THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL MATSUO BASHŌ AWARD 2014 Under the Patronage of the Japanese Embassy in Italy and the Italian-Japanese Foundation The Judge Panel of the International Matsuo Bashō Award (II Edition, 2014), is chaired by Luca Cenisi (Italian Haiku Association President), and composed of the following members: Giacomo Vit, poet and teacher (Sect. A) Valeria Simonova-Cecon, editor of “Ershik, Journal of Senryū and Kyōka” (Sect. B) Nicolas Grenier, poet (Sect. B) Rossella Pompeo, poet (Sect. B) Igor Quézel-Perron, haikonomics for Échos Business newspaper (France) (Sect. B) after careful consideration and evaluation of over 1.200 haiku poems, has decreed as follows:. SECTION A (ITALIAN HAIKU): PRIZE WINNING POEMS 1° Prize: Lida de Polzer (Varese) Giorno di vento remano dentro il fiume ombre di pioppi --Windy day the shadows of poplars row in the river 2° Prize: Gabriele Stella (Santorso, VI) Caldo torrido su un giaciglio di fieno brucia il tramonto --Scorching heat – on a bed of hay burning sunset 3° Prize (ex aequo): Guido Cupani (Portogruaro, VE) Brezza sul filo: dondola senza corpo una camicia --- Breeze on a wire: a swinging shirt without a body 3° Prize (ex aequo): Andrea Cecon (Cividale del Friuli, UD) Al crepuscolo neanche una voce ma le rondini --In the dusk not a single voice but the swallows SECTION A: HONORABLE MENTIONS Francesco De Sabata (Pescantina, VR) Sera sul mare – la luce indugia ancora tra un'onda e l'altra --Seaside evening – the light still lingers between the waves Daniel Gahnertz (Roma) Gattino rosso diventa crepuscolo alla finestra --By the window a red kitten blends into the dusk Iulian Ciupitu (Romania) Prime gemme – mio figlio abbandona i pastelli --First buds – my son leaves his pastels Nicoletta Pigat (Milano) La mosca gira sul barbone, un letto di stracci e pietra --The fly flutters over the tramp, a bed of rags and stones Mirella Gaspardo (Casarsa della Delizia, PN) Guanti di lana: senza sapere come, dieci crisalidi... --Woolen gloves: without knowing how, ten chrysalis... Oscar Luparia (Vercelli) L'è dupi 'l ciel ia sprufondu i muntagni an tla risera --Double sky – the mountains sink into the paddy Verica Zivkovic (Serbia) Dune del Gobi tra gobbe di cammelli falce di luna --Dunes of Gobi between the humps of camels the crescent moon Severa Disingrini (Cremona) Il plenilunio nella notte rimbomba un gong di luce --Full moon – echoing in the night a gong of light SPECIAL PRIZES FOR SCHOOLS “A. Caperle” of Marzana (VR) Secondary School (1^C) ISIS “G. Leopardi – E. Majorana” of Pordenone (3^Au, 3^Bu, 4^Du and 5^Bp) “UBERTO RENNA” SPECIAL AWARD FOR YOUNG POETRY Angela Casarotto (Motta di Livenza, TV) SECTION B (FOREIGN LANGUAGE HAIKU): PRIZE WINNING POEMS 1° Prize: Rita Odeh (Israel) only the kite's string remains... autumn breeze 2° Prize: Sandip Chauhan (U.S.A.) ਚਦਰਧਨਸ ... ਕਣਕ ਦਦਇਇਕ ਦਦਣਦ ਵਵਚ ਵਕਸਦਨ ਦਦ ਗਗਤ --Moonbow in a grain of wheat a farmer's song 3° Prize: Željko Funda (Croatia) motajući se pas mete latice svojim lancem --moving to and fro the dog sweeps apple petals with his chain SECTION B: HONORABLE MENTIONS Ernest Berry (New Zealand) Early fall between my fingers a small forest Barbara A. Taylor (Australia) Spring melancholy at the high-class sushi bar I dine alone Ramesh Anand (India) உசச நநரம மமலல நநலலவ கடககம சநடடககரவவக கடடம --Peak hour... a flock of sparrows pass the evening moon Lavana Kray (Romania) livada-n ceațăpe-aceeași portocală mâna mea și-a ta --foggy orchard – my hand meeting yours on the same orange The printed and e-book Anthology of the Award, featuring the best selected poems entered into the Contest, will be published by the Italian Haiku Association (IHA). The Awards Ceremony will take place on October 25, 2014, at 4.00 PM, in the “T. Degan” Conference Room – Public Library of Pordenone, Piazza XX Settembre – 33170 Pordenone (PN), Italy. Everyone's invited to attend the event. For any further information, including the location of the ceremony, please contact the Italian Haiku Association (IHA) at [email protected] or by phone at +39 320 8858912. The authors of the award-winning poems and the Honorable Mentions will be contacted shortly by the IHA Secretary to confirm the prizes. For the IHA Board, Luca Cenisi
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