2005 2014 estdocs14 estonian documentary film festival toronto october 16-21, 2014 estdocs.com Happy 10th Anniversary ! From your 60 year old friend and proud sponsor. Li gh ts. Ca me ra .A cti on . The EstDocs www.estoniancu.com 2 Eesti Vabariigi President President of the Republic of Estonia Dear friends: President EestiVabariigi VabariigiPresiden Presidentt Presidentof ofthe theRepublic Estonia I amEesti pleased to continue asRepublic theofofEstonia honorary pa Each year, Ifriends: look forward to what the film fe t is yet againDear a pleasure to be the honourary patron of EstDocs film festival. am marks pleased to continue asNow the honorary ofyear, EstDocsI 2014 notIonly the 10th anniversary of EstDocs, alsopatron marks for audiences and fans. init70th anniversary its 9ththe anniversary of two turning Estonia’s history: first,the the film Each year, Ipoints look inforward to what festival has in sto of the escape of audiences over 70,000 people from Estonia, establishing theIdiaspora continued evolution and growth of thewitnessed film f for and fans. Now in its 9th year, have that gives rise to celebrations like the EstDocs film festival and its gala film continued evolution and growth of the film festival in Toron “Keepers of the world Loom,” and increasingly second, it’s the 25thanniversary of The online, Baltic As the moves As the world increasingly moves online, it is thrilling toit w Way when, in the summer of 1989, two million Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians the amplified exposure and popularity of the EstDocs short surprised the world by creating a 600 km long human chain; expressing their the amplified exposure andSoviet popularity of th united front againstfilm the entries annexation the Baltics by the Union by under theprofessio onofYouTube. The films crafted both Molotov-Ribbentrop pactamateur 50on yearsYouTube. earlier. EstDocs present allows us toafilms reflect oninterpretation events like film entries The crafted by and filmmakers unique of these, and moreover, contrast them with stories from present-day Estonia. filmmakers’ relationship to Estonia. Each October of the past filmmakers decade, EstDocs has shared Estonian culture, history, and amateur present a unique documentary selections vividly in politics — and sense ofEstDocs’ humour — outstanding through the magic of film. EstDocs offers these showcase Estonian culture and filmmaking talent to viewer stories to a wide spectrum of people: Estonians, both Estonian-and foreign-born, filmmakers’ relationship to Estonia. estophiles, and esto-curious, very young the young-at-heart. outsidefrom the the country. Theto festival is an exceptional opportun It is noEstDocs’ wonder that EstDocs the largest annual Estonian cultural event outstanding documentary selec provide a islens into our nation’s narratives andoutside tell our storie of Estonia. Congratulations to festival sponsors, filmmakers, festival organizers and wider international audience. to you, the audience, forEstonian making EstDocs such a success. Elagu EstDocs! showcase culture and filmmaking t Congratulations to all festival patrons, filmmakers, and organizers. The festival is an excep outside festival the country. Best wishes for an enjoyable EstDocs 2013. Toomas Hendrik Ilves a lens into our nation’s narratives an provide President of The Republic of Estonia wider international audience. Congratulations to all festival patrons, fi Toomas Hendrik Ilves festival President organizers. of The Republic of Estonia Best wishes for an enjoyable EstDocs 20 Eesti Vabariigi President President of the Republic of Estonia Dear friends: I am pleased to continue as the honorary patron of EstDocs. Each year, I look forward to what the film festival has in store for audiences and fans. Now in its 9th year, I have witnessed the continued evolution and growth of the film festival in Toronto. As the world increasingly moves online, it is thrilling to witness the amplified exposure and popularity of the EstDocs short film entries on YouTube. The films crafted by both professional and amateur filmmakers present a unique interpretation of the filmmakers’ relationship to Estonia. EstDocs’ outstanding documentary selections vividly showcase Estonian culture and filmmaking talent to viewers outside the country. The festival is an exceptional opportunity to provide a lens into our nation’s narratives and tell our stories to a wider international audience. Congratulations to all festival patrons, filmmakers, and festival organizers. Best wishes for an enjoyable EstDocs 2013. Toomas Hendrik Ilves President of The Republic of Estonia The EstDocs 2013 Team The EstDocs 2013 Team It has been an absolute joy to join EstDocs as this year’s festival director. First and foremost, I would like to thank all the volunteers for their endless and infectious support of the festival. The combination of a solid, dedicated volunteer base, in addition to Ellen Valter’s past leadership made for a welcoming and smooth transition into my current role. As we approach the 10th anniversary of EstDocs next year, we strive to create a festival that stays true to its roots, while continuing to transform the cinematic experience for moviegoers. The EstDocs 2013 Team Each aspect of the festival is integral to the overall success of EstDocs. The ongoing goal for EstDocs is that the cultural experience of the festival and the film selections inspire and resonate with our audiences. We will stay connected to the film making themes and trends in Estonia, while also paying attention to what you the viewers want from the festival. Thank you to all our sponsors and the tremendous volunteer support. Looking forward to kicking off a successful EstDocs 13, and make sure you mark the 10th anniversary of EstDocs in your calendar for next year, October 17 – 21, 2014 Kristi Sau Doughty Festival Director Toomas Hendrik Ilves President of The Republic of Estonia 3 It has been an absolute joy to join EstDocs as this year’s festival director. First and foremost, would like to thank all the volunteers for their endless and infectious support of the festival. T of afor solid, dedicated volunteer addition Ellen Valter’s past leadership his is my second year combination as Festival Director EstDocs and, again, I have tobase, say it in is such a joy to to be part of a great team made for a welcoming and smooth transition into my current role. of volunteers who work together all year long to bring this festival to you. Estonia is a small country boasts a vibrant film culture, and the to showcase films ourto native land As that we approach the 10th anniversary ofchance EstDocs next year, wefrom strive create a to festival th s 2013 Team Toronto audiences – comprised both and wonderfully curious Canadian film lovers – is really for special. stays trueofto its Estonian-speaking roots, while continuing to transform the cinematic experience moviegoers And, of course, Estonian-Canadian filmmakers (many who live right in Toronto) are also a Each aspect ofand theCanadian-Estonian festival is integral to the overall success of here EstDocs. huge part of the festival, bringing the stories of their parents, grandparents and heritage to life on film. goal for EstDocs is For thatthe thepast cultural experience the festival and the I am especially proud to be part of The this ongoing year’s 10th edition of EstDocs. decade this small, of volunteer-run festival has film sele tions inspire and resonate with our audiences. We will stay connected to the film making them brought the heart and soul of a nation to the big screen – our losses and triumphs, tears and laughter – what a ride it’s been! Of course, no festival can succeed sponsors, filmmakers, and you, its I would like to extend mythe festi andwithout trends its in Estonia, while alsovolunteers paying attention toparticipants. what you the viewers want from appreciation to all of you and ask that you mark in your calendar the festival dates for next year: October support. 15 -20, 2015. Thank you to all our sponsors and the tremendous volunteer Looking forward to kicking off a successful EstDocs 13, and make sure you mark the 10th a versary of EstDocs in your calendar for next year, October 17 – 21, 2014 Kristi Sau Doughty Festival Director Kristi Sau Doughty Festival Director 3 It has been an absolute joy to join EstDocs as this year’s festival director. First 4 ESTDOCS JURY BRETT HENDRIE HEILIKA PIKKOV MADELINE ZINIAK Brett Hendrie is the Executive Director of Hot Docs, a Toronto-based organization committed to showcasing and celebrating excellence in documentaries. Celebrating its 22nd year in 2015, Hot Docs attracts over 190,000 public attendees and over 500 documentary filmmakers, producers, broadcasters and buyers. Brett holds a Bachelor of Arts in Cinema Studies from the University of Toronto, has previously worked for the Toronto International Film Festival and major Canadian banks and brokerages. Heilika Pikkov studied film and television directing at Tallinn University and spent a semester at the University of Central Lancashire in UK. Since 2005 she has worked as a freelance filmmaker (directing, filming, editing). Her latest film, Flowers from the Mount of Olives premiered at the 2013 Locarno Film Festival, and screened at EstDocs last year where it won the Jury Award. Madeline Ziniak has been involved in ethnic media for more than 30 years and was most recently the National Vice President of Rogers OMNI Television. Madeline is also Chair of the Canadian Ethnic Media Association. She has worked in many organizations, serving as former Chair (Ontario Region) of the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council and former Vice Chair of Women in Film and Television – Toronto to name but a few. Madeline has received the Order of Canada, and the Order of Ontario, The Queen Elizabeth II Golden and Diamond Jubilee Medals. SHORT FILMS JURY NAOMI BOCK MATTHEW RAUDSEPP MARIA KIVIRAND Naomi Bock is an Estonian-Canadian writer, filmmaker and web producer who splits her time between Europe, California and Galiano Island, BC, where she’s also a volunteer firefighter and emergency first responder. Her work has been seen in print, and at festivals around the world, including an EstDocs ‘12 honourable mention. She believes the struggle to remake one’s identity and reconnect in these ways are common experiences of today’s Estonian diaspora. Matthew is an actor, musician, and writer living in Toronto by way of Montreal. Matthew has appeared on stage and screen across the country (most notably playing the lead in Montreal’s Centaur Theatre/SideMart’s original Haunted Hillbilly). Matthew is also a member of the online sketch comedy trio, Matt and Kyle and Matt. Currently, Matthew is producing, writing and starring in a comedy web series, The Plateaus, co-starring Dave Foley. Maria Kivirand is a graduate of the Baltic Film and Media School, Masters (cum laude) in television and documentary filmmaking. She has also studied language and culture in Spain and animation in Portugal. Maria works as a director, producer and editor, and her short documentary Koit from Lauküla, co-directed with Robi Uppin, won first prize in EstDocs’ 2012 short film competition. 5 The Juice King Mahlakuningas The Other Side of the Plate Armastus käib kõhu kaudu THURSDAY OCTOBER 16TH THURSDAY OCTOBER 16TH DIRECTOR: Keiti Väliste YEAR: 2014 LENGTH: 44 minutes LANGUAGE: Estonian w/ subtitles DIRECTOR: Maria Kivirand YEAR: 2013 LENGTH: 28 minutes LANGUAGE: Estonia n and Russian w/ subtitles Estonian refugees have made their mark around the world, but no one fashioned a sweeter legacy than Dimitri Matiesen, the man they called “The Juice King”. Matiesen got into the wine and juice business working at his uncle’s spirit factory, Lüscher & Matiesen, in Toompea. Forced to flee during the war, Matiesen found himself in Sweden, where he began from scratch and created a juice empire, producing healthy fruit juices beloved by shoppers for more than 40 years. Friends and family paint a picture of a bright, fun-loving, yet driven man, who squeezed every ounce out of life. There’s a food revolution happening in Estonia and chef Roman Zastserinski is leading the charge. His award-winning Tallinn restaurant, Moon, which translates as ‘Poppy’ in English, caters to the country’s growing number of foodies. We go inside Moon’s kitchen where the upbeat Zastserinski, fellow chef Igor Anderjev, Roman’s wife Jana and their staff prepare the day’s menu. Creating gourmet food is hard work, made even more demanding when we see the culinary team open a second restaurant. Noor Dimitri Matiesen saabus 1927. aastal Tallinnasse, et asuda jooksupoisina tööle oma onu veinitehases Lüscher&Matiesen Toompeal. Tol hetkel ei teadnud ta veel, et just tema muudab tulevikus Rootsi mahlatööstust. 1940ndate alguses kaotas Dimitri nii tehase kui onu ja alustas uut elu Rootsis. Oma 100. sünnipäeval tuli ta veel viimast korda Tallinnasse. Tänu juhuslikule kohtumisele noore mehega elab edasi nii tema kui Lüscher&Matieseni legend - lugu tahtejõust ja raskustest ülesaamisest. LOCATION: Tartu College 6 Eesti üks tuntumaid peakokkasid Roman Zaštšerinski paotab vaatajale ukse koka elukutse ja restoranipidamise igapäevaellu. Roman koos abikaasa Jana ja tädipoeg Igoriga on tänaseks avanud kaks tunnustatud restorani – “Moon” ja “Kolm Sibulat”. Dokumentaalfilm “Armastus käib kõhu kaudu” näitab kokatöö köögipoolt ning avab neid tahke, millega restorani tavakülaline ei pruugi kokku puutuda. LOCATION: Tartu College ESTDOCS WOULD LIKE TO THANK OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS Eesti Üliõpilaste Selts Estonian Students’ Society Wine provided by Beer provided by Quality award winning wines from and South Africa WE ALSO LIKE TO THANKItaly OUR AUDIENCES, OUR PARTICIPATING FILMMAKERS, Celebrating EstDocs 10-th AND OUR VALUED VOLUNTEERS FOR MAKING THIS FESTIVAL A SUCCESS. Anniversary Gala with Rechsteiner Prosecco ESTDOCS WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE WITHOUT YOUR TREMENDOUS SUPPORT. 7 Quality Quality award award winning winning wines wines from from Italy Italy and and South South Africa Africa Celebrating Celebrating EstDocs EstDocs 10-th 10-th Anniversary Anniversary Gala Gala with with Rechsteiner Rechsteiner Prosecco Prosecco www.m2beerwineandspirits.com www.m2beerwineandspirits.com [email protected] [email protected] LCBO LCBO&&AGCO AGCOLicensed LicensedAgent Agent Ash and Money Kust tuleb tolm ja kuhu kaob raha FRIDAY OCTOBER 17TH DIRECTORS: Tiit Ojasoo, Ene-Liis Semper YEAR: 2013 LENGTH: 98 minutes LANGUAGE: Estonian w/ subtitles This provocative documentary chronicles the most elaborate theatre happening to ever take place in Estonia. Renowned theatre troupe N099 takes on a corrupt political system by declaring the creation of a new political party, Unified Estonia. The company’s actors - playing politicians - embark on a campaign full of clichéd, empty promises and staged moments. The media, political pundits and citizens are enthralled, asking ‘Is this all a giant hoax or an authentic grassroots movement?’ Neli aastat tagasi olid 7500 inimest Saku Suurhallis ja hoidsid hinge kinni. Nad ootasid. Nad ootasid, et sünniks uus partei – “Ühtne Eesti”. Kaks kuud oli Teater NO99 veennud avalikkust, et selle poole liigutakse. Ja avalikkus uskus. Sest nad tahtsid uskuda. Oli hetk, mil rahvas ootas, et teater päästab Eesti poliitika. “Kust tuleb tolm ja kuhu kaob raha” näitab manipulatsioone, emotsioone, hirme, bravuuri ja tahet, millest koosnes “Ühtne Eesti”. See oli Eesti ajaloo suurim sotsiaalne eksperiment, mis valgustas läbi, kuidas toimib Eesti poliitika ja mille järgi otsustab Eesti valija. Neli aastat on piisav aeg, et küsida: kas “Ühtne Eesti” muutis midagi? Kas valimised mis järgnesid 20. Oktoobril kulgesid teisiti? LOCATION: Bloor Hot Docs Cinema 8 GALA PRESENTATION Keepers of the Loom Kangastelgede hooldajad SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18TH DIRECTORS: Tom Mae and Reet Mae YEAR: 2014 LENGTH 85 minutes LANGUAGE: English and Estonian w/ subtitles Estonian handiwork is renowned around the world for its artistry and beauty, but for Estonians themselves the clothes, decorations and – most importantly – national costumes that they lovingly create keep them in touch with their ancient culture. EstDocs 2014 is proud to present this heartfelt documentary by Toronto filmmakers Tom and Reet Mae, which traces the Estonian refugee experience through the women who kept their culture alive in foreign lands and in trying circumstances through the treasured handiworks that remain an indelible part of Estonian heritage. Eestlased, nagu mitmed teised, saabusid Kanadasse põgenedes võõra võimu eest enda kodumaal. Uue elu alustamisel uuel mandril eesti naised hoidsid oma külade ja linnade traditsioone rahvarõivaste ja käsitööga. Rahvariided peegeldavad rõivaste kandjat, samastudes ümbruskonna ja paiksusega. Käsitöö ja rahvariided on aidanud uusi Kanada eesti põlvkondi tunda ühendust oma esiemade ja esiisadega. EstDocs on austatud võimalusest näidata filmi naistest kes hoidsid meie traditsioone ja kes jõustasid iseennast ja uusi põlvkondi Kanadas eesti kultuuriga käsitöö kaudu, jäädvustades uhke rahva ilu. Reception Joins us at 6:30 pm for a pre-screening reception and enjoy Hors D’Oeuvres and a complimentary glass of champagne. Short Film Awards Our gala evening includes the presentation of our annual SHORT FILM AWARDS. We screen the three award-winning shorts (as decided upon by our Jury) that best exemplify this year’s theme: Connection. Gala Sponsor LOCATION: Bloor Hot Docs Cinema JOIN US FOR THE POST-SCREENING AFTER PARTY AT MUSEUM TAVERN 9 Lemonade Tale SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 1PM ESTONIAN ANIMATION Little Holger goes shopping with his mom. Holger really wants some soda, but his mom refuses to buy it. Unhappy Holger grabs a bottle off the shelf and…gets sucked into the soda bottle, falling into a dark green, bubble-filled soda ocean. He won’t be able to get back…or will he? DIRECTOR: Vallo Toomla XYZtopia One of the inhabitants of the flat earth gains possession of glasses that enable one to see in three dimensions. The inhabitant may be full of good intentions, but controlling one extra dimension proves to be rather complicated. DIRECTOR: Martinus Daane Klemet Sandguy Sand on the beach is as natural as air, sun, life, love. The trails on the sand draw endless stories, asking whether we can value what’s drawn before the stories are gone forever. When the sand and the Sandguy leave the beach, and Stoneguy opens his eyes, will he leave as well? DIRECTOR: Pärtel Tall Pilots on the Way Home With their plane ruined, three pilots find themselves stranded in the middle of the desert. The challenge of finding their way home is made all the more difficult as they are beset by strange visions and fantasies. WARNING: THE FILM INCLUDES SCENES OF EXPLICIT SEXUALITY AND NUDITY DIRECTOR: Priit and Olga Pärn SHORT FILMS Paper City SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 2PM Narva, a border city with Russia is a kind of a no man’s land. The glory days of the border city seem to be in a distant past. Suddenly we have two people looking at Narva from a different perspective: Fjodor is building a giant model of past Narva in the empty Town Hall and Mats, a Swedish real estate developer, wants to change the future of Narva. DIRECTOR: Jaak Kilmi 10 Possibility of an Island Cartoonist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 2:45PM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 5PM The mission of an enlightened or a believing human in this world is to be like a lone island in a bog. If there is a belief, there is a possibility of an island, there is an evidence of an island. On a tiny island in the Baltic Sea, an old priest walks twice a day to the church to do his sermon. It is his duty before God and before whole mankind. This is the story of the man who was cited in President Obama’s speech on September 3rd 2014: “…it was a dream that found its most eloquent expression in your voices... when Estonians found the courage to stand up against an empire and sing “land of my fathers, land that I love.” And Heinz Valk…spoke for the entire Singing Revolution when he said, “One day, no matter what, we will win!” Need we say more? DIRECTOR: Mariann Kõrver DIRECTOR: Kristjan Svirgsden Kelly Ballet Master SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 3:30PM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 6:30PM Meet Kelly Sildaru, a freestyle skiing superstar. In a sport defined by fearlessness and acrobatic skill Kelly possesses both – and she’s just 11 years old. We get a look at how this young Estonian girl has taken the freestyle world by storm, winning competitions across Europe and the U.S. Yet, her success comes with a cost as the demanding sport is taking its toll on Kelly’s body. But through it all Kelly remains a down-to-Earth girl who was born to soar. Internationally recognized choreographer Mai Murdmaa lives for ballet. As we see in this revealing documentary, the grand old lady of dance is obsessed with turning dance into art, but that remains a constant struggle for Murdmaa, who must deal with imperfect dancers, politics and her own stubbornness to bring the sacred, mythical and erotic movement to the stage. DIRECTOR: Andzei Matsukevits DIRECTOR: Ruti Murusalu All screenings at Tartu College 11 ESTDOCS SCHEDULE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 Special Screening of EstDocs Shorts The Juice King Mahlakuningas The Other Side of the Plate Armastus käib kõhu kaudu Ash and Money Kust tuleb tolm ja kuhu kaob raha • Doors open 7:30 pm • Screening 8 pm • PWYC • Stephen Bulger Gallery • Reception 6 pm • Screening 7 pm • PWYC • Tartu College SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 GALA PRESENTATION Keepers of the Loom Kangastelgede hooldajad and Short Film Competition • Champagne Reception 6:30 pm • Reception 6:30 pm • Screening 7:45 pm • $20 • Bloor Hot Docs Cinema SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 • Short Film Awards 7:30 pm • Screening 8:30 pm • $25 • Bloor Hot Docs Cinema • After Party at Museum Tavern EstDocs Marathon Screening • Doors open 12:30 pm Estonian Animation • Screening 1 pm Documentaries • Screening 2-6:30 pm MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 The Gull Theorem Kajaka teoreem Child of Nature Looduslaps Muhu: Ätsed ja Roosid • Screening 2 pm • PWYC • Ehatare • $25 (dinner and screening) • $10 (screening only, tickets at the door if available) • 10th festival dinner 6 pm • Eesti Maja • Screening 7:30 pm Eesti Kool screening (private event) • Screening 7 pm • Eesti Maja (drop by whenever you please, in-and-out privileges) • $15 • Tartu College Finland’s Unofficial Policy Tuglase Selts: viis tähtsat päeva Makers of Food Toidutoojad • 6 pm concessions • Screening 7 pm • $10 • Eesti Maja Unless otherwise noted, all films in English or subtitled. All evening films include a post-screening discussion led by moderator Indrek Treufeldt. Doors open 1 hour prior to screening. Go to www.estdocs.com for complete festival info. All events include a cash bar. 12 SCREENING VENUES Bloor Hot Docs Cinema 506 Bloor Street West (Bathurst subway) Eesti Maja 958 Broadview Avenue (free parking) Ehatare 40 Old Kingston Road, Scarborough Stephen Bulger Gallery 1026 Queen Street West Tartu College 310 Bloor Street West (entrance Madison Avenue) ESTDOCS MODERATOR Indrek Treufeldt TICKETS Tickets can be purchased ONLINE at: http://estdocs2014.eventbrite.ca ADVANCE TICKETS In person at eStore in Eesti Maja, 958 Broadview Avenue Tues-Fri, 11 am-3 pm *50% student discount, if available, at the door w/ ID Indrek Treufeldt on Eesti ajakirjanik, õppejõud ja ajakirjandusteoreetik. Oma ajakirjanikukarjääri alustas ta Eesti Raadios 1986. aastal noortesaadete toimetuse juures. 1996. aastast töötab teleajakirjanikuna. Ta on teinud nii reporteri, uudistelugeja kui ka uudiste päevatoimetaja tööd. Aastatel 2002 kuni 2007 oli ta Eesti Televisiooni korrespondent Brüsselis. Sel telehooajal juhib ta vestlussaadet “Kahekõne.” 2007. aastast on Indrek ka teleajakirjanduse õppejõud Tallinna Ülikooli Balti Filmi- ja Meediakoolis (BFM). Ta on Eesti Akadeemilise Ajakirjanduse Seltsi aseesimees. Indrek on diplomeeritud elektroonikainsener (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool), tal on ka kunstide magistri ja ka filosoofiakraad Tartu Ülikoolist. 1998. aasta kevadsemestril õppis ta Duke ülikoolis USAs. Indrek Treufeldt has more than 20 years experience as a journalist, media teacher and expert on communications and public affairs. He began his journalism career in radio, and in 1996 he moved to TV, working as a news reporter, assignment editor and anchor. From 2002-2007 Indrek was a permanent correspondent for Estonian Television in Brussels. He is a former member of the Commission on Radio and Television Policy: Central and East Europe, has consulted for the board of Estonian Public Broadcasting (EPB) and has contributed to EPB’s strategic planning. Indrek currently works as a lecturer at Baltic Film and Media School of Tallinn University, and is the vice chairman of the Estonian Academic Society of Journalism. He holds a MSc degree in electronics from Tallinn University of Technology, a MA in journalism and a PhD in communication from Tartu University. In 1998 he was a media fellow at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. In addition to his native Estonian, Indrek speaks English, Russian, French, German and Finnish. 13 Mü oN AiNuLaAdNe vÕiMaLuS VeEtA NäDaL AeGa eEsTiKeElSeS SeLtSkOnNaS IlUsA Ja mEtSiKu mUsKoKa lOoDuSe kEsKeL. sUhTlE HuViTaVaTe iNiMeStEgA EeStIsT, kAnAdAsT, UsAsT Ja mUjAlT. hEaD ToItU KeHaLe jA VaImUlE LoEnGuTeS, hUvIrInGiDeS Ja mUuDeS Mü tEgEvUsTeS. WoUlD YoU ReCoMmEnD AtTeNdInG KoTkAjÄrVe mEtSaÜlIkOoL FoR aNyOnE JuSt sTaRtInG OuT To lEaRn eStOnIaN? iF So, wHy? Yes! It can seem very challenging at first, but immersion is really the best way to learn any language. Vincent Teetsov, Chicago, USA. First time 2014 MÜ attendee. 14 The Gull Theorem Kajaka teoreem Child of Nature Looduslaps MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 DIRECTOR: Joosep Matjus YEAR: 2013 LENGTH: 39 minutes LANGUAGE: Estonian w/ subtitles DIRECTOR: Anu Aun YEAR: 2013 LENGTH: 28 minutes LANGUAGE: Estonian w/ subtitles A pair of seagulls float high above Tallinn, nesting on the roof of an office building. But there’s something sinister about the birds. The film’s narrator reveals people have been acting strangely lately – are the birds to blame? This imagistic film is part nature documentary, part experimental drama that will have you looking at seagulls in a whole new light. Mari Metsallik is a former model and Playboy cover girl who has left society behind to live in the woods and commune with nature. She believes plants and animals speak to her, and she survives on berries, mushrooms and herbal teas. Director Anu Aun’s camera frames Mari as if she were still a model, posing her against the beauty of nature, inviting viewers to question the photo-op nature of Mari’s simplistic life. Filosoofiline film-essee kajakast kui vabadust ja puhtust sümboliseerivast linnust. Rahvapärimuses on kajakad teatavasti hukkuñud meremeeste hinged ja inspireeritune sellest uskumusest käsitleb filmi autor Joosep Matjus neid kui linde, kes kannavad kadunud linnainimeste hingi. Film “Kajaka Teoreem” jälgib linnas elava kajaka elu, kes peab hakkama saama inimese poolt loodud keskkonnas ja õppima selgeks selle maailma reeglid klirisevas ja kilavas, klaas-metallbetoon kosmoses. Läbi selliste vastanduste vallandub inimhing ehk kajakas. Kõik eluks vajaliku saab Mari otse loodusest. Tütarlaps toitub sellest, mida mets pakub, hommikul kastepiiskadest, talvel puhtast allikaveest. Kui ilm vähegi lubab magab Mari lageda taeva all. Oma päevi sisustab ta taimi korjates ja nendest ravivaid tinktuure valmistades. Mari suhtleb meelsamini taimede, loomade ja metsavaimude kui inimestega. Kes oskaks arvata, et vaid viis aastat tagasi oli see tütarlaps Playboy kaanemodell… LOCATION: Eesti Maja WARNING: THE FILM INCLUDES SCENES OF EXPLICIT NUDITY LOCATION: Eesti Maja 15 16 Finland’s Unofficial Policy Tuglase Selts: viis tähtsat päeva Makers of Food: Historical Estonian Food Businesses in Toronto Toidutoojad. Eesti toiduäride ajalugu Torontos TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 DIRECTOR: Arto Koskinen YEAR: 2013 LENGTH: 57 minutes LANGUAGE: Estonian & Finnish w/ subtitles DIRECTOR: Kaisa Pitsi YEAR: 2014 LENGTH: 41 minutes LANGUAGE: English and Estonian w/ subtitles Helsinki’s Tuglas Society is a Finnish organization that promotes Estonian culture and language. During the Soviet occupation it served a vital role as an open channel to the West for Estonia. This documentary recounts the events beginning on August 19th, 1991 when the world heard that Russian President Gorbachev had been deposed. While worried Estonians wait to see if the Soviets would once again invade their homeland, The Tuglas Society – led by brilliant Estonian Foreign Minister Lennart Meri – spring into action. It’s through Meri’s masterfully crafted political response that Estonia is able to declare independence. A taste of home. That’s what the thousands of Estonian refugees who settled in Toronto after the war yearned for, and that’s what a handful of Estonian bakers, butchers and entrepreneurs provided. This touching documentary recounts the stories of the families who started Estonian food shops such as Viking Bakery, Poko Meats and A. Amjärvis Sweets. The past comes alive with wonderful archival footage of stores long gone and everyday Estonians enjoying the food made by families who helped make life in a new land a little less strange. 1991. aasta augustis jälgis kogu maailm pingsalt Moskva riigipööret, kus olukord tundus muutuvat iga tunniga. Ka Soome kõrgem valitsusjuhtkond jälgis olukorda ärevalt. Eriti kuna tollane välisminister Lennart Meri tegutses Helsingis Tuglase seltsi ruumides ja oli teleuudistes teatanud, et on valmis võimalusel käivitama Eesti taasiseseisvumise protsessi. See kõik oli alguse saanud juba 80ndatel, kui asutati Tuglase selts, tagasihoidlikuna tunduv Eesti kirjanduse selts. Nüüd oli Tuglase selts sündmuste keskpunktis ja Soome valitsus keerulisel positsioonil: kas toetada avalikult lähedast sugulasrahvast, teha seda, mida varem oli tehtud salaja ja kõrvalteid pidi? LOCATION: Eesti Maja Mis teeb Toronto huvitavaks metropoliks? Üks neist tahkudest on erinevate kultuuride toit. Toit on nagu EstDocs, ta tudvustab maailma kultuuri, siin ses kontekstis kulinaarsest vaatevinklist. Toit hoiab eestlaste minevikku ja tudvustab meie tulevikku kanadalstele. Kas Toronto kodanik teaks et pirukas, peenleib või sült on olemas ilma eestlasteta? LOCATION: Eesti Maja 17 18 EstDocs is part of Tartu College and is organized by the following volunteers: Festival Director Kristi Sau Doughty Festival Director Emeritus Ellen Valter Programme Director Kalli Paakspuu Operations Director Mai Meret Finance Director Linda Veltmann Women of Muhu Island Muhu: Ätsed ja Roosid Development Director Nick Kazakoff Short Film Competition Director Tauno Mölder Secretary Maret Jaks TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 Programming Alan Teder, Ingrid Randoja, Kaisa Pitsi DIRECTOR: Kadriann Kibus YEAR: 2014 LENGTH: 60 minutes LANGUAGE: Estonian w/ subtitles We take an up close and personal look at two generations of Muhu women as they uphold the archetype of the local cultural heritage through Muhu folk costumes, dance, laughter and spirit. Please note this screening is held at seniors’ facility Ehatare, and tickets are available at the door only at a first come, first serve basis. 2 pm / PWYC / Ehatare Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady Väikelinna detektiivid ja valge daami saladus DIRECTOR: René Vilbre YEAR: 2013 LENGTH: 85 minutes LANGUAGE: Estonian w/ subtitles Four kids are spending their summer holidays together in the quiet resort town of Haapsalu. They suddenly find themselves dragged into events that started back in the 15th-century in the local bishop’s stronghold. The children must solve the mystery of a clock robber, and find a treasure that has been lost for centuries. Treasurer Liis Truuvert Technical Andre Vare, Peeter Piil, Rein Ende, Tauno Mölder Communications Maimu Mölder, Maret Jaks, Merike Kalm Facilities/front of the house Aleksa Del Castillo, Christina Prozes Maarika Hiis, Maimu Schaer Design Gina Angelea, Heiki Sillaste, Kaja Wichman, Stevie Shipman, Uno Ramat Jury Consultants Jaak Järve, Reet Mae, Tiina Lipp, Tiina Soomet EstDocs Governance Committee Tiina Soomet (chair), Anu Jõe, Hendrik Riik, Kaja Telmet, Mart Pikkov Team: Kaarin Lupp Liisa Soots Alex Kapsh Kai Kiilaspea Mari Ann Tammark Anita Saar Kalev Nisbet Nicholas Jones Brian Meret Katarina Helena Doughty Piret Arukaevu Elias Gates Kass Ellen Leivat Kerly Ilves Kevin Prozes Evi Vahtra Helga Del Castillo Jaan Meri Janne Laanemäe Paskov Kaarel Kuurmaa Killi Mirka Kristina Laukkanen Kristina Märtin Piret Noorhani Sean Hooper Tea Kilch Toomas Sui Toomas Trei Lea Kroonmann Lia Hess Please note this is a private screening. 7 pm / Eesti Maja Front Cover by Uno Ramat 19 Proud Supporter of EstDocs 416-752-3702 www.estoconstruction.ca 20 21 The Pillow Shoppe offers a fun and innovative range of unique pillows and home decor items at affordable prices. Now Open On Eglinton Visit us on facebook 22 371 Eglinton Ave West Toronto, ON M5A 1A3 1434 Danforth Ave Toronto, ON M4J 1N3 (just west of Avenue Road) (just east of Monarch Park) 416 422-4220 647 748-8890 owner/omanik Viive Tork W W W . E S T O N I A N F O U N D A T I O N . C A W W W . E S T O N I A N F O U N D A T I O N . C A TOETA TOETA EESTLUST EESTLUST KANADAS! KANADAS! 23 TARTU ESTONIAN STUDIES CENTRE TC FILM SOCIETY Showcasing the best of Estonian classic cinema and featuring the newest of Estonian non-documentary films F O R F I L M E V E N T S , V I S I T: 24 W W W. V E M U . C A
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