Marion Heidi Emmert

Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
Marion Heidi Emmert
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609-2280
Phone: (508) 831 4115
Fax: (508) 831 4116
[email protected]
Dr. rer nat. (Ph.D.) Chemistry
March 2009
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
Thesis: Synthesis and Reactivity of Substituted Cp3ZrR Systems
Diploma (Masters Degree equivalent) Chemistry
June 2004
Certificate Grade: sehr gut (outstanding)
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
Thesis: Investigation of Directed Pd-catalyzed Allylic Substitution Reactions
Research Experience:
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Affiliation with Department of Chemical Engineering
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
March 2014 - present
January 2013- present
August 2011 - present
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
May 2009 - August 2011
Advisor: Professor Melanie S. Sanford
 Demonstrated reactivity of Pd(OAc)2/pyridine catalyst systems for a variety of C-H
functionalization reactions: Acetoxylation, arylether formation, Fujiwara-Moritani
 Discovered ligand and oxidant effects on selectivity of non-directed C-H
 Developed new cationic Pd and Pt catalysts for improved reactivity in arene and
alkyl H/D exchange reactions and arene C-H acetoxylation.
 Proposals (granted): CENTC Year 4 Research Project Proposal (Pt/Pd Electrophilic
Oxidation Section); DFG Postdoctoral Fellowship Proposal.
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
October 2005 - April 2009
Advisor: Professor Gerhard Erker
 Developed synthetic methodology for the preparation of Cp-substituted Cp3ZrX
 Demonstrated novel reactivity in the ligand sphere of Cp3ZrX complexes:
Hydroboration, Cyclometallation by borane elimination, Synthesis of substituted
Cp3Zr complexes.
 Studied intramolecular interaction between Zr and functionalized Cp substituents
using NMR techniques.
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Advisor: Professor Bernhard Breit
 Synthesized new compounds for the investigation of
directed Pd-catalyzed allylic substitution.
Advisor: Professor Reinhard Brückner
 Prepared building blocks for butenolide natural products.
August 2003 - May 2004
Summer 2001
Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
Current Support:
ARL Thermo-mechanical Processing and Rare Earth
March 2014 – Feb 2016
Materials by Design R&D, Co-PI (Sisson, PI)
We propose to improve the critical materials extraction efficiency in the raw materials and
waste streams of rare earth phosphors and to develop cost-effective and scalable
extraction technologies.
NSF I/UCRC CR Project, Co-PI (Apelian PI): Magnet
separation technologies for recycling
January 2013 - December
Our objective is to recycle rare earth metals and precious metals from battery cells and
magnets, using efficient and cost effective separation processes.
ACS PRF Doctoral New Investigator Award, PI:
September 2012 - October
Acylation of Arenes via Catalytic C-H Bond
Functionalization and Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation
Cp*Ir catalysts bearing various L- and X-type ligands will be evaluated with respect to
their catalytic activity in the individual reaction steps in order to develop a catalytic cycle
that combines aerobic alcohol oxidation, C H activation, and carbometalation of
Departmental Start-Up Support
August 2011 - August 2016
The purpose of these funds is to set up the PI's laboratory and fund preliminary studies
needed to be competitive for extramural research support.
Completed Support:
NSF REU Supplement for NSF I/UCRC CR , Co-PI
June - August 2014
(Apelian PI)
Rare earth contents of motors and motor cores will be determined and quantified using Xray fluorescence spectroscopy.
DAAD RISE Undergraduate Internship, PI: NonJune - August 2014
Directed, Pd-Catalyzed C-H Bond Amination of Arenes
We propose to develop novel electrophilic amination reagents and ligands that can be
applied in aromatic and benzylic C-H aminations.
NSF REU Supplement for NSF I/UCRC CR
June - August 2013
Future projections for the rare earth content in shredder scrap and correlations between
rare earth price fluctuations and recycling rates were investigated.
Pfizer Small Grant to Promote Green Chemistry and
May - June 2013
New electrophilic amination reagents and ligands for the non-directed amination of
aromatic C-H bonds were developed.
DFG (German Research Council) Postdoctoral
May 2010 - April 2011
Fellowship: Development of Novel Electrophilic
Platinum Catalysts for the C-H Activation and
Functionalization of Methane
Chelating ligands bearing cationic substitution patterns were designed, synthesized, and
evaluated in the Pt catalyzed activation of C-H bonds. Using the same type of ligands and
Pd-based catalysts, the functionalization of C-H bonds was achieved.
Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
NIH (NIGMS) Workshop Dallas Travel Award
June 2013
Gordon Research Conference Travel Award "Organic
Reactions & Processes"
July 2012, 2013, 2014
Selection to present in Sci-Mix, ACS National Meeting
August 2010, April 2013
CENTC Summer School Travel Award "Emerging
Perspectives in Catalysis"
July 2010
Undergraduate Fellowship of the Bayerische
October 1999 - May 2004
Begabtenförderung (Bavarian Program for the Promotion of
Young Talent in Higher Education; 4050$/yr for 5 years)
Book Prize of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (Fund
of the German Chemical Industry)
Outreach and Community Involvement:
Emmert, M.H. "Catalysts: Tools for Sustainable Chemistry", Experimental
Demonstrations, Oral Presentations, and Instructions to Hands-On Experiments for 5
classes of Middle & High School Students, Science Days, Millbury High School, Millbury,
MA, January 2014.
Coach for Mass Academy Science Travel Show Team (high-school students engaged in
Middle School Science Outreach), June to August 2013
Science Education for New Civic Engagement and Responsibilities (SENCER) Summer
Institute, Santa Clara University, CA, August 2nd to 6th, 2012
Career panel for undergraduates in NSF CCI (CENTC) summer program, July 2012
Emmert, M.H. "Chemistry's Rainbow", Presentation and Instruction to Hands-On
Experiments for Middle School Aged Girls, Women in Science Summer Program, WPI,
July 2012
Judge for High School Engineering Presentation, Mass Academy, Worcester, May 2012 &
Emmert, M.H. "Elephants' Toothpaste - and what chemistry has to do with it", Oral
Presentation and Instruction to Hands-On Experiments for Middle School Aged Girls,
Tech Girls Meeting, WPI, November 2011.
Professional Service:
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis
Chemical Communications
Chemical Science
Chemistry – A European Journal
Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Organic Letters
Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
Grant Reviewer
ACS Petroleum Research Fund
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, French National Research Agency)
Research Corporation for Science Advancement
National Science Foundation
Symposium Organizer, Ipatieff Prize Symposium, ACS National Meeting 2013, New
Orleans, LA
Session Chair, New Reactions and Methodology, ACS National Meeting 2014, Dallas, TX
Organizer of Video-Chat Project ORDMOC (Online Research Discussions of Methods in
Organometallic Catalysis) with Prof.s M. Findlater (Texas Tech), D. Laviska, A. O’Connor
(both The College of New Jersey), N. West (University of the Sciences, Philadelphia)
since Spring 2013
Committee member in faculty search; AY 2012/13 & 2013/14, CBC department, WPI
Negotiated & organized purchase of 3 elemental analysis instruments (Bruker TXRF
Picofox; Perkin Elmer ICP-AES; Perkin-Elmer graphite furnace AAS) for departmental and
interdisciplinary research
Host for invited speakers at WPI:
Robert Crabtree (Yale); Maurice Brookhart (UNC Chapel Hill); Nilay Hazari (Yale); Amir
Hoveyda (Boston College); Leo Letendre (Pfizer); Kian Tan (Boston College); Melanie
Sanford (University of Michigan); Scott McNeill Sieburth (Temple University)
Professional Societies:
American Chemical Society
2010 - present
Teaching Experience:
Instructor CH 2360 Organic Laboratory, WPI
Fall 2013
Instructor CH 555 Introduction to Green Chemistry, WPI
Fall 2012, 2014
Instructor CH 3410 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, WPI
Spring 2012, 2013, 2014
Supervisor for 2 postdoctoral fellows, 4 graduate students,
12 undergraduate researchers, 4 international exchange
students, WPI
2011 - present
Supervisor for 2 Undergraduate Researchers in the
CENTC Summer Undergraduate Research Program,
University of Michigan
Teaching Assistant for 7 Undergraduate Laboratory
Courses, Universität Münster
Graduate Student Advisor and Mentor for 6 Masters Level
Students in the Erker Research Laboratory (5 Week
Rotations), Universität Münster
Discussion Section Instructor Chemistry for Pre-Med
Students, Universität Münster
Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
Book Chapters:
(2) Emmert, M. H. “Introduction,” in C-H Bond Activation In Organic Synthesis, Li, J. J.
(ed.), Taylor & Francis, 2014, in press.
(1) Legacy, C. L.; Emmert, M. H. “Chelate-Assisted Arene C-H Bond
Functionalizations,” in Arene Chemistry: Reaction Mechanisms and Methods for
Aromatic Compounds, Mortier, J. (ed.), Wiley-VCH, 2014, in press.
(16) Bandara, H. M. D.; Mantell, M. A.; Darcy, J. W.; Emmert, M. H. “Closing the
Lifecycle of NdFeB Magnets: Discovery of Neodymium in Slag from Steel Mills,”
(15) Bandara, H. M. D.; Teng, D.; Mantell, M. A.; Field, K. D.; Zetschok, D.; Azzolino,
V.; Emmert, M. H. “Chemoselective Pd Catalyzed, Non-Directed Aromatic C-H
Aminations Enabled by New Ligands and Reagents,” manuscript in preparation.
(14) Zhang, Z.; Venegas, J. M.; Geagar, N.; Zhu, F.; Emmert, M. H. “Anion Catalysis in
Ionic Liquids: Low Temperature Dehydrations through C-O Activation of Non-Activated
Alcohols,” manuscript in preparation.
(13) Legacy, C. J.; O’Day, B. J.; Sweet, N. J; Wood, A. J.; Emmert, M. H. “ Iron
Catalyzed α-C-H Oxidation of Tertiary Amines Mimicking Cytochrome P450 Activity,”
(12) Bandara, H. M. D; Mantell, M.; Darcy, J. W.; Emmert, M. H. “ Rare Earth
Recycling: Forecast of Recoverable Nd from Shredder Scrap and Influence of
Recycling Rates on Price Volatility ,” submitted.
(11) Gunay, A.; Mantell, M.; Wu, W.; Chin, M.; Emmert, M. H. “Aerobic Catalysis in Air
with Cp*Ir: Influence of Ancillary Ligands and Reaction Conditions on Catalytic Activity
and Stability,” submitted.
(10) Bandara, H. M. D.; Darcy, J. W.; Apelian, D.; Emmert, M. H. “Value Analysis of the
Neodymium Content in Shredder Feed: Evaluating the Feasibility of Rare Earth
Magnet Recycling,” Environ. Sci. Techn. 2014, 48, 6553-6560.
(9) Cook, A. K.; Emmert, M. H.; Sanford, M. S. “Steric Control of Site Selectivity in the
Pd-Catalyzed C-H Acetoxylation of Simple Arenes,” Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 5428-5431.
(8) Darcy, J. W.; Bandara, H. M. D.; Mishra, B.; Blanplain, B.; Apelian, D.; Emmert, M.
H. “Challenges in Recycling End-of-Life Rare Earth Magnets,” JOM 2013, 65, 13811382.
(7) Bandara, H. M. D.; Sosin, M. H.; McKeogh, B. J.; Emmert, M. H. “Non-directed, Pdcatalyzed C-H amination of simple arenes,” GSTF J. Chem. 2013, 1, 18-31.
(6) John, L. C.; Gunay, A.; Wood, A. J.; Emmert, M. H. “Catalysts for convenient
aerobic alcohol oxidations in air: systematic ligand studies in Pd/pyridine systems,”
Tetrahedron 2013, 69, 5758-5764.
(5) Kubota, A.; Emmert, M. H.; Sanford, M. S. “Pyridine Ligands as Promoters in Pd Catalyzed C-H Olefination Reactions,” Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 1760-1763.
(4) Emmert, M. H.; Cook, A. K.; Xie, Y. J.; Sanford, M. S. “Remarkably High Reactivity
of Pd(OAc)2/Pyridine Catalysts: Nondirected C-H Oxygenation of Arenes,” Angew.
Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 9409-9412. Highlighted on the back cover of issue 40.
Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
(3) Emmert, M. H.; Gary, J. B.; Villalobos, J. M.; Sanford, M. S. "Platinum and
Palladium Complexes Containing Cationic Ligands as Catalysts for Arene H/D
Exchange and Oxidation," Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 5884-5886.
(2) Emmert, M.; Kehr, G.; Fröhlich, R.; Erker, G. "Facile Cyclometalation Reactions of
Cp-Zirconium Complexes with Weakly Lewis Acidic Pendent Boron Functionalities,"
Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 8124-8127.
(1) Emmert, Marion, "Synthese und Reaktivität von Zr-Komplexen mit Cp3Ligandgerüst", Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany, Dissertation,
(March 2009).
Invited Talks:
(10) Emmert, M. H., "Sustainable Methods for Rare Earth Recycling: Chemical
Perspectives on Critical Materials", Boston Regional Inorganic Colloquium, Boston
University, Boston, MA, October 25, 2014.
(9) Emmert, M. H., "Sustainable Chemistry for Synthesis and Recycling", Bridgewater
State University, Bridgewater, MA, October 24, 2014.
(8) Emmert, M. H., "Methodology Development for Sustainable Processes: C-H
Oxidations, Dehydrations, and Rare Earth Recycling", Melanie Sanford Anniversary
Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 10, 2014.
(7) Emmert, M. H., "New Electrophilic Amination Reagents for Transition Metal
Catalyzed C-H Aminations“, Advances in C-H Functionalization Symposium, ACS
National Meeting Dallas, TX, ORGN, March 16-20, 2014.
(6) Emmert, M. H., "Continuing the CENTC mission: Developing more sustainable
methods in recycling and catalysis“, Undergraduate Research at the Frontiers of
Inorganic Chemistry Symposium, ACS National Meeting Dallas, TX, INOR, March 1620, 2014.
(5) Emmert, M. H., “Chemistry and Sustainability: Catalysis and Recycling Hand in
Hand”, Connecticut College, CT, November 05, 2013.
(4) Emmert, M. H., “Chemistry and Sustainability: Catalysis and Recycling Hand in
Hand”, University of Rhode Island, RI, October 28, 2013.
(3) Emmert, M. H., “Chemistry and Sustainability: Catalysis and Recycling Hand in
Hand”, Universität Münster, Germany, August 07, 2013.
(2) Emmert, M. H., "Pd-catalyzed, Non-directed C-H Aminations", Ipatieff Prize
Symposium, ACS National Meeting New Orleans, LA, INOR, April 9, 2013.
(1) Emmert, M. H., “Chemistry for Sustainability: Catalysis and Recycling Hand in
Hand”, Worcester State University, Worcester, MA, March 13, 2013.
External Talks and Presentations
(12) Zhang, X.; Venegas, J. M.; Zhu, F.; Emmert, M. H., “Low-Temperature Alcohol
Dehydration for Sustainable Hydrocarbon Synthesis”, Poster Presentation, Boston
Women in Chemistry Symposium, Harvard Department of Chemistry and Chemical
Biology, Cambridge, MA, October 4, 2014.
Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
(11) Emmert, M. H. “Catalysts for convenient aerobic alcohol oxidations: Systematic
catalyst studies using air as the sole oxidation”, Oral Presentation, ACS National
Meeting Dallas, TX, ORGN, March 19, 2014.
(10) Legacy, C. J.; Wood, A. J.; Emmert, M. H., “Iron Catalyzed Oxidative Syntheses
of Amides”, Poster Presentation, ACS Northeast Regional Meeting New Haven, CT,
October 25, 2013.
(9) Gunay, A.; Wu, W.; Mantell, M.; Emmert, M. H., “Towards Waste-Free, CostEffective Oxidations of Alcohols”, Poster Presentation, ACS Northeast Regional
Meeting New Haven, CT, October 25, 2013.
(8) Bandara, H. M. D.; Teng, D.; Emmert, M. H., "Pd Catalyzed Aromatic C-H
Aminations Using Novel Electrophilic Amination Reagents", Poster Presentation,
Organic Reactions & Processes Gordon Conference, Bryant University, July 17, 2013.
(7) Emmert, M. H.; John, L. C.; Gunay, A., "Catalysts for convenient aerobic alcohol
oxidations: Systematic ligand studies with air as sole oxidant", Poster Presentation,
Organic Reactions & Processes Gordon Conference, Bryant University, July 15, 2013.
(6) Emmert, M. H.; John, L. C.; Gunay, A., "Catalysts for convenient aerobic alcohol
oxidations: Systematic ligand studies with air as sole oxidant", Poster Presentation,
Organometallic Chemistry Gordon Conference, Salve Regina University, July 8, 2013.
(5) Emmert, M. H.; Bandara, H. M. D.; Gunay, A.; Sosin, M. H.; Szabados, C.; Teng,
D., “Novel Electrophilic Amination Reagents for C-H Aminations”, Poster Presentation,
ACS National Meeting New Orleans, LA, ORGN, April 10, 2013.
(4) Bandara, H. M. D; McKeogh, B. J.; Emmert, M. H., "Non-Directed Pd-Catalyzed
C-H Amination of Arenes", Poster Presentation, ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia,
PA, INOR, August 21, 2012.
(3) Bandara, H. M. D; McKeogh, B. J.; Emmert, M. H., "Non-Directed Pd-Catalyzed
C-H Amination of Arenes", Sci-Mix Poster Presentation, ACS National Meeting,
Philadelphia, PA, INOR, August 20, 2012.
(2) Emmert, M. H.; Bandara, H. M. D; Sosin, M. H., "Pd and Cu Catalyzed Nondirected C-H Aminations", Poster Presentation, Organic Reactions & Processes
Gordon Conference, Bryant University, July 9, 2012.
(1) Emmert, M. H.; Bandara, H. M. D; Sosin, M. H., "Pd and Cu Catalyzed Nondirected C-H Aminations", Poster Presentation, Organometallic Chemistry Gordon
Conference, Salve Regina University, July 16, 2012.
Internal Talks and Presentations (WPI)
(34) Emmert, M. H.; Bandara, H. M. D.; Mantell, M. A., "Magnet Separation
Technologies for Recycling", Oral Project Presentation, CR3 I/UCRC Industry Advisory
Board Meeting, KU Leuven, Belgium, October 13, 2014.
(33) Bandara, H. M. D.; Emmert, M. H., "Magnet Separation Technologies for
Recycling", Oral Project Presentation, CR3 I/UCRC Industry Advisory Board Meeting,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, April 29, 2014.
(32) Teng, D.; Bandara, H. M. D.; Emmert, M. H., “Palladium Catalyzed Non-directed
Aromatic C-H Aminations”, Senior Thesis Poster Presentation, Worcester Polytechnic
Institute, April 24, 2014
Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
(31) Wu, W.; Gunay, A.; Mantell, M.; Chin, M.; Emmert, M. H., “Air Oxidation of
Alcohols Catalyzed by [Cp*IrCl2]2”, Senior Thesis Poster Presentation, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, April 24, 2014.
(30) Darcy, J. W.; Wang, A.; Emmert, M. H., “Copper-Catalyzed Methods for Benzylic
C-H Bond Amination”, Senior Thesis Poster Presentation, Worcester Polytechnic
Institute, April 24, 2014.
(29) Teng, D.; Bandara, H. M. D.; Emmert, M. H., “Palladium Catalyzed Non-directed
Aromatic C-H Aminations”, Poster Presentation, Sustainability Poster Competition,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, April 16, 2014.
(28) Legacy, C. J.; Wood, A. J.; O’Day, B. J.; “Iron Catalyzed Oxidative Synthesis of
Amides”, Poster Presentation, Sustainability Poster Competition, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, April 16, 2014.
(27) Zhang, X.; Venegas, J. M.; Zhu, F.; Emmert, M. H., “Low-Temperature Alcohol
Dehydration for Sustainable Hydrocarbon Synthesis”, Poster Presentation,
Sustainability Poster Competition, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, April 16, 2014.
(26) Wang, A.; Darcy, J. W.; Sosin, M. H.; Emmert, M. H., “Copper Catalyzed Benzylic
C-H Bond Amination”, Poster Presentation, Sustainability Poster Competition,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, April 16, 2014.
(25) Wu, W.; Gunay, A.; Mantell, M.; Chin, M.; Emmert, M. H., “Air Oxidation of
Alcohols Catalyzed by [Cp*IrCl2]2”, Poster Presentation, Sustainability Poster
Competition, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, April 16, 2014.
(24) Legacy, C. J.; Wood, A. J.; O’Day, B. J.; Emmert, M. H., “Iron Catalyzed Oxidative
Synthesis of Amides”, Poster Presentation, Finals, Graduate Research Achievement
Days, WPI, Worcester, MA, April 14, 2014.
(23) Legacy, C. J.; Wood, A. J.; O’Day, B. J.; “Iron Catalyzed Oxidative Synthesis of
Amides”, Poster Presentation, Graduate Research Achievement Days 2014, WPI,
Worcester, MA, March 19, 2014.
(22) Zhang, X.; Venegas, J. M.; Zhu, F.; Emmert, M. H., “Low-Temperature Alcohol
Dehydration for Sustainable Hydrocarbon Synthesis”, Poster Presentation, Graduate
Research Achievement Days 2014, WPI, Worcester, MA, March 19, 2014.
(21) Wang, A.; Darcy, J. W.; Sosin, M. H.; Emmert, M. H., “Copper Catalyzed Benzylic
C-H Bond Amination”, Poster Presentation, Graduate Research Achievement Days
2014, WPI, Worcester, MA, March 19, 2014.
(20) Wang, A.; Emmert, M. H., “Cu Catalyzed Benzylic C-H Bond Aminations”,
Departmental Seminar, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, January 10, 2014.
(19) Zhang, X.; Emmert, M. H., “Low-Temperature Alcohol Dehydration for Sustainable
Hydrocarbon Synthesis”, Departmental Seminar, Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, December 13, 2013.
(18) Legacy, C. J.; Emmert, M. H., “The Iron Catalyzed Oxidation of Tertiary Amines to
Amides”, Departmental Seminar, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, December 13, 2013.
Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
(17) Gunay, A.; Wu, W.; Mantell, M.; Emmert, M. H., “Towards Waste-Free, CostEffective Oxidations of Alcohols”, Poster Presentation, Celebration of Science,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, October 25, 2013.
(16) Bandara, H. M. D.; Emmert, M. H., "Magnet Separation Technologies for
Recycling", Oral Project Presentation, CR3 I/UCRC Industry Advisory Board Meeting,
Colorado School of Mines, October 15, 2013.
(15) Bandara, H. M. D.; Emmert, M. H., "Magnet Separation Technologies for
Recycling", Oral Project Presentation, CR3 I/UCRC Industry Advisory Board Meeting,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, May 15, 2013.
(14) Legacy, C. J.; Wood, A. J.; Emmert, M. H., “Catalytic Oxidation of Amines with
Air”, Poster Presentation, CR3 I/UCRC Industry Advisory Board Meeting, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, May 15, 2013.
(13) Gunay, A.; Wu, W.; Mantell, M.; Emmert, M. H., “Towards Waste-Free, CostEffective Oxidations of Alcohols”, Poster Presentation, CR3 I/UCRC Industry Advisory
Board Meeting, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, May 15, 2013.
(12) Emmert, M. H., "Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis – Differences and
Common Ground”, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, April 17, 2013.
(11) Wu, W.; Gunay, A.; Mantell, M.; Emmert, M. H., “Understanding Water-Free,
Catalytic Oxidations in Air”, Poster Presentation, Sustainability Poster Competition,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, April 10, 2013.
(10) Teng, D.; Bandara, H. M. D.; Szabados, C.; Emmert, M. H., “Non-Directed Pd
Catalyzed C-H Amination or Arenes”, Poster Presentation, Sustainability Poster
Competition, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, April 10, 2013.
(9) Legacy, C. J.; Emmert, M. H., “Pd Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation of Tertiary Amines”,
Poster Presentation, Sustainability Poster Competition, Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
April 10, 2013.
(8) Zhang, X.; Venegas, J. M.; Emmert, M. H., “Sustainable Syntheses of
Hydrocarbons”, Poster Presentation, Sustainability Poster Competition, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, April 10, 2013.
(7) Wang, A.; Sosin, M. H.; Emmert, M. H., “Cu Catalyzed Benzylic C-H Aminations”,
Poster Presentation, Sustainability Poster Competition, Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
April 10, 2013.
(6) Bandara, H. M. D.; Gunay, A.; John, L. C.; Legacy, C. J.; Sosin, M. H.; Teng, D.;
Venegas, J. M.; Wang, A.; Wood, A. J.; Zhang, X.; Emmert, M. H., “Chemistry for
Sustainability”, Poster Presentation, Celebration of Science, WPI, Worcester, March
15, 2013.
(5) Wang, A.; Sosin, M. H.; Emmert, M. H., “Cu Catalyzed Benzylic C-H Aminations”,
Poster Presentation, Graduate Research Achievement Days 2013, WPI, Worcester,
MA, March 13, 2013.
(4) Zhang, X.; Venegas, J. M.; Emmert, M. H., “Sustainable Syntheses of
Hydrocarbons”, Poster Presentation, Graduate Research Achievement Days 2013,
WPI, Worcester, MA, March 13, 2013.
Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
(3) Legacy, C. J.; Emmert, M. H., “Pd Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation of Tertiary Amines”,
Poster Presentation, Graduate Research Achievement Days 2013, WPI, Worcester,
MA, March 13, 2013.
(2) Sosin, M. H.; Bandara, H. M. D.; Emmert, M. H., "Direct C-H Bond Aminations for
Sustainable Synthesis", Poster Presentation, Sustainability Poster Competition,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, April 4, 2012.
(1) Emmert, M. H., "Organometallic Catalysts for Solar Fuels and Efficient Synthesis",
Oral Presentation, Celebration of Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester,
January 10, 2012.
Presentations during Postdoctoral Work
(20) Emmert, M. H.; Cook, A. K.; Xie, Y. J.; Sanford, M. S., “A New Generation of
Electrophilic Oxidation Catalysts: Non-directed C-H Functionalization using Pd /
Pyridine Catalyst Systems", Poster Presentation, CENTC NSF Site Visit, University of
Washington, Seattle, May 17, 2011.
(19) Emmert, M. H.; Gary, J. B.; Sanford, M. S., “Non-directed C-H Functionalization
using Pd / Pyridine Catalyst Systems and Cationic Pyridine Derivatives”, Oral
Presentation, CENTC NSF Site Visit Brief, University of Washington, Seattle, May 17,
(18) Emmert, M. H.; Gary, J. B.; Sanford, M. S., "Pd / Pyridine systems for C-H
Functionalization", Oral Presentation, CENTC Access Grid Video Conference, March
17, 2011.
(17) Emmert, M. H., "Non-directed C-H Functionalization using Pd / Pyridine Catalyst
Systems," Organometallic Seminar, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, February 16,
(16) Emmert, M. H., "Electrophilic Pt and Pd Catalysts for C-H Activation and
Functionalization," Research Seminar, Emory University, December 8, 2010.
(15) Emmert, M. H., "Electrophilic Pt and Pd Catalysts for C-H Activation and
Functionalization," Research Seminar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, November 29,
(14) Emmert, M. H., "Electrophilic Pt and Pd Catalysts for C-H Activation and
Functionalization," Research Seminar, University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
November 15, 2010.
(13) Emmert, M. H., "Cleaner Use of Fossil Feedstocks and Synthesis of Solar Fuels
through Homogeneous Catalysis," Research Seminar, University of Notre Dame,
October 26, 2010.
(12) Emmert, M. H.; Sanford, M. S., "A New Generation of Electrophilic Oxidation
Catalysts: Cationic Pt and Pd Complexes for C-H Bond Functionalization", Poster
Presentation, CENTC Annual Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, September
13, 2010.
(11) Emmert, M. H.; Gary, J. B.; Xie, J.; Sanford, M. S., "Cationic Pt and Pd Complexes
for C-H Bond Functionalization", Oral Presentation, CENTC Annual Meeting, University
of Washington, Seattle, September 13, 2010.
Marion H. Emmert - Curriculum Vitae
(10) Emmert, M. H.; Sanford, M. S., "Cationic Pt and Pd Complexes for C-H Bond
Functionalization," Sci-Mix, ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, INOR, August 23,
(9) Emmert, M. H.; Sanford, M. S., "Cationic Pt and Pd Complexes for C-H Bond
Functionalization," Poster Presentation, ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, INOR,
August 22, 2010.
(8) Emmert, M. H.; Sanford, M. S., "Catalytic H/D Exchange and Acetoxylation of
Aromatic Compounds using novel Pt and Pd Complexes," Oral Presentation, ACS
National Meeting, Boston, MA, INOR, August 22, 2010.
(7) Emmert, M. H.; Sanford, M. S., "Cationic Pt and Pd Complexes for C-H Bond
Functionalization," Poster Presentation, Vaughn Symposium, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, August 18, 2010.
(6) Emmert, M. H.; Sanford, M. S., "Cationic Pt and Pd Complexes for C-H Bond
Functionalization," Poster Presentation, Novartis Symposium, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, August 12, 2010.
(5) Emmert, M. H.; Gary, J. B.; Carter, T. J.; Sanford, M. S., "A New Generation of
Electrophilic Oxidation Catalysts: Quaternary Nitrogen Ligand Sets for Pd, Pt, Rh and
Ir", Oral Presentation, CENTC Access Grid Video Conference, March 18, 2010.
(4) Emmert, M. H.; Villalobos, J. M.; Hickman, A. J.; Gary, J. B.; Sanford, M. S.,
"Quaternary Nitrogen Ligand Sets for Platinum and Palladium: H/D Exchange and
Acetoxylation of Benzene", Poster Presentation, Pfizer Symposium, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, October 9, 2009.
(3) Emmert, M. H.; Villalobos, J. M.; Hickman, A. J.; Gary, J. B.; Sanford, M. S.,
"Quaternary Nitrogen Ligand Sets for Platinum and Palladium: H/D Exchange and
Acetoxylation of Benzene", Oral Presentation, CENTC Annual Meeting, University of
Washington, Seattle, September 14, 2009.
(2) Emmert, M. H.; Villalobos, J. M.; Hickman, A. J.; Gary, J. B.; Sanford, M. S., "A
New Generation of Electrophilic Oxidation Catalysts: Quaternary Nitrogen Ligand Sets
for Platinum and Palladium", Poster Presentation, CENTC Annual Meeting, University
of Washington, Seattle, September 14, 2009.
(1) Emmert, M. H.; Villalobos, J. M.; Hickman, A. J.; Gary, J. B.; Sanford, M. S., "A
New Generation of Electrophilic Oxidation Catalysts: Quaternary Nitrogen Ligand Sets
for Platinum-Catalyzed C-H Activation", Poster Presentation, Vaughn Symposium,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, August 7, 2009.