ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH IN J OHNSTON , IOWA S WORD & S HELL O CTOBER , 2014 P ASTOR B ILL The New Guy What should we call the new guy? It’s a good question and there are some options. Chances are no matter what you decide to call him, he’s been called worse. (He use to work in politics.) His legal name is William Henry Bernau, but if you call him that he will think he’s in trouble. Most people just call him Bill, but you're not most people. On paper he is sometimes referred to as ‘Reverend,’ but that feels kind of stiff. There are a few names you can't call him: not hubby, not sweetie, not dad nor doctor. Only his brother calls him Willy and he hasn't been called Billy since he was 12. The best name to use for the new guy is ‘Pastor.’ It’s an old word that originally meant ‘shepherd.’ It’s not primarily a title or an office. It’s not an honorific. It's a reminder. “Hey, you… Pastor… don't forget who you are! Preach the gospel. Gather us for worship. Baptize us and give us the meal. Tell us about God’s love, the forgiveness of our sins. Tell us about Jesus and the Spirit and the Church. Urge us to be about kingdom work. Rejoice with us when we’re happy. Mourn with us when we're sad. Walk with us down the streets and lanes of this life.” When you Call a person to be your pastor, that’s the deal. When you call a person ‘Pastor’ you are reminding him or her of their job and their promises. The people of Saint James have called William Henry (Bill) Bernau to be our new Pastor. It's a big job and it begins on October 1. On Saturday, October 4 at 5pm he will be installed during worship. (He hopes you'll be there.) and then there will be chances to visit with him in smaller groups (Meet & Greets). Sign up at In the years to come, I hope to give you reason to call me ‘wise’ and ‘faithful’ and ‘friend’, but for now let’s start with Pastor. Peace, Pastor Page 1 T HE S WORD & S HELL - O CTOBER 2014 2015 S TEWARDSHIP C AMPAIGN “Stories to Tell, Gifts to Share” Our theme again this year revolves around stories of faith. At worship you will hear about how St James has helped our members practice their faith, live their faith and increase their faith. What we do here matters! During our 2015 Stewardship Campaign, we hope you will consider not only financial support of St. James in its ministry in Johnston and beyond, but how you might contribute some of your time as well. We’ll end the campaign with a Celebratory Luncheon on Sunday November 16th., inviting each member to turn in their “estimates of giving” during Worship services on November 15 or 16. By God’s grace, we are claimed as children of God through baptism. We belong to God and all that we have belongs to God. How does “belonging to God” shape the way that we live our lives? How might we be good stewards of God’s grace? T HANK Y OU F ROM C URTIS R OTHER Members of St. James: It was Sunday, September 21st. The 8:30 service got underway like most others. Welcome, announcements, etc. Jill Boeschen began the announcement about staff anniversaries. I thought, “Huh . . . Isn’t that nice . . . Whose anniversary?” Then she looked over at me. Oh . . . (Surprise!) Little did I know there was a second surprise when I opened the envelope and card. WOW! Thank you, for the gift certificate to the Civic Center. Your generosity is truly overwhelming. It will definitely go to good use. Thank you, for celebrating my 25 th anniversary with St. James Lutheran Church. We have a lot of great things happening at St. James. I can hardly believe the organ project is actually getting underway. It is going to be a great year. I am so grateful for the opportunity for us to praise God together through music at St. James. Thanks, again. Curtis Rother Page 2 T HE S WORD & S HELL - O CTOBER 2014 L UTHERAN S ERVICES OF I OWA Sharing God’s love and care through a quilt Do you have a favorite quilt? Maybe it’s one a family member made, or one you lovingly made for someone else. Many of LSI’s clients have a favorite quilt, made by people like you! LSI is blessed to have many congregations and friends who share in our social ministry by stitching love into the hearts of children, families and adults across Iowa. Your quilts travel all over the state to be delivered to babies and young children, to youth at our Bremwood and Beloit Residential Treatment Centers and to homes where the warm comfort of a quilt is desperately needed by a family. Thank you for sharing God’s love and care through these special gifts! If you or someone you know would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Deb Whitford for more information. LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Learn more at and “When he saw the quilts, he ran around like a kid in a candy store.” We asked LSI staff to share what quilts made by churches and friends of LSI have meant to children and families! Here are some of their stories: “At Bremwood, we had a young man who was so excited to pick out his quilt that he talked about it for a week beforehand! When he went to look at the quilts, he ran around like a kid in a candy store. After some searching, he picked out an army print blanket, and he called his father to talk about it later that night. Another young woman was leaving Bremwood, and while she was excited to go home, she was also sad to leave her friends and staff. She said the blanket she picked out would make sure she never forgot these important people in her life. She snuggled up to her blanket right away and showed it off to all her friends.” Your quilts are also delivered to families in our early childhood programs: “We have a family with three young children that received quilts. They were so grateful as they only had pads on the floor to sleep on and the quilts made the kids much more comfortable. Another family with a new baby said their quilt was their favorite blanket for tummy time. Another mom who received a quilt placed it in her baby’s crib right away, saying the maker of the quilt must have given a lot of thought to it. She called it a ‘kind and meaningful gift.’” And, sometimes a quilt or a blanket helps hold a family together: “All ages love them! They are great for sitting together or watching movies together, and we like fostering family activities. Quilts and blankets help promote family relationships and families gathering together.” What a difference you make! Thank you for helping so many people feel safe, warm and loved. See more stories, past and present, at LSI’s anniversary website: Page 3 O CTOBER W ORSHIP A SSISTANTS 5:00 P.M. Saturday October 4 October 11 October 18 October 25 Deacon Linda Queck Steve Henry Jan Longcor Brad Henry Greeters Denise Friesth S. & B. Bean E. & R. Allison J. & D. Harnack Ushers Chris Burgess S. & B. Bean E. & R. Allison J. & D. Harnack Altar Guild Susan Henry Bev Phipps Jan Longcor Susan Henry 8:30 A.M. October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 Asst. Minister Kent Henning Pastor Bill Lon Friesth Pastor Bill Deacon Terry Frisch Isaac Rodenberg P.A. Henrichsen Lisa Wells Lector Shane Burgess Heidi Goettsch Linda Kramer Pastor Friedrich Acolyte(s) Daphne Lindell Molly Dugan Will Henrichsen Daphne Lindell & Duncan Silberhorn Greeters E. & S. Toot Jennifer Dugan Burns D. & L. Kramer Jean Poock Ushers E. & W. Aanonson L. & J. Lehman Patrick Jensen BreAnne Solem Altar Guild Kelly Bump Carol Gannon Diane Munch Mary Dzubak 11:00 A.M. October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 Asst. Minister Pastor Bill Aaron Heley Lehman Pastor Bill Frank Munch Deacon John Harvey Jill Boeschen Luther Hanson Jerry Wylie Lector John Harvey Jordan Heley Lehman Brent Buch Jerry Wylie Acolyte(s) Karleen Derry Amie Kielty Owen Lehman Karleen Derry & Mitchell Nesheim Greeters Cynthia Sund Whitmore Family L. & I. Hanson Wells Family Ushers Todd Aarhus J. & D. Howard Stuart Ruddy Wells Family Altar Guild Cynthia Sund Lesley Whitmore Deb Grant Howard Debby Wylie Other Social Time Hosts Bridgewater & J. Allison Grant Howard R. & K. Olesen B. & P. Schultz Pew Patrol Dee Miller Jean Poock Carol Gannon Rebecca Allison Sunday Teller Rebecca Allison Rebecca Allison Rebecca Allison Rebecca Allison Monday Teller Gannon & Henry Crane & Krauth Hanson & Poock Axness & Longcor Please note: If you cannot serve on the assigned date, please trade with another volunteer and call the Parish Steward, 276-0134, with the change by Wednesday of the week you are assigned to serve! Thank you! Page 4 N OVEMBER W ORSHIP A SSISTANTS 5:00 P.M. Saturday November 1 November 8 November 15 November 22 November 29 Deacon Verna White Barb Bean Deb Bargman Kent Kroeger Steve Henry Greeters K. & V. White Liz Anderson Wayne Mehre Pat Schnepf J. & J. Longcor Ushers K. & V. White R. & L. Walker Wayne Mehre G. & P. Schnepf J. & J. Longcor Altar Guild Diane Kroeger Barb Bean Deb Bargman Susan Henry Jan Longcor 8:30 A.M. November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Asst. Minister Kent Henning Pastor Bill Diane Munch Pastor Bill Aaron H. Lehman Deacon Denise Friesth Terry Frisch Jerry Wylie Jeff Kane P.A. Henrichsen Lector Wendy Aanonson Jennifer Dugan Burns Eric Toot Cheryl Livingston Jean Poock Acolyte(s) Clara Toot Molly Burns Clara Toot Owen Lehman Clara Toot Greeters E. & W. Aanonson Frances Faas John & Jennifer Pietila Al & Mary Dzubak Ushers E. & S. Toot D. & S. Johanson John Pietila G. & D. Bridgewater B. & P. Schultz Altar Guild Lesley Whitmore Carol Gannon Debby Wylie Mary Dzubak 11:00 A.M. November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 B. & C. Crane Kelly Bump November 30 Asst. Minister Pastor Bill Nicole Heley Lehman Pastor Bill Lon Friesth Pastor Bill Deacon Greg Boeschen John Harvey Jill Boeschen John Harvey Luther Hanson Lector Elizabeth Boeschen Steve Kostal Jim Howard Paula Rother Lilian Buch Acolyte(s) Mikayla Bump Max Crooks Mikayla Bump Max Crooks Karleen Derry Greeters Deneen Dygert T. & E. Wells Boeschen Family Paula Rother OPEN Ushers Dave Dygert K. & L. Wells Jarret Ruddy Jerry Wylie OPEN Altar Guild Kelly Bump Diane Munch Deb Grant Howard Debby Wylie L. & I. Hanson Social Time Hosts Danielle Hargens Dygert Finance & Stewardship Lundberg Buch Pew Patrol Jarret Ruddy Dee Miller Jean Poock Carol Gannon Rebecca Allison Sunday Teller Chris Burgess Chris Burgess Chris Burgess Chris Burgess Chris Burgess Monday Teller Gannon & Henry Crane & Krauth Hanson & Poock Axness & Longcor Gannon & Henry Other Please note: If you cannot serve on the assigned date, please trade with another volunteer and call the Parish Steward, 276-0134, with the change by Wednesday of the week you are assigned to serve! Thank you! Page 5 T HE S WORD T HE&S WORD S HELL &- O S HELL CTOBER 2014 T HANK YOU ! Below is a thank you received from the Johnston Partnership in response to Pastor Jan’s challenge to match her $500 parting gift to this organization! We EXCEEDED the challenge. THANK YOU MEMBERS OF ST. JAMES! Dear St James Lutheran Church, Your gift of $1750.57 was received on 07/27/2014. Your gift makes it possible for the Johnston Partnership to: Distribute 11,714 clothing items to families in need throughout the year Provide 41,186 food items annually to hungry families in Johnston Supply 6,111 personal care products each year to families who can’t purchase these items with food assistance programs Prepare 141 holiday meal bags for struggling families Make a difference in the lives of the 69 Johnston students who are currently meeting with a volunteer mentor each week Prepare 150 Johnston students for school with a backpack of supplies Ensure 50 Johnston Elementary students don’t go hungry on the weekends Help food-insecure individuals and families access an extra 1,200 pounds of fresh produce each growing season The Johnston Partnership for a Healthy Community is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. A copy of our current Annual Report can be accessed on our website. We invite you to take a few moments to see what our organization has accomplished over the last year and our goals for the upcoming year. Once again, thank you for your donation and thank you for being a part of making a difference in Johnston! Shawna Beron Program Director Johnston Partnership Page 6 T HE& SSWORD HELL T HE S WORD HELL&- SO CTOBER 2014 C ENTRAL I OWA S HELTER AND S ERVICES On Tuesday, October 28, St. James will be providing and serving the meal at the Central Iowa Shelter and Services. They ask that we provide enough to serve 250 hungry people. This means lots of food! We will be serving chili with cornbread, cheese and saltine crackers for garnish, grapes, and dessert. If you would like to sign up to donate food or help serve that evening, you can do so at the following link: http:// Please make sure to have items to the church by that Tuesday morning (October 28) at 10 AM! If you have any questions, contact Kelsey. Looking ahead: We will be doing the giving tree again later this fall/winter. Keep your eyes open for more details! C ONNECTED BY F AITH F ALL B IBLE S TUDY Connected By Faith is starting their Fall Bible Study. Welcome as we study the book of James! All Are 2nd and 4th Mondays of the Month, starting October 13th 6:30-7:30 p.m. First meeting in home of Breanne Solem! Look for more information and Sign-ups the weekend of September 27th! C OMMUNITY G ARDEN It’s happening! Members of St. James will be implementing a community garden on the grounds of the rental property for the purpose of donating fresh produce to local food pantries. Planning is underway for garden construction and maintenance, volunteer scheduling, and food pantry coordination. Please contact Rebecca Allison for more details about volunteer opportunities. Page 7 T HE& SSWORD HELL T HE S WORD HELL&- SO CTOBER 2014 O CTOBER C ELEBRATIONS Happy Birthday! Carroll Broadie Tessa Silberhorn Jenna Christensen Jill Lundberg Greg Boeschen Darlene Danielson Dee Miller Sophie Ruddy Jennifer Hushagen Calvin Hushagen Carla Dolan Anna Allison Mary Dzubak Blake Ruddy Elizabeth Boeschen Jennifer Dugan Burns Deb Bargman Colin Christensen Rob Kathman Owen Lehman Wanda DeJongh Chris Pilkington Benjamin Heley Lehman Linda Susic Loryn Reed Lindsey Tosch Kovin Benziger Gary Bridgewater Paul Axness Marcus Dolan Stephanie Harris-Toot Diane Bridgewater James Dolan Irene Godzwon Happy Anniversary! Lawrence & Cindy Cooper Dave & Shelley Merritt Stephen & Kathryn Duffy Nils & Shelly Nesheim Steve Henry & Oweni Morring Henry Sean & Ginger McAndrew Ken & Verna White Alan & Mary Dzubak Spencer & Heidi Goettsch Page 8
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