), 520-529-1978 November 14, 2014, St. Anthony‛s Monastery Dine and Drive (Florence) Join us for a drive through rolling hills and high desert enroute to a tour of St Anthony’s Monastery in Florence, AZ and lunch at MT Athos Restaurant & Café. Contact: Mike Zonnefeld, [email protected]. December 6, 2014 - Holiday Party at the Mountain Oyster Club Come out and join your fellow Chaparral Section members for an evening of fun, frivolity, food and friendship as Chaparral Section members Ed and Barbara Gladish have again agreed to host the Chaparral Section and enjoy the warmth and Southwestern hospitality of the Mountain Oyster Club. President Mike Zonnefeld will conduct a brief business meeting which will include electing members of the Board of Directors for 2015. Additional information will be sent to the Chaparral Section membership as the date for the party approaches. Contact: Fred Finney, [email protected]. December 13, 2014 - Cars and Coffee & Toys for Tots Benefit This year, the Chaparral Section and Tucson Cars & Coffee are hosting the Toys for Tots Benefit as a joint effort to help out this very worthwhile charity event. The location for the event is the normal Tucson Cars & Coffee location at the AJ’s Fine Foods parking lot at the NW corner of N. Campbell Avenue and E. Skyline Dr. ( Stay tuned to the Chaparral Section website ( for more information as the event date approaches. Contact: Lynn Davison, [email protected]. Please note, the Chaparral Section takes the months of July and August off from all activities. Please visit the Chaparral Section website for the most current information concerning these events and all Section activities. New Chaparral Section Webmeister (continued from page 1) Michael’s initial task was to rewrite the website to make it easier to maintain, yet keep the “simple, elegant and free form” of the current website that was set by our previous webmaster Bill Childress and content manager (and Chaparral Section board member) Jerry Tucker. [See the The Saguaro Star April-June 2013]. The one remaining task is to complete the Photo Gallery and install a photo viewer. October - December 2014 • Page 5 Please visit our website: October - December 2014 • Page 6 Please visit our website: Section Events... September Drive and Dine – German Style Fred Finney O n Saturday, September 13, 2014, nine fine Mercedes-Benz automobiles and 16 Mercedes-Benz afficionados traveled north from Tucson headed for the small foothills town of Oracle, Arizona, and the Oracle Inn Steakhouse. Enroute to our destination we traveled a curving and scenic road that meandered through rolling hills on the north side of the Catalina Mountains in the Coronado National Forest. The town of Oracle, AZ, is named after its first mine, and indirectly, after a ship and includes some rather eclectic lodging facilities. Situated along American Avenue is the Chalet Village Motel… Congratulations and THANK YOU to our members who made their first Dine & Drive with the Chaparral Section… Ron Sevier & Sherri Sevier. WELCOME! The Steakhouse is renowned for featuring a menu of genuine German cuisine the second weekend of each month, and everyone took advantage of this to feast on a selection of sauerbraten, wienerschnitzel, spaetzle, German potato salad, and of course, the ever popular apple strudel. October - December 2014 • Page 7 Please visit our website: October - December 2014 • Page 8 Please visit our website: Section Events... Additional Photos from the Oracle Inn Drive and Dine... New Chaparral Section Members -July 2014 Robert Bergmann, Tucson, AZ -August 2014 Annette Lawing, Oro Valley, AZ Ron Sevier, Oro Valley, AZ 2015 ML 350 -September 2014 Sherri Sevier, Oro Valley, AZ Richard Mundinger, Tucson, AZ Mark & Liz Roy, Fort Huachuca, AZ Welcome to the Chaparral Section... October - December 2014 • Page 9 Please visit our website: Section Events... A Blast from the Past... A s we begin a new and exciting year of Dine and Drives, Technical Sessions, Car Shows, Parties and Social Gatherings, it is time to pause and look back a short 5 years when the Chaparral Section was just coming back from the brink. This is a short exposé to thank the members that had the foresight to pick up the pieces and create a wonderful organization for all of the current and future members. And to thank the great leadership at Mercedes-Benz of Tucson for their confidence in the New Chaparral Section. It has been a great 5 year association with Mercedes-Benz of Tucson and the Chaparral Section looks forward to exercising and nurturing this relationship. 2009 - The Rebirth of the Chaparral Section Revitalized Chaparral Section A new Chaparral Section member A new direction in “Chaparral Section Mercedes-Benz Club of Southern Arizona” has begun! Fred Finney, Mike Zonnefeld and John Hornbeck sign the membership application for Mercedes-Benz of Tucson. Mike Zonnefeld, Gary Fielding, Fred Finney and Jerry Tucker meet with Chapman Mercedes Benz: John Hornbeck, General Manager, Scott Perkins, Service Manager, and Rex Calughron, Parts Manager. A new (and shortlived) Saguaro Star masthead (Jan- Sep 2009) Support our Saguaro Star Advertisers. Let them know you saw their ad in the Chaparral Section Saguaro Star... October - December 2014 • Page 10 Please visit our website: Calendar of Events - 2014 / 2015 Date Event Host/Contact October18,2014 TucsonClassicsCarShow MichaelCooper/JerryTucker November15,2014 St.Anthony’sMonasteryDrive andDine MikeZonnefeld December6,2014 ChristmasParty EdGladish December13,2014 CarsandCoffee&ToysforTots Benefit LynnDavison 2015 January31,2015 21stAnnualCollectorCarShow MichaelCooper February2015 OliveOilTourinGilbertAZ FredFinney March2015 DM50CarShow MichaelTurner April2015 KielingSchaeferWineryTour LynnDavison May16,2015 BisbeeCarShow MikeCooper June2015 RuntoPinetopAZ EdGladishandJerryTucker Please check the Chaparral Section website for the most current information concerning these events and all Section activities. October - December 2014 • Page 11 Please visit our website: Mercedes-Benz Club of America Chaparral Section 4641 W Saguaro Cliffs Dr Tucson, AZ 85745 October - December 2014 • Page 12 Please visit our website:
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