Document 362006

' May 24, 1932.
May 24, 1932'-
Fi'led Sept. 2. 1950
s Sheets-Sheet
T1236,» 7? Zf/éars 6e
May 24,1932._
Filed Sept. 2. 1930
5 Sheets-Sheet
rfas 6; 224740239 ts
Patented May’ 24, 1932
' ‘1,860,247
:rosnrn E. HOBSTE, or DETROIT, MICHIGAN, ASSIGNOR v'ro DETROIT naiwlwsfnn com:
Application ?led September. 2, 1930. ‘Serial Hal-479,284.
Fi ure 3 is a-top plan View of one of the '
This inventionv relates'generally to mower
attachments for motor driven vehicles‘ such ‘brac rets ‘suspended from the‘vehicle;
as tractors and the like.
’ Figure 4 1s a sectional" view taken on the
One of the essential objects ‘of the inven
5 tion is to provide an attachment of this type
line4—4of Figure 3; -
a '
Figure 5 is' a sectional view taken on the
‘I in which a mower having a cutter bar or knife line 5—5 of Figure 1; ;
' mounted for both reciprocable and pivotal
‘movements is provided with both laterally
Figure 6 is a sectional View taken on the
line 6——6 of Figure 1; ’
Figure 7 is a side elevation of one of the
10 which are connected to brackets suspended brackets suspended from thekvehicle; '
' from ‘the vehicle at spaced points longitudi ' . Figure 8 is “a top plan view of the bracket
and rearwardly extending bracing means‘
* ' nally thereof.
illustrated‘ in Figure 7 ;
‘ v
Figure 9 is a sectional view taken on the '
Another object is to provide, an attachment
' ,
wherein one of the brackets aforesaid is sus line 9—{9 of Figure 7.
15 pended from rods or shafts extending trans ' ' Figures 10 and 11 aredetail views of a por
versely of the vehicle at spaced points longi tion of themechanism for raising and lower
- _
tudinallythereof and that is provided with ing the mower bar.
Referring now to the drawings, A is a
a tubular portion-that constitutes a bearing
for a portion of the laterally extending brac tractor, and 'B is a mower attachment ther'e- '
20 ing means aforesaid.
- ' ~
for embodying my invention. ‘As shown,‘
\} Another object is to provide an attachment the tractor is of conventional form andhas a
wherein the means operable by the power. power take-o?’shaft 1 at one side thereof, a
take-off ‘of the vehicle for reciprocating the tubular‘ housing 2 for the shaft, a‘pivotrally
cutter bar or knife includes a part pivotally' .mounted control pedal 3 at one side of they
25 mounted upon one of the‘ brackets aforesaid. vehicle for the power take-o?', and a draw 76
Another objectis to provide an attachment bar supportingbracket 4 suspended from the,
the knife or cutter bar about its pivot includes vment B preferably‘ comprises a mower 5,
parts carried respectively by one of the rods laterally and rearwardly extending bracingv
or shafts and the laterally extending brac means 6 and 7 respectively, supporting 80
‘ wherein the means for raising and lowering vehicle at the‘rear end thereof.
ing means aforesaid.
‘means 8 for the laterally extending bracing
‘ '
Another object is to provide means that is means, means 9 operable by th'epower take- ‘ .
associated with and is operable automatically off shaft- 1 for reciprocating the knife or
by the rearwardly extending bracing means
rendering the power take-off inoperative
for driving the reciprocating cutter bar of
‘the mower when the ground engaging por
cutter bar 10 of the mower‘~5, means 11 for
raising and lowering the'knife or cutter bar
;10, and meansil2 operable automatically by
the rearwardly extending bracing means -7
tions aforesaid of the mower encounter any foractu'ating the controllpedal 3 to render
sizable obstacle or obstruction.
40 '
the power take~oif shaft 1 and drive means
Other objects, advantages, and novel de
tails of construction of this invention will
be made more apparent as this description
9 inoperative for driving the cutter barv 10.
Referring to the mower 5, 13 is an inner
ground engaging shoe ‘provided at spaced
proceeds, especially when considered in con points longitudinally thereof with upstand
nection with the‘ accompanying ‘drawings, ing lugs 14 and 15 respectively; 16 is a mower
bar bolted to the shoe 13 between the lugs 14; 95
Figure 1 is a fragmentary perspective view and 15 and constituting‘ a support for the
of a tractor with a mower attachment‘ em knife .10'; 19 and-20 respectively are pivot
’ pinsfextending through the lugs v141 and 15;
bodying my inventionapplied thereto;
Flgure 2 is a sectional view taken on the. 21 is a yoke having spaced leg portions 22
50 line 2——-2 of Figure 1;
his 19 and 20; and 24 is an upstanding arm n tric 51 and to the arm 53 of the rocker; and
‘ 1n advance ‘of the pivot 20 and bolted at its 54 is a pitman terminally connected to- the
lower end to an upstanding (flange 24’ of the arm 55 of the rocker and to the’ knife 10
whereby upon rotation of the power shaft 1 '
mower bar 16.,
' The ‘laterally extending bracing means 6 the rocker 52 wil’lj'belswung about‘ its pivot 70
preferably comprises parallel bars 25 and 26 and will» cause the pitman rod 54 to recipro
respectively and an intermediate shaft 27. cate the knife 10 on the mower bar ,16.‘
-As shown, the bars 25 and 26 are rigidly se
Referring to the means 11 for'raisingand
bracket 8 is a castingrand 15 provided at op
the levers 56 and 57 respectively; 59 is. an
cured to the yoke 21 and are pivotallylmount lowering the mower bar 16 and knife 10,; 56 \ .‘
upon the shaft27 at, opposite ends thereof. is a lever pivotally mounted upon the shaft ' 75
' The shaft 27 is journaled in the tubularpor 33; 57 is a lever pivotally mounted upon the‘ ‘
; tion 28 of the bracket *8. ‘Preferably the bar 25; 58 is allink terminally connected to’.
Kposite ends of the tubular- portion 28 with operating'handle for the‘lev'er .56; 6Q<is a
y connected to an
upwardly diverging arms 29 and 30 respec— vbalancing spri term'
I 15;.
.er 56 and to a bracket 62
tively which are bolted to bars 31 and 32 re extension 61 5f th
spectively suspended from rods or shafts 33 carried by the ‘shaft 34; 63 is a latch carried ,
and 34 respectively ‘extending transversely, by- the lever 56 and engageable with a recess
' of the vehicle at spaced points longitudinally 64 in a segment 65 rigid with the shaft 33
for’ holding the lever 56 in a raised position; 85
20 thereof. vPfreferably U bolts'35 and 36 re
spectively straddle the shafts 33 and 34 and 66 is a lever pivotally mounted uponthe bar
are rigidlysecured to the bars 31 and 32 and 26 and .engageable with a lug-66’ projecting
‘laterally from the bar 26; 67 is a link‘ ter
constitute the suspension means therefor.‘
The \rearwardly extending-(bracing means 7 minally connected to the lever 66 and'to the‘ ~
7 ‘ preferably comprises a thrust rod or push lever 57 ;_‘and 68 is a link terminalléyconnect
bar 37 that‘is connected at its. forwardend to ed to the lever 66 and to'the arm 24: Thus
.90 .
i a saddle 38 on the-yoke21and that extends when the mower is in operation or in lowered -.
through a suitable opening 39 in a depending ground engaging position the latch 63 rides
portion 40 of a clamp 41 onJ the bracket 4.' freely upon the arcuate upper edge of the‘
A'coil spring '42 is sleeved upona bar 37 be segment 65; the lever66 is spaced‘ below the‘
tween the ‘depending portion 40 aforesaid‘
{and a nut 43~on the bar and serves as a cush
lug 66’ on the bar 26; and the arm 24yis in an ‘
\upright position in? spaced relation to the
ion member for the latter in taking up thrust. bearing 20’ for the pivot 20. 1 However, when
- ', Preferably a collar 44 is rigid with the bar
the voperating handle/v59 is pulled rearwardly
37 intermediate ‘its eiids and is adapted to .the links 58;T67 and. '68 respectively. will be'
swing avlever v45 about its pivot 46 on a bar omoved longitudinally and will cause the le-..'
47 extending downwardly from the vehicle vers 57 and 66 and arm 24 respectively to be
so that an arm 48 projecting laterally from ‘actuated so that C the niowenwill be raised
the lever at its‘ upper end may actuate the free of the ground. _’ For instance, whenthe,
pedal 3. In this connection it will be noted arm 24qis pulled rearwardly by the link 68;‘
that the pivotal connections between the thearm will fulcrum on the bearing 20’ for
shaft 27 and bars 25 and 26 respectively are the pivot*20 and will cause the mower bar 16,
> such that the “mower is permitted a limited? ' shoe 13 and knife 10 to swing as a unit. about , rearward‘ movement, approximately ‘six theipivots 19 and 20. ’ While the arm 24 is
inches. Under ordin ry
I working conditions being pglled by the linkl‘68, thelever 66 ‘is be
raisedby the link 67 ‘so that it abuts the
the coil spring v42 idilble to'hold the mower ing
66' and causesthe bars 25 and 26 and
'againstésuch rearward movement; however, mower
\at the outer-‘end thereof to be raised
~\wl1en(the mower encounters a real obstacle or
sizable obstruction it will move rearwardly free ofthe ground; The latch 63 then en
gages the recess 64 in the segment and causes
against the tension of the spring 42, and'in ‘the
parts aforesaid to be held” in raised posi
doing so will cause the collar 44 to swing the
‘lever 46 so that ,the arm 48 will actuate ‘the
' w
While it is believed that \fronrtheforego
tive for driving the reciprocating knife on "ing description the nature and advantages of
> pedal 3 to render the ‘power'ta'ke-o? inopera- ~
the mower bar. Thus ‘damage to the mower the invention will be'readily apparent, I de
including the cutter bar. is effectively pre sireto have it understoodthat I do not limit
myselfto what is herein shown and described,
Referring tothedriving means from the and‘ that such changes may be resorted 'to
fpow‘er take-off to the knife 10 ;\ 50 is a ?y when desired as fall within the scope of what
‘60’ wheel rigid with the power take-01f shaft 1_
_ at the outer end thereof; 51 is an eccentric ‘ What claim as \myinvention is‘:
is claimed.
._ .1
carried by the \?y wheelj50; 52 ifs-a substan g 1. The éombinatibn :with/a motor driven
tially‘ triangular shape 1 rocker pivotally vehicle, of a“ mower attachment therefor in
' mounted upon the arm 31 of the bracket 8; eluding a mower having a ground engaging
'52 is a link ~terminally connected to the eccerl- shoe, a yoke ‘carried by said shes, a. mower .
1,860,247; .
f \,
barpivotally mounted “on ‘said ‘shoe, a bracket ' 6.‘ The combination with a motor‘ driven "
suspended from the vehicle, ashaft carried by ' vehicle having a powertake-o?, of a‘- mower
the bracket,/a pair of bars terminally con attachment for the vehicle including a ground ' "
,nected to said-yoke and shaft, and means for‘ , engaging shoe, a mower bar carried by said.
swinging the mower, bar, yoke and ound, shoe, a reciprocatin
knife carried by‘, said;
engaging shoe relative to the ground, include ‘bar, a yoke carried y said‘shoe, a bracket "
ing parts carried »respectively, by the bars suspended from'the vehicle, a connectionbe
tween said bracket and yoke, and 'a'driving -_
2'. The combinationwith a motor driven connectionbetween said power takeso?l-and'
'10 vehicle, of a mower attachment therefor in-> knife‘
including~ a rocker shaft‘ mounted on u
‘ cluding a'mower having a ground‘engaging -. said bracket, and a pitman'rod terminally
}‘ shoe, a yoke pivotally connected to said shoe, connected to said rocker and to said knife.
3 ‘~ a mower bar connected to said shoe, abracketa- ' 7 .1 The combination with a motor driven ve-.
‘suspended from; the vehicle, a rotary shaft hicle having a power take-04f, and a, control
journaled in the bracket, apair of bars ter member therefor,of a mower attachment for
minally connected to and rigid. with said , the vehicle including a ground engaging shoe,
" yoke and shaft, and means pivotally con; a mower bar carried by said shoe, a recipro- . '
nected to oneof said bars for swinging the catih'g knife carried by said mower bar, a
shoe and mower-b’ar relative to the yoke and
20 subsequentlyraising the shoe, mower bar and yoke carried by said shoe, brackets suspended
from the vehicle at spaced points longitudi
yoke relative to the ground.
nally thereof, bracing connections between
3." The combination witha ‘motor driven said‘ yoke and brackets, a driving connection
' '
vehicle, of a mower attachment therefor in~ between said power take-off and knife, and ,
, cluding a mower having aground engaging means associated with one of said bracing
.25 shoe, 2. yokecarrled by said shoe, a mower
connections ‘and adapted to actuate the con 90
bar connected to said shoe, shafts extending t-rolmember aforesaid to render the power.
transversely of the vehicle at spaced points take-off, inoperative for driving the knife’
' longitudinally thereof, a bracket suspended when the mower‘ encounters an obstruction;
from said shafts, a bracing connection be- . 8. The combination with a inotor driven '
so tween said yoke and bracket, means for ‘move vehicle
havinnr a power take-off, and a con,
ing{ the shoe and mower bar relative .to the trol member‘ therefor, of a mower attachment
and for subsequently raising the shoe, for the vehicle including a mower having a
. mower bar and yoke free of the ground, in‘? ground engaging shoe, a mower bar carried
cluding an arm connected to the bar, and a {by said shoe, a reciprocating knife carried by
.35 lever mounted upon one of the shafts aforeé said bar, a yoke carried by said ‘shoe, brackets-r
yo e
said and operativeliy'conn'ected to said arm, suspended from the vehicle at spaced points
and means for hol ing the shoe, mower bar longitudinally thereof, a connection between ,
and yoke in raised position including a sector said yoke and one of said brackets, a connec
rigid with the shaft upon .Which the lever is tion etween said yoke and the other of said‘
mounted and having a recess therein, and a brackets including a thrust or push'bar, a its
latch carried by said'leverj and engageable driving connection between said power take
with the recessin said sector; ’
' ' ’
voff and knife, and means for actuatin
the- ‘
4.‘The combination with a motor driven control member to render the powerv ta e-off
vehicle, of a mower attachment therefor in inoperative'for driving the knife when the
45 cluding a‘mower havinga ground engaging mower engagesvan obstacle, including a lever
shoe, a yoke carried by said shoe, a‘pair of
with the control member, and an
shafts extending transversely of the vehicle engageable
element carried by said push bar engageable
- at’ spaced points‘ longitudinally thereof, a with said lever.
' bracket suspended from said shafts and hav
9. The combination‘with’a motor driven
tion between said yoke and bracket including cluding a mower having a ground engagin
a shaft j ournaled in the tubular portion, and shoe, a yoke connected to said shoe, a mowe
a bar extending laterally from the 'yoke' and bar connected to said shoe, a bracket sus-
ingla tubular portion, and a~bracingconnec
~ vehicle, of a mower attachment therefor in 115
_ connected to the shaft in said tubular portion. pended from the vehicle, a bracing connection 5. The comv ination with a motor- driven: between said bracket and yoke including a
, vehicle having a power take-off. of a mower
11o '
pair of bars, alug projectingfrom one of
_ attachment for the vehicle including a ground said bars, and means for moving the shoe rel‘
engaging shoe, a mower ‘bar carried by said ative to the yoke and for subsequently raising
shoe, a, reciprocating knife carried‘ by said the shoe, mower bar and yoke'free from the
to. bar, a yoke carried “by said shoe, a bracket ground including a lever pivotally connected 125
- suspended from tlfe‘ vehicle, a connection be
tween said bracket and yoke, and a driving
connection between’ said power take-off and
to one ‘of said bars and ‘engageable with the
lug aforesaid.
10. The combination with a‘ motor driven
knife including a pivotally mounted part car vehicle, of a mower attachment therefor in
ried by said bracket. I
cluding a mower having a ground engaging
shoe, a yoke connected to said shoe, a1 mower _
bar connected to said shoe, a bracketsus- ’
pended from the vehicle, a bracing connec
tion between said bracket and yoke lncluding
. a pair of bars, a lug projecting from one of
' said bars, and means for moving the shoe
relative to the yoke and for subsequently rais
‘ing the-shoe, mower‘bar and yoke free from
the groundincluding an. arm connected to the
m mower bar, a lever o eratively connected to
the arm and engageahle with the lug'afore
said, and‘ van operating member carriedby
_ theyvehicle- and connected to the lever.
11. The combination with a motor, driven
i5‘ vehicle having a powertake-o?, of a mower ' attachment for the vehicle including a mower
having a ground engaging sho'e, a cutter asso
ciated with the shoe, a driving connection
between ‘the power take-o? and cutter, a yoke _
20 carried by said shoe, brackets suspended from
the vehicle at spaced points longitudinally
thereof, a connection between said yoke and
'one of said brackets, a longitudinally movable
rod extending from the yoke and having a
25 yieldable, sliding connection with the other
racket, and means rendered active by they
last mentioned rod upon- longitudinal move
ment thereof in one direction to render the
30 driving
In testimony:
I a?ixinactive,‘
my'signature. '