Comune di Montevarchi 3rd INTERNATIONAL CIRCUIT “8 MARCH PHOTOGRAPHY” 2015 MONTEVARCHI FIAP Patronage 2015/101/102/103/104 - FIAF Patronage 2015/M8/M9/M10/M11 ISF 2015- UPI 2015 - 1) The Town Council of Montevarchi, Department of Culture and The photographic association “F. Mochi” BFI in Montevarchi, With the sponsorship of FIAP 2015/101-102-103-104 and FIAF 2015/M8-M9-M10-M11 UPI Licence and ISF Label, issues the 3rd International Circuit of photography, for digital images, named “8 March photography”, for The International Woman’s Day. The circuit will consist of four contests: 3° TROPHY IL CASSERO di Montevarchi 3° TROPHY PHOTOGRAPHER VESTRI di Montevarchi 3° TROPHY FRANCESCO MOCHI di Montevarchi 6° TROPHY CITY OF MONTEVARCHI The contest is open to all amateur and professional photographers, who must be the owners of all rights reserved to the pictures submitted. Every detail of the picture, even the smallest, must be photographed by the author submitting the work. 2) The Photo Competition accepts “digital” or “digitalized” images only, for the topics as follows: A) Free subject, Black and White projected pictures. B) Free subject, Colored projected pictures. C) Mandatory topic: Woman in society (Black & white or Color). FOR FIAF STATISTICS ONLY THE TOPICS A)and B) WILL BE APPLIED In the topics “Free” and “Mandatory” it will be possible to submit a maximum amount of 4 pictures per topic. The same image cannot be submitted in more than one topic. Photos must be saved in sRGB color space, JPG file format, vertical side 1080 pixels max. or horizontal side 1920 pixels max. (It is not required to rename the files). There will not be accepted photos judged in the precedent circuits and the entry fee will not be refunded. 3) WARNING: The pictures and the application form can be exclusively submitted on line using the website; 52025 MONTEVARCHI (AR) Piazza Cesare Battisti n°11/a C.P. 56 Comune di Montevarchi 4) The entry fee is €. 40,00 / $ 50,00 for new participants (for FIAF members the fee is reduced to €. 32,00) independently from the topics. The entry fee has to be paid by PayPal at the end of the upload at: -PayPal payable to Righeschi Enzo e-mail [email protected]; Entries for which no or insufficient payment has been received will not be judged, fee will not be refunded and the CD catalogue will not be sent. 5) All the participants to the contest will receive a CD/DVD catalogue, containing the awarded and admitted works, the Jury Minutes, as well as the list of works submitted and the list of admitted participants. 6) All images received will be submitted to the Jury, with a digital projector. 7) The results, the Jury Minutes, the pictures awarded and admitted will be published on the website, until the next edition of the contest. The results will be forwarded by e-mail to the author. 8) Each participant is responsible for the shape and object of image, and allows no-profit reproducing of all or part of the submitted material for publications related to the exhibition. 9) The acceptance of the works submitted and the assignment of awards will be unquestionable decision of the jury. 10) The photographic association F. Mochi ensures the maximum attention in manipulation of files, but doesn’t respond for any type of damage or loss, independently from the causes. 11) Participating to the contest entails complete and unconditional acceptance of the hereinabove terms and conditions. It is taken for granted that the latter is acknowledged by the participant to the competition. 52025 MONTEVARCHI (AR) Piazza Cesare Battisti n°11/a C.P. 56 Comune di Montevarchi CLOSING DATE February the 01th, 2015 JUDGING February the 06th-07th-08th, 2015 NOTIFICATION February the 16th, 2015 EXHIBITION March the 08th-15th, 2015 AWARD CEREMONY March the 08th, 2015 CD-CATALOGUE DISPATCH April the 30th, 2015 1) JURY 3rd Competition TROPHY IL CASSERO ZURLA Marco , EFIAP AFI BFI (Italy) Delegato FIAF Liguria PERINI Valerio, EFIAP- Ass. Fot. F. Mochi Montevarchi ( Italy) KEMAL KAYA EFIAP/b (Turkey) 2) JURY 3rd Competition TROPHY FOTOGRAFI VESTRI REHA Bilir, AFIAP (Turkey) SEMIGLIA Antonio EFIAP – AFI - Riviera dei Fiori - Sanremo (Italy) ROSSETI Mario, AFIAP AFI Ass. F. Mochi Montevarchi (Italy) 3) JURY 3rd Competition TROPHY FRANCESCO MOCHI BALASI Csaba EFIAP/g (Romania) BERETTA Lella EFIAP/s - Società Fotografica Subalpina (Italy) BARTOLINI Marco, Ass. F. Mochi Montevarchi (Italy) 4) JURY 6th Competition TROPHY CITY OF MONTEVARCHI SADIYE Ylmaz - (Turkey) MACINAI Michele AFIAP Ass. Fot. F. Mochi Montevarchi- (Italy) VEGGI Giulio MFIAP EFIAP/p – Società Fotografica Subalpina (Italy) 52025 MONTEVARCHI (AR) Piazza Cesare Battisti n°11/a C.P. 56 Comune di Montevarchi PRIZES 3rd INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION “8 MARCH PHOTOGRAPHY” 3rd Trophy “Il Cassero” 3rd Trophy “Fotografi Vestri” 3rd Trophy “Francesco Mochi” 6th Trophy “City of Montevarchi” Best author for each competition Plate and FIAP Blue Pin Best Italian author for each single competition Plate Personalized FIAP Gold Medal , UPI Gold Medal, FIAF Gold Medal FIAP Silver Medal, UPI Silver Medal, FIAF Silver Medal Free subject– Black & White - FIAP Bronze Medal, UPI Bronze Medal, FIAF Bronze Medal N° 8 FIAP Honorable Mentions 1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize FIAP- UPI- FIAF N° 16 Works mentioned N° 4 UPI Honorable Mentions N° 3 Jury Prize N° 4 Ass. F. Mochi Honorable Mentions N° 3 Jury Prize (+ Plate Personalized) Open section – Color1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize FIAP- UPI- FIAF N° 16 Works mentioned N° 3 Jury Prize “Woman in Society” 1st, 2nd, 3rd Prize FIAP- UPI- Ass. F. Mochi N° 16 Works mentioned N° 3 Jury Prize FIAP Gold Medal , UPI Gold Medal, FIAF Gold Medal FIAP Silver Medal, UPI Silver Medal, FIAF Silver Medal FIAP Bronze Medal, UPI Bronze Medal, FIAF Bronze Medal N° 8 FIAP Honorable Mentions N° 4 UPI Honorable Mentions N° 4 Ass. F. Mochi Honorable Mentions N° 3 Jury Prize (+ Plate Personalized) FIAP Gold Medal , UPI Gold Medal, Ass. F. Mochi Gold Medal FIAP Silver Medal, UPI Silver Medal, Ass. F. Mochi Silver Medal FIAP Bronze Medal, UPI Bronze Medal, Ass. F. Mochi Bronze Medal N° 8 FIAP Honorable Mentions N° 4 UPI Honorable Mentions N° 4 Ass. F. Mochi Honorable Mentions N° 3 Jury Prize (+ Plate Personalized) 52025 MONTEVARCHI (AR) Piazza Cesare Battisti n°11/a C.P. 56 Comune di Montevarchi General Chairman Enzo Righeschi EFIAP AFI BFI C/O Associazione Fotoamatori Mochi Piazza C.Battisti n°11/a 52025 Montevarchi (AR) Italy [email protected] 52025 MONTEVARCHI (AR) Piazza Cesare Battisti n°11/a C.P. 56
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