REDNA OBVESTILA O ODPRTIH RAZPISIH V tem dokumentu se nahajajo mednarodni razpisi. LEGENDA TABELE ODPRTIH RAZPISOV Najnovejši razpisi so vedno na prvih straneh, označeni z rdečo barvo: o Mednarodni Starejši razpisi se nadaljujejo po tabeli navzdol. Razpisi, katerim je rok za oddajo že pretekel, so odstranjeni iz tabele. Na koncu je pregled napovedanih razpisov. Naslovi razpisov 7. Okvirnega programa so razloženi v spodnji legendi terminov. Kazalo je pripravljeno v naprednem slogu. Z izborom razpisa v kazalu, vas program postavi na želeno stran v dokumentu. o Za hiter dostop do posameznih razpisov se postavite v kazalo, držite tipko "Ctrl" in kliknite na ustrezno številko strani. 09.11.2015 Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2015, Knowledge Centre Page 1 of 110 KAZALO 1. MEDNARODNI RAZPISI ................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1. HORIZON 2020 DEDICATED SME INSTRUMENT 2016-2017 (H2020-SMEINST-2016-2017) ......................................... 4 1.2. BIO-BASED INNOVATION FOR SUSTAINABLE GOODS AND SERVICES - SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A EUROPEAN BIOECONOMY (H2020-BB-2016-2017) ................................................................................................. 7 1.3. FOR A BETTER INNOVATION SUPPORT TO SMES (H2020-INNOSUP-2016-2017) ....................................................... 9 1.4. EURATOM FISSION 2016-2017 (H2020-NFRP-2016-2017) .................................................................................... 11 1.5. BLUE GROWTH - DEMONSTRATING AN OCEAN OF OPPORTUNITIES (H2020-BG-2016-2017) .................................... 13 1.6. SUSTAINABLE FOOD SECURITY – RESILIENT AND RESOURCE-EFFICIENT VALUE CHAINS (H2020-SFS-2016-2017) .... 16 1.7. AWARENESS-RAISING AND CAPACITY-BUILDING FOR BUSINESS ANGELS AND OTHER EARLY-STAGE INVESTORS (H2020-CBBA-2016) ........................................................................................................................................ 19 1.8. FAST TRACK TO INNOVATION PILOT (H2020-FTIPILOT-2016) ............................................................................... 20 1.9. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES CALL (H2020-ICT-2016-2017)............................................. 21 1.10. RURAL RENAISSANCE – FOSTERING INNOVATION AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (H2020-RUR-2016-2017) ........... 26 1.11. WIDESPREAD – H2020-WIDESPREAD-2016-2017 ................................................................................................ 29 1.12. SMART AND SUSTAINABLE CITIES (H2020-SCC-2016-2017) ................................................................................ 30 1.13. ENERGY EFFICIENCY CALL (H2020-EE-2016-2017) .............................................................................................. 31 1.14. PERSONALISED MEDICINE (H2020-SC1-2016-2017) ........................................................................................... 35 1.15. CO-CREATE FOR GROWTH AND INCLUSION (H2020-SC6-COCREATION-2016-2017) ............................................... 40 1.16. UNDERSTANDING EUROPE – PROMOTING THE EUROPEAN PUBLIC AND CULTURAL SPACE (H2020-SC6-CULT-COOP2016-2017) .................................................................................................................................................... 42 1.17. EU-JAPAN JOINT CALL (H2020-EUJ-2016) .......................................................................................................... 44 1.18. DIGITAL SECURITY FOCUS AREA (H2020-DS-2016-2017) .................................................................................... 45 1.19. APPLICATIONS IN SATELLITE NAVIGATION – GALILEO 2017 (H2020-GALILEO-GSA-2017) ....................................... 47 1.20. EUROPEAN RESEARCHERS' NIGHT (H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2016) ............................................................................ 48 1.21. TRANS-NATIONAL COOPERATION AMONG MARIE SKLODOWSKA – CURIE NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS (H2020-MSCANCP-2017)...................................................................................................................................................... 49 1.22. CALL FOR NANOTECHNOLOGIES, ADVANCED MATERIALS, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTION (H2020-NMBP-20162017) ............................................................................................................................................................ 50 1.23. SECURITY (H2020-SEC-2016-2017) .................................................................................................................. 57 1.24. EU-SOUTH KOREA JOINT CALL (H2020-EUK-2016) .............................................................................................. 61 1.25. INDUSTRY 2020 IN CIRCULAR ECONOMY (H2020-IND-CE-2016-2017) .................................................................. 62 1.26. CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION (H2020-CIP-2016-2017) ...................................................................... 68 Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2015, Knowledge Centre Page 2 of 110 1.27. ENGAGING TOGETHER GLOBALLY (H2020-SC6-ENG-GLOBALLY-2016-2017) .......................................................... 69 1.28. MARIE SKLODOWSKA CURIE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION STAFF EXCHANGE (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017) ................. 71 1.29. H2020-JTI-IMI2-2015-06-TWO-STAGE ............................................................................................................... 73 1.30. IPA MONTENGRO = IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAININGS AND EMPLOYMENT FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND RE POPULATION ................................................................................................................................................... 75 1.31. SUPPORT FOR NATIONAL OR TRANSNATIONAL E-JUSTICE PROJECTS (JUST-2015-JACC-AG-EJU).............................. 78 1.32. TRAINING OF NATIONAL JUDGES IN EU COMPETITION LAW AND JUDICIAL COOPERATION BETWEEN NATIONAL COMPETITION LAW JUDGES ............................................................................................................................. 80 1.33. DAPHNE CALL – RESTRICTED CALL – ACTION GRANTS FOR RUNNING 116 000 HOTLINES FOR MISSING CHILDREN (JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/0116) ............................................................................................................................ 82 1.34. DISTRIBUTION SELECTIVE SCHEME – SUPPORT FOR THE TRANSNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF EUROPEAN FILMS 201684 1.35. CALL FOR PROPOSALS »TRANSNATIONAL INITIATIVES TO FIGHT TRAFFICKING IN DRUGS AND FIREARMS« ............. 86 1.36. CALL FOR PROPOSALS »LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING« ..................................................................................... 88 1.37. HORIZON PRIZE – FOOD SCANNER (H2020-FOODSCANNERPRIZE-2015-1) ............................................................ 90 1.38. CALL FOR PROPOSALS »PROJECTS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE INTEGRATED MARITIME POLICY IN THE BLACK SEA AND/OR MEDITERRANEAN SEA REGIONS« ......................................................................................................... 91 1.39. BIO-BASED INDUSTRIES JOINT UNDERTAKING (H2020-BBI-PPP-2015-2-1) ........................................................... 93 1.40. ACTION GRANTS TO SUPPORT TRANSNATIONAL PROJECTS ON JUDICIAL TRAINING COVERING CIVIL LAW, CRIMINAL LAW OR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS – JUST/2015/JTRA/AG/EJTR ............................................................................... 96 1.41. INNOVATION CAPITAL PRIZE (H2020-EUROPEAN-I-CAPITAL-2015-1) .................................................................... 98 1.42. HORIZON PRIZE – BETTER USE OF ANTIBIOTICS (H2020-HOA-01-2015) ............................................................... 99 1.43. FAST TRACK TO INNOVATION PILOT (H2020-FTIPILOT-2015-1) .......................................................................... 100 1.44. HORIZON 2020 DEDICATED SME INSTRUMENT – PHASE 1 2015 (H2020-SMEINST-1-2015) ................................... 102 1.45. HORIZON 2020 DEDICATED SME INSTRUMENT – PHASE 2 2015 (H2020-SMEINST-2-2015) ................................... 104 1.46. CREATIVE EUROPE PROGRAMME = DISTRIBUTION – SUPPORT TO SALES AGENTS ................................................ 107 Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2015, Knowledge Centre Page 3 of 110 1. MEDNARODNI RAZPISI 1.1. HORIZON 2020 DEDICATED SME INSTRUMENT 2016-2017 (H2020-SMEINST-2016-2017) Title of the call HORIZON 2020 DEDICATED SME INSTRUMENT 2016-2017 (H2020SMEINST-2016-2017) EC Deadline For Phase 1: 24 February 2016, 17h Brussels local time 3 May 2016, 17h Brussels local time 7 September 2016, 17h Brussels local time 9 November 2016, 17h Brussels local time 15 February 2017, 17h Brussels local time 3 May 2017, 17h Brussels local time 6 September 2017, 17h Brussels local time 8 November 2017, 17h Brussels local time Deadline For Phase 2: Purpose Conditions for participation Eligibility Topics covered with this call for At least one SME. Only Legal entities proposals: applications from for-profit SMEs established in EU SMEInst-01-2016-2017:Open Member States or Horizon Disruptive Innovation Scheme 2020 associated countries. SMEInst-02-20162017:Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs No concurrent submission or implementation with another SME instrument phase 1 or phase 2 project. SMEInst-03-20162017:Dedicated support to biotechnology SMEs closing the gap from lab to market SMEInst-04-20162017:Engaging SMEs in space research and development SMEInst-05-20162017:Supporting SMEs in the Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre innovative healthcare Stran 4 od 110 biotechnology sector 3 February 2016, 17h Brussels local time 14 April 2016, 17h Brussels local time 15 June September 2016, 17h Brussels local time 13 October 2016, 17h Brussels local time 18 January 2017, 17h Brussels local time 6 April 2017, 17h Brussels local time 1 June 2017, 17h Brussels local time 18 October 2017, 17h Brussels local time cipants/portal/desktop/en/opportun ities/h2020/calls/h2020-smeinst20162017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-SMEInst-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc SMEInst-06-20162017:Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well SMEInst-07-20162017:Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors SMEInst-08-20162017:Supporting SMEs efforts for the development deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth SMEInst-09-20162017:Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system SMEInst-10-2016-2017:Small business innovation research for Transport and Smart Cities Mobility SMEInst-11-20162017:Boosting the potential of Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 5 od 110 small businesses in the areas of climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials SMEInst-12-2016-2017:New business models for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies SMEInst-13-20162017:Engaging SMEs in security research and development Funding Instrument Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre scheme: SME Stran 6 od 110 1.2. BIO-BASED INNOVATION FOR SUSTAINABLE GOODS AND SERVICES - SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A EUROPEAN BIOECONOMY (H2020-BB-2016-2017) BIO-BASED INNOVATION FOR Topics ccovered with this call SUSTAINABLE GOODS AND SERVICES for proposals: - SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A EUROPEAN BIOECONOMY BB-01-2016:Sustainability (H2020-BB-2016-2017) schemes for the bio-based economy EC Deadline: 17 February 2016, 17h Brussels local time 2nd stage deadline: 13 September 2016, 17h Brussels local time cipants/portal/desktop/en/opportun ities/h2020/calls/h2020-bb-20162017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-BB-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc For RIA and IA: Legal entities At least three legal entities. Each of the three must be established in a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country. All three legal entities must be independent of each other BB-02-2017:Towards a method for the collection of statistical data on bio-based industries For CSA: At least one legal entity and bio-based products established in an EU Member or Horizon 2020 BB-03-2017:Adaptive tree State breeding strategies and tools associated country. for forest production systems resilient to climate change and natural disturbances BB-04-2016:Intelligent solutions and tools in forest production systems, fostering a sustainable supply of quality wood for the growing bioeconomy BB-05-2017:Bio-based products: Mobilisation and mutual learning action plan BB-06-2016:The Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre regional Stran 7 od 110 dimension industries of bio-based Funding scheme: Research and Actions Innovation Innovation Actins Coordination Actions Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre and Support Stran 8 od 110 1.3. FOR A BETTER INNOVATION SUPPORT TO SMES (H2020-INNOSUP-2016-2017) FOR A BETTER INNOVATION SUPPORT TO SMES (H2020INNOSUP-2016-2017) EC Deadline: Different deadlines per topic Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. INNOSUP-01-2016Each of the three must be 2017:Cluster facilitated projects established in a different EU for new industrial value chains Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country. All three INNOSUP-02-2016:European legal entities must be SME innovation Associate - pilot independent of each other INNOSUP-03-2017:Technology services to accelerate the uptake of advanced cipants/portal/desktop/en/opportun manufacturing technologies for ities/h2020/calls/h2020-innosupclean production by 2016manufacturing SMEs 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-INNOSUP-2016INNOSUP-04-2016:SMEs for 2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi social innovation – Challenge ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 platform &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc INNOSUP-05-2016-2017:Peer learning of innovation agencies¸ For CSA: At least one legal entity established in an EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country. INNOSUP-06-2016:Capacitybuilding for National Contact Points (NCPs) for SMEs and Access to Risk Finance under Horizon 2020 INNOSUP-07-2017:Innovating SMEs - segmentation along Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 9 od 110 lifecycle and sectors (analytical research activity) INNOSUP-08-2017:A better access to industrial technologies developed overseas Funding scheme: Research and Actions Innovation Innovation Actins Coordination Actions Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre and Support Stran 10 od 110 1.4. EURATOM FISSION 2016-2017 (H2020-NFRP-2016-2017) EURATOM FISSION 2016-2017 (H2020-NFRP-2016-2017) Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. EC Each of the three must be NFRP 1:Continually established in a different EU improving safety and Member State or Horizon 2020 reliability of Generation II associated country. All three and III reactors Deadline: legal entities must be 5 October 2016, 17h Brussels local independent of each other NFRP 10:Support for the time optimised use of European For CSA: research reactors At least one legal entity NFRP 11:Support for the EU established in an EU Member cipants/portal/desktop/en/opportun security of supply of nuclear State or Horizon 2020 ities/h2020/calls/nfrp-2016associated country. fuel for research reactors 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ NFRP-2016NFRP 12:Support for careers in 2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi the nuclear field ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi NFRP 13:Fission/fusion crossfier/desc cutting research in the area of multi-scale materials modelling NFRP 14:Cross-cutting support to improved knowledge on tritium management in fission and fusion facilities NFRP 2:Research on safety of fast neutron Generation-IV reactors NFRP 3:Investigating the safety Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 11 od 110 of closed nuclear fuel cycle options and fuel developments NFRP 4:Research on the safety of small modular reactors NFRP 5:Materials research for Generation-IV reactors NFRP 6:Addressing key priority R&I issues for the first-of-thekind geological repositories NFRP 7:Research and innovation on the overall management of radioactive waste other than geological disposal. NFRP 8:Pan-European knowledge sharing and development of competence in radioactive waste management NFRP 9:Impacts of low dose radiation exposure Funding scheme: Research and Actions Innovation Innovation Actins Coordination Actions Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre and Support Stran 12 od 110 1.5. BLUE GROWTH - DEMONSTRATING AN OCEAN OF OPPORTUNITIES (H2020-BG-2016-2017) BLUE GROWTH - DEMONSTRATING AN OCEAN OF OPPORTUNITIES (H2020-BG-2016-2017) Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. BG-01-2016:Large-scale algae Each of the three must be EC biomass integrated biorefineries established in a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 BG-02-2016-2017:High value- associated country. All three added specialised vessel legal entities must be Deadline: concepts enabling more independent of each other 17 February 2016, 17h Brussels local efficient servicing of emerging time coastal and offshore activities For CSA: At least one legal entity 14 February 2017, 17h Brussels local BG-03-2016:Multi-use of the established in an EU Member time oceans' marine space, offshore State or Horizon 2020 and near-shore: compatibility, associated country regulations, environmental and legal issues For ERA-NET Co-fund Actions: cipants/portal/desktop/en/opportun At least three legal entities. ities/h2020/calls/h2020-bg-2016BG-04-2017:Multi-use of the Each of the three must be 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ oceans marine space, offshore established in a different EU H2020-BG-2016and near-shore: Enabling Member State or Horizon 2020 2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi technologies associated country. All three ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 legal entities must be &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi BG-05-2016:ERA-NET Cofund independent of each other. fier/desc on marine technologies Participants in ERA-NET Cofund actions must be BG-06-2017:Interaction ‘research funders’, i.e. legal between people, oceans and entities owning or managing seas: a strategic approach public research and innovation towards healthcare and well- programmes. being BG-07-2017:Blue Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre green Stran 13 od 110 innovation for clean coasts and seas BG-08-2017:Innovative sustainable solutions for improving the safety and dietary properties of seafood BG-09-2016:An integrated Arctic observation system BG-10-2016:Impact of Arctic changes on the weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere BG-11-2017:The effect of climate change on Arctic permafrost and its socioeconomic impact, with a focus on coastal areas BG-12-2016:Towards integrated Mediterranean Observing System an Sea BG-13-2016:Support to the BLUEMED Initiative: Coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation activities in the Mediterranean Funding scheme: Research and Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Innovation Stran 14 od 110 Actions Innovation Actins Coordination Actions and Support ERA-NET Co-fund Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 15 od 110 1.6. SUSTAINABLE FOOD SECURITY – RESILIENT AND RESOURCE-EFFICIENT VALUE CHAINS (H2020SFS-2016-2017) SUSTAINABLE FOOD SECURITY – RESILIENT AND RESOURCEEFFICIENT VALUE CHAINS (H2020SFS-2016-2017) Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. SFS-01-2016:Solutions to Each of the three must be multiple and combined stresses established in a different EU EC in crop production Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country. All three SFS-02-2016:Teaming up for legal entities must be good: Exploiting the benefits of independent of each other Deadline: species diversity in cropping Different deadlines per topic systems For CSA in FPA: At least one legal entity SFS-03-2016:Testing and established in an EU Member breeding for sustainability and State or Horizon 2020 cipants/portal/desktop/en/opportun resilience in crops associated country ities/h2020/calls/h2020-sfs-20162017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ SFS-04-2017:New partnerships H2020-SFS-2016and tools to enhance European 2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi capacities for in-situ ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 conservation &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc SFS-05-2017:Robotics Advances for Precision Farming SFS-06-2016:Weeding strategies, tools and technologies for sustainable weed management SFS-07-2016-2017:Organic breeding – Increasing the competitiveness of the organic Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 16 od 110 breeding and farming sectors SFS-08-2017:Organic inputs – contentious inputs in organic farming SFS-09-2016:Spotlight on critical outbreak of pests: the case of Xylella fastidiosa SFS-10-2017:Research and approaches for emerging diseases in plants and terrestrial livestock SFS-11-2016:Challenges for disease management: Perennial crops in the tropics and subtropics SFS-12-2016:Support international research animal health for on SFS-13-2017:Validation of diagnostic tools for animal and plant health SFS-14-2016:Understanding host-pathogen-environment interactions SFS-15-2016-2017:Breeding livestock for resilience and efficiency Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 17 od 110 SFS-16-2017:Bee health sustainable pollination and SFS-17-2017:Innovations plant protection in SFS-18-2016:Framework Partnership Agreement supporting Joint Actions towards Public-Public Partnerships in the Bioeconomy Funding scheme: Research and Actions Innovation Innovation Actins Coordination Actions Framework Agreement Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre and Support Partnership Stran 18 od 110 1.7. AWARENESS-RAISING AND CAPACITY-BUILDING FOR BUSINESS ANGELS AND OTHER EARLY-STAGE INVESTORS (H2020-CBBA-2016) AWARENESS-RAISING AND CAPACITY-BUILDING FOR BUSINESS ANGELS AND OTHER EARLY-STAGE INVESTORS (H2020-CBBA-2016) EC Topic covered with this call for proposals: CBBA-01-2016:Awarenessraising and capacity-building for business angels and other early-stage investors At least one legal entity Legal entities established in an EU Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Action Deadline: 16 February 2016, 17h Brussels local time cipants/portal/desktop/en/opportun ities/h2020/calls/h2020-cbba2016.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-CBBA2016/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 19 od 110 1.8. FAST TRACK TO INNOVATION PILOT (H2020-FTIPILOT-2016) FAST TRACK TO INNOVATION PILOT (H2020-FTIPILOT-2016) Topic covered with this call: At least three and maximum Legal entities five legal entities can FTIPilot-01-2016:Fast Track to participate in a project. Each EC Innovation Pilot of the three shall be established in a different Member State or associated country. All three legal entities Deadline: shall be independent of each 15 March 2016, 17h Brussels local other. time At least one of the following minimum conditions shall be 1 June 2016, 17h Brussels local time met: Either 25 October 2016, 17h Brussels local - at least 60% of the overall time budget of the proposal must be allocated to consortium partner(s) from industry or - the minimum number of pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit industry participants must be 2 ies/h2020/calls/h2020-ftipilotin a consortium of 3 or 4 2016.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ partners, and 3 in a H2020-FTIPilotconsortium of 5 partners. 2016/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi The maximum EU contribution ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 per project is EUR 3 million. &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 20 od 110 1.9. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES CALL (H2020-ICT-2016-2017) INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES CALL (H2020-ICT-2016-2017) EC Deadline: 12 April 2016, 17h Brussels local time 8 November 2016, 17h Brussels local time 19 January 2016, 17h Brussels local time 25 April 2017, 17h Brussels local time (Different for different call topics) pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-ict-20162017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-ICT-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. ICT-01-2016:Smart Cyber- Each of the three must be Physical Systems established in a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 ICT-02-2016:Thin, Organic and associated country. All three Large Area Electronics legal entities must be independent of each other ICT-03-2016:SSI Smart System Integration For CSA: At least one legal entity ICT-04-2017:Smart Anything established in an EU Member Everywhere Initiative State or Horizon 2020 associated country ICT-05-2017:Customised and low energy computing ICT-06-2016:Cloud Computing ICT-07-2017:5G PPP Research and Validation of critical technologies and systems ICT-08-2017:5G Convergent Technologies PPP ICT-09-2017:Networking research beyond 5G ICT-10-2016:Software Technologies Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 21 od 110 ICT-11-2017:Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation ICT-12-2016:Net Initiative Innovation ICT-13-2016:Future Internet Experimentation - Building a European experimental Infrastructure ICT-14-2016-2017:Big Data PPP: cross-sectorial and crosslingual data integration and experimentation ICT-15-2016-2017:Big Data PPP: Large Scale Pilot actions in sectors best benefitting from data-driven innovation ICT-16-2017:Big data PPP: research addressing main technology challenges of the data economy ICT-17-2016-2017:Big data PPP: Support, industrial skills, benchmarking and evaluation ICT-18-2016:Big data privacy-preserving big technologies Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre PPP: data Stran 22 od 110 ICT-19-2017:Media and content convergence ICT-20-2017:Tools for smart digital content in the creative industries ICT-21-2016:Support technology transfer creative industries to the ICT-22-2016:Technologies Learning and Skills for ICT-23-2017:Interfaces accessibility for ICT-24-2016:Gaming gamification and ICT-25-2016-2017:Advanced robot capabilities research and take-up ICT-26-2016:System abilities, development and pilot installations ICT-27-2017:System abilities, SME & benchmarking actions, safety certification ICT-28-2017:Robotics Competition, coordination and Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 23 od 110 support ICT-29-2016:Photonics 2016 KET ICT-30-2017:Photonics 2017 KET ICT-31-2017:Microand nanoelectronics technologies ICT-32-2017:Startup Europe for Growth and Innovation Radar ICT-33-2017:Innovation procurement networks ICT-34-2016:Pre-Commercial Procurement open ICT-35-2016:Enabling responsible ICT-related research and innovation ICT-36-2016:Boost synergies between artists, creative people and technologists ICT-37-2016:CHINA: Collaboration on Future Internet ICT-38-2016:MEXICO: Collaboration on ICT ICT-39-2016Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 24 od 110 2017:International partnership building in low and middle income countries Funding mechanisms: Research and Innovation Action Innovation Action Coordination Action Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre and Support Stran 25 od 110 1.10. RURAL RENAISSANCE – FOSTERING INNOVATION AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (H2020-RUR2016-2017) RURAL RENAISSANCE – FOSTERING INNOVATION AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (H2020-RUR-20162017) Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. RUR-01-2016:Consolidated Each of the three must be policy framework and established in a different EU EC governance models for Member State or Horizon 2020 synergies in rural-urban associated country. All three linkages legal entities must be independent of each other Deadline: RUR-02-2017:Coastal-rural Different deadline dates per topic interactions: Enhancing For CSA: selected synergies between land and At least one legal entity sea-based activities established in an EU Member State or Horizon 2020 RUR-03-2017:Towards 2030 - associated country pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit policies and decision tools for ies/h2020/calls/h2020-rur-2016an integrated management of 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ natural resources H2020-RUR-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi RUR-04-2016:Water farms – ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 improving farming and its &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi impact on the supply of fier/desc drinking water RUR-05-2017:Novel public policies, business models and mechanisms for the sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services RUR-06-2016:Crop diversification systems for the Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 26 od 110 delivery of food, feed, industrial products and ecosystems services - from farm benefits to value-chain organisation RUR-07-2016:Resourceefficient and profitable industrial crops on marginal land RUR-08-2016:Demonstration of integrated logistics centres for food and non-food applications RUR-09-2017:Business models for modern rural economies RUR-10-2016-2017:Thematic Networks compiling knowledge ready for practice RUR-11-2016:On-farm demonstrations: deepening farmer-to-farmer learning mechanisms RUR-12-2017:Networking European farms to boost thematic knowledge exchanges and close the innovation gap RUR-13-2017:Building a future science and education system fit to deliver to practice Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 27 od 110 RUR-14-2016:Advisors' roles in the functioning of AKIS and advisory policies boosting innovation in sustainable agriculture RUR-15-2017:The benefits of working with others – fostering social capital in the farming sector RUR-16-2017:Optimising interactive innovation project approaches and the delivery of EU policies to speed up innovation in rural areas Funding mechanisms: Research and Innovation Action Innovation Action Coordination Action Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre and Support Stran 28 od 110 1.11. WIDESPREAD – H2020-WIDESPREAD-2016-2017 WIDESPREAD – H2020WIDESPREAD-2016-2017 EC Deadline: Different deadlines per topic Topics covered with this call for At least one legal entity Legal entities proposals: established in an EU Member State or Horizon 2020 WIDESPREAD-01-2016associated country 2017:Teaming Phase 2 WIDESPREAD-02-2016:Support to JPI Urban Europe WIDESPREAD-03-2017:ERA Chairs pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-widespread20162017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-WIDESPREAD-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc WIDESPREAD-042017:Teaming Phase 1 WIDESPREAD-052017:Twinning Funding mechanism: Coordination Action Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre and Support Stran 29 od 110 1.12. SMART AND SUSTAINABLE CITIES (H2020-SCC-2016-2017) SMART AND SUSTAINABLE CITIES (H2020-SCC-2016-2017) EC Deadline: 8 March 2016, 17h Brussels local time 5 April 2016, 17h Brussels local time Topics covered with this call for At least three legal entities. Legal entities proposals: Each of the three must be established in a different EU SCC-02-2016Member State or Horizon 2020 2017:Demonstrating innovative associated country. All three nature-based solutions in cities legal entities must be independent of each other SCC-03-2016:New governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with nature-based solutions (urban re-naturing) SCC-04-2016:Sustainable urbanisation pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-scc-20162017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-SCC-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc SCC-1-2016-2017:Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse projects Funding mechanisms: RIA, IA, ERA-NET Co-fund Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 30 od 110 1.13. ENERGY EFFICIENCY CALL (H2020-EE-2016-2017) ENERGY EFFICIENCY CALL (H2020EE-2016-2017) Deadline: Different deadline per topic Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. EE-01-2017:Waste heat Each of the three must be recovery from urban facilities established in a different EU and re-use to increase energy Member State or Horizon 2020 efficiency of district or associated country. All three individual heating and cooling legal entities must be systems independent of each other pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-ee-20162017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-EE-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc EE-02-2017:Improving the For CSA: performance of inefficient At least one legal entity district heating networks established in an EU Member State or Horizon 2020 EE-03-2016:Standardised associated country installation packages integrating renewable and energy efficiency solutions for heating, cooling and/or hot water preparation EC EE-04-2016-2017:New heating and cooling solutions using low grade sources of thermal energy EE-05-2016:Models and tools for heating and cooling mapping and planning EE-06-2016-2017:Engaging private consumers towards sustainable energy Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 31 od 110 EE-07-2016-2017:Behavioural change toward energy efficiency through ICT EE-08-2016:Socio-economic research on consumer's behaviour related to energy efficiency EE-09-2016-2017:Engaging and activating public authorities EE-10-2016:Supporting accelerated and cost-effective deep renovation of buildings through Public Private Partnership (EeB PPP) EE-11-2016-2017:Overcoming market barriers and promoting deep renovation of buildings EE-12-2017:Integration of Demand Response in Energy Management Systems while ensuring interoperability through Public Private Partnership (EeB PPP) EE-13-2016:Cost new Nearly buildings reduction of Zero-Energy EE-14-2016-2017:Construction Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 32 od 110 skills EE-15-2017:Increasing capacities for actual implementation of energy efficiency measures in industry and services EE-16-2016-2017:Effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation EE-17-2016-2017:Valorisation of waste heat in industrial systems (SPIRE PPP) EE-18-2017:Energy efficiency of industrial parks through energy cooperation and mutualised energy services EE-19-2017:Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions for energy efficiency EE-20-2017:Bringing to market more energy efficient and integrated data centres EE-21-2016:ERA-NET Cofund actions supporting Joint Actions towards increasing energy efficiency in industry and services Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 33 od 110 EE-22-2016-2017:Project Development Assistance EE-23-2017:Innovative financing schemes EE-24-2016-2017:Making the energy efficiency market investible EE-25-2016:Development and roll-out of innovative energy efficiency services Funding mechanisms: RIA, IA, CSA, PPI Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 34 od 110 1.14. PERSONALISED MEDICINE (H2020-SC1-2016-2017) PERSONALISED MEDICINE (H2020SC1-2016-2017) Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. EC SC1-HCO-01-2016:Valorisation Each of the three must be of FP7 Health and H2020 SC1 established in a different EU research results Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country. All three Deadline: SC1-HCO-02legal entities must be Different deadline per topic 2016:Standardisation of pre- independent of each other analytical and analytical procedures for in vitro For CSA: diagnostics in personalised At least one legal entity pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit medicine established in an EU Member ies/h2020/calls/h2020-sc1-2016State or Horizon 2020 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ SC1-HCO-03associated country H2020-SC1-20162017:Implementing the 2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi Strategic Research Agenda on ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 Personalised Medicine &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc SC1-HCO-04-2016:Towards globalisation of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial resistance C1-HCO-05-2016:Coordinating personalised medicine research SC1-HCO-06-2016:Towards an ERA-NET for building sustainable and resilient health system models SC1-HCO-07-2017:Global Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 35 od 110 Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) SC1-HCO-08-2017:Actions to bridge the divide in European health research and innovation SC1-HCO-10-2016:Support for Europe’s leading Health ICT SMEs SC1-HCO-11-2016:Coordinated action to support the recognition of Silver Economy opportunities arising from demographic change SC1-HCO-12-2016:Digital health literacy SC1-HCO-13-2016:Healthcare Workforce IT skills SC1-HCO-14-2016:EU-US interoperability roadmap SC1-HCO-15-2016:EU eHealth Interoperability conformity assessment SC1-HCO-162016:Standardisation needs in the field of ICT for Active and Healthy Ageing Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 36 od 110 SC1-PM-01-2016:Multi omics for personalised therapies addressing diseases of the immune system SC1-PM-02-2017:New concepts in patient stratification SC1-PM-03-2017:Diagnostic characterisation of rare diseases SC1-PM-04-2016:Networking and optimising the use of population and patient cohorts at EU level SC1-PM-05-2016:The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative SC1-PM-06-2016:Vaccine development for malaria and/or neglected infectious diseases SC1-PM-07-2017:Promoting mental health and well-being in the young SC1-PM-08-2017:New therapies for rare diseases SC1-PM-09-2016:New therapies for chronic diseases SC1-PM-10-2017:Comparing Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 37 od 110 the effectiveness of existing healthcare interventions in the adult population SC1-PM-11-2016-2017:Clinical research on regenerative medicine SC1-PM-12-2016:PCP - eHealth innovation in empowering the patient SC1-PM-13-2016:PPI for deployment and scaling up of ICT solutions for active and healthy ageing SC1-PM-14-2016:EU-Japan cooperation on Novel ICT Robotics based solutions for active and healthy ageing at home or in care facilities SC1-PM-15-2017:Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age SC1-PM-16-2017:In-silico trials for developing and assessing biomedical products SC1-PM-17-2017:Personalised computer models and in-silico systems for well-being Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 38 od 110 SC1-PM-18-2016:Big Data supporting Public Health policies SC1-PM-19-2017:PPI for uptake of standards for the exchange of digitalised healthcare records SC1-PM-20-2017:Development of new methods and measures for improved economic evaluation and efficiency measures in the health sector SC1-PM-212016:Implementation research for scaling-up of evidence based innovations and good practice in Europe and low- and middleincome countries Funding mechanisms: RIA, IA, CSA, PPI Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 39 od 110 1.15. CO-CREATE FOR GROWTH AND INCLUSION (H2020-SC6-COCREATION-2016-2017) CO-CREATE FOR GROWTH AND INCLUSION (H2020-SC6COCREATION-2016-2017) EC Deadline: 4 February 2016, 17h Brussels local time 2 February 2017, 17h Brussels local time pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-sc6-cocreation-20162017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-SC6-CO-CREATION-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. CO-CREATION-01Each of the three must be 2017:Education and skills: established in a different EU empowering Europe’s young Member State or Horizon 2020 innovators associated country. All three legal entities must be CO-CREATION-02-2016:Userindependent of each other driven innovation: value creation through design- For CSA: enabled innovation At least one legal entity established in an EU Member CO-CREATION-03-2016:Piloting State or Horizon 2020 demand-driven collaborative associated country innovation models in Europe CO-CREATION-04-2017:Applied co-creation to deliver public services CO-CREATION-05-2016:Cocreation between public administrations: once-only principle CO-CREATION-06-2017:Policydevelopment in the age of big data: data-driven policymaking, policy-modelling and policy-implementation CO-CREATION-07- Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 40 od 110 2017:Towards a new growth strategy in Europe - Improved economic and social measurement, data and official statistics CO-CREATION-082016/2017:Better integration of evidence on the impact of research and innovation in policy making CO-CREATION-09-2016:A European map of knowledge production and co-creation in support of research and innovation for societal challenges Funding mechanisms: RIA, IA, CSA Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 41 od 110 1.16. UNDERSTANDING EUROPE – PROMOTING THE EUROPEAN PUBLIC AND CULTURAL SPACE (H2020SC6-CULT-COOP-2016-2017) UNDERSTANDING EUROPE – PROMOTING THE EUROPEAN PUBLIC AND CULTURAL SPACE (H2020-SC6CULT-COOP-2016-2017) EC Deadline: 4 February 2016, 17h Brussels local time 2 February 2017, 17h Brussels local time pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-sc6-cultcoop-20162017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-SC6-CULT-COOP-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. CULT-COOP-01Each of the three must be 2017:Democratic discourses established in a different EU and the rule of law Member State or Horizon 2020 associated country. All three CULT-COOP-02-2017:Improving legal entities must be mutual understanding among independent of each other Europeans by working through troubled pasts For CSA: At least one legal entity CULT-COOP-03-2017:Cultural established in an EU Member literacy of young generations in State or Horizon 2020 Europe associated country CULT-COOP-042017:Contemporary histories of Europe in artistic and creative practices CULT-COOP-05-2017:Religious diversity in Europe - past, present and future CULT-COOP-062017:Participatory approaches and social innovation in culture CULT-COOP-07-2017:Cultural heritage of European coastal and maritime regions Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 42 od 110 CULT-COOP-08-2016:Virtual museums and social platform on European digital heritage, memory, identity and cultural interaction. CULT-COOP-09-2017:European cultural heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past. CULT-COOP-10-2017:Culture, integration and European public space CULT-COOP-112016/2017:Understanding the transformation of European public administrations Funding mechanisms: RIA, CSA, ERA-NET Co-fund Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 43 od 110 1.17. EU-JAPAN JOINT CALL (H2020-EUJ-2016) EU-JAPAN JOINT CALL (H2020-EUJ2016) EC Deadline: 19 January 2016, 17h Brussels local time Topics covered with this call for At least three legal entities. Legal entities proposals: Each of the three must be established in a different EU EUJ-01-2016:5G – Next Member State or Horizon 2020 Generation Communication associated country. All three Networks legal entities must be independent of each other EUJ-02-2016:IoT/Cloud/Big Data platforms in social application contexts EUJ-03-2016:Experimental testbeds on Information-Centric Networking pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-eujFunding mechanisms: 2016.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ RIA H2020-EUJ2016/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 44 od 110 1.18. DIGITAL SECURITY FOCUS AREA (H2020-DS-2016-2017) DIGITAL SECURITY FOCUS AREA (H2020-DS-2016-2017) Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. EC DS-01-2016:Assurance and Each of the three must be Certification for Trustworthy established in a different EU and Secure ICT systems, Member State or Horizon 2020 services and components associated country. All three Deadline: legal entities must be Different deadlines per topic DS-02-2016:Cyber Security for independent of each other SMEs, local public administration and Individuals For CSA: At least one legal entity pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit DS-03-2016:Increasing digital established in an EU Member ies/h2020/calls/h2020-ds-2016security of health related data State or Horizon 2020 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ on a systemic level associated country H2020-DS-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi DS-04-2016:Economics of ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 Cybersecurity &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc DS-05-2016:EU Cooperation and International Dialogues in Cybersecurity and Privacy Research and Innovation DS-06-2017:Cryptography DS-07-2017:Addressing Advanced Cyber Security Threats and Threat Actors DS-08-2017:Privacy, Data Protection, Digital Identities Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 45 od 110 Funding mechanisms: RIA, IA, CSA Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 46 od 110 1.19. APPLICATIONS IN SATELLITE NAVIGATION – GALILEO 2017 (H2020-GALILEO-GSA-2017) APPLICATIONS IN SATELLITE NAVIGATION – GALILEO 2017 (H2020-GALILEO-GSA-2017) Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. GALILEO-1-2017:EGNSS Each of the three must be EC Transport applications established in a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 GALILEO-2-2017:EGNSS mass associated country. All three market applications legal entities must be Deadline: independent of each other 1 March 2017, 17h Brussels local GALILEO-3-2017:EGNSS time professional applications For CSA: At least one legal entity GALILEO-4-2017:EGNSS established in an EU Member awareness raising and capacity State or Horizon 2020 building associated country pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-galileo-gsaFunding mechanisms: 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ IA, CSA H2020-GALILEO-GSA2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 47 od 110 1.20. EUROPEAN RESEARCHERS' NIGHT (H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2016) EUROPEAN RESEARCHERS' NIGHT (H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2016) EC Deadline: 13 January 2016, 17h Brussels local time Topic covered with this call for At least one legal entity Legal entities proposal: established in an EU Member State or Horizon 2020 MSCA-NIGHT-2016:European associated country Researchers' Night Funding mechanism: CSA pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-msca-night2016.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-MSCA-NIGHT2016/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 48 od 110 1.21. TRANS-NATIONAL COOPERATION AMONG MARIE SKLODOWSKA – CURIE NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS (H2020-MSCA-NCP-2017) TRANS-NATIONAL COOPERATION AMONG MARIE SKLODOWSKA – CURIE NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS (H2020-MSCA-NCP-2017) Topic covered with this call for At least one legal entity Legal entities proposals: established in an EU Member State or Horizon 2020 MSCA-NCP-2017:MSCA National associated country Contact Points EC Funding mechanism: CSA Deadline: 4 May 2017, 17h Brussels local time pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-msca-ncp2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-MSCA-NCP2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 49 od 110 1.22. CALL FOR NANOTECHNOLOGIES, ADVANCED MATERIALS, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTION (H2020-NMBP-2016-2017) CALL FOR NANOTECHNOLOGIES, ADVANCED MATERIALS, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTION (H2020-NMBP-2016-2017) Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. BIOTEC-01-2016:ERA-NET Each of the three must be Cofund on Biotechnologies established in a different EU EC Member State or Horizon 2020 BIOTEC-02-2016:Bioconversion associated country. All three of non-agricultural waste into legal entities must be biomolecules for industrial independent of each other Deadline: applications Deadline is different per topic For CSA: BIOTEC-03-2016:Microbial At least one legal entity chassis platforms with established in an EU Member optimized metabolic pathways State or Horizon 2020 pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit for industrial innovations associated country ies/h2020/calls/h2020-nmbp-2016- through systems biology 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-NMBP-2016BIOTEC-04-2016:KET 2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi Biotechnology foresight ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 identifying gaps and high-value &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi opportunities for the EU fier/desc industry BIOTEC-05-2017:Microbial platforms for CO2-reuse processes in the low-carbon economy BIOTEC-06-2017:Optimisation of biocatalysis and downstream processing for the sustainable production of high value-added Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 50 od 110 platform chemicals BIOTEC-07-2017:New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBT) in molecular farming: Multipurpose crops for industrial bioproducts BIOTEC-08-2017:Support for enhancing and demonstrating the impact of KET Biotechnology projects NMBP-01-2016:Novel hybrid materials for heterogeneous catalysis NMBP-02-2016:Advanced Materials for Power Electronics based on wide bandgap semiconductor devices technology NMBP-03-2016:Innovative and sustainable materials solutions for the substitution of critical raw materials in the electric power system NMBP-04-2017:Architectured /Advanced material concepts for intelligent bulk material structures NMBP-05-2017:Advanced Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 51 od 110 materials and innovative design for improved functionality and aesthetics in high added value consumer goods NMBP-06-2017:Improved material durability in buildings and infrastructures, including offshore NMBP-07-2017:Systems of materials characterisation for model, product and process optimisation NMBP-08-2016:Affordable weight reduction of highvolume vehicles and components taking into account the entire life-cycle NMBP-09-2016:Biomaterials for diagnosis and treatment of demyelination disorders of the Central Nervous System NMBP-102016:Nanoformulation biologicals NMBP-11-2016:ERA-NET Nanomedicine of on NMBP-12-2017:Development of a reliable methodology for Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 52 od 110 better risk management of engineered biomaterials in Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and/or Medical Devices NMBP-13-2017:Cross-cutting KETs for diagnostics at the point-of-care NMBP-14-2017:Regulatory Science Framework for assessment of risk benefit ratio of Nanomedicines and Biomaterials NMBP-152017:Nanotechnologies for imaging cellular transplants and regenerative processes in vivo NMBP-16-2017:Mobilising the European nano-biomedical ecosystem NMBP-17-2016:Advanced materials solutions and architectures for high efficiency solar energy harvesting NMBP-18-2016:Advanced materials enabling the integration of storage technologies in the electricity grid Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 53 od 110 NMBP-19-2017:Cost-effective materials for “power-tochemical” technologies NMBP-20-2017:Highperformance materials for optimizing carbon dioxide capture NMBP-21-2016:ERA-NET on manufacturing technologies supporting industry and particularly SMEs in the global competition NMBP-22-2017:Business models and industrial strategies supporting novel supply chains for innovative product-services NMBP-23-2016:Advancing the integration of Materials Modelling in Business Processes to enhance effective industrial decision making and increase competitiveness NMBP-24-2016:Network to capitalise on strong European position in materials modelling and to allow industry to reap the benefits NMBP-25-2017:Next generation Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 54 od 110 system integrating tangible and intangible materials model components to support innovation in industry NMBP-26-2016:Analytical techniques and tools in support of nanomaterial risk assessment NMBP-27-2016:Promoting safe innovation through global consolidation and networking of nanosafety centres and strengthening the European industry through cooperation in nanosafety NMBP-28-2017:Framework and strategies for nanomaterial characterisation, classification, grouping and read-across for risk analysis NMBP-29-2017:Advanced and realistic models and assays for nanomaterial hazard assessment NMBP-30-2016:Facilitating knowledge management, networking and coordination in the field of formulated products NMBP-31-2016:Presidency Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 55 od 110 events NMBP-31-2017:Presidency events NMBP-32-2016:Support National Contact Points for NMBP-33-2016:Networking and sharing best experiences in using regional clusters strategies with a focus on supporting innovation in the NMBP thematic area. NMBP-34-2017:Governing innovation of nanotechnology through enhanced societal engagement NMBP-35-2017:Innovative solutions for the conservation of 20th century cultural heritage NMBP-36-2016:Policy support for Industry 2020 in the circular economy Funding mechanisms: RIA, IA, CSA Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 56 od 110 1.23. SECURITY (H2020-SEC-2016-2017) SECURITY (H2020-SEC-2016-2017) Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: EC At least three legal entities. SEC-01-DRS-2016:Integrated Each of the three must be tools for response planning and established in a different EU scenario building Member State or Horizon 2020 Deadline: associated country. All three 25 August 2016, 17h Brussels local SEC-02-DRS-2016:Situational legal entities must be time awareness systems to support independent of each other civil protection preparation and 24 August 2017, 17h Brussels local operational decision making For CSA: time At least one legal entity SEC-03-DRS-2016:Validation of established in an EU Member biological toxins measurements State or Horizon 2020 after an incident: Development associated country pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit of tools and procedures for ies/h2020/calls/h2020-sec-2016quality control 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-SEC-2016SEC-04-DRS-2017:Broadband 2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi communication systems ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi SEC-05-DRS-2016fier/desc 2017:Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) cluster SEC-06-FCT-2016:Developing a comprehensive approach to violent radicalization in the EU from early understanding to improving protection Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 57 od 110 SEC-07-FCT-2016-2017:Human Factor for the Prevention, Investigation, and Mitigation of criminal and terrorist acts SEC-08-FCT-2016:Forensics techniques on: a) trace qualification, and b) broadened use of DNA SEC-09-FCT-2017:Toolkits integrating tools and techniques for forensic laboratories SEC-10-FCT-2017: Integration of detection capabilities and data fusion with utility providers’ networks SEC-11-FCT-2016:Detection techniques on explosives: Countering an explosive threat, across the timeline of a plot SEC-12-FCT-20162017:Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation in the context of fight against crime and terrorism SEC-13–BES–2017:Next generation of information systems to support EU external policies Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 58 od 110 SEC-14-BES–2016:Towards reducing the cost of technologies in land border security applications SEC-15-BES–2017:Risk-based screening at border crossing SEC-16-BES–2017:Throughfoliage detection, including in the outermost regions of the EU SEC-17-BES-2017:Architectures and organizations, big data and data analytics for customs risk management of the international goods supply chain trade movements SEC-18-BES–2017:Acceptance of "no gate crossing point solutions" SEC-19-BES-2016:Data fusion for maritime security applications SEC-20-BES-2016:Border Security: autonomous systems and control systems SEC-21–GM-2016-2017:Pan European Networks of practitioners and other actors in Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 59 od 110 the field of security Funding mechanisms: RIA, IA, CSA Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 60 od 110 1.24. EU-SOUTH KOREA JOINT CALL (H2020-EUK-2016) EU-SOUTH KOREA JOINT CALL (H2020-EUK-2016) EC Deadline: 19 January 2016, 17h Brussels local time Topics covered with this call for At least three legal entities. Legal entities proposals: Each of the three must be established in a different EU Member State or Horizon 2020 EUK-01-2016:5G – Next associated country. All three Generation Communication legal entities must be Networks independent of each other EUK-02-2016:IoT joint research EUK-03-2016:Federated Cloud resource brokerage for mobile cloud services pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit Funding mechanisms: ies/h2020/calls/h2020-eukRIA 2016.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-EUK2016/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 61 od 110 1.25. INDUSTRY 2020 IN CIRCULAR ECONOMY (H2020-IND-CE-2016-2017) INDUSTRY 2020 IN CIRCULAR ECONOMY (H2020-IND-CE-20162017) Topics covered with this call for For RIA and IA: Legal entities proposals: At least three legal entities. CIRC-01-2016-2017:Systemic, Each of the three must be EC eco-innovative approaches for established in a different EU the circular economy: large- Member State or Horizon 2020 scale demonstration projects associated country. All three legal entities must be Deadline: CIRC-02-2016-2017:Water in independent of each other Deadlines varies per topic the context of the circular economy For CSA: At least one legal entity CIRC-03-2016:Smart established in an EU Member pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit Specialisation for systemic eco- State or Horizon 2020 ies/h2020/calls/h2020-ind-ce-2016- innovation/circular economy associated country 17.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/H2 020-IND-CE-2016CIRC-04-2016:New models and 17/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcoming economic incentives for circular /1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0&c economy business allStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identifie r/desc CIRC-05-2016:Unlocking the potential of urban organic waste FOF-01-2016:Novel hybrid approaches for additive and subtractive manufacturing machines FOF-02-2016:Machinery and robot systems in dynamic shop floor environments using novel embedded cognitive functions Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 62 od 110 FOF-03-2016:Zero-defect strategies at system level for multi-stage manufacturing in production lines FOF-04-2016:Continuous adaptation of work environments with changing levels of automation in evolving production systems FOF-05-2016:Support for the further development of Additive Manufacturing technologies in Europe FOF-06-2017:New product functionalities through advanced surface manufacturing processes for mass production FOF-07-2017:Integration of unconventional technologies for multi-material processing into manufacturing systems FOF-08-2017:In-line measurement and control for micro-/nano-enabled highvolume manufacturing for enhanced reliability FOF-09-2017:Novel design and predictive maintenance Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 63 od 110 technologies for operating life of systems increased production FOF-10-2017:New technologies and life cycle management for reconfigurable and reusable customised products FOF-11-2016:Digital automation FOF-12-2017:ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) FOF-13-2016:Photonics based production Laser- PILOTS-01-2016:Pilot lines for manufacturing of materials with customized thermal/electrical conductivity properties PILOTS-02-2016:Pilot Line Manufacturing of Nanostructured Antimicrobial Surfaces using Advanced Nanosurface Functionalization Technologies PILOTS-03-2017:Pilot Lines for Manufacturing of Nanotextured surfaces with mechanically enhanced properties Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 64 od 110 PILOTS-04-2017:Pilot Lines for 3D printed and/or injection moulded polymeric or ceramic microfluidic MEMS PILOTS-05-2017:Paper-based electronics SPIRE-01-2016:Systematic approaches for resourceefficient water management systems in process industries SPIRE-02-2016:Plant-wide monitoring and control of dataintensive processes SPIRE-03-2016:Industrial technologies for the valorisation of European bio-resources into high added value process streams SPIRE-04-2016:Industrial furnace design addressing energy efficiency in new and existing furnaces SPIRE-05-2016:Potential use of carbon dioxide / carbon monoxide and non-conventional fossil natural resources in Europe as feedstock for the process industry Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 65 od 110 SPIRE-06-2016:Business models for flexible delocalised approaches intensified processing and for SPIRE-07-2017:Integrated approach to process optimisation for raw material resources efficiency, excluding recovery technologies of waste streams SPIRE-08-2017:Carbon dioxide utilisation to produce added value chemicals SPIRE-09-2017:Pilot lines based on more flexible and down-scaled high performance processing SPIRE-10-2017:New electrochemical solutions for industrial processing, which contribute to a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions SPIRE-11-2017:Support for the enhancement of the impact of SPIRE PPP projects SPIRE-12-2017:Assessment of standardisation needs and ways to overcome regulatory bottlenecks in the process Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 66 od 110 industry Funding mechanisms: RIA, IA, CSA Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 67 od 110 1.26. CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION (H2020-CIP-2016-2017) CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION (H2020-CIP-20162017) EC Deadline: 25 August 2016, 17h Brussels local time Topic covered with this call for At least three legal entities. Legal entities proposals: Each of the three must be established in a different EU CIP-01-2016-2017:Prevention, Member State or Horizon 2020 detection, response and associated country. All three mitigation of the combination of legal entities must be physical and cyber threats to independent of each other the critical infrastructure of Europe. Funding mechanisms: IA pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-cip-20162017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-CIP-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi fier/desc Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 68 od 110 1.27. ENGAGING TOGETHER GLOBALLY (H2020-SC6-ENG-GLOBALLY-2016-2017) ENGAGING TOGETHER GLOBALLY (H2020-SC6-ENG-GLOBALLY-20162017) Topics covered with this call: For RIA and IA: Legal entities ENG-GLOBALLY-01At least three legal entities. 2017:Strengthening Europe's Each of the three must be EC position in the global context: established in a different EU science diplomacy and Member State or Horizon 2020 intercultural relations associated country. All three legal entities must be Deadline: ENG-GLOBALLY-02independent of each other 14 April 2016, 17h Brussels local 2017:Shifting global geopolitics time and Europe's preparedness for For CSA: managing risks, mitigation At least one legal entity 2nd stage deadline: 2 February 2017, actions and fostering peace established in an EU Member 17h Brussels local time State or Horizon 2020 ENG-GLOBALLY-03-2017:The associated country European Union and the global challenge of migration cipants/portal//desktop/en/opportu nities/h2020/calls/h2020-sc6-engENG-GLOBALLY-04globally-20162017:Science diplomacy for EU 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ neighbourhood policies H2020-SC6-ENG-GLOBALLY-20162017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ENG-GLOBALLY-05-2017:The ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 strategic potential of EU &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi external trade policy fier/desc ENG-GLOBALLY-06-2017:The Asia-Pacific as a strategic region for Europe ENG-GLOBALLY-07-2017:The European Union and Central Asia Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 69 od 110 ENG-GLOBALLY-082016/2017:EU-China cooperation on sustainable urbanisation ENG-GLOBALLY-092016:Centres/Networks European research innovation of and Funding mechanisms: Research and Innovation Action Coordination Action Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre and Support Stran 70 od 110 1.28. MARIE SKLODOWSKA CURIE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION STAFF EXCHANGE (H2020-MSCA-RISE2017) MARIE SKLODOWSKA CURIE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION STAFF EXCHANGE (H2020-MSCA-RISE2017) Topic covered with this call: Legal entities The consortium must be MSCA-RISE 2017:Research and created by at least three legal Innovation Staff Exchange entities, independent of each other and established in at EC Type of action: least three different countries. MSCA - RISE At least two of them must be beneficiaries located in an EU Member State or Horizon 2020 Deadline: associated country. If all 5 April 2017, 17h Brussels local time participating organisations are from the same sector (i.e. either only academic or only non-academic), there must be at least one partner cipants/portal//desktop/en/opportu organisation from a third nities/h2020/calls/h2020-msca-risecountry. Above this minimum, 2017.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ the participation of H2020-MSCA-RISEbeneficiaries/partner 2017/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi organisations from any country ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 is possible under the &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+identi conditions provided by the fier/desc Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation Regulation No 1290/2013. For RISE actions, only legal entities that are established in EU Member States or Horizon 2020 associated countries can be beneficiaries; only legal entities that are established in third countries can be partner Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 71 od 110 organisations. The overall EU contribution for RISE actions is limited to a maximum 540 person-months. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 72 od 110 1.29. H2020-JTI-IMI2-2015-06-TWO-STAGE H2020-JTI-IMI2-2015-06-TWOSTAGE EC Deadline: 12 January 2016, 17h Brussels local time 2nd stage deadline: 14 June 2016, 17h Brussels local time pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-jti-imi22015-06-twostage.html#c,topics=callIdentifier/t/ H2020-JTI-IMI2-2015-06-twostage/1/1/1&callStatus/t/Forthcomi ng/1/1/0&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0 &callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0&+plann edOpeningDate/asc The aim of this call is to contribute to achieving the objectives of the European eJustice Strategy 2014-2018. It will support the implementation of e-Justice projects within the European eJustice Portal and at national level, in as far as they have a European dimension. Priority will be given to projects aiming at joining or enhancing existing or on-going e-Justice portal projects, in particular: • Interconnection of National Insolvency Registers (IRI); But also: • Find a Lawyer (FAL); • Find a Notary (FAN); • Find a Bailiff (FAB); • Implementation of the European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) in case law repositories and interconnection with the eJustice Portal; • e-Codex. The indicative amount to be allocated on the basis of this call for proposals is EUR 46 500 000. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre The following participants are Legal entities eligible for funding: (a) independent legal entities established in a Member State or an Associated Country, or created under Union law; and (b) which fall within one of the following categories: (i) micro, small and mediumsized enterprises and other companies with an annual turnover of EUR 500 million or less, the latter not being affiliated entities of companies with an annual turnover of more than 500 million; the definition of ‘affiliated entities’3 within the meaning of Article 2(1)(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013 shall apply mutatis mutandis; (ii) secondary and higher education establishments; (iii) non-profit organisations, including those carrying out research or technological development as one of their main objectives or those that are patient organisations. (c) the Joint Research Centre; (d) international European interest organisations. Stran 73 od 110 EU funding may be granted to international organisations and legal entity established in a third country provided that at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled: (a) the participation is deemed essential for carrying out the IMI2 JU action; (b) such funding is provided for under a bilateral scientific and technological agreement or any other arrangement between the Union and the international organisation or, for entities established in third countries, the country in which the legal entity is established. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 74 od 110 1.30. IPA MONTENGRO = IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAININGS AND EMPLOYMENT FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND RE POPULATION IPA MONTENGRO = IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAININGS AND EMPLOYMENT FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND RE POPULATION Reference number: EuropeAid/137485/ID/ACT/ME EC The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to enhance social inclusion of persons with disabilities and RE population. The specific objective of this Call for Proposals is to support integration of persons with disabilities and members of RE population into the labour market through improving their skills and developing and implementing tailor-made employment programmes. In order to be eligible for a Non-governmental grant, the lead applicant organisations must: be a legal person and Empyloment agency of be non-profit-making or Montenegro profit making organisation which is aware that the Social work centres grant cannot be used for making profit, and Municipalities Deadline: 27 November 2015 o o eaid/onlineservices/index.cfm?ADSSChck=1444 637349008&do=publi.detPUB&searc htype=AS&aoet=36538&ccnt=75738 76&debpub=&orderby=upd&orderby ad=Desc&nbPubliList=15&page=1&a oref=137485 The indicative amount to be allocated on the basis of this call for proposals is EUR 800 000. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre be a specific type organisation such as: o o o o of Employer Licenced education non-governmental and training organisation/associa provider tion, Employment Agency of Montenegro Social Work Centres, Municipalities; Employer, licenced education and training provider, and be established in a Member State of the European Union or countries that are beneficiaries of the IPA instrument (as stipulated Stran 75 od 110 in the basic act (Council Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)) or the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument or countries of the European Economic Area, and Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary and at least the lead applicant or the co-applicant must have a licence in Montenegro or a licence recognised by the Montenegrin authorities (meaning that the certifications given by the foreign education centre can be recognised in Montenegro) for a publicly approved programme in case where the application deals with the implementation of an Stran 76 od 110 education within the and Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre programme grant project be registered at least 12 months prior to the deadline for submission of Concept Note Stran 77 od 110 1.31. SUPPORT FOR NATIONAL OR TRANSNATIONAL E-JUSTICE PROJECTS (JUST-2015-JACC-AG-EJU) SUPPORT FOR NATIONAL OR The aim of this call is to TRANSNATIONAL E-JUSTICE contribute to achieving the PROJECTS (JUST-2015-JACC-AG-EJU) objectives of the European eJustice Strategy 2014-2018. EC It will support the implementation of e-Justice projects within the European eJustice Portal and at national Deadline: level, in as far as they have a 6 January 2016, 17h Brussels local European dimension. Priority time will be given to projects aiming at joining or enhancing existing or on-going e-Justice portal projects, in particular: pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit • Interconnection of National ies/just/topics/3093-just-2015-jacc- Insolvency Registers (IRI); ag-e-ju.html But also: • Find a Lawyer (FAL); • Find a Notary (FAN); The indicative amount to be allocated • Find a Bailiff (FAB); Implementation of the on the basis of this call for proposals • European Case Law Identifier is EUR 2 755 000. (ECLI) in case law repositories and interconnection with the eJustice Portal; • e-Codex. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Applicants and partners must comply with the following requirements: (a) Legal status: Applicants and partners must be legally constituted public or private organisations, or international organisations. Bodies set up by the European Union falling under Article 208 of the Financial Regulations (EU bodies and institutions) are not eligible for funding and cannot submit applications. They can be associated to an application, but their costs will not be co-financed. Only legally constituted organisations can participate. Natural persons (private individuals) are not allowed to submit applications. (b) Bodies and organisations which are profit-oriented can apply, be it as applicant or as partner, only in partnership with non-profit or public organisations. ‘Non-profit organisation’ can be 1) a legal entity that is by its legal form non-profit-making; or Public or private organisations International organisations Stran 78 od 110 2) has a legal or statutory obligation not to distribute profits to its shareholders or individual members. The provision that profits will not be distributed must be clearly stipulated either in the law or in the statutes of the organisation; decisions on (not) distributing profits made by its managing board, associates, stakeholders, members or representatives are not sufficient proof of the non-profit nature. (c) Eligible country: Applicant and partners must be legally established in an eligible country. This is not applicable for International organisations. Eligible countries are the EU member states, except UK and DK. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 79 od 110 1.32. TRAINING OF NATIONAL JUDGES IN EU COMPETITION LAW AND JUDICIAL COOPERATION BETWEEN NATIONAL COMPETITION LAW JUDGES TRAINING OF NATIONAL JUDGES IN EU COMPETITION LAW AND JUDICIAL COOPERATION BETWEEN NATIONAL COMPETITION LAW JUDGES EC Deadline: 29 January 2016 /calls/2015_action_grants/just_201 5_jtra_comp_en.htm The objective of this call for proposals is to co-finance projects aimed at promoting judicial cooperation between, and the training for, national judges in the context of enforcing of the European competition rules. This includes public and private enforcement of both the Antitrust rules and the State aid rules. The final aim is to ensure the consistent application of EU competition law by national courts. The grants under this call shall co-finance projects that focus on: application by The indicative amount to be allocated consistent national courts of the European on the basis of this call for proposals competition rules. This includes is EUR 1 000 000. remedies for the effective enforcement of the rights and obligations stemming from the aforementioned provisions; and encouraging the cooperation between national judges in the field of European competition law; this includes the application of Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Projects must: (a) be submitted by authorities, public or private organisations duly established in one of the eligible countries, or an international organisation. Organisations of third countries may participate as associate partners but are not permitted to submit projects or be co-applicants (co-beneficiaries). Organisations which are profitoriented must submit applications in partnership with public entities or private non-for-profit-oriented organisations. Bodies set up by the European Union falling under Article 208 of the Financial Regulation shall not be entitled to apply for a grant but may be associated to the application. However, their costs cannot be co-funded by the grant; (b) target the members of the target group as defined under point 2.2 of this call for proposal; (c) seek an EU grant that cannot be lower than EUR 10 Authorities Public or private organisations International organisations Stran 80 od 110 specific cooperation mechanisms between national judges and competition authorities (including the European Commission and the specific cooperation rules under Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 or Regulation (EC) No 734/2013), as well as networking and exchange between national judges; 000 or higher than EUR 400 000; (d) not be completed or have started prior to the date of submission of the grant application. case of projects concerning the training of judges) of the national judges to take part in the training. These training needs are defined with regard to the content of the trainings as well as to the persons taking part to them. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 81 od 110 1.33. DAPHNE CALL – RESTRICTED CALL – ACTION GRANTS FOR RUNNING 116 000 HOTLINES FOR MISSING CHILDREN (JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/0116) DAPHNE CALL – RESTRICTED CALL – ACTION GRANTS FOR RUNNING 116 000 HOTLINES FOR MISSING CHILDREN (JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/0116) This call for proposals will cofund activities of those organisations which are mandated by the national authorities to run 116 000 hotlines for missing children. EC The aim of the call is to support the operation of existing hotlines and to put in place structures and measures to Deadline: ensure their sustainability after 12 January 2016, 12h CET the end of this funding. The organisations seeking funding must demonstrate that the hotline is currently running /calls/2015_action_grants/just_201 in close coordination with the 5_rdap_ag_0116_en.htm relevant national child protection and law enforcement services. The operation of the The indicative amount to be allocated hotline must be integrated with on the basis of this call for proposals services that assure appropriate follow-up to reported cases and is EUR 1 700 000. further support for missing children and/or their families. The organisations must demonstrate that they have the capacity to maintain quality standards in the operation of the hotlines, including welltrained staff, appropriate equipment and an up and running case management/data Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Applicants and partners must Legal entities comply with the following requirements: (a) Legal status: The applicant must be a legal entity duly established in a participating country and it must be the entity that has been attributed the 116 000 number by the relevant national authorities and is mandated to run the hotline for missing children at national level; Bodies set up by the European Union falling under Article 208 of the Financial Regulations (EU bodies and institutions) are not eligible for funding and cannot submit applications. They can be associated to an application, but their costs will not be co-financed. Only legally constituted organisations can participate. Natural persons (private individuals) are not allowed to submit applications. (b) Non-profit Bodies and organisations which are profit-oriented can apply, be it as applicant or as Stran 82 od 110 recording system or concrete plans to deploy a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, bearing in mind that MCE has developed and piloted a CRM for the hotlines that could be further rolled out. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre partner, only in partnership with non-profit or public organisations. (c) Eligible country: Applicant and partners must be legally established in an eligible country – the EU Member States and Iceland Stran 83 od 110 1.34. DISTRIBUTION SELECTIVE SCHEME – SUPPORT FOR THE TRANSNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF EUROPEAN FILMS 2016 DISTRIBUTION SELECTIVE SCHEME – SUPPORT FOR THE TRANSNATIONAL This notice is based on the DISTRIBUTION OF EUROPEAN FILMS Regulation of the European 2016 Parliament and of the Council on establishing the Creative EC Europe Programme (20142020)1. Within the specific objective of promoting transnational Deadline: circulation of European films, 1 December 2015, 12h CET one of the priorities of the 14 June 2016, 12h CET MEDIA Sub-programme is the following: distribution through transnational marketing, branding, distribution and exhibition of audiovisual works; The MEDIA Sub-programme shall provide support for the The indicative amount to be allocated following: on the basis of this call for proposals support for the distribution of is EUR 9 000 000. non-national European films through theatrical distribution and on all other platforms as well as for international sales activities; in particular the subtitling, dubbing and audiodescription of audiovisual works. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Applicants must be European European cinema / cinema / theatrical distributors theatrical involved in commercial activity distributoes designed to bring to the attention of a wide audience a film for the purpose of exploitation in cinema theatres and whose activities contribute to the attainment of the above objectives. Applicants must be established in one of the countries participating in the MEDIA Sub-programme and owned directly or by majority participation, by nationals from such countries. The following countries are eligible as long as all conditions referred to in Article 8 of the Regulation establishing the Creative Europe Programme are met and the Commission has entered into negotitations with the country: − EU Member States; − Acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates benefiting from a pre-accession strategy, Stran 84 od 110 in accordance with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of those countries in Union programmes established in the respective Framework Agreements, Association Council Decisions or similar agreements; − EFTA countries which are members of the EEA, in accordance with the provisions of the EEA Agreement; − The Swiss Confederation, on the basis of a bilateral agreement to be concluded with that country; − Countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy in accordance with the procedures established with those countries following the framework agreements providing for their participation in Union programmes. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 85 od 110 1.35. CALL FOR PROPOSALS »TRANSNATIONAL INITIATIVES TO FIGHT TRAFFICKING IN DRUGS AND FIREARMS« CALL FOR PROPOSALS »TRANSNATIONAL INITIATIVES TO FIGHT TRAFFICKING IN DRUGS AND FIREARMS« EC Deadline: 1 December 2015, 12h CET m The present Call for Proposals aims at funding projects on the topic of the fight against trafficking in drugs and firearms. Project applications submitted under the present Call for Proposals shall aim to enhance cooperation between EU Member States or EU Member States and third countries located along firearms and drug trafficking routes to and from the EU (see section 6.1 for the list of eligible third countries), notably supporting joint initiatives on knowledge, detection, investigation and prosecution of both drugs and firearms trafficking. The indicative amount to be allocated on the basis of this call for proposals is EUR 4 000 000. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre In order to be eligible for a grant, the Applicant and the Co-applicants must be: • legal persons; applications from natural persons are not eligible; • a public body, a non-profitmaking private entity, or an international organisation. The lead Applicant (i.e. the future Coordinator) cannot be an international organisation; • established in a Member State of the European Union participating in the ISF Police instrument. International organisations may be established outside of the EU Member States participating in the ISF Police instrument. The coapplicants may also be established in the following third countries: − candidates countries: Albania, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey; − potential candidates for EU membership: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo; − countries covered by the Public body Non-profit making body International organisation Stran 86 od 110 European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP): Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine; − West African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Mauritania; − Central, Caribbean and South American countries. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 87 od 110 1.36. CALL FOR PROPOSALS »LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING« CALL FOR PROPOSALS »LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING« The present Call for Proposals aims at funding projects on high quality law enforcement training to prevent and combat EC cross-border crime efficiently. Project applications submitted under the present Call for Proposals must address only Deadline: one of the following priorities: 26 November 2015, 12h CET 1. Prevention of radicalisation: Equipping front line practitioners with the skills to radicalisation in various affairs/financing/fundings/security- settings and providing them and-safeguarding-liberties/internal- with the tools to react in an security-fundappropriate manner (LETS police/calls/2015/letx/ strand 1 and 3) m 2. Cross-border law enforcement information exchange, in particular for staff The indicative amount to be allocated of cross-border coordination on the basis of this call for proposals units (SPOCs), in line with the is EUR 3 000 000. European Information Exchange Model (EIXM) and taking into account the SPOC Guidelines for international law enforcement information exchange5 (LETS strand 2 and 3) 3. New Schengen evaluation mechanism in the field of police cooperation addressing the needs of Member States' experts participating in such Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre In order to be eligible for a grant, the Applicant and the Co-applicants must be: a) legal persons; applications from natural persons are not eligible; b) a public body, a non-profitmaking private entity, or an international organisation. The lead Applicant (i.e. the future Coordinator) cannot be an international organisation; Public body Non-profit making body International organisation c) established in a Member State of the European Union participating in the ISF Police instrument. International organisations may be established outside of the EU Member States participating in the ISF Police instrument. Stran 88 od 110 evaluations (LETS strand 3) 4. Fighting cybercrime through improved capability of online investigators and examiners (LETS strand 1 and 3) 5. Law enforcement capacitybuilding in third countries by law enforcement of EU Member States (LETS strand 4). Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 89 od 110 1.37. HORIZON PRIZE – FOOD SCANNER (H2020-FOODSCANNERPRIZE-2015-1) HORIZON PRIZE – FOOD SCANNER (H2020-FOODSCANNERPRIZE-20151) EC Deadline: 9 March 2016, 17h Brussels local time pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020foodscannerprize-2015-1.html The indicative amount to be allocated on the basis of this call for proposals is EUR 1 000 000. The goal of this contest is to improve the quality of citizens' health and well-being by helping them to better monitor their food intake with the use of a food scanner. The technological solution(s) submitted should benefit a wide range of the EU population, from healthy citizens to citizens suffering from food intolerance, obesity or allergies, by providing meaningful information on their food consumption. This prize is expected to stimulate creative thinking across established industrial and academic research organisations, resulting in breakthrough solutions that can seed and drive the European industry forward by breaking down the limits in food intake measurements and detection. Approaches to be taken by the contestants are not prescribed and may include novel sensing and data processing technologies, amongst others. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre The contest is open to any Legal entities legal entity (including natural persons) or group of legal Natural persons entities established in an EU Member State or in a country associated to Horizon 2020. Stran 90 od 110 1.38. CALL FOR PROPOSALS »PROJECTS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE INTEGRATED MARITIME POLICY IN THE BLACK SEA AND/OR MEDITERRANEAN SEA REGIONS« CALL FOR PROPOSALS »PROJECTS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE INTEGRATED MARITIME POLICY IN THE BLACK SEA AND/OR MEDITERRANEAN SEA REGIONS« The present call for proposals is set to award grants for projects that will aim at supporting concrete IMP approaches and initiatives, and promoting job creation, innovation and entrepreneurship in the blue EC economy of the Black Sea and/or Mediterranean Sea. Supported actions shall cover one of the following objectives: Deadline: a. to pilot public-private 26 November 2015, 16h Brussels partnerships amongst Black Sea local time and/or Mediterranean stakeholders in order to promote mutual understanding, awareness-raising and joint -proposals-projects-contextresponses to well-identified integrated-maritime-policy-blackchallenges hindering integration sea-andor-mediterranean-seabetween maritime actors in regions areas such as maritime environment, coastal and maritime tourism, maritime The indicative amount to be allocated transport, business and skills on the basis of this call for proposals development; is EUR 569 000. b. to promote the networking between maritime clusters in the Black Sea and/or the Mediterranean on concrete initiatives/topics focusing on research and innovation, Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre The present call for proposals Public authorities is set to award grants for actions implemented by public Private authorities and private stakeholders stakeholders active in sectors of the blue economy in the Black Sea and/or the Mediterranean. Legal entities having a legal or capital link with applicants, which is neither limited to the action nor established for the sole purpose of its implementation, may take part in the action as affiliated entities, and may declare eligible costs as specified in section 11.2. Stran 91 od 110 business development or skills development, in relation to the maritime policy and the blue economy. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 92 od 110 1.39. BIO-BASED INDUSTRIES JOINT UNDERTAKING (H2020-BBI-PPP-2015-2-1) BIO-BASED INDUSTRIES JOINT UNDERTAKING (H2020-BBI-PPP2015-2-1) Topics covered with this call for proposals: BBI.D7-2015: Overcoming low product yields from fermentation processes EC BBI.R10-2015: efficient technologies Deadline: 3 December 2015, 17h Brussels local time BBI.S1-2015: regulations Three legal entities. Each of Legal entities the three shall be established in a different MS of AC. All three legal entities shal be independent of each other. Innovative biorefinery Standards and BBI.S2-2015: Communication and awareness pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit BBI.VC1.D1-2015: ies/h2020/calls/h2020-bbi-pppLignocellulosic feedstocks into 2015-2-1.html chemical building blocks and high added value products The indicative amount to be allocated BBI.VC1.R1-2015: Conversion on the basis of this call for proposals of lignin-rich streams from is EUR 106 000 000. biorefineries BBI.VC1.R2-2015: Pretreatment of lignocellulose with simultaneous removal of contaminants and separation of lignin and cellulosic fractions BBI.VC1.R3-2015: Bio-based functional molecules for coating Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 93 od 110 and surface treatment BBI.VC2.D2-2015: cellulose-based packaging solutions Innovative composite BBI.VC2.R4-2015: Separation and extraction technologies for added value compounds from wood and forest-based residues BBI.VC2.R5-2015: Practices increasing effectiveness of forest management BBI.VC2.R6-2015: Sustainable cellulose-based materials BBI.VC2.R7-2015: Tailoring tree species to produce wood designed for industrial processes and biorefining purposes BBI.VC3.D3-2015: Production of bio-based elastomers from Europe-grown feedstock BBI.VC3.D4-2015: High purity bio-based intermediates and end products from vegetable oils and fats BBI.VC3.D5-2015: Valorisation of agricultural residues and side Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 94 od 110 streams industry from the agro-food BBI.VC3.R8-2015: Increasing productivity of industrial multipurpose agricultural crops BBI.VC3.R9-2015: Valorisation of aquatic biomass BBI.VC4.D6-2015: Organic acids from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 95 od 110 1.40. ACTION GRANTS TO SUPPORT TRANSNATIONAL PROJECTS ON JUDICIAL TRAINING COVERING CIVIL LAW, CRIMINAL LAW OR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS – JUST/2015/JTRA/AG/EJTR ACTION GRANTS TO SUPPORT TRANSNATIONAL PROJECTS ON JUDICIAL TRAINING COVERING CIVIL LAW, CRIMINAL LAW OR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS – JUST/2015/JTRA/AG/EJTR The proposals under this call shall focus on the following priorities: EC Deadline: 16 November 2015, 12h (noon) CET Proposals shall complement the efforts of the EU in the area of European judicial training. Applicants shall explain and /calls/2015_action_grants/just_201 demonstrate how their 5_jtra_ag_ejtr_en.htm proposals are aligned with the respective EU policies and with the documents published by the The indicative amount to be allocated European Commission and on the basis of this call for proposals referred to under each priority. is EUR 5 500 000. The degree of relevance to the priorities of the call for proposals will be assessed under the relevance award criterion. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Applicants and partners must comply with the following requirements: (a) Legal status: Applicants and partners must be legally constituted public or private organisations, or international organisations. Bodies set up by the European Union falling under Article 208 of the Financial Regulations (EU bodies and institutions) are not eligible for funding and cannot submit applications. They can be associated to an application, but their costs will not be co-financed. Only legally constituted organisations can participate. Natural persons (private individuals) are not allowed to submit applications. (b) Bodies and organisations which are profit-oriented can apply, be it as applicant or as partner, only in partnership with non-profit or public organisations. ‘Non-profit organisation’ can be 1) a legal entity that is by its legal form non-profit-making; Public organisations Private organisations International organisations Stran 96 od 110 or 2) has a legal or statutory obligation not to distribute profits to its shareholders or individual members. The provision that profits will not be distributed must be clearly stipulated either in the law or in the statutes of the organisation; decisions on (not) distributing profits made by its managing board, associates, stakeholders, members or representatives are not sufficient proof of the non-profit nature. (c) Eligible country: Applicant and partners must be legally established in an eligible country. This is not applicable for International organisations: EU Member States, except DK and UK Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 97 od 110 1.41. INNOVATION CAPITAL PRIZE (H2020-EUROPEAN-I-CAPITAL-2015-1) INNOVATION CAPITAL PRIZE With their capacity to connect (H2020-EUROPEAN-I-CAPITAL-2015- people, places, public and 1) private actors, urban areas can substantially enhance innovation in Europe. This award will aim to provide EC European level recognition to those cities that make the most to promote innovation within their communities and thereby Deadline: improve the quality of their 18 November 2015, 17h Brussels citizens’ lives. It will address local time the challenge of fostering innovation through actions at city level, by acknowledging innovative solutions to build up pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit an innovation ecosystem and ies/h2020/calls/h2020-european-iideas to further expand and capital-2015-1.html scale up these initiatives, thereby leveraging and inducing further systemic innovation in cities. The indicative amount to be allocated on the basis of this call for proposals is EUR 1 100 000. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Contestants for the "European Cities Capital of Innovation Award 2016'' shall comply with the following eligibility criteria to participate: 1. The candidate cities must be established in an EU Member or in Associated Country and have a population above 100,000 inhabitants 2. The submission consists of a complete application. 3. The achievements must relate to completed or ongoing initiatives started after 1st January 2012. 4. The achievements have not been previously awarded with a monetary prize by an EU institution. Stran 98 od 110 1.42. HORIZON PRIZE – BETTER USE OF ANTIBIOTICS (H2020-HOA-01-2015) HORIZON PRIZE – BETTER USE OF ANTIBIOTICS (H2020-HOA-01-2015) Topic covered with this call for The Horizon Prize for better Legal entities proposals: use of antibiotics is a €1 million prize that will be Natural persons awarded to the person or team who can most effectively meet HOA-01-2015: Horizon prize – the EC following challenge: Better use of Antibiotics develop a rapid test that will allow healthcare providers to distinguish, at the point of Deadline: care, between patients with 17 August 2016, 17h Brussels local upper respiratory tract time infections that require antibiotics and those that can be treated safely without antibiotics. In this context "Upper Respiratory Tract Infections" include pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis as well as bronchitis. pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ies/h2020/calls/h2020-hoa-012015.html Total budget earmarked under this call for proposals is at 1 000 000 EUR. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 99 od 110 1.43. FAST TRACK TO INNOVATION PILOT (H2020-FTIPILOT-2015-1) FAST TRACK TO INNOVATION PILOT (H2020-FTIPILOT-2015-1) The FTI pilot supports projects undertaking innovation from the demonstration stage through to market uptake, including stages such as piloting, test-beds, systems EC validation in real world/working conditions, validation of business models, pre-normative research, and standard-setting. Deadline: It targets relatively mature new 1 December 2015, 17h Brussels local technologies, concepts, time processes and business models that need a last development step to reach the market and achieve wider deployment. To this end, if a proposal technological involves the consortium pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit innovation, must declare that the ies/h2020/calls/h2020-ftipilottechnology or the technologies 2015-1.html concerned are at least at Technology Readiness Level (TRL)6. Projects can be interdisciplinary. Total budget earmarked under this Proposals must relate to any call for proposals is at 100 000 000 field under the specific objective EUR. "Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies" and/or to any of the specific objectives under the priority "Societal challenges". Proposals should specify the Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre At least three and Legal entities maximum five legal entities can participate in a project. Each of the three shall be established in a different Member State or associated country. All three legal entities shall be independent of each other. At least one of the following minimum conditions shall be met: either - at least 60% of the overall budget of the proposal must be allocated to consortium partner(s) from industry or - the minimum number of industry participants must be 2 in a consortium of 3 or 4 partners, and 3 in a consortium of 5 partners. Stran 100 od 110 intended outcome of the project and describe its key performance indicators/success criteria. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 101 od 110 1.44. HORIZON 2020 DEDICATED SME INSTRUMENT – PHASE 1 2015 (H2020-SMEINST-1-2015) HORIZON 2020 DEDICATED SME INSTRUMENT – PHASE 1 2015 (H2020-SMEINST-1-2015) EC Deadline (17h Brussels local time): 18 December 2015 Topics covered with this call for At least one SME. For-profit SMEs proposals: SMEs’ means micro-, smalland medium-sized enterprises, defined in development Commission - deployment and market BG-12-2015-1: Supporting SMEsasefforts for the replication of innovative solutions Recommendation for blue growth 2003/361/EC, that are not BIOTEC-5b-2015-1: SME 'non-profit legal entities' as boosting biotechnology-based defined in the Rules for and industrial processes driving Participation Dissemination (‘legal entity competitiveness and which by its legal form is nonsustainability profit-making or which has a DRS-17-2015-1: Critical legal or statutory obligation infrastructure protection topic not to distribute profits to its or individual 7: SME instrument topic: shareholders Protection of Urban sof t targets members’) and critical infrastructures Open pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit ICT-37-2015-1: Disruptive Innovation Scheme ies/h2020/calls/h2020-smeinst-1(implemented through the SME 2015.html instrument) Total budget earmarked under this call for proposals is at 26 557 000 EUR. INSO-10-2015-1: SME business model innovation INSO-9-2015-1: Innovative mobile e-government applications by SMEs IT-1-2015-1: Small business innovation research for Transport Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 102 od 110 NMP-25-2015-1: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs PHC-12-2015-1: Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices SC5-20-2015-1: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials SFS-08-2015-1: Resourceefficient eco-innovative food production and processing SIE-01-2015-1: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system Space-SME-2015-1: Instrument SME Funding mechanism: SME Instrument Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 103 od 110 1.45. HORIZON 2020 DEDICATED SME INSTRUMENT – PHASE 2 2015 (H2020-SMEINST-2-2015) HORIZON 2020 DEDICATED SME INSTRUMENT – PHASE 2 2015 (H2020-SMEINST-2-2015) Topics covered with this call At least one SME. For-profit SMEs for proposals: SMEs’ means micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, as BG-12-2015: Supporting SMEs defined in Commission efforts for the development - Recommendation 2003/361/EC, deployment and market that are not 'non-profit legal EC replication of innovative entities' as defined in the Rules solutions for blue growth for Participation and Dissemination (‘legal entity Deadline (17h Brussels local time): which by its legal form is non18 December 2015 BIOTEC-5b-2015: SME profit-making or which has a boosting biotechnology-based legal or statutory obligation not industrial processes driving to distribute profits to its and shareholders or individual competitiveness members’) pants/portal/desktop/en/opportunit sustainability ies/h2020/calls/h2020-smeinst-2DRS-17-2015: Critical 2015.html infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: Protection of Urban soft targets and critical infrastructures Total budget earmarked under this call for proposals is at 233 701 600 ICT-37-2015: Open Disruptive EUR. Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) INSO-10-2015: SME business model innovation INSO-9-2015: mobile Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Innovative e-government Stran 104 od 110 applications by SMEs IT-1-2015: innovation Transport Small business research for NMP-25-2015: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs PHC-12-2015: Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices SC5-20-2015: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials SFS-08-2015: Resourceefficient eco-innovative food production and processing SIE-01-2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system Space-SME-2015-2: Instrument Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre SME Stran 105 od 110 Funding mechanism: SME Instrument Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 106 od 110 1.46. CREATIVE EUROPE PROGRAMME = DISTRIBUTION – SUPPORT TO SALES AGENTS CREATIVE EUROPE PROGRAMME = This notice of a call for DISTRIBUTION – SUPPORT TO SALES proposals is based on the AGENTS Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing the Creative Europe Programme (2014EC 2020). Reinvestment: 1 March 2016 fundings/creativeeurope/call_13_en.htm Indicative budget earmarked under this call for proposals is at 2 750 000 EUR Applicants must be European companies acting as an intermediary agent for the producer, who specialises in the commercial exploitation of a film by marketing and licensing a film to distributors or other purchasers for foreign territories and whose activities contribute Within the specific objective of to the attainment of the above promoting transnational objectives. circulation, one of the Applicants must be established priorities of the MEDIA Sub- in one of the countries programme shall be the participating in the MEDIA Subfollowing: programme and owned directly supporting theatrical distribution through transnational marketing, branding, distribution and exhibition of audiovisual works; The MEDIA Sub-programme shall provide support for the establishing systems of support for the distribution of non-national European films through theatrical distribution and on all other platforms as Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre European companies acting as intermediary agent for the producer or by majority participation, by nationals from such countries. The following countries are eligible as long as all conditions referred to in Article 8 of the Regulation establishing the Creative Europe Programme are met and the Commission has entered into negotitations with the country: − EU Member States; − Acceding countries, Stran 107 od 110 well as for international sales activities, in particular the subtitling, dubbing and audiodescription of audiovisual works. candidate countries and potential candidates benefiting from a pre-accession strategy, in accordance with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of those countries in Union programmes established in the respective Framework Agreements, Association Council Decisions or similar agreements; − EFTA countries which are members of the EEA, in accordance with the provisions of the EEA Agreement; − The Swiss Confederation, on the basis of a bilateral agreement to be concluded with that country; Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 108 od 110 − Countries of the European neighbourhood area in accordance with the procedures defined with those countries following the framework agreements providing for their participation in European Union programmes. Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 109 od 110 DISCLAIMER RR & CO. Knowledge Centre Ltd. (hereinafter: RR & CO.) has prepared this information with usual conscientious care, but it is not, except where specifically stated, independently checked information provided by others. No other warranty, expressed ot limited is given in relation to the contents of this information. Therefore, RR & CO. assumes no responsibility for any loss that would result from mistakes, omissions of information or representation by others. Use of this information by unatuhorized third parties without prior written approval by RR & CO. is at your own risk. RR & CO. assumes no duty or liability to third parties. RR & CO. also assumes no responsibility for any changes in the information and documents that would have happen during preparation of this document. Information in this report were prepared by RR & CO. from publicly available materials. Copyright RR & CO. Copy and any other form of compying information is subject to mandatory visible indication of the source (Information on open calls for proposals prepared by the company RR & CO. Knowledge Centre Ltd.) Copyright by RR & CO. d.o.o., 2014, Knowledge Centre Stran 110 od 110
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