Modular System 3URÀOHV -RLQLQJHOHPHQWV $FFHVVRULHV 5ROOHUUDLOV 7XEXODU0RGXODU6\VWHP CATALOGUE 2016 Priznanja in nagrade 16. sejem Terotech-Vzdrževanje 2014 Celje, Slovenija – srebrno priznanje za cevni modularni sistem. 12. sejem Terotech-Vzdrževanje 2006 Celje, Slovenija – bronasto priznanje za modularni sistem. Awards and Prizes 16th International Terotech-Maintenance Fair 2014 Celje, Slovenia – silver award for the tubular modular system 12th International Terotech-Maintenance Fair 2006 Celje, Slovenia – bronze award for the modular system program. Premi e riconoscimenti 16. fiera Terotech-Manutenzione 2014 Celje, Slovenia – premio d’argento per il sistema modulare tubulare 12. fiera Terotech-Manutenzione 2006 Celje, Slovenia – premio di bronzo per il sistema modulare Preise und Auszeichnungen 16. internationalen TEROTECH-UNTERHALTUNGS Messe 2014 in Celje, Slovenia - Silber Urkunde für Tubolar Modularsystem. 12. Internationalen TEROTECH-UNTERHALTUNGS Messe 2006 in Celje, Slovenia - Bronze Urkunde für das MODULARSYSTEM bekommen. 4 Modular System 3URÀOHV_-RLQLQJHOHPHQWV $FFHVVRULHV_5ROOHUUDLOV 0RGXODUQLVLVWHP Pri izdelavi modularnih sistemov predstavljajo danes aluminijasti profili enega najbolj ekonomičnih in fleksibilnih programov. Z uporabo teh profilov lahko zbližate montažo in načrtovanje, torej tako kot konstruktor sestavlja konstrukcije iz profilov, veznih elementov in številnih dodatkov v ponudbi podjetja LIPRO, na isti način tudi monter sestavi načrtovane konstrukcije. Z modularnim sistemom sestavljene konstrukcije tako ni potrebno variti kot tudi ne barvati. Morebitne nadaljnje spremembe so glede na njihovo enostavno razstavljanje hitro izvedljive. Ostanek materiala je mogoče ponovno uporabiti. LIPRO nudi svojim kupcem sodoben center razreza in sestave. 6WUXFWXUDOV\VWHP Aluminium profiles are today the most economical and flexible available way to produce structures. Using our profiles you can combine assembling and planning, because the designer can plan a structure, using the profiles and the various accessories supplied by LIPRO, and the fitter put them together in the same way as planned and designed. Welding and painting are not required during the construction with the structural profile system. All the constructions can be easily modified thanks to the possibility of reutilizing already used material. Moreover, LIPRO offers to its customers the use of a well equipped cutting and assembling centre. 6LVWHPDVWUXWWXUDOH Per la realizzazione di strutture i profili d`alluminio rappresentano il sistema piu` economico e flessibile attualmente a disposizione. L`uso di questi profili permette d`avvicinare il lavoro di montaggio a quello di progettazione, infatti come il progettista compone le strutture con i profili e i numerosi accessori offerti dalla LIPRO, cosí il montatore compone la struttura nello stesso modo con cui è stata progettata. La costruzione con il sistema dei profili strutturali non richiede l`impiego di saldature e verniciatura. Le realizzazioni possono essere facilmente modificate recuperando il materiale impiegato. La LIPRO mette inoltre a disposizione dei Clienti un attrezzato centro di taglio e montaggio. 0RGXODUV\VWHP Unsere LIPRO high tech Aluminium profile bieten die beste Lösung für alle modularen Systemanwendungen und Konstruktionen jeglicher Art. Sie sind sicher, einfach, schnell und preiswert auf Ihre Individuelle anforderungen abgestimt. Die Verwendung von Aluminium Profilen ermöglichen Ihnen mit höchster Effizienz Planung und Fertigstellung Ihrer Projekte zu realisieren. Wir führen die ALU-Profile selbst in diversen Ausfürungen sowie sämtilche notwendigen Verbindungen, Fittings und andere Komponenten für Ihre Konstruktionsaufgabe. Mit LIPRO Standard Elementen können sowohl Ihre Monteure die geforderte Aufgabe genauestens planen und kosteneffizient durchfüren. Zudem ist auch die Dienstleistung der Komplettlieferung Ihres Projektes proffessionell darstellbar. Konstruktionen in Modulartechnik brauchen weder verscweist noch mit Farbeversehen zu werden. Bei eventuellen Umbauten können Sie die Änderungen einfach und schnell ausführen und sämtliche Komponenten wiederverwenden. LIPRO bietet fundierte Beratung und bestausgerüstet Zuschnitts - und Montagezentrum. 1 LIPRO d.o.o. Dekani 20 A 6271 Dekani, SLOVENIJA (EU) LQIR#OLSURVL ZZZOLSURVL LIPRO Predstavitev “Sistemske rešitve Lipro ponujajo dodano vrednost in omogočajo visoko produktivnost, fleksibilnost in optimizacijo delovnih procesov.” Podjetje Lipro je bilo ustanovljeno leta1998 in je od tedaj prisotno na slovenskem, evropskem in svetovnem trgu. Kvalitetna podpora cenjenim poslovnim partnerjem je podjetju Lipro omogočila razvoj v prepoznavno in dobro organizirano podjetje na področju avtomatizacije proizvodnje. LIPRO Presentation “Lipro’s customized system solutions offer added value and enable higher productivity, flexibility and optimized industry processes.” LIPRO has been present on the Slovene, European and world market since its founding in 1998. Quality supported our valued business partners allowed to the company LIPRO the development into a recognizable and well-organized company in the field of production automation. LIPRO Presentazione “Le soluzioni Lipro offrono un valore aggiuntivo e permettono alta produttività, flessibilità e l’ottimizzazione dei sistemi produttivi.” L’ azienda LIPRO e’ presente sul mercato sloveno, europeo e mondiale dalla sua fondazione nel 1998. La collaborazione con i nostri business partner ci ha consentito di sviluppare un’azienda riconoscibile e ben organizzata nel settore dell’automazione e della produzione. LIPRO Darstellung “LIPRO Systemlösungen bieten einen Mehrwert und ermöglichen eine hohe Produktivität, Flexibilität und Optimierung von Arbeitsprozessen.” Das Unternehmen LIPRO wurde 1998 gegründet und ist seitdem auf dem Slowenischen, dem Europäischen und weiteren internationalen Märkten tätig. Der hochwertige LIPRO Support garantiert unseren geschätzten Geschäftspartnern mit LIPRO ihr Unternehmen in eine erkennbar besser organisierte Struktur durch Automatisierung der Produktion zu verändern. CEO Albert Pribac, ing. Simboli Symbols Simboli Symbole 8 10 8/10 L H R C1 M4 M8 M10 M16 M12 Širina utora na profilu Ilustrates the width of the profile slot Larghezza della cava sul profilo Profil Nutbreite Izvedba profila za manjše obremenitve Profile Version for lower loads Versione profilo per impieghi leggeri Version Profil für leichte Belastungen Izvedba profila za večje obremenitve Profile version for higher loads Versione profilo per impieghi pesanti Version Profil für höhere Belastungen Izvedba profila z radiusom Profile version with radius Versione profilo raggiato Version Profil mit Radius Enostransko zaprt profil Profile with one closed slot (side) Profilo unilateralmente chiuso Einseitig geschlossenes Profil Predvideno za valjanje navojev Holes ready for thread rolling Predisposto per rullatura filetti Vorausgesehen für Gewinderoll Možnost valjanja navojev Thread rolling possibilities Possibile per rullatura filetti Möglichkeit der Gewinderoll Element vstavimo v utor na skrajnih koncih profila The element is inserted at the extremes of the profile L`elemento va inserito nella cava alle estremitá del profilo An den Extremen des Profils wird das Element eingeschoben Element vstavimo kjerkoli v utor profila The element is inserted anywhere along the profile 90° 27 110g ESD Fe 4 L`elemento va inserito ovunque nella cava del profilo Element ist irgendwo entlang des Profils eingeschoben Element vstavimo kjerkoli v utor profila in ga zasukamo The element is inserted anywhere along the profile and rotated 90° L`elemento va inserito ovunque nella cava del profilo e ruotato di 90° Element ist irgendwo entlang des Profils eingeschoben und um 90° gedreht Referenca na drugo stran Riference to another page Riferimento ad un`altra pagina Verweis zu einer anderen Seite Teža artikla v gramih Product weight in gramms Peso del prodotto in grammi Product-Gewicht in Gramm ESD-Material antistatik ESD-Antistatic material ESD-Materiale antistatico ESD-Antistatischen Material Jeklo Steel Acciaio Stahl Zn Fe Zn Al El Al PA6 PA6 # PP PP TPE TPE NBR Pocinkano jeklo Zinc Steel Acciaio zincato Stahl - verzinkt Cinkova zlitina Die - cast zinc Zinco pressofuso Zinkdruckguss Aluminijeva zlitina - eloksirano Die-cast aluminium- anodized Alluminio pressofuso- anodizzato Aluminiumdruckguss-eloxiert Aluminijeva zlitina Die-cast aluminium Alluminio pressofuso Aluminiumdruckguss Poliamid 6 Polyamide 6 Poliammide 6 Polyamid 6 Poliamid 6 s steklenimi vlakni Fiberglass reinforced Polyamide 6 Poliammide 6 con fibra di vetro Polyamid 6 verstärkt mit fiberglass Polipropilen Polypropylene Polipropilene Polypropylen Polipropilen + termoplastični elastomer Polypropylene + Thermoplastic elastomer Polopropilene + Polimero termoplastico Polypropylen + Thermoplastisches Elastomer Termoplastični elastomer Thermoplastic elastomer Elastomero Termoplastico Thermoplastisches Elastomer Nitrilna guma Nitrile rubber Gomma al nitrile Nitrilkautschuk Cu Zn Anti-slip Nm Izdelek iz medenine - nikljano Nickel plated brass Prodotto in ottone - nichelato Produkte aus Messing- vernickelt Protizdrsna guma Anti-slip Rubber Gomma antiscivolo Anti-Rutsch-Gummi Moment Tightening Torque Coppia Drehmoment Imbus ključ Hex key Chiave a brugola Innensechskant 9DåSDUWQHUSULDYWRPDWL]DFLMLSURL]YRGQMH_<RXUSDUWQHULQSURGXFWLRQDXWRPDWLRQ ,OYRVWURSDUWQHUSHUOCDXWRPDWL]]D]LRQHGHOODSURGX]LRQH_,KUSDUWQHUIULQGXVWULHOOH$XWRPDWLVLHUXQJVWHFKQLN 0RGXODUQLVLVWHP6WUXFWXUDOV\VWHP6LVWHPDVWUXWWXUDOH0RGXODUV\VWHP Kazalo Index Indice Inhalt 3URÀOL 3URÀOHV 3URÀOL 1 2 3 4 5 3URÀOH 9H]QLHOHPHQWL -RLQLQJ(OHPHQWV )LVVDJJL 9HUELGXQJVHOHPHQWH 3ULERU $FFHVVRULHV $FFHVVRUL =XEHKRU 9DOMĀQHSURJH 5ROOHUUDLOV 5XOOLHUH 5ROOHQVFKLHQHQ &HYQL0RGXODUQLVLVWHP 7XEXODU0RGXODU6\VWHP 6LVWHPDWXEXODUHPRGXODUH 7XEXODU0RGXODUV\VWHP 5 Delovne mize Working tables Banchi da lavoro ƌďĞŝƚƐƟƐĐŚĞ 6 Konstrukcije ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶƐ ^ƚƌƵƩƵƌĞ <ŽŶƐƚƌƵŬƟŽŶĞŶ 7 sŽnjŝēŬŝ Trolleys Carelli Wagen 88 ĂƓēŝƚĞ WƌŽƚĞĐƟŽŶĐĞůů Protezioni Schutzeinrichtungen 99 Polnila Fillers dĂŵƉŽŶĂŵĞŶƟ &ƺůůƐƚŽīĞ 10 10 sĂůũēŶĞƉƌŽŐĞ Roller Rails Rulliere Rollenschinen 11 Gnani in negnani valji Driven and gravity rollers ZƵůůŝĂŐƌĂǀŝƚĂǭĞŵŽƚŽƌŝnjnjĂƟ Nicht angetriebene und angetriebene Rollen 12 13 3URÀOL 3URÀOHV 3URÀOL 3URÀOH 14 $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [/ $O3URÀOH [+ $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [/ $O3URÀOH IRU*ULOOH $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [5 Kazalo Index Indice Inhalt NEW PRODUCT $O3URÀOH [ NEW PRODUCT $O3URÀOH [/ $O3URÀOH [+ $O3URÀOH [+ $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [& $O3URÀOH [ $O3URÀOH [5 15 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Modularni sistem Structural system ơ [ N/mm2 ] Uporabne formule Useful formulas f [mm] W [mm3] Upogibna napetost Poves Bending stress Deflection Formule utili Nutzbare formels Sistema strutturale Modularsystem V F L dK W f F L3 E I 3 V F L dK 8 W f F L3 E I 192 V F L dK 4 W f F L3 E I 48 F [N] I [mm4] K [N/mm2] E [N/mm2] Odpornostni moment Sila Vztrajnostni moment Max. upogibna napetost Modul elastičnosti Section modulus Force Moment of inertia Max. bending stress Modulus of elasticity Sforzo di flessione Flessione Modulo di resistenza Forza Momento di inerzia Sforzo di flessione Max. Modulo di elasticita` Biegungspannnung Durchbiegung Wiederstandmoment Kraft Trägheitsmoment Max. Biegungspannung Elastizitätsmodul [103mm3=cm3 ] K tipični K typical K tipico K typish 16 [104mm4=cm4 ] [N/mm2] 100 Konstantna obremenitev Constant Burdening Costante di carico Dauerbelastung [N/mm2] 40 Utripna obremenitev Variabile Burdening Variabile di carico Frequenzbelastung [N/mm2] 30 Izmenična obremenitev Swinging Burdening Oscillante di carico Wechselbelastung ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Tehnični podatki za modularne profile Dati tecnici per profili modulari Technical data for modular profiles Technische Daten für modulare Profile Rm = 195 N/mm2 AI Mg Si EN AW-6060 Descrizione Beschreibung Rp 0,2= 145 N/mm2 Oznaka in številka materiala po ISO standardu Natezna trdnost Meja elastičnosti Material designation and number according to ISO Minimum tensile strenght Limit of elasticity Sigla e numero del materiale secondo ISO Resistenza minima alla trazione Limite elastico Werkstoffbezeichnung und nummer nach ISO Mindestzugfestigkeit in Pressrichtung Elastizitätslimit 15μm UNI - EN 755 E = 70.000 N/mm2 T5 Modul elastičnosti Fizično stanje Eloksacija - debelina sloja Toleranca dimenzij Modulus of elasticity Physical status Anodizing process - thickness Manufacturing tolerance Modulo di elasticita` Stato fisico Processo d`anodizzazione - spessore Tolleranza di fabbricazione Elastizitätsmodus Physische Zustand Eloxalverfahren-Schichtdicke Fertigungstoleranz Šifra Code Codice Kode Naziv Description Descrizione Beschreibung Vztrajnostni moment Moment of inertia Momento d`inerzia Trägheitsmoment Odpornostni moment Section modulus Modulo di resistenza Widerstandsmoment 4 I [cmm ] x 3 W [cmm ] y x Površina Profile Area Area Profilfläche [mm2] Masa Weight Peso Masse [kg/m] Utor Slot Cava Nut [mm] Dolžina Lenght Lunghezza Profillänge [mm] y 10001 Al Profile for Grille 1.01 0,16 0,79 0,32 139,42 0,37 8/10 6050 10002 Al Profile 18,5 x 32 2,76 1,16 1,97 1,26 288,80 0,77 8 6050 10003 Al Profile 30 x 30 2,76 2,76 1,84 1,84 297,33 0,80 8 6050 10004 Al Profile 30 x 30 R 2,48 2,48 1,43 1,43 298,48 0,80 8 6050 10005 Al Profile 30 x 60 19,03 5,28 6,34 3,52 542,13 1,45 8 6050 10006 Al Profile 30 x 90 59,48 7,58 13,22 5,23 682,94 1,83 8 6050 10021 Al Profile 40 x 40 7,62 7,62 3,81 3,81 461,795 1,24 10 6050 10022 Al Profile 40 x 80 55,72 15,15 13,93 7,57 829,38 2,24 10 6050 10007 Al Profile 45 x 45 L 11,41 11,41 5,07 5,07 583,63 1,56 10 6050 10008 Al Profile 45 x 45 H 15,04 15.04 6,68 6,68 792,01 2,12 10 6050 10009 Al Profile 45 x 45 C1 11,98 11,40 5,42 5,07 591,85 1,58 10 6050 10010 Al Profile 45 x 45 R 9,14 9,14 3,53 3,53 516,84 1,38 10 6050 10011 Al Profile 45 x 90 L 87,15 22,27 19,37 9,90 1059,88 2,84 10 6050 10012 Al Profile 45 x 90 H 121,05 31,15 26,90 13,84 1493,25 4,00 10 6050 10013 Al Profile 45 x 60 36,13 21,58 12,04 9,59 1088,02 2,91 10 6050 10014 Al Profile 45 x 135 376,27 45,32 55,74 20,14 2125,83 5,69 10 6050 10015 Al Profile 60 x 60 40,13 40,13 13,38 13,38 1227,13 3,29 10 6050 10016 Al Profile 60 x 90 202,42 90,32 44,98 30,11 2533,36 6,78 10 6050 10023 Al Profile 80 x 80 116,72 116,72 29,18 29,18 1461,00 3,96 10 6050 10017 Al Profile 90 x 90 L 195,39 195,39 43,42 43,42 2091,97 5,60 10 6050 10018 Al Profile 90 x 90 H 288,35 288,35 64,08 64,08 3600,61 9,64 10 6050 10019 Al Profile 22,5 x 180 597,06 11,83 66,34 10,81 2210,48 5,92 8/10 6050 10020 Al Profile 90 x 180 1889,54 510,18 209,95 113,37 5770,16 15,45 10 6050 14001 Al Profile 40 x 45 8,02 9,38 4,21 4,69 425,64 1,14 8/10 6050 17 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation TOLERANCE ON DIMENSION L - Dimension 30 ± 0.15 40 ±0.25 40 60 ±0.40 60 80 ±0.50 80 100 ±0.60 100 125 ±0.80 125 150 ±1.0 150 180 ±1.2 180 210 ±1.4 L2 8,2 ± 0.15 10,2 ± 0.2 Ø 7.4 15 ± 0.15 ± 0.2 m m 20 00 m m 20 00 = L L = m m = L max.1.5 mm 20 00 max. 1.5 mm Ø max. 0.3 mm ±0.0 5 m m ±0.0 5 L2 0 30 L Up to and including 30 0 OVER PROFILE GROOVE LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY Fmax 8 30x30, 30x30R 4 000N 5 000N 6 000N 2 200N 7 000N 10 000N 12 000N 9 000N 12 000N 15 000 N 17 000N 13 000N 30x60, 30x90 10 10 18 40x40, 45x45L, 45x45C1, 45x45R, 40x80, 45x90L 45x45H, 45x60, 45x90H, 45x135, 60x60, 80x80, 60x90, 90x90L, 90x90H 22,5x180, 90x180 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation NAVOJI | THREADS | FILETTI | GEWINDE POZOR | WARNING | AVVERTENZA | WORSICHTSHINWEIS Na Al. profilih se uporablja postopek valjanja navojev in NE rezanja!!! To ensure maximum load ratings, threads must be rolled and NOT cutted !!! Su Al. profili si utilizza il procedimento di rullatura dei filetti e NON tagliatura !!! Auf Al. Profile Gewinde werden gerollt und NICHT geschneidet !!! CUTTING TAP CUT THREAD 30% STRONGER FORMING TAP ROLLED THREAD L F M Predefined hole Ø MxL Ø F M8x20 Ø7,4 7000N M10x20 Ø9,4 8000N M12x20 Ø11,3 10 000N M16x20 Ø15 12 000N More information about the thread 118 19 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil mreže Profilo per griglia Al Profile for Grille Al Profile für Gitter Descrizione Beschreibung 30 17,5 9,8 5,8 ,5 A 8,5 4 O3 7,8 Al El M4 8 10 Code 10001 Al Profile for Grille Assembly components - sold separately* Corner connection Naziv Description Al Profil 18,5 x 32 Al Profilo 18,5 x 32 Al Profile 18,5 x 32 Al Profile 18,5 x 32 60 Code A 11116 Descrizione Beschreibung 18,5 14,3 9,5 32 15,5 4,5 8,2 O7,4 Al El 20 M8 M10 8 Al Profile 18,5 x 32 Code 10002 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 30 x 30 Al Profilo 30 x 30 Al Profile 30 x 30 Al Profile 30 x 30 Descrizione Beschreibung 30 30 16,8 8,2 9,25 2,2 O 7,4 Al El Naziv Description Al Profile 30 x 30 Al Profil 30 x 30 R Al Profilo 30 x 30 R Al Profile 30 x 30 R Al Profile 30 x 30 R R Code 10003 Descrizione Beschreibung 23 2,2 O 7,4 9,25 8 30 30 M8 8,2 16,8 Al El R M8 8 Al Profile 30 x 30 R Code 10004 21 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 30 x 60 Al Profilo 30 x 60 Al Profile 30 x 60 Al Profile 30 x 60 Descrizione Beschreibung 30 60 30 9,25 2,2 O 7,4 8,2 16,8 Naziv Description Al El M8 8 Al Profile 30 x 60 Al Profil 30 x 90 Al Profilo 30 x 90 Al Profile 30 x 90 Al Profile 30 x 90 Code 10005 Descrizione Beschreibung 60 90 30 9,25 2,2 O 7,4 8,2 16,8 22 Al El M8 8 Al Profile 30 x 90 Code 10006 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 40 x 40 Al Profilo 40 x 40 Al Profile 40 x 40 Al Profile 40 x 40 Descrizione Beschreibung 40 40 14,5 5,5 O7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El Naziv Description M8 10 Al Profile 40 x 40 Al Profil 40 x 80 Al Profilo 40 x 80 Al Profile 40 x 80 Al Profile 40 x 80 Code 10021 Descrizione Beschreibung 40 10,2 ,4 80 Ø7 40 14,5 5,5 20,5 NEW PRODUCT Al El M8 10 Al Profile 40 x 80 Code 10022 23 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 45 x 45 L Al Profilo 45 x 45 L Al Profile 45 x 45 L Al Profile 45 x 45 L Descrizione Beschreibung 45 45 14,5 5,5 O 7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El Naziv Description L M8 M10 10 Al Profile 45 x 45 L Al Profil 45 x 45 H Al Profilo 45 x 45 H Al Profile 45 x 45 H Al Profile 45 x 45 H Code 10007 Descrizione Beschreibung 45 45 14,5 5,5 O 7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El 24 H M8 M10 M12 10 Al Profile 45 x 45 H Code 10008 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 45 x 45 C1 Al Profilo 45 x 45 C1 Al Profile 45 x 45 C1 Al Profile 45 x 45 C1 Descrizione Beschreibung 45 45 5,5 14,5 O 7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El Naziv Description C1 M8 M10 10 Al Profile 45 x 45 C1 Al Profil 45 x 45 R Al Profilo 45 x 45 R Al Profile 45 x 45 R Al Profile 45 x 45 R Code 10009 Descrizione Beschreibung 45 35 45 R 14,5 5,5 O 7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El R M8 M10 10 Al Profile 45 x 45 R Code 10010 25 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 45 x 60 Al Profilo 45 x 60 Al Profile 45 x 60 Al Profile 45 x 60 Descrizione Beschreibung 60 45 14,5 5,5 O 7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El Naziv Description M8 M10 M12 10 Al Profile 45 x 60 Al Profil 45 x 90 L Al Profilo 45 x 90 L Al Profile 45 x 90 L Al Profile 45 x 90 L Code 10013 Descrizione Beschreibung 45 90 45 14,5 5,5 O 7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El 26 L M8 M10 M12 10 Al Profile 45 x 90 L Code 10011 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 45 x 90 H Al Profilo 45 x 90 H Al Profile 45 x 90 H Al Profile 45 x 90 H Descrizione Beschreibung 45 90 45 14,5 5,5 O 7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El Naziv Description H M8 M10 M12 10 Al Profile 45 x 90 H Al Profil 45 x 135 Al Profilo 45 x 135 Al Profile 45 x 135 Al Profile 45 x 135 Code 10012 Descrizione Beschreibung 45 135 45 45 14,5 5,5 O 7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El M8 M10 M12 10 Al Profile 45 x 135 Code 10014 27 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 60 x 60 Al Profilo 60 x 60 Al Profile 60 x 60 Al Profile 60 x 60 Descrizione Beschreibung 60 60 14,5 5,5 O 7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El Naziv Description M8 M10 M12 10 Al Profile 60 x 60 Al Profil 60 x 90 Al Profilo 60 x 90 Al Profile 60 x 90 Al Profile 60 x 90 Code 10015 Descrizione Beschreibung 60 40 ,4 O7 45 78 90 O 7,4 5,5 14,5 O 32 10,2 20,5 Al El 28 M8 M10 10 Al Profile 60 x 90 Code 10016 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 80 x 80 Al Profilo 80 x 80 Al Profile 80 x 80 Al Profile 80 x 80 Descrizione Beschreibung 80 Ø 7,4 40 80 14,5 10,2 NEW PRODUCT 40 M8 Al El Naziv Description 10 Al Profile 80 x 80 Al Profil 90 x 90 L Al Profilo 90 x 90 L Al Profile 90 x 90 L Al Profile 90 x 90 L Code 10023 Descrizione Beschreibung 90 90 45 45 14,5 5,5 Ø 7,4 10,2 20,5 Al El L M8 M10 M12 10 Al Profile 90 x 90 L Code 10017 29 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 90 x 90 H Al Profilo 90 x 90 H Al Profile 90 x 90 H Al Profile 90 x 90 H Descrizione Beschreibung 90 45 45 90 O 7,4 14,5 5,5 O 15 10,2 20,5 Al El H M8 M10 M12 M16 10 Al Profile 90 x 90 H Naziv Description Al Profil 22,5 x 180 Al Profilo 22,5 x 180 Al Profile 22,5 x 180 Al Profile 22,5 x 180 Code 10018 Descrizione Beschreibung 22,5 14,5 9,25 2,2 22,5 45 45 180 20,5 10,2 5,5 30 8,2 15 Al El 8/10 Al Profile 22,5 x 180 Code 10019 ę Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al Profil 90 x 180 Al Profilo 90 x 180 Al Profile 90 x 180 Al Profile 90 x 180 Descrizione Beschreibung 90 45 45 45 45 90 14,5 Ø7,4 5,5 180 Ø 15 10,2 20,5 Al El M8 M10 M12 10 Al Profile 90 x 180 Code 10020 31 9H]QLHOHPHQWL -RLQLQJHOHPHQWV )LVVDJJL 9HUELQGXQJVHOHPHQWH 32 52-54 Bracket 55-58 3-way bracket, Cover cap for bracket 58-59 Cube connector, Angle 45° 38 60 Corner connection 39 60-62 Inside, outside angle T - slot nut, Roll-in T - slot nut 40-41 62-64 Floor bracket for 45x45 Linear joint 42 65-66 Adjustable pivot angle 180° Frontal connector set 43 67-71 Pivot joint, Pivot joint with lever Lateral connectors set 44-45 72-73 Milling connector Brackets, Cover cap for bracket 46-51 74 Milling connector 90° Screws different head 35 Threaded insert 36 Hammer head screw, Flange nut 37 Washer, Hammer nut Square nut Kazalo Index Indice Inhalt 33 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation PROFILE CONNECTION LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY (±5%) Fmax Mmax Mmax Nm Code 11097 M8 20 800N 43Nm 11098 M8 25 1000N 65Nm 11099 M8 20 11140 M8 20 11141 M8 25 11100 M8 25 25 11048 M8 11052 M8 25 11129 Ø8 25 11152 Ø17 20 4 000N 180Nm 40Nm 11133 Ø17 20 4 000N 180Nm 60Nm 11138 Ø17 20 4 000N 200Nm 80Nm 11092 Ø17 20 5 000N 800Nm 170Nm 11134 Ø17 20 5 000N 800Nm 200Nm (±5%) Fmax Mmax Mmax Mmax Nm Code Profile 11101 30x30 10 1 250N 25Nm 75Nm - 11109 30x60 10 2 500N 100Nm 170Nm 25Nm 11142 40x40 25 3 000N 55Nm 145Nm 35Nm 11084 40x80 25 6 000N 180Nm 400Nm 60Nm 11103 45x45 25 3 000N 60Nm 160Nm - 11110 45x90 25 6 000N 180Nm 400Nm 60Nm 11105 60x60 25 3 000N 125Nm 150Nm - 11087 80x80 25 14 000N 500Nm 1 000Nm 400Nm 11107 90x90 25 12 000N 370Nm 800Nm 200Nm (±5%) Nm Mmax Code Profile 11147 30x30 25 11148 40x40 35 85Nm 11149 45x45 35 170Nm (±5%) 34 Mmax 70Nm Fmax Mmax Mmax Nm Code Profile 11117 30x30 6 11157 40x40 10 11118 45x45 10 11119 30x30 6 11120 45x45 10 11135 30x30 7 500Nm 50Nm - 7Nm 11136 45x45 12 500Nm 50Nm - 10Nm 11153 30x30 7 500Nm 50Nm - 7Nm 11155 45X45 12 500Nm 50Nm - 10Nm Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Vijak s cilindrično glavo Vite con testa cilindrica Screw with cylindrical head Schraube mit zylindrischem Kopf Descrizione Beschreibung D L B Zn Fe M S L D M S B Naziv Description M L D B S 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 40 16 20 14 16 20 30 16 20 25 40 6,8 8,3 8,3 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 12,7 12,7 12,7 12,7 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 Vijak z lečasto glavo Vite con testa bombata Screw with round head Schraube mit Linsenkopf Zn Fe 4g 4g 4g 5g 6g 6g 8g 11g 13g 14g 14g Code 11026 11001 11002 11003 11004 11005 11006 11007 11008 11009 11010 Descrizione Beschreibung M L D B S 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 10 12 16 20 25 10 12 16 20 25 10 14 20 25 30 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 9,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 14 14 14 14 14 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 3,3 3,3 3,3 3,3 3,3 4,4 4,4 4,4 4,4 4,4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 2g 2g 3g 3g 4g 3g 3g 4g 5g 5g 6g 8g 9g 11g 13g Code 11011 11012 11013 11014 11015 11016 11017 11018 11019 11020 11021 11022 11023 11024 11025 35 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Vijak z vgreznjeno glavo Vite con testa svasata Screw with countersunk head Senkkopfschraube Descrizione Beschreibung 90° D L B Zn Fe M S Naziv Description M L D B S 5 5 6 6 6 8 8 16 20 12 16 20 25 35 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 Navojni zatič Perno filettato Threaded insert Gewindeeinsatz L 4g 4g 4g 4g 10g 13g Descrizione Beschreibung Zn Fe M S Samorezni vijak Vite autofilettante Self tapping screw Die Selbstschneider M L S 6 6 8 8 8 8 14 10 14 40 4 4 5 5 5 2g 2g 2g 3g 11g Code 11031 11032 11033 11034 11035 Descrizione Beschreibung L Naziv Description 4g Code 11164 11165 11162 11027 11028 11029 11030 A 36 Zn Fe A L Ø 5,5 19 4g Code 11036 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Vijak s kladivasto glavo Vite con testa a martello Hammer head screw Hammerkopf Schraube Descrizione Beschreibung M 8 L Zn Fe H C A B Zn Fe 90° A B C L H 6 6 6 6 6 16 16 16 16 16 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 7,7 20 25 30 40 60 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 M A B C L H 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 8,5 8,5 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 20 25 30 40 60 20 25 30 40 60 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7g 8g 9g 10g 10g 10g 12g 13g 15g 18g 13g 14g 15g 19g 25g Code 11037* 11038* 11039* 11040* 11041* Code 11042* 11043* 11044* 11045* 11046* 11047 11048 11049* 11050* 11051* Sestavljen | Composed | Composto | Zusammengesetzt * A Matica s prirobnico Dado con flangia Flange nut Flanschmutter Descrizione Beschreibung Z Naziv Description M 10 M H Zn Fe M A H Z 6 8 Ø14,2 6 8 10 13 Ø17,9 4g 7g Code 11139 11052 37 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Podložka Rondella Washer Vierkantunterlegscheibe Descrizione Beschreibung 1,5 Naziv Description 16 ,5 16 Ø8 8 Zn Fe Podložka Rondella Washer Vierkantunterlegscheibe Descrizione Beschreibung 6,2 2,9 Naziv Description 2g Code 11053 10 20 Ø 8,5 20 D Kladivasta matica Dado a martello Hammer nut Hammermutter H2 Zn Fe 8 M B A Zn Fe 90° 38 10g Code 11054 Descrizione Beschreibung H1 Naziv Description 10 Zn Fe 10 M A B 4 5 6 16 7,7 16 7,7 16 7,7 H1 H2 D 1,5 1,5 1,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 7,7 7,7 7,7 M A B H1 H2 D 4 5 6 8 19 19 19 19 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 3 3 3 3 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 4g 3g 3g 8g 7g 7g 6g Code 11055 11056 11057 Code 11058 11059 11060 11061 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Matica utorna Dado quadro Square nut Vierkantmutter Descrizione Beschreibung H Naziv Description B A M Zn Fe M A B H 5 6 8 13 13 13 13 13 13 5,8 5,8 5,8 Matica utorna Dado quadro Square nut Vierkantmutter 5g 5g 4g Code 11062 11063 11064 Descrizione Beschreibung H1 H2 Naziv Description 8 A B M Zn Fe 10 M A B H1 H2 6 8 20 20 20 20 3 3 9,3 9,3 18g 15g Code 11065 11066 39 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Utorni kamen Cursore per cava T - slot nut Nutenstain Descrizione Beschreibung H1 Naziv Description H2 D B M A Zn Fe Naziv Description 8 M A B D H1 H2 4 5 6 8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 8 8 8 8 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6 5,9 5,9 5,9 5,9 Utorni kamen z vzmetjo Cursore Roll - in con molla Roll in T-slot nut with spring Nutenstein mit Feder 9g 8g 8g 7g Code 11067 11068 11069 11070 Descrizione Beschreibung M B R3 5,2 H2 H1 D A 40 Zn Fe 8 M A B D H1 H2 4 5 6 8 11,6 11,6 11,6 11,6 16 16 16 16 7,9 7,9 7,9 7,9 1 1 1 1 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 5g 5g 4g 4g Code 11071 11072 11073 11074 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Cursore per cava T - slot nut Nutenstain Descrizione Beschreibung B M H2 D Utorni kamen H1 Naziv Description A Zn Fe Naziv Description 10 M A B D H1 H2 4 5 6 8 19,5 19,5 19,5 19,5 20 20 20 20 9,7 9,7 9,7 9,7 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 Utorni kamen z vzmetjo Cursore Roll - in con molla Roll-in T-slot nut with spring Nutenstein mit Feder 22g 21g 20g 19g Code 11075 11076 11077 11078 Descrizione Beschreibung M B R4 6,5 H2 H1 D A Zn Fe 10 M A B D H1 H2 4 5 6 8 14 14 14 14 19 19 19 19 9,9 9,9 9,9 9,9 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 8g 8g 8g 7g Code 11079 11080 11081 11082 41 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Linearni spoj 120/180 Giunto lineare 120/180 Linear joint 120/180 Linear Profilverbinder 120/180 H Descrizione Beschreibung M D C 4x 1 B A L D Inbus key Zn Fe 8 Zn Fe 10 L M A B C D H 120 6 8 16 30 30 6 L M A B C D H 180 8 9,8 19,5 30 60 11 63g Code 11083 188g Code 11095 Assembly components - sold separately 8 1 10 Naziv Description Threaded insert M6x8 36 3 Threaded insert M8x14 36 4 Linearni spoj 1500 Giunto lineare 1500 Linear joint 1500 Linear Profilverbinder 1500 Descrizione Beschreibung L B A H Fe Fe 8 10 L A B C D H 1500 8 16 / / 6 L A B C D H 1500 9,8 19,5 / / 11 3000g Code 11094 3000g Code 11096 Brez izvrtin - ni cinkan | Without bores - no zinc | Senza fori - non zincato | Ohne Lochen-nicht verzinkt 42 Code 11031 11034 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Spojni set čelni Kit fissaggio frontale Frontal connector set Seitenverbinder set Descrizione Beschreibung L S Naziv Description Inbus key 5 M B A 8 Zn Fe A B L S 8 16 16 20 1,5 Spojni set čelni Kit fissaggio frontale Frontal connector set Seitenverbinder set 12g Code 11097 Descrizione Beschreibung S Naziv Description M L Inbus key 5 B M A Zn Fe 10 M A B L S 8 20 20 25 3,3 20g Code 11098 43 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Spojni set stranski Kit fissaggio laterale Lateral connector set Seitenverbinder set Descrizione Beschreibung H2 Naziv Description B H1 L M A Inbus key 5 8/8 Zn Fe A B L H1 H2 8 16 16 10 5,8 1,5 Spojni set stranski Kit fissaggio laterale Lateral connector set Seitenverbinder set 12g Code 11099 Descrizione Beschreibung H2 Naziv Description M b B H1 L M Inbus key 5 a A Zn Fe 44 8/10 M A B a b L H1 H2 8 20 20 16 16 14 6,3 1,5 33g Code 11140 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Spojni set stranski Kit fissaggio laterale Lateral connector set Seitenverbinder set Descrizione Beschreibung H1 Naziv Description H2 L M B a=b Inbus key 5 A Zn Fe M A B a b L H1 H2 8 20 20 16 16 14 3,3 5,8 Spojni set stranski Kit fissaggio laterale Lateral connector set Seitenverbinder set 18g Code 11141 Descrizione Beschreibung H1 Naziv Description 10/8 B H2 L M Inbus key 5 A Zn Fe 10/10 M A B L H1 H2 8 20 20 20 3,3 6,3 33g Code 11100 45 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik Al. 30 x 30 Angolare Al. 30 x 30 Bracket Al. 30 x 30 Winkel Al. 30 x 30 Descrizione Beschreibung 6,5 A 1 2x 2 2x 27 A-A 27 A 28 Zn 8 Bracket Al. 30 x 30 Code 11101 20g Assembly components - sold separately Naziv Description 1 Screw with round head M6x12 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 38 Pokrov za kotnik 30 x 30 Tappo per angolare 30 x 30 Cover cap for Bracket 30 x 30 Winkel Abdeckkappe für 30 x 30 Code 11017 11057 Descrizione Beschreibung 26,7 6 6 44,5 PA6 # 46 Cover cap for Bracket 30 x 30 6g Code 11102 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik Al. 40 x 40 Angolare Al. 40 x 40 Bracket Al. 40 x 40 Winkel Al. 40 x 40 Descrizione Beschreibung 8,7 A-A 36 A A 36 38 Zn 10 Bracket Al. 40 x 40 34g 1 Hammer Head Screw M8x20 37 2 Flange Nut M8 16 37 Pokrov za kotnik 40 x 40 Tappo per angolare 40 x 40 Cover cap for Bracket 40 x 40 Winkel Abdeckkappe für 40 x 40 2x 2 2x Code 11142 Assembly components - sold separately Naziv Description 1 Code 11047 11052 Descrizione Beschreibung 37 6 7 58 PA6 # Cover cap for Bracket 40 x 40 11g Code 11143 47 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description A Kotnik Al. 45 x 45 Angolare Al. 45 x 45 Bracket Al. 45 x 45 Winkel Al. 45 x 45 Descrizione Beschreibung A-A A 9,5 42 9,6 1 2x 2 2x 42 42 A B A A-A 19 9 9,5 NEW 41 PRODUCT 41 42 A Zn 10 Code 11103 11161 Version A Bracket Al. 45 x 45 50g B Bracket Al. 45 x 45 T 70g Assembly components - sold separately Naziv Description 1 Hammer Head Screw M8x25 37 2 Flange Nut M8 16 37 Pokrov za kotnik 45 x 45 Tappo per angolare 45 x 45 Cover cap for Bracket 45 x 45 Winkel Abdeckkappe für 45 x 45 Code 11048 11052 Descrizione Beschreibung 42 6 4 70 PA6 # 48 Cover cap for Bracket 45 x 45 16g Code 11104 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik Al. 60x60 /60x30 Angolare Al. 60x60 /60x30 Bracket Al. 60x60 /60x30 Winkel Al. 60x60 /60x30 8 30 9 6,5 57 10 1 8x 2 8x 1 2x 2 2x Descrizione Beschreibung 57 57,5 Zn 8/10 Bracket Al. 60x60 /60x30 8 108g Code 11017 11057 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with round head M6x12 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 10 Naziv Description Code 11105 Code 11047 11052 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Hammer Head Screw M8x25 37 2 Flange Nut M8 16 37 Pokrov za kotnik 60x60 /60x30 Tappo per angolare 60x60 /60x30 Cover cap for Bracket 60x60 /60x30 Winkel Abdeckkappe für 60x60 /60x30 Descrizione Beschreibung 57 6 7 87 PA6 # Cover cap for Bracket 60x60 /60x30 28g Code 11106 49 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Angolare 80 x 80 Bracket Al 80 x 80 Winkel Al 80 x 80 9 Descrizione Beschreibung 1 8x 2 8x 76 40 Kotnik Al 80 x 80 A 76 74 NEW PRODUCT Zn 10 Bracket Al 80 x 80 Code 11087 225g Assembly components - sold separately Naziv Description Code 11048 11052 1 Hammer Head Screw M8x25 37 2 Flange Nut M8 16 37 Pokrov za kotnik 80 x 80 Tappo per angolare 80 x 80 Cover cap for Bracket 80 x 80 Winkel Abdeckkappe für 80 x 80 Descrizione Beschreibung 74 6 NEW PRODUCT 8 115 PA6 # 50 Cover cap for Bracket 80 x 80 42g Code 11088 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description 45 Kotnik Al 90 x 90 Angolare 90 x 90 Bracket Al 90 x 90 Winkel Al 90 x 90 Descrizione Beschreibung 9 8x 2 8x 86 1 A 86 88 Zn 10 Bracket Al 90 x 90 Code 11107 337g Assembly components - sold separately Naziv Description Code 11048 11052 1 Hammer Head Screw M8x25 37 2 Flange Nut M8 16 37 Pokrov za kotnik 90 x 90 Tappo per angolare 90 x 90 Cover cap for Bracket 90 x 90 Winkel Abdeckkappe für 90 x 90 Descrizione Beschreibung 86 6 7 133 PA6 # Cover cap for Bracket 90 x 90 63g Code 11108 51 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik Al. 30 x 60 Angolare AL. 30 x 60 Bracket Al. 30 x 60 Winkel Al. 30 x 60 Descrizione Beschreibung 28 1 4x 2 4x 57 6,2 57 Zn 8 Bracket Al. 30 x 60 Code 11109 56g Assembly components - sold separately Naziv Description 1 Screw with round head M6x12 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 Pokrov za kotnik 30 x 60 Tappo per angolare 30 x 60 Cover cap for Bracket 30 x 60 Winkel Abdeckkappe für 30 x 60 Code 11017 11057 Descrizione Beschreibung 40 3 28 84 NEW PRODUCT PA6 # 52 Cover cap for Bracket 30 x 60 80g Code 11163 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik Al. 40 x 80 Angolare Al. 40 x 80 Bracket Al. 40 x 80 Winkel Al. 40 x 80 38 1 4x 2 4x 76 9 Descrizione Beschreibung NEW PRODUCT 76 Zn 10 Bracket Al. 40 x 80 Code 11084 119g Assembly components - sold separately Hammer Head Screw M8x20 37 2 Flange Nut M8 16 37 Pokrov za kotnik 40 x 80 Tappo per angolare 40 x 80 Cover cap for Bracket 40 x 80 Winkel Abdeckkappe für 40 x 80 Descrizione Beschreibung 5 37,5 111 NEW PRODUCT 52 Naziv Description 1 Code 11047 11052 PA6 # Cover cap for Bracket 40 x 80 87g Code 11085 53 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik Al. 45 x 90 Angolare Al. 45 x 90 Bracket Al. 45 x 90 Winkel Al. 45 x 90 Descrizione Beschreibung 43 1 4x 2 4x 86 9 86 Zn 10 Bracket Al. 45 x 90 Code 11110 154g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Hammer Head Screw M8x25 37 2 Flange Nut M8 16 37 Pokrov za kotnik 45 x 90 Tappo per angolare 45 x 90 Cover cap for Bracket 45 x 90 Winkel Abdeckkappe für 45 x 90 Descrizione Beschreibung 5 43 Naziv Description Code 11048 11052 57 125 NEW PRODUCT PA6 # 54 Cover cap for Bracket 45 x 90 33,5g Code 11086 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik vogalni 30 x 30 Angolare a 3-vie 30 x 30 3-way Bracket 30 x 30 3Weg Eckwinkel 30 x 30 Descrizione Beschreibung A A-A 28 5 15 1,3 Ø9 A 15 28 1 Zn 3x 8 3-way Bracket 30 x 30 Code 11111 38g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Naziv Description Ø4,2 Screw with countersunk head M8x25 36 Pokrov za kotnik vogalni 30 x 30 Tappo per angolare a 3-vie 30 x 30 Cover cap for 3-way Bracket 30 x 30 3Weg Eckwinkel 30 x 30 Code 11029 Descrizione Beschreibung 2 30 PA6 # Ø4,2 Cover cap for 3-way Bracket 30 x 30 8g Code 11112 6g Code 11113 2 SR25 PA6 # Cover cap for 3-way Bracket 30 x 30R 55 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik vogalni 40 x 40 Angolare a 3-vie 40 x 40 3-way Bracket 40 x 40 3Weg Eckwinkel 40 x 40 Descrizione Beschreibung 5 20 37,5 Ø9 20 1 37,5 Zn 3x 8 3-way Bracket 40 x 40 Code 11145 76g Assembly components - sold separately 1 56 Screw with round head M8x25 35 Code 11024 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Pokrov za k. vogalni 40 x 40 Tappo per ang. a 3-vie 40 x 40 C. cap for 3-way Bracket 40 x 40 3Weg Eckwinkel 40 x 40 Descrizione Beschreibung Ø5 2 40 PA6 # Naziv Description A Kotnik vogalni 45 x 45 Angolare a 3-vie 45 x 45 3-way Bracket 45 x 45 3Weg Eckwinkel 45 x 45 A-A ,4 22,5 16g Descrizione Beschreibung 3x 1 42 2 Ø1 1,3 22,5 8,5 A Cover cap for 3-way Bracket Code 11146 42 Zn 10 3-way Bracket 45 x 45 Code 11114 46g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with countersunk head M8x25 36 Code 11029 57 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Ø6 Pokrov za k. vogalni 45 x 45R Tappo per ang. a 3-vie 45 x 45R C. cap for 3-way Bracket 45 x 45R 3Weg Eckwinkel A. 45 x 45R Descrizione Beschreibung 3 R45 PA6 # Naziv Description Kotnik kocka 3D Connettore cubico 3D Cube connector for profile 3D Würfelverbinder 3D A-A C 2 R 18g Descrizione Beschreibung 3x 1 37,5 C1 A Cover cap for 3-way Bracket 45 x 45R Code 11115 A A 8 Zn 10 Zn A C1 C2 R 30 9 18 2 A C1 C2 R 40 8,5 24 4 94g 45 13 24 3 151g Code 11147 38g Code 11148 11149 Assembly components - sold separately 1 58 Screw with countersunk head M8x25 36 Code 11029 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Ø 9 Kotnik 40 x 40 - 45° Angolare 40 x 40 - 45° Connector Angle 40 x 40 - 45° Winkel 40 x 40 - 45° 10 Ø8 ,5 Descrizione Beschreibung 1 1x 2 1x 3 1x 45° 40 52 Zam 10 Connector Angle 40 x 40 - 45° Code 11144 208g Assembly components - sold separately Naziv Description Ø 9 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x16 35 2 Hammer Nut M8 U10 38 3 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20 35 Kotnik 45 x 45 - 45° Angolare 45 x 45 - 45° Connector Angle 45 x 45 - 45° Winkel 45 x 45 - 45° 10 Descrizione Beschreibung x2 1 Ø8 ,5 Code 11007 11061 11008 NEW 45° 40 52 PRODUCT Zn 10 Connector Angle 45 x 45 - 45° Code 11091 155g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20 35 Code 11008 59 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik profila mreže Raccordo d`angolo Corner connection Eckverbinder 10 2x 1 30 30 Descrizione Beschreibung R4 8 8/10 PP Corner connection Code 11116 4g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Naziv Description Screw with cylindrical head M4x40 35 Kotnik notranji 90° Angolare interno 90° Inside angle 90° Inneneckverbinder 90° Code 11026 Descrizione Beschreibung S A 4x B 1 D E C M Zn Fe 8 M A B C D E S 6 40 40 7 20 16 3 Code 11117 24g Assembly components - sold separately 1 60 Threaded insert M6x8 36 Code 11031 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik notranji 90° Angolare interno 90° Inside angle 90° Inneneckverbinder 90° Descrizione Beschreibung S A x4 B 1 D E C M * Only for profile 40 10 Zn Fe M A B C D E S 8 8 50 50 50 50 7 7 22,5 22,5 18 18 3 5 Code 11157* 11118 32g 50g Assembly components - sold separately Threaded insert M8x10 1 Naziv Description 36 Kotnik zunanji 90° Angolare esterno 90° Outside angle 90° Äussere Eckverbinder 90° Code 11033 Descrizione Beschreibung A C D x4 B E 1 S M Zn Fe 8 Zn Fe 10 M A B C D E S 6 46 46 20 19 16 3 M A B C D E S 8 60 60 25 25 20 3 26g code 11119 42g code 11120 Assembly components - sold separately 8 1 Threaded insert M6x8 36 10 2 Threaded insert M8x10 36 Code 11031 11033 61 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kotnik zunanji 45° Angolare esterno 45° Outside angle 45° Äussere Eckverbinder 45° S 4x 1 A M 20 B 45° Descrizione Beschreibung 7 NEW PRODUCT 10 Zn Fe M A B S 8 16 45 3 code 11093 40g Assembly components - sold separately Threaded insert M8x10 1 18 12 9 Descrizione Beschreibung 18,5 Bodenwinkel Code 11033 1 3x 2 3x 31 88 Floor Bracket 52 52 200 150 29 Angolare di base 25 14 Kotnik temeljni 13 Naziv Description 36 53 39 Zn Fe 10 Floor Bracket Code 11121 434g Assembly components - sold separately 62 1 Hammer Head Screw M8x25 37 2 Flange Nut M8 16 37 Code 11048 11052 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Temeljna plošča univerzalna Piastra di base universale Floor bracket universal Boden Fussplatte universal Descrizione Beschreibung 67,5 30 15 1 4x 2 4x 1 6x 2 6x 98 10 8 67,5 45 8,5 22,5 Ø8,5 8 105 135 90 90 3 Ø1 105 135 Zn Fe 8/10 Floor bracket universal 30/40/45/60/90 1718g Assembly components - sold separately 8 1 Screw with round head M8x14 35 2 Square Nut M8 39 Assembly components - sold separately 10 * 1 Hammer Head Screw M8x20 37 2 Flange Nut M8 16 37 Code 11137* Code 11022 11064 Code 11047 11052 Za profil | For profile | Per profilo | Für Profile 30 x 30, 30 x 60, 30 x 90| 40 x 40, 40 x 80, 45 x 45, 45 x 90 | 45 x 60, 60 x 60, 80 x 80, 90 x 90 63 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Temeljna plošča za 45x45 Piastra di base per 45x45 Floor bracket for 45x45 Boden Fussplatte für 45x45 Descrizione Beschreibung 98 50 22,5 1 2x 2 2x 8 25 10 80 100 58 45 58 45 2 Ø1 80 100 Zn Fe 10 Floor bracket only for Al profile 45x45 Code 11160 904g Assembly components - sold separately 10 64 1 Hammer Head Screw M8x20 37 2 Flange Nut M8 16 37 Code 11047 11052 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation 6,3 22,5 Nosilec nastavljivi 180° Supporto regolabile 180° Adjustable pivot angle 180° Einstellbare Halterung 180° 8 100 8,1 R 50 10 8,2 Ø R 65 Descrizione Beschreibung 30 130 Naziv Description 1 2x 3 1x 2 3x 4 1x 1 2x 3 1x 2 2x 4 2x 5 2,5 Zn Fe 1x 8/10 Adjustable pivot angle 180° Code 11122 216g Assembly components - sold separately 8 1 Screw with round head M6x10 35 2 Square Nut M6 U8 39 3 Screw with cylindrical head M8x10 35 4 Square Nut M8 U8 39 5 Clamping lever 66 Assembly components - sold separately 10 1 Screw with round head M6x12 35 2 Square Nut M6 U10 38 3 Screw with cylindrical head M8x14 35 4 Square Nut M8 U10 39 5 Clamping lever 66 Code 11016 11063 11021 11064 11158 Code 11017 11060 11022 11066 11159 65 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Zatezna ročica Maniglia di bloccaggio Clamping lever Klemmhebel 8 Descrizione Beschreibung 1 1x 1 1x L 10 M Zn Fe 8 Zn Fe 10 M L 6 10 M L 8 16 Clamping lever Clamping lever 33g Code 11158 35g Code 11159 Assembly components - sold separately 8 10 66 1 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 Hammer Nut M8 U10 38 Code 11057 11061 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Zglob 30 x 30 Snodo regolabile 30 x 30 Pivot joint 30 x 30 Gelenk 30 x 30 Descrizione Beschreibung 7 2,5 22,5 Ø8,3 30 8 Zn Pivot joint 30 x 30 Površina Sivo lakirano Surface Silver laquered Superficie Oberfläche 138g Assembly components - sold separately 1 35 Grigio laccato 2 Hammer Nut M8 U8 38 Silber lackierten 3 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20 35 Ø8,3 Zglob 30 x 30 z ročico Snodo con maniglia 30 x 30 Pivot joint with lever 30 x 30 Gelenk mit Aretierung 30 x 30 2 1x 3 1x Code 11007 11064 11008 Descrizione Beschreibung 30 1 2x 2,5 22,5 7 1x Code 11123 Screw with cylindrical head M8x16 Naziv Description 1 30 Zn Površina Sivo lakirano Surface Silver laquered Superficie Grigio laccato Oberfläche Silber lackierten 8 Pivot joint with lever Code 11124 150g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20mm 35 Code 11008 67 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Zglob 40 x 40 Snodo regolabile 40 x 40 Pivot joint 40 x 40 Gelenk 40 x 40 Descrizione Beschreibung SW14 2x 8 1,8 1 40 10 Zn Površina Sivo lakirano Surface Silver laquered Superficie Grigio laccato Oberfläche Silber lackierten Naziv Description SW14 Pivot joint 40 x 40 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20mm 35 Zglob 40 x 40 z ročico Snodo reg. con maniglia 40 x 40 Pivot joint with lever 40 x 40 Gelenk mit Aretierung 40 x 40 Code 11008 Descrizione Beschreibung 41 2x 1,8 8 8 280g Assembly components - sold separately 1 40 Zn Površina Sivo lakirano Surface Silver laquered Superficie Grigio laccato Oberfläche 68 Code 11150 Silber lackierten 10 Pivot joint with lever Code 11151 310g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20mm 35 Code 11008 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Zglob 40 x 80 Snodo regolabile 40 x 80 Pivot joint 40 x 80 Gelenk 40 x 80 Descrizione Beschreibung 9 1,8 50 SW14 NEW PRODUCT 80 40 Zn 1 4x 2 4x 10 Pivot joint 40 x 80 Code 11089 997g Površina Sivo lakirano Surface Silver laquered Superficie Grigio laccato 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x16mm 35 Oberfläche Silber lackierten 2 Square Nut M8 U10 39 Naziv Description Assembly components - sold separately Zglob 40 x 80 z ročico Snodo reg. con maniglia 40 x 80 Pivot joint with lever 40 x 80 Gelenk mit Aretierung 40 x 80 SW14 9 1,8 50 Sivo lakirano Surface Silver laquered Superficie Grigio laccato Oberfläche Silber lackierten 4x NEW 40 PRODUCT Zn Površina Descrizione Beschreibung 54 1 80 Code 11007 11066 10 Pivot joint with lever 1120g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20mm 35 Code 11090 Code 11008 69 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Zglob 45 x 45 Snodo regolabile 45 x 45 Pivot joint 45 x 45 Gelenk 45 x 45 Descrizione Beschreibung SW14 2x 8 1,8 30 1 45 Zn Površina Sivo lakirano Surface Silver laquered Superficie Grigio laccato Oberfläche Silber lackierten Naziv Description 10 Pivot joint 45 x 45 322g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20mm Zglob 45 x 45 z ročico Snodo reg. con maniglia 45 x 45 Pivot joint with lever 45 x 45 Gelenk mit Aretierung 45 x 45 SW14 35 Code 11008 Descrizione Beschreibung 39 1 2x 8 1,8 30 Code 11125 45 Zn Površina Sivo lakirano Surface Silver laquered Superficie Grigio laccato Oberfläche Silber lackierten 70 10 Pivot joint with lever Code 11126 354g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20mm 35 Code 11008 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Zglob 45 x 90 Snodo regolabile 45 x 90 Pivot joint 45 x 90 Gelenk 45 x 90 Descrizione Beschreibung 9 1,8 50 SW14 90 45 Zn 1 4x 2 4x 10 Pivot joint 45 x 90 1032g Površina Sivo lakirano Surface Silver laquered Superficie Grigio laccato 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x16mm 35 Oberfläche Silber lackierten 2 Square Nut M8 U10 39 Naziv Description Assembly components - sold separately Zglob 45 x 90 z ročico Snodo reg. con maniglia 45 x 90 Pivot joint with lever 45 x 90 Gelenk mit Aretierung 45 x 90 SW14 Surface Silver laquered Superficie Grigio laccato Oberfläche Silber lackierten 4x 9 1,8 50 Sivo lakirano Descrizione Beschreibung 45 Zn Površina Code 11007 11066 52 1 90 Code 11127 10 Pivot joint with lever 1166g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20mm 35 Code 11128 Code 11008 71 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Spojni element Ø8 Connettore con dado Ø8 Bolt connector Ø8 Bolzenverbinder Ø8 Descrizione Beschreibung 25 7 Ø M4 Ø8 8 8 Zn Fe Bolt connector Ø8 Spojni element Ø17 Connettore con dado Ø17 Bolt connector Ø17 Bolzenverbinder Ø17 Code 11129 23g Descrizione Beschreibung P 35 Naziv Description 30 15 6 Ø8 28 20 4,3 Ø 12 Ø8 ,1 B A 10 NEW PRODUCT 72 Ø17 16,8 20 14 ,3 8,4 M8 Zn Fe 10 P A B 40 45 60 80 90 37 42 57 77 87 23 27,5 43 63 73 68g 76g 95g 121g 130g Code 11152 11133 11138 11092 11134 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation 6,3 Naziv Description Spojni element U8 Raccordo C8 Milling connector U8 Profilverbinder U8 Descrizione Beschreibung Milling connector Code 11135 8 7 8 16 38 57,5 1,5 Zn Fe Naziv Description 8 Spojni element U10 Raccordo C10 Milling connector U10 Profilverbinder U10 28g Descrizione Beschreibung 5,5 10 10 16 19,5 38 59 1,5 Zn Fe 10 Milling connector 38g Code 11136 73 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Spojni element 0°/90° Raccordo 0°/90° Milling connector 0°/90° Profilverbinder 0°/90° Descrizione Beschreibung D A B C A-A b L Z A 0° A 8 Zn Fe 10 Zn Fe A B C b D L Z 15,5 15,5 18 18 11 11 5 5 7 7 33 33 4 4 A B C b D L Z 19,5 19,5 24 24 17 17 5,5 5,5 9,7 9,7 45,5 45,5 6 6 90° Version 20g Milling connector 0° 20g Milling connector 90° Version 56g Milling connector 0° 56g Milling connector 90° Code 11153 11154 Code 11155* 11156* Ni primeren za profil | Not suitable for profile | Non e`adatto per profilo | Nicht geignet für Profile * 74 40x40 Joining elements Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation NOTES: 75 Pribor Accessories Accessori Zubehör 76 Cover caps 78 Cover SURÀOHV 79 Gaskets for SDQHOV 80-82 Cover SURÀOHV 83 6OLGLQJ SURÀOHV 84-86 'LIIHUHQW casters 87-89 /HYHOLQJ feets 90-91 3ODWHV 5ROOHUV %ORFNV IRUSDQHOV +LQJHV +LQJHV ZLWKOHYHUV %ULGJH KDQGOHV 102-104 Kazalo Index Indice Inhalt 104-105 106-108 109 Locks 0DJQHWV 5ROOHU 5ROOHU PRXQWLQJ 6QDSKRRNV Cup KROHUV 110-111 Sensor supports 112 6HFXULW\ PDJQHWLF VZLWFKHV 113 6WHHO Inox 6KHHW 114-115 6WHHO *ULOOH 115-117 39& $FU\OLFV &RPSRVLWH ÀOOHUV 92 93 94 118 7KUHDG IRUPLQJ taps 118 'ULOLQJ GHYLFHV 95-100 101-102 77 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Pokrovi profilov Tappi per Profili Cover caps Abdeckkappen Descrizione Beschreibung R A B Barva Črna Siva Color Black Gray Colore Nero Grigio Farbe Schwarz Grau * 78 PA6 PA 18,5 X 32 4mm * 2g PA 30 X 30 4mm * 4g PA 30 X 30 4mm R * 4g PA 30 X 60 4mm * 8g PA 30 X 90 4mm * 11g PA 40 X 40 4mm * 7g PA 40 X 80 4mm * 14g PA 45 X 45 4mm * 10g PA 45 X 45 4mm R * 8g PA 45 X 60 4mm * 12g PA 45 X 90 4mm * 50g PA 45 X 135 4mm * 25g PA 60 X 60 4mm * 14g PA 60 X 90 4mm * 22g PA 80 X 80 4mm * 28g PA 90 X 90 4mm * 34g PA 90 X 180 4mm * 74g PA 22,5 X 180 4mm * 16g Code A 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12124 12143 12006 12007 12008 12009 12010 12011 12012 12144 12013 12014 12015 Ostale barve po naročilu | Other colors upon request | Altri colori a richiesta | Verscidene Farbe möglich Code B 12127 12128 12129 12130 12131 12132 12183 12133 12134 12135 12136 12137 12138 12139 12184 12140 12141 12142 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Profil pokrivni PA, AL Profilo di copertura PA, AL Cover profile PA, AL Abdeckprofile PA, AL Descrizione Beschreibung 3,8 2,3 8,8 8,2 Al El PA6 8 PA 2000mm U8 black* 11g/m PA 2000mm U8 gray* 11g/m AL 2000mm U8 nature 43g/m Code 12016 12017 12101 Ostale barve po naročilu | Other colors upon request | Altri colori a richiesta | Verscidene Farbe möglich * Naziv Description Profil pokrivni PA, AL Profilo di copertura PA, AL Cover profile PA, AL Abdeckprofile PA, AL Descrizione Beschreibung 4,5 7,5 11,5 10,2 Al El * PA6 10 PA 2000mm U10 black* 26g/m PA 2000mm U10 gray* 26g/m AL 2000mm U10 nature 60g/m Code 12018 12019 12100 Ostale barve po naročilu | Other colors upon request | Altri colori a richiesta | Verscidene Farbe möglich 79 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Profil pokrivni črn Profilo di copertura nero Cover Profile black Abdeckprofile Schwarz Descrizione Beschreibung 13,1 4 31,1 8,5 12 80 Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz NBR 8 Profile cover black 206g/m Code 12115 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz Naziv Description Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz Guma za polnilo 1,5-2 Guarnizione per pannelli 1,5-2 Gasket for panels 1,5-2 Einfassprofil 1,5-2 TPE 10 Gasket for panels 1,5-2mm Guma za polnilo 3-7 Guarnizione per pannelli 3-7 Gasket for panels 3-7 Einfassprofil 3-7 TPE 112g/m 45g/m Code 12021 45g/m Code 12021 10 Gasket for panels 5-7mm Code 12020 Descrizione Beschreibung 8 Gasket for panels 3-5mm TPE Descrizione Beschreibung 81 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz Naziv Description Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz Guma za polnilo 1-5 Guarnizione per pannelli 1-5 Gasket for panels 1-5 Einfassprofil 1-5 PP TPE 8 PP TPE 10 Gasket for panels 1-3mm Gasket for panels 3-5mm Guma za polnilo 6-8 Guarnizione per pannelli 6-8 Gasket for panels 6-8 Einfassprofil 6-8 TPE 72g/m Code 12022 Descrizione Beschreibung 25g/m Code 12023 25g/m Code 12023 10 Gasket for panels 8mm 82 72g/m Code 12022 8 Gasket for panels 6mm TPE Descrizione Beschreibung Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Profil pokrivni 2-6 Profilo di copertura 2-6 Cover profile / reduction 2-6 Einfassprofil 2-6 Descrizione Beschreibung 8,8 8,2 1,5 10,2 Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz Naziv Description PP TPE 8 Gasket for panels 2-6 mm Profil pokrivni 2-8 Profilo di copertura 2-8 Cover profile / reduction 2-8 Einfassprofil 2-8 20g/m Code 12024 Descrizione Beschreibung 12,8 10,2 13,7 Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz PP TPE 10 Gasket for panels 2-8 mm 29g/m Code 12025 83 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Profil vodilni U8/U8 Profilo di scorrimento U8/U8 Sliding profile U8/U8 Gleiterprofil U8/U8 Descrizione Beschreibung 2,5 Naziv Description Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz 8 Sliding profile L 2000 mm Profil vodilni U8/U10 Profilo di scorrimento U8/U10 Sliding profile U8/U10 Gleiterprofil U8/U10 200g/m Code 12026 Descrizione Beschreibung 2 Naziv Description PP 84 Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz PP 8/10 Sliding profile L 2000 mm 306g/m Code 12027 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Profil vodilni U10/U10 Profilo di scorrimento C10/C10 Sliding profile U10/U10 Gleiterprofil U10/U10 Descrizione Beschreibung 2,5 Naziv Description Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz PP 10 Sliding profile L 2000 mm Naziv Description Profil vodilni U8/U10 Profilo di scorrimento C8/C10 Sliding profile U8/U10 Gleiterprofil U8/U10 410g/m Code 12028 Descrizione Beschreibung 47 2,4 19,5 8 19 11 6 19,5 8 10 Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz PP 8/10 2x19,5 Sliding profile L 2000 mm Za profil 18,5 x 32 | For profile 18,5 x 32 | Per profilo 18,5 x 32 | Für Profile 18,5 x 32 339g/m Code 12029 20 85 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description 9 Profilo di scorrimento Sliding profile Gleiterprofil Descrizione Beschreibung 9 8 21,5 8,5 6 Profil vodilni 8 10 Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz PP 2 x 9 Sliding profile L 2000 mm Naziv Description 4,5 Profilo di scorrimento Sliding profile Gleiterprofil Descrizione Beschreibung 4,5 3 8 21,5 3 Profil vodilni 315g Code 12030 8,5 4,5 8/10 8 10 86 Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero Farbe Schwarz PP 8/10 3 X 4,5 Sliding profile L 2000mm 361g Code 12031 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Kolesa fiksna Ruote fisse Fixed Caster Fixrolle Descrizione Beschreibung H Naziv Description D Ø9 B C A F Zn Fe Material kolo z gumo Material rubber wheel Materiale ruota in gomma Material Gummirad 8/10 D A B C F H Max Load {N} 80 80 60 84 100 108 500 466g 100 80 60 84 100 127 700 590g 125 80 60 84 100 155 1000 840g Code 12032 12033 12034 Ostali modeli po naročilu | Other models on request | Altri modelli a richiesta | Andere modele auf Bestellung 87 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kolesa vrtljiva s prirobnico Ruote pivottanti con flangia Caster wheels with flange Drehrolle mit flansch Descrizione Beschreibung H 32 D F A B C Ø9 Zn Fe 8/10 D A B C F H Type* Max Load {N} 80 75 60 80 95 108 BZ 500 564g 80 75 60 80 95 108 ZZ 500 666g 100 75 60 80 95 127 BZ 700 679g Material kolo z gumo Material rubber wheel 100 75 60 80 95 127 ZZ 700 796g Materiale ruota in gomma 125 75 60 80 95 155 BZ 1000 959g Material Gummirad 125 75 60 80 95 155 ZZ 1000 1060g Ostali modeli po naročilu | Other models on request | Altri modelli a richiesta | Andere modele auf Bestellung * 88 BZ - brez zavore / ZZ– z zavoro | BZ - without brake / ZZ - with brake BZ - senza freno / ZZ – con freno | BZ - ohne Bremse / ZZ - mit Bremse Code 12035 12036 12037 12038 12039 12040 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Kolesa vrtljiva Ruote pivottanti Caster wheels Drehrolle Descrizione Beschreibung H 32 D 1 1x 2 1x Ø1 2 Zn Fe 8/10 D H Tipe* Max Load {N} 80 108 BZ 500 486g 80 108 ZZ 500 592g Material kolo z gumo 100 127 BZ 700 607g Material rubber wheel 100 127 ZZ 700 720g Materiale ruota in gomma 125 155 BZ 1000 889g Material Gummirad 125 155 ZZ 1000 1017g Code 12041 12042 12043 12044 12045 12046 Ostali modeli po naročilu | Other models on request | Altri modelli a richiesta | Andere modele auf Bestellung * BZ - brez zavore / ZZ– z zavoro | BZ - without brake / ZZ - with brake BZ - senza freno / ZZ – con freno | BZ - ohne Bremse / ZZ - mit Bremse Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x40 35 2 Washer 38 Code 11010 11054 89 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Noga nastavljiva Piedini livellanti Leveling feet Gelenkfüsse Descrizione Beschreibung Zn Fe B C M Anti-slip PA6 # A A M B C Max Load {N} 40 8 75 50 10000 44g 50 8 75 50 11000 52g 50 10 75 50 12000 66g 80 10 104 70 14000 118g 80 12 109 73 15000 146g 80 16 101 68 19000 199g 120 16 167 105 25000 600g 120 20 189 118 27000 581g 120 24 210 140 29000 772g Code 12047 12048 12049 12050 12051 12052 12053 12054 12055 Ostali modeli po naročilu | Other models on request | Altri modelli a richiesta | Andere modele auf Bestellung 90 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Noga nastavljiva Piedini livellanti Leveling feet Gelenkfüsse Descrizione Beschreibung M A 10 L SW NEW PRODUCT Ø15 2 18 B D Ø30mm Ø40mm Zn Fe Ø45mm Ø80mm Ø120mm A M L {mm} SW {mm} Max Load {N} M8 40 14 3500 36g M8 80 14 3500 49g M10 70 14 4700 55g M12 100 14 7700 94g M16 100 17 14500 156g M20 125 22 24300 297g Zn Anti-slip B D Max Load {N} 30 20000 48g 40 30000 70g 45 30000 90g Barva Črna Color Black Colore Nero 80 30000 260g Farbe Schwarz 120 35000 584g Code 12145 12146 12147 12148 12149 12150 Code 12151 12152 12153 12154 12155 Ostali modeli po naročilu | Other models on request| Altri modelli a richiesta | Andere modele auf Bestellung 91 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Plošča zaključna Piastra Plate Schlussplatte A 2/4 1 B M C Descrizione Beschreibung 8/10 Zn Fe A B M C 30 60 8 8 92g 30 60 12 8 92g 30 90 12 8 196g 40 80 12 8 89g 45 90 12 8 231g 45 90 16 8 500g 60 90 12 8 314g 60 90 16 8 304g 80 80 16 8 400g 90 90 16 8 468g 90 90 20 8 460g Code 12114 12056 12057 12162 12058 12059 12060 12061 12188 12062 12063 Assembly components - sold separately 1 92 Screw with countersunk head M8x25 36 Code 11029 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Roller Trägrolle Descrizione Beschreibung Ø39 Ø25,8 Ø6 A Rotella di supporto 3,8 A-A A Kolo vodilno 7,9 17,6 PA6 Naziv Description A Roller Kolo vodilno Rotella di supporto Roller Trägrolle 30g Code 12064 Descrizione Beschreibung 30 A Ø48,4 Ø58 Ø21,8 M8 A-A 8 9,9 PA6 10 Roller 153g Code 12065 93 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Nosilec polnila Blocco per pannelli Block for panels Variofix - Block Descrizione Beschreibung 1x 1 14 26,5 7,8 17 Ø4,5 18 PA6 8 Block for panels Code 12066 6g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Naziv Description Self tapping screw 5,5x19 Nosilec polnila Blocco per pannelli Block for panels Variofix - Block 36 Descrizione Beschreibung 1 1x 14 30 9,8 Code 11036 17 Ø4,5 18 PA6 10 Block for panels Code 12067 7g Assembly components - sold separately 1 94 Self tapping screw 5,5x19 36 Code 11036 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Tečaj PA Cerniera PA Hinge PA Scharnier PA Descrizione Beschreibung 8 9 Naziv Description Ø6 40 ,5 A 1 2x 2 2x B L PA6 8/8 A B L Profile 17 17 58 30 x 30 Code 12068 45g Assembly components - sold separately PA6 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x16 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 8/10 A B L Profile 17 24,5 74 30 x 45 48g 17 32 89 30 x 60 50g Code 12069 12070 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x16 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 Assembly components - sold separately PA6 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x16 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 10/10 A B L Profile 24,5 24,5 90 45 x 45 52g 24,5 32 105 45 x 60 54g 32 32 120 60 x 60 54g Code 11027 11057 Code 11027 11057 Code 11027 11060 Code 12071 12072 12099 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x16 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Code 11027 11060 95 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Tečaj z ročico Cerniera con maniglia Hinge with lever Scharnier mit Aretierung Descrizione Beschreibung 9 16 Naziv Description 28 48 29,5 Ø6,6 A B A B PA6 8/8 1 4x 2 4x A B Profile 17,5 29,5 30 x 30 Code 12073 50g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x12 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 PA6 10/10 A B Profile 22,5 38,5 40 x 40 57g 25 43,5 45 x 45 60g 32,5 57,5 60 x 60 69g Code 12117 12074 12075 Assembly components - sold separately 96 Code 11162 11057 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x16 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Code 11162 11060 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Ø14 Cerniera PA Hinge PA Scharnier PA Descrizione Beschreibung Ø6,6 28 48 9 Ø6 Tečaj PA A1 B1 A2 B2 PA6 8/8 1 4x 2 4x A1 A2 B1 B2 Profile 17,5 17,5 29,5 29,5 30 x 30 Code 12102 36g Assembly components - sold separately PA6 8/10 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x12 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 A1 A2 B1 B2 Profile 17,5 22,5 29,5 38,5 30 x 40 37g 17,5 25 29,5 43,5 30 x 45 40g 17,5 32,5 29,5 57,5 30 x 60 46g Code 12118 12103 12104 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x12 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 Code 11162 11057 33 Code 11162 11060 Assembly components - sold separately Assembly components - sold separately PA6 10/10 Code 11162 11057 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x12 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 A1 A2 B1 B2 Profile 22,5 22,5 38,5 38,5 40 x 40 44g 22,5 32,5 38,5 57,5 40 x 60 47g 25 22,5 43,5 38,5 45 x 40 44g 25 25 43,5 43,5 45 x 45 46g 25 32,5 43,5 57,5 45 x 60 50g 32,5 32,5 57,5 57,5 60 x 60 56g Code 12119 12120 12121 12105 12106 12107 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x16 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Code 11027 11060 97 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Tečaj cinkova zlitina Cerniera Zama Hinge Die-cast zinc Scharnier Zinkdruckguss Descrizione Beschreibung 4 5,5 4,5 9,5 Ø1 Ø6 ,4 30 13 11 18 6,4 1,8 Ø6 1 4x 2 4x 60 Zn 8/8 Code 12108 Profile Hinge Die-cast zinc 30 x 30 71g Assembly components - sold separately Zn 1 Screw with round head M6x12 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 8/10 Code 12108 Profile Hinge Die-cast zinc 30 x 40 | 30 x 45 71g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with round head M6x12 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 Assembly components - sold separately 98 Code 11017 11057 1 Screw with round head M6x16 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Code 11017 11057 Code 11018 11060 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Tečaj cinkova zlitina Cerniera Zama Hinge Die-cast zinc Scharnier Zinkdruckguss Descrizione Beschreibung Ø20 8 14 4,5 Ø6 8,3 1,8 24 40 20 13 3 Ø8, 80 10/10 Zn 1 4x 2 4x Profile Hinge 40x40 | 40x45 | 45 x 45 | 40x60 | 45 x 60 | 60 x 60 180g Assembly components - sold separately Naziv Description Screw with round head M8x20 2 Hammer Nut M8 U10 38 Tečaj cinkova zlitina Cerniera Zama Hinge Die-cast zinc Scharnier Zinkdruckguss Code 11023 11061 Descrizione Beschreibung ,2 21 40 Ø8 14 Ø20 8 24 1,5 Ø8 1 35 Code 12110 A1 A2 74 Zn 10/10 1 4x 2 4x A1 A2 Profile Hinge 22,5 22,5 40 x 40 194g Hinge 22,5 22,5 40 x 45 100g Hinge 25 25 45 x 45 194g Code 12122 12123 12113 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with round head M8x20 35 2 Hammer Nut M8 U10 38 Code 11023 11061 99 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Tečaj -sestavni deli Cerniera componenti Hinge component Scharnier - komponenten B A G Descrizione Beschreibung C H 4 30 50 F 1 4x 2 4x NEW PRODUCT Al Elo 8/10 F{mm} A Hinge component 1pcs. G{mm} H{mm} Fa max{N} 19,5 32 Ø6,4 150 30 20g 25 42 Ø6,4 150 40 25g 27 47 Ø6,4 150 45 28g 34,5 62 Ø6,4 150 60 36g B Bolt - - Ø6 - - 12g C Cover Cap - - Ø10 - - 0,15g 8 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x12 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 10 100 Profile Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with countersunk head M6x16 36 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Code 12156 12157 12158 12159 12160 12161 Code 11162 11057 Code 11027 11060 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Ročaj Maniglia Bridge handle Bügelgriff D F Naziv Description A Descrizione Beschreibung 1 2x 2 2x C B Ø E 8/10 PA6 A B C D ØE F 107 93,5 21 36 6,5 6 24g 134 117 26 41 8,5 8,5 35g 197 179 28 50 8,5 8,5 56g 8 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M6x14 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 10 Naziv Description Code 12076 12077 12078 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M8x20 35 2 Hammer Nut M8 U10 38 Ročaj zaprt Maniglia chiusa Closed handle Bügelgriff geschlossen Code 11003 11057 Code 11008 11061 Descrizione Beschreibung 35 95 ,5 33,5 Ø6 PA6 8 1 2x 2 2x 8/10 Closed handle Code 12079 34g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M6x14 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 10 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with cylindrical head M6x16 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Code 11003 11057 Code 11004 11060 101 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Maniglia Bridge handle Bügelgriff Descrizione Beschreibung 19 100 ,8 Ročaj Ø8 SW 198 240 13 12,5 80 38 PA6 1 2x 2 2x 10 Bridge handle Code 12080 364g Assembly components - sold separately 35 2 Hammer Nut M8 U10 38 Kljuka s klj. univerzalna Maniglia con serr. universale Slam latch universal Türschloss universal Descrizione Beschreibung Slam latch universal Code 12081 38 30 20 35 Screw with cylindrical head M8x16 75 80 64,5 Naziv Description 1 Code 11007 11061 53 66 Zn 102 8/10 364g Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description 20 Ključavnica vgradna Serratura Lock Schloss Descrizione Beschreibung 30 Cu Zn Naziv Description 8 Lock Ključavnica Serratura Lock Schloss 56g Code 12082 Descrizione Beschreibung 27 24 15 144,5 160 22 Ø5 Cu Zn 10 Lock 302g Code 12083 103 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Chiavistello Door latch Verschluss Descrizione Beschreibung 16 78 35 28 26,5 38 6,6 38 Zapiralo 1,5 1,5 5 Zn 1 4x 2 4x 8/10 Door latch 8 114g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with round head M6x12 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 10 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with round head M6x16 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Magnet Chiusura magnetica Magnetic catch Magnetschnäpper Code 11017 11057 Code 11018 11060 Descrizione Beschreibung 6,5 17 Naziv Description Code 12084 40 36 62 PA6 PA6 PA6 8/8 Profile Magnetic catch 8/10 30x30 78g Profile Magnetic catch 30x30 48g Magnetic catch 30x45 48g 10/10 Profile Magnetic catch 40 x 40 | 45 x 45 90g Magnetic catch 40 x 45 126g Vijačni material vključen | Fastening material included | Viteria inclusa | Schraubenmaterial Inbegriffen 104 Code 12085 Code 12125 12086 Code 12087 12126 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Magnet univerzalni Magnete universale Magnetic catch universal Magnetschnäpper Descrizione Beschreibung 30 40 18,4 M5 6,3 13,5 28 10 20 PA6 # 1 2x 2 2x 8/10 Magnetic catch universal 8 1 Screw with round head M6x16 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 1 Screw with round head M6x20 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Staffa per rulli Roller mounting block Rollenfix Code 11018 11057 Code 11019 11060 Descrizione Beschreibung 8 18 7 7,2 ,5 Assembly components - sold separately Nosilec valja 50 36g Assembly components - sold separately 10 Naziv Description Code 12088 Ø6 Ø8 12 PA6 # 1 1x 2 1x 8/10 Roller mounting block 8 Code 12089 8g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with round head M6x16 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 10 Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with round head M6x20 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Code 11018 11057 Code 11019 11060 105 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Transportni valji Rulli per trasportatori Conveyor Rollers Transportrollen Descrizione Beschreibung NEW PRODUCT Types of Rollers: Application: Material: - Gravity Rollers - for in-plant conveyor systems - Zinc Steel - Driven Rollers - temperature resistant from –10 °C to +40 °C - PVC coating - all roller versions are equipped with ball bearings Ø Tube mm Max. load capacity in N for Gravity Rollers with an instalation length of mm 200 300 400 600 800 1000 1300 1600 50x1,5 2000 2000 1800 1200 920 760 620 520 60x1,5 2000 2000 1740 1160 870 700 580 460 Ø Tube mm 50x1,5 60x1,5 106 Max. load capacity in N for Driven Rollers Max 500N Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Rullo a gravita` Gravity Rollers Nicht angetriebene Rollen A d 17 Extended axle d 8 10 12 5 E=L-10 L C 17 d Extended axle wrench gap SW 12 10 M8x15 12 12 5 12 c d 10 SW 8 M M6x15 c 10 B Descrizione Beschreibung Extended axle with spring 8 10 12 17 c 12 Negnani valj 17 Naziv Description 5 E=L-10 L Internal axle with female thread D M8x15 M c A 5 E=L-10 L 1 C B L E=L-12 L D L PVC 3mm EL=L EL=L+1 Zn Fe 1 2 3 4 5 6 17R 50 A 0500 Y 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 Negnani valj Rullo a gravita` Gravity Rollers Nicht angetriebene Rollen Premer valja Diametro rullo Roller diameter Durchmesser Izvedba valja Tipo di rullo Roller type Ausführung des rollen Vgradna dimenzija Dimensioni di installazione Installation lenght Einbau Abmessungen PVC prevleka (Fi valja +6 mm) Rivestimento in PVC (+6 mm ) PVC coating (+6 mm ) PVC Beschichtung (+6 mm ) Premer osovine Diametro asse Shaft diameter Achse Durchmesser an den Enden 17R Ø 50 - Ø 60 A-B-C-D L= Min. 40mm - Max 1800mm Y= with - N= No Ø8 - Ø10 - Ø12 107 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Gnani transportni valj Rullo Azionato Driven roller Angetriebene Tragrolle V Plastic sprocket Z14 1/2” L L-52 41 Descrizione Beschreibung 11 Ø50 Ø60 Z14 Ø12 Dz 57,07 16,5 M8 22 L-74 L 63 Zn Fe 1 2 3 4 5 6 108 Z14 Ø50 Ø60 19 Ø12 Dz 57,07 16,5 W Dual plastic sprocket Z14 1/2” M8 11 17R 50 V 0300 F Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gnani valj Rullo comandato Driven roller Angetriebene Rollen Premer valja Diametro rullo Roller diameter Durchmesser Tip valja Tipo di rullo Roller type Ausführung des rollen Vgradna dimenzija Dimensioni di installazione LV= Min. 100mm - Max 1800mm Installation lenght Einbau Abmessungen LW= Min. 125mm - Max 1800mm Izvedba valja Versione rullo Roller version Ausführung des Rollen PVC prevleka (Fi valja +6 mm) Rivestimento in PVC (+6 mm ) PVC coating (+6 mm ) PVC Beschichtung (+6 mm ) 17R Ø 50 - Ø 60 V-W F = fixed - C = for accumulation Y= with - N= No Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Obešalna spona / Drsnik Moschettone / Occhiello Snap hook / Slider Hängegleiter / Karabinerhaken 4,2 19 A 26 60 Descrizione Beschreibung Ø1 0,5 8 B Zn Fe Naziv Description 9,3 17 33 71 Snap hook 26g B Slider 10g A Nosilec Portaoggetti Cup holders Werkzeugträger Ø100 Descrizione Beschreibung 1 2x 23 2 2x 1 2x 2 2x ,5 34 Ø 93 8 Ø5 10 59 PA6 8/10 Cup holders 8 Code 12092 12093 * 162g 176g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with countersunk head M5x16 35 2 Hammer Nut M5 U8 38 10 * Code 12090 12091 25,5 70 112 118 106 10 PA6 # Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with countersunk head M5x20 37 2 Hammer Nut M5 U10 38 Code 11164 11056 Code 11165 11059 Zaprto dno | Closed bottom | Fondo chiuso | Bodenverschlossen Ostali modeli po naročilu | Other models on request | Altri modelli a richiesta | Andere modele auf Bestellung 109 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Cev Ø 12 Tubo Ø 12 Tube Ø 12 Rohr Ø 12 Descrizione Beschreibung Ø1 2 Naziv Description 165 Al Elo Supporto sensore Sensor support Sensor Träger Descrizione Beschreibung 22 Ø1 22 Nosilec senzorja 16g 10 2 Naziv Description Tube Ø 12 Code 12094 55 PA6 Sensor support 110 25g Code 12095 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Nosilec senzorja Supporto sensore Sensor support Sensor Träger Descrizione Beschreibung 30 24,5 44 10 Ø12 57 42 ,5 Ø6 PA6 Sensor support Naziv Description Nosilec senzorja Supporto sensore Sensor support Sensor Träger 30g Code 12096 Descrizione Beschreibung 8 Ø12 Ø12 30 10 PA6 Sensor support 28g Code 12097 111 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description 16 8 12,5 Varnostno stikalo magnetno Contatto magnetico di sicurezza Security magnetic switch Magnetsicherheit Schalter 16 Descrizione Beschreibung 7 51 Ø3,4 Security magnetic switch Naziv Description Varnostno odpiralo Tasto di sicurezza Emer. Opener for Slam Latch Schalter Code 12098 106g Descrizione Beschreibung min. 48/max. 63 30, 40, 45 1 Ø 45 Ø 60 NEW PRODUCT 27,4 R 27,5 22 55 12 8/10 Emergency Opener for Slam Latch 111g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Slam latch universal kompatibilno z artiklom koda: 12081 | compatible with article code: 12081 | compatibile con articolo: 12081 | kompatibel mit Artikecode: 12081 112 102 Code 12163 Code 12081 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Pločevina prašno barvana Fe Lamiera verniciata a polvere Fe Powder coated Fe panel Pulverbeschichtet Fe Platte Descrizione Beschreibung S NEW PRODUCT Fe Dimension S[mm] Steel sheet RAL 7032 Beige 1500x3000mm 1,25 10 000g/m2 Steel sheet RAL 7035 Bright Gray 1500x3000mm 1,25 10 000g/m2 Steel sheet RAL 5012 Lipro Blue 1500x3000mm 1,25 10 000g/m2 Code 12164 12165 12166 ostale barve po RAL lestvici in debeline pločevine po naročilu | other colors (Ral scale) and sheet thicknesses available on request | altri colori secondo ( scal ARAL) e spessore lamiera a richiesta | Andere Farben nach RAL und Dicke auf Anfrage Naziv Description Pločevina INOX Lamiera INOX Powder coated INOX panel Pulverbeschichtet INOX Platte Descrizione Beschreibung S NEW PRODUCT Dimension Inox INOX sheet S[mm] 2 1000x2000mm 1 8 000g/m 1000x2000mm 1,2 9 500g/m2 1000x2000mm 1,5 12 000g/m2 Code 12185 12186 12187 113 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Rebrasta pločevina 2/3 Lamiera Antiscivolo 2/3 Anti-slip Al plate 2/3 Rutschfeste Aluminiumplatte 2/3 Descrizione Beschreibung 3 NEW 2 Al El PRODUCT Dimension Anti-slip Al plate 2/3 Naziv Description 1000x2000mm S[mm] 2/3 2 6 400g/m Mreža varjena 30x30x3mm Lamiera elettrosaldata 30x30x3mm Welded wire mesh 30x30x3mm Gitter verschweißt 30x30x3mm Code 12167 Descrizione Beschreibung Ø3 30 NEW PRODUCT Zn Fe 114 Dimension Welded wire mesh 30x30x3mm 1200x2400mm Ø[mm] 3 3 700g/m 2 Code 12168 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Rete gialla 15x105x3mm Welded wire mesh 15x105x3mm Gitter verschweiβt 15x105x3mm-gelb Descrizione Beschreibung Ø3 15 105 15 15 Mreža rumena 15x105x3mm NEW PRODUCT Zn Fe Dimension Welded wire mesh 15x105x3mm Code 12169 Ø[mm] 1200x2400mm 3 3 800g/m 2 Ostale barve po naročilu | Other colors upon request | Altri colori a richiesta | Verscidene Farbe möglich Naziv Description Samolepilna folija-antistatik Pellicola adesiva antistatica Adhesive anti-static foil Antistatische Folie Descrizione Beschreibung NEW PRODUCT Dimension ESD Adhesive anti-static foil 1200x10 000mm [Roll] [mm] 0,05 2 0,0045g/m Code 12170 115 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Polikarbonat prosojen Policarbonato trasparente Polycarbonate transparent Polycarbonat transparent Descrizione Beschreibung S NEW PRODUCT Material Termoplastični polimer Material Thermoplastic polymer Materiale Polimeri termoplastici Material Thermoplastische Polymere Polycarbonate transparent Naziv Description Dimension S[mm] 2050x3050mm 3 3 624g/m 2050x3050mm 4 4,833g/m2 2050x3050mm 5 6 041g/m2 2050x3050mm 6 7 249g/m2 2050x3050mm 8 9 666g/m2 3A kompozitna plošča 3A Panello composito 3A Composite panel 3A-Verbundplatte 2 Code 12171 12172 12173 12174 12175 Descrizione Beschreibung 3 Al 0,3mm NEW Polyethylene PRODUCT Al 0,3mm Dimension 116 3A Composite panel 3mm Gray/White 1500x3000mm 4 210g/m 3A Composite panel 3mm White/White 1500x3000mm 4 210g/m2 2 Code 12176 12177 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description PVC penjen beli PVC espanso bianco Foamed PVC White Geschäumten PVC Weiß Descrizione Beschreibung S NEW PRODUCT Material PVC (polivinil klorid) Material Thermoplastic polymer Materiale PVC (polyvinil chloride) Material PVC (Polyvinylchlorid) Foamed PVC White Naziv Description Dimension S[mm] 2050x3050mm 8 3 788g/m 2050x3050mm 10 4 736g/m2 Akrilna prosojna plošča Lastra acrilica-trasparente Acrylic transparent sheet Acryl transparent Blatt 2 Code 12178 12179 Descrizione Beschreibung S Material Polivinil klorid Material Thermoplastic polymer Materiale Polyvinil chloride Material Polyvinylchlorid Acrylic transparent sheet NEW PRODUCT Dimension S[mm] 2050x3050mm 4 4 833g/m 2050x3050mm 6 7 249g/m2 2050x3050mm 8 9 666g/m2 2 Code 12180 12181 12182 117 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Sveder za valjanje navojev Maschi rullatori Thread forming tap Gewindeformer Descrizione Beschreibung ISO Metric thread M Drill diameter Ø [mm] M 8 7,4 8 3g 10 9,3 10 3g 12 11,2 12 3g 16 15 16 3g Drilling device Bohrvorrichtung 25 17 Ø 18,5 18 12 15 22,5 8 20 22,5 100 A 110 B 10 Al Elo Drilling device 118 Descrizione Beschreibung Ø8 30 Ø Dispositivo di perforazione 40 11 Ø8 Priprava za vrtanje 22 25 22 Naziv Description Thread forming tap Code 13001 13002 13003 13004 260g A 300g B Code 13005 13006 Accessories Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation NOTES: 119 9DOMĀQHSURJH 5ROOHU5DLOV 5XOOLHUH 5ROOHQVFKLQHQ 120 Al. Roller Rail component 122-123 Kazalo Index Indice Inhalt 130 Round tube 130 Roller Rail Fe - holder low 131 Roller Rail Fe - holder - high holder $OSURÀOH 40x40 for Roller Rail 124 Roller Carrier 124 Roller Axis 124 131 Roller Rail end plate - low Roller not guided 125 132 Central Box guide Roller lateral guided 125 132 Roller Rail Fe section link 3URÀOHHQG plate - low 126 133 Lateral guide 3URÀOHHQG plate - high 126 133 Label Holder Rail holder - high 127 134 Trans. holder for roller rail FE Rail holder - low 127 134 Dual Roller Rail without guide 128-129 135 Roller Rail with/without lat. control Fe-Roller Rail component 121 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description 122 Al. valjčna proga - sestav Al. Composizione rulliera Al. Roller rails structure Al. Rollenschinen satz Descrizione Beschreibung Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Elementi za valjčne proge Al Composizione elementi ruliera Al Al Roller rail composition Zusammensetzung Rollenschine Al Descrizione Beschreibung 7 4 8 3 5 2 1 6 9 Al Elo Pos. PA6 Zn Fe Opis Descriptions Descrizione Beschreibung Code 1 Al profil 40x45 Al profile 40x45 Al profilo 40x45 Al profile 40x45 2 Nosilec valjčka PA Roller carrier Portante rotella Roller Träger 3 Kolo val. proge brez vodenja Roller - not guided Rotella senza bord. Rolleneinsatz 4 Kolo val. proge z bočnim vodenjem Roller - lateral guided Rotella con bordino Rolleneinsatz mit Bordscheibe 5 Osovina valjčka Ø4x31 Roller axis Ø4 x 31 Asse rotella Ø4x31 Rollenwelle Ø4 x 31 6 Zaključna ploščica profila valjčne proge nizka End plate - low Piastra chiusura binario - bassa Schlussplatte - Tief 14005 14006 7 Zaključna ploščica profila valjčne proge visoka End plate - high Piastra chiusura binario - alta Schlussplatte - Hoch 14007 8 Nosilec profila valjčne proge visok Rail holder - high Supporto profilo binario - alto Rollenschienen Träger - Hoch 14008 9 Nosilec profila valjčne proge nizek Rail holder - low Supporto profilo binario - basso Rollenschienen Träger - Tief 14009 14001 14002A 14003A 14004A 123 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al. Profil 40x45 valjčne proge Al Profilo 40x45 per rulliere Al. Profile 40x45 for roller rail Al Profile für Rollenschienen Descrizione Beschreibung 40 5 5,5 18 14,5 26 7,9 1,9 5,5 8,2 16,2 45 Ø 10,2 20,5 30 10 Al Elo Naziv Description 8 Al Profile 40x45 for Roller Rail Nosilec valjčka / Osovina valjčka Portante rotella / Asse per rotella Roller carrier / Roller axis Roller Träger / Rollenwelle 2500g/m Code 14001 Descrizione Beschreibung 9,5 Ø4 Ø4 50 35, 5 Zn Fe ESD 124 PA Roller carrier 35,5 x 50mm 1g Roller axis Ø4 x 31mm 3g Code 14002A 14005 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Kolo valjčne proge brez vodenja Rotella senza bordino Roller - not guided Rolleneinsatz ohne Bordscheibe Descrizione Beschreibung Ø 32 Naziv Description 20 Ø4 PA Roller PA - not guided ESD Kolo z bočnim vodenjem Rotella con bordino Roller - lateral guided Rolleneinsatz mit Bordscheibe Descrizione Beschreibung Ø 32 Ø 47 Naziv Description 10g Code 14003A 20 Ø4 PA ESD Roller PA - lateral guided 13g Code 14004A 125 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Zaključna ploščica profila - nizka Piastra chiusura profilo - bassa End plate - low Schlussplatte - Tief 14 30 1 4x 45 5 Descrizione Beschreibung ,5 5 Ø6 40 Zn Fe Profile end plate - low Code 14006 51g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Naziv Description 30 Screw with round head M6x16mm Zaklj. plošč. profila valj. p. visoka Piastra chiusura profilo - alta Profile end plate - high Profile schlussplatte - Hoch 35 Code 11018 Descrizione Beschreibung 5 4x 65 34 1 6,5 5 Ø 40 Zn Fe Profile end plate - high Code 14007 75g Assembly components - sold separately 1 126 Screw with round head M6x16mm 35 Code 11018 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Nosilec proge - visok Supporto profilo - alto Rail holder - high Rollenschienen Träger - Hoch Descrizione Beschreibung 5 93, Ø 6,5 1 2x 2 2x 50 2 40 Zn Fe Rail holder - high Code 14008 137g Assembly components - sold separately Naziv Description 1 Screw with round head M6x12mm 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Nosilec proge - nizek Supporto profilo - basso Rail holder - low Rollenschienen Träger - Tief 5 93, Ø 1 2x 2 2x Code 11017 11057 11060 Descrizione Beschreibung 6,5 50 2 40 Zn Fe Rail holder - low Code 14009 124g Assembly components - sold separately 1 Screw with round head M6x12mm 35 2 Hammer Nut M6 U8 38 2 Hammer Nut M6 U10 38 Code 11017 11057 11060 127 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description 128 Valjčna proga - sestav - Fe Composizione rulliera - Fe Fe - Roller rail structure Rullenschinen satz - Fe Descrizione Beschreibung Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Elementi za valjčne proge Fe Composizione elementi ruliera Fe Fe Roller rail composition Zusammensetzung Rollenschine Fe 9 8 7 5 Descrizione Beschreibung 4 6 2 3 1 Pos. Opis Descripttions Descrizione Beschreibung Code 1 Nosilec podporne cevi za 14029 Round tube holder for 14029 Portante per tubo supporto 14029 Stützrohr Träger für 14029 14010 2 Nosilec valjčne proge Fe nizek Roller rail Fe holder - low Supporto profilo binario Fe - basso Rollenschienen Träger Fe - Tief 14023 3 Nosilec valjčne proge Fe visok Roller rail Fe holder - high Supporto profilo binario Fe - alto Rollenschienen Träger Fe - Hoch 14024 4 Končnik valjčne proge Fe nizek Roller rail Fe end plate - low Estremita profilo binario Fe - basso Rollenschienenen verschluss - Tief 14042 5 Vzdolžni spoj valjčne proge Fe Roller rail Fe section link Giunto binario longitudinale - Fe Rollenschienen Fe -Langsverbindung 14022 6 Valjčna proga Fe z bočnim vodenjem Roller rail Fe with lateral control Profilo binario Fe rotelle con bordini Rollenschienen Fe mit Bordscheibe 14020 7 Valjčna proga Fe brez vodenja Roller rail Fe without lateral control 8 Bočno vodilo Roller rail Fe with lateral control Sponda laterale Seitenkastenführung 14026 9 Sredinsko vodilo Central Box guide Guida centrale Zentralkastenführung 14043 Profilo binario Fe - Rollenschienen Fe ohne rotelle senza bordini Bordscheibe 14021 129 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description 50 Descrizione Beschreibung Nosilec podporne cevi - za 14029 Portante per tubo supp. per 14029 Round tube holder - for 14029 Stützrohr Träger - für 14029 45 Ø 8,5 5 Ø 8, 3 53 Zn Fe Naziv Description Al. valjčna proga - sestav Al. Composizione rulliera Al. Roller rails structure Al. Rollenschinen satz Zn Fe 130 Round tube holder - for 14029 Roller rail Fe holder - low 89g Code 14010 Descrizione Beschreibung 100g Code 14023 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Nosilec valjčne proge Fe visok Supp. profilo binario Fe - alto Roller rail Fe holder high Rollenschienen Träger Fe - Hoch Zn Fe Naziv Description Roller rail end plate - high Končnik valjčne proge Fe - nizek Staffa entrata-fine Fe - bassa Roller rail Fe end plate - low Rollenschienenendverschluss - Tief Zn Fe Roller rail Fe holder - high Descrizione Beschreibung 100g Code 14024 Descrizione Beschreibung 100g Code 14042 131 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Vzdolžni spoj valjčne proge Fe Giunto longitudinale binario Fe Roller rail Fe section link Rollenschienen Fe -Langsverbindung Zn Fe Naziv Description Roller rail Fe section link Descrizione Beschreibung Code 14022 100g Sredinsko vodilo Guida centrale Central Box guide Zentralkastenführung Descrizione Beschreibung Central Box guide L-3000 mm Code 14026 PA 132 3000g Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Bočno vodilo Sponda laterale Lateral guide Seitenkastenführung Descrizione Beschreibung PA Lateral guide L-3000 mm Naziv Description Nosilec oznake Supporto iscrizioni Label holder Etikettenhalter 1000g Descrizione Beschreibung PA Label holder Code 14043 20g Code 14025 133 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Križni spoj valjčne proge Fe Supporto trasversale binario Fe Trans. holder for Roller Rail Fe Rollenschienen Fe -Langsverbindung Zn Fe Trans. holder for Roller Rail Fe Descrizione Beschreibung 100g Code 14044 Naziv Valj.proga dv. zam. valji brez vodenja Pr. Binario rotelle doppie Descrizione Description Dual roller rail without guide Rollenbahn mit eingerückte doppelrollen ohne Führung Beschreibung Zn Fe 134 Dual roller rail without guide L-4000 mm 4500g Code 14027 Roller rails Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Valjčna proga z vodenjem Pr. binario rotelle con bordino Roller rail with lat. control Rollenschienen Bordscheibe Descrizione Beschreibung Roller rail with lat. control L-4000 mm Code 14020 PA Naziv Description Zn Fe Valjčna proga brez vodenja Pr. binario rotelle senza bordino Roller rail without lat. control Rollenschienen ohne Bordscheibe PA Zn Fe Roller rail without lat. control L-4000 mm 1050g Descrizione Beschreibung 1050g Code 14021 135 Cevni Modularni sistem Tubular Modular System Sistema Modulare tubulare Tubular Modularsystem 136 Al. SURÀOH Ø 28 L 139 Al. SURÀOH Ø 28 139 &RYHU Cap with nut 140 &RYHU Cap 144 Tubular )UDPH &RQQHFWRU X 144 Tubular )UDPH &RQQHFWRU &RUQHU 145 $GDSWHU 3ODWH 40x40 140 145 6HW0RXQWing Clamp D28 Tubular )UDPH &RQQHFWRU FRUQHU 141 146 Castor KROGHU Tubular )UDPH &RQQHFWRU 90° 141 Tubular )UDPH &RQQHFWRU 45° 142 Tubular )UDPH &RQQHFWRU Ball 142 Tubular )UDPH &RQQHFWRU *ULSSHU 143 Tubular )UDPH &RQQHFWRU SDUHOOHO 143 Kazalo Index Indice Inhalt Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description 138 Al. cevna konstrukcija Al. struttura tubolare Al. Tubular construction Al. Tubular Strukturen Descrizione Beschreibung Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Al. Profil Ø 28 L Al. Profilo Ø 28 L Al. Profile Ø 28 L Al. Profile Ø 28 L Descrizione Beschreibung Ø 28 Al Elo Naziv Description Al. Profile Ø 28 L Al. Profil Ø 28 Al. Profilo Ø 28 Al. Profile Ø 28 Al. Profile Ø 28 3500g Code 14028 Descrizione Beschreibung Ø 28 Ø 7,4 Al Elo Al. Profile Ø 28 608g Code 14029 139 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Ø 28 Pokrov z navojno matico Tappo con dado lungo Cover Cap with hexagon long nut Steckerstift mit Langmutter Descrizione Beschreibung 6 Naziv Description 39,5 Ø 28 M 12 Ø 22 PA6 # Naziv Description Pokrov profila fi-28 mm Tappo per Al. Profilo fi-28mm Cover cap for Al. profile fi-28mm Kappe für Alu. Profil-Fi 28-mm Ø 28 20g Descrizione Beschreibung 3 PA6 # 140 Cover Cap with hexagon long nut M12 Code 14030 Cover cap for Al. profile fi-28mm 2g Code 14031 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Cevni spoj - kotni Racordo tubolare - angolare Tubular Frame Connector - corner Winkelverbinder Descrizione Beschreibung 49 Ø 34 Ø 28 ° 90 AL Tubular Frame Connector - corner Naziv Description Cevni spoj 90° Racordo tubolare 90° Tubular Frame Connector 90° Rundrohrverbinder 90° 89g Code 14032 Descrizione Beschreibung Ø34 45,4 40,4 Ø28 AL Tubular Frame Connector 90° 55g Code 14033 141 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Cevni spoj 45° Racordo tubolare 45° Tubular Frame Connector 45° Rundrohrverbinder 45° Descrizione Beschreibung Ø 34 42,7 49 Ø 45° 28 AL Tubular Frame Connector 45° Naziv Description Zglob za cevni spoj Racordo tubolare a sfera Tubular Frame Connector - Ball Rohrverbinder mit Kugel Ø 34 9° 58g Code 14034 Descrizione Beschreibung 9° 52 38,5 44 90 ° 90 ° Ø 28 Ø 34 AL Tubular Frame Connector - Ball 142 130g Code 14035 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Ø 28 Objemni cevni spoj Connetore giunto tubolare Tubular Frame Connector - Gripper Rundrohrgreifverbinder Descrizione Beschreibung 37 AL Naziv Description Code 14036 Tubular Frame Connector - Gripper 76g Paralelni cevni spoj Connetore giunto tubolare - parallelo Tubular Frame Connector - Parallel Rundrohrverbinder - Parallel Descrizione Beschreibung 28 37,5 Ø 34 AL Tubular Frame Connector - Parallel 60g Code 14037 143 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Pararelni križni cevni spoj Connetore trasversale Tubular Frame Connector X Kreuzverbinder X Descrizione Beschreibung 16,5 Ø 34 AL Tubular Frame Connector X Naziv Description Cevni kotni spoj 45° Connetore angolare 45° Tubular Frame Corner Connector 45° Eckverbinder 45° 50g Code 14038 Descrizione Beschreibung 45° 111 80 AL Tubular Frame Corner Connector 45° 144 128g Code 14039 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Adapter 40x40mm Piastra d`adattamento 40x40mm Adapter Plate 40x40mm Adapterplatte 40x40mm 40 Descrizione Beschreibung 8/10 16,3 AL 8/10 Adapter Plate 40x40 mm Nosilec kpl. D28 Supporto kpl. D28 Set Mounting Clamp D28 Set Befestigungsklemme D28 SW8 Naziv Description 26g Code 14040 Descrizione Beschreibung 24 83,5 24,5 Ø28 24 36 NEW PRODUCT 40 18 AL 8/10 Set Mounting Clamp D28 212g Code 14045 145 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Naziv Description Nosilec kolesa Supporto per ruota Castor holder Rädertrager Descrizione Beschreibung 126 25 22 16 40 30 9 Zn Fe Castor holder 224g Za pritrditev kolesa potrebujemo 4 kose | Per il montaggio della ruota servono 4 pezzi | For mounting of wheel 4 pieces are required | Für Räder Montage sind 4 Stück benötigt 146 Code 14041 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation NOTES: 147 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation NOTES: 148 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Sk. Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Kode Seite Gr. Kode Seite Gr. Kode Seite Gr. Kode Seite Gr. 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Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Kode Seite Gr. Kode Seite Gr. Kode Seite Gr. Kode Seite Gr. 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Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Sk. Koda Stran Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Code Page Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Codice Pagina Gr. Kode Seite Gr. Kode Seite Gr. Kode Seite Gr. Kode Seite Gr. Kode Seite 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13002 13003 13004 13005 13006 14001 14002A 14003A 14004A 14005 14006 14007 14008 14009 14010 14020 14021 14022 14023 14024 14025 14026 14027 14028 14029 14030 14031 14032 14033 14034 14035 14036 14037 14038 14039 14040 14041 14 14 14 14 14042 14043 14044 14045 118 118 118 118 118 124 124 125 125 124 126 126 127 127 130 135 135 132 130 131 133 132 134 139 139 140 140 141 141 142 142 143 143 144 144 145 146 131 133 134 145 151 Tubular Modular System Transport lines and flexible constructions in automation Distributors BULGARIA BRAZIL CZECH REPUBLIC Ka Matic Ltd. Metal Work Pneumatica do Brasil Ltda. Metal Work Pneumatic CZ, s.r.o. 9N, Kuklensko shose Blvd. Av. Thomaz Edison, 2648 Scharlau Ostravska´ 494 4004 PLOVDIV Sao Leopoldo/RS CEP 93125-140 73925 SVIADNOV +359 32 677 772 +5551 3590 7100 + 420-596-748-577 +359 32 677 774 +5551 3590 7111 + 420-596-728-010 LQIR#NDPDWLFFRP KHUQDQH#PHWDOZRUNFRPEU LQIR#PHWDOZRUNF] ZZZNDPDWLFFRP ZZZPHWDOZRUNFRPEU ZZZPHWDOZRUNF] ESPANIA HUNGARY LITHUANIA Metal Work Iberica S.A Sede Central ENTRA-SYS KFT. “Techvitas” UAB Pol.Ind. Can Magí, c/ Can Magí, n° 9 Bakay Nándor U. 24 Dubysos 66A 08210 Barbera del Valles (ES) 6724 SZEGED (HU) /7.ODLSŝGD + 36 62 468 478 + 370 46 355 494 + 34 93 718 02 44 + 34 93 718 80 70 + 36 62 421 403 +370 46 355 493 MRUGL#PHWDOZRUNHV HQWUDV\V#YQHWKX LQIR#WHFKYLWDVOW ZZZPHWDOZRUNHV ZZZHQWUDV\VKX ZZZWHFKYLWDVOW ROMANIA SLOVAK REPUBLIC TUNIS SC NOVO TECH SA Konštrukcie a vzduchotechnika SK, s.r.o. AFAMEC Str. Libertatii nr. 21 Štúrova 65 Avenue de l’environnement 407035 APAHIDA, Cluj 94901 Nitra Kalaa Sghira + 40 264 434 100 + 421 948 958 903 + 40 264 403 644 [email protected] + 216 73 296 878 QRYRWHFK#QRYRWHFKUR + 216 73 296 879 DIDPHF#\DKRRIU ZZZQRYRWHFKUR THAILAND 4021 SOUSSE UNITED KINGDOM VENEZUELA ATF AUTOMATION Co. Ltd. PROMATEC SOLUTIONS LTD. NEUMATICA ROTONDA C.A. 36/681 Moo 6 T.Bangrakpattana Park House, 27 Donisthorpe Lane, Moira, Prolong.Av.Michelena,C.C.Atlas,Local B-9 A.Bangbuothog,Nonthaburi Swadlincote, Derbys Valencia, Edo.Carabobo 11110 Thailand BANGKOK DE12 6AZ VENEZUELA +66 2 920 1153 + 44 0 7837 253 767 +66 2 920 1154 + 44 0 1283 762 089 + 58 241 832 6283 DWIDXWRPDWLRQ#JPDLOFRP PPHDGRZV#SURPDWHFVROXWLRQVFRXN PDULRU#QHXPDWLFDURWRQGDFRP ZZZDWIDXWRPDWLRQFRP ZZZSURPDWHFVROXWLRQVFRXN ZZZQHXPDWLFDUFRP Agent ITALY ITALY Ivano Olivetto Alessandro Barretta AVIANO ( PN) MILANO (MI) + 39 334 651 9101 + 39 335 8757 423 +39 0434 65 7144 + 39 0362 582 691 LYDQRROLYHWWR#DOLFHLW DOHVVDQGUREDUUHWWD#WLVFDOLLW LYDQRROLYHWWR DOHEDUUHWWD ZZZUDSSUHVHQWDQ]HROLYHWWRFRP 152 + 58 241 832 6464 LIPRO d.o.o. Dekani 20 A, 6271 Dekani, SLOVENIJA (EU) + 386 (0)5 625 13 43 + 386 (0)5 625 13 44 LQIR#OLSURVL ZZZOLSURVL Design by Dino Škorja Jugovac WORLD - WIDE code 9903209 - N. 5/2000-09/15/2016
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