Worship Service 11:15AM Musical Prelude………………………………….…..Jada Stewart Deandra Thoms Donald Thoms Jr. Samuel Vargas Ilias Vargas Jr. Invocation………………………………….….Pastor Rick Jordan Church Family Life……………….……................ Rupert Gosine Children’s Story…………………………………..…. Children will be collecting an offering for the Building Fund Song of Meditation……………….…………….……Praise Team Directory Rick A. Jordan, Pastor Cell (571) 643-9355 [email protected] Heather Meyer, Secretary Home (703) 590-2962 [email protected] Sam McLean, Head Elder Home (703) 680-7921 [email protected] Woodbridge Seventh-day Adventist Church Physical address: 13495 Keytone Road Woodbridge, VA 22193 Mailing address: P.O. Box 4446 Woodbridge, VA 22194 Website: www.woodbridgesda.org Sabbath School Lesson Website www.sabbathschoolpersonalministries.org Prayer of Praise and Petition…………….….….….Rupert Gosine Woodbridge SDA Church Prayer Line Friday evening/7PM (605-475-4000) Pin # 739881# Scripture …………………………………..………Rupert Gosine Matthew 24:36-42 Seventh-day Adventist believe: Musical Selection…………Alise Schram and Natalya Shabykeev Sermon…………………………………….…..Pastor Rick Jordan “Left Behind” Musical Selection……………Alise Schram and Nancyan Chilton Tithe and Offering………………….…….………. Rupert Gosine Local Church Budget Closing Prayer…………..……...…....…..........Pastor Rick Jordan Church Organist/Alise Schram Woodbridge Seventh-day Adventist Church October 18, 2014 What we believe In a personal God. Heb. 1:1-3 In Jesus Christ as the divine Son of God and as our Savior. John 1:1-3, 14; Hebrews 7:25 In the Holy Spirit, the divine Comforter. John 15:26 That the Bible is the inspired Word of God. 2 Tim. 3:16-17 In the new birth experience by accepting Jesus. John 3:1-7 In baptism by immersion. Mark 1:9-10; Romans 6:3-5 That the literal return of Christ is very near. John 14:1-3 That man by nature is mortal. Job 4:17; 1 Tim. 6:15-16 That immortality and eternal life are a gift from God. Rom. 6:23 That the dead are in an unconscious state. Eccl. 9:5; John 11:11 That there will be a resurrection of the dead. 1 Thess. 4:16 That righteousness comes by faith, not by works. Eph. 2:8 That the purpose of God’s law is to show us our sins and lead us to our Savior Jesus Christ. Rom. 2:20; 4:3-5 That the Sabbath is God’s memorial of creation and redemption and is still to be honored. Gen. 2:2-3; Ex. 20:8; Lk. 23:54-56 In maintaining a daily relationship with the living and risen Lord through prayer and Bible study. John 15:4-7; Ps. 119:11 In the support of the gospel through tithes and offerings. Mal. 3:8-11; Matt. 23:23 In all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Eph. 4:8-11; 1 Cor. 12-14 In moderation of all good things and abstinence from all unhealthful practices and substances. 1 Cor. 3:16-17 “Building Disciples of Jesus For Eternity” Praise & Worship Opening Prayer Church Life Pastor Rick Jordan Praise & Worship Prayer of Praise and Petition Rupert Gosine Scripture Rupert Gosine Matthew 24: 36-42 Special Music “Sarabande” Sermon Emily Walker Bach Pastor Rick Jordan “Left Behind” Special Music Tithe and Offering “Minuet 1” Local Church Budget Church Family Life Church at Study Join the Woodbridge Church Family: If you ar e inter ested in joining our church through baptism, profession of faith or transfer of membership, please contact Pastor Rick. We'd love to have you be a part of our family and team. Intercessory Prayer Service: If ther e is something that you need prayer for, please join us each Sabbath morning from 8:00am-8:20 am in the back room (library). Midweek Service: Wednesday at 7:30 PM. This week we’ll be studying The Desire of A ges. Rupert Gosine Woodbridge SDA Members: Thank you for supporting the work of God and giving to the building fund. For this effort to be a success, participation is needed from every member. Your sacrifice, in any amount, will help make the difference in the building fund campaign. Let us all join together and continue to support the building fund. Pastor Rick Jordan 9:40AM Opening Prayer & Superintendent’s Remarks Lesson Study: “James, the Lord’s Brother” Sabbath School Teacher/Sanctuary 1: Dennis Boone Sabbath School Teacher/Sanctuary 2: Harrietta Cush Sabbath School Teacher/Sanctuary 3: Ron Bilyard Sabbath School Superintendent: Antonio Peinado On Duty Visitor Welcome: We' r e happy you chose to wor ship with us today! It is our prayer you will be drawn closer to Jesus as a result of being here. Emily Walker Bach Rupert Gosine Closing Prayer Church Life Continued 8:30 AM Elder: Rupert Gosine Deacons: Raynald Sajous/Nigel Martial Deaconess: Bernadette Brisseau First Service Greeter: Second Service Greeters: Mark and Locrecia Pelham Assistant Treasurers for October: Judy Russell/Leader Bertillia LavernAssistant 2015 Devotional Books: Orders for the 2015 devotional books are now being taken. If you would like to order a book at the Church discount price, please sign up on the sheet located in the church foyer or submit your order on a brochure to Dennis or Josie Boone by November 21, 2014. Payments for the books, including tax, should be placed in a tithe envelope and marked “Personal Ministries/2015 Devotionals” Sabbath School Breakfast: Will take place every 3rd Sabbath, from 9:30am-10:00 am. If you would like to bring items or donate money/gift cards, please see any of the Sabbath School teachers and/or Corinne Bolder or Debora Wilson. Sabbath School Teachers Needed: We are looking for (1) Cradle Roll teacher, (2) Kindergarten teachers and (2) Primary teachers. Please contact Corinne Bolder or Debora Wilson, if interested, or email cocobolder @gmail.com Citrus Fundraiser: Don’t forget to place your orders by November 3. See bulletin insert for details. Sunset Tonight: 6:25 PM Next Friday: 6:16 PM Sight & Sound “Moses” Trip: Dec. 6, 2014. Ticket prices are as follows: Adults ($63.65), Teens ($29.00), Children ($19.00). Seats for the bus are $25.00/person. Please make your payments to “Family Life” using a tithe envelope. Start early—the deadline for all payments is Nov. 8, 2014. We will be leaving after second service and returning the same day after the show. We hope that you all can join us! Upcoming Adventurer Activities: Sabbath, October 25, will feature an Adventurers Church Service. Please wear dress uniforms. On Sabbath, November 1, there will be a nursing home outreach at the Stafford Nursing Home. Pathfinders: The Pathfinder Club will meet on the 2nd and 4th Sabbath of each month. If you would like to volunteer to help in any capacity, please see Edward Martial or Cindy VanderVeen. Prison Ministries: We will be reaching out to 5 families this 2014 Christmas season, whose parent or parents are incarcerated. This will be a golden opportunity to spread a positive influence in our community. We will need both volunteers and monetary support. If interested, please contact Mark Pelham @ 703-505-6824 or Karen Shade. Men’s Ministry: Men’s Ministry would like to thank everyone for being a part of Men’s Day. Our prayer is that the Lord was pleased with our worship and the story of the plan of salvation was told. Lifting up the name of Christ, becoming more in His image and building our relationship with Him so we all will make it into the Kingdom is our goal for this church. On Duty October 25, 2014 Speaker: Pastor Rick A. Jordan Elder: Samuel McLean Deacons: Ron Bilyard/Ariel Wilkins Deaconess: Vonda McLean Sabbath School Teacher/Sanctuary 1: Rupert Gosine Sabbath School Teacher/Sanctuary 2: Bob McAdams Sabbath School Teacher/Sanctuary 3: Terri Walker Sabbath School Superintendent: Ron Bilyard First Service Greeters: Ron and Judy Russell Second Service Greeters: Vivenne and Amanda McAdams Assistant Treasurers for October: Judy Russell/Leader Bertillia Lavern/Assistant
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