Unique air-to-air airAC LatentHeatPump Finland 03 / 09 / 2012 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 1 Both the conventional air-conditioners and ACVIO´s airAC LatetnHeatPump (LHP) takes advantage of evaporation and condensing ie. latent heat. Intead of airAC-LHP does not need refrigerant, a compressor nor piping, therefore its performance is much more higher. And it includes ventilation halving energy costs and down-sizing the capacity of heating and cooling units. And its cells are self-cleaning ensuring the best possible indoor air quality IAQ. In Europe ERVs are compulsary and in facto the best perfromance ERV improve the value of a building because energy sertifications. acvio/getplim strictly confidential 2 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 3 Vapor contains a staggering amount of energy. Warm air can absorb more vapor than cool air. Heat transfers always from warm to cool by: -Conduction -Convection -Radiation -40 kJ/mol +40 kJ/mol -Dew point -Condensation releases same amount of heat 40 kJ/mol is lost energy acvio/getplim strictly confidential 4 latent heat All phase changes • take place at a specific temperature. • take place without a change in temperature. (There is no temperature change during a phase change.) • involve changes in internal potential energy. • release or absorb latent heat. Endothermic phase changes absorb heat from the environment. • They are cooling processes. Exothermic phase changes release heat to the environment. • They are warming processes. acvio/getplim strictly confidential 5 types of latent heat airAC conventional AC solid-liquid liquid-gas solid-gas latent heat of … fusion vaporization sublimation endothermic phase changes melting, liquefaction boiling, evaporation, vaporization sublimation exothermic phase changes crystallization, freezing, fusion, solidification condensation, liquefaction deposition temperature melting point, freezing point boiling point, dew point sublimation point, frost point acvio/getplim strictly confidential 6 Conventional AC process Conventional electric (absorption also) airsource heat pumps take advantage of latent heat of vaporization of refrigerant through piping. Evaporation takes place in an evaporator (indoor unit) and condensation in a condenser (outdoor unit). Additional energy is used in a compressor. The indoor air circulates through evaporator and cools without ventilation, and the outdoor air circulates through condenser. An average COP is 3.0. It does not ventilate. acvio/getplim strictly confidential 7 Conventional AC problems A separate ventilator is needed, which doubles energy use - if no energy recovery. Q2 = Q1 + W(+Q3 ) COP = Q1 / W Q3 acvio/getplim Average COP ~3.0. strictly confidential • • • • • • • • • • • Compressor uses a lot of electricity and wastes heat energy Which is wasted into the ambient air via condenser More cooling is needed to cool this additional heat load Compressor is noisy In winter, frosting is a problem The evaporator accumulates bacteria and mold, causing odors, allergic reactions and illness The piping is not leak proof Regular maintenance is needed Device contains hazardous gases and refrigerants Short lifecycle (normally 10 years) High input power hampers to use of solar energy 8 Conventional AC No ventilation. • Inside air is cooled by phase change, i.e. evaporation. • In a compressor used electricity is partly wasted into the ambient • Causes in summer the peak use of electricity. • Does not reduce peak use of electricity in winter. acvio/getplim strictly confidential 9 airAC - Energy/Enthalpy Recovery Ventilators Product comparison airAC-LHP Reversible T teor. eff. % Year Round eff. % acvio/getplim yes 100 >80 Cross Flow no 50 0-20 (Fin) – 30 strictly confidential Rotary Wheel partly ca. 80 <60 moves warm air to cool air and vice versa 10 airAC comparison Parameter Cross-flow Rotating Wheel airAC-LHP No Whole wheel, all the time Only light valve, 2-4% time No Significant (4…10%) Negligible Needed Needed Automatic Sensible only Sensible; latent* Sensible, latent** No drain Needed often Needed regularly No 4…5 4…7 20 0%***; 20…60% 20*…73% 60…105% Strong formation Medium formation No formation/ Self-cleaning 1000…2500€ 2000…2500€ 2500€ 1 per 1...2 months At least 2 times/year Every 2-3 years Rotation Crosscontamination Defrosting in winter Heat recovery mode Media cleaning Heat factor (HECOP) Thermal efficiency Formation of germs, bacteria, mold, etc… Price (in Finland, excl. VAT) Maintenance *hygroscopic**standard***winter acvio/getplim strictly confidential 11 airAC test result Abu Dhabi acvio/getplim strictly confidential 12 airAC-LHP test Japan airAC-LHP 300.1 tests results • Apparent heat exchange efficiency evaluated by JIS method: (Xfresh - Xsupply)/(Xfresh - Xreturn) CASE Temperature Humidity ratio Sensible heat Total heat 1 0.83 0.48 0.80 0.70 2 1.05 0.78 1.03 0.95 3 0.57 0.65 0.60 0.63 • Yamatake reports average values as 0.86-1.00 0.80-0.89 for winter cases (1,2) and for summer (3) 0.62-0.84 0.66-0.72 • Note: traditional heat exchangers efficiency is 0.5-0.7 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 13 airAC-LHP Unique: 86% latent heat acvio/getplim strictly confidential 14 proofs for airAC-LHP: Bakery – 6 months – no cleaning No filters vs. 1-2 weeks only for RW Residential building – 6 years – no cleaning, no frosting Heavy winter conditions – 6 years – no drain or frosting even at –40°C • TESTED at / PROVEN by: • SINTEF (Norway) • VTT (Finland) • Kajaani City Health Authority (Finland) • Yamatake (Japan) • TKK (Finland) • CATIC/AVIC • end-users acvio/getplim strictly confidential 15 airAC-LHP in winter fresh air -20oC exhaust air two heat recovery cells return air 20oC supply air 16oC without additional energy. acvio/getplim strictly confidential 16 airAC-LHP in summer return air 25oC supply air 26.5oC two heat recovery cells fresh air 30oC exhaust air without additional energy acvio/getplim strictly confidential 17 Coefficient of Performance COP Performance comparison Cross Flow 0…5 Heat Factor HE COP 30 Rotary Wheel 0…7 20 airAC-LHP, proven 15-20 15 minimizing/elimating ventilation loss 10 5 Inside 21oC/ 70oF Conventional air-conditioner oC -40 0 Fresh (outdoor) air temperature acvio/getplim +20 strictly confidential 30 40 18 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 19 airAC-LHP 300 l/s Renovation of a school, 30 rooms acvio/getplim Spa, 800 l/s 100 l/s strictly confidential 20 Test reports airAC-LHP • 1982 and 1983 SINTEF (Norway) 800 tests in different indoor and outdoor climate conditions; • • • • 1995 VTT (The Research Institute of Finland) • • Balancing humidity between 38 – 67 RH% due to 800 different outdoor and indoor climate conditions. Does not freeze at –25°C (-13 F), Free indirect evaporative cooling up to 5°C Does not freeze at –24.4o C (-12 F) being thermal efficiency of 87.8% 2002 Laboratory of Food and Environment in Kajaani • The recovery cells are clean after 6 years ceaseless operation - without cleaning • 2002 used in a bakery for six moths without filters nor cleaning: ceaselessly operation • Since 2003 in several eye operation theatres without microbe growth • 2007 Yamatake Japan, COP in winter 14.8, thermal efficiency 105 % The best performance on Japan market • 12 March 2008 Helsinki University of Technology: COP in winter 14, in summer 33 • Nov 2009 Abu Dhabi, own, in some climate conditions the latent heat > sensible heat • 2010 CATIC/AVIC, China, COP > 2 times better than the second best • A Finnish end-user T eff. 96,10%, year round eff. >80% acvio/getplim strictly confidential 21 airAC-LHP. How? airAC-LHP Reversible Regenerative Enthalpy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) recycles energy and humidity WARM COOL air gets cool 1. period +40oC dew point Cells are selfcleaning and microbe-free. cell gets warm 2. period Humidity balancing. air gets warm +23oC cell gets cool Humidity cyclically condensates and evaporates plus releases and absorbs heat. acvio/getplim strictly confidential 22 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 23 Tightness of the building is more important than insulation (+/positive energy building). ACVIO and the environment abstract of the presentation made to Healthy House Association in Japan acvio/getplim strictly confidential 24 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 25 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 26 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 27 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 28 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 29 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 30 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 31 airAC-LHP IAQ + SBS + Energy = No 1 Ventilation Moisture • problem = decreases efficiency: freezing, extra cooling, insulation impurities mold/microbe/bacteria • benefit = washes - self-cleaning, less maintenance increases efficiency when latent heat involved Reversibility • T + humidity maintained where they are • if T eff > 100%, latent heat is envolved. No modelling available. Year round performance is more important than T eff. High performance ERVs in facto are compusory due to new EU energy regulations acvio/getplim strictly confidential 32 acvio/getplim strictly confidential 33 reversible Vapour is a benefit -no drain -cyclical condensation/evaporation -cyclically warm/cool and wet/dry -self-cleaning/washing deos not allow mould/ bacteria growth -non-frosting/freezing -evaporative cooling -latent heat > sensible heat -high T eff. and year round performance Acvio irreversible Vapour is a problem 1) Draining loses a lot of latent energy 2) Wet insulation decreases heat transfer strictly confidential 3) Frosting/ freezing preventing needs energy 4) Permanent warm and wet surface is ideal for mould/ bacteria growth 34 Air-con, Vent., IAQ, Optimizing Thank you. acvio/getplim strictly confidential 35
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