Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Practices. An International Perspective CONFERENCE Today, school is becoming a rapidly changing learning environment. Thinking about students as a homogeneous population is no longer allowed, as diversity – in terms of culture, language, gender, family organization, learning styles and so on – has emerged as a key challenge for education today. The debate on Special Educational Needs largely reflects this challenge, as working in school implies careful reconsideration of what we mean by ‘normal’ and ‘special’. Current educational intervention is generally based on a deficit and ‘within-child’ model of facing SEN, whereas very little attention is given to the role of learning environment. The focus is on the child more than on the whole class, and on cognition and technical provisions more than on affective, sociocultural and community dimensions of learning. However, we should always remember that students are not ‘problems to be fixed’: they are the solution. Regarding students and their needs as ‘hidden voices’ allows us to adopt a transformative approach which sees diversity as a stimulus for the development of educational practices that might benefit all children and help school to become an inclusive and ‘moving’ organization. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for fostering dialogue and good practices among stakeholders and decision makers involved in inclusive education, through the contribution of international scholars. Conference will also host the presentation of the new Italian edition of the “Index for Inclusion” as a special event. University of Bergamo Department of Human and Social Sciences 23-24 October 2014 Programme Thursday 23rd October Conference Room, via Pignolo 123 Registration (8.30-9.00) Opening (9.00-9.30) Stefano Paleari, Rector of the University of Bergamo Giuseppe Bertagna, Dean of the HSS Department Patrizia Graziani, Head of Bergamo LEA Plenary session (9.30-12.30) Beth A. Ferri, Syracuse University, US Joaquìn Gairìn Sallàn, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain Daniele Checchi, University of Milan, Italy Fabio Dovigo, University of Bergamo, Italy Friday 24th October Conference Room, via Pignolo 123 Plenary session (9.00-13.00) Barbara Brokamp, Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft, Bonn, Germany Kari Nes, Hedmark University College, Special event (12.30-13.00) Presentation of the new Italian edition of the Index for Inclusion (Carocci, Roma) Hamar, Norway Mara Westling Allodi, Stockholm University, Sweden Lucia Chiappetta Cajola, Roma Tre University, Italy Tony Booth, School of Education, University of Cambridge, UK Giuliana Sandrone, University of Bergamo, Italy Parallel and posters sessions (14.30-18.00) Parallel and posters sessions (14.30-18.00) Rooms 13-15-22, via Caniana 2 Rooms 13-15-22, via Caniana 2 Ke y n o t e S p e a k e r s Tony Booth works on values - led development for schools, kindergartens and communities in England and in other countries. He has been a school teacher, an educational psychologist and a university lecturer and professor. He is the main author of the Index for Inclusion which has been translated into more than forty languages. He emphasises the development of values literacy - learning how to connect values and actions. He links values with educational principles and imperatives. He has produced an approach to structuring knowledge or curricula in education which connects learning with personal and shared experience, and encourages a sense of interdependence of people with each other and the other life forms with which they share the planet. Barbara Brokamp is active in foundation management and project development at the Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft, Bonn. She is a Teacher and a consultant on the lifelong learning, school development and school management area, as well as a lecturer at the University of Cologne. Her current research interests include school development and educational architecture. Daniele Checchi is currently a Professor of Economics at the University of Milan (Italy). He studied Economics at the Bocconi University in Milan and the LSE where he received his masters degree in 1985. He obtained his PhD from University of Siena in 1987. He worked and taught at the University of Brescia (1988-92) and the University of Milano-Bicocca (1992-2000) and held visiting positions at Universiteit Maastricht (2006-2009), Universitè Catolique de Louvain (2008), Universidad Autonoma Barcelona (2008), Boston College (2007), University of York (2006), University of Leicester (2006), University College Dublin (2005). His current research interests include the economics of education, intergenerational mobility, labour market institutions and union density. Lucia Chiappetta Cajola is a Professor of Education and Special Education in the Department of Educational Sciences, University Roma Tre, Deputy Director of the same department and director of the Master's level and the Training Course "Education and psychology of specific learning disorders" and the Master's Degree "Methodology and special Education for the integration”. Her current research interests include the theories, models, and technical and operational procedures of the special teaching, and the assessment of learning of students with disabilities, difficulties or specific disorders, as well as the training processes in the context of inclusion. In these areas he has published articles, essays and books. Fabio Dovigo, Ph.D., is a tenured Associate Professor for Educational Research, Organizational Theory and Design, Organizational Research Methods at the University of Bergamo. He is Co-ordinator of International Relations and Erasmus Programs at the Department of Human and Social Sciences, and Deputy Director of the School of Management. He was Visiting Professor at University of California, (USA), Lund (Sweden), Linz (Austria), Alberta (Canada), and Barcelona (Spain). His research interests include research methods in education and organization, inclusive education, and mediation and coaching. Among other publications, he was responsible for the Italian translation of the “Index for inclusion”. Beth A. Ferri, Ph.D. is a Professor of Inclusive Education and Disability Studies at Syracuse University, where she also coordinates the Doctoral program in Special Education. Professor Ferri has published widely on the intersection of race, gender, and disability. She has also published two books, Reading Resistance: Discourses of Exclusion in Desegregation and Inclusion Debates (2006, Peter Lang) and Righting Educational Wrongs: Disability Studies Law and Education (2013, SU Press). She is currently working on a third book, titled “DisCrit: Critical Conversations Across Race, Class, & Dis/ability” with Teachers College Press. Joaquín Gairín Sallán is Teacher, Social graduate, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Psychology and Doctor of Education. He is currently a Professor at the Department of Applied Pedagogy of the University Autónoma de Barcelona and director of the Organizational Development Team (EDO). His career is related to the areas of curriculum and organization of educational institutions. He has taught over 35 doctorate courses in different universities. He has also participated as coordinator or teacher training programs developed in fourteen foreign universities and more than 12 European and Latin American countries. He has represented Spain in meetings CODIESEE / UNESCO adviser Computer Education Programme for Latin America (ORCYT-UNESCO). Kari Nes is a former general and special teacher - is Professor of Education inclusive and adapted education. As part of this , she translated in collaboration with Marit Strømstad the Index for Inclusion to Norwegian in 2000-2001. She has taken part in several international inclusion networks, the most recent is “Teacher education for inclusion” by European Agency (cf. Nes (2014) in “SAGE Handbook of Special Education”). Domenica Giuliana Sandrone is an Associate Professor of General and Special Education at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Bergamo University. She is Coordinator of the Commission services for the disabled and DSA of the Department, as well as of the training curriculum and mentoring guidance activities of pedagogical studies. Since 2009 she has been member of the International Phd in Human Capital Formation and Labour Relations at the Bergamo University, carrying out regular function of mentoring to the graduate students in education. From 1 January 2013, is the director of the University Centre for Teaching and Learning Quality (CQIA), in which he previously served, from 2005 to 2012, as scientific coordinator. Mara Westling Allodi is a Professor of Special Education at the Stockholm University. Her current research interests include organization and management of education, goals and values; social climate and interaction in learning environments; analysis of special educational needs, resources and operations; students with special circumstances. She has been responsible for the Project “Participation, social climate and learning” (2009/2012), and project manager of the Working Group "School, learning and mental health of children" on behalf of the Health Committee, Royal Vetenskasakademien (2008-2010). Parallel and posters sessions Thursday 23rd October Rooms 13-15-22, via Caniana 2 Room 13 Room 15 Room 22 14.30 Päivi Pihlaja, Heli Ketovuori, Anne Laiho Inclusive values and Finnish educational policy. Elisabetta Ghedin, Diego Di Masi, Debora Aquario Il co-teaching: il valore della collaborazione tra docenti nell’educazione inclusiva Roberta Santuliana, Lorenza Sighel. Percorso sperimentale di accompagnamento degli insegnanti nell'integrazione di studenti con bisogni educativi specilali – prima fase 15.00 Johanna Lundqvist Transition patterns after inclusive preschool: The educational pathways of children with and without special educational needs in Sweden. Amalia Rizzo L’expertise dell’insegnante di sostegno musicista per l’inclusione scolastica: pratiche didattiche e dati di ricerca. Loredana Perla, Nunzia Schiavone, Ilenia Amati La scrittura professionale degli insegnanti specializzati. Risorse per un sistema scolastico inclusivo in Puglia Heli Ketovuori, Sanna Hirvensalo An approach to Inclusion in the Finnish basic education. Paola Damiani, Filippo Gomez Paloma, Dario Ianes L’utilizzo dell’ICF come sfondo integratore . Il progetto di ricerca nazionale EDUFIBES attraverso la didattica per competenze. Alessandra Tigano Un modello didattico inclusivo contextoriented. Deviazioni sull’osservazione dei BES 15.30 Posters Session S. Hashimoto, A. R. Takeshita, H. Goma A Cross-cultural Comparison of Inclusive Education in Japan and Italy: Students’ Views on Inclusive Education 16.00 Pirttimaa Raija, Kokko Tiina, Räty Lauri, Kontu Elina, Pesonen Henri, Ojala Terhi Intensive Special Educational Needs and the development of Inclusive Practices in Finland Anita Habók Research on learning to learn among elementary school children and children with special educational needs Anita Habók Elementary school children and SEN children’s opinions about learning Maura Striano, Nunzia Rainone, Alfonso Gentile, Valentina Paola Cesarano, Bruno Galante, Alessia Cuccurullo Inclusione e Buone prassi. Uno studio sulla cultura inclusiva condivisa dagli Insegnanti. Maria Cristina Veneroso, Andrea Di Somma, Maria Soria, Francesco Benso Dalle parole ai fatti… un progetto di “Didattica Integrata” 16.30 Astrid Rank, Markus Scholz Teacher Education for Inclusion. 17.00 Timo Saloviita Developing a New Scale (TATIES) for the Assessment of Teachers’ Attitudes toward Inclusive Education. Elisabetta Ghedin, Giulia Scattolin Creare culture inclusive. Una indagine sulle prospettive dei dirigenti scolastici Giorgio Asquini, Morena Sabella Bisogni Educativi Speciali o Bisogni Estivi Speciali? Un’indagine sulla perdita di apprendimento dovuta alle vacanze scolastiche 17.30 Avramidis Elias, Kantaraki Thessalia Christine, Stroggilos Vasilis Using sociometric techniques to assess the social outcomes of inclusion: some methodological considerations. Mariagrazia Marcarini Hellerup Skole di Gentofte (Copenhagen). Una scuola “per tutti” attraverso la “Pedarchitettura”, ossia il dialogo tra pedagogia e architettura Riccardo Marco Scognamiglio, Simone, Matteo Russo, Mark Morbe Intelligenza Somatica e competenze relazionali. Studio esplorativo di un training psicopedagogico rivolto a un gruppo di studenti di una scuola secondaria di secondo grado Parallel and posters sessions Friday 24th October Rooms 13-15-22, via Caniana 2 Room 13 14.30 15.00 Room 15 Caterina Martinazzoli Demo Heidrun Due volte speciali. Quando gli alunni con What really works in inclusive classrooms. disabilità provengono da contesti migratori Vincenza Benigno, Giovanni Caruso, Fabrizio Ravicchio, Manuela Repetto, Guglielmo Trentin The TRIS Project and the socioeducational inclusion of students who Room 22 Guido Migliaccio, Il bilancio tangibile e intangibile dell’inclusione Loredana Perla, Nunzia Schiavone, Narrare per includere a Scuola: una ricercaformazione sull’ “autobiogr interculturale” Nicole Bianquin, Serenella Besio La qualità dei processi inclusivi a scuola. Una proposta per l’autovalutazione e l’intervento Zelda Amidoni Benvenuti. Un progetto di peer education presso l' ABF di Albino-Bergamo Viviana Vinci, La valutazione partecipata dell’inclusione dei contesti sociali regularly. 15.30 Maja Miskovic, Svjetlana Curcic What Can Inclusive Education Do For You? The Case of European Roma. Break 16.00 Information 16.30 Rano Zakirova Engstrand, Helen Knutes Nyqvist Aesthetic perspective on students’ learning: using non-academic literature in a dialogic classroom to foster inclusive teacher education. Chiara Gemma, Andrea Poli “Inclusiva–mente, storie di qui e lì”. Un’esperienza con gli alunni stranieri A. Battisti, S. Corradini, L. Martinez Bisogni educativi speciali: esigenze informative e dati disponibili 17.00 Claudia Gozzini, Daniela Ferro Including children with severe autism: a case analysis Alessandra Galizzi Yoet dice la sua Luciano Paschetta, Maria Domenica Mecca, Claudio Signorini, Roberto Dodi, Valeria Liberti L'inclusione scolastica degli alunni con disabilità visiva vent'anni dopo 17.30 Gabriele Monti Special Educational Needs: education and interventions. Valeria Rossini Il disagio “invisibile” dei bambini. Una proposta di personalizzazione educativa nella scuola dell’infanzia Angela De Piano Strumenti assistivi per studenti non vedenti e ipovedenti: dalla progettazione di lezioni multimediali alla stesura di linee guida per docenti Registration Registration starts: 03.06.2014 Registration deadline: 15.10.2014 Conference fees: 30 Euro The fee includes a copy of the book “Il nuovo Index per l'inclusione”, Carocci, 2014 Online registration: http://www.carocci.it/index.php?option=com_content&vie w=article&id=78&Itemid=303 Index in tour Starting from November 2014, the new Italian edition of the Index for Inclusion will be presented through seminars helded in: Torino Roma Milano Napoli Palermo Bari Cagliari For more information: [email protected] In collaboration with Information Department of Human and Social Sciences Piazza S. Agostino 3 24129 Bergamo tel. 0352052938 e-mail [email protected] website www.unibg.it/inclusion2014
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