TENUTE PER SERBATOI TG – EFRT SEALS Tenute Primarie – Primary Seals Primary Seal Type 1MTX Metal Shields and Rubber Upper and Lower Views of the installed seal. 3d Drawings Front and rear view. The seal has the maximum adhesion and wall pressure uniformity. The fabric curtain is mmmersed into liquid in order to perform a “Liquid Mounted System”. Via Ronchi, 16/12 Milano 20134 MI – VAT Code IT 08157870968 Tel. +39 0362 943207 - Fax +39 02 87163887 info: [email protected] Member N° 3079451 Primary Seal Type 1-MTS Metal Shields Installed upper and lower vew. The seal has the maximum adhesion and wall pressure uniformity. The fabric curtain is mmmersed into liquid in order to perform a “Liquid Mounted System” and the gap from wall is of millimeters. The seal is designed for any kind of product and has no rubbers next to liquid. The seal can be supplied with incorporated WAX SCRAPER As opposed to other metal shield systems this type of seal closes the entire rim gap with a Continuous Steel Curtain and not fabric, making a continuous Ring Fire totally impossible. LIQUID FILLED TUBULAR SEAL Very few operators still require this kind of seal, which anyway requires special skills to be correctly engineered and produced. OTTO may well supply even this type. Tenute Secondarie – Secondary Seals Secondary Seal Type 2-MTX Metal Shields and Rubber Installed Seals Views. The seal can be equipped with Foam Ports. Also avialble with D.I.F.F. System (see below par. 3.5.4) 3d Drawings Front & Exploded View. The seal is suitable for any hole pitch and rim shape. The Seal need no blind rubber drillings and requires at least 30% less assembly time, compared to similar types. Pics from FIRE & SELFESTIGUISH TEST of the Seal MTX (1° series). At the end of multiple tests, the vapour membrane under the shield has resulted totally unaffected by the many explosions. No additional facilities or devices have been necessary to put off the fire during tests. Sistema Tenuta Tripla – Triple Seals Floating Roof Tank Mantello Distanza Pontone-Mantello a Norma NFPA TRIPLE SEAL SYSTEM 100 mm Paratia Schiuma Autosostenuta Tipo PRS Tenuta Secondaria Tipo MTX-2 Profilo Estruso Resiliente con anello rigido metallico Sifone Scarico Acque 1 MTS Primary 3 SPX Medium 2 MTX Secondary Each seal is independent from others. Acque a Drenaggio Molle di spinta Mini Secondaria Indipendente Tipo SPX-3 Pontone No Counterforce on primary seal. Tenuta Primaria Tipo MTS-1 s r l Rtqlgev"Eqpuvtwevkqp"("Eqpuwnvkpi OTTO SRL s r Rtqlgev"Eqpuvtwevkqp"("Eqpuwnvkpi Rtqlgev"Eqpuvtwevkqp"("Eqpuwnvkpi Rtqlgev"Eqpuvtwevkqp"("Eqpuwnvkpi Rtqlgev"Eqpuvtwevkqp"("Eqpuwnvkpi TRIPLA TENUTA con 8BARRIERA PARASCHIUMA Also available with Foam-Dam Whåekq<" Xkc"Ft0"Ugtcåpq"Dkhå."3"Vtkwiikq"42:66"*OD+ Whåekq<" Xkc"Ft0"Ugtcåpq"Dkhå."3"Vtkwiikq"42:66"*OD+ Whåekq<" Xkc"Ft0"Ugtcåpq"Dkhå."3"Vtkwiikq"42:66"*OD+ Whåekq<" Xkc"Ft0"Ugtcåpq"Dkhå."3"Vtkwiikq"42:66"*OD+ Whåekq<" Xkc"Ft0"Ugtcåpq"Dkhå."3"Vtkwiikq"42:66"*OD+ yyy0qvvq/utn0eqo"/"iixBqvvq/utn0eqo yyy0qvvq/utn0eqo"/"iixBqvvq/utn0eqo yyy0qvvq/utn0eqo"/"iixBqvvq/utn0eqo yyy0qvvq/utn0eqo"/"iixBqvvq/utn0eqo yyy0qvvq/utn0eqo"/"iixBqvvq/utn0eqo Rtqlgev"Eqpuvtwevkqp"("Eqpuwnvkpi Rtqlgev"Eqpuvtwevkqp"("Eqpuwnvkpi Rtqlgev"Eqpuvtwevkqp"("Eqpuwnvkpi Rtqlgev"Eqpuvtwevkqp"("Eqpuwnvkpi Rtqlgev"Eqpuvtwevkqp"("Eqpuwnvkpi Whåekq<" Xkc"Ft0"Ugtcåpq"Dkhå."3"Vtkwiikq"42:66"*OD+ Whåekq<" Xkc"Ft0"Ugtcåpq"Dkhå."3"Vtkwiikq"42:66"*OD+ Whåekq<" Xkc"Ft0"Ugtcåpq"Dkhå."3"Vtkwiikq"42:66"*OD+ Whåekq<" Xkc"Ft0"Ugtcåpq"Dkhå."3"Vtkwiikq"42:66"*OD+ Whåekq<" Xkc"Ft0"Ugtcåpq"Dkhå."3"Vtkwiikq"42:66"*OD+ yyy0qvvq/utn0eqo"/"iixBqvvq/utn0eqo yyy0qvvq/utn0eqo"/"iixBqvvq/utn0eqo yyy0qvvq/utn0eqo"/"iixBqvvq/utn0eqo yyy0qvvq/utn0eqo"/"iixBqvvq/utn0eqo yyy0qvvq/utn0eqo"/"iixBqvvq/utn0eqo SISTEMI ANTINCENDIO – FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMS D.I.F.F.erent Foam Injection System N.F.P.A. approved DIRECT INJECTION FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM COPERTURE PER IMPIANTI T.A.E. – O.W.S. COVERS Coperture Flottanti – Floating Covers PRIMA BEFORE DOPO AFTER S o u r W a te rs A P I V e s s e ls IT A L Y F lo a tin g C o v e rs T yp e S G S A L U T h e S G S m a y a lso b e m o u n te d o v e r su b m e rg e d m o v in g sy ste m s fo r th e rec ov ery of s ludges , R o to lin g S kim m e rs E tc. S G S p a n e ls a re a lso m a d e fo r irre g u la r v e sse l’s sh a p e s O T T O S G S co v e rs a re S E L F S U P P O R T IN G S E L F F L O A T IN G S E L F D R A IN IN G T h e w h o le co ve r flo a ts e ve n if b ro ke n in parts . T h e co ve r n e e d n o h o le s fo r w a te r d ra in (le ss e m issio n s) O T T O S G S m a y su p p o rt th e w e ig h t o f m u ltip le p e o p le fre e ly w a lkin g a ll o v e r th e co v e r e ith e r I w h e n flo a tin g o r sta n d in g o n su p p o rts w a y b e y o n d th e n o rm ’s lim its ONLY OTTO SGS C a n b e su p p lie d w ith d iffe re n t m a te ria ls fo r top and bottom Oily Waters TRAP Multiple Floating Covers OTTO SGS Alluminium Top Fiberglass Bottom Sicily – Italy exclusive Coperture Fisse - Fix Covers (flat & shelters) F ixe d C o ve r n e x t to F lo a tin g C o ve r F ixe d C o ve r in c onnec tion to F lo a tin g C o ve r Floating cover on the left & Fixed Gas Tight Shelter on the right Multiple Floating Covers & One fixed cover (below) TETTI FLOTTANTI – I.F.R. & E.F.R. Passaggio Cavo Antirotazione Passaggio Cavo Antirotazione In te rn a l F lo a tin g R o o f F ib e rg la s s (IF R ) - T y p e S G S F R P fo r E th ile n e P la n t W a s te W a te rs IT A L Y (S a rd in ia ) S G S IF R s A re m a d e o f m o d u le s a lso a v a ila b le in size to g o th ro u g h m a n h o le s, ca n b e su sp e n d e d o r la n d e d o n le g s a n d m a y su p p o rt skim m e r sy ste m s o r flo a tin g su ctio n s In te rn a l o il o r w a te r d ra in sy ste m A IS I 3 1 6 is av ailable SGS IFR ASSEMBLY PHASES ACCESSORI T.G. - E.F.R.T. ACCESSORIES Guaine Tubi Guida – Gauge Pole Covers (GPC) Unleaded Gasoline EFR – Mono-Layer GPC Continuous Ultrasonic Welded Construction V e n ic e -Ita ly S a n n a zza ro -Ita ly V e n ice -Ita ly EFR – Double Layer GPCs Parallel Rings – Longitudinal Closure – No Torsion – IN-SERVICE Assembly No Pipe Dismantling E F R – IF R – T o p F ix in g K its C A D C A M m a n u fa c tu rin g E F R – IF R – L o w e r F ix in g K it C A D C A M m a n u fa c tu rin g exclusive exclusive EFR – Oval GPC for Multiple Pipes –IN-SERVICE Assembly Ingolstadt - Germany EFR – Multiple Pipes Oval Top Fixing Kit CAD CAM machining exclusive Guaine Supporti Tetto – Leg Socks EFR and IFR – Monolayer Leg Socks EFR and IFR – DOUBLE Layer Leg Socks Drenaggi e Tubi – Hoses & Drains F le x D ra in s P iv o t D ra in J o in ts A IS I 3 1 6 L F le x ib le P ip e s In -L in e J o in ts Agitatori/Miscelatori per Serbatoi – Tank Mixers vedere presentazione specifica per le performances. TURNING TANK MIXER GIREVOLE FIXED ANGLE TANK MIXER AD ALGOLO FISSO Gear operated Tank Mixers (side entry) Side entry Mixer Propeller Motor Top Entry Propeller Top Entry Lavori Speciali – Special Works A IS I 3 1 6 L S o u r o ily w a te r ta n k F lo a tin g S u ctio n 2 se ts d e sig n e d e p ro d u ce d fo r N E S T E O IL A m ste rd a m e S in g a p o re IN F L A T A B L E IF R 4 se ts d e sig n e d e p ro d u ce d fo r E N I R e fin in g & M a rke tin g F io re n zu o la 4 T a n ks 6 m . Ø C o n te n t: S p e cia l F u e ls (A v io G a so lin e a n d R a cin g G a so lin e s) R e q u e st: 1 : S o lv e se rio u s h i-co st p ro d u ct los s problem from blank eted ta n ks th ro u g h v a p o r re co v e ry u n it V R U 2 : N o la b o u re rs a llo w e d to w o rk ins ide tank s F io re n zu o la - Ita ly CONTENIMENTO E RECUPERO – CONTAINMENT & RECOLLECTION The special skill of OTTO is the transfer of technologies from different fields and re-design for specific needs. This company policy allows the best approach for a tailor made product with respect for the client requirements. . DISOLEATORI – OIL SKIMMERS G a lle g g ia m e n to lib e ro – F re e F lo a te rs 3 3 T yp e : S K 1 3 0 0-3 5 0 1 m /h (S K 4 up to 20 m /h ) A ll skim m e rs a re d e sig n e d to w o rk 2 4 h rs/d a y w ith ze ro o r m in im u m su rv e illa n ce In se rito su C o p e rtu ra S G S – F lo a tin g C o ve r In se rte d 3 3 T yp e : S K 1 3 0 0 /5 0 0 G 5 m /h (S K 1 G X & S K 2 up to 30 m /h ) T h e skim m e rs a re a va ila b le in size s to co m p ly w ith th e ve sse ls d im e n sio n a n d e x p e cte d o il q u a n tity 3 S K 1 3 0 0 /3 5 0 (1 m /h ) O u tb o a rd p n e u m a tic p u m p S e lf C le a n in g F ilte rs A ir F ilte rs & S kim m e r C o n tro l P a n e l S kim m e r (d iso le a to re ) S K 4 in c los ed w aters and in open w aters OILS & AROMATICS REFINERY API VASSEL SK 2 G SKIMMER ON SGS FLOATING COVER – OPORTO (PT) DOUBLE SK 2 G SKIMMER SYSTEM ON SGS FLOATING COVER PETROCHEMICAL PLANT – PORTO TORRES (ITA) Thanks to our experience we have been requested to work from ITALIAN CIVIL PROTECTION during Po river oil Spill Emergency and have been the only company capable to work in such difficult condition and our work has been rewarded by most national TV News and government itself, having been called later for training the Civil Protection Personnel on Oil recovery techniques in different environments. R iv e r in sp e ctio n S kim m e r p o sitio n in g a t riv e r d a m a n d skim m e r o p e ra tin g National TV News reportages CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS exclusive P a te n t P e n d in g F lo a tin g O il B a rrie r T h e B .A .G . clo se s th e g a p fro m sh ip to d o ck in th e lo a d in g a rm s a re a. It fo llo w s th e ty d e le v e l a n d it is o p e ra te d fro m th e d o c k b y o n e m a n o n ly T h e co n stru ctio n re sp e cts th e m e a su re s o f d o ck fe n d e rs a n d tra p s a n y o il sp il b e tw e e n ta n ke r a n d d o ck w ith in tw o A V IA B .A .G . sy ste m s In th e m id d le a re p ics fo rm C O N T A IN M E N T T E S T w ith F ire E stig u ish in g F o a m . Light & Fast Oil Barrier The B.I.E. Emergency Barriers close any way out to liquids whaen floating or on land It can also be used to contain inland liquids spills or water floods B.I.E. can be quickly and safely extended in any situation included strong river flow as it can be sunk after positioning and securing PROJECTS OTTO always has a general overlook on different technologies in order to be able to offer the best solution for specific problems. All difficulties encountered in each work have always produced new solutions that have become a regular production. We can do what other cannot. TRATTAMENTO ACQUE TRASPORTABILE – TRANSPORTABLE WATER TREATS CAPACITÀ ADDIZIONALI – ADDITIONAL CAPABILITIES WWTP ENGINEERING & PROCUREMENT ISPEZIONE TENUTE SERBATOI – TANK SEAL INSPECTIONS Seal inspection services for all kind of EFRT and types of seal are supplied with our exclusive tank shape investigation system that renders a reliable and actual description of rim gap and general tank conditions. This capability is achieved trough over 25 years of EFRT seals production and assembly. exclusive
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