HOLLAND FIRST PASTORAL STAFF: Mike & Amy Houser Senior Pastors Mike Kelley Senior Associate Pastor Larry DeLeon Music Pastor Chad & Kate Zudweg Youth Pastors Christina Kelley Children’s Pastor DEACONS: Thom Bartels Ernest Cole Brady Leslie David Trammell Todd Warren Church Treasurer- Geoff Brinkman HOLLAND FIRST ELDERS: Victor Sedano Nate & Amy Smith District 1 & 2 Zip Codes: 49424, 49417, 49456, 49409 Aggie & Pearl Garcia Nancy VanderWeide Robert & Carol Ewing District 3 & 4 Zip Codes: 49422, 49423, 49434 Irv & Joyce Koopman District 5 Zip Codes: 49464, 49460 Becky Salas Mike Rodriguez District 6 & 7 Zip Codes: 49453, 49419, 49408, 49406, 49010, 49090, 49426, 49428, 49429, 49508, 49509, 49315, 49401, 49418 Check us out online at www.hollandfirst.com HONDURAS TRIP 2015 STAYING CONNECTED Missed the meeting about the Missions trip being planned for 2015? No worries! Pastor Mike Houser has all the information you need. Simply email him at [email protected] and he’ll be sure to send along what was covered in the meeting plus other important information. Welcome Chris & Debbie Bowser!!! Special Guests Chris & Debbie Bowser, missionaries to Peru are with us this morning for our Missions Convention! Food from Around the World will take place in the Narthex after both services. Something to make note of now! A $100 non-refundable deposit will need to be paid by November 1st to reserve air fare. For any further questions contact Leonel Orellana or Todd Van Antwerp. MISSIONARY OF THE WEEK Chris & Debbie Bowser (Peru) MISSIONARY OF THE MONTH Geoff Bassett (Northern Asia) Radiant Youth Silent Pie Auction: Radiant Youth is putting on their annual Speed the Light Pie Auction next Sunday, October 26th at 6pm. They are still in need of some volunteers to bake pies for this event. And could also use a few more donations. If you would be willing to donate some kind of service such as snow plowing, painting, cleaning, etc. Please sign up at the designated table in the narthex! For any questions please see Pastor Chad. Annual Business Meeting: All members and regular attendees of Holland First are asked to be in attendance for the Business Meeting on Sunday, October 26 at 6pm. Members will be voting in two deacons. Other important information will be covered as well. Plus Radiant Youth will be hosting their Silent Pie Auction to raise funds for Speed The Light. Note: NO Life Groups will meet this Sunday due to the business meeting. Absentee Ballots: If you are a member of Holland First and are unable to attend the Business Meeting you can still cast your vote for Deacon by filling out an Absentee Ballot. Ballots are available in the church office and will be collected until Thursday, October 23, no later than 4pm. Harvest Festival: This year’s Annual Harvest Festival’s theme is “Out of this World!” It will take place on Wednesday, October 29 from 6-8pm. Last year approximately 400 people walked through our doors. It was a successful event largely due to your support! Would you consider helping out again this year? Here are at least 3 ways to get involved. 1) You can drop off candy donations in our candy barrels. 2) You can give a financial donation on-line, at the Kiosk, or through an offering envelope, just be sure to designate it “Harvest Fest”. 3) You can sign up On-line, at the Kiosk, or the designated table in the Narthex to run games, prepare food, or help with set up and clean up. Stop by the Harvest Festival table to find out other ways you can help! Let’s make this year’s event Out of this World! Please contact Pastor Christina for any questions. Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s Flames: Tickets & posters have arrived to start promoting this powerful evangelistic drama. Please take as many promo materials as you feel you can pass out. Shows will run Sun - Tues, November 16-18 right here at our church at 7pm nightly. Keep in mind there are many areas still in need of volunteers: childcare workers, altar workers, crew members, people to give a financial donation as the production cost is approximately $4,500. If you are able to volunteer please sign-up at the Kiosk, or on-line (these are the preferred methods) or you can sign-up at the Info center. Mary Wentworth will be the main coordinator of this event and will receive your On-line/Kiosk sign-up. If you feel led to give financially, again you can do so On-line or at the Kiosk. There will be an option to choose HG/HF. Any giving through offering envelopes should be marked: HG/HF. For questions, please do not hesitate to call the church office at 396-5646. Christmas Program: Nathan Switzer is requesting your help with this year’s Christmas program, “A Glimpse of Grace.” Under his direction and with the help of Pastor Larry De Leon and Pastor Christina Kelley, they will be forming both an Adult Choir and Children’s Choir (kindergarten to 5th grade). Sign-up at the table in the narthex to participate. More information on rehearsal dates will be coming soon! Meal’s Ministry: We are launching a new program for our Meals Ministry! We'll now be utilizing a program called "Take Them A Meal". You'll be sent an email request with a username & password and a link you can click on to get to the website. Then just click the date you can bring a meal and type in what you'll be bringing - simple as that! No overlapping of dates or bringing too many of the same type of meals! The only thing to note is that there is a button you'll need to uncheck to make sure the website doesn't send you ads. Also, we are in need of someone who is willing to be the Meals Ministry Coordinator. Contact Rose Rodriguez at [email protected] if you can help! Sundays Prayer 8-8:50am and 10:30-10:50am in the Prayer room Celebration Service 9am & 11am w/ S.P.L.A.S.H. Zone kid’s ministry for children birth-5th grade every Sunday and Radiant Jr. High (6th, 7th & 8th grade) every 2nd and 4th Sunday Evening Service @ 6pm (5th Sundays only) S.P.L.A.S.H. Zone kid’s ministry available for birth - kindergarten Life Groups (Every 2nd & 4th Sunday) NEW Life Group starting! Pastor Larry & Perla DeLeon will be hosting a life group open to anyone, including young families with kids, and can be bi-lingual if needed. Meet at their home (3372 Creek Ct. Holland, 49424). Bring a dish to share! You can find more information about our 7 Life Groups at our Guest Services center or Community Wall - both located in the Narthex Men’s Life Group. Meets every Thursday at 7p.m. New Location! Meet at Dan Snyder’s home (2448 Meadow Dr. Zeeland, 49464). My House Shall be Called a House of Prayer Men’s Prayer every Tuesday from 6:00 - 8:00am Ladies’ Prayer every Thursday from 7:00 - 8:00am Wednesday “Family Night” @ 7pm “The Marriage Course” Married Couple’s class: Taught by Pastor Mike & Amy Houser in the Sanctuary “Road to Emmaus” (Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?) Co-Ed Bible Study: Led by David Trammell in the Prayer Room Radiant Youth (6th - 12th grade) with Pastors Chad & Kate Zudweg S.P.L.A.S.H. Zone Kids Ministry (Newborn— 5th grade) with Pastor Christina and Team! Electronic GIVING Options E-Giving; the online way to give. Go to www.hollandfirst.com and click on e-giving Text Giving: giving with the use of your Smart Phone. Text (616) 244-2233 Kiosk (located in the narthex by the church mailboxes) If you would like a copy of today’s sermon or any sermon, please place your order at Isaac’s Well Library. CD’s and DVD’s are $5 each Need some Godly guidance or encouragement? Focus on the Family offers help, simply call 1-800-A-Family Monday - Friday from 8am - 6pm Check us out on Facebook.com/hollandfirst Follow Holland First on Twitter @HollandFirst Go on-line at hollandfirst.com Sunday, October 19, 2014 Holland First Assembly of God 1331 E 16th St Holland, MI 49423 Phone: (616) 396-5646 Fax: (616) 396-4623 Office Hours: Mon.—Thurs. 9am-4pm Emergency after hours phone: (616) 834-5333
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