Parish Priest: Fr Peter Taylor, Parish House: 42 Arundel St Benalla T 5762 2060 M 0409 521 039 F 5762 5938 Email: [email protected] Web Page WE THE PARISH OF ST JOSEPH'S ARE WORKING TOWARDS BEING A WELCOMING, SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY WHICH ENCOURAGES ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN OUR LIFE. RECOGNISING AND RESPECTING THE UNIQUENESS OF EACH INDIVIDUAL, AS WE JOURNEY IN LIVING OUT JESUS’ GOSPEL MESSAGE. We acknowledge that we stand on land for which the Pangerang & Yorta Yorta people are the traditional custodians, we remember their ancestors with respect and commit ourselves to a better future through reconciliation and justice. Twenty-Nine Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings for this week: Isaiah 45:1,4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Matthew 22:15-21 Sunday 19 October 2014 Readings for next Sunday: Exodus 22:20-26 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Matthew 22:34-40 Looking at the Readings Liturgical Jottings The Church earnestly desires that all the faithful be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgical celebrations called for by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as “A chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people” (1Pt 2:9) is their right and duty by reason of their baptism. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 14 Joy of the Gospel It is vital that government leaders and financial leaders take heed and broaden their horizons, working to ensure that all citizens have dignified work, education and healthcare. Why not turn to God and ask him to inspire their plans? Today’s readings speak of a call to us to serve the community and care for each other with hope and faith. Our world needs great examples of both faith and hope, not to mention peace and justice. This week is the anniversary of the Bali bombings in 2002. Bali represents a loss of innocence in our sleepy part of the world. While previous wars and police actions have brought the destruction of life to our doorstep, now the arena of war is borderless and the victims not conscripted. Today our mourning is not just for the dead and our weeping, not just for the injured and maimed. Our grieving is also for a world so changed that it is all but unrecognisable. Our sorrow is for the passing of a time where terror was unimaginable and not our nightly news. It may now, therefore, be time to pause before reality overtakes us, to remember and be thankful for what we do have, to acknowledge those parts of our life that give us hope and a reason to believe things can be more than the sum of the terror that some elements of society would have subjected us. Perhaps it is time to know that there are many things beyond our understanding, things that have no reason, and questions that cannot be answered in this lifetime. Perhaps it is time to mourn much, respect more, and love the things that are good. Perhaps it is just time to do the things that have been postponed. Say the words of love and appreciation left unsaid, and be the person God dreamed for us to be. Perhaps, just perhaps … . Quotable Quote Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1. Memorable Memorial of the Week John of Capistrano Thursday 23 October: Born in Italy in 1385, he studied law and was made mayor of Perugia. He then joined the Franciscans becoming a preacher and theologian. At the age of 70 he was commissioned by the Pope to lead a large army in a crusade. He was victorious but then succumbed to Bubonic Plague dying in 1568. He is the patron saint of Lawyers and Jurors. Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium n205 On the Lighter Side From Today’s Readings Why does $10 banknote looks so small at the grocery store, bigger at the lolly shop and extremely large at church? Jesus said “Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. Matt 22:21 © Diocese of Sandhurst 2014 SYMBOLS AND IMAGES: .At first reading, we may be tempted to think that Jesus is separating religious behaviour from political behaviour or economic behaviour. A closer reading, however, shows that this is not the case. While Jesus gives due weight to civic and political duties, his instruction to “Give to God what is God’s” reminds us that there is no aspect of human life or activity that can be considered apart from God. To seek and honour God, the believer must work within the world. MAKING CONNECTIONS: This week as you watch or read the news, try to judge the various reports and breaking stories according to the Gospel. What would Jesus’ response have been? Is that the response of our political, economic or civic leaders? What is your response? MASS TIMES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ( Church) Saturday Sunday Thoona No Mass 9:15am 9:15am 9:15am 9:15am 6:30pm 8:30am & 10:30am 19/10 Oct Midday PRAYERS FOR RECENT DEATHS: ANNIVERSARIES:Nell Putt, Mick Kiraly, Kathleen Davon, Roy Laity, Phillip Brown, Robyn Hinsley, Dave Doyle, George Flagg, Frank Quinn, Sr Mary John fcJ and Peter Campagnolo THE SICK: Joyce Kerrins, Peter Kerrins, Sr Maryrose Dennehy FCJ, Noel Croxford, Ian Macklan, John Coonan, Sr Teresa Hennessy FCJ, Peter Tanner, Lanni Smith, Rylea Johnson, Sean Solomon, Cameron Welsh, Mons Peter Jeffrey, Fiona McLennan, Phillip McConville, Peter Stowe, Sr Catherine Morrison FCJ and Vic Campagnolo Please note names are placed on the sick list by family members contacting the Parish House or advising Fr Peter. Name stays on until advised to remove. If you have a family member in hospital and you would like Fr Peter to visit, please be aware you need to contact Fr Peter. Fr Ted – We offer Fr Ted a huge thank you for being with us over these last 3 weekends!!!!!! Congratulations Sr. Catherine … As we celebrate next weekend your jubilee of Religious Life and commitment as an FCJ Sister…… BOOKINGS REQUIRED: Sr Catherine’s Jubilee Celebration will be held next Sunday 26 October. A presentation to both Sr Catherine and Sr Rosemary will take place during the 10.30 am Mass then Parishioners are invited to join with the FCJ Sisters for a light lunch at the Benalla Bowling Club. Please Note each person will need to pay for her/his own meal and drinks. If you would like to be included In the celebrations please register your name at the Parish House by Monday the 20 October. Thank You 5762 2060. St Joseph’s Primary School Twilight Fair to be held on Friday October 24th from 4-8.30 pm. There will be a petting zoo, jumping castle, second hand stall, loom band making, cake stall and much more. Come along and enjoy! Thanks Sharon Teichert St Joseph’s Parish Sacramental Program 2014-2015:Reconciliation Parents of children (Gr 2 and over) who have been baptized or are interested in making the commitment of Baptism are invited to attend an Information night for parents regarding the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist. This meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st October in the St Joseph’s School Library at 7:30pm (children do not need to attend). For further information, contact Ros Howard or John Ellis at St. Joseph’s School on 5762 1347 or Therese Rogers at the Parish House 5762 2060. 1st Reconciliation for these children will be on 4th December. INQUIRY EVENINGS…As mentioned last week, in November inquiry evenings will be held at the Parish House, for those seeking to know, or expressing interest in the Catholic Church, more particularly, with St. Joseph’s. The first of these evenings will be on Sunday the 9th and 16th of November at 7pm .Please make these dates known to others and it would be great to have some Parishioners come along and share a little of your faith in our Church. Fr. Peter Thoughts from Fr Peter: Peter As you might guess…I am miles away in my thoughts!!! There is a line in the Gospel …where Jesus is questioned…are you not concerned with anyone’s opinion? I have no opinion’s being on holidays…though I will be thinking of you!!!! Who among us does not like a little flattery every now and then? We know that praise is not quite what we’d like, however we still like to hear it! The beginning of this Sunday’s gospel drips with flattery, it’s laid on thick with malicious intent: the Pharisees and the Herodians want to trap Jesus into saying something where he is off guard. Jesus is not fooled by them. He sees through their false ways and hypocrisy. This weekend is given over as WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. The theme this year focuses our awareness to Matthew 16:18.I will build my Church. Emphasis is given to the nature of outreach of local churches, through priests, religious and laity among the poor and marginalized. Through the Pontifical Mission Societies and the Propagation of the Faith, each year the call of the Church through the Missions is for people to hear the message of Christ through the Gospel. There are about 1,100 Missionary Dioceses through out the world. These Dioceses benefit from the alms giving of people like ourselves through our diocese of Sandhurst and particularly in our Australian Catholic Church. Pope Francis in his message for World Mission day says ..”it’s a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete From Pope Francis’ writings….’The Joy of the Gospel’. Para 24. The Church which “goes forth” is a community of missionary disciples who take the first step, who are involved and supportive, who bear fruit and rejoice. An evangelizing community knows that the Lord has taken the initiative, he has loved us first (cf. 1 Jn 4:19), and therefore we can move forward, boldly take the initiative, go out to others, seek those who have fallen away, stand at the crossroads and welcome the outcast. Such a community has an endless desire to show mercy, the fruit of its own experience of the power of the Father’s infinite mercy. Let us try a little harder to take the first step and to become involved. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. The Lord gets involved and he involves his own, as he kneels to wash their feet. He tells his disciples: “You will be blessed if you do this” (Jn 13:17). An evangelizing community gets involved by word and deed in people’s daily lives; it bridges distances, it is willing to abase itself if necessary, and it embraces human life, touching the suffering flesh of Christ in others. C.W.L. Social afternoon Thursday, 23rd October at 1:30 pm in St Joseph’s Hall. Guest Speaker: Chris Thorne. Entertainment– St Joseph’s School children. All Welcome. Stronger Rally The next Stronger Rally will be held on Friday, October 17, from 6-9pm at Sacred Heart College, Witt Street, Yarrawonga. The Rally will provide an opportunity for secondary school students and young adults to come together and celebrate their faith in a fun and supportive environment. A barbecue dinner will be provided on the night. For more details, visit or call Sandhurst Youth Ministry on 03 5445 3615. World Mission Sunday… is being celebrated today. The theme for this year’s World Mission Sunday is taken from Matthew’s Gospel 16:18: “How to Build the Church”. Let’s be encouraged on how we each build locally in relation to our universal church and the unity we share. We can all act to reduce poverty around the world and improve the quality of life for all our brothers and sisters of God's family. We can stand in solidarity with all who suffer exclusion, poverty and injustice and whose life is in some way diminished. We, as Parishioners are also encouraged to consider how this appeal is a concrete way to respond to the invitation by Pope Francis to participate in the mission of the Church to ‘go forth’, and to share with others your faith, hope and evangelising charity. The second collection this weekend will be for this appeal. If you prefer, there are also envelopes in the Narthex of Church for your own personal donation. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Give the Lord glory and honour. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and to God the tings that are God’s. CHILDREN’S LITURGY of the WORD In Jesus’ day the Roman Emperor, Caesar, was known as the divine Son of God. And at the time the Roman Emperor was in occupation of Israel. The people therefore paid taxes to Caesar as the divine Son of God. Jesus separates this from God’s authority. Ask the children how they see money, and what does money mean to them. Rosters Weekend 18 & 19 October 2014 Team B J O’Loughlin 5762 1838 Counters: J Smyth, F Levesque, J Currie, BP O’Brien Commentators Readers Offertory Eucharistic Ministers 6.30 pm T Piscioneri L Piscioneri S & F Green M Brough, A McLeod, D Willcock, J Branigan, S Kearney 8.30 am G Cooke J Harris C & N Shanks G Kennedy, R Rubria, L Beling, N Stewart, P Kenny 10.30 am L Ginnivan A Smith A & C Robinson J & J McKenna, I Demase, A Wilson, J Balfour Lap Top 6.30 pm T Rogers 8.30 am M Rankin 10.30 am L Butterfield Children’s Liturgy Andy Littler & Monique Frances Rosary Statue J & M Binion 34 Maginness Street Altar Servers 6.30 pm L & M & D Cooke 8.30 am M & F Walsh 10.30 am H Fullager S Humphries Altar Roster Wednesday 22nd B Stapleton A DaPos Saturday 25th P Thorne K Nunan Rosters Weekend 25 & 26 October 2014 Team C E Noonan 5762 3372 Counters: A Robinson, B Higgins, M Bourke, R McPherson 6.30 pm 8.30 am 10.30 am Commentators K Duncombe R Rubira J Kelly Lap Top Children’s Liturgy Rosary Statue Altar Servers Altar Roster Readers T Piscioneri G Kennedy J Lee Offertory R & B O’Shannessy A & J Gilbert Sr Catherine Sr Rosemary Eucharistic Ministers A Wise, T McCabe, P Fisher, L Piscioneri, A Sloan, T Robinson, J May, A Gilbert, K Nunan C McIntyre, G Downie, H Munro, D & J Leslie 6.30 pm J Stapleton 8.30 am R Jelliff 10.30 am J Avery Janene & Michaela Humphries C & N Shanks 62 Coish Avenue 6.30 pm N Hales L Parmansche 8.30 am C Welsh L Boyle 10.30 am M Berry D Constanatino Reconciliation: Saturday 10-10.30 am also by appointment Baptisms: Please contact the Parish 5762 2060 to arrange attending a Baptism Preparation Evening Mick the Maintenance Man 0429821917 All odd jobs, town fencing & Casual farm work BOUWMEESTERS BAKERY Michael & Kerrie Bouwmeester 8 Goodenia Drive Benalla Ph 5762 4332 NORTH EASTERN HOTEL 1 Nunn Street LUNCH: Wed-Sun Noon– 2.30pm DINNER: Tue- Sat 6pm— 8.30pm HELEN & TONY ASHTON Goulburn Murray Credit Union Cooperative Ltd 30—32 Bridge Street PH 5762 3380 TM. Income Tax Returns Business Advice Electrical Contractor Salon 5762 6006 5762 7333 CARPET CLEANING GRAEME CURRIE 50 Church Street Benalla 3672 71- 73 Bridge Street PH 5762 1096 Steam It Up Jason Blyss 0407 438 219 Alana Robertson 107 Bridge St Benalla John Maher Mobile 0413 842 525 Daniel Maher Mobile 0412 083 618 Ph 5762 1588 Michelle Hogg Mobile 0466 270 380 L.J. HOOKER Tony Williams IRENE & FRANK’S FINS, FEATHERS & FURRY FRIENDS REAL ESTATE 52 Bridge St Benalla Ph 5762 1000 AH 5762 2926 .com Stephen Gerard Kelly & Tim Rogash [email protected] PH 0427 863 768 [email protected] PH 0451 797 969 Funeral directors N.J. TODD Carrie O’Shannessy OPEN 7 DAYS BENALLA PET SHOP FEEHAN FAMILY Est. 1938- AFDA Member 48 Carrier St Ph 5762 2461 104 Bridge St Ph 5762 6281 A.G. & C.F. GIBB Builders NOEL G. O’MEARA & ASSOCIATES New Homes Renovations Extensions ACCOUNTANTS 35 Church Street Benalla 5762 7001 TAXATION BUSINESS ADVICE Ph 5762 6634 DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL CONCRETE PAVING CONCRETE CUTTING BOBCAT AND TRUCK HIRE MINI DIGGER TRENCHER AUGER PHIL & DEBBIE COOK PH: 5762 6425 0409 950046
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