IEIA Forum Seventh Annual Meeting – Fracking Special Session Announcement: Hydraulic Fracturing

IEIA Forum Seventh Annual Meeting
Special Session Announcement: Hydraulic Fracturing – Fracking
28 October 2014
The International Electricity Infrastructure Assurance Forum announces its
Seventh Annual Meeting co-hosted with the Australian Government’s
Department of Industry. The IEIA Forum is a collaboration of electric energy
industry and government from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom
and United States. The meeting will bring together government and electric
energy participants for in-depth exchange on current infrastructure
assurance/critical infrastructure protection topics.
Special Session Summary
The Seventh Annual meeting will feature a special ancillary session on hydraulic
fracturing (fracking) and its impact on fuel options for the electric utility sector.
Whether as a “bridge fuel” or as a permanent component of the electricity fuel
mix, natural gas represents the cleanest, and possibly the most flexible, fossil
fuel option for many stakeholders. Increasingly successful fracking technologies
have led to production gains that have proved disruptive to countries with
fracking operations on a variety of levels; we anticipate this session will focus its
discussion on related issues as they impact IEIA Forum-participant nations and
the interaction with the electric energy sector, including:
 Lower natural gas prices challenging the economics of intermittent
alternatives (renewables) and even base load nuclear power plants in
spite of their near-zero emissions profiles;
 New basin resources are often situated proximate to markets that used to
be distant from the resource base, creating challenges and opportunities
for pipeline networks;
 Local economic growth that has been greeted by environmental and
safety concerns – is groundwater protected, are wellhead emissions
sufficiently controlled, are there seismic implications – challenges policy
makers to balance extractive rewards with environmental stewardship and
governmental, commercial and regulatory issues; and
 Whether and how today’s natural gas and power markets should realign to
both support new infrastructure and maximize current assets, while
meeting generator and distribution utility needs at costs that are
reasonable for consumers.
International Electricity Infrastructure Assurance Forum Secretariat
P.O. Box 10880
Glendale, AZ 85318 USA
1 623.561.5176
Please note: Presenters for these topics are solicited with this
announcement. Interested presenters can contact John Allen for further
details at [email protected].
The Special Session is open to industry and infrastructure stakeholders and
government representatives. Attendees and presenters are solicited to attend
this unique opportunity to interact with infrastructure and policy representatives
from the five countries of the IEIA Forum.
Attendance to the Special Session is by invitation only. Attendance to the full
meeting session (in addition to the Fracking Special Session) is avaialbe upon
request. There are no conference fees. To register for the 2014 IEIA Forum
Special Session, send an email to [email protected] or fax to 1
Please put SYDNEY/FRACKING SESSION in the subject line and include the
following information:
 Name
 Title
 Company name/government agency
 Contact number(s)
 Email address
Please indicate in registration a request to attend the full annual meeting
commencing immediately upon completion of the Fracking Special Session.
Confirmation will be sent by return email.
P.O. Box 10880
Glendale, AZ 85318-0880
1 623.561.5176